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Post Info TOPIC: Code #2285 Ford F250 6.0 Diesel Turbo

Code #2285 Ford F250 6.0 Diesel Turbo

I have an 04 F250 with 6.0 liter diesel turbo with CEL on.

Had truck scanned code #2285 Low fuel pressure

What is this and how to fix please?



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2285 means that there is a low signal to the ICP sensor. This does not nessisarily mean that the fuel pressure is low, just that the signal is.

A low signal can be caused by an oil saturated connector or even a bad ICP sensor itself. Check the area and connector well.

Edit 3/3/2009 - By SELLC

I am also including a photo of the ICPS or IPS as some may call it. This is a three pin unit on my year. It was pointed out by POGO on this forum.

-- Edited by SELLC at 17:41, 2009-03-07


All the best!


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Injection Control Pressure refers to HIGH PRESSURE OIL.

We do PRECISION GUESSWORK based on vague assumptions and unreliable data of dubious accuracy provided by persons of questionable intellectual capacity. Now what can we fix for you today?


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Look here Hillbilly, I gots to go fetch me some of that Chinese food but Ill be back to deal with you.

And high pressure oil is just that... Be it motor oil, diesel oil aka fuel or whatever your buddies over at that Advertisment firm known as say.

Are you trying to say I dont know the diffrence?

Maybe you better call your buddies over there and check Hillbilly.

Here we see Hillbilly calling his buddies over at that Advertisment firm.

-- Edited by SELLC at 18:55, 2009-02-15


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SELLC wrote:

Are you trying to say I dont know the diffrence?

-- Edited by SELLC at 18:55, 2009-02-15

Yep, I think that's what he was trying to say... The big problem with HEUI injection systems is that technical writers will sometimes use "fuel pressure" when they actually mean "injection control pressure". A mechanic will need to be able to tell the difference, I guess, but I prolly don't know any more than that Hillbilly guy.

I know on the 7.3 that fuel pressure at the injector tip is going to be 7 times what ICP is (this is something to do with an orgasmotron piston or something in the injector). I think the 6.0 is similar but I'm pretty sure it is different for the 6.4.



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So a 6.0 runs on engine oil now, is that what you're saying? Any time you wanna come and check out my credentials, you lemme know. I'm not that far away from you, just over the border.

We do PRECISION GUESSWORK based on vague assumptions and unreliable data of dubious accuracy provided by persons of questionable intellectual capacity. Now what can we fix for you today?


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I appreciate your vote of confidence. And applaud your clarification with regards to the significance of the HPO system relating to the Injectors, ICPR and ICPS; however I assure you I do know the difference.

We were sitting around laughing about it one night at the shop some time ago.

It appears Angry Hillbillys calls did not go unanswered.


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There are many times we share a "shop chuckle".... a lot of them involve "exspurts".

I am ever trying to improve my knowledge base and skill-set... I refuse to give myself a vote of confidence... let alone a complete stranger that owns a 6.0 with a 4R100?

Ain't that Big Angry Hillbilly one sexy lookin' sumbiatch????

-- Edited by PogoPossum at 18:40, 2009-02-16



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You know what they say... If you put blinders on to what others are saying you cease to learn. It can get ugly waterboarding/arguring down to the very last detail, but I can assure you my base skill-set is that of dealing with many "exspurts" around the world, at the shop, in the back yard, on the side of the road, on the internet, and on the phone.

You are in good company.

Im just wondering how Big Angry Hillbilly can take a dump on his front porch  in around -50 degree weather. Must shrivel up the testies. I can see why he is angry, but at -50 degrees, I am sure its anything but big. 


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WTF are you chuntering on about????



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I think I was trying to say something about the duality of man, and how a code #2285 does not mean there is "Low Fuel Pressure".

Wasnt that it?


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I dunno why yer talkin' about my gear....but I'm afraid now.

We do PRECISION GUESSWORK based on vague assumptions and unreliable data of dubious accuracy provided by persons of questionable intellectual capacity. Now what can we fix for you today?


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C'mon over to our shop and we'll chat ICP and IPR over B-Double-E-R

We do PRECISION GUESSWORK based on vague assumptions and unreliable data of dubious accuracy provided by persons of questionable intellectual capacity. Now what can we fix for you today?


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All right, Ill bite... Where is your shop at?


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Big Angry Hillbilly wrote:

I dunno why yer talkin' about my gear....but I'm afraid now.

Dont worry.... I am married and I dont find pleasure in another mans hair ass. You trying to say that cold weather dont affect certain things? What are you Russian?


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SELLC wrote:

All right, Ill bite... Where is your shop at?

Prolly right behind his toilet....



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And to think I have been threatening people who live in trailers with pulling them off their foundations with my truck.

Come to find out this guy has a trailer strong enough to work on them in!

This internet never ceases to amaze me.


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First of all, it ain't that cold in Windsor.

Second of all, I work at a dealership.

Third of all...what was that third thing?

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I think the third thing was something about your nuts not shrivling up in -50 degree weather. You know, that who Paul Bunion sorta thing.


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I dress for the weather, my nuts are just fine, thanks.

Shop's in Windsor, Ontario.

-- Edited by Big Angry Hillbilly at 19:09, 2009-02-17

We do PRECISION GUESSWORK based on vague assumptions and unreliable data of dubious accuracy provided by persons of questionable intellectual capacity. Now what can we fix for you today?


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I been trying to think if that is right across the bridge. If so I used to go there all the time when I was 19 to get into bars and drink. I had many good times in Canada with the exception of this one night I got real drunk at a club and was dancing with some dudes lady. Anyway once we got outside when the bar closed the guy sucker punched me and split my lip open pretty good.

I bleed like a siv all the way back to the hotel. I never seen it coming. I was drunk off my ass.

Some day I would like to take the kids over there to see the Canada side of the falls. I dont know the next time I will be in Canada, but if you ever swing on into Michigan give me a call. I know our B dubbleE R's are not as strong, but they still go down nice and easy!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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I'm in Mish-again all the time.

You can't buy Vanilla/Cherry Coke here, as well as Crunch Berries Cereal, Entenmann's Donuts, Caffeine free Coke (for my wife), Boston Baked Beans, Green Giant side dishes, Cherry 7-Up, Herr's Chips, Sour Cream and Cheddar Chips, Kohls, Hot Topic, Meijer, Target, Petco, Bob a whole other shit I can't think of right now.

We do PRECISION GUESSWORK based on vague assumptions and unreliable data of dubious accuracy provided by persons of questionable intellectual capacity. Now what can we fix for you today?


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Cherry Coke, Captain Crunch with crunch berries, Meijer, and Bob Evans is near the top of the list around here also. Truth be known I have to send out the lady to russel up some more tomorrow! LOL, At Meijer!

Still there are some good things there in Canada not here in the US, like Smarties, Stronger Beer, Lower Drinking age, and Cherry Pepsi was out in Canada before the US. Even though now days I like Cherry Coke better, it was cool at the time.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Can't even get fuckin' cherry pepsi in Canada anymore....

The fuckin soda companies are against me...

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An I got 6 count 'em SIX boxes of Crunch Berries in the stockpile here.

We do PRECISION GUESSWORK based on vague assumptions and unreliable data of dubious accuracy provided by persons of questionable intellectual capacity. Now what can we fix for you today?


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Six boxes huh?

That is pretty impressive. I myself am on a one box ration as per the wife and kids.

Then again we have a whole case down the street at the local Meijer available 24 Hours a day 7 days a week (Except Christmas).


Oh and did I mention crates and crates full of cherry Coke and Pepsi!? Muuwhhhaaahahahaha


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Administrator wrote:

2285 means that there is a low signal to the ICP sensor. This does not nessisarily mean that the fuel pressure is low, just that the signal is.

A low signal can be caused by an oil saturated connector or even a bad ICP sensor itself. Check the area and connector well.

Edit 3/3/2009 - By SELLC

I am also including a photo of the ICPS or IPS as some may call it. This is a two pin unit on my year. It could be a three pin according to others on this forum.

-- Edited by SELLC at 21:05, 2009-03-03

 At one point, you told me that you didn't say what you said.... and that , IIRC, included a reference to ICP sensors... You 'never' said the ICP was a two wire sensor... How long will it take for this picture to disappear...



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I think Hillbilly took all the tin foil hats for his BBQ.


-- Edited by SELLC at 23:36, 2009-03-06


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You still haven't accounted for this statement "I am also including a photo of the ICPS or IPS as some may call it. This is a two pin unit on my year. It could be a three pin according to others on this forum"

The IPR is a two wire ACTUATOR... the ICP is a three wire SENSOR.. If you want to work on a truck - go ahead and work on it... but at least have the decency to treat your customers as customers and not as victims...

It is nobodies fault but yours if you don't understand a system....



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Yes you are correct Pogo... The Sensor is a three wire. I had confused it with the ICPR.

I will edit the post above to state the true amount of connections and give you the credit for calling me on the mistake.

Out of 10 or so threads you have found one little mis-print. I bet you feel so good about yourself right now. Just know that all the information thus far has been swinging of the sac of threads I started. When are we going to see some good threads started by you?

-- Edited by SELLC at 00:30, 2009-03-08


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Have you ever had to replace one of these ICP sensors on your truck Rex?



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This is a trick question isnt it?


Lets not act like we just met ok? You rapist of my time and energy!


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Just curious


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SELLC wrote:

 You rapist of my time and energy!

Speaking of RAPIST of time and energy................... naawwww I won't go there.




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PowerStroker wrote:

Just curious

Look, right now I should be installing this oil pan on the Taurus thats in my shop. Yes I can alwase count on Ford for an oil pan, or an ICPR.

Some butchers just hack off the first converter, but I do it right.

You guys are really killing me already. At this point I would rather go clean the lower block and bask in the sweet aroma of GumOut. Couldnt be any worse for my brain than reading this shit.

You guys aint got the gut for the "Real" work Independents do.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:

You guys aint got the gut for the "Real" work Independents do.

 You're probably right Rex, I'll leave those manly Taurus oil pans to the pro's like you, and I'll stick to those pussy 6.0 Bedplate jobs.

I'm sure you have an engine stand like that too... right next to your 6.0 rear main tools huh?



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What kinds of idiots would make such a design where as the only thing keeping pressure on the bedplate gasket are the mains? How effing stupid! Hell if they at least put 6 long bolts on the sides these leaks prolly would never happen.

Look at that rediculous looking engine stand also. LOL just another way Fords is trying to keep others from working on these engines.

I know many would be impressed with your "Little" bed plate job, however to us REAL techs, we all know the real work/cost was pulling the engine out, yet another design that is ignorant.

Yes this is what Ford should have done to keep the main caps true-

And yes I built that entire motor shown above, and not just the main caps which you seem to be so proud of doing. Anyway should have Fords used a girdle instead of putting a stupid ass "Bedplate" in there, these leaks would have never been a problem. Hell they could have done many things, but the fact they have only the main caps sealing this plate is just plain ignorant! No wonder you guys are so grouchy all the time, having to fix things because of poor design does little for you, knowing that your repairs WILL fail due to design.

One question for you PowerStroker... How much do they charge at the dealer to install a bedplate? Be honest and dont lie. 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:

What kinds of idiots would make such a design where as the only thing keeping pressure on the bedplate gasket are the mains? How effing stupid! Hell if they at least put 6 long bolts on the sides these leaks prolly would never happen.

Look closer at the picture Poohawk, there ARE bolts that hold along the sealing surfaces 8 OF THEM - not just the main bolts

Look at that ridiculous looking engine stand also. LOL just another way Fords is trying to keep others from working on these engines.

I'd love to see you try this on one of your stands

I know many would be impressed with your "Little" bed plate job, however to us REAL techs, we all know the real work/cost was pulling the engine out, yet another design that is ignorant.

Yes this is what Ford should have done to keep the main caps true-

I thought you said this was an INTERNATIONAL engine

And yes I built that entire motor shown above, and not just the main caps which you seem to be so proud of doing. Anyway should have Fords used a girdle instead of putting a stupid ass "Bedplate" in there, these leaks would have never been a problem. Hell they could have done many things, but the fact they have only the main caps sealing this plate is just plain ignorant! No wonder you guys are so grouchy all the time, having to fix things because of poor design does little for you, knowing that your repairs WILL fail due to design.

I've done several of these since 2003, and I've never had one come back leaking, we Mafia types know a trade secret to keep it from ever leaking again.  I just wish they would have done it at the factory so we wouldn't have to.

One question for you PowerStroker... How much do they charge at the dealer to install a bedplate? Be honest and don't lie. 

Warranty pays approx 14-18 hours depending on what labor ops can be legitimately claimed and if anything else is being fixed at the same time. (We're actually discussing this on the Mafia site).  I've never done one that was customer pay, but I would probably bid the job at 24 hours which I think is fair.


-- Edited by PowerStroker on Tuesday 24th of March 2009 09:22:29 PM


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SELLC wrote:

What kinds of idiots would make such a design where as the only thing keeping pressure on the bedplate gasket are the mains? How effing stupid! Hell if they at least put 6 long bolts on the sides these leaks prolly would never happen.

Look at that rediculous looking engine stand also. LOL just another way Fords is trying to keep others from working on these engines.

I know many would be impressed with your "Little" bed plate job, however to us REAL techs, we all know the real work/cost was pulling the engine out, yet another design that is ignorant.

Yes this is what Ford should have done to keep the main caps true-

And yes I built that entire motor shown above, and not just the main caps which you seem to be so proud of doing. Anyway should have Fords used a girdle instead of putting a stupid ass "Bedplate" in there, these leaks would have never been a problem. Hell they could have done many things, but the fact they have only the main caps sealing this plate is just plain ignorant! No wonder you guys are so grouchy all the time, having to fix things because of poor design does little for you, knowing that your repairs WILL fail due to design.

One question for you PowerStroker... How much do they charge at the dealer to install a bedplate? Be honest and dont lie. 

Aaaaahhhhhh. NOW it appears you are beginning to see how complex a design this engine is. Kudos to Powerstroker for posting that photo to illustrate that to you. The comments you made in the post above seem to indicate you are now experiencing a moment of clarity, perhaps? Only one thing I would like to point out. You keep referring to FORD, as being the one to point the finger of blame to, for making these engines so complex that no one can "backyard wrench" on. Have we forgotten that this is NOT Ford's engine? It is NAVISTAR'S engine. This would be the same engine used in Navistar's medium duty trucks, with different PCM tuning strategy of course. Since you love to Google search things on the internet so much Rex, why don't you do one on, "Navistar VT365" and see what comes up. If you manage to find some photos, take a close look and compare them to the Powerstroke 6.0L. As for how much to charge the customer to replace one RETAIL, I couldn't answer that, as I haven't even had the pleasure of doing one YET. I'll let Powerstroker answer that one for you. If it makes any difference, as of December 31st, 2009 Ford and Navistar's relationship is OVER and done with, ending a 27 year contract. This means the next diesel to make its way under the hoods of Ford Super Duty trucks for 2010 or 2011 will be Ford's very first in-house built diesel in a light duty truck.

P.S. Note the six "DO NOT FUCK WITH" bolts on the end of the crank, as already previously mentioned by Piekiller I believe. Also note the timing drive components at the rear of engine being obstructed by the six "DO NOT FUCK WITH" bolts. This means to service the cam and lifters on this puppy, becomes an engine-out/crankshaft-out affair. Now, I ask YOU Rex, what would YOU charge to replace a cam and a set of lifters on this puppy?


-- Edited by disgruntled on Tuesday 24th of March 2009 10:54:07 PM



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disgruntled wrote:

Aaaaahhhhhh. NOW it appears you are beginning to see how complex a design this engine is. Kudos to Powerstroker for posting that photo to illustrate that to you. The comments you made in the post above seem to indicate you are now experiencing a moment of clarity, perhaps? Only one thing I would like to point out. You keep referring to FORD, as being the one to point the finger of blame to, for making these engines so complex that no one can "backyard wrench" on. Have we forgotten that this is NOT Ford's engine? It is NAVISTAR'S engine. This would be the same engine used in Navistar's medium duty trucks, with different PCM tuning strategy of course. Since you love to Google search things on the internet so much Rex, why don't you do one on, "Navistar VT365" and see what comes up. If you manage to find some photos, take a close look and compare them to the Powerstroke 6.0L. As for how much to charge the customer to replace one RETAIL, I couldn't answer that, as I haven't even had the pleasure of doing one YET. I'll let Powerstroker answer that one for you. If it makes any difference, as of December 31st, 2009 Ford and Navistar's relationship is OVER and done with, ending a 27 year contract. This means the next diesel to make its way under the hoods of Ford Super Duty trucks for 2010 or 2011 will be Ford's very first in-house built diesel in a light duty truck.

P.S. Note the six "DO NOT FUCK WITH" bolts on the end of the crank, as already previously mentioned by Piekiller I believe. Also note the timing drive components at the rear of engine being obstructed by the six "DO NOT FUCK WITH" bolts. This means to service the cam and lifters on this puppy, becomes an engine-out/crankshaft-out affair. Now, I ask YOU Rex, what would YOU charge to replace a cam and a set of lifters on this puppy?

Moment of clarity? LOL Yeah right! This motor is FAR FROM COMPLEX. I also deal with 32 Valve DOHC engines, and 160+ link timing chains... This is nothing but an elephant.

Yes I am quite aware of the fact this engine is an INTERNATIONAL engine, and that they tried to play some games by changing the name to NAVISTAR after the shit hit the fan with these motors. I also know that Fords wants to dismiss the engine as a Navistar when it suits them, and claim it as their own when it comes to information on how to fix it. Laughable really.

To answer PowerStroker, with regards to the bolts on the "Side" to help seal the bedpan, I admit I did not catch them until you mentioned it, however I was looking for them in the CENTER where they should be, as to promote a good seal, not on the sides where they do little.

I was admiring the FORGED STEEL crank biggrin That effer should hold 800 HP easy! That crank is reaaaal nice! Seeing that put a smile on my face.

How much to replace a cam and lifters? Well lets just say this time around I wouldnt even touch it without getting paid UP-FRONT with the understanding there could be a bunch of "While were in theres". I dont need another truck.



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Course under closer examination I think that crank could be cast.


Smile has left the building.


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I think it's forged if I remember right, but your connecting rods are made of powdered metal if that makes you feel better biggrin



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Well that engine above is not mine, plus its not a Chevy. Its a Ford 302. I wanted him to use the forged H beam, but you know how it goes. Anymore I like the free floating pistons much better than the press pin, but they DRIVE up the cost much like a REAL Forged steel crank.

Anyway if it makes you feel better the crankshaft in that 6.0 engine posted above is infact CAST and I can tell by the dimples on the neck where it was heat treated. A TRUE forged crank would appear as solid, poished and straight as the counter weights. Likley the oil splash polished them counter weights.

A lot of people advertise 350 cranks as forged, for very little money. A true forged crank will bring a tear to your eye, both from beauty, and then from the cost. $1500+ (And thats for a small block Chevy)

Some places consider the machieening (sp?) of a cast crank to be "Forged", however I myself know thats for people whom dont know any better. Savy?


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 "I built that entire motor shown above"

Fuck!! when in 1982 and then you left it outside, I wouldn't chain my dog to that rusty piece of shit!

Before I'd brag It should look more like this.... Notice the deck surface I'll bet not even you can match that with your "roloc" pad




I started this career with nothing....I still have most of it left.


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Look at that little 6 banger! I would be ashamed to even post photos of it.

Anyway, that engine was baked and blasted, however ours was just hot tanked. For you to think that the engine you posted photos of will not rust, and look the same as ours, is just plain ignorant.

I will also have you know that engine I posted up is still running WELL today. We are talking almost 8 years! And as you can see the engine I have shown is a PERFORMANCE engine, unlike yours with that regular chain link POS timing chain.

As for the deck surface, well it dont appear to have been milled on your engine. Looks more like it was cleaned up.


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My question is, when the geardrive wears, where does all the metal go from the gears? :)

The last motor I built made over 600hp and WELL over 600FT-LBS, naturally aspirated.

Just a small block chevy. Street motor.

We do PRECISION GUESSWORK based on vague assumptions and unreliable data of dubious accuracy provided by persons of questionable intellectual capacity. Now what can we fix for you today?


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Why is there a jug in that photo that says "Nursery" on it?

I'm somewhat worried....

And to you, my friend:

We do PRECISION GUESSWORK based on vague assumptions and unreliable data of dubious accuracy provided by persons of questionable intellectual capacity. Now what can we fix for you today?


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Big Angry Hillbilly wrote:

The last motor I built made over 600hp and WELL over 600FT-LBS, naturally aspirated.

I call bullshit!

P.S. The metal goes into the oil filter, with the rest of the metal from the bearings and other moving parts. Your not too bright are ya?


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl



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Administrator wrote:

2285 means that there is a low signal to the ICP sensor. This does not nessisarily mean that the fuel pressure is low, just that the signal is.

A low signal can be caused by an oil saturated connector or even a bad ICP sensor itself. Check the area and connector well.

Edit 3/3/2009 - By SELLC

I am also including a photo of the ICPS or IPS as some may call it. This is a three pin unit on my year. It was pointed out by POGO on this forum.

-- Edited by SELLC at 17:41, 2009-03-07

 Revisiting bullshit.... What the fuck does IPS stand for? Yes, you are very right... it is a three wire sensor on your year. If you were worth your weight in anything (shit included), you would know that the ICP sensor is a variable capacitance sensor... It was a three wire sensor on the 7.3 and it is a three wire sensor on the 6.0....

Many years ago, I would have to deal with the odd 6.9. I did what I could to learn about glow plug timers and such... If my endeavours went the wrong direction - and they sometimes did - I didn't penalize my customer because I lacked knowledge. At the same time. remembering I was self-employed, I tried to find education where-ever it might be found. Pretty tough back in those days.

Never-the-less.... the first thing I would do would be honest with my customer.... I would make the decision... My customer would offer me a learning experience with the expectation that I would not fuck him over at the end.... 

It was AFTER I returned to being a dealer tech that I began to truly understand the DIT PSD.. it was after that when I began to understand the 6.0....

Perhaps I think it is unfair.... I had to endure some specialized training with these engines.... and you learned about them through some epiphany, becoming an exper through osmosis....

I'm a jealous bastard.... I will try to make myself look good at your expense....



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SELLC wrote:

Big Angry Hillbilly wrote:

The last motor I built made over 600hp and WELL over 600FT-LBS, naturally aspirated.

I call bullshit!

P.S. The metal goes into the oil filter, with the rest of the metal from the bearings and other moving parts. Your not too bright are ya?

 Meh - I have the dyno sheets for it.

396CID LT-based engine, Trickflow 215CC heads, ported by Advanced Induction, 12.5:1 compression, super-secret solid roller cam, shaft mount rockers, etc, etc.

I'll bring it by your shop once we get it in the car.

We do PRECISION GUESSWORK based on vague assumptions and unreliable data of dubious accuracy provided by persons of questionable intellectual capacity. Now what can we fix for you today?
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