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Post Info TOPIC: Who is the BEST Ford truck Mechanic?
Who is the BEST? [12 vote(s)]

PogoPossum - Jim


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Who is the BEST Ford truck Mechanic?

Well, it just had to happen sooner or later.

If you know of someone who should be on the list just respond and we can add them up. We can also include contact information should you wish. Send info to the Administrator.

If this poll is anything like the old Pirate rules, every mechanic will vote for himself, thus making it a dead lock.

Good luck, and keep it real.

-- Edited by SELLC on Friday 18th of September 2009 09:21:49 AM


All the best!

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No matter what name you go by, you are truly one piece of work....

FWIW, Larry isn't a tech by trade nor by choice - he is in parts.

Add that these polls are nothing more than beauty contests and we see the meaning is worthless.

Is Pogo scared? I think not.... you should follow him around for a week.... You will notice that the people that truly need to consider his talents and abilities have done so.... The results of this sophomoric little poll wont alter that one bit.

-- Edited by PogoPossum on Sunday 5th of July 2009 05:15:22 PM



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See, this really does work out... Now we know Larry is a parts counter person. Now we know who to call when we need parts.

So we can remove Larry from the list, but I doubt that will improve your odds.

You beat your chest around here like King Kong, and now that your given the thread to do so, you fall flat. Folks like you are good out the gate, but fall off twards the end of the race.

If you really think your any kind of mechanic, you need to stand up and be recognized. Here is your chance. Im sure we get viewers from Canada besides your Mafia members.


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I'm not beating my chest... I'm giving you some advice.... you aren't listening....

You could benefit - my life doesn't change..... Think about that.... YOU could benefit... it makes NO DIFFERENCE TO ME. My life will remain the same. You don't actually think that you calling me a hack is going to change my income or the way I live my life, right? My comfort level is far above what you might imagine. As far as automotive technicians are concerned, Rex Umney is an embarrassment, As far as Pogo is concerned, Rex Umney is an embarrassment to automotive techicians....

My life will remain the same.... if you take my advice, your life could improve....

Whoops, I forgot.... you already know everything there is to know... My bad...



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PogoPossum wrote:

I'm not beating my chest... I'm giving you some advice.... you aren't listening....

You could benefit - my life doesn't change..... Think about that.... YOU could benefit... it makes NO DIFFERENCE TO ME. My life will remain the same. You don't actually think that you calling me a hack is going to change my income or the way I live my life, right? My comfort level is far above what you might imagine. As far as automotive technicians are concerned, Rex Umney is an embarrassment, As far as Pogo is concerned, Rex Umney is an embarrassment to automotive techicians....

My life will remain the same.... if you take my advice, your life could improve....

Whoops, I forgot.... you already know everything there is to know... My bad...

Whooops! You slipped up Pogo! It was NEVER I whom said you were a hack. You must get called that an awful lot or you are reading things that arent there.

If I am an embarrassment its only in the capacity that brings to light your far fetched jaded opinions stated as fact.

I myself love being part of this small business. I can wear all the hats, ensure top level service/quality at all levels and forgo the necessity of keeping folks like yourself on payroll whom are often times more of a liability than not.

If you could gently remove your head from inside your ass, you would clearly see that I am giving people whom "Claim" to be pro's a chance to prove it, before I write it as law. Given you and many others reluctance to tell the truth regarding costly repairs of these vehicles proves you are nothing more than a hypocritical devils advocate. Double standards are your credo, mis-information your game. You will sing the blues with the customers by night, rape and pillage them by day.

Pogo you are everything we have come to expect from the many years of dealer training. Our next test we will administer is an eye exam, if your could please focus on this thing right here for a moment.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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I voted for Jim.

We do PRECISION GUESSWORK based on vague assumptions and unreliable data of dubious accuracy provided by persons of questionable intellectual capacity. Now what can we fix for you today?


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Oh this is just wonderful.

As if Pogo's head wasnt big enough, now this.

This is gosh damn democracy at its finest boys! Makes me rather ill!


Damn you Jack Sparrow!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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He's a good wrench. End of story.

We do PRECISION GUESSWORK based on vague assumptions and unreliable data of dubious accuracy provided by persons of questionable intellectual capacity. Now what can we fix for you today?


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I voted for Pogo too because he's probably already forgotten more than I will ever know. 

Hillbilly, Pogo, I didn't realize we we were still fucking with Rex,  I only came here by chance after my GF and I were drinking heavily and she asked me to revisit this site.  It's nice to see you're still keeping him on his toes. 

Rex... You need to change your GM logo at the top of the screen to the Green one that represents the "new GM" out of bankruptcy.  It's green instead of blue to represent how the company has pursued a new "green" direction.

~I can only imagine the fight that will occur when Ford and Land Rover fight over the rights for the "green oval."



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Old people sound like an idiot when they say "I have forgotten more than you know", and when you say it PowerStroker, it even sounds more ignorant.

Think about what you are saying... If someone has forgotten more than you know, then really they are just old and senile. I dont plan on using that "Old" person saying as I get older. It just sounds stupid.

Im pretty sure I could go toe to toe with Pogo on ANY given repair, and I am even more confident that should Pogo get thrown something other than a Ford Truck and had to work on it outside the dealership, I would make him look real sorry.

Course this Ford truck forum is over-run with dealership techs, all kissing the same ass. To the average person who doesnt know any better (Dealership Politics), might be fooled.

How long you guys going to carry Pogo? Or is Pogo carrying you guys? biggrin


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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PowerStroker wrote:

Rex... You need to change your GM logo at the top of the screen to the Green one that represents the "new GM" out of bankruptcy.  It's green instead of blue to represent how the company has pursued a new "green" direction.

~I can only imagine the fight that will occur when Ford and Land Rover fight over the rights for the "green oval."

Me thinks you read too much! GM is not going to change its emblem to Green just because there is a Democrat in office. The emblem will remain BLUE as it should.

I really doubt we will see any Ford/Land Rover fights over the green oval either. GM just shead a shit load of debt in Bankruptsy courts, and if you think they are going to change up a tradition that goes back to the early 1900's you are wrong.

Who told you such things anyway?



What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl



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SELLC wrote:

Old people sound like an idiot when they say "I have forgotten more than you know", and when you say it PowerStroker, it even sounds more ignorant.

Think about what you are saying... If someone has forgotten more than you know, then really they are just old and senile. I dont plan on using that "Old" person saying as I get older. It just sounds stupid.

Im pretty sure I could go toe to toe with Pogo on ANY given repair, and I am even more confident that should Pogo get thrown something other than a Ford Truck and had to work on it outside the dealership, I would make him look real sorry.

Course this Ford truck forum is over-run with dealership techs, all kissing the same ass. To the average person who doesnt know any better (Dealership Politics), might be fooled.

How long you guys going to carry Pogo? Or is Pogo carrying you guys? biggrin


All of us do quite well on our own.... however, it is the Rex's of the world that we carry.... but that isn't the thrust of this post....

Look at it this way..... the burger basher at McDs get's paid a few bucks an hour.... He has to cook his little piece of psuedomeat for 3:57:12.4275 per side (or until the timer goes <DING!!!>). At which point, it will get flung onto a slab of white bread (bun shaped, of course). The disgusting nature of this offering will be disguised with condiments and/or "secret" sauces. Some folks will even call this "good" and a few might even think it is "healthy"....

For every hundred or so "short order" cooks or "fast food" cooks, there is one chef. This person has an amazing repertoire of very good dishes and a few "signature dishes". These groceries are damned near better than sex - the flavour and texture will have you weak in the knees. Sadly, too many will never allow themselves to experience some of these dishes - loudly proclaiming "but I LOVE the special sauce".

What's your door rate, Rexy???? Do you flog two dollar burgers hoping the volume bales your sorry ass out?

So... our chef has a Mercedes. Even after warranty has expired, he returns to the dealer... because he knows the difference between a "chef" and a "cook"....

For a LOT of years.... I WAS an independant... I saw the writing on the wall... you CANNOT be "everyman". Shit or get off the pot....

I use IDS.... you will not find a better scan tool for a Ford product. One IDS (including the VCM as well as the VMM) is going to set you back over $12G CAD. The software subscription is going to ding you another 500ish per year (the first two years of your VCM will be included in the purchase price). Why would I use anything less than the best equipment available to service my customers?

"Other than a Ford truck?" I state my areas of expertise.... (I used to be self employed.... ). I cannot afford the ultimate scan device for every make and model.... I cannot afford the factory manuals for every make and model... I cannot become familiar with any systems if I am working on ALL systems....

You will find me "supporting" idiots like you.... Our store is geared for Ford products... our tool crib states that loudly (seems to me we're still waiting for pics of some tool you are fucking lying about). Please take your non-Ford vehicle elsewhere.... I do not have the necessary documentation nor do I have any special service tools I may require.... Let's say your wife needs an ob-gyn..... are you going to send her to a ear/nose/throat guy?

Look at yourself.... Sitting there saying the equivalent of "long cock ya fer a buck....". There's only one of us stating that he knows everything there is to know.... and it ain't me....

I had a pretty good handle on what it takes to be good back when you were still peeing your pants.




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See this is what happens when ones head becomes over-inflated. A lot like one of Ford's Wilderness AT tires its only a matter of time before the load causes it to burst.

Pogo seems to ridicule the folks whom work service jobs at McDonalds yet he seems to have detailed knowledge of the inner workings of cooking fast food. Perhaps Pogo has moonlighted outside of his trade once or twice to have obtained his vast knowledge of fast food preparation.

Either way it shows that the respect he receives is biased more on his position within a certain company (Fords) rather than his actual skill level. Had I not been confident in my own skills, or should I have not been on the list, I would have voted for PowerStroker or Big Angry Hillbilly as they seem to have shown the most "Hands on skill" of all your little mafia members combined, including yourself Pogo.

No it goes without saying that Pogo is popular among his Mafia. Only problem is that all of his members claim they rarely see Pogo in action, all of them claim to work in different dealerships. Just how accurate could their claims be then? I think it speaks volumes about Dealership politics.

Remember Pogo, you seem to be the one quoting me more often times than not.

I have never claimed to know it all, that is something you have come up with based on my willingness to learn and adapt. Your total commitment to Fords has taxed your ability to learn and adapt. You are in essence a robot. It must be true what they say about the industry going the way of the Robot, however many of us thought that was relating to the assembly of their vehicles, not their mechanics.


Allowing automobile manufactures to proclaim they have re-invented the wheel with each and every release of a new model is why there is the OBD standard today. Circumventing that legislation here in the USA is a popular pass time of many auto engineers. Of course these people are focused on their bottom lines, and would like to hoist an iron curtain over their products in effort to dominate the market far after the warranty has expired. The only problem is that by the time a vehicle runs out of warranty, people like myself have already cracked the egg. This is why each and every year the auto companies bring out New models. Not necessarily because the old way wasnt working, but so the new way would bring changes that keep the manufacture producing more vehicles and ensuring after sale revenues.


You fail to realize that as long as they are sucking, squeezing, blowing up and releasing an air fuel mixture, the game has not changed. You are just finding different ways of doing the same thing. You dont get to the core by staying on the surface. You lack passion Pogo.

-- Edited by SELLC on Friday 17th of July 2009 07:02:06 AM


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl



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"Fords" Wilderness AT tire?

My job at "Ford"?


If someone were to ask me what I thought of SELLC/administrator/UMNEYR and all the other permutations you display, the first thing that would come to mind is "full of himself".



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Ok so it was Firestone's Wilderness AT, but regardless Ford's still took the wrap along side Firestone. Really I was waiting for you to say something about the fact they were known to blow due to "Under-inflation", but you must have just let that one slide huh?

You do work for a Ford Dealership dont you Pogo? If so, you work for Fords.

Funny how by just opening up a forum and sharing information I have become "Full-of myself".

-- Edited by SELLC on Saturday 18th of July 2009 06:25:20 PM


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl



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26 PSI cold inflation on Explorers was an engineering decision... I wont pretend to second guess the engineers, but I have a 2 bar personal threshold for tire pressures.

Now... if you look at the world the way it is, most motorists do not look at their vehicles.... they don't walk around them... Christ, most of them don't know what the right hand side of their car looks like - let alone it there's any tires over there

All Ford did was start the tires out too low already... and the owners (and KwikeeLoob) let nature take it's course...

And now - we have TPMS (but you'll notice that in a couple of years).

I have the ability for thought.... and I use it...

Yes... I work for a Ford dealer.... I do NOT work for Ford... Much of our stores income comes from Ford Canada... but, when sanity prevails, we can see that it is money we wouldn't get without the involvement of our customers...

Do I work for Ford? No.... My DP signs the front of my cheque... this is the man I work for.

Yes.. you are full of yourself.... you pretend you can fix things without proper tools and manuals.... and you own the truck that proves it... You aren't aware of some special considerations regarding mundane repairs on Ford diesels... and you will maintain that me and my useless "book learning" get me nowhere...

Damn..... you are right....

I have yet to get a "free" truck because I refused to read....

Once the hole gets deep enough... feel free to stop digging....



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I just love how you "Try" and act like there are not work-arounds for the repair of these vehicles.

Its the same bullshit every time. You try and dismiss the fact your company is sucking off the FoMoCo tit, and that you really perform and are paid with funds from Ford.

I have yet to get a "Free" truck either. No, instead I had to "WORK" for mine. Unlike you I PERFORMED many repairs with these two hands and put out alot of money and time. Should I feel bad because you are jealous? Absolutly not.

You remind me of the guys whom cant keep an erection without their viagra, meanwhile the rest of the world is able to get it up and perform without it. Its just a shame you have become so spoiled in your short time at the dealer that you think there is only one way to skin a cat. Im here to tell you people are fixing Ford vehicles EVERY DAY without the need to purchase the Ford tool crib.

Get over yourself Pogo, your not the only mechanic in the world that can fix a car/truck. We have yet to see any photos of your work, likley because dispite all them fancy tools in your dealers tool crib, your dumb ass cant even figure out how to use a digital camera let alone how to download them onto your computer, then upload them to this forum.

Pogo, are you overweight? You must be, because hard work doesnt seem to be in your vocabulary.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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I voted for pogo!!!!HAHAHAHAHAHHAH

Seriously nowwwwww...... Rex as a good mechanic???? HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH This guy owns a shitty chop shop and calls himself a mechanic!!!!! AHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHH!!!!!!!!!!!


LIKE A PHOENIX RISING FROM THE ASHES.................... HERE TO SHIT ON REX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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An adversary of mine is a friend of Stoma every time.

I dont think its fair of Pogo to portray that I dont spend a fair amount of time hunched over the computer doing my fair share of researching a system. Back in the 80's and 90's the computer software for Mitchells and the shop database cost more than Pogo's precious IDS, and this was back in the 80's and 90's. Now days with the internet things have changed and information is access thru the major manuals such as Mitchells, All Data and Chiltons is online. For him to think he is the only person with access to this information shows his arrogance. I mean just how he comes to these conclusions basically relates to his unwillingness to accept or understand the true cost involved in the repair and maintenance of the truck. I would just love to send all of Pogo's customers a copy of how little he is willing to work for to ensure they are all happy owners. I would also like to encourage all of them to request free repairs whenever they may be short on cash because Pogo is trying to wear the "Good Guy" cape and would never expect to get paid for his services. I mean this is what the guy claims his reasons are for coming in here acting like a "Stoma". About the only thing different about the two is the fact Stoma doesnt know a thermostat from a u-joint.

What this poll represents is an overwhelming favoritism to Pogo by his Ford Mafia crew. While I applaud his momentary victory, I will end with this old saying.

You may have won the battle, but you aint won the war.

-- Edited by SELLC on Saturday 8th of August 2009 02:27:37 AM


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl



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I voted for my little hillbilly buddy cause he laging behind and you forgot to put me in the list buttmunch......jeez you dont stop in for a while and some people forgt your alive.....


I started this career with nothing....I still have most of it left.


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We have yet to Vet your skills.

Given the fact that Hillbilly and Pogo have both been in here since your post, you seem to have little backing from your Mafia.

How long have you been a tech? What are your certifications? Whom do you work for?

By the way, I liked your other avatar much better,

Your new one just makes you look like a pawn, as your crew has had very little to say about you.

So what certifications do tow truck drivers need now days? LOL

-- Edited by SELLC on Wednesday 16th of September 2009 08:46:14 PM


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl



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Rex... we have seen your skills.... eastend has been a tech long enough to become good at his chosen field.... Chosen field = something you appear to have overlooked. He does what he does well... rather than doing everything rather badly like some "techs" we have seen. eastend works for a Ford dealer... He has Ford training with a diesel certification....

These are things that you don't have.... Best diesel tech? I have to put in my vote for eastend.



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I think its quite clear to everyone at this point that Dealer techs have an over-inflated impression of themselves, regardless what the masses think.

If what you claim was true, there would be more dealerships than independent shops. As it stands the reality is they are CLOSING dealerships, not opening more.

I agree that if I were paying a $400-700 a month car payment, I would be taking it into the dealer for FREE warranty work. Care to tell us all the percentage of return customers after the warranty has expired? That should just about do it.

I guess its only fitting that we have saved the Best for last. You got your wish Eastend, you made the cut based on grumpy's endorsement.

We have one other little problem to deal with.... The fact that Pogo has voted for EastEnd means that I will have to remove the vote he made for himself and award it to eastend. Otherwise it just wouldnt be fair.

-- Edited by SELLC on Friday 18th of September 2009 09:21:08 AM


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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LIKE A PHOENIX RISING FROM THE ASHES.................... HERE TO SHIT ON REX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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SELLC wrote:

I think its quite clear to everyone at this point that Dealer techs have an over-inflated impression of themselves, regardless what the masses think.

If what you claim was true, there would be more dealerships than independent shops. As it stands the reality is they are CLOSING dealerships, not opening more.

I agree that if I were paying a $400-700 a month car payment, I would be taking it into the dealer for FREE warranty work. Care to tell us all the percentage of return customers after the warranty has expired? That should just about do it.

I guess its only fitting that we have saved the Best for last. You got your wish Eastend, you made the cut based on grumpy's endorsement.

We have one other little problem to deal with.... The fact that Pogo has voted for EastEnd means that I will have to remove the vote he made for himself and award it to eastend. Otherwise it just wouldnt be fair.

-- Edited by SELLC on Friday 18th of September 2009 09:21:08 AM

'Scuse me, poohawk... I haven't voted in your little debacle... You methods are a bit sophomoric for me... I have the approval of my customers... and I have no need of any recognition from the likes of you.

I didn't vote for me and I didn't vote for eastend (see the preceding paragraph). However, I fully endorse eastend (along with many other members of the so-called PowerStroke Mafia) and his abilities.

Play with the votes all you want... it just reveals more about Rex




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Pogo, are you saying you didnt vote for yourself, or anyone on the list?

If when you read this post each time you still have the ability to place a vote then I will strip old eastend of his vote and give it back to you, but dont lie.

All this time and you never cast a vote? Are you serious?


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl



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Hahahahahaha Rex voted for himself with all 3 of his user accounts and still couldn't beat Pogo hahahahahahahahaha


Ford ASSET Graduate and technician

Powerstroker's former apprentice

No "mandatory vacations" yet


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Oh let me guess....

Is Scrot a reincarnation of Stoma or PowerStroker?

Maybe they are ALL one in the same!?



What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl



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