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Post Info TOPIC: Aftermarket now offering good diagnostic equipment?


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Aftermarket now offering good diagnostic equipment?

Wondering if there is a company that has a computer that will perform the fuel contribution test on the PowerStroke engines. I am curious if something like this will become standard on the Modis and the new Snap On system that runs on a computer. Interesting, much diffrent from the one I seen at the Ford dealer.

This one above is the IDS, however something like this has to be in the mix with the aftermarket.

-- Edited by SELLC on Sunday 27th of September 2009 10:01:06 PM


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Your customers deserve the best so I would recommend buying an IDS like I did.



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Really... You purchased an IDS outright?

Come on dude.


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Damn right I did, it was a nice tax right off



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And I have the IDS wireless setup so I can plug the vcm into the vehicle and perform the diagnostics wireless from my toolbox.



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If you dont mind me asking, how much did she set you back? Without the fancy remote option of course. Did you buy it used or brand new?


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1 Grand for the Laptop
2200 For the VCM at the time... Price went up since
$295 for the VCM to Laptop cable
$350 for the optional wireless kit at the time... Price went up since



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Thats not too awful bad really. Do you need a special laptop, because I have a few of them already. That would trim $1000 right off the top!

Are the prices listed for the VCM new? Could you maybe grab one used for less?

What happens in 2011 when the new in-house 6.7 liter Ford Diesel trucks start coming in? Will the IDS be considered to be out-dated? Or will it still work with the newer systems?


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Those were new dealer prices for the VCM in 07 when I bought it. There is a $500 per year software subscription, but if you buy new you get 2 years free so it doesn't make sense to get a used one. There are usually some on ebay, but those are often stolen, or the older model that was prone to bugs. There are counterfeit ones also that are often found on Ebay that have been known to have issues too. Ford says they are going to set up their server so the counterfeit ones can't get software updates anyway so your best bet is to call 1800Rotunda and get a new one directly from them, though not being a Ford dealer you will probably pay a premium for it. At least you know you will be getting a real one that works and gets updates and has a warranty if you get it from Rotunda.

The VCM kit you need is:

IDS/VCM Kit with Web Updates Part #164-R9505 which should come with all the cables you need.

As far as a laptop goes, you only need one running XP Professional Edition or Tablet Edition.

Vista is not supported, Some people have been able to make it work but it isn't fully functional with Vista from what I've heard.

-- Edited by PowerStroker on Monday 28th of September 2009 04:20:35 PM



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Sounds pretty good... But it begs the question about the 2011 models.

I was going to ask about the subscription earlier, but forgot. Glad you mentioned it, at $500 per year after the first two years I can see why you want to specialize. Then again thats less than we pay for the subscription for Mitchells on demand.

People dont realize the amount of tool and information cost mechanics have to face now days. Since you work for a dealership buying an IDS was not nessisary was it? If so I'd be talking to the service manager to be kicking in on the costs, then again if you are the only guy in your dealership with an IDS then "Your the man" so to speak whenever there is a diagnostic issue.

-- Edited by SELLC on Monday 28th of September 2009 04:51:20 PM


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My shop has 2 Dealer provided IDS units, but usually only 1 ever works because at least 1 laptop can be counted on to have a virus or dead battery.  With about 22 guys fighting over the 1 that works it didn't take me long to pull the trigger and buy one for myself that I knew would always be there for me.  One of the best decisions I've made.  I use it multiple times daily, and since my shop has wireless Internet it's convenient for jumping on here and harassing you Rex.

-- Edited by PowerStroker on Monday 28th of September 2009 07:29:59 PM



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Thats a pretty big dealer if you guys got 22 techs.

I think that going the way of the laptop is the best way of getting a diagnostics tool now days. I am seriously considering my next diagnostic scan tool to be of Windows software. Hell you could have an IDS, and the new Snap on system on one laptop, plus I already access Mitchells, AllData and the Mercedes-Benz EPC online.

I really want to get some software for a laptop scope and graphing meter (For all cars).

I really love talking about tools. I think I shall open up a tool forum in here because the only thing fun as talking about cars is talking about the tools.


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The IDS is, hands down, THE best tool for current/future (at this time) Ford vehicles. This is the tool the factory offers to us and is designed to help us shorten our diag time...

The disclaimer... this is a very powerful tool.... but to use it to it's best advantage, you need to practice with it... become familiar with it.... learn it's strengths... If you don't, you may as well buy a $39.95 code reader...

Active commands... you can use the IDS to command a module to turn on an output... and then test the result....

You can use the IDS (along with the VMM) to enter SGM (Signal Generator Mode) - this is a VERY powerful tool - lost on many that don't play with their toys to gain familiarity.

The IDS "flight recorder" is about as flexible as you can get... and the PID display can be switched between several different display types including digital, analog, bar graph and histogram... you can add or delete PIDs "on the fly" and even change the order that they are displayed in.

If you want to work on Fords.... THIS is THE tool!!!



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The IDS.

I shall call it "The Spoon Feeder",



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SELLC wrote:

The IDS.

I shall call it "The Spoon Feeder",


Why would be a good place to start...

I see you feel that having second rate tools offering dubious information might be an advantage in your economic environment....

My customer deserve better than you offer.... Your customers deserve better than you offer...




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Pogo you and I both know there is nothing wrong with the IDS.

You can have the best tools in all the world, but it still comes down to the guy holding the equipment.

We know your a real grease monkey Pogo, but you just dont make it look any good.

As you tell yourself daily, "Better luck next time".

-- Edited by SELLC on Sunday 4th of October 2009 12:58:58 AM


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Did you actually say that?

Yes.. the IDS will only give you information.... that information is more "complete" than most other scan tools will offer (I limit my expertise to those scan tools I work with regularly) ... but it is what the user has for knowledge and documentation that makes the big difference.... KNOWLEDGE AND DOCUMENTATION....

You make allegations about being spoon fed.... in reality it is like cutting a roast.... you can use a sharp knife and do it well.. or you can use a dull knife and fuck it up....

As far as knives go, the IDS is a very sharp knife...

Saying that using the IDS is like being spoon fed is such a mistaken idea.... but we have gotten used to that...



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Pogo, I never said that the IDS was a bad tool.

More than anything I have always said your arrogance was your biggest downfall.

I thought I was cocky, but you take the cake.

We dont work at the same shop. I do not get a paycheck from Fords (Well once they gave me 8,000 lbs of steel).

Pogo is one of them old timers where you must feed his ego; otherwise the outcome will be much like what we have seen here.

Course Pogo will claim that his style is "Working" for him. Meanwhile they keep Pogo in the deepest, darkest dungeon the dealer has, often times tossing him a slab of meat once a day to keep him from cannibalizing the rest of the crew.

If you were as good as you think Pogo, you wouldnt be taking so much of it personally. Do you really think my feelings are hurt? I perform repairs and service on vehicles that would send folks like you to the loony bin.


-- Edited by SELLC on Sunday 4th of October 2009 03:25:25 PM


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Well... I don't take things personally... sorry to disappoint you... They don't hide me in the basement... It seems to escape you that any of my customers have been coming to me for nearly 30 years.... If my efforts weren't effective, I'm pretty sure I would be "found out" by now...

I didn't say that you said the IDS was a bad tool... wow, that's a mouthful.... But you did say that the IDS was "spoon feeding"... What a stupid thing to say... Don't buy the best tool you can get... it makes your life too easy.... What the fuck is that?

Yes... I am quite full of myself... I have worked hard for it and I have earned it... While I may not have the literary style of Mitch Schneider, I'm sure I have a reasonble facimile of his knowledge base. They don't keep me on hand because of my girlish good looks ... but in your headlong rush to prove me unworthy, you will grasp at almost anything...

So..... it appears that your biggest problem with me is that I know what I know.... and I admit to those things that I din't know.

You remind me of my son... When he was 16, he knew everything there was to know... Now, as he approaches the ripe old age of 22, he is realizing that Dad wasn't so stupid after all....

Give your head a shake and quit contradicting yourself....



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Well I am a little older than 22 Pogo, and if you think that working for the dealer pays better than owing a private full service shop you need to shake your head some more.

I am sure working at the dealership can be a good paying job, but it doesnt work for me. If I had to work in the same building as you I can guarantee you I would have already jumped up and down on the hood of your vehicle, called you an asshole in passing, and sucked up all your gravy work. This is one of the main reasons I dont work with my dad. Sure I go down and help out when he gets jammed up, but our competative nature will ultimatly have us at odds before the day is out.

I dont think he would have it any other way. I never said you were a "bad" mechanic Pogo, just not as good as me. 


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YOU GO DOWN?????? Muck fe... You said a "mouthful" there....

Anyway... at 5:00, I can close my toolbox and go home... I don't look back.... I don't know what you earn.... but I do know that I am not worried about my compressors.... my power bill, my insurance coverage.... my employees... Owning a business came with a price... even though it was nearly too late for me, I decided that THAT price was too high. My family deserved more of me than my business was willing to give...

We make our choices. Many of my choices have been of a medical need.... you might not understand that... and, for some perverse reason, I pray you never have to....

As for you being a "better" mechanic? Sure you are... go for it... I have nothing to prove to you though you appear to need to prove things to me... I offer sound advice and you call me down every chance you get...

I don't care... my acceptance.. my confirmation comes from the people I deal with... Not from some wiener on the internet.... Whatever floats your boat....

I do what I do.... I'm told I do it well. I don't see Rex influencing that....

You're just putting on a goofy act, right?



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PogoPossum wrote:

YOU GO DOWN?????? Muck fe... You said a "mouthful" there....

I think its safe to say we can add "Dirty Old Man" to the long list of negatives for Pogo.

Sick man... Just totally sick that you would make that correlation.

I guess its also safe to say we can add "Flaming fagot" to the list also.

Pogo, get your mind out of the gutter.



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SELLC wrote:

PogoPossum wrote:

YOU GO DOWN?????? Muck fe... You said a "mouthful" there....

I think its safe to say we can add "Dirty Old Man" to the long list of negatives for Pogo.

Sick man... Just totally sick that you would make that correlation.

I guess its also safe to say we can add "Flaming fagot" to the list also.

Pogo, get your mind out of the gutter.


You are 'still' just acting the part, right?

You are basically saying "don't get an IDS because it makes fixing the concern too easy"....

It must piss you off that having someone of your calibre dislike me makes me feel good.






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Pogo, once again you are found guilty of not reading the entire thread before you start typing.

I have already said that the IDS is reasonably priced, and a good tool for the money. Unlike you I have to work on more than just Fords, this requires me to perform test outside of being "Spoon Fed" the information.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl



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