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Today's interesting thread!

I've been nosing thru the trash over there on BW.ORG over my vacation and felt compelled to make a "Today's interesting thread".

I'd like to start off with this one,

But please, feel free to add your own also.

Anyway, I feel this thread emboldens the entire BW.ORG "hive" mentality whereas they seem to think they are "entitled" to more than what they deserve. In this thread a guy buys a used rear lower control arm for $150 which everyone knows as a $1500 control arm from the dealership brand new, without the bearings, hubs, and backing plates. Looking at the link in the thread you can clearly see the backing plate has a slight bend, but the OP describes the slight bend as the car being drug thru the junk yard on the backing plates! LOL Clearly this is an exaggeration, and I should mention I have no affiliation, nor have I done business with either the buyer or seller.

That said, the OP goes on and on about how he is going to try and file a claim on his credit card and get the part for free! LOL! This is very typical BW.ORG behavior, folks, but if that isn't enough, it would seem all the regulars pile on encouraging this behavior while bragging about how they go about scamming companies for parts too. Yup... I have had to deal with a lot of these unsavory types myself, and I get the feeling most of them were probably BW.ORG members who were just cheapskates trying to get something for nothing, or misdiagnosed their problem and are looking for a free "test part". 

It's this type of people who tarnish the brand for others and make us all look bad, but that's why I stated this thread... To say what none of them had the integrity to say, which is - the guy got a darn good deal on a part he couldn't afford new. Because he had to straighten his backing plate is no justification for seeking a refund and I hope his card issuer denied the claim and I hope the seller charges him return shipping and a restocking fee for being the worst part of the Mercedes-Benz community.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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"Unsavory types" is a little light don't you think ?...

Sure sounds like something Stoma does as a matter of course...But then again, I'm not sure if he even knows how to use a spanner...




"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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I'm not exactly sure but I especially liked the most recent "Missing Members" thread... LOL, where the person who is pretty much responsible for the collapse of the forum "Teutone", actually has the nerve to ask in the public forum - "Where have all the members gone"!? That right there is PRICELESS!

Where have they gone!? Well most of them you probably banned, dumb a$$, and the other probably ditched the Mercedes brand when they seen people like Teutone and his band of pet flunkies mucking up the brand! Talbir went the way of the Ferrari, and me, well I'm getting sucked into the Corvette...  But I am sure all the missing members are still dabbling in the finer Mercedes arts, they just probably aren't sharing their experiences with such a rotten forum like BW.ORG! Vertical Scope is clueless to the fact that place is long since overdue for a complete and total management change, but that's great for me considering that their forum is more like entertainment (bad comedy at best), than a resource that I would trust.

Still, different strokes for different folks, I just can't believe the members allow themselves to be held back like they do on that forum. Such a shame.



What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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It seems even some other members comments back-up your thoughts SELLC, so who knows what the future may hold for them....

Having said that, the regular numbers here have been around the 400 mark per day for a while now !!! And that's just with you, me & PowerStroker doing bulk of the posts LOL !

I do like it here I must admit. Freedom of speech at its finest hour. Lets hope it stays that way too.




"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Thanks Rastus, speaking of "Freedom of speech",check out this little nougat from Teutone

Apparently he goes on a modification spree because people were talking politics... All the while making a political statement of his own in the same exact thread! LOL, this guy is the poster child for hypocrisy. LOL, he says -

"Gentlemen, I may not be too enthused about certain people entering political office either, but the W126is not the place for political or racist comments.

Political comments belong in Off Topic.
After several complaints about this thread, we had to do a little clean up. 

It would be a shame to have to have to shut down mclare's thread.
Glad you got there OK Mike"

Apparently this guy Mclare got a Government job in Washington DC and openly admitting to hating Trump LOL! I can see his career there is really going to flourish! LOL, NOT! Didn't he get the memo that a Republican named Trump won the election and is now the President? Reading thru the thread about him having to drive with no heat sort of makes me wonder why our government would employ him. Guess it all boiled down to someone in the forum getting him the job, feel bad for that dude when he totally screws the pooch.

It's also proof that the forum is infested with Democrats! No wonder I never got along with them! Still, you can't get any better comedy anywhere in the world! lol, as all the members revolt in an obvious rebuff to homosexuality by making off the cuff remarks about "women" and their fascination of them... Not that they ever get any, but just as a snub. lol 

Just hilarious stuff!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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McLare may actually be well suited to a political role.....Plenty of politicians just sit there doing nothing but watching the world go around them, only to remember to check that their wages are in the bank once a week. He may even rid some of them by offering advice on DIY car repairs, & we all know that accidents happen...




"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Oh... Ooooppss... This is the part where I am supposed to say "Don't pick on them people on BW.ORG and there is absolutely no opinion outside of the forums political agenda allowed"... In other words, you do as we say, not as we do! Thank you!

LOL... It's pretty bad when you have to self moderate yourself.... Note to self, there is the A.F.R. and off topic for this sort of trash... Self to self - WGAF...

Oh well... I tried...

Note to self (with a stern voice) - if this happens again I'll move this thread to the A.F.R. myself... Self to self - Yes sir... Sorry sir!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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So much for "no political threads" in the W126 forum

LOL! Look at that pathetic thread! Sums up the problem with America! Someone should tell the OP of that thread above that Australia segregates their immigrants and makes them pay $10's of thousands of dollars and many years of their life living in camps before they are allowed into Australia, yet for some reason Trump should just let Australia's refugees enter the USA!?

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! We need to deport the OP of that thread and every other PC a$$ kissing fool who supports such on-sided policy detrimental to our interest!


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Australia has a classification system that determines you situation, & deals with you & your situation as categorized.

Lots of Australian immigrants cheat the system, by coming over as legal & enrolled University Students...Once here, they change their selected course of study, into one that offers more PR points ( Permanent Residency Points ). And then they pass this information to friends, relatives & thieves etc back at home, & they enrole at University, & are invited over, & do the same thing. These are the folks that have to find the work, & earn the money to pay for the right to stay, & gain Citizenship after spending more money & time here...But they have to be fluent in speech & reading in English to even qualify. Plus they have to vow to our rules & regulations too.

Ultimately here in Oz, it's the Muslims that cause us the most grief, with most shootings & murders stemming from their activities. And since they're Muslims, they are tight-lipped, & reveal naught, which makes finding offenders & prosecution very difficult. Generally however, they kill their own anyway so who cares. But occasionally, an innocent real Australian is killed or gang raped etc etc.

Generally speaking, most Muslims ( that I have seen ) are financially stable, & have little to no monetary issues, as their wealth comes with them. No doubt there are the poor & needy too.

Other refugees / aliens, face a different categorization process, though ultimately, the Gov't, once they've made it into society, look after them IMO. Though of course, many would dispute that more care / financing is needed.

I believe that since a lot of their suffering is ultimately caused by US-of-A military activities, that the US-of-A needs to be held accountable too, & supply adequate care & provisions, whether in their homeland or the US-of-A's.



-- Edited by Rastus on Thursday 2nd of February 2017 09:51:40 PM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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It appears the member KRH seems to be pro-Trump, or at least keen to the idea of giving him a chance. This KRH guy reminds me a lot of you Rastus, in that he's got that whole calm G'day mate attitude going on. Yet he's quite a bit more accepting of Trump than you have been. Must be a conservative Aussie, if there ever was one. lol

So at least this guy KRH cleaned up the thread... $hit, could be at least another few weeks before BW spits out another nougat, maybe much sooner if McLare opens his flap! LOL


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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I actually checked SKY-news-Oz to find out about what this story is all about...And surprisingly, your US-of-A officials have been apologizing to us, stating that Oz & US-of-A ties are too deep, & go back too far, to allow 1-man ( Mr.Trump ), mess things up.

SELLC, Mr.Trump is out-of-touch, too old, & has taken on a job he's just not suited for. The last thing I expected were apologies for his behavior, but there you go. The press went on to say that Trump finished up saying, "Oh well, I guess some things can't be undone that were set-up by the previous leader". And then hung up the phone, when the discussion was meant to go on for another 35-minutes LOL. I guess he forgot he had other things to discuss...

I heed warnings when given, & I was was warned about Mr.Trump. Bit I'm actually not too worried anymore, since he's nothing more than an out-of-touch babbling idiot...How's that for a 1st impression LOL.

Good luck US-of-A, you're going to need it.

For the record, I'm neither left or right, & have always voted "Greens" & small independents to keep the political mix as large as possible. I dislike politics passionately, as it's all ego's, lies, & bullshit. And if politics is where you like to spend your time SELLC, so be it, but I have a life to get on with, & would rather enjoy the time that's given, than support a political ego.

In case you haven't figured it out yet, its a countries people that make a nation great, certainly not its elected officials, they are known to get it wrong too often.

BTW, we have around 15-odd "Detention Centres" around the country built to strict US-of-A designs with razor-wire & all that great stuff etc etc.

Why send Central American refugees 1/2-way around the world to Australia ?...




"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Rastus wrote:

Why send Central American refugees 1/2-way around the world to Australia ?...



The same reason Mexico has a wall at their Southern boarder.... For the same reason Mexico isn't taking them...


President Trump has already said he is all for helping refugees by setting up camps in their OWN nations, rather than just fast tracking them into the USA. What is wrong with that!?

-- Edited by SELLC on Saturday 4th of February 2017 07:50:49 PM


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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For the same reason Australia keeps it's immigrants on a separate island.

So please tell us all again Rastus, how America is not doing right by it's immigrants!? Currently you get a bus ticket and a court date if you illegally immigrate into the USA. How many do you think show up for the court date!? And of the ones that don't and still commit a crime, they are just kicked back out on the streets!? And people have the audacity to even suggest this "status-quo" is acceptable!?

The Australian immigration detention center on Christmas Island. (Photo: Paula Bronstein)

Migrants gather behind a fence at the Australian-operated Manus Island detention center in Papua


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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It still remains the US-of-A's fault that these poor, misplaced immigrants are seeking aid. The US-of-A has for countless years intervened in the politics & policies of many South American countries, such that "Coup-de-atat's", & dictatorships arise, that are selected, financed & backed by US-Of-A government. ( All unofficial of course )....

(The assassination of JFK was a coup-de-atat...So who's really in power ?....)

For your education, watch this, & discover how it all works...

Let this open your eyes, to how the world goes around SELLC, & why the South American refugees were caused by US-of-A greed.




"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Oh dear gawd... Now were going to be indoctrinated... 

I never thought I'd say this, but I am hoping for a whopper of a thread out of BW.ORG to change the subject, we already got this covered in the MB-TP.

In the meantime, here is a video for you... I'll even spend the time to embed it so you don't have to follow a link.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Rastus wrote:


It still remains the US-of-A's fault that these poor, misplaced immigrants are seeking aid. The US-of-A has for countless years intervened in the politics & policies of many South American countries, such that "Coup-de-atat's", & dictatorships arise, that are selected, financed & backed by US-Of-A government. ( All unofficial of course )....

(The assassination of JFK was a coup-de-atat...So who's really in power ?....)

For your education, watch this, & discover how it all works...

Let this open your eyes, to how the world goes around SELLC, & why the South American refugees were caused by US-of-A greed.




Please just watch this !!!

It will make you feel better about being American & what your leaders get up to, behind the scenes...





"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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So tell me Rastus... How do your Muslim refugees feel about being sent to "Christmas Island"? Or is that a baked in part of the program to spot the ones who are not likely to assimilate? 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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I can't tell you that, as since they're in captivity, they can't be interviewed, or at least haven't been as yet.

What I can tell you however, is that the UK bombed the crap out of the place nearby with atomic weapons in the 1950's-60's, so it's all still pretty toxic. This is another reason why I provide links to, as Professor Busby is representing victims in Court, that are suffering cancer & other ailments from Nuclear fall-out, from these, & other tests. He's winning too, so this is great news for everyone around the world & their health.

But let's not forget the organizers of transport for these refugees...I'm led to believe that they pay 10's of thousands of US-of-A dollars for transport to Oz, knowing full well that there's a stay in a detention center involved. Obviously there are a great many fuel stops involved along the way, & recent deals / negotiations with corrupt Indonesia has seen a great reduction in their numbers arriving ( refugees ).

It's also well known among our military personell, ( air-force & navy ), in low level whispers & jokes, that these refugees & their boats make great target practice, so many don't make our borders, & are lost-at-sea.

It was only by chance that a media person, on-a-story at some-point-in-time, caught a craft filled with refugees on camera, & so the story continues. We found that once you take the media out-of-the-picture, people forget about them, & think the problem's fixed, when in fact they just disappear...



-- Edited by Rastus on Sunday 5th of February 2017 08:44:40 PM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Sounds kind or Orwellian... 

Taking the media out of it and such..


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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It's all true, to the best of my abilities & memory to recount certain events over the years ( 1998 - present ) about these matters. I guess that's why we're trying to tell you guys our detention centers are full already....

And what happens out at sea happens. No cameras = no news story = no boat people.

Tropical waters off Australia are filled with a great range of sea-life that would have no problem or issue with digesting humans in their food-cycles, be it sharks, other fish, or salt-water-crocodiles. Everything that's edible will be eaten. And there's a lot of water to search for missing persons. Who's got the $$$ to do that ?.

Also, even if they made it onto land, it's a very hostile environment, & there would be little to no successful transition / travel to any major city. Mother nature has her ways too.




"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Check this thread out...

It's so rightfully titled "The things we clowns don't know" and it's about 6 years old...

When reading thru the thread you get the sense that a majority of their W126 readership is following closely the post on this forum, yet painfully lack the balls to say anything outside of their "safe spot", aka

It's really a good read! You can somewhat get an idea of their rather pathetic existence that sees them terrified of the reality that they are in fact losers trying to pick on someone they know is being unfairly banned and is unable to refute their lies. Many of them admit to having needed something from me in the past, all of them sharing the same thing in common... What is that you ask? Well they all are pencil necks who wouldn't know a thermostat from a ball joint! None of them are mechanics let alone licensed, they pretty much go about mucking up once fine vehicles. 

I wouldn't buy a car from any of these clown shoes... I'd be very careful when taking any advice from them too, as it's painfully obvious none of them have the credentials to even be talking in a web forum that deals in the service and repair of cars, let alone a Mercedes Benz..

No ladies and gentlemen, what you have in this thread is a collection of people that prove that having money doesn't necessarily mean you have any sense, outside a sense of entitlement that many of them share because obviously these clowns had to have inherited their cars and or fortune from parents that didn't have the heart to tell them their mothers were cheaters.


My most recent reason for having my account deleted and my membership funds returned to me? Because I was "advertising" they claim... Because a link was posted to a thread titled "Todays amusing Craigslist bargain", which is over 4 years old and contains thousands of links to Craigslist ads.

Yet the ads on this forum don't stop folks! Taking 5 minutes to load a page on is the norm! It's always been that way! But don't just take my word for it folks!

It's obvious... This collection of members on represents the poorest example of Mercedes ownership the world over! They complain about me, they complain about having too many ads and in return tells them all that such ads are needed to support the forum... Well if that is the case then why are they turning away money?

What I think is, and it's parent company Autoforums and Vertical Scope is running bigot forums that do not allow for free speech and that they do not allow conservative views on their forums AT ALL. They push all these ads because it's probably some kind of money laundering scheme with another umbrella company that claims to be the advertisers. As they tow the liberal line and remove any and all conservative views it becomes clear why taking $89 from me would cost them much more in the long run, as clearly I am no liberal and I have said for years that company is nothing but a terrorist front for their global network of Al-Qaeda and ISIS members to communicate under the radar and spread their radical agenda. I mean, c'mon folks... We are talking about a company that first banned me 12 years ago for simply expressing my displeasure for one of their members burning an American flag on the 4th of July! They allowed the post to burn on for MONTHS, while banning me for saying something about it! This is not a joke and you can read all about it on the web!

So, if you're one of the terrorist members that belong to a Vertical Scope / Autoforums site, you might want to re-think your membership. I myself always wanted to believe it was some rouge moderator that was responsible for this, but after having paid them REAL MONEY and then having them refund said money... It's clear... They aren't running any business! They are running a propaganda and recruiting campaign! 



What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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You're being too hard on them IMO SELLC, this is how I see things....

* You are a mechanic, & repair things everyday, & make a living out of doing this. You have an understanding of MB that these folks will never grasp, though you try to help them.
* You also have wit & cunning...Combine this with your mechanical knowledge, & you are soon acknowledged as a threat, & a loose cannon.
* You really don't belong there ( IMO ), since you could never ever really help anyone there, & those that nearly grasp where you're coming from, take things as a personal attack.
* The folks at this place are just normal people, doing normal everyday things that you don't do yourself, but they happen to have a common interest, that being MB.
* And with this interest, is where your paths cross, & both sides get angry with one-another...
* All they want to do is chat with folks & have a go at doing stuff to their cars on their own, & share their successes or flops.
* Seeing them mess up & waste precious money drives you nuts, since they don't understand what the right advice guidance is, to poor advice & guidance, until it's too late.

I suggest they keep you out to actually try & stay in business lol, which is why they refunded your $$$ back to you LOL !

In finishing, let them mess-up, or have a little success & a laugh among themselves. Just know that when they mess-up, it means that there's likely another customer potentially coming through your door for assistance LOL.




"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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So Rastus, you really think I started this web forum to drum up business!?

You think my conversations with you, PowerStroker or Stoma are to influence you to do business with me!? If that's how you feel, I'm sorry I have wasted so much time!

What you're trying to suggest is that people going to an automotive web forum don't want people there that know what they are doing! That is not true at all, but it has little to do with my situation considering I do own Mercedes for pleasure, I am a mechanic, I do run a business. SO WHAT!? Does that mean I can't be like everyone else and get on a web forum and have my opinion!? 

What you said above, "I suggest they keep you out to actually try & stay in business lol, which is why they refunded your $$$ back to you LOL !" doesn't make any sense at all! How is refunding $89 in any way a good business model for someone who is in business to make money!? We are talking about a web forum here, a collection of people sharing ideas! You have to ask yourself, or maybe I should ask them; how much money to buy the entire website and domain name? Because I feel changes need to be made to preserve the dignity of every poor soul on that retched little server!

That's a very selfish and shallow statement Rastus! You talk about equality and the rights of everyone to speak freely yet I have paid $89 to do so, only to be refunded without any valid explanation? I think it's quite clear you support censorship and you find amusing the very thing you claim to detest in others. That's called being a hypocritical bigot, Rastus... Just so you know. And that's a very hard thing to be!

-- Edited by SELLC on Thursday 16th of February 2017 10:05:07 AM


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Oh, and one more thing Rastus...

You and everyone else always ask why I just don't ban Stoma... And I have! Yet every time, after awhile, the small group here votes to bring him back... If only just to piss me off I'm sure... But I do, and not because you folks ask... But because there is a real person behind Stoma, and we're going to find out more about him... We are going to come to understand his real reasons for spending the effort he does to make problems here.. Eventually. 

The only difference being, I don't ask him or anyone else in here for money... I don't bog your computers down with needless spam, all the while banning paying customers for simply having a differing political outlook. I am outraged that the people of aren't angry they are being cheated! Putting up with all them ads in the name of revenue all the while turning up their noses at good money! It defies logic! Much like a lot of stuff on! 

Why don't you draft a letter Rastus... Address it to the CEO of Autoforums or Vertical Scope and ask them how much it's going to cost to buy lock stock and barrel. At least I'm trying to be proactive. 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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LIKE A PHOENIX RISING FROM THE ASHES.................... HERE TO SHIT ON REX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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And tell us all Stoma, who are YOU?


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:

And tell us all Stoma, who are YOU?




I WAS A POINTED THREE LURKER............................. BUT FOUND REFUGE IN THIS SEWAGE DUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!



LIKE A PHOENIX RISING FROM THE ASHES.................... HERE TO SHIT ON REX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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stoma wrote:

I WAS A POINTED THREE LURKER............................. BUT FOUND REFUGE IN THIS SEWAGE DUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!



No fu@king way.... It's you, isn't it!?

Why don't you have a Coke and a smile


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Does Pointed Three even exist anymore!?


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC, to Benz World, you are Stoma !!! That's why they ban you. You don't fit in, & folks are uncomfortable when you're on-line with them over-there. It's that simple.

It has nothing to do with "Freedom of Speech", but more to do with their "Forum Rules". You're considered a trouble maker, so get over it LOL !

The funny thing is, is that you persist in wasting your time over there !

Another point-of-view might be looking at the number of visitors from forum to forum, & then compare those daily numbers to here...

The numbers will show you that people like their "comfort zones", & would prefer to ignore their freedom-of-speech that's here, for a moderated site with like minded people.

I did not suggest you built this website to drum-up-business, but it certainly wouldn't hurt either. In fact, I kind of find it funny that you share so much information, because that may actually be taking business away from you. This is your call, & there's many ways to look at it.



NB I like it here because I can virtually say what I want, & get to hear the real bottom line about stuff that people are too afraid to discuss, or too scared to read about.

-- Edited by Rastus on Thursday 16th of February 2017 08:20:48 PM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Rastus wrote:


SELLC, to Benz World, you are Stoma !!! That's why they ban you. You don't fit in, & folks are uncomfortable when you're on-line with them over-there. It's that simple.

It has nothing to do with "Freedom of Speech", but more to do with their "Forum Rules". You're considered a trouble maker, so get over it LOL !

The funny thing is, is that you persist in wasting your time over there !

Another point-of-view might be looking at the number of visitors from forum to forum, & then compare those daily numbers to here...

The numbers will show you that people like their "comfort zones", & would prefer to ignore their freedom-of-speech that's here, for a moderated site with like minded people.

I did not suggest you built this website to drum-up-business, but it certainly wouldn't hurt either. In fact, I kind of find it funny that you share so much information, because that may actually be taking business away from you. This is your call, & there's many ways to look at it.



NB I like it here because I can virtually say what I want, & get to hear the real bottom line about stuff that people are too afraid to discuss, or too scared to read about.

A trouble maker you say huh? That's rather funny Rastus...

Compare traffic from to here? Well I am working out the real truth about, but I can tell you the scam goes a lot deeper than just Vertical Scope. I'd suggest reading "The Who's - Who of the internet" in the MB-TP section when I update it... Because it will blow your socks off if you like to read about scary stuff! The dots I connect, and the deeper more horrific implications are quite shocking really! I can say this, it's already well known that is not a great place for anyone, and I like stale and pathetic state it has sunk to, regardless if you don't want to acknowledge it's been happening.

I am not wasting my time Rastus! These people at have tried to run down my name and ban me out of existence, but you see... It's not going to work! In fact, it will come to pass that it backfires on them, and it already has!

And as for your "forum rules", well you can just shove that load of happy horse shit right back up your ass because if I got to follow the rules, then they should be equally enforced. That is not the case, and never has been. If you think that is even close to being a "valid" defense, then you would be thicker between the ears than I ever took you for.

This site is here to talk cars, and whatever else spawns from that core interest. I don't need to advertise Rastus, and even though I am self employed that doesn't mean I am above being a regular guy who likes to bullshit on the web forums any more, or less than anyone else. But all of a sudden it's an issue, because as you have already said - the owners of aka Autoforums / Vertical Scope haven't a clue when it comes to cars! They are the very definition of a poser! 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl



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username "Fonzi" got subforum-banned from the w126 forum for trying to document the condition of the car he purchased from mclare, not having read all the BS about no heat in the car and duct tape being used to fix it. What a cluster. Most of the items explicitly stated to work or be included with the car were not. The w140 glass roof swap apparently pioneered by Mclare was never even finished, and probably a big reason for the need of duct tape on that drive. Man, I wish I read that thread before buying that sight-unseen. Oh well. I tried to make my case heard. I'm no longer a moderator over there as a result. Too much "stirring the wasps nest" they say. I hear it. I'm fine with it. Can't be a part of that, at least not the moderation portion. Can't keep quiet about that. You know where they stand.



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Hello & welcome Fonzi !

This is a cool place to hang out IMO, but be warned, it does get heated at times, & I'm learning myself to try & steer-clear of political posts, as they can get ugly, & divide people...But discussion opens doors to solutions, so what do you do ?....

As for your car, a PM to the admin here may see you on your way to acquiring some parts for the beast, as anything that is rust-free can be restored IMO. You have a lot of work ahead, but not impossible. Discovering the full expenses needed is where you need to start. Alternatively, you may just have a donor car for something better. Little bits & pieces ( especially plastic ones ) become sought-after in time. The same goes for electrical switch-gear & electric motors.

Feel free to start your own thread on this matter with the 560. It should make for some interesting reading.




"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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fonzi wrote:

username "Fonzi" got subforum-banned from the w126 forum for trying to document the condition of the car he purchased from mclare, not having read all the BS about no heat in the car and duct tape being used to fix it. What a cluster. Most of the items explicitly stated to work or be included with the car were not. The w140 glass roof swap apparently pioneered by Mclare was never even finished, and probably a big reason for the need of duct tape on that drive. Man, I wish I read that thread before buying that sight-unseen. Oh well. I tried to make my case heard. I'm no longer a moderator over there as a result. Too much "stirring the wasps nest" they say. I hear it. I'm fine with it. Can't be a part of that, at least not the moderation portion. Can't keep quiet about that. You know where they stand.


I think I read about this in the AFR section,

Complete with a video of Mcliar singing an Eminem song.. lol, in what looks like a bar of all places. Of course now Mcliar is sporing a newer Benz and making that heavy car payment... So I am sure he "thinks" the W126 is irrelevant and why wouldn't he? Many iterations kicked his a$$.... But hey... Different strokes for different folks... Doesn't change the fact the condition of the vehicle was rather poor, but then again $1500 isn't much... Oh it's all fun and games until someone gets banned... lol


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl



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Rastus wrote:

Hello & welcome Fonzi !

This is a cool place to hang out IMO, but be warned, it does get heated at times, & I'm learning myself to try & steer-clear of political posts, as they can get ugly, & divide people...But discussion opens doors to solutions, so what do you do ?....

As for your car, a PM to the admin here may see you on your way to acquiring some parts for the beast, as anything that is rust-free can be restored IMO. You have a lot of work ahead, but not impossible. Discovering the full expenses needed  where you need to start. Alternatively, you may just have a donor car for something better. Little bits & pieces ( especially plastic ones ) become sought-after in time. The same goes for electrical switch-gear & electric motors.

Feel free to start your own thread on this matter with the 560. It should make for some interesting reading.



 Thank you!  Are you saying they actually allow free speech here and don't censor anything that might possibly allow someone's  panties to get in a bunch?  The w126 forum in BW kind of nauseates me.  So maybe it's good that they sub-forum-banned me over there. I do like to read the amuzing CL ad list and the FS forum posts, but I guess I could care less about the majority of other things in the forum.  Complaints about personal attacks on external parties are understandable, but if those guys can't watch a dumpster fire without complaining or commenting themselves, I'm not sure why I got banned, mostly because moderators are supposed to be held to a higher standard I guess.  I don't need a volunteer job playing whack a mole with Spam.  So I'm glad I'm out.  The 107 forum is a good place for sure, and I liked the Vintage forum too, even though it was quiet.  It never got enough action and I did what I could to keep the traffic coming.  you can see some regulars in the Vintage forum are pissed their posts are now getting deleted.  


I will NOT be restoring an engine swap w126 with over 180k mikes on it.  It does appear rust free, but I have yet to take the plastic rocker covers off.  I've got some US lights to put in it and keep it a driver while parting it out, maybe putting a better driver seat in it, because you can see that one is spent.  


I learned about the w126 forum the hard way.  I'd been a small part of the forum for over a year now, but didn't really get to know the players.  $1200 bad purchase is a small price to pay.  It could have been far worse. I will get my money back with some work.  Not upset, but do want the mcliar exposed for sure.  





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fonzi wrote:
Rastus wrote:

Hello & welcome Fonzi !

This is a cool place to hang out IMO, but be warned, it does get heated at times, & I'm learning myself to try & steer-clear of political posts, as they can get ugly, & divide people...But discussion opens doors to solutions, so what do you do ?....

As for your car, a PM to the admin here may see you on your way to acquiring some parts for the beast, as anything that is rust-free can be restored IMO. You have a lot of work ahead, but not impossible. Discovering the full expenses needed  where you need to start. Alternatively, you may just have a donor car for something better. Little bits & pieces ( especially plastic ones ) become sought-after in time. The same goes for electrical switch-gear & electric motors.

Feel free to start your own thread on this matter with the 560. It should make for some interesting reading.



 Thank you!

1. Are you saying they actually allow free speech here and don't censor anything that might possibly allow someone's  panties to get in a bunch?  The w126 forum in BW kind of nauseates me.  So maybe it's good that they sub-forum-banned me over there. I do like to read the amuzing CL ad list and the FS forum posts, but I guess I could care less about the majority of other things in the forum.  Complaints about personal attacks on external parties are understandable, but if those guys can't watch a dumpster fire without complaining or commenting themselves, I'm not sure why I got banned, mostly because moderators are supposed to be held to a higher standard I guess.  I don't need a volunteer job playing whack a mole with Spam.  So I'm glad I'm out.  The 107 forum is a good place for sure, and I liked the Vintage forum too, even though it was quiet.  It never got enough action and I did what I could to keep the traffic coming.  you can see some regulars in the Vintage forum are pissed their posts are now getting deleted.  


2. I will NOT be restoring an engine swap w126 with over 180k mikes on it.  It does appear rust free, but I have yet to take the plastic rocker covers off.  I've got some US lights to put in it and keep it a driver while parting it out, maybe putting a better driver seat in it, because you can see that one is spent.  


3. I learned about the w126 forum the hard way.  I'd been a small part of the forum for over a year now, but didn't really get to know the players.  $1200 bad purchase is a small price to pay.  It could have been far worse. I will get my money back with some work.  Not upset, but do want the mcliar exposed for sure.  




a1. Yes, "Freedom of Speech" survives here quite well. Personal attacks are tolerated, since they're often deserved as a reply to taking-a-bait, or other...Censorship, banning, or posts being moved into another thread, where only members can view when logged-in, occurs typically when a persons family-members are attacked for NO reason. And this is fair-enough IMO.

Bickering & problems are welcomed however. This includes your current experiences with McLare. It also helps to keep you sane.

a2. The admin here will assure you that an M-117 is capable of huge mielages without issue. Regular oil-changes & maintenance, including timing-chain / guide-rails should see the old-girl carry-on for well over 500,000 mils. Warm the engine up, & carry-out a compression-test to evaluate wear. Alternatively, a "Cylinder power-balance-test" will indicate a general trend in of a cylinders condition. ( With the engine running at idle, a Scope-machine is attached to the ignition system, & each cylinder is selectively cut-out for a few seconds, & the drop in idle-speed recorded. The cylinders that make the least difference in idle-speed (when cut-out), are the ones to investigate for problems, as they're not making power ). I'd do this before making my mind up about the cars immediate & long-term future.

a3. I landed in this place by complete accident, & haven't needed to explore anywhere else. It seems all the good-stuff ends-up-here...




"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.

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IMG_4431.JPGI'm not going to invest my life bring that car back. It may do some service as is and get some repairs that cost me next to nothing, but it just has too many issues IMO. I've got far cooler w126 cars I'd rather dontust repair on than bother bringing back a common US 560sel with a motor swap.

As I understand it, the motor came from a 560sec, and we all know the transmission is suspect.

Tonight when I was at the shop (cutting the rear floor from an r107 on the way the scrap yard for one of two r107 that I know will need a new floor under the parcel shelf), I'd intended to see if the 560sel has the LSD 2.47 rear end id expect it to have. That might be nice for my 1985 500se AMG, which I believe has a standard 2.47 diff. I've been collecting parts for that car to embark on the "restoration".  

Ironically the front AMG spoiler I bought from "slowandrusty" in Houston, and my friend Dan Goshorn (dgosh28) is holding the SEC front bumper and the AMG front spoiler waiting for me to figure iut how to get it up east.  He's in the northwest side of houston, and I think he wasn't affected by the flooding as much as most areas.  

Anyway, my plan is to restore the 1985.  Some parts from the 1990 might come in handy.  But I've already parted a 1989 300se.




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Welcome to the forum Fonzi 

You remind me a lot of myself when I first started getting into the W126 in that you're buying a lot of them, having a good time and getting banned from

I'd say that's an indication that you're on the right track! Don't let them get you down over there and trust me when I say the entire forum there is a $hithole run by the same exact people who banned you... So don't think for one minute it's just limited to the W126 section.

Have fun!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl



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Apparently it was just one ~3 top level moderators. One recused himself because he knows me personally. Another came back and said what they did was wrong and reversed it, and offered a peace offering that I declined. It seems the one that banned me from his subforum is a douche from down under and the other kind of a Douchebag for recusing himself. But I guess I was somewhat "begging for a ban" to make my point. I was somewhat disappointed they didn't fully ban me 100%.



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If I am not mistaken was originally an Australian site owned by an Aussie "down under". The first real war was when a guy named Frank from New Jersey took the forum over, then of course it got handed over to Auto Forums / Vertical Scope of Canada... Place has been pretty much a corporate advertisement venue every since.

All that was is long-long-long since gone.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:

Welcome to the forum Fonzi

You remind me a lot of myself when I first started getting into the W126 in that you're buying a lot of them, having a good time and getting banned from

I'd say that's an indication that you're on the right track! Don't let them get you down over there and trust me when I say the entire forum there is a $hithole run by the same exact people who banned you... So don't think for one minute it's just limited to the W126 section.

Have fun!


Yep, getting Banned from is pretty much a rite of passage for many of us, after actually trying to contribute and genuinely help others there. 

It's actually quite liberating to leave behind.


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The ads suck. The "join our newsletter" pop up sucks. The management of skins sucks. I think 3/4 of the people that might be interested in contributing say the site sucks and never sign up or continue. I use the auto guide app to make it manageable which works for me. So it really came down to the w126 people and the top levels letting them make decisions for all that made me start hating the place. I honestly tried to build up the Vintage forum to create some traffic and content, but I don't need that crap. Now they've got a thread-locker as the moderator there. Sucks for all the contributors. Oh well.



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Most people either leave that shithole of their own accord, or they get ~BANNED~. Either way, they're gone.

As it should be.

And with Fonzy yet another "good guy" bails on that place and finds greener pastures elsewhere.



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I think I seen Fonzi on the other day... So it's clear he loves that BW.ORG stank... lol

At least whenever I visited it was to let them all know what a$$holes they were.

I'm just glad I got my money back for their premium membership because the place really does $uck and the people that are left there aren't any of the greats anyway, just the a$$hole wannabe's who don't know their d1ck from a heater hose. 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl



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Well, as opposed to actively needing to open this web page, my auto guide app list of notifications shows me a list of BW threads that interest me. Most recently post 10109 of
Seemed like a douchey comment by GreenT. I think I remember him as one of the ones My friend Luke Colorado would fight with commonly. It really is the w126 section that seems to super-suck



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My personal favorite was the one from that peckerwood TexasFinn

Actually, IIRC, the sludge formed by chemical reaction when mixing regular coolant with Dex-Cool. As is, Dex-Cool just builds up acid and eventually rust and eats away everything in its path. 

Nasty stuff, nevertheless and definitely pretty high on GM's "stupid inventions" list.  Fighting for the top spot are also opti-spark ignition and reverse flow cooling, among others. 

LOL! People complain about the early versions of DexCool that would react with other antifreezes and in truth, YES, after 10-15 years DexCool will turn into sludge! LOL, seen it LOTS of times in the S-10 as that crazy Animal guy in there claims... But the thing everyone fails to admit is the fact they have run this coolant for over 10 years! That's 5 years over the manufactures rating and 3 years longer than I'd ever recommend my customers run their antifreeze in a daily driver. DexCool really isn't all that bad when changed in normal intervals. 

Same holds true to the Opti-Spark distributor! It's a pretty good unit and people fail to realize that despite it's fancy design it's still an "arc" ignition system that requires regular cap and rotor replacements, yet many will blow way past the 50,000 mile recommended service interval and allow all that slag to build up on the electrodes and thus it falls off and tosses around in a sideways mounted distributor! LOL, not very smart! Still, same kind of thing as people not changing their timing chain guides... it happens.. Yet they will run out and buy some POS aftermarket China standard distributor and blame the Opti when that fails in short order... LOL

Such a parroting bunch over there at BenzWorld... Repeating everything they hear without the slightest idea of what they are talking about. Some things never change I guess.


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Can't we all just have a truce now? You guys all trust me right? Just give me your bank account numbers and some JB Weld and I'll make you an awesome 126 wagon. I mean I am a sunroof Master how much harder can it be? I did manage to con actual mechanics into coming and putting 560sec motor into my piece of shit sedan so what could go wrong? I also teach you the secrets of super awesome front butt wedgies. I might even let you in on secrets of rocking the mic. If you're going for a new look I can teach you a awesome diet that will lead you directly to Paralysis on your left side. The gangster gimp is a new style that's going around.




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And here come the drive-by pot shots....



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Quite tame IMO.

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