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Post Info TOPIC: My recent visit to Miami


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My recent visit to Miami

Recently went to Miami... Got robed / hustled of $1500 cash from either a Hooker named Jasmine, or the hotel security/roomservice. Stolen right out of locked safe, then re-locked with my same password. Thought I had $2k homeowners coverage until I got home and found out it was only $200! LOL

There is a long drawn out story with phots if anyone is interested... 

Good news is I got on an airplane for the first time in almost two decades. TSA isn't as bad as I made out, but then again they confiscated my carry on Scotch, my expensive shaving cream and suntan lotion along with four cans of Coca Cola. Spent about as much on airfare as I would have spent in gas in the Corvette... I also saved myself 48 hours of drive time and I don't feel beat the fuck up. 

Despite the loss I still have mad love for Miami, such nice weather and never EVER a dull moment.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Sorry to hear about the financial loss. TSA isn't too bad if you get there early enough.

I'm interested in the long version of the story with pics when you get a chance.



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Well that kinda suked!

Drive it like you stole it


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Let me lick my wounds for a few more days... I want to get it all out but I'm not yet sure how I feel about it, and that is the fucked up part! LOL

But currently this is how I am feeling, I just need to find a way to express it in the best detail... It's therapeutic for me, honestly. LOL


-- Edited by SELLC on Wednesday 22nd of May 2019 02:56:57 PM


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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So, I'm going to do my best to get this all out.... having had a great deal of time to lick my wounds and ponder the facts this will probably be my most interesting trip yet - especially considering I got on an airplane for the first time in almost 20 years!

It all started early one morning, about 3am... just a casual browsing of my weather app on the iPhone that scans all my favorite spots from Miami, Las Vegas, LA, and a few other destinations I have on the bucket list for a visit. I happen across Miami, which for awhile was nothing but thunderstorms, but was now a solid week of sunshine and butterflies @ 85 degrees F! I thought to myself, wonder what I could get down there for? Estimated gas cost in the Corvette were $760 @ a very optimistic 21 Miles per gallon... Then there was the wear and tear, not on the Corvette - but on ME! LOL, which amounted to 40 hours of navigating traffic from Detroit to Miami (toll roads and express lane cost not included). So I thought to myself, if I can fly there for less - why not give it a try? I mean it's almost 4am, nothing more spontaneous than landing in Miami at 11am, right!? LOL

So I start searching last minute airfare and come across a flight to MIA (Miami International Airport) on American Airlines for $302 that leaves at 6:30am! Suddenly I can feel the mania set in because once I buy the ticket it's on and no turning back... At this time the wife is well asleep and will be getting up a little after 5am to get the kids off to school. I decided what the hell, I am going to purchase the tickets online but due to the fact the flight leaves within 2 hours it will not allow me to buy the tickets online - I had to buy the tickets at the terminal in person! This slowed my roll a little bit and I thought at that moment, why not get the wife on board! It was about 4:30am and I heard her in the bathroom so I went down there and opened the door, about to share the good news! I walk into a psyco bitch yelling and screaming she had to get up in a half hour and yada-yada-yada before I even got a single letter out of my mouth! Closed the bathroom door, went back down to my office and said "fuck it"! Downloaded the Lyft App and with nothing more than the cloths on my back, a pair of sunglasses, $1,800 cash and my wallet I stood next door awaiting the Lyft driver to arrive before the wife's alarm clock would go off and she would be hunting me down. The Lyft driver arrived exactly two minutes before her alarm was set to start blaring it's first of many intervals. Immediatly I took the phone off tracking mode, as my last ping will have been at the house and I would not show up on the grid until I had reached Miami! We have an app that allows everyone on the family plan to track each others whereabouts, I can turn mine off but everyone else has to go into airplane mode to turn theirs off, which basically makes the phone useless. So it has to be really worth it, or really bad if anyone else went "off grid", but I pay the bill and I pay for the phones so I consider it a fair perk.

Arrived at the airport at around 5:40am and my plane leaves in about 40 minutes and I haven't even yet bought the ticket or gone thru TSA! Waiting in line to buy the ticket every minute felt like an hour as I knew I had a long way to go in order to make this trip work and I had just paid a Lyft driver $40 to drive me to the airport on the fly! Then as I finally got to the booth to buy my ticket they laid the $35 dollar last minute fee on me! LOL, with my extreme cheapness I tried to get them to waive the fee - but every minute was literally important and having tried to get cheap with the airline caused the ladies computer to crash! You can't even make these things up folks! So I had to wait for the next representative who was a manager. Time seemed to fly by, but every minute felt like it was taking an hour - a twilight zone if you will. Finally got the ticket with exactly 15 minutes to make it thru a packed TSA checkpoint and all the way down the other side of the airport to board my plane that was just now instructing everyone to board over the intercom. The TSA people said I had to ask everyone in line to advance forward, lucky everyone in Detroit Metro is super cool and all told me to go ahead! Suddenly it was like a light at the end of the tunnel because I had just paid $340 in airfare and $40 for a Lyft driver and if I missed the plane I might have been out all of it! 

As I am peeling off my shoes, sunglasses, wallet, belt and everything to go thru the full body scan that makes you stand with your arms up like a criminal - holding a wad of $1800 cash with less than 10 minutes to board I was cleared and gathered my things. Franticlly I had to ask the TSA people where my terminal was, and yes - it was all the way at the other end of the airport! So I started to jog with a brisk trott when all of a sudden I felt something hitting my ankles, in the rush to gather my things I must have forgotten to latch my damn belt! Now suddenly the intercom is saying that last and final call for boarding on my flight was upon me! So I kept on jogging trying to pull my belt out when my pants of course started to sag down - so I am running while trying to pull up my pants and carrying everything I had collected back from TSA! I would totally love to see the footage of how this looked, and I knew it had to be hilarious as fuck to people who weren't so spontaneous but I live for this kind of husstle! My blood was pumping, I could feel the sweat on my brow as I neared the gate and they were just starting to close it up - but I had made it! My ticket was good and I was going to Miami!

You can clearly see that I am not flying in first class, in fact they put me all the way at the back of the plane by the exits and the bathrooms. Having not been on an airplane for two decades I was just taking it all back in. It wouldn't be until the plane taxied down the runway and began it's accent that I got this awful feeling like "what the fuck did I just get myself into"... this thought continued to ricochet thru my head until about 35,000 feet when the ride smoothed out. They had these interesting TV's in the back of every seats headrest that could play movies, but I was more interested in the free feature that told you all the planes vitals. Interesting to learn that "cruising altitude" is generally 35,000 feet, and that these commercial airliners cruise at about 500-550 MPH. The outside temperature at 35,000 feet is -50 below zero F! Anything to keep my mind of the fact I had no control over anything and I was just along for the ride! lol, I ordered a shot of Scotch with a glass of rocks because hey, it was about 7:30am @35,000 feet, WHY THE HELL NOT!? Seems American Airlines serves Dewars, which I found quite tasty for breakfast at 35,000 feet. Landing was smoother than I had expected and I immediately turned my phones GPS tracker back on upon landing so any of the family who were tracking me would see this,

I am the little blue dot on the tip of the land mass that looks like a dick known as Florida, the rest of the crew are up in the palm of the mitten known as Michigan. 

Getting into MIA it was very interesting as this was my very first time flying into the MIA. Lots of pretty ladies and everyone dressed up and talking a foreign language. Even the person at the Taco Bell was authentic Mexican and could barely speak english. Never the less my trusty fingers always helped when trying to indicate which number value meal I was ordering. It wasn't until after some really nasty airport Taco Bell did I start to feel like I was on vacation... perhaps I had not eaten in so long it didn't even bother me that I had just flown 2,000 miles to eat some stale refried beans, but it was either that or KFC and I didn't want to have greasy hands until I got back to the hotel, which reminded me - I still had to get to the hotel. I took the train over to the car rental section where I learned it was going to be almost $50 a day to rent a car, and maybe even $100 if I wanted a nice one. Remembering back to my last Miami trip I remembered what a pain it was to park a car in Miami and the cost involved to park them and then I remembered I had just installed Lyft and the cost for a ride to my hotel was only $18! So I said screw the car and summoned up a Lyft driver to take me to the Hotel where I had reserved an ocean front room with a balcony for me to smoke on, all spontaneously from my iPhone while sitting in the MIA waiting area. 

So the Lyft driver picked me up and I had a scenic trip to my hotel where they pretty much dumped me off at the beach with very Northern clothing with the temps already in the mid 80's!

I had made it! The sun was shining and the butterflies were buttering... I finally started to FEEL like I was on vacation! I was very impressed with the hotel and felt it was an incredible value once I got checked in. For the first time in a long time, check in was a breeze - not a single problem and the room and view was absolutely stunning!

At this point I was really feeling good and decided to immediately go to a store and buy some new clothing because damn, this Michigan clothing was killing me in the 80 degree heat! Walked all around South Beach Miami checking out the many stores and shops along the way and finally settled on a place called "Surf Style". Purchased all new clothing, both for at night and a beach outfit for during the day.

So things were starting to look up!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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So it was about this time that everyone sort of started calling, all of them starting off the phone conversation with "So where are you at?", like they didn't already know... After hearing the usual "Well that must be nice" followed by "Wish I could just take off to Miami" I thought I was out of the woods until the next call came in... it was the wife! Now I had already had a short but pleasant call with her in the airport where she was still half asleep and probably thought she was just dreaming so I was excited to tell her that I would be flying her in ASAP and all she had to do was get on the plane. So I answer the phone only to hear "You mother fucker- fuck this, fuck that, yadda-yadda-yadda --- click". Apparently she was awake and none too happy, sounded a little drunk too but it wasn't 5 o'clock yet! I won't lie that this sort of hurt a little, and I was starting to feel a little bit lonely prior to the phone calls, even if I was having a great time... my shins were sore from all the walking at the airport and walking up and down Collin's and Lincoln Ave that I actually started to wonder if maybe I had gotten a little out of hand.. Called the wife back and told her that I would be flying her in right away, and that I had gotten a great hotel room where she could smoke on the balcony and she wouldn't have to sleep in any cars because I didn't even have one! To this she said something I can not yet figure out followed by the words "Fuck you --- click". Then the kid calls and says he can't start his car, which ended up starting shortly thereafter but no one bothered to tell me - turns out it was a bent key causing the transponder resistor not to make contact but we wouldn't learn that until yesterday LOL. Then the wife text me bills of my kids upcoming wisdom tooth extraction, which is mostly all 100% covered by insurance and even has his own plan now that they consider him an adult. Slowly everyone started to pile on the bullshit, a purposeful ploy to ensure that my Miami trip would be spent worrying rather than relaxing. Went down to the Cabana in search of a nice cold strawberry daiquiri when I was told they had no ice and it would have to be a non-frozen daiguiri... Depressed, I went out on to the cabana to have a smoke when I met someone who may have been a guest, may have been someone just visiting, or may have been scoping me out... I can't be sure but he was an interesting fellow with lots of stories about his adventures in Miami. Upon departing he said to me that it was getting late and that I should not go out because "that's when the vampires come out around here"... I didn't think much of it since the last time I was in Miami with the Corvette I spent all night cruising up and down the streets of Miami and had a blast until the sun came back up! But this time would be different, I had no car and I would be on foot.

Sure enough the sun started to go down and it was getting dark, an even lonelier state of existence started to envalope my wandering mind that had just been shit on by everyone back home who were none too impressed with my spontaneous traveling prowess. How could everything be falling apart!? I had only been gone for 14 hours at this point! It was at that point I decided to walk the town in my new cloths in search of some "real" food.  It was starting to get late but the good news is that in Miami South Beach they keep the doors open at most places 24 hours but I couldn't find that just right steak house and my shins and my dogs were really starting to hurt so I settled for Subway since it was on the way back and I figured I'd check into a proper steak house tomorrow while I was getting my legs massaged. Got up to the room where I ate my Subway and I must admit, it was the best damn Subway ever! I was sooooooo hungry. Went out on the balcony to have a smoke and enjoy the moonlight,

Starting to feel a little better with the relative calm in the air I look over to the building next to me where a couple appear to be having sex on the roof. I tried to act like I wasn't there until my phone started ringing - ooops! LOL, I proceed back into the room and answer the phone to the wife bitching that my oldest is out of control, has not come home yet and that she is calling my parents, who just happened to call earlier while I was out getting food. At this point I was just pissed off and told them all to grow up and figure it out! I had had it! This time I ended the conversation with "fuck you -- click". Went to go back on the balcony for another smoke when I remembered the couple having sex on the roof of the building next door.. decided to go have a smoke at the hotel lobby instead since the South Beach strip (Collins) was all lit up and I wanted to get some night photos of the lights. As I am standing at the corner of my hotels valet parking I have these two chicks approach me looking for a lighter. Obviously my lit cigarette had given me away. They pull out two small cigarettes that looked an awful lot like filterless Capri cigarettes that could almost pass for pinner joints! I asked them "what the hell is that?" to which they replied "These are Dubai cigarettes for women". I lit their cigarettes and told them their cigarettes looked a lot like American "joints" and sent them on their way.

It was at this point a tall black woman with skin tight black pants and what hotel security would later describe as a "sparkly tight black halter top". She was probably about 20-25 years old if I had to guess. As she passed I gave her the approval nod as I puffed my cigarette... but she turned around and told me that smoking was bad for me! So I put it out! She seemed shocked and then said she was just kidding as she laughed. I didn't think nothing of it, was just trying to be nice but she then engaged me in conversation! She claimed that her and her friend were staying in the hotel next door and that her friend had met someone and they had been getting busy all day and night! Shocked at what I was hearing I just stood there processing... She then proceeded to explain to me that she had been walking around all day and her feet were hurting, something I instantly related to since my shins and feet were killing me too! She then asked me if I was hungry and I explained to her that I just literally ate a half hour ago, but there was a 24 hour Taco-Taco Rooftop Catalina across the street next to the I love liquor store and if she was hungry I'd buy her something. She took me up on the offer and we headed across the street where I would buy her a drink and a Chicken Penne Pasta. She kept on telling me about this great streak-house just outside of town but having no car and not being from the area I passed it off as "I just ate, maybe tomorrow". Getting close to last call we left and she wanted to take me a few blocks over but I was unsure about it, unsure about her. So I decided to go get my .200 ml Johnny Walker scotch in the room that I had purchased earlier for strolling down the beach with and she followed me up to the room and this is where it gets interesting. 

Upon entering the room she goes out on the balcony and takes in the view, which was pretty nice in my opinion. She then asks to use the bathroom as I had planned on going out on the beach and having a few more drinks and upon finishing in the bathroom she came out scanty clad stating "I get $400 an hour" ---- and immediately it clicked! She was a prostitute! Totally caught off guard, and realizing that I was such a fool for thinking otherwise I told her that I did not pay for sex and that I felt really ignorant for being so oblivious and begged her to put her cloths back on. She did and as I was getting ready to direct her to the door she got a little shifty and claimed that her friend still hadn't texted her, and that she really wanted to stay until such time as she could get back in her room. I don't know why, but for some ignorant reason I believed her and agreed to let her wait out her friend. I literally felt like I was in the movie Pretty Woman as I gathered my wallet and all my cash and placed it in the safe... I mean if she was going to wait out her friend and was offering herself up for $400 it was pretty obvious nothing nailed down was safe - including the mini-bar to which she took a pint of Tequila. 

As time went on I could not escape the fact that I felt like I was in danger. Would she have people come up to the room? Would she try and make a scene? Or was she just waiting for me to pass out, or planning to somehow drug my drink. It was at this point I was VERY glad I purchased that .200 ml bottle of Johnny Walker with the screw on cap that makes it really hard to slip any drugs into... Almost an hour had gone by and she was passed out on the bed when I decided to slip out to the balcony and have a smoke. About half way thru the smoke I noticed her head popped up and she took off towards the bathroom, which was right across from the safe. No sooner did I put out my cigarette, go inside and walk around the corner she had the door open about to leave. She claimed her friend had called and she was just going to change her cloths and that when she came back she would knock and I had to promise to open the door. I agreed and she left.

Immediately after I went into the safe to retrieve my room key, wallet and personal effects. I entered the password and the door opened only ALL of the cash was gone! ALL OF IT! Shocked, knowing there was no way she could have cracked the safe and re-closed it in the amount of time it took me to walk back into the room I got the stuff she didn't take and ran out the room trying to catch her at the elevator which was also literally right around the corner from my room. Both elevators showed "L" meaning the lobby. How was that even possible!? So I ran back around the corner to my room and in a panic checked the safe again to be sure the cash wasn't just under the felt or in the corner when all of a sudden the bill for my room slid under the door and hit my foot! I immediately opened the door to a talk black guy claiming to be hotel security delivering bills. Guy looked exactly like the young cop from the TV series "Death in Paradise". I immediately asked him, "Did you see a girl in the hall?" to which he replied that he had. But I knew something wasn't right, there was just no way he could have seen her because I was just out there - and I didn't even see him, let alone her! And but mere seconds had passed between the time I let her out the door, checked the safe, went back out in the hall around the corner to the elevator and back into the room before that bill hit my foot while double checking the safe. I explained to him that I had been robbed and to call the front desk! I then closed the door not knowing who he really was, because honestly it was very suspicious and tried to call the front desk myself except the phone would not allow me! I pushed the emergency button which seemed to transfer me to Miami 911 and I explained to the operator that I had been robbed and my address and hotel room. They said they would send out the police and I decided to go downstairs and wait for them at the hotel lobby/valet. While out there I talked with the hotel valet and told him what happened he claimed he seen her go down the alley and drive away in a car! He then shook his head and said "Man, you people from out of town have to watch out for them prostitutes!". I had to look at him in disbelief for a minute, and then explained to him that I was pretty sure all the people walking up and down this street were tourist staying in one of the 100's of hotels up and down the strip - and that just about everyone was dressed similar! He then sort of realized that I hadn't a clue and tried to make me feel better by telling me a story about a guy awhile back that ran down butt naked chasing a hooker that had stolen his Rolex. I still didn't feel any better, and I had a strong feeling that at least some of the hotel staff may have been involved. It felt very Oceans Eleven like to me at this point.

The police arrived and asked me some questions like if I was married and how long. He asked me if I was sure if I wanted to file a report because most guys that come down there don't. Having just been robbed and thinking my homeowners covered me up to $2000 I explained to him my wife would be even more pissed if I didn't file a complaint and came home $1500 short. He laughed and then we went into the hotel, it was at this time I would learn that the guy who delivered by bill actually was hotel security and that they had a little room with a separate camera system (very primitive) that took a grainy photo of the girl who claimed to be Jasmine that was so bad that the cop had to ask if she was white or black. It was at this time the guy watching the monitor informed us she was wearing a halter top and was in fact a deep chocolate. We then headed up to the room and took a look at the scene of the crime - the safe

It seems impossible for someone to break into this safe and re-lock it with my same passcode in the amount of time it takes me to walk 20 foot across the room! It also seemed impossible for her to have gotten on the elevator so quickly and gotten to the lobby in the amount of time I realized I had been robbed. I literally went to my safe the very second I close the door behind her! It is also very odd the hotel security was on my floor putting by bill under the door within a minute of the heist! For him to claimed to have seen her, and me not see either of them when the hotel elevator was literally just around the corner is impossible. I explained all of this to the police officer and he asked hotel security point blank if he was involved, of course he denied he was involved. That is when the officer informed me not to touch anything and that Miami-Dade CSI would come out and fingerprint the room! It made me feel a lot better and made me feel like Miami was genuinely doing EVERYTHING it could to help. I then sat in the room until the CSI team arrived about 7am, and once again I felt like I was living a live version of the TV show CSI Miami as they dusted for prints. The lady CSI person was super nice and tried to make me feel better by saying that this sort of thing even happens to cops! I felt a little better, but I was still out $1500! She left and I began to pack because at this point I felt sick, and I didn't even know if the Hotel security was involved - and if they were if I probably wasn't even safe in Miami right now having just filed a police report. I am sure this scam happens a lot in the land of sunshine and butterflies, but as they said - most people don't file a report. In my case, I got robbed - flat out. I can't say who all was involved and that alone has driven me the most crazy.

I packed up and got a Lyft back to MIA where I departed a Delta Airlines flight back to Detroit departing at 4:20pm exactly. I flew home and until this day I am still hearing about it around the house from the wife and the kids... My other immediate family members are too embarrassed to ask me what happened but what can I say? What hooker asks to go to dinner? This was a set-up from the start, it had to be. Just some dumb tourist looking to be had I suppose. To make things worse I checked with my insurance company and they only cover $200 in cash! So I am just fucked out of the $1500 cash that was stolen out of my safe. It was an amazing trip with all kinds of ups and downs, but it was SUPER expensive! Overall I would have to say that my one day of spontaneous madness cost me about $2800 between the room, food, stolen cash, airfare and everything else. Came home without even one red cent in my pocket! Thank goodness they didn't take my phone and my credit cards! 

Now I am in the dog house, looking to recoup what can only be described as my largest financial fuck up in a long time. Eh, I guess I could have lost that and more in the stock market and not even had the memories but damn... Despite my losses I still have much love for Miami and look forward to recouping my losses to go and try it again! Lets hope next time the wife is a little less grouchy and doesn't chew my head off before I even open my mouth! Guess I showed her, or did I? LOL

One thing that is for sure is that I did not open the "love box" that they supplied in the mini bar which consisted of condoms and sex toys,

which is photographic PROOF that I was a good loyal (but really ignorant) boy while on my spontaneous adventure.  


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Damn, I don't know what to say except I'm glad you're back home safe and sound.



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Must have been fun! Kinda spontaneous too!

Drive it like you stole it


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you really should write a novel (fictional of course) about ALLLLLLLL your lifetime adventures!


i for one hate fiction tales but i would read yours knowing alot of it is based on true events!



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PowerStroker wrote:

Damn, I don't know what to say except I'm glad you're back home safe and sound.

Thanks PowerStroker, it's good to be back but what a crazy experience!

I still can't figure out how she could have gotten the safe open and closed again in the short amount of time it took me to walk 20 feet! The way those electronic safes work is that once you open the safe with the proper password it resets, so you have to enter the password again when you re-lock it. There simply was not enough time for her to do all of that! That is why I think she had inside help because I know these hotels have master keys to not only the safe, but the room keys as well. When I unlocked the safe I used my password and it worked, so she would have had to know the password and then re-enter it. The safe was also in a dual door closet, which I would have heard close. Then there was the security guy putting the bill under my door and giving her cover right at the time it all went down. It is literally driving me crazy trying to figure out what happened and how they pulled it off. 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Shawnee_B wrote:

Must have been fun! Kinda spontaneous too!

 It was a lot of fun, right up until the part I noticed my wad of $1,500 was GONE FOREVER! That was a sinking feeling I doubt I'll every forget.

For sure spontaneous because I started thinking about it at 3am and was in Miami well before noon! I have always said that I like spontaneous trips because if things go bad (and a lot of time vacations do) there is not this big buildup and let down.. People sometimes plan their trips YEARS in advance only to be let down by someone else, or a business/hotel on their big vacation. In that case it would really suck to have been anxiously waiting a year, or even a few months only to be let down. With a spontaneous vacation you don't have that kind of long protracted torture waiting until the big vacation. While this particular spontaneous vacation was a bust, it was only because of theft - not because of the planning or logistics. It was nice to just get back on a plane and leave, rather than have a miserable time the rest of my vacation. So that is one of the main reasons I like spontaneous vacations - no build up! You just take it all in as it comes!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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clarity101 wrote:

you really should write a novel (fictional of course) about ALLLLLLLL your lifetime adventures!


i for one hate fiction tales but i would read yours knowing alot of it is based on true events!


I don't know that my life adventures are exactly "novel" worthy, but thanks you made me smile anyway! lol

This particular adventure was for sure my most crazy trip ever. It all happened so fast it took me nearly a week to process it all and yet I still don't know 100% who all was involved in ripping me off! LOL

But the story is 100% true life, not even a smidgen is made up! 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:
Shawnee_B wrote:

Must have been fun! Kinda spontaneous too!

 It was a lot of fun, right up until the part I noticed my wad of $1,500 was GONE FOREVER! That was a sinking feeling I doubt I'll every forget.

For sure spontaneous because I started thinking about it at 3am and was in Miami well before noon! I have always said that I like spontaneous trips because if things go bad (and a lot of time vacations do) there is not this big buildup and let down.. People sometimes plan their trips YEARS in advance only to be let down by someone else, or a business/hotel on their big vacation. In that case it would really suck to have been anxiously waiting a year, or even a few months only to be let down. With a spontaneous vacation you don't have that kind of long protracted torture waiting until the big vacation. While this particular spontaneous vacation was a bust, it was only because of theft - not because of the planning or logistics. It was nice to just get back on a plane and leave, rather than have a miserable time the rest of my vacation. So that is one of the main reasons I like spontaneous vacations - no build up! You just take it all in as it comes!

 Yes that part really suks. I hate thieves.

Drive it like you stole it


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obviously 'she' was in cohoots with whoever works in security of the 

room safes.....someone has taught her how to break the code or bypass it.  




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There just wasn't enough time, Clarity!

When I seen her head pop up I immediately dropped my smoke into a glass of water and walked 20 feet to where I could see her. The closet doors were closed! There was just not enough time to open the closet doors, open the safe, and re-close the doors. It is just not possible in my opinion. I do understand that some people are extremely crafty in these sorts of things but even the best would have had a hard time of just pulling off the mechanics alone in the amount of time she had. Remember, I put all my stuff in the safe after learning she wasn't a tourist looking to hang out, I was watching her like a hawk. 

What I figure is that at some point, while the TV was playing and after I had locked all the cash and valuables up - security or someone with a room key entered the room as the doors were very sturdy and silent in their operation. They could have easily taken the money as there is no mirror on the wall to reflect what is happening in the small nook by the door, where the bathroom, closet and the safe is also located. So while I was watching some stupid TV show, someone on the inside was probably making away with my cash while the TV blared. I come to this conclusion because it felt like hotel security was running interference for her when delivering my bill. She did have a cell phone and she did keep it close by her at all times so it had to be a coordinated effort. 

Then there is the simple fact that Hotel Security could have called down to the Valet and had them stop her - but they didn't. It is the main reason I left the Hotel, because if someone can crack my safe in 20 seconds with me in the room then obviously I was not safe. Additionally, when we went back up to the room with the police the Hotel security guy used his master key to open my door while both of my keys remained in my pocket. They had access and the ability to get into the safe! I'd imagine that for people taking her up on her services this would occur during the act, but in my case it happened while I sat and watched her selection of television, which was loud enough to drown out any small noises made by someone entering the room on the QT.

It is the ONLY explanation that makes sense to me. It is the only explanation that is feasible given the time she had unsupervised.


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Robert Bell Wallace, 67, of California, became ill almost immediately after he had a scotch from the room minibar at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino resort in Punta Cana, his niece, Chloe Arnold, told Fox News on Sunday. He was in the Dominican Republic to attend his stepsons wedding.


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death count now officially 4........

6 total since this time last year.



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Glad I didn't drink anything out of the mini-bar! 

Got me a case of Coca-Cola from CVS and a .200ml bottle of Red label from the "I love liquor" store!

I guess anyone from the USA traveling to the Dominican Republic should be on high alert while there! 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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What a trip !...( Though it did seem doomed already after the 2nd-talk with your wife in the morning lol !...( But what the heck, I'd likely have done-the-same too & gone for the R & R lol ))

Better to be home in one piece.

Fingers crossed that the "law" sorts these thieves out ! It is really SO wrong to be provided with a safe in your Hotel room that gives such easy access to premeditated theft & organized crime.

Maybe next year, take a trip overseas !!! Places like India, or SE Asia might see you regain some faith in human nature, & be treated like a King. And it's relatively cheap too....

What about Hawaii ?

-- Edited by Rastus on Monday 24th of June 2019 09:18:02 AM


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just wonderin' how your wifey dealt with all this???



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She peed on his cashmere coat.

Drive it like you stole it


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Shawnee_B wrote:

She peed on his cashmere coat.




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clarity101 wrote:

just wonderin' how your wifey dealt with all this???


Well, I haven't stopped hearing about it since I got back... I may never stop hearing about it. That in addition to several drunken outburst that seen a few bruises here and there. 

The whole point of the trip was basically to piss her off, as I had originally tried to talk with her about it but as usual I just got my head chewed off. 

She complained ever since the California trip I took her on that she was tired of driving in a car, tired of not having a good hotel room she could smoke in and that she did not wish to return out west ever again! Apparently she did not find California at all appealing.

So once she bit my head off that morning I just left without her, with plans to fly her in the moment I secured a good hotel room that she could smoke on the balcony at.

Only problem was that I didn't make it 24 hours in Miami without running into someone and getting robbed. 

Of course it's been a whole lot better with the passing of time, as the first few days she wouldn't even speak to me in language I could understand, I mean I could understand the swear words mixed into her sentences but everything else was sort of mumbled.

My last trip to Miami was solo as well, although that time I drove. Guess I should have drove this time too!



What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Shawnee_B wrote:

She peed on his cashmere coat.


She threatened to pee on my cashmere coat (my winter smoking jacket).

Of course being the middle of spring my coat is safely stored in it's element proof bag. Of course, there is always this winter! lol


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Rastus wrote:

What a trip !...( Though it did seem doomed already after the 2nd-talk with your wife in the morning lol !...( But what the heck, I'd likely have done-the-same too & gone for the R & R lol ))

Better to be home in one piece.

Fingers crossed that the "law" sorts these thieves out ! It is really SO wrong to be provided with a safe in your Hotel room that gives such easy access to premeditated theft & organized crime.

Maybe next year, take a trip overseas !!! Places like India, or SE Asia might see you regain some faith in human nature, & be treated like a King. And it's relatively cheap too....

What about Hawaii ?



That is what really upset me the most Rastus, the fact the hotel safe was not even safe enough to store things while I was in the room! I knew better than to leave large amounts of cash in the safe when I left the room, but I never imagined it would be so insecure that someone would crack it while I was in the room! That is why I feel it was an inside job, and that hotel security and or front desk / room service could have had a hand in it. I put ALL the money in the safe, including my wallet and anything with my name on it once she told me she was a prostitute! I know how long it took to open and re-program the safe, and from the moment I put my valuables in there I did not take my eyes off her long enough to physically open the closet doors, open the safe, take the money, close it and reprogram it with my code, then close the closet doors. There is just no possible way!

The closet doors were closed when I went to check after she left, the safe was locked and my password unlocked it. Everything was in there except for the money! That is what is driving me the most crazy, who was involved and how / when did they do it!?

The Shelborne hotel in South Beach Miami is very high end, it sits next to the Ritz Carlton (which was under renovations while I was there) and the SLS which are both usually about $1000-$2000 per night hotels! I obviously got a sweet deal online, but after you factor in the losses I really didn't get a sweet deal. The guy I talked with in the smoking cabana said it had been raining for several days and had just finally started to get nice out - and he was right because I had been watching Miami weather for South Beach for a few months and nothing but weeks straight calling for thunderstorms. I jumped on the first plane I could when I seen the forecast for a solid week of sunshine and 80+ degree weather, but I guess the locals were too hungry to allow me to enjoy the rest of the week on the beach... they robbed me and sent me home in less than a day.

Beautiful the beach is in Miami, such a shame... It sucked that entire week because I kept on thinking "I could be in Miami right now!". They were cool at the hotel and let me cancel the rest of the week given the circumstances but they did charge me the single night and for the bottle of Tequila that the hooker opened and had one shot of. It was somewhat embarrassing of course, but since I did not fuck the hooker and was literally too fucking stupid to even see it coming, I had no problems filing a report and letting everyone know just how disappointed I was. 

Upon checking out I even gave the lady at the desk a hard time about my stay and voiced my concerns about the "safe" and that of the security people. To which she said, "Sir, you let her in the room". I couldn't argue that fact, but I still feel that they should not call whatever that storage box in the closet is a safe. There is NOTHING "SAFE" about that safe. But they let me off my reservation for the rest of the week and I decided to just keep my big mouth shut before my nightmare vacation became even more expensive, or worse yet I would have to stay there and look over my back the entire time.


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Another case of the Hotel shakedown -

Only I didn't get raped and thrown off the balcony! LOL

I was going to cut and past the article but it displayed all screwed up. 

This happened just last month according to the article.

-- Edited by SELLC on Wednesday 10th of July 2019 11:15:35 PM


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And I thought the hookers in Miami were ruthless! Turns out American Express was like "hold my beer", then put it to me for twice as much! LOL


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Watch out for the overly friendly women in Miami! Odds are they are working with other people to rob you.


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"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Drive it like you stole it


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Looking back, it probably would have just been cheaper to have fucked her and paid the $400...


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Strange world in strange times !


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Tell me about it!

But isn't it funny how all this time after I made almost the exact amount that was stolen in Miami off DOGE coin? $1600

I guess sometimes the universe has it's strange ways of making everything work out.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Feel like I got robbed again... but this time without the palm trees... but the same kind of hookers got me!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Every time I think about just going fucking wild and taking off on vacation I remember...

I remember Miami!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Jump in a plane, & fly somewhere overseas for a week or so.

Europe is so close...Just rent a 6.3, & go-for-it on the autobahn's !


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Supposedly, and from the photos I have seen; Gabby Epstein is currently at home visiting in Queensland Australia... she's a little out of my leauge but then again so is a trip to Europe and renting a 6.3! LOL


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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It's still here Rastus... in all of it's embarrassing glory!

Thanks for the tips in the other thread!



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No worries ! I went back a few pages in the V-8 Cafe, & then a few in the regular general public domain, & I guess I over-looked it...

No need to re-post here...

Actually, I think I might for historical purposes, & to not create confusion lol !

So here's Ian Gillan, of Deep Purple, offering traveling tips that may help us all out, & explain the heist that our host experienced !


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Well, well well..Hello Stellar, my friend!

Jasmine, shame on her. Is she the Golddgger who is in the show 90 Day Fiancé ?  Thats their job to steal money from American men

and all the gory details that go along with being a thief.


You should stop Buying expensive shaving cream and go with the Dollar Tree stuff for a buck and a quarter.  Very thick and creamy, good stuff! i use it on my legs daily.


other than thathows Stellahows Brandy?  Your kids must be grown by now.


Im sure everyone here loves the job that Biden has done so far.  Id love to be posting with those nasty democrats on Date Hook Up now!!!




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Hello Haslefree! Long time no see, glad you stopped in to say hello!

I'm using my Stellar007 account, which was my handle most of the time on DH... I needed to get my post count up a little on this account as I'm starting to look like a certified post whore on my SELLC handle... over 15,000 post LOL, figure I'll let people catch up for awhile and once I break 1,000 post I'll go back to my post whoring SELLC account. lol

Jasmine, well... let's just say it wasn't just Jasmine involved... she was in with the Hotel security as they blocked for her with that whole bill under the door stunt right when she left. But hey, it made for a good story... should be for $1,500 CASH! I'm not into the 90 day fiance show, or the real housewives shows but I see lots of clips... I guess for some people it's good entertainment.

I like the Gel shaving cream, it just seems to be thicker and I can assure you the skin on my face is worth a few extra bucks. Perhaps I could offer you my grooming service and you can tell me if it's better? 

The kids have grown quite a bit... I only really mention them in the Webcrawlers thread since they both moved out... My oldest (Rex Brandon) has moved to Texas with his buddies... I just sent them $500 worth of food and a small BBQ grill from WalMart yesterday. I don't know why I do stupid stuff like that, but I figure it's my kid and it's better than giving it to some unappreciative social media hoe... My youngest moved next store into his Grandmothers house (my Mom)... He just graduated high-school and is "taking a break"... he did well in school, honor rolls and stuff... he is college material but he has no clue what he wants to do yet, except to say that he doesn't want to help me in the gargage fixing cars! LOL

Brandee, she's doing good... she's a little jaded from the kids moving out and been drinking a little more and a lot harder stuff than just the wine anymore. It's really strange how things are so different now without kids! It has taken me quite awhile to adjust and to be honest, I'm not sure I'm quite there yet. As much as I love Brandee, I still have these uncontrolable urges to impregnate some young chick! Maybe that's TMI but I figured I'd mention it because it feels like I just hit puberty again and I thought these urges would have long since have faded, especially now that both the kids moved out and I'm realizing they are their own people and that having kids is expensive and life consuming. I chalk it up to the birds and the bees, but I wished it would stop! I could get so much more done if I didn't spend 90% of my time thinking about sex! It's really a curse, and I'm very lucky to have someone like Brandee who knows this, yet still puts up with me... I dunno, everything I could ever want I have with her, but this damn sex drive is really like a hard drug addiction. 

The company is sure happy about Biden and the Democrats modifying the COVID EIDL program, and to be honest I am too... but I must always remember the program was set up by Republicans, and that I should not allow a loan that I must repay with interest to cloud my judgement... regarless if that cloud is blue or red. 

So in other words, I'm pretty fucked up!

How you been babe? Remember that time I wore your pants on DH there towards the end? Them were good times for sure! The Clintons must have been paying them trouble-makers pretty well! 




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I'm giving this little gem a bump and making it public for viewing for awhile in honor of my most recent trip to Hollywood - Beverly Hills and Burbank...

Clearly South Beach Miami has the best hustlers in the United States, hands down. 




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Rock and roll lifestyle ehh?

Drive it like you stole it


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Shawnee_B wrote:

Rock and roll lifestyle ehh?


LOL !!!


I'm not sure about the "Rock"-part Sir, but according to this article, it may well be the "Roll" part that makes Florida so inviting lol !


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Florida is very conservative, they do not offer recreational weed sales anywhere in Florida that I know of... although it was interesting to read about that fellow on CounterPunch who managed to get a medical card to buy it! That might be more geared to the perminate resident with medical issues... I think Miami in particular would benefit from recreational weed sales, because in South Beach you don't have to go looking for trouble... trouble finds you! And it's non-stop like that all night! 





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Woman accused of drugging date in Miami, stealing $600,000 in jewelry


I'm telling you, the women in Miami don't fuck around! 



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I guess I'd better repost this one ...




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