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I have brought up the Ukraine issue in other threads, but I think the situation has escalated to the point it needs it's own thread.

With the military posturing by Russia, and the lack of any infrastructure being blown up thus far, it's clear to see Russia plans to not only invade, but conquer the Ukraine! Sure, they might just say it's only Crimea they want, but once that foot hole gets secured I think it's obvious they won't just stop there. And for the Ukraine to give up Crimea, it would be like Russia trying to take back Alaska from the USA...

I guess what's important here are the dynamics. Given Russia's super power status it begs the question, is it worth it? That's a very hard question to answer and makes me wonder if this is what Obama meant by "having more flexability" during his little hot Mic slip.

I think without a doubt that the real facts are being held back from us, even by the media as they weigh ratings vs. starting WWIII

So what's everyone's take on this? What do you think will happen?



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I doubt it will lead to WW3 because Ukraine simply isn't worth it. I do think however, that the world community will impose crushing economic sanctions against Russia. This can lead to a political shit storm for Putin if his already poor population is forced to go through a Great Depression simply because he wants to show off. Also, other countries neighboring Russia may petition to join NATO, which Putin will not like so much as it would isolate him even more.



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Russia has money all over Europe. Isn't no one going to put sanctions on Russia.

That's just more hot air from team Obama that will end up making the entire nation look like fools. Sort of like how Obama's last spat with Syria went. 


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Seems them guys in the Ukrainian parliament really know how to pound out a resolution!

I think it's safe to say the government there is having a difficult time coming to a compromise. When you look at all the photos it's hard to believe it's real, but it is!

Things are not looking good for Ukraine. 


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There's apparently been threats to blow-up their Nuke-Power Stations...I guess that might just keep the Russians out-of-there...And everyone else...



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I think it's quite clear the situation in Ukraine is escalating. When passenger planes start getting shot out of the sky, that might be a sign that the Russian invasion is well under way in Ukraine. 

After all, it's obvious no one else is interested in bringing about "stability" to the area; meanwhile Russia has arms building up on the boarder just waiting for the international body to say "aw fuck it, let the Russians deal with it". At which time they swoop in and take credit for stabilizing the area. 

How many more planes will come down? I don't know, but the link between Russia and the so-called "Airplane" terrorism that has long been associated with middle eastern Muslim extremist (Osama) is now being used by Russia?  There have been a lot of reports of airplanes coming down in recent weeks. Say it ain't so!

What a way to keep Powerful Russians safe at home and out of harms way, instate travel bans! LOL! As if any of these Russian kingpins would leave mother Russia at a time like this anyway. I'm sure the more we punish Putin's inner circle, the more he rewards them... 

And there you have it. Tit for tat.





is not a good


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SELLC wrote:

With the military posturing by Russia, and the lack of any infrastructure being blown up thus far, it's clear to see Russia plans to not only invade, but conquer the Ukraine! Sure, they might just say it's only Crimea they want, but once that foot hole gets secured I think it's obvious they won't just stop there. And for the Ukraine to give up Crimea, it would be like Russia trying to take back Alaska from the USA...

Seems to me that every time I hope I'm wrong, I end up being right.

Ever had that feeling before?


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It seems that Mr.Putin see's himself as the saviour of "Old Mother Russia"... And wants to be remembered as to the likes of Marx or Lennin or who-ever...Back then you needed a revolution to do things...Now-days we just have invasions !

Isn't the world a wonderful place with folks like that in power ? I'd rather that the Ukraine is allowed more time to pay its gas bill...Especially with Winter coming...

So what will they do ? Jump out-of-the-frying-pan & into the fire ?...



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Hey Rastus, do you feel Russia annexed Crimera because of money Ukraine owed them? If that's the case wouldn't Ukraine now be considered to be PAID IN FULL? If not a nice credit coming to them?

If that's the way Russia collects, then it's safe to say were going about things the wrong way here in the US!

I just don't see how this could be seen as anything but a land grab by Russia. If you look at any map prior to 2014 it shows Crimera as a part of Ukraine, now of course it's a part of Russia. That's a pretty stark change if you ask me, and it also puts a very bright light on immigration, and what happens when an overwhelming foreign group of people do once they settle. Home pride? Or just a well executed plan? It's hard to say, but in many cases Ukraine is being sacked from within.


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PowerStroker wrote:

I doubt it will lead to WW3 because Ukraine simply isn't worth it. I do think however, that the world community will impose crushing economic sanctions against Russia. This can lead to a political shit storm for Putin if his already poor population is forced to go through a Great Depression simply because he wants to show off. Also, other countries neighboring Russia may petition to join NATO, which Putin will not like so much as it would isolate him even more.


You were saying PowerStroker?


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Well, we did slap sanctions on Russia, and the Russian people are feeling it. We are just in the lul before they make Putin feel it at the polls.



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PowerStroker might just have something there...Apparently Ukranian Authorities have opened a criminal case into the alleged uncorking of a 240-year old bottle of wine that was shared between Russian President Vlad Putin, & former Italian Premier Silvo Berlusconi, in Crimea...The bottle was valued at between $100-150,000 USD...

But I wonder if these guys were celebrating or easing their wounds feeling sorry for themselves ?...


-- Edited by Rastus on Saturday 19th of September 2015 03:11:16 AM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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PowerStroker wrote:

Well, we did slap sanctions on Russia, and the Russian people are feeling it. We are just in the lul before they make Putin feel it at the polls.

 So when Obama lifts the sanctions on Iran, who do you think most of that money is owed to? Outside of China?


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Rastus wrote:


PowerStroker might just have something there...Apparently Ukranian Authorities have opened a criminal case into the alleged uncorking of a 240-year old bottle of wine that was shared between Russian President Vlad Putin, & former Italian Premier Silvo Berlusconi, in Crimea...The bottle was valued at between $100-150,000 USD...

But I wonder if these guys were celebrating or easing their wounds feeling sorry for themselves ?...




Apparently Russia is about to pop-off another bottle...


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What a crazy situation.

But we have to have that war threat so as to keep the war-machine turning...


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Sucks that the people of Ukraine have to worry about being invaded every minute of the day... even though they like to flip-flop, I'm sure the people of Ukraine don't deserve to be tormented with Russia's empty threats... 

Nothin but saber rattling at the moment... Wouldn't it be something if Ukraine (the underdog) pulled off a massive military ambush and then invaded Russia?

You really have to wonder, how many people in Ukraine are loyal to Russia above all else? At one time it was called "The Ukraine" and they share a boarder with Russia, so it's not like there hasn't been decades of Russians knocking up hot Ukrainian women... This would be a good example of why the United States should not allow it's immigration to get out of control! No doubt the main reason Biden is not going to fight Russia for "The Ukraine" is because over half the population there are Russian! It's like Russia is invading itself... 


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Or maybe I got it wrong?

Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?


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The people in the Ukraine are not to blame for any of this mess, anymore than we are.

They have enough issues already with dealing with the Chernobyl disaster, & the now 3rd generation of people being born, with outrageous medical issues...

The Ukraine also has 15-more nuke plants to worry about not being stuck by a stray bullet or friendly fire...

Then its all over for us too.


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Holy $hit Rastus!

I don't want to seem slow on the uptake here, but I totally didn't realize that Chernobyl was in Ukraine until you pointed it out! I always thought it was in Russia because weren't they responsible for it's demise?

You mean to tell me they have 15 more nuclear facilities there in Ukraine? WTF they doing with all that power? Who's running that stuff?


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You'll likely find that Russia / USSR via the IAEA made those bastard nuclear things available for the people of the Ukraine.

Yes, they have 15 more nuke-plants.

Since the nuke-plants were likely Russian built, you'll find that they'll be Russian manned, with likely some Ukraine staff.

The bastard nuclear industry via the IAEA likely twisted the Ukraine political arm to have these bastard items for their electrical services, whist allowing the money generated to flow into Russia.

The Russians actually have a lot of natural-gas that they supply to Europe too.


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Here's some facts about the Ukraine that will surprise you some, & maybe realize why Russia would like to annex it unofficially once again...


Ukraines economy is highly industrialized. Industry contributes more than 38 per cent of gross domestic product (GDP) and accounts for about 26 per cent of total employment. Industry is based largely on the republics vast mineral resources. Ukraine is the fourth-largest steel producer in the world, and has a broad and diverse industrial base.

However, economic policy since the collapse of Communism has had serious consequences for Ukraines competitiveness. Ukraine entered hyperinflation that reached 1,445 per cent in 1992. After considerable delay, the process of economic reform began in Ukraine in the early 1990s. Prices on food, transport, and other services were deregulated in January 1993, although food prices remained low in comparison to prices in neighbouring countries. The government issued privatization certificates and set up the western city of Lviv as a model for future privatization. A transitional currency, the karbovanet, was issued, and plans to issue a final currency, the hryvnia, were formed. However, the reform process stalled in the second half of 1993. Privatization was slowed by bureaucratic resistance and ineptitude. As a result, about 95 per cent of all property still remained under state control. The government attempted to assert direct control over the economy by resorting to central-planning techniques such as price controls. In order to foster economic cooperation with other former Soviet republics and improve economic conditions, Ukraine became an associate member of the Commonwealth of Independent States Economic Union in September 1993.

The gross national product (GNP) of Ukraine in 2000 was US$34,565 million, or US$700 per capita. The national budget for 1995 included revenue of US$16,200 million and expenditure of US$18,500 million.


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Here's a map...

map of europe.jpg


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Here is the trailer for the video clip above... apparently you have never seen the movie "spies like us"...

I watched this movie when it first come out, back close to the time when Russia was the USSR and Communist pigs were considered back-woods Neanderthals that we would all be tasked with exterminating once we grew up and were drafted into the army. 


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SELLC wrote:

Here is the trailer for the video clip above... apparently you have never seen the movie "spies like us"...

I watched this movie when it first come out, back close to the time when Russia was the USSR and Communist pigs were considered back-woods Neanderthals that we would all be tasked with exterminating once we grew up and were drafted into the army. 


Your right, I haven't seen that movie just yet..But I reckon I'd like it for sure...Looks like the same cast as "Caddyshack", & I watch this one at least once a year as I have the DVD. Ghostbusters too...

Anyhow, there's still no reason as to "why" Putin decided to invade...I suggest "Nuke Industry" influence for sure, where the motto is "fight fire with fire"...And since most of the world is killing-off nukes ( even the US-of-A ), this effort from Russia pulls-the-world back in to the stupidity of "atoms for peace"...When we all know the end result is death.



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It's a real good movie, you'll like it for sure! Since the plot revolves around the Soviet Union it's sort of in flavor with the craziness going on... however nothing beats the American classic "Red Dawn" when it comes to Russian invasions. 

Totally agree with you Rastus, Putin has gone WAY OVER THE TOP with this senseless invasion! I wonder if Putin has been tested for Syphilis recently? He seems to have gone quite mad!

We can't rule it out with all them pee parties him and Trump were rumored to have had.


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From what I been reading them Ukrainians are putting up a pretty good fight!

Going into day three of a full-scale Russian invasion I'd say they are doing pretty damn good! 

Reports coming out that at least some of Russian forces are very outdated tech, with poor morale from a conscripted army.

At least that is how it's being reported on this side of the pond.


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No one wants a war.

As an invading country, it would be hard to keep your morale up, simply because you're doing the wrong thing, & for no apparent reason.

And the fight would be at ground-level reasonably equal, since it's likely older Russian left-over weapons being used by the Ukrainians.


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It's turning into a proxy war...

Question is, if Russia sent in all it's outdated shit into Ukraine, where is all the new stuff pointing?

Getting the jump on anything is key... Has Russia and China been planning to wage war all along?

How does COVID play into all this? 


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SELLC wrote:

1. It's turning into a proxy war...

2. Question is, if Russia sent in all it's outdated shit into Ukraine, where is all the new stuff pointing?

3. Getting the jump on anything is key... Has Russia and China been planning to wage war all along?

4. How does COVID play into all this? 


R1. Maybe so...

R2. It won't be pointing anywhere...Yes, new missiles exist, but leaked US-of-A intelligence suggests that "weapons of mass destruction" have been "built into" many buildings throughout the world, through the 1960's, 70's, 80's & on & on...So no need to fire anything, just detonate. Check out 'UFO" thread for verification, with the retired Lt Col Thomas Bearden interview.

R3. Probably.

R4. COVID & likely this "war" are just part of the agenda to distract us from the friendly ET visitations that are growing in number around the world. The ET's & we-the-people don't want any war, we want to "hang out" together & travel among the stars.


Her you go, I'll re-link it here, & listen carefully to the whole thing please. Col Beardon reveals quite a bit that's coming into fruition...


-- Edited by Rastus on Saturday 26th of February 2022 08:40:39 PM


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You got to love the resourcefulness of them Ukrainian's

Now they are changing the road signs to profanities to confuse the Russians so they don't know which way to go!

It posted an edited photo of a standard road sign in which directions to nearby cities have been replaced with profanities that could be translated as "Go fuck yourself", "Go fuck yourself again" and "Go fuck yourself back in Russia".




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It really looks like the country & its people just want to be independent & free from...

1. Russia.

2. NATO.

3. Neo-Nazi's...


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When you put it like that, seems like Ukraine just needs to handle their own business then...

Yet the whole world is being invited and asked for help now that Russia has their capital surrounded.

Sadly, this is all still more interesting than COVID... haven't heard much about COVID lately in the media! Which is nice!

Who would have thought COVID would become so boring and repetitive that the idea of WWIII in the media would be considered a "break" from COVID?

You're right... we're in an age of disinformation at a time where the world is more interconnected than ever before!


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It's a cruel thing to mislead people the way that the media does these days, so we have to at the least, think for ourselves once-again, & not take any information for granted.


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Ukrainian President Says Prisoners with Combat Experience Will Be Released to Join Fight against Russia


Where have I seen this before? lol


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This Volodymyr Zelenskyy guy is starting to rub me the wrong way... I understand he's under a little bit of stress at the moment, with a world super-power currently invading his country... but for him to say the United States, let alone the entire WORLD is late to his party isn't sitting right with me... The USA has given Ukraine close to $1 billion dollars thus far!

His attempts to goad us into war to fight his battle is also irritating me! What does the USA get for fighting his war? The people of Ukraine don't want to be American any more than they want to be Russian! I think Zelenskyy has handled his countries affairs poorly if he has pissed the Russians off to the point of invasion. He was in charge of the country during the time their relations went sour... 

I think it's great he is staying and fighting, but I am starting to have my doubts as every time I see him in photos he's wearing brand new clothing or army gear without as much as a speck of dust! Could this guy Zelenskyy be playing the world? Trying to get everyone into World War III so he can rule Ukraine? I have heard stories that Zelenskyy is no angel himself! He's known to jail his opposition and silence media in the past according to some people. I don't know what is true or false in this misinformation age, but I don't like what I'm seeing.

Anyone have any thouhts on this Zelenskyy guy that they would like to share? I wish him and the Ukrainians all the best of luck, but do they expect us to start WWIII for their freedom? Or have they already started WWIII?


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You really need to read this SELLC...


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I don't think the author of that article has any brains whatsoever... he reads like a piece of shit to me!

I'm just shocked you fell for that crock-o-shit, Rastus!

Did the USA annex any part of Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, or ANY other sovereign nation? The answer is NO!

And often times the US will rebuild after a war and return the land to it's people! 

What is going on here is an outright take over by way of invasion... a re-draw of the map if you will... Not even in the same ball-park.

Wished there was more we could do for the Ukrainians, without setting off an official WWIII... 


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You're right SELLC, it IS a completely different ball-game...

The US-of-A & its allies can bomb & kill millions at a rate / average of 3-bombs per-hour for 20+years under the guise of Foreign Policy, & everything's fine...

But the Russians aren't allowed to keep US-of-A missiles & Neo-Nazi's away from its borders.


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Isn't Russia trying to kill a Jew right now? You were saying something about Neo-Nazi's?

This whole BS about Russia keeping USA missiles away from their borders is bullshit in this day and age of ICBM's, Drones and Submarines.

Freedom is not free... if you say our freedom cost us three bombs an hour then so be it!


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Rastus wrote:

The Ukraine also has 15-more nuke plants to worry about not being stuck by a stray bullet or friendly fire...

Then its all over for us too.


It would seem you called this one right out of the gate...

Currently the biggest reactor in Europe is on fire due to battle damage.


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SELLC wrote:

1.Isn't Russia trying to kill a Jew right now ? You were saying something about Neo-Nazi's ?

2.This whole BS about Russia keeping USA missiles away from their borders is bullshit in this day and age of ICBM's, Drones and Submarines.

3.Freedom is not free... if you say our freedom cost us three bombs an hour then so be it!

 LOL !

R1. I have no idea...I have not had a TV since about 1997, so I'm spared the fake-news & brainwashing. I sniff-out the news headlines on the internet via "1440", & maybe follow something up from there. Otherwise, I get e-mailed from people that I support. ("1440" e-mails me news headlines every day, that's aggregated from 100-news-sites in the US-of-A). I'll check-out Russian & Chinese news too, just to see who's makin'-bacon out of a story.

R2. I completely agree with you. I think that it's a fantasy media war. But it seems that there's plenty of folks needlessly being killed, so some investigation is warranted, & an upkeep on matters, as no one wants another Chernobyl...Fukushima has all but wiped-us-out already it seems...None-the-less, it appears that Mr.Biden's admin were secretly advising China with intelligence information, that China then passed on to Russia...Big mess brewing...And don't forget about the false-flag UFO invasion threat either...

R3. That didn't buy you your freedom SELLC, it bought you your gasoline...And these same mofo's are making you pay for it dearly now-days... I just paid $02:17 per liter, & it cost $36:00 to fill my MOTORCYCLE with fuel LOL !

-- Edited by Rastus on Friday 4th of March 2022 06:13:18 AM


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$36 to fill a MOTORCYCLE! That's fugging nutz!


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Here's a strange thought I had...

When Mr.Trumpdt shut-down the country, it messed a lot of people up, & yet, no doubt, a few people made a massive amount of money, on-top-of the massive amount they already had.

What's to say that Russia is doing exactly the same thing here, where rich people stand to make heaps more bux by having the country disconnected from the markets & banks ?

It's well know fact, that war is a racket, & disgracefully, certain sick elements in our society make lots of $$$ from others suffering.


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Yes, already there is being calibration to the world money... more is being made (printed) everywhere around the world...

Russia appears to be cashing in and going for the land option... along with 15 nuclear reactors. Apparently he doesn't just want a little bit of Ukraine... he wants the whole damn country.

You know what they say... "Buy land because God ain't making any more"


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For the record...A large portion of the Ukraine remains permanently uninhabitable because of the Chernobyl disaster...So that land is forever retired as toxic-wasteland...Like Japan...

Also, because of the banks, & the massive difference in the quality-of-life that a person in the Ukraine has, (when compared with anyone of us), the gain that Russia gets is really minimal I hate to say. And historically speaking, it was annexed by the USSR in recent history.

As an example, the average wage of a qualified doctor in the Ukraine might be only $100:00 USD a MONTH...Where a doctor in the US-of-A may earn 5-K USD a DAY or even more...

So you begin to see that it's been difficult at any-point-in-time for the locals to move away, since they will be plagued with illness from the nuke disaster, & their money has only enough value to keep-them-going within their own land.

No nukes is good nukes !


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Meanwhile, in Poland...



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Photos: Mariupol before the war

I know I've been kidding around the past few post, trying to lighten the mood...

But the photos in the link above make clear that a lot of people are being displaced and losing their homes... AND FOR WHAT?

Even if Russia rebuilds, which I doubt it would... there is no fixing this kind of carnage to the Ukrainians that lived thru it!


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The BALLS on Nacy Pelosi for visiting Ukraine! It was so hawt it made my pussy wet! confuse

Well worth the airfare...


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl



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