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Tesla on non physical, or anything Tesla

Noticed a cool bunch of people here, mix. I know it's an auto board but we get off subject sometimes and that's good. \


What about Tesla? Interesting man for sure. Buddy is driving his Tesla model 3 here end of June.



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One of my favourite quotes of all time comes from Nikola Tesla, who said, The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence. 


Its happening. Post material science is here, and although its challenging the current dogma in science, its where we need to go.

Today, we now have hundreds of publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals showing that parapsychological experiments have just as much, if not more, validity in some cases than the hard sciences. This has been known for quite some time, in fact, in 1999, a statistics professor at UC Irvine published a paper showing that parapsychological experiments have produced much stronger results than those showing a daily dose of aspirin to help prevent a heart attack. She also showed that these results are much stronger than the research behind various drugs like antiplatelets, for example.

Perhaps the best example is black budget science, the results out of programs like STARGATE were unbelievable. Then we have a number of previously classified documents giving multiple examples of people with exceptional abilities. The list goes on and on, and its all under the category of parapsychology, which includes the study of quantum physics, telepathy, clairvoyance, remote-viewing, intuition, mind-body connection and much more.

When the STARGATE program was declassified, the American Institutes for Research reviewed it, and both reviewers concluded:

The statistical results of the studies examined are far beyond what is expected by chance. Arguments that these results could be due to methodological flaws in the experiments are soundly refuted. Effects of similar magnitude to those found in government-sponsored research at SRI and SAIC have been replicated at a number of laboratories across the world. Such consistency cannot be readily explained by claims of flaws or fraud.


Even as far back as 1985, a report prepared by the Army Research Institute disclosed that the data reviewed in this report constitute genuine scientific anomalies for which no one has an adequate explanation for.

Here are a fews articles that go into more detail and provide more of the science behind parapsychology:

CIA Document Confirms Reality of Humans With Special Abilities Able To Do Impossible Things

Study Outlines What Prayer, Meditation & Yoga Can Do To The Human Body

This Is How Powerful The Mind/Body Connection Really Is

How The US Government Really Discovered The Rings Around Jupiter Because It Wasnt Video Footage

Scientists Witness Woman With Exceptional Powers of Mind Rapidly Grow A Plant From A Seed

Edward Snowden Tweet Hints That The NSA Can Access Your Secret Thought & Feelings

Scientists Demonstrate Remarkable Evidence of Dream Telepathy Between People

I just wanted to provide a brief background regarding the validity of non material science.

Why is non-material science studied so much in the Black Budget world, at the highest level of government, but still ridiculed in mainstream science? It doesnt really make sense, especially with all the repeatable scientific evidence thats now available.

Here is a selected list of peer-reviewed journal articles about psi (psychic) phenomena, most published in the 21st century. There are also some papers of historical interest and other resources. A comprehensive list of important articles and books would run into the thousands. Click on the title of an article in the link highlighted above to download it.

Internationally recognized scientists are constantly coming together to stress the importance of what is still commonly overlooked in the mainstream scientific community  the fact that matter (protons, electrons, photons, anything that has a mass) is not the only reality. We wish to understand the nature of our reality, but how can we do so if we are continually examining only physical systems? What about the role of non-physical systems, such as consciousness, or their interaction with physical systems (matter)?

Parapsychologist, Gary Schwartz is an author and professor at the University of Arizona who is a part of the hundreds of scientists who have gathered to emphasize that matter is not the only reality. You can read more about that in this article:  

He sums up the problem quite well,

Some materialistically inclined scientists and philosophers refuse to acknowledge these phenomena because they are not consistent with their exclusive conception of the world. Rejection of post-materialist investigation of nature or refusal to publish strong science findings supporting a post-materialist framework are antithetical to the true spirit of scientific inquiry, which is that empirical data must always be adequately dealt with. Data which do not fit favoured theories and beliefs cannot be dismissed as priori. Such dismissal is the realm of ideology, not science.

This is precisely why we were so happy to have Dr. Natalie Leigh Trent on the Collective Evolution podcast, hosted by founder Joe Martino. Dr. Trent is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Harvard Medical School and Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health, where she investigates the mind-body practices of yoga and mindfulness for health and wellbeing. She obtained her Bachelor of Science from the University of Toronto in 2006 and her Doctorate in neuroscience from Queens University in 2012.

In the podcast below, Joe sits down with Dr. Natalie Trent to talk about her work in post material science and the massive disruption thats happening in science right now as old ways crumble. Together they explore consciousness, energy work, and how our world and our understanding of it is transforming through science.

This is huge stuff, because it goes to show just how important human consciousness, and the profound effects it can have on the human experience.

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OOPs forgot links. This and the last post were from Rastus rec site(collective evolution) thanks Rastus. It's got different news, got me interested in several articles. Kind of like "good news network" 

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You'd also like the web-site "Manifest Injustice", which is more akin to the fun we have here with regards to politics & world events etc etc. It's basically lawyers & their cases being presented for public consideration.

It's always good & healthy to survey the "whole", but remember to come-back-home too.

The internet can be a maze too, with lots of good information, & just as much misinformation !

The domain of "grey areas" are just that, but no doubt some of this "stuff" will turn colorful enough for everyone to see & enjoy.




"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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I couldn't find a website for that Rastus, some links but not the website. I'll keep looking.

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Here's a good site that fights the good fight IMO. "".

Their latest drop in my mailbox has a young lady that's been held in jail for one-year already for espionage charges, but without any trial...She could do with your help folks...Open the link, read, & go-for-it.



NB. I'm sure SELLC will like this one lol !


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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That suks. Unfair for sure.

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This might be a little off-topic, but why all of a sudden are people no longer giving credit to Edison?

Tesla might have had some good ideas and been making headway into electricity but it was Edison who was able to pump power into all of our homes.

Feels like another attempt to re-write history by that African Ape known as Musk... Back in my day Edison was the man and Tesla just a foot note in the history books.

But now, they are back to re-writing history.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Tesla could do it wireless, Edison needed wires? I dunno. Ahead of his time kinda like Sikorsky? Designed the helicopter before tech was available to build it, then they did when it was.

Ever mess with a Tesla coil in school or energy seminars? Pretty awesome.

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I'm pretty sure that Mr.Tesla's biggest "physical" contribution to us, was the use of AC-power ( alternating current ), whilst Mr.Edison ( & others ) were bent on DC ( Direct Current ) being the way forward.

Mr.Tesla also gave us the "poly-phase" ( & many other concepts / designs ) stator & rotor assemblies / manufacturing designs, that are what our automotive starter-motor & alternator builds are based on. Needless to say, every other electric motor in operation around the world, from washing-machines to refrigerant compressor motors....

Your Niagra Falls hydro-electric power-plant was his baby...( Along with every other Hydro-electric power-plant around the world )...

A very important visionary, inventor & genius. Never underestimate his value & contribution to the worlds electric power-supply-systems.



-- Edited by Rastus on Thursday 7th of June 2018 07:05:01 PM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Rastus wrote:


I'm pretty sure that Mr.Tesla's biggest "physical" contribution to us, was the use of AC-power ( alternating current ), whilst Mr.Edison ( & others ) were bent on DC ( Direct Current ) being the way forward.

Mr.Tesla also gave us the "poly-phase" ( & many other concepts / designs ) stator & rotor assemblies / manufacturing designs, that are what our automotive starter-motor & alternator builds are based on. Needless to say, every other electric motor in operation around the world, from washing-machines to refrigerant compressor motors....

Your Niagra Falls hydro-electric power-plant was his baby...( Along with every other Hydro-electric power-plant around the world )...

A very important visionary, inventor & genius. Never underestimate his value & contribution to the worlds electric power-supply-systems.



-- Edited by Rastus on Thursday 7th of June 2018 07:05:01 PM

 Yarrr! He did contribute. More to come if they tried it. Pretty brilliant guy.

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Shawnee_B wrote:

Ever mess with a Tesla coil in school or energy seminars? Pretty awesome.


No I have been more of a fan of the DC component of the electricity world... You know, when you were a kid and slid across the floor and then touched something metal? ZAP! Like lighting from a Wizards fingers!

I don't deny that the AC component of energy is more efficient for sending power long distances.. but I am just saying... Telsa worked for Edison, not the other way around! You should recognize!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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It's like that little twerp Elon Musk trying to spring-board off Nikola Tesla's name! Musk is just as bad as Bezos! Taking other peoples last names and wearing them around! LOL! What a couple of posers! 

These two idiots will be the reason we have the next market crash! You just watch!

Then along will come the Democrats to blame it all on the Republicans, even though both of these guys are partisan Democrat hacks! Everything you would expect from a Liberal! Raise taxes, but not for me they say! LOL


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Many of Tesla's inventions didn't come to fruition in a grand scale, simply because he "understood" & could tap into "free energy". This means we wouldn't have to ever pay for our power needs, & likely why he worked for Edison, since he had a tap-on-the-power, that we pay for as an electricity bill...

Check-out this if you haven't as yet. Important stuff !


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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SELLC wrote:

It's like that little twerp Elon Musk trying to spring-board off Nikola Tesla's name! Musk is just as bad as Bezos! Taking other peoples last names and wearing them around! LOL! What a couple of posers! 

These two idiots will be the reason we have the next market crash! You just watch!

Then along will come the Democrats to blame it all on the Republicans, even though both of these guys are partisan Democrat hacks! Everything you would expect from a Liberal! Raise taxes, but not for me they say! LOL


Don't want to say I told you so... but, eh...

Don't be fooled, FOOLS!

Amazon just SPLIT! 

20 to 1!

And uh... Elon Musk is running both Twitter and Tesla into the ground!

Eat my shorts!

This was all explained on Spacehey... 

But let me re-phrase this for you,


-- Edited by SELLC on Wednesday 8th of June 2022 06:58:52 AM


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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I'm not giving stock advice... I am just trying to put the pieces together... you tell me!


This is your thread, give me something... anything!



What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Verizon sucks. I can't get a signal.

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I just love it when I get drunk and decide to buy $666.66 dollars worth of stocks! 

But I guess it's a better investment than, say... giving it away to women who have absolutly no plans on fucking me... at least in the traditional sense.

I woke up this morning...

Verizon is pretty good in this area, probably the best in terms of cell coverage... I wish that wasn't the case because T-Mobile is back to paying people up to $1,000 to switch!

If I wasn't relying on my phone to be clear I could afford to deal with poor service... like one time T-Mobiles towers were out and they were just like "Oh well, it happens!" confuse

It wasn't long after that Verizon offered $800 to switch, so I did and I have been having pretty good luck every since, although the price is about $20-$30 more a month! doh


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Cell is bad here. We had "bluegrass cellular". They grew and gave very good coverage. Then they sold to verizon. Day of the switch Candy's phone never could work again. Mine very limited. I couldn't call Western District 9 court in Seattle to meet with a FBI guy from the court house steps. Couldn't call the wife at Nashville airport when she was there.

Blue grass rented other co's towers for better coverage, like trac fone does. When Verizon took over they dropped all those towers. T mobile doesn't work here either, I had it.

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All the iPhones on my plan are running 4G since they are the iPhone X's that I wrote about, what... 5 years ago? I'd say they have held up pretty well.

Seriously considering that T-Mobile switch, $800 is a lot of coin I could piss away on the stock market! LOL, I'm already $666.66 back in the game, simpily switching would almost be like getting my principal, plus an extra $130! I really need to connect a brethalizer to my spending late nights online, and while I have already taken a some $40 shellacking on the stuff that I did buy, I told myself I was out but then got all fired up when I seen Amazon split. Have to keep reminding myself stocks arent crypto, and even crypto has been somewhat flat as of late.

Sure hope the service quality has improved! I have pretty much had them all, and Verizon has been the best although you are right that in some places it don't work. Where I go camping the phone hardly ever gets a good signal, have to walk out to the edge of the peir and hang over in some strange formation to get my email and its SLOW. But where I'm at regularly it's been fine without any issue. T-Mobile only had that one hiccup in the few years that I used them... I am tempted! Every dollar helps, and $800 of them plus a smaller bill by $30 a month helps! That's $360 in a year I'd be saving too!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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$800 in your pocket is not bad. In the right area either will work fine. Just not here. Even in a bigger city it's spotty. I could get signal at Lowes but not Wallys 2 miles away.

Android works for me. Never been an apple fan. Buddy had an apple PC. We tried many times but could only turn it on, not do anything >:)

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I think the Apple stuff works better myself... but there are a LOT of things they could improve, or should I say they SHOULD improve. For example this magic keyboard and trac pad... it should know the difference between my finger tips and the palm or sides of my hands... and since they are both bluetooth it should obviously know when I am typing and prevent commands from the track pad when your palm or hand slides across it... simple things! But overall I'd be totally fine detaching from the PC if I could wield the OS a litte better. I still run both side by side.

That being said, I drove my first Tesla the other day... A customer had a brand new 2022 Model 3 with the dual motors and big battery, he let me drive it and they really do haul some ass! Can only imagine the pull on a Model S Plaid, or *gasp* the Roadster! None the less, I was left impressed with Musk and his team of Tesla Muskrats! I just wonder who could afford such a thing? At $60k for something just above entery level, and $100k+ for anything super-duper it's pretty much expensive any way you slice it. Don't know that I would want to risk trying to take one across country just yet either! I've been spoiled with quick stops to fill up for too long... That being the case, it's just not practical at this time... but I'm sure that will be changing. 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:

I just love it when I get drunk and decide to buy $666.66 dollars worth of stocks! 



Woke up this morning


I probably should have stayed away from the market... but no....

Prolly gonna lose quite a bit more after the market sells off Monday morning... Crypto is really going down the tubes also!

One thing, avoid that SHIB token... I have tried every way possible to make a return with that Crypto, but it just seems to be set up in a way that you'll never see it rise enough to turn a profit... 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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I did use an apple phone before. It was OK. Sis has one. If she sends me more than 2 lines of text it splits to multiple messages, repeats texts 2-3 times. She likes it.

I did ride my buddies Tesla M3. Pretty neat. He did auto lane change and stuff.

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I know what you're talking about on the seperated text... seems like Andriod only like to do text under 255 characters (or something like that)... I don't know if it's because they still use the old school RIM (Blackberry) technology that routes thru Europe, but on an iPhone you can text paragraphs without any issue. 

I don't do android because it's too Google... If Apple would ever wake up from being "WOKE" they would make their own search engine and kick Tim Cook to the curb before he runs the company into the ground. Getting someone in there who cares about the little details is important! A lot can be changed to make Apple more appealing to android users, and I think kicking Tim Cook to the curb is a big one that would go a long way. Apple better start focusing on it's American market because the way current global attitudes are bending they might get banned in China and Russia anyway... at least when the shit hits the fan...

Drove the Tesla for a little bit in autopiolt but I'm going to be honest with you, that tech is NOT for me! LOL, I just don't trust it! I'd rather pull over and rest than rely on that. I also didn't care for the way the regenarative braking works, to where as soon as you let off the gas it feels like the car has hanging calipers as it slows down VERY quickly. I'm sure this is something you would just get used to. The Tesla I drove would not move while in park with your foot off the gas like a normal ICE vehicle, rather you had to press the gas to make it move forward. But honest to goodness it was a nice comfortable cabin, felt pretty solid and hauled ass... I'd be interested in driving an older Tesla now to see how well they age, since the one I drove was a brand new 2022.

-- Edited by SELLC on Monday 13th of June 2022 10:47:21 AM


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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You may get a paragraph on your I phone. But if an I sends me text on my android, it's all broken into many separate texts. Just what I am used to I guess. Sis and Niece wouldn't trade their I phones for nuthin.

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I unloaded everything I purchased on my drunken binge... cashed out at exactly $777.77

However I did give up around $40, which was residual from my last plunder... So the market got me for another $40!

But my ROI in the bank account was more than I took out... so I better consider myself lucky...

Hopefully the market keeps up it's recent uptick (700+ points)... 

But I'm still waiting for the big dipper... 



What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Big dipper points at the north star. :)

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