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Obama won the Nobel Prize.

As much as I dont care for Obama policy, he seems to have been rewarded with the Nobel Prize on Friday. While I cant imagine what in the world he did to get the award, and he himself even stated that he didnt know why he got the award, I am willing to bet he will still cash that 1.4 Million dollar check for winning along with the huge solid gold medal.

While I understand that Obama won his campaign by making promises and trying to implement change, I dont feel the way he is going about it is the right way. It will also set Obama up for a huge fall should he fail. Regardless, it seems rather odd.

But recently I have been reading about other countries whom have been bashing Obama for this and it somewhat makes me a little angry. Something about an outsider trying to dis the president dont sit right with me. Almost like how one can talk poorly about family when they are upset, yet will not tolerate a non-family member saying the same thing.

Fuck them China fuckers! If it pisses them off, then I am happy Obama won!

Chinese netizens ask: Is today April Fools Day?

By Bo Gu, NBC News Producer

BEIJING A few hours after the news came out that American President Barack Obama won this years Nobel Peace Prize, the online forum of Chinas biggest Internet portal, had over 10,000 comments on the subject, mostly sarcastic and suspicious, some even furious.

"Since when has Sweden learned to kiss Americas a$$?" one angry comment said. It was followed by another one, "Isnt it ironic that the leader of a hegemony country wins Nobel Peace Prize?"

Very few people applauded the presidents honor on the comment thread. After any comments that say something like, "I think Obama deserves the prize," the comment was immediately followed by angry replies. Comments like, "Yeah the whole country and Iraq and Afghanistan are laughing at you!" Or "Why dont they just give it to Adolf Hitler?" Quite a few Chinese netizens raised the same question: "Is today April Fools Day?"

Before the announcement some Chinese were expecting that Hu Jia, an AIDS and human rights activist, who was put in jail under the charge of "subversion of state power and the socialist system" would win the prize. But just as last year, they are disappointed again.

The page on Chinese citizens winning the Nobel Peace Prize still remains blank, ironically, with the notable exception of the Dalai Lama, the exiled Tibetan leader, who won the Peace Prize exactly 20 years ago.

-- Edited by SELLC on Saturday 10th of October 2009 07:31:26 PM


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Predident Obama is donating his prize money to charity.  He'll probably keep the medal and display it in his presidential library after he leaves office.



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Really... What charity might that be and how much?


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Which Charity hasn't been decided yet, but he's going to donate all of it.



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Yeah sure...

The taxes he pays on that money isnt considered a charity! Even though with all the handouts at tax payers expence it might look like it.

I await the details. Im sure the check will have cleared by Monday morning.


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It's not like he needs the 1.4 mil.  The sales of his books probably bring in that much annually.  And he's going to earn 6 figures from the government for the rest of his life.  Plus Anything left in his campaign war chest after he's done running for his second term he can keep - though if he keeps with tradition he'll donate a good chunk of that money the party so they can help re-elect congressional Dems.  And if that isn't enough he can always go on the speaking circuit like Bill Clinton who already made more than a hundred million doing so.  Trust me Rex, he said he's going to donate the prize money, and I have no reason to doubt him.  Give him a couple weeks to collect the money and decide on a charity before you accuse him of lying would ya?



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I sure hope you are right.

Lets talk about how this prize will shape our president, rather than how the 1.4 million that he doesnt need will be spent.

Obama should have declined the award. Not because he didnt deserve it, but because now it could impair his judgment to do the right thing. If we need to blow up some shit whole country to further our agenda, then this may cloud his judgment.

A lot of people are making claims that he should have to "Live Up" to the award. I say fuck them people. Obama needs to live up to the task of serving AMERICA, not the interest of some award giving foreign country. Might I add these award giving countries are mighty close to Iraq, Israel and other high probable targets.

I think the award would have been better suited to go to Regan, who brought down the wall and ended the cold war. Them are things that have been accomplished; I cant say the same about Obama at this point, except to say that there are folks intent on manipulating him.

In the end it will all fall on Obamas shoulders. I hope things work out for him; I hope we dont have to shoot our way out of a mess that he makes. He cant please everyone, so lets hope he pleases the ones whom put him there.


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SELLC wrote:


I sure hope you are right.

Lets talk about how this prize will shape our president, rather than how the 1.4 million that he doesn't need will be spent.

I'm pretty sure he's a big boy and can make his own decisions.

Obama should have declined the award. Not because he didn't deserve it, but because now it could impair his judgment to do the right thing. If we need to blow up some shit whole country to further our agenda, then this may cloud his judgment.

Since when does our agenda justify blowing up a country?  Doesn't that make us worse than the terrorists?  Rex, I've got to say, your trigger- happy foreign policy has been tried, we're still trying to clean up those messes, and it hasn't made us any safer.  President Obama will protect us to the best of his abilities while staying true to the Constitution.  If we or one of our allies are attacked, he will respond proportionately.  Unlike Bush, he will not wage any preemptive wars just in case for example Iraq allegedly tries to acquire yellowcake uranium from Africa.  That turned out to be a lie that you, me, and our entire country will have our taxes raised for the rest of our lives to pay for because the foolhardy venture that followed in Iraq to the tune of 2-3 Trillion Dollars when everything is factored in is coming out of all of our pockets.  Yes Dems will raise your taxes to pay for it, but they didn't create the debt that necessitates it. 

Eventually you will have to decide what is more important to you Rex...  Having low taxes, or killing brown people of a different religion.  You can't have both.

A lot of people are making claims that he should have to "Live Up" to the award. I say fuck them people. Obama needs to live up to the task of serving AMERICA, not the interest of some award giving foreign country. Might I add these award giving countries are mighty close to Iraq, Israel and other high probable targets.

It's the Nobel Peace Prize... Since when is PEACE inconsistent with American ideals?

I think the award would have been better suited to go to Regan, who brought down the wall and ended the cold war. Them are things that have been accomplished; I cant say the same about Obama at this point, except to say that there are folks intent on manipulating him.

Not to overly diminish Reagan (notice how I actually spell his name correctly)  But he happened to be sitting in office when more than 40 years of military spending in an arms race... A strategy from way back in the days of Truman and Kennedy to bankrupt the Soviet Union finally succeeded.  This was not Reagan's genius, but at least he continued those policies.

In the end it will all fall on Obama's shoulders. I hope things work out for him; I hope we don't have to shoot our way out of a mess that he makes. He cant please everyone, so lets hope he pleases the ones whom put him there.

Yes, I hope he pleases the peace loving patriots who elected him.  For once we agree Rex!




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PowerStroker wrote:

I'm pretty sure he's a big boy and can make his own decisions.

You say that now. But I dont see him making any changes, and since he is still reading from a teleprompter it kinda lets the air out of them tires your trying to roll out.

Since when does our agenda justify blowing up a country?  Doesn't that make us worse than the terrorists?  Rex, I've got to say, your trigger- happy foreign policy has been tried, we're still trying to clean up those messes, and it hasn't made us any safer.  President Obama will protect us to the best of his abilities while staying true to the Constitution.  If we or one of our allies are attacked, he will respond proportionately.  Unlike Bush, he will not wage any preemptive wars just in case for example Iraq allegedly tries to acquire yellowcake uranium from Africa.  That turned out to be a lie that you, me, and our entire country will have our taxes raised for the rest of our lives to pay for because the foolhardy venture that followed in Iraq to the tune of 2-3 Trillion Dollars when everything is factored in is coming out of all of our pockets.  Yes Dems will raise your taxes to pay for it, but they didn't create the debt that necessitates it. 

It is the basic law of the Jungle. Kill or be killed. At some point someone provoke war. It has happend before, it will happen again. The instabillity of the region you speak of was reason enough to invade Iraq and topple Sadam. I guess trying to assasinate the president (Bush's dad) wasnt enough reason for you tree hugging pussies, so we gave you your cake, and let you eat it too. Get real, this bullshit will only last as long as the next tea-pot dictator spews over in Jealousy and attacks our country! Then who you going to call? I sure hope it's not Obama

Eventually you will have to decide what is more important to you Rex...  Having low taxes, or killing brown people of a different religion.  You can't have both.

I really fail to see where this statement fits in, however I think the real problems will come from the Yellow folks. Ill leave it at that.

It's the Nobel Peace Prize... Since when is PEACE inconsistent with American ideals?

Funny you should mention that. Appears he was given the Nobel Peace price because of his efforts to reduce greenhouse gases and trying to make an enviromental impact. At this moment Obama has troops in Iraq, and is considering moving more into Afganastan. So what was your question again?

Not to overly diminish Reagan (notice how I actually spell his name correctly)  But he happened to be sitting in office when more than 40 years of military spending in an arms race... A strategy from way back in the days of Truman and Kennedy to bankrupt the Soviet Union finally succeeded.  This was not Reagan's genius, but at least he continued those policies.

I blame the mispelling of Reagan's name on my Spell Check. It must have auto-corrected. He was a good man however I think you should re-read the "Strategy" from way back in the days and take a good look at the direction Obama is taking us. Do it more than once if your a little slow.

Yes, I hope he pleases the peace loving patriots who elected him.  For once we agree Rex!

Actually, Blue color text looks best on you.  So we are still in disagreement.




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Mar 11, 2010

Obama gives $1.4 million in Nobel Prize money to charities

03:23 PM




President Obama accepts Nobel Peace Prize, Dec. 10
Ten charities will split the $1.4 million awarded to President Obama as part of the Nobel Peace Prize, the White House announced today.



"These organizations do extraordinary work in the United States and abroad helping students, veterans and countless others in need," Obama said in a statement. "I'm proud to support their work."

The charities work on such issues as housing for veterans, college assistance, and economic development in Africa and Central Asia. The Clinton-Bush Haiti Fund is also a recipient.

Here's the full list, as provided by the White House:




$250,000 to Fisher House

Fisher House is a national non-profit organization that provides housing for families of patients receiving medical care at major military and Veterans Administration ;medical centers.



$200,000 to the Clinton-Bush Haiti Fund

In the wake of the devastating earthquake in Haiti, Obama asked former Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton to create the Clinton-Bush Haiti Fund to raise money for long-term relief efforts in Haiti.



$125,000 to College Summit


College Summit is a national non-profit organization that partners with high schools to strengthen college-going culture and increase college enrollment rates, so that all students graduate from high school ready for college and a career.

$125,000 to the Posse Foundation

The Posse Foundation is a national non-profit organization that identifies public high school students with extraordinary academic and leadership potential who may be overlooked by traditional college selection processes. Posse's college and university partners award scholars four-year, full-tuition leadership scholarships. The scholars graduate at a rate of 90 percent.

$125,000 to the United Negro College Fund

The United Negro College Fund plays a critical role in enabling more than 60,000 students each year to attend college through scholarship and internship programs.

$125,000 to the Hispanic Scholarship Fund

The Hispanic Scholarship Fund (HSF) is the nation's leading Hispanic scholarship organization, providing Hispanics more college scholarships and educational outreach support than any other organization in the country. In its 34-year history, the Hispanic Scholarship Fund has awarded close to $280 million in scholarships to more than 90,000 students.

$125,000 to the Appalachian Leadership and Education Foundation

A non-profit organization funded by foundations and companies, ALEF supports and enables young men and women from Appalachia to pursue higher education though scholarship and leadership curriculum.

$125,000 to the American Indian College Fund

The American Indian College Fund transforms Indian higher education by funding and creating awareness of the unique, community-based accredited tribal colleges and universities, offering students access to knowledge, skills, and cultural values which enhance their communities and the country as a whole. The fund disburses approximately 6,000 scholarships annually for American Indian students seeking to better their lives through higher education. The fund also provides support for tribal college needs, ranging from capital support to cultural preservation curricula.

$100,000 to AfriCare

AfriCare was founded in 1970 and has more projects in Africa than any other U.S.-based charity, reaching communities in 25 countries, primarily in sub-Saharan Africa. Its programs address needs in three principal areas: health and HIV/AIDS; food security and agriculture; and water resource development.

$100,000 to the Central Asia Institute

The Central Asia Institute promotes and supports community-based education and literacy, especially for girls, in remote regions of Pakistan and Afghanistan. The Institute's co-founder, Greg Mortenson, was also a Nobel Peace Prize nominee this year. His book, Three Cups of Tea: One Man's Mission to Promote Peace, One School at a Time, recounts his attempt to successfully establish dozens of schools and promote girls' education in rural Afghanistan and Pakistan.

(Posted by David Jackson)








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Well I'll be damned!

President Obama come thru on a promise.

It looks good on him.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl





Does anyone have a tally on the exact figure it cost tax paying Americans to fly him and his security detail over there and back twice?


I dont want to seem like a kill joy however that list seems awful suspect of leaving out school tuition for underprivileged white kids.


I wonder what this tax write off will do for Obama to offset his earnings? Had he kept the money most of it would have gone to taxes. Guess Obama does not have much faith in the way tax dollars are spent. Or maybe he knows what happens to people with incomes over $250,000?


I guess this makes me an asshole for pointing out the obvious, but to the minority groups whom are expected to become the majority within 20 years this is all good news. I wonder what these minority groups will do when they become the majority? Will they see to it young white kids have programs in place to cell? Or will it still be considered racist for a white minority to look out for their own?


Im just sayn



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Hey.... Who said you can't buy respect!?



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Isn't it interesting how whenever someone wants to be a racist fuck who only cares about white people in the top tax bracket, they post anonymously, and also misuse the word "whom" in exactly the same way Rex does???



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LIKE A PHOENIX RISING FROM THE ASHES.................... HERE TO SHIT ON REX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Why is it that white people can not demonstate the same kind of pride for their race without being called a Racist?

Fuck both of you idiots...


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PowerStroker wrote:

Isn't it interesting how whenever someone wants to be a racist fuck who only cares about white people in the top tax bracket, they post anonymously,

Have you taken a look at Forbes list of the most weathly people?

Guess that blows your claims out of the water PowerStroker.



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Aw suck it up, have fun at your white pride rally



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Well I am not a minority, I am not a veteran and I do not live in Hati...

I don't think there is much for me to suck up.

If Obama ran for president in Indoneisa and won, he would have been the first White president they ever had. Think about what that means for a moment.

Self serving greed and playing the fence. The hallmark of the Big Zero Administration!


-- Edited by SELLC on Friday 12th of March 2010 11:34:34 AM


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If Obama shared your skin tone, and had an "R" instead of a "D" after his name, but pursued the same policies that he is pursuing now, would you hate him as much???

Rex I assume you make less than 200K annually, did you know Obama gave you a tax cut???

-- Edited by PowerStroker on Friday 12th of March 2010 04:02:50 PM



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Tell you what PowerStroker... Obama's tax cuts suck. Bush was giving out credits. I liked them better. At least that way everyone got money, rather than just having less taken.

I am tired of you playing that race card all the time. I dont care what color Obama is. I dont like Clinton either, and I am pretty sure he is white!? Every time you call me a racist I will reffer to you as a nigger. That way you have have your cake and eat it too.

-- Edited by SELLC on Friday 12th of March 2010 06:02:11 PM


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Actually, many used to think Clinton was our first black president.



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You know I just recently looked up the definition of the word nigger only to have found that they now list "A black person" as the #1 meaning of the word.

Back in the days of dictionaries when I was growing up the word nigger was defined as "An uneducated person", with the SLANG meaning of a black person.

I dont want people thinking I am racist, something PowerStroker is trying so very hard to do, however it is quite clear that now days people wish to list the slang meanings as definitions rather than what they REALLY are.

I have no idea what color PowerStroker is, however his ideas often times leave me thinking he is an uneducated person, thus the reason for my selection of words.

I am NOT racist. I am proud of what I am, but I have NEVER looked down on anyone because of their race or religion. It is their actions that will ultimatly make me look up or down upon them.

-- Edited by SELLC on Friday 12th of March 2010 07:41:40 PM


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And PowerStroker has the nerve to call ME racist!


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