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Post Info TOPIC: UFO's
What are your thoughts & /or experiences with these matters ? [5 vote(s)]

Yes, they are real, no doubt.
I've never seen one, but I perceive we're not alone.
The Government has me greatly confused on this matter.
Who cares ?
You must be joking, haven't we heard enough about this bull****
No, it makes for great publicity however !


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Hello folks,

I myself have always had a great interest in this subject matter, & have actually seen a couple in my life-time so far. ( Not little green men, or any abduction with anal-probes (like Stoma has received lol), but certainly Unidentified Flying Objects flying in the sky )....The point of this unusual topic / thread is to learn what you may or may not have seen in your time here, & your thoughts on the subject.

This subject can go pear-shaped quite quickly, but I think it's important to discuss this matter in an open & honest manner, & without ridicule or scorn to any members or visitors, that have some input to help us all gain a little understanding on this "swept-under-the-carpet" subject.

Of course there will likely be examples provided of past reports etc, to support ones claims, & this is fine ! But to keep on-topic with personal thoughts & experiences, please don't start a fight or war based on past reports or claims, but reveal only your own perceptions.

Why did I start this thread ?...Great question ! Believe it or not, "enenews" has just posted an interesting article with regards to UFO's, & their persistent appearances around Nuclear facilities, that records date back to the mid-1940's of sightings, that continue to the present day....Yes...

My thoughts here are that with all the calculated pollution that's been released from every Nuclear disaster, ( not the least Fukushima Daiichi ), that we should have disappeared from existence a long time ago, & that we're possibly being helped-out by these "caring" visitors, & that's why we're still here !

Vote !!! And post your thoughts !!! And check-out "enenews" for your own interest into the current observations & Government responses...It seems the world is changing, hopefully for the better !




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I voted yes they are real, because I'm quite sure that flying objects have existed that we have been unable to identify. Does that mean that I believe they are alien flying saucers - probably not.

We have been sending radio waves in to space for about 100 years, and we have yet to receive back any that would indicate intelligent life- at least within our corner of the galaxy. But with as vast as just our galaxy is, 100 years isn't nearly long enough for a meaningful result. And when you consider the fact that the Milky Way Galaxy is itself larger than our brains can comprehend, it is still only 1 galaxy, and there are more galaxies in the universe than there are grains of sand on Earth.

Is there life elsewhere in the universe? Most likely albiet extremely rare... Will we ever make contact? Nope.

I say this because the Universe is expanding outward in every direction, which means the distance between galaxies is growing and doing so at an increasing rate of speed that will eventually reach near the speed of light. In fact, when we look at the stars in the night sky, we are actually looking back in time at the galaxy as it was millions of years ago. This is because visible changes to the galaxy are also limited to the speed of light, which over such distances is relatively slow.

Whereas the maximum speed we will ever even dream of traveling is near the speed of light, we will never be able to make any progress in closing the gap between galaxies, which means we are left to searching for life within the Milky Way Galaxy, which is also expanding outward in every direction. though not as quickly.

With as rare as intelligent life is likely to be, it is quite possible that we are alone at least within the Milky Way, which is eventually going to become like all other galaxies - an Island unreachable by anyone from another galaxy. But even if there is intelligent life elsewhere within the Milky Way, we are unlikely to ever make contact because by the time they receive the first radio signal we sent 100 years ago, our species will have already been extinct for a very long time from the inevitable death of our own sun. Even without human induced climate change, our sun will grow increasingly hotter and cook off our oceans long before it goes supernova. A species advanced enough to leave now will likely find Earth to be a cooked rock like Venus by the time they get here, though they may at least be able to study some of our ruins.

Unless of course we repeal the new Trump corporate tax welfare and instead reinvest in education, colonizing space, and other more worthy ventures.



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PowerStroker wrote:

Unless of course we repeal the new Trump corporate tax welfare and instead reinvest in education, colonizing space, and other more worthy ventures.




What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Cool posts folks ! And I really like the fact that so far, the votes are aiming in a positive way, that there "is" the possibility of visitors / entities looking around here.

Over the past 20-years or so, there also seems to be quite a few respected military personnel & government officials ( including astronauts & cosmonauts alike ) that are revealing their own experiences to the public, in an effort to bring insight to us from their own experiences. I personally find great interest in the reports from before the 1950's, when the world was a much larger & disconnected from place-to-place, & communications were a rare ability shared by only the most advanced countries. This gives more credit IMO to reports of sightings from around the world, that were seen on similar dates & times, & reported locally in news-papers etc, but yet remained unknown to the rest-of-the-world until weeks later, until news-papers arrived from these places...And yet these appearances happened on the same nights etc.

Little-green-men aside, ( for now ), I tend to think that a majority of these sightings are of living life-forms, that do-their-thing by their own natural course, just like a fish swims in water, & a bird flies in our air. These life-forms have their place in outer-space, & do their thing in their own environment. It also seems that their "being" is generally out-of-our sensory spectrum, & only sometimes, do their spectrum's & ours overlap, which is why we sometimes see them, & mostly not. ( Think of a mouse that you spot in your kitchen, & one moment he's there looking at you, & the next, he's disappeared, & appears at the other-side of the room. He's moved so fast, that our eye's ( by design ) were too slow to see the movement, & yet there he is, on the other side of the room). - Maybe not the best example, but it does suggest what I'm alluring to.

Anyhow, let's hope more folks chime-in soon ! I'll write about my sighting(s) sometime soon, though they're hardly anything super-special, though unusual.

Check this link out !


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I just snapped around 120 photos of a UFO that was flying around close-by around 20-minutes ago...And then it came back again LOL, but was further away from me than the last time...In fact it's still out-side as I write this post, but not close enough to warrant photos. It left like a flash of lighting the first time around, here one moment, & gone the next !

It essentially looked like a massive star, about the size of a dime, was alternating white-to-orange-to-red & back. The distance away can only be approximated, but we figured around 2-3 miles in US-of-A scale.

The camera revealed 3 x orbs in triangular formation, but none-of-the-photos show this...I'll scroll through them all, & pick the best-picture to post up here.

I also have two witnesses that saw the same thing. And an aeroplane flew past too, that settles any doubt about it being another plane, as the lighting on the aeroplane was easy to depict, & it was further away at higher elevation.

Awesome stuff.




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Oh yes I believe we are not alone. I have never seen one. I saw an article of a guy did autopsys on over 3000 different species.

Drive it like you stole it


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Rastus wrote:


I just snapped around 120 photos of a UFO that was flying around close-by around 20-minutes ago...And then it came back again LOL, but was further away from me than the last time...In fact it's still out-side as I write this post, but not close enough to warrant photos. It left like a flash of lighting the first time around, here one moment, & gone the next !

It essentially looked like a massive star, about the size of a dime, was alternating white-to-orange-to-red & back. The distance away can only be approximated, but we figured around 2-3 miles in US-of-A scale.

The camera revealed 3 x orbs in triangular formation, but none-of-the-photos show this...I'll scroll through them all, & pick the best-picture to post up here.

I also have two witnesses that saw the same thing. And an aeroplane flew past too, that settles any doubt about it being another plane, as the lighting on the aeroplane was easy to depict, & it was further away at higher elevation.

Awesome stuff.




I just have to ask, were you or any of your friends enjoying any Bonded Jim Beam at the time you seen this UFO? lol 

I myself have never seen an UFO yet, but I would love to see your photos! More and more people are claiming to have seen them and often times much like the way that youre describing with similar orbing lights. 

I want to believe! 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:
Rastus wrote:


I just snapped around 120 photos of a UFO that was flying around close-by around 20-minutes ago...And then it came back again LOL, but was further away from me than the last time...In fact it's still out-side as I write this post, but not close enough to warrant photos. It left like a flash of lighting the first time around, here one moment, & gone the next !

It essentially looked like a massive star, about the size of a dime, was alternating white-to-orange-to-red & back. The distance away can only be approximated, but we figured around 2-3 miles in US-of-A scale.

The camera revealed 3 x orbs in triangular formation, but none-of-the-photos show this...I'll scroll through them all, & pick the best-picture to post up here.

I also have two witnesses that saw the same thing. And an aeroplane flew past too, that settles any doubt about it being another plane, as the lighting on the aeroplane was easy to depict, & it was further away at higher elevation.

Awesome stuff.




I just have to ask, were you or any of your friends enjoying any Bonded Jim Beam at the time you seen this UFO? lol 

I myself have never seen an UFO yet, but I would love to see your photos! More and more people are claiming to have seen them and often times much like the way that youre describing with similar orbing lights. 

I want to believe! 

 LOL !

No, but I did have a drink of the Bonded afterwards LOL ! I tried to upload minutes after my last post, but it didn't want to do so, so I'll try again now....


IMG_0649 - Copy (2).JPG



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Here's another one...

IMG_0615 (2).JPG


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And one more for good measure !

IMG_0700 (2).JPG



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And another one for good measure ! I've posted the extremes of this things ever changing shape. There's some other interesting one's too that I'll post if people want to see them.

IMG_0651 (2).JPG



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That is just amazing Rastus!

Too bad you couldnt have gotten a video, what are them lines? Trails? Very odd! The first one looks like a UFO the others not so much.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Cool pics!

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Thanks guys !

I agree with SELLC about the first picture, as that was essentially what we saw with our eyes. I won't get into what the camera sees, as I don't know how to answer that one, but those are the pictures LOL ! I just leave it in "auto" & shoot. It won't pick-up the stars at night, but did pick-up this thing however.

The camera's just a Cannon IXUS-185, 20.0 mega-pixel. I'm not into photography, but bought it to take snapshots of the engine-rooms of the many different vessels I'd sailed on, essentially in the belief that if I got to work on the same ship again in the future, I could refresh my mind as to its lay-out, & then slip into regular routine more quickly.

Now-days however, camera's are banned, & everything is hush-hush, with security enforcement top-priority.

Oh yeah, the UFO was back again last night, & I did grab some more photos, but the battery was nearly flat, so it seems ( for now ) that none-of-them were transferred to the little SDHC, as I checked-it-out on the computer, whilst the battery was recharging...This is disappointing too, as it was much closer last night, & moved around a lot more.

I might just have to jump-in-the-car tonight if it appears again, & get a closer look for better snap-shots...



-- Edited by Rastus on Saturday 6th of October 2018 06:58:48 PM


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A video would be really cool, but be careful when you start chasing down UFOs! You could get abducted and subjected to anal probing and all sorts of nasty experiments. 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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The darned thing appeared again last night !...And I got a few photos again too, though they're not too dissimilar to what I've already posted here...

As soon as I decided to jump in the car to get a better look, whoosh...Off it went again...

IMG_0849 (2).JPG


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Drive it like you stole it


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Shawnee_B wrote:


I read about that Shawnee, looked like a whole pack of Rastus inter-stellar buddies!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Rastus wrote:


The darned thing appeared again last night !...And I got a few photos again too, though they're not too dissimilar to what I've already posted here...

As soon as I decided to jump in the car to get a better look, whoosh...Off it went again...



This would probably be a good time to mention the futility in trying to chase down a flying UFO in a automobile.

But I admire your enthusiasm! 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:
Shawnee_B wrote:


I read about that Shawnee, looked like a whole pack of Rastus inter-stellar buddies!

 Looked odd for sure!

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Looks like mine have disappeared for now, & headed up your way !


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They are welcome here :)

Drive it like you stole it


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Drive it like you stole it


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Someone was saying on facebook that they too had seen things similar to Rastus, even had some photos that looked similar...

But from what I am reading it would appear these things are nothing more than drones...

Sorry guys, but your UFO's are simply drones with high powered LED light units attached to them.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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That could well be the case ^^^^^^ with drones, but we'll never know until I get to see the drone I suppose....

Interestingly, I did "chase" one down the road for about 5-miles ( Read as drove down the road keeping the light in sight ), & realized it was a fruitless effort, as "it" seemed to be keeping about the same distance away from me regardless. I did take some photo's too, but haven't processed them yet, as I figured they'd end-up being not-much-different to what I've already posted.

There's also been no reports of slaughtered animals, ring-marks in crops, or any anal probing reported lol !

But I do question how powerful these lights are, as they appear to be much-much brighter than air-craft lights - ( even when the aircraft is much closer & lights on ), & "my" UFO can be seen clearly when its say around 20-miles away...And what's the range of the remote control ?...

It was fun while it lasted I suppose !


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Off subject but anyone watch any of the drone racing league? DRL, It's international, pretty cool. ESPN2 couple times a week.

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You'll love this one Shawnee ! Its a short film made by ex-navy-servicemen, & some actual footage towards the end.

The funny thing is, these"tic tac" UFO's look strangely similar to the new "laser-weapons" designs from "Star Wars II" that we've been seeing from time-to-time...


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Looks good Mate, have to watch later. Cookin pork, taters and shrooms now!

Damn I was down that area several times, last 2 week cruise as laison/electrician on the USS Kittyhawk. I didn't see any UFO I am aware of. Many aliens though, think they were called crew!

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This is a great show !

Take the time to watch the whole lot if you can...


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The Area 51 thing is supposed to be coming up soon!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:

The Area 51 thing is supposed to be coming up soon!


I've been watching lots-of-this-stuff lately, & most of its really good information, if not, it makes for fun lol...( eg Corey Goode...Take it or leave it ).

Google Bob Lazar for any credible (imo) Area-51 stuff, or rather S-4 !

Check this out if you're interested...


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I thought I'd bump this thread, since a really important event is happening on the 6th-April this year, with the release of Dr.Greer's new film, CE-5 contact has begun...

The purpose of this film, is for us all to able to initiate peaceful contact with our visitors from other worlds using proven protocols, & to hopefully steer our world leaders into transforming our little world into the awesome place that it was meant to be, by following our example.

It's time for us alone to stand-up, & set the example for the future we deserve, & leave our current ways-of-life behind, if we want to survive our current downward spiral of ****ing ourselves over through war, pollution, & generally really poor leadership.

Not all politicians are necessarily bad, since they've been denied access into what goes on into these now known Unacknowledged Special Access Projects, & where the trillions of unaccountable dollars go missing.

I'll post a link here, to one of many great American people, that have come forward & disclosed their involvement in such projects. They are NOT traiters, or breaking any laws, since the projects that they were signed into ( read into ) were essentially illegal in the first place, making the oath null & void.

Important viewing here guys & gals, likely even life changing in the most positive way possible.

I'll bump this thread once a week or so & post more interviews of these truly awesome people, that have given us not only hope for a great future that we can shape for ourselves, but for having the courage to go-on-film, & let us all know about it.

Everyone that's been interviewed has something special to offer us all, but Mr.D.Phillips is a really cool guy, I like him a lot, & I've decided to link-him-up first since he not only has witnessed UFO's, but went on to work on USAP's after serving in the military...

Enjoy !



-- Edited by Rastus on Saturday 29th of February 2020 05:29:01 PM


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It seems that the link I posted has been severed, sorry about that ! ( It was fine & worked when I posted, but not now lol ).

You'll be able to find them yourselves, & take the trouble to do so.

Go to "Sirius", scroll to evidence, & then down the page to witness accounts, & help yourselves.

It seems that the truth is very sensitive, & folks don't want us to know about it.

Regardless however, the 6th April will bring us awesome insight with this new film.


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And to think I just watched Flight of the Navigator last night on my Disney TV+ station that I get free for a year with my Verizon subscription. 

I remember the film as a kid and it was just as good last night at the ripe old age of 44.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:

And to think I just watched Flight of the Navigator last night on my Disney TV+ station that I get free for a year with my Verizon subscription. 

I remember the film as a kid and it was just as good last night at the ripe old age of 44.


LOL !!!

It is a great film !

Have you seen "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" from 1977 ?...Steven Spielberg wrote the story & directed the film...There's 2-versions of it, though I'm pretty sure that they've now condensed the 2 versions into a final-cut-edit. It was re-released a few years later, around 1980, with a number of extra scenes shot, including viewing inside the mother-ship, but this was cut-out of the version you get now, as Mr.Spielberg never really wanted it, but was used at the time of it's re-release, as a "tag" to go see it again, & see what's inside.

Dr. J.Allen Hyneck makes a cameo appearance in there too. He was a skeptic about UFO's, that then became a believer after being employed by the gov't to debunk the issue with regards to "Project Bluebook". He was an astro-physicist & astronomer with NW University (?)...He claimed that there was so much information available about the subject, that it was "An embarrassment of riches".

A great film none-the-less, so check-it-out. And the musical score is one of my all-time-faves from John Williams. ( Star Wars, Jaws, Indiana Jones etc etc etc )


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I have very fond memories of watching close encounters of the third kind as a kid, probably the later 80's version as I recall it was one of the first times I had used my Air-Popcorn maker, which was early 80's.

I have since seen parts of it later in life but I'll never forget the communication in an almost "Simon" light and sound manner between the spacecraft and the Government facility. 

It was a very good flick, and I love re-watching films that I haven't seen since being a kid, as when I re-watch them now I usually find so many things I never picked up on as a kid. That is a beauty of film.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl



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Im seeing a lot of motion blur. Try increasing the frame rate or decreasing the shutter speed if an actual camera. If a phone, shooting video, use the slo-mo feature (120-240fps), stills are still several frames of HD video.

I am sorry, Senator. I have no clear recollection of the events in question!


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Stan_147 wrote:

Im seeing a lot of motion blur. Try increasing the frame rate or decreasing the shutter speed if an actual camera. If a phone, shooting video, use the slo-mo feature (120-240fps), stills are still several frames of HD video.

 Thanks Stan !

This was just a grab-the-camera & shoot-on-auto as quick as I could. I'm not really into photography, though my 1st digital camera, a Canon A-460 (?) would take a much better picture than this one, even though the specs would tell you otherwise.

Really disappointed the A-460 developed a common fault, & had to be thrown away. Repair was possible, but more expensive than the original asking price, so I bought a new one with better specs, but lousy results.

Just aim & shoot with great results with the A-460. I don't think I've taken a good photo yet with the new one lol !


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Hey folks,

Just a quick "bump" here to let ya'll know that due to the Corona virus (lol) Mr.Greer has regretfully had to cancel the cinema premier of his new film "CE-5", simply because most cinema's in the US-of-A have limited their maximum capacities to only 250-people, & he'd already sold-out the 800-seats ages ago...

This means that once the virus has passed, the premier at a cinema will be on again, though digital downloads still remain available from 7th April as usual for only $25:00, so things haven't changed for me, or most of us here, & that's a good thing.

Also, if you You-Tube "Sirius Disclosure witness testimonies", you'll get to choose from over 60 witness accounts that are currently available. All are worth the watch, with perhaps the longer vids ( 1/2-hour or more ) getting right into the nitty-gritty of things.

Mr.Bearden would be my next choice for those interested in how free energy exists everywhere, & how we're being screwed with pollution to make electricity & pay bills for it...Not to mention the many great people who have suffered & lost trying to get this stuff out to all of us.

Mr.Callahan also offers a great insight as to how the gov't operates to cover stuff up. They're all great people.


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Hey folks,

Here's a very interesting watch for y'all, where the late Dr.Von Braun's secretary, from (at the time) Fairchild industries, discloses her relationship with the Doctor, & what he asked her to do, just before his death, when he was dying from cancer. She was essentially asked to be spokesperson/representative on his behalf, at the many different meetings & presentations he was meant to participate in.

Matters such as Russia being the enemy, Gadaffi, Sadam Houssein,, a war in the Persian Gulf etc etc were all discussed with her by Mr.Von Braun, way back in 1974...

So the agenda of the elite appears to be around 20-years in advance of when these things happen.

There's heaps more of course that's dealt with, such as weapons-in-space for instance, but don't listen to me, hear & see it all for yourself, from this truly amazing lady !


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Yo folks,

Just bumping this thread so that those interested are reminded once again of the release of "CE-5" on the 7th April, & can be downloaded through Amazon in the US-of-A for peanuts...Money well spent IMO, especially if you're looking at helping change the state-of-the-planet, as well as gaining insight at to what the gov't is really up to & hiding from us...

I'll also provide a link to the witness testimony of Mr.Don Phillips, since I've now found a way lol ! I've already mentioned him before, above in another post, so I won't rewrite an introduction, except to say that he's a really cool fellow, & has a pretty-good sense-of-humor. Check-it-out !!! And don't forget about the film CE-5 !


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Hey people,

I just finished downloading & watching Dr.Greer's new film, & it's quite-a-good film. It will bring new-comers up-to-speed about the world around us in an intuitive way, whilst satisfying people like myself too.

A must-watch for everyone.

Here's a sneaky-peek at the film promo !

-- Edited by Rastus on Tuesday 7th of April 2020 10:24:47 PM


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Hey folks,

Mr.Greer will be on Fox News tonight, live with Laura Ingraham, discussing the Pentagons "official" release of UFO footage, & the consequences it presents for us all, as he predicted many years ago.

As presented in the new film "CE-5", the US-of-A government admitted that the UFO footage leaked to media today, was indeed a deliberate release. This footage was provided to master disinformation operative Louis Elizondo & TTSA with the False-Flag narrative of an alien threat...

This is a must watch, & is scheduled for airing at 7-pm Pacific, & 10-pm Eastern time.

Important times indeed !!!


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Here you go folks !!!

Mr.Greer has uploaded the Fox interview for those who missed it to view, & I'll also post an even more important clip from the CE-5 film that he's made available, that reveals the agenda of the elite, & what they're initiating for us now to swallow....

We've been constantly saying here to "clean out the swamp", but the truth is folks, "we" have to leave it behind !!!

These are only short excerpts, so please watch, as our future really is in our hands, & that's a good thing :) !!!


And this one too !!!

-- Edited by Rastus on Friday 1st of May 2020 08:47:29 PM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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The videos released are really impressive from a technology standpoint. 

The first colonization of Mars that results in a baby being born on that planet will technically be a real "martian" should he/she ever come back to planet earth. Right? 


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SELLC wrote:

The videos released are really impressive from a technology standpoint. 

The first colonization of Mars that results in a baby being born on that planet will technically be a real "martian" should he/she ever come back to planet earth. Right? 



We likely come from ET's SELLC...It appears that many visitors have been living among us for millenia, & quite likely "waved-some-magic" with chimpanzees so that "we" could come-about.

After the Roswell incident in 1947, a great many things happened, but have no doubt that the late, great, Mr.Eisenhower met & spoke with our interstellar visitors ( that we shot down ), & that a multi-national-program instigated through NATO was activated to confirm the numbers of the known 12 different interstellar races existing on our planet.

We've been lied to for a long time, but the truth is starting to come out.

It seems that it's time to link this baby up for y'all to view...Please watch it, as it's a great work !!!


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Hey folks,

Colonel Ross Dedrickson is one engaging, & very happy fellow to meet. He spent most of his career in the USAF, & has spent plenty of time around the US-of-A's nuclear arsenal too. The smile on his face all-the-way through this short but very insightful interview should please many, as he goes on to discuss an incredible amount of information & experiences, with my favorite part being how our "visitors" have continually destroyed any attempt to send nukes into outer-space, & even the moon...And what he has to say about Apollo-13 & its mission is simply amazing.

Enjoy !!!:)!!!


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Hey folks,

With so many visitors checking-out this thread-of-late, I thought I'd wait a little while before introducing the next witness, from Mr.Greer's disclosure effort. Rememeber that you only have to google "youtube sirius disclosure witness testimony" to view as many as you like for yourselves.

Anyhow, with all the commotion & media trends indicating tension between the worlds super-powers, it may well be appropriate to introduce you to Captain Robert Salas, as he was present at the time when around 30-nuke-laden ICBM's became redundant, whilst UFO's were seen outside the missile silo's, across the US-of-A's interior. I hope that this at least relaxes us a little, & goes a little further to confirm Mr.Dedrickson's input from a few weeks ago, with his experiences.

Also worth noting here is that when these occurrences were happening, the same occurrences were happening almost simultaneously in Russia / USSR. And this realization also confirms the bond & friendship that was made between the US-of-A & the USSR during the Reagan administration, with Mr.Reagan also revealing at the time in the UN, the "elites" grand plan of deception for us all, with a united world effort against alien invasion, & hence the Star-Wars project announcement. And all this to channel more funding into USAP's via your taxes via DoD.

And all of this is a needless deception.

Also worth noting is that the new film " CE-5 contact has begun " is now available on DVD, for less than $20:00, from "".


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Meet Mr. Clifford Stone of the US-Army...He also has had an amazing career & acquired much experience in the spotting, retrieval, & concealment of crashed UFO's that occurred during his 20+ year Military career. He also reveals to us a wealth of insight into the "Black-Op's" that go on, & has had personal interaction with ET's at military installations. He was part of a secretive group known as NBC, that stood for expertise in situations involving Nuclear, Biological, & Chemical accidents...( Interesting side-note here, in that we have personnel trained & dealing with nuclear, biological & chemical accidents, & yet where were/are they for COVID-19 ) ?...

Mr.Stone is one of the most sincerest & honest persons I've ever met. It's awesome to know that folks like this are keeping us safe, & informed.


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.

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