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Post Info TOPIC: Obama Calls Kanye West a Jackass!
Who is the Jackass? [5 vote(s)]

The entertainer Kayne West
President Obama for trying to act like one


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Obama Calls Kanye West a Jackass!

Here we have the President of the United States of America calling someone a Jackass. Lets not forget that Kanye West is an entertainer, and does these sorts of things to stir more publicity, much the same way as Obama, yet he actually has the audacity to call someone a Jackass on camera.

What does this say about the President? Well it sets a precedent, one that implies that if you dont agree with the actions of a person, "Call them a Jackass".

If you watched the video you will see towards the end Obama asked to be "Cut some slack", the reason for cutting him some slack? "Because he is the President". It just goes from bad to worse. Much like his little rant when he called a police man "Stupid" for arresting his belligerent friend.

It just never ends with this guy. You can only imagine what he thinks of the American people. I am willing to be Kanye West makes more money in a year than Obama, so what right does Obama have calling him a jackass?

See what Obama does not get is this, Kayne West is an entertainer. His job is to entertain us. Obama is not an entertainer; he is the President of the United States. No one can deny that Obama is a camera hog, and would like to think of himself as more of a TV star than a commander in chief. No one will deny that most of Obama is just and act.

Im pretty sure that in the eyes of a rap star, no advertisement is bad advertisement. What Obama said about Kanye West will likely help him more than it will hurt him.

Like he says in his song, That that does not kill him will only make him stronger.

Good job Obama.. You Jackass! Too bad I feel it was only a ploy to keep Obama from looking like a racist after calling a white cop "Stupid".

Listen to the LAST PART about how Obama feels Race was involved

What? What? I mean WTF?

Now who do you think acted more like a Jackass? Obama, Gates or Kanye West (Whom is an entertainer).

-- Edited by SELLC on Monday 21st of September 2009 12:26:54 AM


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That was supposed to have been off the record, and President Obama was correct. Kanye West Is a Jackass. Do you dispute this Rex?

I find it refreshing that President Obama called it like he saw it, especially since Kanye happens to be a black liberal.

As I recall, George W Bush had some colorful remarks about a NY Times reporter that were actually on the record. I think he flipped someone off at one point too. I only wish that was the worst of the things Bush did.

Why do you hate our president so much Rex?

-- Edited by PowerStroker on Monday 21st of September 2009 12:25:25 AM


ukraine-flag-nomonkey-b - QRZ NOW - Ham Radio News


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Well here is one reason I have my doubts about the president. Since I edited my post above, Ill post it once more so maybe it will sink in. Then again you and many others in this country have thick heads.

In the first video Obama says "Race remains a factor in this society", then something else comes about where it is better for them to say Race is not an issue.


I think you all can shut up now.

-- Edited by SELLC on Monday 21st of September 2009 12:37:27 AM


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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You know Rex, I think now would be a good time to post something I wrote on the good diesel forum around election time cause I know It's going to drive you nuts:

Perhaps we should take a step back and consider the possibility that this election represents more than just another battle in the epic struggle between Democrats and Republicans. Perhaps what happened is exactly what the nation needed. I voted for Bush in 2000, and I voted for Obama in 2008. I make no apologies for the latter, because when I take a look at this, I'm not seeing left or right this time. I'm not seeing a battle between the far left ideology of Communism, verses the far right Ideology of Fascism. I'm not seeing a struggle between the far left economic system of Socialism, verses the far right economic system of un-regulated monopoly Capitalism. This time I see a generational battle. A battle all of us - from all points in the aforementioned spectrums must grapple with. The question of whether it is finally time for one generation, to pass the torch to another... And whether that new generation is prepared to accept it and lead the world.

John McCain embodies all of the very best qualities of his generation. He is truly an American hero. I submit to you, that because of John McCain, and his generation, and their success in everything that truly matters, a new generation, one Barack Obama currently represents, is now able to accept the torch and lead all of us forward. I further believe that what happened yesterday was necessary as evidenced by our current economic and geo-political state. 2 wars with no end in sight, the worst economy since the Great Depression, and the 5 trillion dollar national debt that took our country 200 years to accumulate... Well, we doubled it to more than 10 trillion in less than 8 years, and we're passing these burdens to our children. It reminds me of a section in the farewell address of one of those good Republican presidents:

"Another factor in maintaining balance involves the element of time. As we peer into society's future, we - you and I, and our government - must avoid the impulse to live only for today, plundering for our own ease and convenience the precious resources of tomorrow. We cannot mortgage the material assets of our grandchildren without risking the loss also of their political and spiritual heritage. We want democracy to survive for all generations to come, not to become the insolvent phantom of tomorrow. ~Dwight Eisenhower

These failures were brought to us by a failure of the current administration to unite us. This is not a failure of Conservatism... This is not a failure of the market... This is a failure to unite. A failure to realize the truth that the late senator Paul Wellstone knew when he said: "We all do better when we all do better."

I'm not a welfare queen, nor will I ever be. What I do know however, is in the last 4 years my income has decreased steadily, I've had to work harder just to keep my head above water. All this time I have become better and more efficient at what I do. In 2006 the dealership I loved - closed, and now I'm stuck at one that is hostile to labor, and has a pile of job applications on the service manager's desk from other closed Ford dealers. The only reason I have a job right now is because I excel at what I do, yet I feel no economic justice or reward for my excellence - that's for damn sure. The only reason I don't leave and start over somewhere else is because I'm trapped in a home that won't sell in this ever-worsening market, and I care too much about my hard earned credit rating to walk away from it. The American dream, the dream that a man can support a family on one income... send his children to college... afford to take a risk and start a business... Well, at this point it seems like a fairytale to me. This is not the same America I used to know. I still love my country, yet I feel something fundamental about it is broken and needs to be fixed. I've worked far too hard, invested far too much in myself to become just another number, just another replaceable employee. No my friends, something is very wrong right now with our country. We have become far too polarized, and for what? Political strategy??? So one party can get their 51-49% majority by dividing us over wedge issues like Gay rights and Abortion? That seems a little shallow to me. It seems that we have bigger legacy issues to worry about these days, and we can only dig our way out if we shed this partisan warfare and actually work together.

Socialism has become such a dirty word, because it is not fully understood by most people, and is often used to paint one's political opponent as unacceptable, or "un-American." The truth is many things in our lives are socialized ie: Police, Fire Departments, the military, roads, the criminal justice system, the postal service, public libraries, public schools, Social Security, Medical care for citizens over 65, veterans benefits, and all functions of our government. Most industrialized countries that we consider allies have far more things socialized, yet are still considered Capitalist societies. The things considered to be absolute needs by a society, are often socialized, and there's nothing wrong with that... Personally I'd be in favor of adding single payer universal health care financing to the list (not the government takeover of health care) just the financing but that's just me.

If your house is burning down, would you rather call 911 and have the fire department there immediately to put it out, knowing the cost for this has already been covered by your tax dollars because we as a community decided to share in the risk and responsibility? Or, would you prefer to call around for bids to figure out which "for profit" fire department, has the best cost/response time ratio, as your entire life goes up in flames? Do you honestly believe that you would be able to "keep more of your own money" if all roads were privately owned and you were charged a toll just to drive to work??? Do you think the privatization of military logistics to contractors like Halliburton has been a good deal for tax payers? These are examples of where socialism is a good thing, and there are many examples of where it is not. For example, I don't want the government to build my house or television. Things like that are best achieved through capitalism. The trick is realizing that some things are done more effectively through the public sector, and some things from the private sector and finding balance. Unless we are born independently wealthy, we have to decide as citizens, which things to socialize, and which to privatize. These are the only two options. Most of the time the answer is obvious, but the handful of issues where it is not obvious, are really the only domestic policy differences between the two major political parties. Obviously there are major differences in terms of social, and foreign policy, but that is for another rant.

There have been times in our history when we have allied ourselves with left wing Communists to defeat right wing Fascists, and also a time when we had a Cold War against those same Communist allies. Perhaps one of our biggest problems has been a misguided desire to label a nation as "good" or "evil" based simply on their economic system. Perhaps what actually makes them good or evil isn't so much the system they use, but the extent to which their people are allowed to choose it.

As Americans, we have 3 main rights bestowed on us. Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. It is my opinion that the things required for Life should usually be socialized (less food and clothing) but things like national defense, and health care for sure. The things necessary for the pursuit of happiness (the things that make life worth living) should be obtained through Capitalism ie: if I want a car, I should work to earn money with which to buy it. And the things required for Liberty could be a combination of Socialism and Capitalism depending on the issue ie: If I'm arrested for a crime and can't afford a lawyer - one will be appointed for me at no charge If I want to sue somebody for wrecking my car that I worked so hard for, I have to pay for my own lawyer, or for my own insurance - you get the idea.

When you look at news coverage of the political rallies held by McCain and Obama ask yourself this: Which audience looks more like a cross-section of the country? Which candidate speaks more of "inclusion"? As I said before, what is happening is not a failure of Capitalism... It's a failure of un-regulated capitalism which leads to monopolies. It is a failure to unite around a common purpose. So instead, we have the small fish being eaten by the medium fish, and the medium fish are then eaten by the big fish. Eventually there are only a handful of huge fish remaining who have nothing more to eat - so they starve to death. Look at all of the banks failing, and being bought by other bigger banks for a real time example. In a living organism, such fierce competition, - such un-regulated growth is called CANCER. If your liver is in competition with your lungs - neither wins because your entire body will die of cancer. Un-regulated growth always kills, and that is what is happening to our economy. There are times to compete, yes, competition keeps us strong. What Bush failed to realize however, is cooperation is equally necessary because just like our economy, organic life requires the cooperation of it's organs to serve a higher purpose. If we fail as a nation to become more than just the sum of our individual citizens, so too will our nation die. The truth is, the only way to keep this growth benign, is to control it through government. Yes, government is expensive, and your precious tax dollars are necessary to fund it. Keep in mind though, the only reason your precious dollars have any value at all, is because our big government says so. If you weaken our government, so too will you weaken the value of our currency, and ultimately your net worth. As long as we truly have a government of - by - and for the people, we have nothing to fear from its size.

In recent weeks we have even seen the unthinkable; We watched as Republicans embraced SOCIALISM to try and save the credit markets. Who'da thunk it? We watched as Bush's "anti plunge" task force quietly used treasury funds (tax payer dollars) to buy massive shares of stock to falsely stabilize the Dow industrial average, and make things appear better than they actually are. We watched as a bi-partisan bailout of Wall Street to the tune of 700 BILLION dollars was strapped on the backs of our children and grand children. A Socialist move proposed by Republican Treasury Secretary Hank Paulsen, who, by the way, used to run the legendary and troubled Wall Street firm Goldman Sachs, and who, by the way, just assigned a 35 year old Buddy of his from Goldman, to administer the $700 Billion, of which we now know 10% will go toward bonuses for the executives of these failed institutions. Is this the fault of those Liberal Democrat Bastards? Well, they did fail to stop Reagan's quest to de-regulate all industry. They failed to stop the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999 which really de-regulated the financial industry... Hell some Democrats even supported that abomination. And they failed to stop Reagan and Bush from busting labor unions starting with Patco in the 80's which directly had the effect of weakening the working class whether they be union or not. But it sure wasn't the desire of most Democrats to go down this road, and as I remember, they actually tried to stop these things from happening, until they ran out of political capital and had no choice but to sit back and watch it happen.

So how did Reagan set these events in motion and beat the Democrats so handily? It is because he was able to articulate a Conservative argument more effectively than the Democrats could articulate a Liberal argument at the time. He convinced people that their government of-by-and for the people, was actually their enemy, a concept that still echoes in the minds of conservatives to this day. Because he was able to do this, Reagan was able to become one of those few transformational presidents who actually changed the course of the nation. Prior to Reagan it had been nearly 50 years since a President was actually able to truly transform the nation, that being the Liberal Franklin Roosevelt, who's "New Deal" public works endeavor pulled us out of the Great Depression by making the government the employer of last resort, and by enacting the regulations that prevented the cancerous consolidation of wealth and ultimately another Great Depression for generations. It has been 29 years since Reagan took office... 29 years since last we had a truly transformational president. It sure seems to me at least, that President Elect Obama has turned the table again, and is now able to articulate a Liberal argument more effectively than any current Republican can argue for Conservatism. And as such, he has the potential to actually change the direction of the country, I sure hope so. Just as Reagan had the support of "Reagan Democrats," Obama has the support of "Obamicans." It's not because Liberalism is necessarily superior to Conservatism, It is just that currently - Obama is more effectively articulating his argument, it is because he is currently winning the ultimate debate in the minds of independent voters. And what's even more impressive, is Barack Obama actually understands this concept of being a transformational president. He was asked in a press interview who he thought the last 2 transformational presidents were, and he actually answered correctly: Franklin Roosevelt, and Ronald Regan. This of course offended Bill Clinton deeply, but Bill just didn't understand the question because he wasn't able to transform anything, and was guilty of most of the same sins anyway (as well as some new ones if you know what I mean)

This ability to persuade independents by most effectively articulating a party's, argument is the Capitalist free market at work. It forces the minority side to improve itself so it can come back and compete again another day. This is how we improve ourselves, this is how we grow intellectually, and as a society. Obama didn't require any intellectual Socialism to win this argument, he only needed his mind, the kind of mind we only see emerge once every 30-50 years, so for God's sake give the man a chance will you? He has the potential to unite us, Republicans and Democrats and Independents. Only united will we dig our way out of this hole. Only united will our generation succeed in preparing the next to accept the torch when we can run with it no longer. Only united can we achieve our potential, not just as Americans... But as humans, and live up to the promise of leaving the next generation with a better nation than we received.

May President Obama serve as a post-partisan agent of the people's will. - May he unite us, yet occasionally shove liberal legislation down the throats of conservatives. May he lead our nation back to peace and prosperity. May the conservatives use this frustration to drive them in rebuilding their party to one that serves normal working people. And may God bless the United States of America.


ukraine-flag-nomonkey-b - QRZ NOW - Ham Radio News


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Well thats a lot of thought there PowerStroker.

I sure hope you are right about your boy Obama.

So you voted for Obama. That just means that he could lead you to ruins and you would go down smiling because he is your boy.

News Flash!

He's not just going to bring the idiots who voted for him down, he's going to bring down the rest of us too.

I see you threw the race card in there too, talking crap about "inclusion" rather than "Merit". If I was interested in "Inclusion" I would own cars like Honda's, KIA's and Volkswagens. It is funny how the Obama Administration worked as hard to portray Obama's backdrops almost methodically as MacDonalds does there advertising. Having one White, Black, Asian and Middle-Eastern shows variety and often times appeals to more people, however REAL people see it for the FAKE and Shallow propped up bullshit that it is.

Democrats eat their own, its the main reason they cant stay in power. To be honest I see a lot of people struggling whom voted for Obama that are just about to get themselves in another fine mess with the false notion they have about Obama changing things. Folks whom are now strapped with high car and insurance payments due to the Cash 4 Clunker program. These same people may be facing a mandatory $100 per month, per person insurance premium too. They are the same idiots whom went out and financed their homes to the hilt when ole' Clinton was cooking the books, only to find out the real meaning of SUCKER too late. Yet they still support their Democrats in hopes that another one will come along and give them a free ride on my kids dime. Well fuck you!



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LIKE A PHOENIX RISING FROM THE ASHES.................... HERE TO SHIT ON REX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Now that would be something. I am sure Obama is much too busy dealing with FOX news than Stellar Enterprise. Then again, the MB-TP has been a little slow as of late.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Is Kanye a jackass?



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Dragon energy?

Is that anything like Tiger Blood?




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I dunno... I kind of like Kanye...

I mean I don't dislike him... I guess if I wasn't a fan I wouldn't even bother to write about him, but man...


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Holy crap was I smart in 2009 :)


ukraine-flag-nomonkey-b - QRZ NOW - Ham Radio News


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PowerStroker wrote:

Holy crap was I smart in 2009 :)

 What happened? OD on ovomits koolaide?biggrin

Drive it like you stole it

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Is Obozo trying to do comedy?


what?? Not sure about the Secretary General gig?

I am sorry, Senator. I have no clear recollection of the events in question!


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Stan_147 wrote:



Is Obozo trying to do comedy?


what?? Not sure about the Secretary General gig?

 He's tried before. Huge failbiggrin

Drive it like you stole it


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Actually Obama and David Letterman recently tried their hand at comedy in a recent Netflix series,


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Well it would seem Clarity was right!

Kanye is now a target to Crips...

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