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Post Info TOPIC: Greedy GoDaddy FIRED!
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Greedy GoDaddy FIRED!


We gave GoDaddy notice this morning!

Seems that guy Bob Parson is a little too greedy for our tastes, not to mention his perverted image bothers me. Every time I see his tasteless commercials I have to wonder why I even support that organization.

Anyway, just wanted people to know that we will be undergoing some serious web changes, which will extend across all our services including this website.

I figure savings should come in around $500-$700 per year, plus we are going to be working on our image, with a more professional overtone.

This may prove to be very bad news for folks like Stoma and Stomette.

The AFR will become a private forum for authorized users, the MBTP will likely become a private forum also. In addition to that we are considering going with an advertisement supported forum, with emphasis on sales.

The good news, and the silver lining is that we have not sold out. So everyone's post and such will remain in tact as these changes occor over the next year.

All the Best, or nothing.



All the best!


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Administrator wrote:

This may prove to be very bad news for folks like Stoma and Stomette.




LIKE A PHOENIX RISING FROM THE ASHES.................... HERE TO SHIT ON REX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Stoma and Stomette are gone.

Let the tumbleweeds blow.


All the best!


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Administrator wrote:

Stoma and Stomette are gone.

Let the tumbleweeds blow.



LIKE A PHOENIX RISING FROM THE ASHES.................... HERE TO SHIT ON REX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Bush? Yes

Stoma? No


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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GoDaddy is back on it's ripping people off again!

They have changed many aspects of their services that I have been paying for going back two decades! Some of our email accounts associated with our domain names have been removed, and now it would appear they have sublet the portion of their web services to an outside company to make it more of a PITA to host websites! 

I have to seriously consider hosting my own site, or finding another hosting company because I am paying these people for what amounts to NOTHING! 

Anyone out there considering GoDaddy should run as far away from this greedy company! They will bilk you for YEARS trying to add on extras! Don't EVER give them your credit card with permission to take automatic payments or you will be sorry! Your best bet is to avoid GoDaddy at all cost.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Just called GoDaddy and it's a 16 minute wait time! 

I think I am going to dispute the money I have paid to this company the past three months because honestly I am not waiting 16 minutes for their bullshit. 

GoDaddy, like every company out there is blaming COVID-19 for their shortcomings saying "we're all in this together", give me a fucking break! Looks like more time is about to be wasted. 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Apparently GoDaddy was bought out in 2011 by KKR and Silver Lake Partners!

Explains why the service has been going down hill! IIRC that is about the time I remember the service going down hill while the price continues to go up!

I would avoid GoDaddy at all cost as I am working now to move our services elsewhere, this could take some time as transferring all the domains and getting GoDaddy's poor interface to work will take some time I am sure!

It's pretty pathetic and from what I read about KKR and SLP they have some Clinton holdovers in the company, so it almost feels like Democrats are once again trying to censor my speech, even though I am paying the bastards to host it! It's way out of control in America right now, the way these liberals are trampling peoples rights! I hate to say it, but sometimes I wonder if they have reached a point they are a danger to themselves and everyone around them! Take PowerStroker for example, he has all but lost it... rarely do we see him in here anymore! If you think back to when Obama was President seeking re-election none of the Republicans were losing it like they are! This virus they have hyped up has cost a lot of people all around the world a lot of money and their overreach in many liberal cities is only going to see them lose the house and Trump re-elected in 2020! 

It feels very partisan what GoDaddy is doing to my hosting services! I have been with them for 17 years! Spent over an hour tonight with them on the chat app and it's like the people there are absolutely clueless! Their site hangs up when selecting a payment method and honestly I don't plan on giving them another cent! So I am researching registrars to ensure our next hosting company is on the level.

For anyone thinking about doing business with GoDaddy - BEWARE! They are bad news, poor service and outrageous pricing! Always trying to sell you something too! It is no longer the GoDaddy of pre 2011 so as a customer of 17 years I can assure you this place is bad news now days! Avoid GoDaddy at all cost!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:

1. I would avoid GoDaddy at all cost as I am working now to move our services elsewhere, this could take some time as transferring all the domains and getting GoDaddy's poor interface to work will take some time I am sure!

2. It's pretty pathetic and from what I read about KKR and SLP they have some Clinton holdovers in the company, so it almost feels like Democrats are once again trying to censor my speech, even though I am paying the bastards to host it!

3. It's way out of control in America right now, the way these liberals are trampling peoples rights! I hate to say it, but sometimes I wonder if they have reached a point they are a danger to themselves and everyone around them!

4. Take PowerStroker for example, he has all but lost it... rarely do we see him in here anymore! If you think back to when Obama was President seeking re-election none of the Republicans were losing it like they are! This virus they have hyped up has cost a lot of people all around the world a lot of money and their overreach in many liberal cities is only going to see them lose the house and Trump re-elected in 2020! 

5. It feels very partisan what GoDaddy is doing to my hosting services! I have been with them for 17 years! Spent over an hour tonight with them on the chat app and it's like the people there are absolutely clueless! Their site hangs up when selecting a payment method and honestly I don't plan on giving them another cent! So I am researching registrars to ensure our next hosting company is on the level.



 LOL !

R1. Sometimes it's better-the-devil-you-know SELLC...No doubt they're giving you the shytes, but you "could" use this to your advantage too.

R2. I'd guess that a fully Republican host would be censoring you too, maybe even more so ! Heck, I'm sure I'd be considered a "terrorist" by definition, but nothing could be further from the truth. It was Mr.Bush Jr. that took away a lot of your rights...Mr.Obama decided however not to reinstate them...And now Mr.Trumpdt is sadly back-stepping on a lot of the great work that the late, great, & sorely misunderstood Mr.Nixon implemented during his term.

R3. Yes, we're all-at-risk !!! But it's not just the Liberals...The rumor of the Bilderberger's / elite, would like to see the "Biden / Harris" ticket win at election-time, so that the Goldman-Sachs people can go back to regular routine & business affairs...( More funding for USAP's of course ).

R4. PowerStroker may well be on a short vacation. We all need one from time-to-time, & who could blame him ?...Remember that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over-&-over again, whilst expecting a different result :)...And some things don't change in this place, but there's always hope ! That's why we need Stoma back in here !

R5. Would this mean that this site goes off-line for a while ?...

-- Edited by Rastus on Sunday 17th of May 2020 05:36:48 AM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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I don't know if I would classify you as a terrorist, Rastus, however I would say you lack reading and comprehension skills.. Better the Devil I know? I just said that I didn't even know they were bought out in 2011 until recently! But I could tell something wasn't right every since! I think the only thing that is being used to ones advantage is the good name GoDaddy built from 2000-2011! 

Nixon was before my time, but I can tell you that Democrats have always been into telling people what to do and how to live for as long as I can remember. And while 9/11 saw some new laws that allowed us to monitor terrorist in the country it was Obama who renewed these laws in a time of peace and added even MORE! Why? Probably so they could spy on Trump or whoever the Republican nominee was! Let us also not forget that it was asshole Obama who gave ICANN to another country! For what reason? No one knows, but now some foreign entity is in charge of Domain names!

Goldman Sacs is a horrible company and I would like nothing more than to see them go the way of Lehman Brothers! It's shit companies like Goldman Sacs that cause a lot of the problems in finance!

PowerStroker, much like Stoma were people who joined this forum to cause trouble... that fact can never be forgotten. They were members of competing forums who got called out and made to look like the fools that they were! It was their intent to degrade any post to drive away viewership, in other words they didn't have my best interest at heart. They may have warmed up a little bit to the forum once they realized that we aren't like other big box forums but were quickly put off because the forum just mirrored how ignorant they were in the beginning. I personally feel this forum would be much worse with people like Stoma in it, so filled with piss and vinegar.

This site is operated outside of the domains, and thus only photos hosted thru the domain will be down. 



What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:

PowerStroker, much like Stoma were people who joined this forum to cause trouble... that fact can never be forgotten. They were members of competing forums who got called out and made to look like the fools that they were! It was their intent to degrade any post to drive away viewership, in other words they didn't have my best interest at heart. They may have warmed up a little bit to the forum once they realized that we aren't like other big box forums but were quickly put off because the forum just mirrored how ignorant they were in the beginning. I personally feel this forum would be much worse with people like Stoma in it, so filled with piss and vinegar.

This site is operated outside of the domains, and thus only photos hosted thru the domain will be down. 


Da Fuq you takin bout "competing forum"?

The Diesel forum to which I belong is also a private forum, and only allows membership to actual Ford and Navistar dealership technicians and corporate employees. So no, I wouldn't say there is any competition going on here since this is more of an all makes forum. I actually haven't been there in a while since I gave up the Diesel specialty, and yes, my life has been a lot easier ever since.

And while yes, initially I did come here to just give you a ribbing. I guess you have grown on me... It's rare to find someone who makes nearly all of their arguments based on emotion and ideology rather than logic, so it's actually an interesting and educational thing for me to experience.



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Look, I understand that things like the Florence Nightingale Effect and Stockholm Syndrome are very real... having said that, since the forums you and Stoma hail from are known for censorship and bigotry there really was no competition, but I say that with a degree of confidence because that is the very reason stated every time I get banned at one of these big box forums. While I know there is no competition, they obviously feel differently and that is a fact.

One could say without emotion there could be no logic, care to disagree?





What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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You don't even know what forum I hail from, and I have yet to see any bigotry of censorship there.

I don't know where Stoma came from, so I can't speak to his forum.

On Star Trek, the Vulcans are known for suppressing all emotion and being guided entirely by logic.



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Not Spock...

I am telling you that logic is derived from an emotional desire to understand something.

If you want to be devoid of emotion then logic dictates that you stop breathing. 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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You can have logic without emotion, computers do it all the time.



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Computers are made by humans, same with the software.

Try again


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Getting back on topic, greedy GoDaddy has confirmed all of my suspicions...

Having spent over 15 hours with the customer support team at GoDaddy trying to figure out what in the heck went wrong I have come to the conclusion that greed had a big hand in these issues.

After having been lied to several times about our two email accounts that were not working the past few months they finally come out and said that our free email hosting package that has come with our hosting and domain renewal the past SEVENTEEN YEARS is now expired and that I need to pay for an email plan at $120 per every two domains! This is for SMTP/POP email folks! 

In addition to that, in order for the address bar in our website to display as secure (SSL), they want an additional $199 a year! This in addition to the $12.99 I already pay them a month for hosting and in addition to the $20-$30 each I pay them to renew the domain names we own! 

I think it's clear that what happened was a vindictive act by GoDaddy for resisting and denying these new charges/services! 

So it is clear that we have no choice going forward but to seek out a static IP and start hosting once again since the cost in both downtime, vindictive actions that take 15 hours in customer support for them to rectify - along with the actual $$$ outlay that hosting ourself would be cheaper. Used to be back in the early days we hosted our website ourselves using very expensive Windows Server Software that was given to us under the Microsoft developer program, but that trial only lasted a few years. But now Apple's Mac Mini (earlier versions) comes with server software for free! You can also get a used 2014 Mac Mini for a few hundred dollars so that it is a dedicated Server for just that purpose. 

So this is the direction I will have to take as more of the email accounts will be falling off soon, and cost have been going up about $2 per year on everything.

Anyone considering using GoDaddy might want to check around because their prices and the service you get is nothing like it was pre 2011! Not even CLOSE! It has gotten really bad over there! The best way I can discribe it is like being stranded at sea and having a pirate ship come to your rescue. That is what it's like dealing with GoDaddy now days.



What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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I thought I'd let everyone know that since GoDaddy was taken over by an Indian company my service has SUCKED!

For starters, I pay $12.99 month for hosting that does not even include SSL's! Used to be $4.99 a month!

Furthermore, the gready cocksuckers have recently asked me to pay for a Microsoft Office email account for EACH domain name I own! Regardless of the fact that I have had FREE email assosiated with ALL my domain names since 2003!

These greedy Indian cocksuckers have really pushed my buttons this time! Asking me to pay what amounts to $30 for an email account for EACH domain name that I pay them annualy for, including $12.99 hosting is outright insanity!

Words can not describe how pissed off I am with GoDaddy! My every thought is about how to get AWAY from Godaddy! But wouldn't you know it, Obama gave ICANN away! 

Now here were are... People like me getting screwed left and right! No competition because who the fuck cares, right?

It's about time we start asking ourselves, what are we doing?


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Just to let everyone know our website will be down for a little while as we migrate from GoDaddy...

Enough is enough! The fact we aren't given SSL's for our website and now GoDaddy trying to farm out every one of our e-mails to Microsoft Office was the last straw!

We are done with GoDaddy and are working to transfer ALL of our domains, hosting and email away from them. 

This process may take a little time as the domains start to move to our new registrar... there is really no way to get around this and they make it that way for a reason.

Why in the world ICANN hasn't clamped down on GoDaddy for the turly horrendous rip off venue it has become is beyond me... I have reached the end of my patience for GoDaddy and their very POOR service every since they were bought out.

Just wanted to let everyone know! Thanks!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Where is your new registrar?



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I don't know yet... I'd like it to be USA owned and opperated.

Do you think I should just give them another $12.99 until then? I plan on getting it handled in the next few days and I know when the transfer happens it will be down for however long that process takes... I'll be sure and report how it all goes.

Ideally I'd like to have my registrar US based with it forwarding to our server... I have the ability now, it's just I really cannot bring myself to give GoDaddy another penny!

This forum will not be offline as it's a seperate deal, and I have considered checking to see if they now offer domain name registries... 

I literally just received their classic "or-else" email today... Fact is I can no longer download my entire site from GoDaddy... they have seen to it that every aspect of my online existance is either blocked or un-viewable, even when I do pay them.

It's just gone far enough! When I get them on the phone they just flat out lie, fail to resolve anything and try and sell me even MORE garbage. It's really-really bad now with them! NEVER been THIS bad... 

To give them even one penny at this point feels wrong. I've always put it off because I didn't want to be down, but right now it just feels like the right time...


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Do you have any recommendations, PowerStroker?


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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I'm looking at Bluehost... appears they also own they are a Massachusetts company that is not owned by three umbrella investment companies...

Originally back in the early 2000's I was with Melborne IT but it was hard to work with them and their hours... on account of the time zones.

Hopefully I can get it figured out tonight and then it will be a few days I am sure before everything is up and running again.

Really none of my hosted photos show anymore due to the lack of SSL... most all browsers will just block them by default... seems so slimy that GoDaddy would charge for a service monthly that they know will be blocked 90% of the time!

So done with GoDaddy...


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Well, I just pulled the trigger with Bluehost for an entire one year contract. Worked out to be $5.99 per month for 12 months, then $12.99 per month... this might seem the same as GoDaddy but it also includes unlimited domains, emails, bandwith and SSL certificates! Plus I only have to renew once a year, unlike GoDaddy who could not be trusted that long. GoDaddy lost their auto-renew privileges quite awhile ago when trying to slip in unwanted services and then taking forever to refund. 

Working now to transfer all the domains and we will see how long it takes... Bluehost is ready now, but GoDaddy is saying 5-7 business days! Who knows, but one thing is official - GODADDY IS FIRED!

This Bulehost also offers dedicated servers, if I ever wanted to go that route... for the costs it seems about what you would pay for just the service to run a server! So should I want to go down that road at least the option is there, and without constant nonsense from GoDaddy every other month perhaps once I set this stuff all up at Bluehost I'll be able to focus on other more important things. 

There was just something about this time with GoDaddy... I just could not give them any more business! And honestly, GoDaddy was flat out RIPPING US OFF! Saved at least $100 for one year, then it's about the same but we get far more for our money, including the SSL's... 

Hope I made the right choice, I couldn't take any more of GoDaddy. Seems they will have one last chance to stick it to me for 5-7 days... that is why when I seen they werent going to play ball I just left it be... because they fired themselves. 

So long GoDaddy! Can't even believe GoDaddy is even allowed to sell hosting plans for $12.99 without SSL's and full access to all related emails to said domain! It's outrageous! 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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To keep everyone abrest of the situation I set up hosting with which was a good deal with a lot more value as mentioned above... HOWEVER, since we hold so many domain names I decided to do the transfers in two batches so I could keep communications alive as I knew there would be something that happen in the transfer... in my case I was able to do it the same day, even went into the portal on GoDaddy to release it, however only one of the three domain names has transfered over... one that we don't use so much anymore, but have plans for. 

I was able to download my entire website from GoDaddy using the FTP feature, however this meant that I had to pay them the $12.99... sucks, I know... but at least when I'm back up everything should have SSL, including our hosted photos... all my old links in the fourms and everywhere else will just turn back on, only this time they wont be blocked by browsers security settings... Says it could take up to seven days! The GoDaddy site shows them as they have left the building, but I can't quite yet build on them because the two main ones we use havent finished their transfer! It's a pisser... and I knew this would be an issue, and it sucks... but there was no getting around it...

Perhaps when I made an email adjustment and used the FTP to download the site it might have put a delay in the process? I had no choice, the thought of trying to reconstruct all them links over the years was starting to worry me... but now I have it all... just need for the site to fully transfer so I can upload it to the new hosting account...

It's really a giant pain in the ass, really... but I have been wanting to do a lot more with my domains however I never did because GoDaddy wanted to put the bite on me for $200 per year for SSL's for each site! They also wanted to put the bite on me for $34 per year for every email on ALL of the domains, some rarely ever get used... but thats besides the point because I am paying them for the domain every year, so it's my mail! And it's not like anything has changed with SMTP email from then until now, it's part of the damn domain! So I don't even have a clue where GoDaddy was coming from with their charges except to say they just want to roll you over the coals. Things seem fine with Bluehost so far, except I can't do much until the transfer finishes... sort of excited to give it a whirl as there were some updates to our website that I made. 

Anyway, that's the deal... the next batch I'll push thru once this batch finalizes and it might go smoother since I won't have anything to change or download on the other domains. Feels good not to have to worry about GoDaddy's monthly fleecing anymore... Can't believe I stuck around there for so many years, since at least 2008, maybe even a little earlier. By far from 2011-up it just went down hill... and with the invent of SSL's it's like GoDaddy didn't think it was important their customers web content wasn't being automatically blocked by browsers. What kind of garbage is that? It's like turning someone loose in a canoe with no paddle!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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GoDaddy was really doing us dirty... they were listing half our files with .JPG and the other half with .jpg and this was causing case sensitive compatibility issues, even before SSL's! 

So glad I got rid of them! My main domains have fully transferred, and looky what we have here folks!

Yup! We're now SSL compliant! 

Going forward I'll have to use the https in my attachements of hosted photos, but in most cases it should resolve... I hope anyway... let's just hope it's not like the case sensative .JPG's! Now I have to go thru by hand and fix all that! And it's about half of the images that are this way! Have no idea how that has been happening... could have been a virus, could have been different photo editing programs, who knows... last time I dealt with something like this is was .jpg and .jpeg... I have been mindful to watch that now days, but now I have to contend with case sensative .JPG! 

Perhaps it has something to do with the new SSL's? All I know is I am starting to like Bluehost! Their technical support is not clueless like GoDaddy!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Spent all that time editing all the other photos and getting them changed over to HTTPS and forgot to do the header! LOL

When were you guys going to tell me it was down? Or have you all been running off the buffered file too?

Still working on the website... apparently I have to re-do all the links in the site with the new HTTPS or it will be seen as un-secure past the home page... and most recently, my header disappeared... I think this happened after a software update by Apple, but it just helped me make it that more secure by fixing it now.

Finally parted ways with GoDaddy, and boy were they ripping me off!

Been very happy with the support and service at Blue Host! In fact this will be the last time I post in this thread unless something else comes up, but I have no plans to ever return to GoDaddy! That place REALLY WENT DOWN!

So if anyone is looking for hosting or other such things, I'd check out Blue Host!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl



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