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Post Info TOPIC: How to make your own ICPR TOOL - Injection Control Pressure Regulator Tool 6.0 POWERSTROKE DIESEL


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How to make your own ICPR TOOL - Injection Control Pressure Regulator Tool 6.0 POWERSTROKE DIESEL

Having had the pleasure of replacing an ICPR I can tell you its no easy job.

First off this part is located down by the turbo on the drivers side and is a real PITA to get at. You will need to either have the special tool to remove it, or you will need to make your own.

Here is a photo of a brand new ICPR so you know what it looks like

Part Number - 3C32-9C968-AA

Here is the tool that we made out of a 36mm socket. It will help if you have an extension and also a universal attachement.

Some other tools that may help aid the install.

Cut a 36 MM socket to look like this.

The ICPR has a two pin connector. There is also a lot of information out there about replacing the connector that plugs into the ICPR due to oil saturation. Be sure to check this plug prior to replacing the unit. In our case the ICPR was leaking so it got a new ICPR and a plug.

There is also an ICPS which is the Injection Control Pressure Sensor. This sensor when bad will throw a code #2285 and also has a two pin connector that is known to get oil saturated. More about the ICPS within the forum.

-- Edited by SELLC at 16:53, 2009-02-15


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Just to clear up some "misinformation"...

I haven't heard of any IPR faults that can saturate the electrical connector with oil - notice the usage of the term "IPR" (Injection Pressure Regulator) rather than ICPR. Things run so much smoother if the world is all on the same page.

OTOH, the ICP sensor.... There are two flavors of ICP on the 6.0. Both work identical but they are in different locations and the PCM strategy for them has minor differences. Early engines had the ICP located in the high pressure oil pump cover, behind and below the turbocharger. Oh, did I forget to mention that the ICP is a three (3 - THREE - tres - nisto - thah_LATH-ah)  wire sensor. This sensor can leak up the middle and contaminate the connector/wiring.

A capable scan tool will allow one to check the senosr for a 'biased' condition - This sensor is a variable capacitor and adding oil to the sensor and or wiring can affect the capacitance reading (yes, the sensor PID is going to be expressed in "volts" as and actual reading and "PSI" as a computed reading - more on this if you ask).

One thing is certain... if we are to open our mouths, the best we can hope for is to avoid sticking our foot into it.


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PogoPossum wrote:

Just to clear up some "misinformation"...

I haven't heard of any IPR faults that can saturate the electrical connector with oil - notice the usage of the term "IPR" (Injection Pressure Regulator) rather than ICPR. Things run so much smoother if the world is all on the same page.

OTOH, the ICP sensor.... There are two flavors of ICP on the 6.0. Both work identical but they are in different locations and the PCM strategy for them has minor differences. Early engines had the ICP located in the high pressure oil pump cover, behind and below the turbocharger. Oh, did I forget to mention that the ICP is a three (3 - THREE - tres - nisto - thah_LATH-ah)  wire sensor. This sensor can leak up the middle and contaminate the connector/wiring.

A capable scan tool will allow one to check the senosr for a 'biased' condition - This sensor is a variable capacitor and adding oil to the sensor and or wiring can affect the capacitance reading (yes, the sensor PID is going to be expressed in "volts" as and actual reading and "PSI" as a computed reading - more on this if you ask).

One thing is certain... if we are to open our mouths, the best we can hope for is to avoid sticking our foot into it.

Reading through the original poster's thread, and the vernacular used, I think you are using language that is WAY above the poster's ability to comprehend. If the original poster (aka SELLC) doesn't appear capable of reading a workshop manual, how in the hell is he going to even have the slightest clue how to differentiate bewteen an ICP and and IPR? One's a SENSOR and the other is an ACTUATOR. OOPS, am I using terminology that may be a little too complicated here?

-- Edited by disgruntled at 16:25, 2009-02-16



Actually if common sense was used in the IPR replacement, You would undo the 3/4 nut slide the spacer and magnet off of the IPR and just use a socket to remove and reinstall the IPR without having to cut up a perfectly good socket.


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STI wrote:

Actually if common sense was used in the IPR replacement, You would undo the 3/4 nut slide the spacer and magnet off of the IPR and just use a socket to remove and reinstall the IPR without having to cut up a perfectly good socket.

That would work if this was a 7.3 or a VT444E... but WTF do I know?!?!



Thanks Pogo, Just amazed that this guy really doesn't know much about Fords.



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PogoPossum I thank you for your elaborate explanation using your "text message" abbreviated terms, however I fail to see where I have given any "Mis-Information" for the year and application stated in the thread title.

The ICPR is in fact a two wire connector. Yes there are different variations of the "Sensor" aka ICPS. I understand that some folks have their "Own" terms for certain things; however I think that "mis-information" is brought on by the lack of clarification. Thats why I use "Proper" abbreviations for the parts listed above.

I myself have seen BOTH connectors saturated, however the ICPS seems to be the one that gets it the most.

If anything that I have stated in the original post is not correct for the 2003 Ford F250 SD with the 6.0 Powerstroke/International Turbo Diesel Ill eat crow. However at this time you arent fishing with live bait, and I am not biting.


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Miisinformation... the ICP sensor has ALWAYS been a three wire sensor.

Misinformation - getting an IPR to leak through the connector is going to be a real stretch of the imagination... look at the construction of the piece - it will be obvious. FWIW, the biggest difference betwixt the 7.3 IPR and the 6.0 IPR is the way the solenoid coil is retained.... Procure a 7.3 IPR, remove the Tinnerman nut and look at the construction... Tell me where the oil is coming from.

Text message abbreviations? OK - you're the expert - I guess.... Ford is wrong and you are right... Go figure.

At this point, I usually launch into a vast rhetoric about the inter-relationship of the ICP and the, errrrr, ICPR - but I'm sure you understand the operation of the HEUI injection system better than I.



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I am as good as some.... Better than most...

I never said the ICPSensor had two wires. I said the ICPRegulator has two wires.

I never said the ICPR leaked thru the actual sensor port like the ICPS, however it is in line with other things that leak such as an improper oil filter cap or the ICPR itself. The ICPS has a very large heat shielding cover which will make leaks hard to see until such time as it is removed.

I would like to think of myself as an expert, thankyou. However it appears you have a firm grasp of the systems at hand... At least thus far.

You may feel free to launch into a vast rhetoric about inter-workings of whatever. Thats what we are here for.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl





clap.gif       popcorn.gif


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SELLC wrote:

I am as good as some.... Better than most...

I never said the ICPSensor had two wires. I said the ICPRegulator has two wires.

I never said the ICPR leaked thru the actual sensor port like the ICPS, however it is in line with other things that leak such as an improper oil filter cap or the ICPR itself. The ICPS has a very large heat shielding cover which will make leaks hard to see until such time as it is removed.

I would like to think of myself as an expert, thankyou. However it appears you have a firm grasp of the systems at hand... At least thus far.

You may feel free to launch into a vast rhetoric about inter-workings of whatever. Thats what we are here for.

Oooooh, my plain side is telling me one thing... my frosted side reads like a Stephen King novel - the bowels of the earth are about to open up and swallow the unrighteous....

I have never professed to be an expert on the PSD... but I can assure you that you are not in any position to think of yourself as an expert.

My peers have judged that my knowledge and abilities are sound.... any expertise I may possess is earned - not self proclaimed.



If a new ICP costs $12K I would hate to see what a new IPR goes for. Can I borrow your tool?


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Anonymous wrote:

If a new ICP costs $12K I would hate to see what a new IPR goes for. Can I borrow your tool?

I can't speak for anyone else.... but there ain't no way in hell I am lending out MY TOOL....



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I'm still trying to figure out what the hell a PogoPossum is!?


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl





Hey Rex, it occurs to me that you could probably buy the Rotunda IPR socket for less than what you have invested in the mexican sockets and cutoff wheels it took you to make yours.

OTCR303-769. . . . . . . . . $135.986.0L IPR Valve Socket Application: Excursion, F-250, F-350 & F450 Super Duty,F-550 & F-650 Medium Duty Truck

6.0L Diesel Engine

Refer to Vehicle Workshop Manual

for complete procedure

Or, EVEN BETTER!!!  Use some of that 12,000.00 you made replacing it to buy a scan tool to help diag the part that actually needs replacement next time.



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Yeah I used to use an old Rotunda Light-Line alignment rack. They make good stuff.

However to me modifying a socket that cost less than $20 is a lot less expensive than $136.00.

Course your trying to say that I am expensive. The last two post you claimed that we only replaced an ICPS, and yet you have the balls to even reply to this thread.

Just because you offered up some usefull information and listed the part number, well let it slide this time. But keep your ranting within the off-topic areas.

-- Edited by SELLC at 01:55, 2009-02-18


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Hey Rex, I'm really glad to hear that you finally got rid of that old Light Align rack from the sixties, but I still think you should stop the practice of car surfing to check how straight the vehicle rides.



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Check this IPR with OIL in the connector.

We do PRECISION GUESSWORK based on vague assumptions and unreliable data of dubious accuracy provided by persons of questionable intellectual capacity. Now what can we fix for you today?


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What the hell you talkin bout Hillbilly??? That there is an ICPR.  A very reliable and talented mekanik told me so.  And then he proceeded to do this to his customers...




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I find Powerstrokers taste in YouTube videos to be a bit disturbing.

Not that Hillbilly's is any better, but at least we know now what an ICPR socket looks like when someone pours oil in it.

Still, all in all, the only ones getting rode around here are you guys. And you love it so much you keep coming back for more.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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I find it interesting why you custom made your own IPR socket, yet claim to own 6.0 Rear main replacement tools. 

They come in the same tool kit you know, check next to your sneaky pete.



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PowerStroker wrote:

I find it interesting why you custom made your own IPR socket, yet claim to own 6.0 Rear main replacement tools. 

They come in the same tool kit you know, check next to your sneaky pete.

The crank seal kit and the ICPR socket come in th same tool kit huh?

The ICPR socket part number OTCR 303-769 is really an OTC socket, rebadged.

PowerStroker... You are a joke.



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Did you just figure out that OTC is a major supplier for Rotunda.  WOW you're bright.

Looks like your picture function is working again so feel free to show us your 6.0 Rear main tools any time you feel the need.  We're waiting Rex.

And don't to forget to identify yourself somehow in the picture so we know you didn't just copy and paste it from the net.

You sir, are the joke



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LOL at 6.0 EGR puller

Shakin' my head... :)

We do PRECISION GUESSWORK based on vague assumptions and unreliable data of dubious accuracy provided by persons of questionable intellectual capacity. Now what can we fix for you today?

RIP - Veteran User

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SELLC wrote:

PowerStroker wrote:

I find it interesting why you custom made your own IPR socket, yet claim to own 6.0 Rear main replacement tools. 

They come in the same tool kit you know, check next to your sneaky pete.

The crank seal kit and the ICPR socket come in th same tool kit huh?

The ICPR socket part number OTCR 303-769 is really an OTC socket, rebadged.

PowerStroker... You are a joke.


Rover.... you can't dig your way out of a hole.... If you were to miraculously turn into someone less full of himself, you might find a room full of sympathetic allies.... As it stands.... do your ears burn every now and then? As people discuss your attitudes and/or lack of knowledge in another venue.... ?

We are a group that realizes the complexity of the modern diesel.... we endeavour to assist each other... All of us envy you for your insight, knowledge,familiarity and inherant savvy regrading the operation of these engines... Most of us were born to parents that could never hope to instill this knowledge at such a basic level...

You are beginning to sound like a response to a "friendly fire" incident.... FWIW... "friendly fire" is the ultimate oxymoron.... "I didn't mean to kill you - but your army uniform made you look like a guy riding a camel...".

The motor is built by Navistar... Most of the tools are built by OTC. Our scan tools only work on Windows XP... and XP Pro is the only "supported" OS....

News flash.... Dana builds stuff for Ford trucks....News flash... Navistar builds stuff for Ford trucks...  News flash... Visteon builds stuff for Ford trucks... News flash... a lot of companies build stuff for anyone that comes along....  especially if they have money...

I find it "cute" (in a faggoty sort of way) that everything seems to be such a big surprise to somebody that is so rich in expertise....

Now... How about GM and Kent-Moore?

News flash.... Rex is twins..... He has to be. One person couldn't be that fucking stupid without help....

Back in 1985, I couldn't buy a rear axle nut socket for Ford F250/350 to save my life. My SnapOff dealer said 12 weeks for the OTC socket... Acklands said "no idea, period". Snap Off said 3 days for the SnapOff socket.. at twice the price of the OTC socket.... Gosh.,.. imagine my surprise when the socket in a SnapOff package had an OTC part number on it....

Does the term "nucking futs" mean anything?

I think it is cute the way that everything seems to come as a surprise to you... PowerStroker... you are fucked because your Ford tool isn't a Ford tool... They are fucking you over with those drop shipped tools that you cannot get out of because you sell the vehicles they service.. And then... AND THEN.... they have the balls to ship you a tool made by a subcontractor...

DUHHHHHH!!!!! We is stoopid... the guy with the dogs name is grat..... Sins the rare mean seel tool izn't a Frod tool, we shudent yooz it becuz it waz mad by summbuddy elseseses,

We doan need no steenking plahns....



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Did anyone drive by Pogo's house to see if he is ok?

I think he may have drunk himself to death last night, I couldnt understand a word he was saying twards the end there.

On the other hand OTC makes very good tools for more than just Fords. I dont care for their scan tools, but then again I dont think I have used top of the line OTC equipment. I like the stuff SnapOn makes because usually it has been designed to be better feeling, better looking and superior in quality. I also like Craftsman for their price, given the fact I often have to allow others to use my tools.

I cant tell you how many 13mm's and 10mm Snap-Offs I have had to buy. And thats not because I dont put my tools away after a job.

-- Edited by SELLC on Friday 20th of March 2009 12:01:18 PM


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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I found this exploded view of an IPR

Yeah, thats right... I said it.... IPR

If you cant beat em' join em'


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl



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