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Census data shows Republicans should stop the racism or face electoral bitch slapping

Census estimates show big gains for US minorities

Robert GrovesAP  FILE - In this March 15, 2010, file photo, Census Bureau Director Robert Groves talks about the 2010 

WASHINGTON Racial and ethnic minorities accounted for roughly 85 percent of the nation's population growth over the last decade one of the largest shares ever with Hispanics accounting for much of the gain in many of the states picking up new House seats.

Preliminary census estimates also suggest the number of multiracial Americans jumped roughly 20 percent since 2000, to over 5 million.

The findings, based on fresh government survey data, offer a glimpse into 2010 census results that are being released on a state-by-state basis beginning this week. New Jersey, Mississippi, Virginia and Louisiana were the first to receive the census redistricting data, which will be used in the often contentious process of redrawing political districts based on population and racial makeup.

The state numbers released Thursday reflected much of the racial change as well as the lingering impact of Hurricane Katrina, which devastated coastal populations in the South. For instance:

_In Louisiana, New Orleans' population last year was 343,829 people, lower than expected as the city struggled to repopulate after Katrina more than five years ago. An interim census estimate last year had put the population at 355,000. The new count was a 30-percent decline from 2000.

_Mississippi's most populous coastal county, Harrison, saw a small decrease in population following Katrina the first time officials recall that it didn't grow.

_The number of Hispanics in Virginia nearly doubled, representing 7.9 percent of total residents. Non-Hispanic whites represented roughly 65 percent of the state's population, down from about 70 percent in 2000. Multiracial Americans also jumped and now make up 2.3 percent of the state's population.

_In New Jersey, the number of non-Hispanic whites shrunk 6.2 percent since 2000 and now represents 59 percent of the state's population. The Hispanic share of the state's population increased from 13 percent in 2000 to 18 percent.

"There are going to be a lot of additional Hispanic officials elected when redistricting is done," said E. Mark Braden, a former chief counsel to the Republican National Committee who now advises state governments on redistricting. "But folks in power don't give up control that easily there will be tension between the ins and outs."

Arkansas, Indiana, Iowa and Maryland are among the states scheduled to receive their data next week. By law, all states must receive their redistricting data by April 1.

Four of the eight states gaining House seats owe roughly half or more of their population gains over the last decade to Hispanics. They include Texas, which picks up four seats; Florida, which will add two seats; and Arizona and Nevada, picking up one seat apiece.

In Georgia and Washington state, which also gain one seat each, Hispanics combined with other minority groups accounted for a majority of their growth since 2000.

Among states losing House seats, Louisiana and New Jersey each would have posted a net population loss, and Michigan would have sustained bigger declines, if it hadn't been for Hispanic growth. Latinos also made up roughly 60 percent or more of the growth in New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois, Iowa and Massachusetts which each lose a seat raising questions as to whether remaining districts in those states will need to accommodate emerging Hispanic voting blocs.

Broken down by voting age, minorities accounted for roughly 70 percent of U.S. growth in the 18-and-older population since 2000, and Hispanics made up about 40 percent. Hispanics also represented more than half the growth share of the voting-age population in Texas and California.

"The growth of the Hispanic community is one of the stories that will be written from the 2010 census," Census director Robert Groves said Wednesday, previewing major demographic trends, including the movement of many minorities from city to suburb. "We should see a big difference from 2000 to 2010."

Thomas Saenz, president and general counsel of the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund, which successfully challenged the redrawing of a majority Hispanic Texas district that weakened the Latino vote after the 2000 census, said his group was expecting to see "a minimum of nine additional Latino-majority House seats" based on 2010 results, if states comply with federal law.

The 1965 Voting Rights Act protects the interests of substantial minority voting blocs, in some cases requiring states to get federal approval of state redistricting plans. The law does not ensure that minorities are elected to office, but that votes of minorities are not overly weakened in a way that keeps them from electing the candidates they prefer. Based on population growth, MALDEF has suggested that several new Hispanic districts are warranted in places such as Texas, Florida, California and New York.

"We'll be monitoring everywhere," Saenz said.

Jeffrey M. Wice, a Democratic redistricting attorney, said states also will have to decide whether to consider citizenship when drawing political lines. Many lower federal courts have ruled that citizenship data should be used if available to determine whether a minority voting bloc has been unduly weakened an issue that could mix already intense redistricting fights with contentious immigration politics.

Some demographers say the available census data on citizenship rates may not be reliable in certain situations because the numbers are five-year averages from 2005-09.

"This is a new area, and the Supreme Court has largely been silent on the issue," Wice said. "In some places, the use of citizenship data may dilute the ability of Hispanic communities to be fairly redistricted. Republicans may attempt to base redistricting on citizenship data in New Jersey, so that is one state to keep an eye on."

The preliminary demographic numbers are based on the Census Bureau's Current Population Survey as of March 2010, as well as comparisons of the 2000 census with 2009 demographic estimates and the 2009 American Community Survey, which samples 3 million U.S. households. According to those figures, minorities represented between 81 percent and 89 percent of the U.S. population growth since 2000, higher than the official 80 percent share in 2000.

The minority growth share in 2010 is the largest in recent memory, with only the influx of European minority immigrants such as Italians, Poles and Jews in the late 1800s possibly rivaling it in scope, said William H. Frey, a demographer at Brookings Institution who analyzed the census data.

Other findings:

_In all, non-Hispanic whites make up roughly 65 percent of the U.S. population, down from 69 percent in 2000. Hispanics had a 16 percent share, compared with 13 percent a decade ago. Blacks represent about 12 percent and Asians roughly 5 percent. Multiracial Americans and other groups made up the remaining 2 percent.

_California, Texas, New York and Hawaii were among the states with the largest number of people who identified themselves as multiracial.

_Some 40 states show population losses of white children since 2000 due to declining birth rates. Minorities represented all of the increases in the under-18 population in Texas and Florida, and most of the gains in the child population in Nevada and Arizona.

"The new engines of growth in America's population are Hispanics, Asians and other minorities," Frey said. "But it's just the tip of the iceberg. For the under-18 population potential voters in the not-too-distant future minorities accounted for virtually all the growth in most U.S. states."

"Political strategists and advocates, especially in growing states, cannot afford to ignore this surging political wave," he said.

In December, the Census Bureau officially reported the nation's population was 308,745,538, up from 281.4 million a decade ago. The growth rate for the past decade was 9.7 percent, the lowest since the Great Depression, with most of the growth occurring in the South and West.

The population changes will result in a shift of House seats taking effect in 2013.


Associated Press writer Suzanne Gamboa contributed to this report.



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I didn't know it was racism to request that illegal immigrants be shipped out of the country.

Wake up PowerStroker...


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Well, now you know.



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Well that's not how it works PowerStroker.. They must swear allegance to the flag, pay taxes and learn how to speak Engrish... Engrish mother fucker! Do you speak it!?


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:

They must learn how to speak Engrish... Engrish mother fucker! Do you speak it!?

Nah, you're not racist at all.evileye




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How can I be racist? I have a black President!

Spare me your BS. I have friends of all nationalities. 31 flavors bitch!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Lots of racists have a black president.



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Every time I turn around you are trying to paint me as a racist. You see I have not one racist bone in my body. Regardless of race, religion or nationality I judge people based on the way they treat me. If someone is straight with me, and is genuine I have no problems being friends with them. I would treat them with as much respect as someone of my own race, religion or nationality.

There are people I know that are white, christian and American that I think are total fuck-tards. I wouldn't piss on these folks to put out a fire. I do not like a person based on the color of their skin, and on the same token I do not dis-like a person based on the color of their skin.

I do not allow people to use race as an excuse for their ignorance. If I don't like your views, or you make bad decisions that effect other people I will have no problems calling you a fuck-tard, regardless of race, religion or nationality. The race card has no value in my eyes, it is the equivalent of Zero and has no value outside of being a place-holder. Usually people that try and play the race card are in-fact the real racist.

Now when it comes to Democrats... Well they are pretty much all worthless, regardless of race, religion or nationality you can be almost certain that if they are a Democrat, they are mis-wired.

Do you feel better now PowerStroker? By the way, I like that thread you made about elitismin the AFR. I found it rather amusing. I know it was you given the fact that no-one on PowerStrokeNation has that kind of intellect, and the fact that you been an active advocate of calling me a racist. No I did not check the IP address of the person who wrote it, and you can check the last time the Administrator account was accessed, as that is the only way I can check such information.

I would also like to address your Bi-Polar and Multiple Personality claims. Yes I have a few different accounts on this forum, but not for the reasons you might think. Naturally there is an administrator account, then there is the SELLC account that I use for most of my threads. I have about 2 others which I reveal within the V8 cafe and the reason for their existence was to moderate different forums back in the early days when our forum structure was different. When I first started this forum it was "The big three". It was hard to figure out a way to have an automotive forum that covered more than one manufacture. I felt having a different screen name for each manufacture would be easier than just admitting that I love most all manufacturers (less Asian ones). It's hard to get die hard fans of a single manufacture to come together if they feel your loyalties are not exclusive. I have sense come to the realization that it does not matter because I am a mechanic. Just like a Dr. would not specialize in a particular race.

I hope that explains your masked questions. I do find it ironic that you posted up a thread about elitisim, bi-polar and multipule personalities as an anoynomus user. That there is the definition of irony.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:
Do you feel better now PowerStroker? By the way, I like that thread you made about elitismin the AFR. I found it rather amusing. I know it was you given the fact that no-one on PowerStrokeNation has that kind of intellect, and the fact that you been an active advocate of calling me a racist.

Actually that wasn't me at all.  I've just been sitting back and enjoying the show with you and those PSN boys...  That was one of them, but I do appreciate the fact that you have such high regard for my intellect!



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Sure... You nose is getting longer by the minute PowerStroker!

So tell me bro... Whats up with the Silver PowerStroke dudes truck? Did he stiff you on some repairs or something?


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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What do you think the new Census data will show PowerStroker?


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SELLC wrote:

What do you think the new Census data will show PowerStroker?



He is simply ignorant...


He refuses to understand simple things like ILLEGAL is not a


But basically he owns up to the left wing agenda...


We can not beat you so we will import people who will vote for our party...


Democrats THINK they are in good shape heading into 2018 midterms...

I think they may be very disappointed...


EVEN with a very controversial Donald Trump as President...they are not going to gain the ground they THINK they will...

2016 and the corruption within the DNC has done to the democratic party what watergate did to the republican party in the mid 1970's, which allowed democrats to hold control of the house and senate for almost 20 years...





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So much of the lefts strategy is built upon this fake idea that Republicans are racist...

Being an ignorant Democrat seems like a choice to me...


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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As Nuffan rightly pointed out in another post, the Republican party has made conscious efforts to recruit the racists out of the Democratic party. It was Nixon's "Southern Strategy," It was George W Bush's "Southern Strategy," and it is President Trump's "Southern Strategy." And it will keep working so long as you keep welcoming them with open arms. I'm happy to let you have them.



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Great! We will take them! Racist of all different colors and religions - male or female!

Meanwhile we will gladly give you all of the homosexuals.. How many generations do you figure a homosexual has in them?


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Oh my, you're not even being shy about it anymore.



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I never cared for Obama and the Democrats heavy pushing of homosexuality on this nation.

I think what really cost the Democrats is when they tried to do away with the Mens / Womans restrooms!

Democrats actually encouraged this kind of nonsense!

I don't think I have ever been shy about my opposition to homosexuality, PowerStroker.


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Have you ever actually been wronged by a homosexual, or is this just instinct for you?



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Well as a parent, PowerStroker, I would hope this sort of lifestyle that is not of the natural order wouldn't be glamorized and promoted at the federal level.

I'd prefer my kids understand the very real "stigma" that goes with homosexuality and the reasons why it's not a "natural" course of life.

Homosexuality if adhered to by everyone would result in the extinction of man kind. 

Children are best raised in heterosexual households with both a Mother and a Father (not a man who identifies as a woman with another man or vice versa with a woman). 

Ideal circumstances are not always attainable in real life, and for the people in the homosexual lifestyle, either by choice, force or family association  should be honest about

what it means to raise a family since it's pretty hard to have one if you're gay.


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Are you suggesting that homosexuality is a choice, and that they are not qualified to raise children, and that even though it has existed not only since the beginning of mankind - but also in the animal kingdom, that it's un-natural?

Do you believe that accepting people who are different is going to somehow inspire an entire generation to CHOOSE that lifestyle and lead to the end of humanity?

Kind of ridiculous.

I would imagine you found out about homosexuality at a pretty young age, and yet you weren't inspired to choose that lifestyle for yourself, why would anyone else lack your level of control? Do you think you are just special somehow and nobody else would be able to resist?


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The pure racism that once existed is not present today in my area of Northern Atlanta...some old timers that will never truly change their ways are still around but their numbers are very small...

but YES the Dixiecrat South became the Christian right wing in the late 1960's and through the 1970's...the transition was basically complete before the 1984 elections...


To call republicans racists is not fair...most white supremacy racist are certainly republican today....but they are a minority and hold no power...not like they did in the 1960's...

Most republicans are not racist at all...


Southern Democrats today are liberals...there was absolutely nothing liberal about a


They were anti-federalist religious minded extremist...

I took a long while for that to flush out...but it really has flushed out today...

The problem is that the party of smaller government DISAPPEARED...along with it the party of fiscal responsibility...ALL under Reagan Bush

Clinton was a corporate sellout...he may as well have been a republican...Bush II OMG I voted for his ass in 2000...because Al Gore? REALLY??

G W Bush got us a Democratic majority in the house and a pseudo majority in the senate with left leaning independents...

Then when they had the OVAL office they sold out and caved on single payer and implemented the insurance industry's wet dream the ACA...

WRITTEN by the insurance industry consultants...

which took us back to a republican controlled congress...








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PowerStroker wrote:

Are you suggesting that homosexuality is a choice, and that they are not qualified to raise children, and that even though it has existed not only since the beginning of mankind - but also in the animal kingdom, that it's un-natural?

Do you believe that accepting people who are different is going to somehow inspire an entire generation to CHOOSE that lifestyle and lead to the end of humanity?

Kind of ridiculous.

I would imagine you found out about homosexuality at a pretty young age, and yet you weren't inspired to choose that lifestyle for yourself, why would anyone else lack your level of control? Do you think you are just special somehow and nobody else would be able to resist?


And by that rationale Democrats now want to legalize and glamorize heroin... 

That logic makes as much sense as taking a $hit after a shower.


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I'm not aware of anything in my party's platform about legalizing heroin.

With regard to Nuffan, yes I know not all Republicans are racist. In fact most are not, and I know some good ones personally. I just find it disgusting that Nixon's Southern Strategy has been used as recently as 2016 by their nominee. I rather wish the moderates within your party would stop getting primaried and purged. John Kasich would have done your party proud, but too many people like Rex wouldn't allow it.



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PowerStroker wrote:

Have you ever actually been wronged by a homosexual, or is this just instinct for you?


Yes it is instinct for me to ensure my kids aren't being influenced by some community organizer hoisted up into an influential position by a party known for having difficulty identifying their own gender.

If homosexuals can not respect that then maybe they should take a good long hard look in the mirror and ask themselves, well - "How did I get here".

Homosexuals are every bit as racist and bigoted as anyone else. There is no need to glorify an existence that leads to the extinction of mankind.

You being someone who has said time and again that you do not want kids probably does not understand this. It's a shame but it's your choice.


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Having someone like Scott Pruitt run the EPA, or John Bolton as National Security Advisor will lead to the extinction of mankind much more quickly than tolerance of homosexuality, if that's truly what you're worried about.


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PowerStroker wrote:

As Nuffan rightly pointed out in another post, the Republican party has made conscious efforts to recruit the racists out of the Democratic party. It was Nixon's "Southern Strategy," It was George W Bush's "Southern Strategy," and it is President Trump's "Southern Strategy." And it will keep working so long as you keep welcoming them with open arms. I'm happy to let you have them.




Republicans did not RECRUIT racist...


RACIST infiltrated the party...





It was a few POWERFUL extreme racist that held positions of community power that tainted the group...


Your average rank and file citizen that belong to the party was not racist at all...


but the left does not want to discuss that as they want it as fodder to make the republicans look WORSE than their own corruption....


DEMOCRATS really need to not throw rocks in a GLASS


Some of the things they have done "FOR THE GOOD OF THE PARTY" is as bad or worse than racism...








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Not to mention that the DEMOCRATS embraced the southern democrats for almost a century after the civil war...


it was not until LBJ pull the plug on separate but equal that it all came crashing down and the racist group fled the party...and then tried to re-brand the the republican party as a "CHRISTIAN PARTY"


which I have a problem with...


RELIGION has no place at all in POLITICS....EVER....


Not if we are to have true religious freedom...

-- Edited by Nuffan on Thursday 10th of May 2018 09:41:35 AM



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I'm under no illusion that Democrats are without sin, but I will say we've gotten much better over time, and I can only take partial blame for things they have done in my lifetime.

I do agree with your stance that religion has no place in politics ever.



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GOP Lawmaker's siblings endorse Dem opponent:

"Hard to see my brother as anything but a racist"

Justin Wise   The Hill

Paul Gosar wearing a suit and tie

Multiple siblings of Rep. Paul Gosar are coming out in support of his Democratic opponent, accusing the Arizona Republican of racism.


The Phoenix New Times reported that Democratic House candidate David Brill unveiled a series of ads at a fundraiser on Thursday that feature Gosar's siblings denouncing the conservative four-term congressman.

Six of Gosar's sblings - Tim, Jennifer, Gaston, Joan, Grace, and David - decry his views on policies such as health care and immigration, adding that their brother's positions have torn the family apart.

"It would be difficult to see my brother as anything but a racist," Grace Gosar says in one advertisement.

The New Times noted that Paul Gosar is the oldest of 10 siblings in a family that grew up in Wyoming. His brother Pete reportedly ran for governor in that state as a Democrat in 2014.

But Paul Gosar is one of President Trump's most ardent supporters. Among other things, he's advocated against the "Dreamers" immigration program and has voiced support for the construction of Trump's long-sought wall along the southern border.

It was also recently reported that Gosar joined a Belgian politician known for anti-Muslim views for a lengthy dinner in July.

"None of us are doing this for publicity. None of us even want to do it," David Gosar told the Phoenix New Times, adding they couldn't stay silent any longer regarding the congressman's views. "He just doesn't appear to be well."

In another clip, Gaston Gosar blasts his brother's views on environmental policy, saying that he's willing to roll back regulations "if it benefits his interests or puts a dollar in his pocket from one of his constituents or large mining groups."

The news outlet noted that the idea for starring Gosar's siblings in ads came after a Brill campaign staffer saw critical Twitter posts from David Gosar about his brother.

The campaign contacted him, and multiple Gosar siblings reportedly made campaign contributions to the campaign shortly after. Videographers then made the trip to Wyoming, where many of them live, to shoot the ads.

Gosar's campaign did not respond to request for comment from the Phoenix New Times. His office was not immediately reachable when the The Hill attempted to reach out for comment.

Phoenix New Times notes that Gosar has represented the deep-red district since 2013 and did not face a primary challenger this year. He won his re-election bid in 2016 with an overwhelming 71 percent of the vote.



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PowerStroker wrote:

I'm under no illusion that Democrats are without sin, but I will say we've gotten much better over time, and I can only take partial blame for things they have done in my lifetime.

I do agree with your stance that religion has no place in politics ever.

 Democrats have gotten better? Where is the rollon the floor laughing emoticon. 

Drive it like you stole it


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In God we trust.

If you disagree you must stop using money.


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PowerStroker wrote:

As Nuffan rightly pointed out in another post, the Republican party has made conscious efforts to recruit the racists out of the Democratic party. It was Nixon's "Southern Strategy," It was George W Bush's "Southern Strategy," and it is President Trump's "Southern Strategy." And it will keep working so long as you keep welcoming them with open arms. I'm happy to let you have them.


Republicans never RECRUITED racist...


RACIST fled the democrat party and infiltrated the republican party...


This idea of a "SOUTHERN STRATEGY" today is laughable the number of white racist southerner's in 2019 is few they do not sway anything...


This LIE that the republican party is RACIST is bullshit...


There is a LOT more racism coming from people of color today than from whites and it is ridiculous from either side....there is only one race on the planet...human...


Apparently the left wing needs lies like these to make them feel good about the piece of shit party they support...



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Human refers to a species, race refers to a subgroup of said species that has evolved to have unique physical traits, just like dogs are a species, and there are several breeds within that species which poses different physical traits. It is not racist to acknowledge that different races exist, it's racist to think one is superior.


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PowerStroker wrote:

Human refers to a species, race refers to a subgroup of said species that has evolved to have unique physical traits, just like dogs are a species, and there are several breeds within that species which poses different physical traits. It is not racist to acknowledge that different races exist, it's racist to think one is superior.




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If I have learned anything about you, it is that every single thing you do or say is based on an agenda to make or save as much money as possible... Is your desire to deny that different races or ethnicities of humans exist based perhaps on a desire to never pay reparations to a different race or ethnicity? Because if that unlikely scenario happens, I don't think your strategy is going to work. It would be like saying you shouldn't have to pay child support because you don't believe in sperm. Whereupon you would probably back up your assertion by posting some article explaining that conception is an act of God, or perhaps babies come from a stork.

Humans are all the same SPECIES and have a common evolutionary ancestor that evolved in to modern day homo-sapien a long time ago on a part of the land mass that is now known as Africa. Since then, the human species has settled in several places around the planet, and after many, many generations took on the physical characteristics that in part define the various races of modern day humanity, this happens over time and is a natural part of evolution. Just as all breeds of dog have a common evolutionary ancestor. It is ok to acknowledge that several breeds of dog exist, but to say one is superior or inferior to another is a matter of opinion only.

I really don't see why the distinction between species and race is suddenly so controversial.


-- Edited by PowerStroker on Monday 10th of June 2019 08:35:48 PM



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PowerStroker wrote:

 It is ok to acknowledge that several breeds of dog exist, but to say one is superior or inferior to another is a matter of opinion only.


I think you just dismantled the black lives matter movement in a single sentence. 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Clearly the justice system doesn't need a reminder that white lives matter, that's why there is a black lives matter movement... A pattern of inequality in how justice is applied.

Once that pattern is fixed, a whole lot of things will be better.

-- Edited by PowerStroker on Monday 10th of June 2019 08:37:53 PM



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PowerStroker wrote:

Clearly the justice system doesn't need a reminder that white lives matter, that's why there is a black lives matter movement... A pattern of inequality in how justice is applied.

Once that pattern is fixed, a whole lot of things will be better.



I call bullshit on that claim PowerStroker! I have had my brushes with the justice system and what you suggest just does not exist! Unless you're black and your name is Smollet, then of course your case gets thrown before any trial because you're black.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl



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PowerStroker wrote:

I really don't see why the distinction between species and race is suddenly so controversial.



Because democrats need it in their quest for power...


RACE is made up. we have different cultures, not races. according to science.


but to the original point of the thread...democrats will always get bitch slapped by the electoral college.


RURAL AMERICA will see to it...




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PowerStroker wrote:

Clearly the justice system doesn't need a reminder that white lives matter, that's why there is a black lives matter movement... A pattern of inequality in how justice is applied.

Once that pattern is fixed, a whole lot of things will be better.

-- Edited by PowerStroker on Monday 10th of June 2019 08:37:53 PM

 There is privilege in the United has nothing to do with skin color...


Democrats think there is WHITE privilege...


We are seeing more and more the privilege is attached to wealth not skin color...


Smollett went a long way to pointing that out.


That whole story really fucked the democrat narrative.



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Perhaps we should do something to redistribute wealth more equally then?


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PowerStroker wrote:

Perhaps we should do something to redistribute wealth more equally then?



No we shouldn't...


No one has the right to take away from someone what they have earned...


Redistribute from the Productive to the Unproductive is a blue print of how to destroy a society...




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Lets just face it, some people are absolutely worthless...


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There is more upward mobility in the US economy than any place else on the planet.


We need to STOP trying to redistribute wealth, the productive members of society have no responsibility to support the unproductive.


Having a temporary assistance programs would not be a bad thing if not for the fact too few ever even try to get off the assistance.


at some point you have to acknowledge all these programs do is subsidize those who refuse to take responsibility of providing for themselves and their family.


ENABLING poor behavior and bad decisions.


And that in a nutshell is why GOVERNMENT anything is generally a bad idea.


government should be managing private contractors to do the things that are needed by the people.


collecting the taxes and paying the bills.


Congress should not get a raise...they should have their pay cut until they reduce spending to balance the budget.


There is an OCEAN of revenue coming in....if they would manage it properly we would have the best of everything.






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