WOW! With 20,000 miles you must be loving it! The new GTO is a technological marvel, the engine they put in these vehicles are really something else. How has it been treating you? What kind of cars have you had the pleasure of stomping?
I myself have a few diffrent vehicles. I drive an 03 F250 Super Duty and a 91 Mercedes-Benz 560 SEL. I also have many other cars that I am working with. The Generation 4 engine found in your GTO is very similar to the one found in my Mercedes Benz (at least on the lower end).
I am putting together a company race car however my customers keep me quite busy so it could be a few more years unless we get some help or major cash up in here. Im in no hurry as I build performance engines every day and knowing that my work is out there tides me over. Course I do have very close friends whom I have performed serious modifications and they let me borrow their vehicles all the time. It works both ways and to be honest it keeps me out of trouble.
Here is a photo of my most recent little blunder-
Yep... Some times its like taking three steps back to go forward one!
PROOF!!!!!!!!! ADMINISTRATOR AND SELLC ARE ONE AND THE SAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAH WHAT A FUCKIN LOSER!!!!! AHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH Maaaaaaaaaannnnn..... Rex, without me you would be the loneliest man in the world!!!! Aren't you glad you got a friend like me to keep your redneck ass in check????? AHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH
LIKE A PHOENIX RISING FROM THE ASHES.................... HERE TO SHIT ON REX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!