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Post Info TOPIC: Obama wants more Nuke reduction!?
Do you think the USA should AGAIN reduce it's nukes? [3 vote(s)]

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Obama wants more Nuke reduction!?


All my thoughts and opinions have been omitted due to possible NSA spying, IRS auditing, and Chicago style politics. What a great America! We might as well just hand over our guns and nukes now anyway.


Here is the Democrats fearless leader making a speech behind walls of bullet proof glass that has likely cost this nation billions to transport around the world while Obama sells us all out! HEY OBAMA! If the world is such a peaceful place why are you making these speeches behind bullet proof glass? I say we start reducing the use of bullet proof glass, which in turn will eliminate the main problem! Bullshit dictators!

Fucking jackasses are to blame for this stupidity! Here we have a public welfare educated President telling us our nation needs to reduce our nuclear arsenal, while making said speech behind bullet proof glass!

Hey Obama! Why don't you clean up the mess within your own Administration before you waste all of Americas money on your overseas trips that do very little to advance the lifestyles of Americans? Oh that's right; Obama is only interested in Obama, not the idiots who put him there!

Obama and his Administration is a waste of my time and energy! I knew all of this about Obama since the very start and a resounding "I told you so" is warranted! The "Start" treaty was just the start; soon nations will be kicking in our back door, knowing damn well we donât have enough nukes to take them all down.

 <~~ See this Symbol? I didn't put it there! As a matter of fact I edited this post just to point it out! Possible NSA marker? Well allow me to retort ,,!,,

-- Edited by SELLC on Wednesday 19th of June 2013 02:43:29 PM


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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That's a huge post you've just written ! - Nearly as long as one of mine LOL ! When I said 5 ICBM's, if you were to drop-them at the points where the continental plates are under the most stress & tension etc, scientists claimed that it would be enough to make our little globe split into pieces & then move-off into outer-space on their own accord...Your point of "having them & not needing them, rather than needing them & not having them" is fair-enough ! I don't know the ins-&-outs of the life-expectancy of these war-heads, but it seems that whenever these talks occur, & arrangements are made to reduce them, places like Russia apparently sell them off to other countries to re-coup some of their financial losses, so what we're left with is more idiots with these weapons LOL !!! - More problems to deal with LOL !!!

These talks were first started by President Nixon, & back then they were called SALT, - ( Strategic Arms Limitation Talks ), so there's nothing new here, as even President Reagan held similar talks in the 1980's...So what happened ??? The USSR went broke trying to keep up production of these things, & now we have Russia !!! The figures I quoted you are / were very real, as even the USSR had a claimed 28,000 nuke war-heads at one time...Scarey stuff !!! What's more scarey is who's got them now...?

Here in Oz in our Northern Territory ( & other places no-doubt), we have a number of US army bases that "may have" weapons of this sort to fend off these ass-holes you're talking about, but it's all top-secret, just like the V-8 Cafe LOL, so know-one really knows what's really there or what goes on there...I don't think that this business is really good for your health, even thinking about LOL ! But as long as these idiots with them don't use them, we should all be happier...Take France of all places / governments. Did you know that these f***ing ass-holes dropped 196 atom bombs into atolls in the Pacific ? And now these atolls are sinking & releasing who-knows how much crap into our Pacific...Yet nobody gives them any heat over it, & they're NOT cleaning-up after themselves...Bastards !!!

As for the aliens, well I would think that we've messed this globe up well enough for it to become uninhabitable enough for anyone but ourselves, so I think that they've left it too-late for an invasion, since everything is now pretty f###ed ! The asteroids might be a concern I suppose, but if one hit & wiped us all out, it wouldn't be such a bad thing I reckon, as at least the planet will get another chance to progress without us & our Nukes LOL!!!

It's really hard to swallow how some of these immigrants take advantage of our Western beliefs for freedom & politics, & mess everything up from what was once a pretty noble perspective of life. Might be better to put the Statue of Liberty in for a sabbatical...Then you might find some room to breathe again LOL! Here in Oz we have EVERYDAY "boat-people" fleeing Indonesia seeking asylum here in Oz, & those that actually make it over are then sent to prisons at the taxpayers expence for 5 or more years I think, and their countries won't have them back...But how's this, we go over their for holidays ( Bali ) every-other day of the week...Quite stupid isn't it ?

As for being spyed on my friend, just tell them to go & get f***ed !!! It sure makes me feel a little better LOL !!!



-- Edited by Rastus on Wednesday 19th of June 2013 11:14:56 PM

-- Edited by Rastus on Wednesday 19th of June 2013 11:17:00 PM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Here is my thing Rastus, and not many people even see the big picture.

Obama says all of these nuke reductions will only happen if Russia matches us.... Okay.... On its face that sounds good but can we really trust Russia? LOL

And lets just say for the sake of argument that the Russian's did reduce their nukes, and we followed suit as per an agreement. So now we are down from 1500 nukes each, to 1000 nukes each, for a total of 2000 nukes between the USA and Russia. 

What's to stop another nation like China, Korea, Japan, India, Iran or any other country from building say... 2000 nukes? Then what? What if 5 countries each built 1000 nukes and allied together? That's 5000 nukes to our 1000, not including Russia's 1000 which you know they would side with whoever hates the US... So that's 6000 nukes to our 1000! Not good odds! AND IT CAN HAPPEN!

Obama is not wise.. It is still very much a jungle out there and as much as Obama likes to appear as a "wise" person this example just shows that he is either really ignorant or just wishes to put American and Russia on a course (bound by contract) to be weak. 1000 nukes isn't shit! Often times they are scattered about all over the world because many of them would not be effective if launched from the USA. The nukes serve as a very powerful deterrent and countries like North Korea, Iran and many others know this, that is why they are trying so hard to make their own stockpiles.

Much like how we arm Rebel forces because they are out gunned we could find ourselves in the same position as it pertains to nukes in the near future. Obama can't even stand up to North Korea with their half ass nukes, yet Obama seems to think lowering our stockpile of nukes to 1000 is going to somehow stop these crazy fucks from hating us? Would have Obama kicked in the back door in Pakistan if our Nuke stockpile didn't outweigh Pakistans by a HUGE margin? Probably not! You don't see Obama kicking in Russia's back door do you? Why? Because they too walk with a big stick.

Unfortunately the days of thinking Obama is just stupid are over. Obama is VERY smart and he is chipping away at an agenda I fear that will place my children in a bad situation, not only saddling them with debt, but by way of contractually limiting their ability to defend themselves when I am dead and in the ground! That REALLY pisses me off.

As I said before, it will only take a hand full of nations allied together to easily out-number our skimpy 1000 warhead arsenal. And you can pretty much count on Russia siding with this allied nation in an effort to overthrow the US. You can't argue with the math! Even 1500 nukes will be VERY easy for other nations to outnumber, if not on their own! Even as we speak that fat fucker in North Korea is working his people to death trying to build more and more nukes. Who the fuck is stopping him!? No one! Not China, or Russia! You know why? Because Americans have become fucking ignorant! Everyone wanted so badly to have the nations first black President they overlooked Obama's inexperience and his deep foreign roots and ties.

But no-one cares. That does not mean that I cant speak up and say HEY YOU IDIOTS! WTF ARE YOU THINKING! Instead of giving the IRS big bonus checks lets use that money to maintain our nations nuclear deterrent!

You know what else bothers me? Let's say everything I have said comes to pass and America was stupid enough to bring it's warheads down to 1000 and other nations allied to get a nuclear arsenal 5-10 times that and America was no longer a super power. Do you think ANY of these other nations would send us aid, or come to our rescue if we were attacked!? HELL NO THEY WOULD NOT! Yet we pour trillions of dollars into other nations along with limitless support! Hell just 5 years ago we were sending support money to China!

It's crazy and I feel like I'm the only one who sees it! You have to keep in mind the only two nations that will sign this treaty is the US and Russia... The rest of the world is under no contratual agreement. If you don't think Russia is interested in holding onto their super-power status you are sadly mistaken and the ONLY reason they would agree to something like this is if they knew we would be dumb enough to reduce our stockpile while they have another 10,000 nukes tucked away under a lake. Unlike the USA, Russia can keep a secret... And if someone starts running their mouth in Russia about national security things you don't hear about it because that person gets sunk to the bottom of said lake. Just take for example the Polish plane full of their governemt that just happend to crash in Russia... Do you think the Russians were a little upset when Poland agreed to put missle launchers on Polish soil that could be adjusted to point at Russia? Yeah that's what I thought!



-- Edited by SELLC on Thursday 20th of June 2013 01:04:32 AM


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Nukes have been around a long-while now, & I would suggest that now-days, "they" ( who's "they" ? LOL ) have devised all-new great & wonderful methods of destruction etc etc without the problems associated with Nukes...Let's face it, you only have to hi-jack an aeroplane & fly the damned thing into a Nuclear-power-station anywhere in the world that's got them to have the same effect of dropping a bomb or a 1000 LOL ! I'm only guessing, but with the way technology has developed in recent years, there's every possibility of being able to control & divert any in-comming missles from whom-ever...In reality, all these "backward" places are only going to be using or making these weapons based on either US or Russian designs, especially since they're sold on the "black-market", so I think those issues are still very-real potential threats, but would be well behind in technology, if not destructive power. Even the Russians wouldn't give-up their weapons for the "black-market", if they didn't have something better up-their-sleeves...Countries like North Korea that have new & inherited dictatorships have to express their "supremacy" so that their people can think that the "new-blood" is just as nasty or nastier than the dictator that came before hand...

Should you get a chance, please google President Eisenhower's fare-well address to the nation from 1961...Talk about a prophecy unveiled !!!! Even back then, he had an uncanny knack for seeing what might be to come...If we continued on our current path...Which we have LOL! Well worth the effort, so take look / listen to what he had to say ! So based on what he had to say, it would seem ( And we should all hope ) that the folks that DO pull-the-strings of the puppets in power, have everything sorted out...Though it's all TOP SECRET...LOL !

As for your boys, their life will be their own to have to deal with...Not much you could help them with once you're gone...But it's not as bad as the "press" in their "wisdom" has got you & everyone all worried about. Probably the idiots in the Middle-East would be of the most concern to you, because they would use their Nukes without hesitation or a second-thought to anyone else who lives on this planet, all because Alla promised them 11-virgins in heaven....Now that's f***ing crazy LOL !



PS "Stress, is interest paid on a debt that has not been incurred yet" ! LOL !

-- Edited by Rastus on Thursday 20th of June 2013 01:37:47 AM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Hey people,

NO NUKES IS GOOD NUKES !!! Should you really feel the need to blow up the planet, apparently even way back in the 1960's you would have only needed 5 ICBM's dropped in stategic spots around the globe to completely atomize the place....Do we really need 24,500 of the damned things ?




"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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I can see your point, however it would take a lot more than 5 ICBM's to wipe out the planet. To be honest I don't think 24,000 of them would KILL the planet, although it would cause a lot of damage both to the environment and atmosphere. Truth be known I don't think the number of ICBM's comes anywhere close to 24,000! I think since the "Start" treaty they plan on only keeping 1500 on hand, which is not enough!

You have to consider that a few could be duds, many could be shot down, and most of all there is the sad truth when it comes to war... Whoever is left standing WINS. We might be glowing but a win is a win.

Regardless of how few or how many it would only take 1 ICBM to start a world war. Once that happens all these people claiming we should reduce our stockpile will be singing a different tune and you know it. What if Australia was hit with a rouge nuke from NK and all hell broke loose? Would you feel better knowing countries like Russia and China held the worlds stockpile of Nukes?

I guess the old saying of "I'd rather have them and not need them, than to need them and not have them" is appropriate in this instance. Getting rid of old bombs and replacing them with new ones made from parts in China does not seem to be a very smart idea either. I am sure the shelf life of these kinds of things are far beyond any one persons lifetime and the claims that we will use the scraps from old bombs for fuel just sounds like BS. More than likely the stuff will get buried next to some water retention pond and end up biting us in the ass later down the road too.

Something about the caption that read "Obama to renew calls for nuclear arms reductions" with a photo of Obama making a speech in a bullet proof glass cage just got under my skin. Then there is the simple fact that I dont trust Russia or China as far as I could throw them and really it feels like Obama puts too much trust in people that thru history have shown they don't like Americans or the American way of life. I really don't think Obama gives a damn about America outside of the fact he is getting rich while the rest of us gets poorer. I think Obama would be more than happy to live in another country after he is out of office, and I also think he is a risk Americans should not have taken for that very reason.

As much as I think a majority of my fellow Americans made a mistake putting Obama in office, it's hard to deny the fact that his agenda seems to weaken the nation.

And here is one for you... What "if" we needed to use a bunch of them to bust up an asteroid? What if we were invaded by aliens? Yeah I know, an Inter-Stellar Alien invasion is a bit of a stretch and laughable, but you just never know. The real alien invasion is going on right now, but these aliens are much like an invasive species that will squat and suck our nation dry and also be the first ones to jump ship when the going gets tough.

I was born in the USA and I will die in the USA. Many of these new immigrants have no loyalty to this nation outside of their self serving desire for a better life. Then once here they get all home proud and want to start changing things. Why couldn't they just have stayed in their country and make changes? Why must Americans walk on egg shells while the rest of the world just worries about itself?

I am tired of being spied on in the interest of weeding out these unsavory folks that come into our country. It would better suit me and all Americans to just stop letting people in, rather than have to give up our freedom to allow it!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Rastus wrote:

Well worth the effort, so take look / listen to what he had to say ! So based on what he had to say, it would seem ( And we should all hope ) that the folks that DO pull-the-strings of the puppets in power, have everything sorted out...Though it's all TOP SECRET...LOL !

PS "Stress, is interest paid on a debt that has not been incurred yet" ! LOL !

 I hate to break it to you Rastus, but the more money someone has the more fucked up they usually are. No one has everything sorted out, and just because one has money or influence does not make them god. Underestimation is the mother of all fuck-ups.

How did Obama manage to hoodwink America? It's easy... No one ever saw him coming. He looked and still looks like Steve Urkle. Small frame, light skin and soft spoken. To many he can do no wrong, because of course he's half black and to disagree with him makes you a racist. I am here to say that's all bullshit. White/Black or whatever we are still only human.

I went thru a period of my life where I did not let stress within a mile. It was a very fun and wild time in my life that I am still paying for today. I'll take the stress so others can enjoy bliss, then maybe one day I will get to "not give a fuck" for awhile and enjoy myself.... Or I'll turn into a 200 lb Diamond. LOL!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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When I wrote that they'll have "everything sorted out", it was intended to mean that the "solutions" are possible, depending on "the" circumstance & how much time is available for the "solutions" to take effect, keeping everyone satisfied. It was wrong for me to take all of this "really serious" stuff so light-hearted, but what can we do ? All our world's recorded history is about wars & who won...Will this ever change ?

At the moment, even the ass-holes stirring the shit-pot of "world-destruction" surely realize that there's NO WINNER in an all-out Nuke contest, & that there'll be no-one left to read about it in the future pages of history ( yuk ). This was learned after "Cuban Missile Crisis" in 1963, when possibly the most likely outbreak of a full-on Nuclear War was played out, all because those sneaky Russians decided to give Fidel Castro a Nuclear arsenal that pointed at the US, testing how big the balls were of your then President Kennedy.( Wasn't he a great & tragic loss... ?).

Also, if we were that rich that money would never ever be a concern, what would occupy our thoughts ???

Anyhow, I've thought a little about things, & decided that you should go & treat yourself to watching the film called "Blazing Saddles". Yeah it's an old one, & probably would never ever be able to be released today, but it will sure as hell put things into perspective about how stupid we all really are, but will also pretty-much leave you in fits of laughter LOL ! Very smart film !!! So don't take on too-much-stress, as your entitled to enjoy some bliss also LOL !!!




"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Oh what a surprise PowerStroker! You have always had your head so far up the donkeys ass I cant tell where the donkey starts and you end. LOL


I still think its a bad idea to reduce our nuclear stockpile to such pathetic levels and really 1000 nukes would not be enough to even take down Russia and a hand full of their allies. I think its a bad move made by a naive and inexperienced leader. Unfortunately the valid points that I make will be underestimated until such time as the slow process of disarming the USA has been completed and another nation picks up our big stick. At that point it wont even feel good saying I told you so. But this is the American way I guess I must accept the majority who feel otherwise.


You better be right, because shifts in power come quick and you never know. I guess its totally fine to spend countless millions or even billions spying on Americans, building NSA buildings and the sort, but when it comes to keeping up our arsenal of weapons, well thats not as important as trampling our rights to privacy.


No one is listening to your calls. I call BULLSHIT.

-- Edited by SELLC on Thursday 20th of June 2013 02:51:27 PM


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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You're a good guy Rastus.. I am glad you are here.

As you would say,



What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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I'm with Obama on this one, we have way too many. The expense of their upkeep and security is staggering. I would be satisfied with an arsenal that could destroy all human life on the planet 5 times over, any more is just overkill.


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Hey guys,

These are VERY suspicious times that we live in, absolutely NO DOUBT ! And the lines of "freedoms" of speech & general lifestyle are kind-of going crooked, & getting harder & harder to define...It's like every-time something "bad" happens, our governments use it as an excuse to "tighten the reigns" on things, & then penalize us all with more taxes for having to do so...Look at all the cameras all about the place...High-ways, city-streets, airports, train-stations, city-parks, local shopping centers & their car-parks. It's like you can't even stop the car & go for a leak when your on the high-way without having someone film you LOL etc etc. As "FREE CITIZENS", we're all made to feel like criminals. Do you think that this is good ? Has all of this reduced crime-rates or improved peoples out-look on the "quality of Life" that we now lead ? Do you feel safer or do you feel persecuted ? Yet our governments say it has to be done, as we all are criminals, & we have to prove our innocence before we've even done something wrong. We all pay way-to-much tax to be made to feel this way ! Yes indeed, GUILTY until proven INNOCENT !

Believe it or not, America has more friends & allies than you may think SELLC, it's just that you don't hear enough about it or probably more correctly your "press" never bother to mention these things, so as to "alter" your general-publics state-of-mind & attitude towards things, so that the "poor" decisions made by the government are warranted by inflicting mild-paranoia into everyone ! True ! Don't forget that all the news-papers, radio-stations, & TV-stations have to make a dollar too to survive, so creative-writing & ill-projections about the state of things will make you buy-the-paper, turn-on-the-radio, or watch-the-TV to feed your ears full of hypotheticals & maybes'...And all to warrant the existence & power of the people in charge.

Ok, reality check, "someone" has to be in charge ! But as voters in an apparently "free" society, a lot of these new laws & suspicions need to be re-evealuated, so that the "real" meanings behind living in a "free" society / country are re-instated...To me anyway, it would appear that life here in Oz ( or you folks in the US ) is really NO-DIFFERENT to people in the so-called Communist - countries, except that we "can-get-away-with" having our say, with-out being sent to the bottom of that lake you mentioned SELLC. But by speaking openly about our "points-of-view", we put ourselves & our families under the ever-watchful-eye of the so-called "BIG BROTHER", at our own & every-other tax-payers expense. If this is called progress of the "free-world", then let the Martians take over LOL !!!

Anyhow, as "friends", have no-doubt that the UK, Aust, Canada, India, Germany, Switzerland, France, Japan, NZ & many many other countries will support the USA if ever you had a conflict that needed "our" aid. Shit, just maybe even Russia will un-officially give aid to us all, as long as "secrecy" could be up-held...( They're a "free-country too LOL ) They have a reputation to up-hold in "keeping-up-appearances" don't forget ! Don't stress too much !!! It's un-healthy !!!



PS Better to get a laugh at this than talk about nukes maybe...


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Well picked-up !!! Sneaky Russians !!! As you've already stated SELLC, there's countries that just can't be trusted...Maybe this proves that they can't trust themselves OR there immediate neighbours...But do you really want your government to build more ?....The relationship between the USA & Russia appears pretty-good at the moment...Better to keep it this way...What's that saying ?-"Three steps forward, then two Back"...



PS Don't forget that these were medium-range ICBM's, & maybe meant to keep China aware that Russia is still Top-Dog over in that part of the world...

-- Edited by Rastus on Tuesday 25th of June 2013 08:42:27 PM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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So there you have it!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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I don't know that the relationship between the USA and Russia is all so great... After all it would seem the Russians do not want to turn over this guy "Snowden". If the relationship was so great, I don't think it would have taken this long. 


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Politics is a crazy thing, & world politics is even worse LOL !!! I know I always seem to talk about the past etc etc, but you only need to check-out who the enemies were in WWII, & who the "allies" are now to see how things change in a surprising-way, if not slowly...The thing that the USA needs to remember most about itself, is that it was / is still one-of-the first "Western" societies made-up-of people from all-over-the-globe...Just like Oz & Canada...So the "success"(?) of this inter-mingling shows the rest of the "pure-blood nations" that to advance as a society as a whole, you need to think in a forward-way, & not base your countries energies on the past - ( wars etc etc ). If these other places / countries could do this simple thing, we'd probably have less-wars & less problems. Regretfully though, it will take a long-time for any-of-this-type-of-thing to happen, so don't worry about it ! Perhaps a possible solution for all this bull-shit would be to have 1-generation of world-peace...Then people would realize that there is a better way forward, rather than to dig-up-shit & pay-backs from the past.



PS The USA & Russia have been flying together in outer-space in space-stations since 1975...Fingers crossed that you-two-folks keep working together, rather than moving apart...


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Rastus wrote:

PS The USA & Russia have been flying together in outer-space in space-stations since 1975...Fingers crossed that you-two-folks keep working together, rather than moving apart...

Yeah the USA and Russia are real "pals" when it comes to outerspace!

Heck they are only going to fleece us for $70,000,000.00 per space shuttle seat, and that's the "Buddy" price when you shell out $424,000,000.00 for the bulk rate.

I'd say moving apart is an understatment! Meanwhile Obama is working on a $7,000,000,000.00 Energy package for our friends in Africa never mind the fact our electric grid on the Eastern side failed some 7 years ago and left the East without power for days. We need power in Africa more than here at home I guess.


-- Edited by SELLC on Thursday 4th of July 2013 07:49:43 AM


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:


These two guys don't seem to be getting along so good. Perhaps they were chief'n on something at the G8 and didn't want to appear wasted.

If I were Obama, I wouldn't put much trust in this guy. It's safe to say Putin may be a Racist.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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It's probably best not to trust either of them ! - Or any politician for that matter...Geez the amount of zeros after that first number for a trip/visit to the space station is pretty impressive...I wonder if that includes 3-meals a day & toilet paper ? There's a guy you may have heard of called ( I think ) "Sir" Richard Branson, who operates I'm fairly sure on a global basis an airline company by the name of Virgin Airlines...Anyhow, by all accounts, he actually seems like a reasonable & decent person ( believe it or not ), & though he can't offer you a stay on the space-station, for around $250,000, he's got these aero/astro-planes that will probably get you close enough to the space-station to wave at the occupants inside, if you didn't get shot down first or collide with it LOL ! The reason for the high-cost is that this particular plane has a limited life-expectancy of only 6-flights, until another new one has to be paid-for & then commissioned due to fatigue stresses on its super-structure...Apparently the flight is over in less than 1/2 hour...But what's more scarey, the cost of these possible flights/space-station visits, or the fact that some-people have the "splash-cash" to take them up on this opportunity ?...I wonder how influential these people might be to our politicians & the crap decisions they may be "forced/guided" to make ?



-- Edited by Rastus on Friday 5th of July 2013 09:18:43 AM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Hey SELLC & other interested people,

The latest news over here in Oz has the Russian premier Mr.Putin playing down the "Snowden" affair as an intelligence-agency issue only, & not part of the broader scheme-of-things concerning the more "positive relations-outlook" between the USA & Russia...I'm not sure what the latest news offers you folks Stateside...Thought you should know...




"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Well, the latest news here is not so positive. I think the last thing I read was a boycot of the Olympics in Russia and or Obama skipping the G20 until such time as the traitor Snowden is returned to us to face charges for treason.

I am not quite so sure things are better, and from what I understand this guy Snowden is really going out of his way to disgrace his country. From what I understand Snowden took an awful lot of classified information, a lot of it having nothing to do with spying on Americans, rather intel on other nations that have nothing to do with Americans. For that reason I think this Snowden fellow needs to face these charges.

To me Snowden is a low life traitor that should stand trial for high treason. To steal intellegence information then run off to Hong Kong (aka China), then Russia giving up national security information all along the way is beyond what I would consider to be "trying to help Americans". I think it's quite clear he was only trying to help himself.

This guy Snowden is a complete loser! I mean the guy could care less about his family that is still here in the US that have to use the last name of "Snowden". He is a disgrace to his entire family and he has done a VERY poor job of explaining just how Americans are being done wrong, rather it would appear he is running arounf Europe leaking information as it pertains to spying on other nations, not so much about things that effect US citizens. Yes, Americans are aware that most all phone and internet communications feed thru the NSA computers, I think most Americans have known this for quite some time and realize that this information could be helpful in the event of a serious crime.

If Snowden does not pony up with something to prove Americans are being betrayed (outside of phone conversations being monitored) I think he is going to have a hard life. I don't get the impression Snowden cares about anyone but himself.

Seems to me the majority of the information he took was relating to other nations. The pussy ran then started leaking information to keep him safe. I think the US needs to get some special op's together and take him out. I say we activate one of our assets in Russia to splat a cherry pie on the wall that Snowden is standing in front of.

As far as Russia's Putin is concerned, well I am sure he and or his nation will be made to pay for this little game he is playing, one way or the other. Russia will one day soon need something from the US and I sure hope we treat his demands much like he is treating ours.


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He can be charged for espionage, but not treason. Treason is only defined as providing aid and comfort to an enemy during a time of war, and only if congress has made a declaration of war against the aforementioned enemy.

We are not currently in a congressionally declared war, and Russia is not our enemy.

Espionage charges Rex, not treason.


ukraine-flag-nomonkey-b - QRZ NOW - Ham Radio News


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I see.

Well I stand corrected then... CHARGE HIM WITH ESPIONAGE!

But Treason sounds much better, as in he is a traitor. I am still waiting for this "Big information" he claims to have that will rock the nation. Seems to me the only information he had was information on wire-tapping, which I think pretty much everyone was aware of since the Patriot act was put in place.

Still, some of the information that he gave to China aka Hong Kong, and whoever else along the way could end up in the hands of our enemy, in such a situation one could make a case for treason at that point, right? 


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Nope, because he didn't do it at a time when congress had declared war on anyone.


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Well I am sure espionage carries a hefty penalty? Don't it?

Of course I was partial to the Cherry Pie on the wall route. I mean shit, the kid already thinks he some kind of Jason Bourne or something. LOL 


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Hey Guys,

Fingers crossed they (who's they ?) don't make a trilogy out of it LOL



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Oh I'm sure an espionage conviction gets you more than a slap on the wrist.


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It looks like at the moment, 5-months later, that every-ones more interested in what Snowdens offering about spying claims, than trying to put him behind bars ! We're copping heaps here in Oz with regards to spying on the Indonesian president etc etc, & the USA ( amongst other things ) about spying at the G20 meeting...What's in the news your way in regards to this BS ?



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I don't really know what's in the news anymore. I decided cable was too expensive so I cut the cord and only have Netflix now. I'm a bit out of the loop you might say.


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I'd imagine a lot of Democrats are ditching the news... In fact I have seen a great many news articles (not just on FoxNews PowerStroker) that say the train-wreck known as Obamacare is going to hurt them in the next elections.

Now it would appear that Obama is interested in giving Iran some slack so they can pull a North Korea... To be quite honest, things are so fucked up right now that not many people even want to see the news, let alone think about what is going on.

The only thing I know about Snowden is that sooner or later he will be of no use to the people that are keeping him up. At that time he could turn up missing, or start working for another country. I don't see that because who in the hell is going to trust someone that turned on his own country. My guess is he will run out of secrets and when that happens... Well you know how it goes... You're only as good as you're needed at the moment. There has been a lot of talk about NSA spying in the news, most of it because of Snowden. I am still waiting on this information he claims to have that effects Americans, but so far the only information he has given up is about how we spied on other nations, which to me is the job of our nation. I sure as hell wouldn't be comfortable with NSA spying if they were only spying on us! LOL! They damn well better be spying on other nations!

I too agree with PowerStroker about one thing... Cable TV is too expensive. I too have Netflix and LOVE it. Hell I went on a two week bender and watched the entire Breaking Bad show from start to finish! Someone once told me to watch Breaking Bad a long time ago, but when I asked them what it was about they said "Crystal Meth", I look at them and said, "What are you a meth head" and could not figure out why anyone would ever want to watch something about meth. Well would'nt you know it, I watched the first two episodes because at the time it had been so long I didn't even make the connection... From that point I was hooked and couldn't stop watching. It was a really good show, and the acting was damn good too. The cool thing about Netflix is you can really tear thru an entire season at your own pace. Plus you don't even have to get off your ass to change the DVD! LOL! That's cool! And for $8.00 a month, thats a bargin. You could spend that renting two movies!

Now it would seem that what money I saved in cable TV and combining my insurance will be spent on cell phones. Sometime soon I will be making a post about the taxes involved in having 4 cell phone lines, and to me it just seems INSANE. It might be my next big call to action, because when I break it down it comes out to be almost a 30% tax! Seems honest people have to work much harder now days so that lazy fuckers can get their free Obama phones.


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Every paragraph SELLC made me laugh, thanks for that ! It makes you wonder how long your president would actually last on Mt Rushmore before somebody decided to dynamite a new landscape !

The Middle-East affairs are always so complicated, that we should be glad that through the whole-mess, some-ones decided "No Iran, we can't let you have a Nuclear Development program" & decided to do something about it. Could you imagine if in years to come, all the Arab Nations over there had Nukes of some sort ?... In a way, it "might" actually be a step closer to peace over-there, since everyone would be too scared to wage any wars due to possibility of world destruction...But not likely...They're crazy !!!

Even letting them have the capability to enrich Uranium for power-station use is a no-no. Might be better for now to lift some sanctions & let them trade on the world-stage again, so maybe they can build "hydro-power" or something...But in reality, all they're doing is stirring a shit-pot because they can & want to. If the world is restraining them with trade-sanctions etc for past offenses, how can we let them get away with manipulating things now with what they're doing ? Too complicated, & no sure answers I know, but NO NUKES IS GOOD NUKES !!! I think you've hit the nail on the head with them trying to pull a North Korea SELLC.

I'm sure that the personal criteria needed to work for the NSA or any government agency is extremely stringent etc, so what's to say that Snowden stumbled across measures being taken by the government that weren't in accord with the principals of your country or your constitution ? And he found himself aiding a "crooked" government office, rather than deterring the work of crooked affairs abroad ? Somehow I think he may have come to a possible dodgy realization about the USA's intelligence affairs etc, & decided that sacrificing his life for every-ones benefit was worth doing, so that real corruption could be exposed...I guess we'll all find-out sooner or later ! He's a smart man, & I don't think he'd be doing this for personal financial gain or anything, as he surely knows he's ****ed where-ever he goes, & probably knew that before he defected etc etc, & maybe he's just buying time to keep himself alive as long as he can before he reveals whatever else he has...

I pretty-much came across Breaking Bad in the same way as you SELLC, & with the same attitude about watching a show about Chrystal-Meth, & I was hooked also after the 2nd episode or so, & I think I managed to watch the first 3-seasons within a week LOL ! Amongst many things in it, it's quite a funny show with heaps of humor in there from time-to-time. I suppose all shows have to end some-time, & I'm really surprized that the producers didn't milk this-one-out for years, so they even got it right there too.

Obama phones !!!??? LOL ! These would have to be the ones with a direct-line built-in to the NSA wouldn't they ?




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Hey folks,

Our Prime Minister ( think President ) has mentioned in the news today qt " that the worst is yet to come" regarding the spying allegations from our Mr. Snowden...So what does he know that we don't that's so disturbing ?

Apparently there's a "Fives-Eyes" Intelligence sharing arrangement between the USA, UK, Canada, Australia & NZ...Talk about letting the cat-out-of-the-bag LOL. Does this make everyone else in the world a threat to us ? He also goes onto say that this has achieved qt "amazing & wonderful things"...

It's funny to think that your poor President Nixon went under for trying to get the upper-hand in an election campaign through the use of wire tapping etc etc, & yet now-days it seems OK to have a collective intelligence arrangement that invades world-wide privacy, maybe far worse a situation than Mr Nixon ever got himself & his "plumbers" involved with ! I wonder if there's now going to be a new "plumbers" arrangement to stop news-leaks this time around ! Kind-of sounds too much like the KGB doesn't it ?



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Hey people,

I thought that I'd better bring that Nuke-submarine topic over into this thread...If anyone is interested, there's a number of reasons why nuclear power was / is the preferred method of power / & propulsion etc etc. But first, I think that for those that don't know why we have nuclear energy in the first place, I might be able to give a very general explanation as to why they're used, as the basic principal of operation is kind-of-the-same for most applications.

Some ships that sail on our waters around the world, don't use a large slow-speed Diesel engine for propulsion. They can be & are fitted out with Steam Turbines. With these types of vessels, fuel of some kind ( Heavy fuel oil or LPG ) is used to heat up water in a large ( sometimes two-of ) boiler, - ( think of a huge kettle ). So you basically have raw fuel being burned through a series of large jets / burners ( picture a large fire hose nozzle & spray ) that gets set alight, & heats this water up to 510 degrees c, & with a pressure of 62 Bar. This steam is then used amongst other things to rotate these turbines at speeds up to 30,000 rpm + or - , & when its stored energy has been released, its ultimately collected again as water & fed back into the boiler.

By controlling a nuclear reaction, the long-term heat given off is transferred to what's called " dirty water", & then passed on via heat transfer device to heat up "clean water" that's obviously turned into steam, & then passed onto your turbine, where it can turn a huge alternator to make electricity for domestic use, or to propel a submarine by whatever design is used.

The bottom line is that a controlled nuclear reaction is used to heat water, to make steam, to propel a turbine of some-sort, for whatever application.

The obvious advantage is that no fuel is being used to heat-up the water to make steam, as the nuclear reaction does this for a very, very, long time...Around 50 years or so as a ball-park figure. A problem however lies with the waste, as it stays contaminated ( radioactive ) for up to 250,000 years...

The problem with Japans failed Nuclear reactors is that the "dirty water" & "clean water" pipe-work arrangements have failed due to negligence ( they're meant to be replaced after 10 years of use ), caused by the earth-quake & tsunami etc etc. The problem we all face now is that several of these reactors have no cooling water & have over-heated, or if you rather, have had a melt-down, that will basically spew "X" amount of radiation particulates into our earths atmosphere for at least another 2 more years according to the Japanese government statements...(Until they can put a cork on things)...

Our sunk nuclear submarines are doing exactly the same thing, except that we can't recover them because they're sunk too deep in the ocean to be dealt with....

The advantages of nuclear power for submarines ( & some ships ) is not so much the fuel savings, it's more to to with tracking & secrecy, as it's very difficult to "hear" a submarine that isn't running Diesel propulsion, so spying etc becomes a much safer venture due to not being discovered etc etc. Also, who wants to blow up a nuclear submarine in their own back yard ? So even if you're discovered, no one would want to blow you up !

I hope this very general post gives some insight into these issues for those that didn't know.




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That was a good read Rastus! I always wondered how nuclear power worked. So if I am understanding this right, it's just like the days of old with steam engines, only instead of fire they are using a nuclear reaction to produce the steam?

Pretty slick if you ask me, but it does draw some concerns as to the resulting waste.


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Yeah, that's very basically how they try to do things, (it's actually a really long drawn-out nuclear explosion that they're trying to milk so much heat energy & time out of in a controlled environment), but for me, it's a real shame that they didn't work-out how to deal with the waste or its after-effects before they went full-on building them around the world. Apparently there's ways of de-toxing the waste to some extent, but I don't know much more other than things are being developed...

I think in Russia, with the Chernobyl incident, the reactor-core has been basically encased in concrete, & I did hear somewhere that that's apparently what happens to their nuclear-waste, & then it gets sunk to the bottom of the ocean somewhere...But the thing with concrete in sea-water is that it degrades pretty quickly, & in 20 years or less, there's nothing of it left....Only the toxic radio-active waste freely polluting the earth from the bottom of the sea that we can't get too...

Anyhow, it's Christmas time coming pretty soon, & I'd rather not depress myself LOL thinking too much about this sad-state of affairs ! I guess it's just another BIG problem that gets left behind for every-ones children etc etc to clean-up...



-- Edited by Rastus on Friday 13th of December 2013 01:10:08 AM


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When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, the newly independent Ukraine had on its territory what was the third largest strategic nuclear weapons arsenal in the world. It was larger than those of Britain, France, and China combined. On June 1, 1996 Ukraine became a non-nuclear nation when it sent the last of its 1,900 strategic nuclear warheads to Russia for dismantling.[1] The first shipment of nuclear weapons from Ukraine to Russia (by train) was in March 1994.[2] In return for giving up its nuclear weapons, Ukraine, the United States of America, Russia, and the United Kingdom signed the 1994 Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances, pledging to respect Ukraine territorial integrity, a pledge that was arguably broken by Russia's 2014 invasion of Crimea. 

More proof?


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More proof of what, that America and Russia need more nukes?


ukraine-flag-nomonkey-b - QRZ NOW - Ham Radio News


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I'm just saying that the Ukrane giving up it's nukes just come back and bit them in the ass.

In the interest of learning from others, I say we quit disarming ourselves..


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Well this whole thing started because Putin didn't like Ukrane's election result. Putin Is probably doing some sabre rattling to show the Ukranians, and his own people that he alone has the military power in that region of the world.

Putin is smart enough to get out of Ukrane before the US and other NATO countries impose economic sanctions that would cripple his country.

It will never come to a shooting match between US and Russia, because even if we did win, it sure wouldn't feel like it.


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I'd like to think we could effectively snuff out Russia, again if needed.

The tricky part comes when other nations start picking sides, like what we have going on in Ukraine right now. It's an offensive strategic posturing by Russia that puts in peril our past efforts. Right now you say it's "just" Ukraine, but soon you could see this kind of thing happening with China, Iran, and many others.

This false sense of security you have is not shared by me. Regardless what Russia is doing in the Ukraine, it's a military showing and Putin is the first one crying like a baby when the US does such things. I'm a big fan of keeping things on an even keel. LOL


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Just as I have predicted.

Russia may stop fulfilling arms treaty commitments and block U.S. military inspections from checking its nuclear weapons in response to Washington's move to suspend military cooperation with Moscow, Russian agencies reported Saturday citing an unnamed official in Russia's defense ministry.

The official said that threats from U.S. and North Atlantic Treaty Organization directed toward Russia are perceived as "an unfriendly gesture" and allow the country "to declare force majeure conditions."




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What a crazy event hey ? It looks like they're creating things/events out of boredom or something stupid like that. We'll never really know what's going on here, except to say that we'll see the results of whatever on the news maybe...

I know I shouldn't talk-down a nuclear threat possibility, but I reckon that's just not possible as for say a 1st strike at some-one, especially now-days. I would suggest that tensions & a war of some-kind would have to be on-going for a long time before a very final Nuke-solution would be used...Even the Russians learned back in the 1960's ( just google "tsar bomba") that even Nukes can be over-kill, & a means to an end only. This is possibly just the start of something new, & hopefully insignificant.



PS Maybe the Ukranians wanted Russia to take back their Nuke Waste as-well LOL....


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It would seem Russia is making a land grab. Yet it would seem they are trying to make it all legal like. 

All this going on at the same time as many of our nuclear launch personnel have been fired. Coincidence? Perhaps, but it the timing sure as hell sucks!

All told, it seems Russia likes to bitch and moan whenever we do something, so it's only proper we return the favor. Still it would seem this annexation of Crimera does infringe on documents promising to keep Ukraine soverign in exchange for surrendering it's warheads.

I guess we will only know how true the statements are regarding the "vote" by the number of refugees that exit Crimera in the coming months.


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US to reduce nukes to comply with START treaty.

There goes 50 more ICBM's!

But according to Democrats these "Warm" silos aka "Empty", serve as a good nuclear detourant! LOL



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The U.S. will keep its current force of 450 land-based nuclear missiles but remove 50 from their launch silos as part of a plan to bring the U.S. into compliance with a 2011 U.S.-Russia arms control treaty, the Pentagon said Tuesday.

The resulting launch-ready total of 400 Minuteman 3 intercontinental ballistic missiles would be the lowest deployed ICBM total since the early 1960s.

The decisions come after a strong push by members of Congress from the states that host missile bases North Dakota, Wyoming and Montana to not eliminate any of the silos from which the missiles would be launched. Fifty silos will be kept in "warm" status empty of missiles but capable of returning to active use.

Sen. John Tester, a Montana Democrat, called the Pentagon's announcement "a big win for our nation's security and for Malmstrom Air Force Base," home of the 341st Missile Wing with 150 Minuteman 3 missiles.

"ICBMs are the most cost-effective nuclear deterrent, and keeping silos warm is a smart decision and the kind of common sense Montanans expect from their leaders," Tester said.

The decision to put 50 missiles in storage but not eliminate any of their launch silos is a departure from the practice followed throughout the 50-plus year history of intercontinental ballistic missiles. A senior defense official who briefed reporters on the plan and its rationale said the Pentagon had never before structured its ICBM force with a substantial number of missiles in standby status. The official spoke under Pentagon ground rules that did not permit her name to be used.

Hans Kristensen, an arms control expert at the Federation of American Scientists, called the administration's announcement disappointing as an apparent shift away from ICBM force reductions.

"This decision appears to have more to do with the administration surrendering to the ICBM caucus (in Congress) than with strategic considerations about national security," he said in an email exchange.

The Pentagon said it will cost $19.3 million over five years to keep the 50 launch silos and missiles in standby status. The 50 missiles will be stored at their base or, in some cases, sent to a depot for repairs or maintenance.

Keeping all 450 silos meant the Pentagon had to make steeper reductions in the Navy's sea-based nuclear force in order to comply with the New START, or Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, by 2018. The Navy will reduce the number of deployed and non-deployed submarine-launched ballistic nuclear missiles to 280 from the current 336.

The Navy has 14 Ohio-class submarines armed with missiles but only 12 will count as deployed because two will be undergoing long-term maintenance at a given time during the 10-year life of the New START treaty. The Navy is embarking on a multibillion-dollar program to build a replacement for the current fleet.

The other "leg" of the U.S. nuclear force, the Air Force strategic bombers, will be trimmed from the current deployed total of 93 to 60, with an additional six available in a non-deployed status. The 60 will comprise 19 B-2 stealth bombers and 41 B-52H Stratofortress heavy bombers.

Thus the administration will remain within the New START limit of 700 deployed strategic nuclear weapons with 400 ICBMs, 240 sub-launched missiles and 60 bombers. Russia already is well below the 700-deployed weapon limit; at the most recent reporting period, last October, Russia had 473; the U.S. had 809.

The 400 deployed ICBMs would be the lowest total since 1962, according to a history of the force written by Kristensen of the Federation of American Scientists. He says the U.S. had 203 deployed ICBMs in 1962, with the force expanding rapidly to 597 the following year and topping 1,000 in 1966. It has been between 550 and 450 since 1991.

The Obama administration spent months figuring out how to apportion the reductions required to comply with the New START treaty. In the meantime, the ICBM force came under heavy scrutiny for a variety of problems, including low morale, leadership failures and investigations over exam-cheating and drug use among launch officers.

Some question the value of retaining ICBMs, although President Barack Obama has committed to keeping them as part of the nuclear "triad" of forces that can be launched from land, sea and air. In addition to the 450 ICBM silos currently in use, the Air Force has four at Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif., used only for test launches. They will remain.

The Pentagon said Tuesday it probably will cost about $300 million to implement all the announced changes required to comply with New START by 2018. About two-thirds of the cost will be for altering some of the missile tubes aboard Navy submarines so they can no longer launch ballistic missiles.

The nuclear sub fleet is far more costly to operate than either the land-based missiles or the bombers, but its strategic advantage is the relative invulnerability of the submarines while at sea, and thus their ability to survive a first strike.

The New START treaty also requires both Russia and the U.S. to reduce to 1,550 the number of nuclear warheads associated with the deployed missiles and bombers. The Pentagon has not spelled out how it will do that, but analysts have said they believe the breakdown will be: 1,090 warheads aboard subs, 400 on land-based missiles and the 60 bombers counting as one warhead each.

Obama announced last summer that the U.S. would be ready to reduce its total warheads by another one-third, to about 1,100, in a new round of negotiations with Russia. But there is scant chance of that happening anytime soon, especially with the crisis over Russian intervention in Ukraine.


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Hey Folks,

There is a positive side to all of this, & that's the intention of the possibility of a nuke-free society one day.......That can't be too bad can it ???

The USA's biggest problem at the moment is all the radioactive fall-out you're getting from Japan...FUCKishima will be the early-end of us all me thinks...And no-one gives a damn, or bothers your president to do anything about it. Apparently all the migrating Tuna across the north Pacific ( & this means everything else also ) is radioactive. Fall-out has been found all along the Western USA for the last 3-years, with nothing being officially announced or done about it. Seals & other sea-living creatures are being found with strange ulserations etc ( eg cancer growths ) up as far as & including Alaska. Just do a google on "Hot Particles" & see where it leads you...Be warned, not a good out-look...

While it is a concern about your Nuke stock-pile shrinking in the interests of Peace-keeping-efforts, I'm afraid that Japan has already unexpectedly Nuked all of us...

Might just be too late to say our prayers folks,


PS Oh yeah, they think it might be at least another 2-years before they even manage to put a cap-on-things...In other words, those reactors are still freely spewing Hot Particles into the atmosphere for all of us to enjoy...

-- Edited by Rastus on Tuesday 8th of April 2014 11:36:04 PM


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I wonder how the Russian backyard mechanics felt when the US invaded Iraq?


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PowerStroker wrote:

I wonder how the Russian backyard mechanics felt when the US invaded Iraq?

 They probably felt a lot like the upside down mechanics that work at the dealerships...


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Rastus I feel this sort of underachievement by Japan is deliberate. I too find it amazing the international community has not stepped up and done something about this sooner. It's quite obvious that Japan has a serious problem on it's hands, one that is bigger than they are.. That being the case, it's minimized here in the USA because we are expected to protect Japan if they were attacked. Yet when it comes to Japan being unable to quickly contain their nuclear accident we can't get involved?

Something seriously wrong with that arrangement!


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Yes, there's something VERY wrong going on here...I know you can't completely trust or believe the stuff on the net, but the biggest problem is that there's quite literally no day to day up-dates which sucks.

Apparently though, your president was taken away to South America via Air-force 1 when the nuclear cloud 1st arrived State-side a few years ago. Looks like maybe Obamacare might just be a success when there's no-one around to take care of, because we've all died...

All this BS starts making you think that we're all being used as lab-rats to see what happens...And it might just be the perfect way to put a hold on the worlds population growth...



PS If you're inclined to follow this event for our own interest, ENE News is the most up-to-date, & you can easily go back & visit other news stories as this crisis un-folded. Though don't watch too much, it will get you pretty angry.

-- Edited by Rastus on Wednesday 9th of April 2014 06:54:52 PM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.

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