That guy has a nice little spread going there. That photo looks to be located in NJ or somewhere in the eastern mountan area.
I am willing to bet that Audi is Stoma's mothers car, and the other two vehicles were there to visit his mom. How much you want to bet that both of thier names are John. LOL
Nice collection of Junk Yard photos MS. R
That has to be one of the best looking yards I have ever seen. I wanna buy it!
What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl
What an idiot.......... just cuz you're jealous you can't afford to do a dealer oil change you think I don't own those cars!AHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA yea......... keep thinking that if it makes you feel better!!!AHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHA
-- Edited by stoma at 23:13, 2008-08-29
LIKE A PHOENIX RISING FROM THE ASHES.................... HERE TO SHIT ON REX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!