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What do you think of Jack Dorsey and his Twitter? [4 vote(s)]

He is a liberal Jackass!
I like him and Twitter
I don't know who he is and I don't use Twitter


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Fuck you Jack Dorsey, fuck you and your liberal little shithole known as Twitter!

Yes folks, I have been officially banned from Twitter - or at least my account has been locked. 

Apparently my last Tweet about whale Beyonce and her washed up husband sitting down at Super Bowl LIV wasn't acceptable to them... never mind that their decision to sit during the National Anthem and upset the majority of Americans - the liberal shithole known as Twitter and weeded from it's rolls yet another conservative GOP supporter! Great job Jack Dorky! I have lots to say about ole' Jack Dorsey but I will save that for his own little thread, this one is dedicated to my not having to waste any more time on that stale bird-brained forum!



And apparently they didn't like the response whereas I said that Tim Cooks faggot ass needed to be removed from Apple! I guess they took that to heart, much like I took Beyonce and Jay-Z sitting during the national anthem to heart! Or perhaps they took it to heart about how many problems I have had with my Apple products over the past decade, and how they spend so much money to build a state of the art circle headquarters yet lack good spell check facilities or the ability to differentiate between two Rex Umney's with different phone numbers and email addresses! Yes that is right folks, for as long as I have had iPhones in the house it never fails that my contacts and my sons get switched up and we are basically treated like the same user using multiple devices! 

I guess you could say I was a little upset, and if constructive criticism is now considered "hateful" conduct on Twitter then they can just fuck right off! Don't need that kind of negativity in my life!

Meanwhile I am a dedicated Square and Square Capital customer - read that as PAYING CUSTOMER! So Jack, clean your act up punk! 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Well, it's not like you contributed anything constructive there. I'm actually surprised potus hasn't been banned too.

Is it just me, or have you become even more hateful as time has passed?

-- Edited by PowerStroker on Monday 10th of February 2020 01:14:43 PM



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PowerStroker wrote:

Well, it's not like you contributed anything constructive there. I'm actually surprised potus hasn't been banned too.

Is it just me, or have you become even more hateful as time has passed?



And here in lies the problem with liberals! Bigoted and intolerant! 

I have been banned from countless liberal forums because they had a selfish view much like yours PowerStroker! To Democrats it's okay to censor the thoughts and feelings of Republicans, to liberals it's not contributing or not constructive... That they claim it's racist or hateful! 

FU%K YOU PEOPLE! I allow REAL free speech in here PowerStroker! Your stupid little avatar photo and your race baiting signature would never have lasted a single day if a similar image and signature was posted about Obama in a liberal run forum! 

No, PowerStroker it is you and your liberal comrades who have become intolerant and hateful! Don't you forget it!



What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Do you know what bigoted even means? We aren't the ones who think homosexuality would bring disgrace to the White House.



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SELLC wrote:
PowerStroker wrote:

Well, it's not like you contributed anything constructive there. I'm actually surprised potus hasn't been banned too.

Is it just me, or have you become even more hateful as time has passed?



And here in lies the problem with liberals! Bigoted and intolerant! 

I have been banned from countless liberal forums because they had a selfish view much like yours PowerStroker! To Democrats it's okay to censor the thoughts and feelings of Republicans, to liberals it's not contributing or not constructive... That they claim it's racist or hateful! 

FU%K YOU PEOPLE! I allow REAL free speech in here PowerStroker! Your stupid little avatar photo and your race baiting signature would never have lasted a single day if a similar image and signature was posted about Obama in a liberal run forum! 

No, PowerStroker it is you and your liberal comrades who have become intolerant and hateful! Don't you forget it!




"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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PowerStroker wrote:

Do you know what bigoted even means? We aren't the ones who think homosexuality would bring disgrace to the White House.


There is a big difference between being a biggot and not being a complete idiot...

Boys have a penis and girls have a vagina for a very specific reason PowerStroker! I am not bigoted when it comes to homosexuality! I accept that people out there suffer from it, but the TRUTH is PowerStroker that homosexuality is not natural! People are free to engage in homosexual relationships, just like a person can smoke and drink. It's for sure a lifestyle! But at the end of the day, it's never a natural thing to start screwing your same sex best friend. 


If America was brought up to believe homosexuality was natural there might be a lot less Americans today! Homosexuals cannot breed! It's a fact! You can call a fact bigoted but the truth is anyone who argues with a fact isn't dealing in reality! Thus it would be a disgrace if the looney liberals got a pair of homosexual men or women elected as President because lets face it, this country wasn't founded on homosexuality! The human race has not evolved and prospered because of homosexuality! You best bet you're here today because of a heterosexual relationship PowerStroker - another fact.

So before you accuse me of being a bigot please do some self reflection to determine if you're just being an idiot and not accepting facts. You're free to be stupid, just as you're free to be a homo.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Perhaps you can explain then, why after millions of years of human evolution your asshole evolved to be the correct size not only to receive a penis, but also Mrs. Butterworth?

Perhaps you should do some experimenting and let me know what you come up with.



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To be quite honest I was not aware that a virgin asshole could accept a Mrs. Butterworth bottle..


But I am sure over time, one could probably run anything up their ass... I have seen full term babies come out of a woman's vagina, which is why I laugh when people think they are going to split a chick in half with their eight inches. That chick could turn out you and twenty of your gay buddies in a night and still take a Mrs. Butterworth bottle... why? Because a vagina was designed to take a pounding! Your anus, not so much. 

What one does with their asshole is none of my business, unless they want to run my country... at that point I have to wonder about a guy who finds pleasure in another mans hairy ass rather than a woman's vagina. It is at that point I realize that person has nothing in common with what I perceive to be a good time and thus can be almost certain most of his other choices will be equally as whack. 

As a parent of two boys I don't have any use for homosexuality. It's not what I would want for my kids, or anyone else's for that matter. But it's a moot point because what I want and think don't matter when it comes to someone else, family or not. But I have a right to feel that way, just like anyone has the right to be a homo.

Mayor Pete should have held his wad and waited until after the election to come out of the closet! Like Tim Cook did at Apple..


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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OMG !!!


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Hey, this is a Twitter thread... It's bound to be gay!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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I still keep getting regular emails from Twitter letting me know things have been posted and other such notifications but the account is still locked. This will be the second time I have unsubscribed to their emails.

I am going to try and coax the wife to close her account tonight before they lock her in like they have locked me in.

In the meantime I keep emailing nasty emails letting him know how underwhelmed I am with his service. Tim Cook is an admitted homosexual! Calling someone a faggot ass is no different than when homosexuals call me a breeder, or a mouth breather or knuckle dragger. Yet all these Liberal cranks can get on Twitter and espouse their vitriol unchecked! It's bullshit! Better yet, Twitter is so petty that it's not even bullshit, it's piddly ole' BIRD SHIT!

Think I am done with Twitter.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:

 Yet all these Liberal cranks can get on Twitter and espouse their vitriol unchecked! It's bullshit!




"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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No it's true! Hillary can get on Twitter and call us all Deplorable's but I can't call out Tim Cook?

It's total bullshit... 

And that guy Jack ain't right in the head either. Guy walks around looking like a cave man half the time.... a real twatter!  


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Ah...That why it's called "twit for twat" !


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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It doesn't end there Rastus!

Jack Dorsey also seems to suffer from being a little hypocritical considering for the past six months he has been supporting and liking the former Presidential candidate known as Andrew Yang and his gang. Countless times while on Twitter I was peppered with Andrew Yang's posts because I followed Jack and he liked them... Yet once it became clear (early on) that Yang did not have a shot at being the Democrats nominee Twitter decided that they were no longer going to allow any political advertising on their site! That is not only a little hypocritical, it's a little vindictive if you ask me.

But it's all cool, I guess ole' Jack the ripper can run his bird cage forum any way he likes, I just hope the business men in his company keep him out of the important parts of the business like their financing and card services division. Twitter is already going to be feeling the pinch this year if they really do stick with banning political advertising! I just find it a real same that my conservative Trump loving views have been censored from the site. I want to close my account but it won't allow me, so obviously they just want to parade around my deactivated profile like they do with Elvis and JFK, all of which are Verified users on the Twitter platform and all of which died decades before Twitter was ever established. 



What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Looks like I am not the only one unhappy with Twitter and Jack Dorsey!

Seems the investors over at Twitter are moving to outs Jack Dorsey 

An activist investor is reportedly preparing a plan to oust Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, and the stock is rising


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Billionaire Republican buys major Twitter stake, may oust CEO amid GOP concerns of bias, reports say

Serves Jack Dorsey right for blocking and censoring Republican users while keeping their profiles to "appear" as active! 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Looks like in addition to banning conservative members, Twitter and Jack Dorsey is going to try it's luck censoring the President of the United States!


Trump camp fires back after Twitter labels Biden video 'manipulated'

Everyone knows Biden is the King of gaffs! Guy doesn't even know which day of the week it is, or what office he is running for! But Twitter and Jack Dorsey are going to block any mention of Bidens questionable mental state! Typical liberal censorship! Just like the way all the liberal web forums delete many conservative posts and ban anyone who gains traction! Seen this all through my life from the Democrats and it needs to be stopped!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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It would seem Jack Dorsey thinks he is above the President of the United States as he continues to selectively enforce his rules on only Republicans! Just recently Twitter tried to fact check a statement by the President of the United States while allowing propaganda accounts from China to run wild... also it would seem Twitter is allowing Iranian leaders to have accounts and speak freely despite certain sanctions that have been longstanding against Iran!

So Jack Dorsey has some serious problems here! If you ask me he should be arrested by Homeland Security and placed in Guantanamo Bay for awhile! One could argue his Twitter is responsible for the aftermath in the recent Minnesota riots where his platform aided the criminals in their attacks and this trend continues on today where Twitter is being used to organize other such "attacks" all over the country! It's quite clear these "protest" are really "attacks" when you have entire communities being looted and burned to the ground. 

A white conservative on the site has to walk the line, while liberals, especially black liberals are allowed to threaten and coordinate racist attacks! Blacks on the site are also allowed to refer to one another as "niggas" or even "niggers" without any reprimand! I have taken screen shots because honestly they now brag about it - saying things like "Fight for Floyd like we fight to use the word nigga"! Even got a nice screen shot of that which is still live and broadcast over Twitter this very minute!

Some have suggested that I should just quit Twitter, and at one time I would have agreed - however Twitter did not want to remove my original account from their systems! They wanted to parade my locked account around as if I just quit visiting - rather than because my account had been unfairly locked! I took offense to this and after their systems failed to review my appeal in the allotted time I decided to make another one, which they immediately linked to my original. After much work I was able to separate them somewhat and used an alias because I no longer wanted to give Twitter the opportunity to parade yet another account of mine around the next time they wanted to discriminate against me. This new account was banned for making light of a certain Cardi B that was running her filthy mouth! I screen recorded the entire video and cut to the part where she goes off on her racist rant,

Obviously, as a white guy I was greatly offended at her calling me a "redneck" and quite frankly her filthy mouth running on such a sensitive subjects felt like it was inciting hate and lawlessness! So I responded to her video with the following Tweet,

Okay, so I called her a Hoochi Momma! But lets look at the definition of a "hoochie momma"

Looks pretty accurate to me, I mean if you have ever seen some of the tight stuff Cardi B squeezes herself into, and the language she uses... well, the shoe fits! Yet that didn't stop Twitter from locking my account and forcing me to remove the comment from appearing. 

Here they claim that I am guilty of "hateful conduct", never mind she just called me a redneck and earlier in the video encouraged people to riot and loot! So now I was being forced to delete my comment or try and appeal it, which the last time I tried that with my original account it just continued to ask me to appeal every time I logged in as if I never replied. Just locked out by way of an infinite loop asking me to appeal over and over.

So I decided that I would not appeal and just remove the comment, however now the account is limited for a week! Meanwhile Cardi B's racist rant is still live and getting lots of love, while all views in opposition are being censored and having their accounts locked. 

There is no doubt that my original account has been shadow banned... and now with this, I am out of the game unable to retort to all these outrageous videos and statements! 

There can be no denying that Twitter has really lost it's mind, and it's owner Jack Dorsey is where the Trump Administration needs to start! Throw him in Guantanamo for awhile because he clearly understands exactly what he is doing and he using a US company to skirt laws and cause death, destruction and mayhem with a clear political bias that does not afford his now "edited" forum the protections of websites that allow everyone to be represented.




What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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If Jack Dorsey thinks he is above the President of the US on Twitter, it's because HE IS.

Exactly what law has Jack Dorsey broken?

If Trump real estate can discriminate against African Americans, why can't Twitter discriminate against conservative Americans?

Please list the exact statute number from US code that you believe Jack Dorsey is in violation of.

-- Edited by PowerStroker on Saturday 30th of May 2020 04:53:15 PM



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PowerStroker wrote:

If Jack Dorsey thinks he is above the President of the US on Twitter, it's because HE IS.

Exactly what law has Jack Dorsey broken?

If Trump real estate can discriminate against African Americans, why can't Twitter discriminate against conservative Americans?

Please list the exact statute number from US code that you believe Jack Dorsey is in violation of.



I only quoted and put in bold the first sentence because I want this to be remembered. For someone who is always saying corporations run the government this sure is a turn of events worthy of remembering! So now you're all for things like corporate discrimination? And yet somehow it's okay because of some Trump Real Estate deal that went down before you could even wipe your own ass, let alone understand the concept of discrimination? NICE! 

Exaclty what law has Jack Dorsey broken? Well, let us list a few for you - but be aware that the DOJ and other Government officials are watching Jack and his employees very closely and gathering evidence that may make for bigger charges too, so this list is probably only scratching the surface... However, the chapter I like the best is 18 U.S. Code Chapter 113B - Terrorisim because obviously to get Jack and his higher ups on ANY ONE of theses charges means Homeland Security could march in his office and toss his stupid ass right in Guantanamo Bay without so much as even a trial! All his rights would be lost while a military court decided his fate. 

I suggest you and Jack look closely at 18 U.S. Code Chapter 113B PowerStroker! His international ties to people in Iran and other up and coming enemies of the state are enough! I think ole' Jack needs a little time to meditate in Guantanamo Bay to understand the importance of free speech and equal treatment! If and when he was ever released he might have a little more respect for the powers of the US Government he loves to flout. 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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18 U.S. Code §2339.Harboring or concealing terrorists

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Whoever harbors or conceals any person who he knows, or has reasonable grounds to believe, has committed, or is about to commit, an offense under section 32 (relating to destruction of aircraft or aircraft facilities), section 175 (relating to biological weapons), section 229 (relating to chemical weapons), section 831 (relating to nuclear materials), paragraph (2) or (3) of section 844(f) (relating to arson and bombing of government property risking or causing injury or death), section 1366(a) (relating to the destruction of an energy facility), section 2280 (relating to violence against maritime navigation), section 2332a (relating to weapons of mass destruction), or section 2332b (relating to acts of terrorism transcending national boundaries) of this title, section 236(a) (relating to sabotage of nuclear facilities or fuel) of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2284(a)), or section 46502 (relating to aircraft piracy) of title 49, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.
A violation of this section may be prosecuted in any Federal judicial district in which the underlying offense was committed, or in any other Federal judicial district as provided by law.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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18 U.S. Code §2339A.Providing material support to terrorists

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Whoever provides material support or resources or conceals or disguises the nature, location, source, or ownership of material support or resources, knowing or intending that they are to be used in preparation for, or in carrying out, a violation of section 32, 37, 81, 175, 229, 351, 831, 842(m) or (n), 844(f) or (i), 930(c), 956, 1091, 1114, 1116, 1203, 1361, 1362, 1363, 1366, 1751, 1992, 2155, 2156, 2280, 2281, 2332, 2332a, 2332b, 2332f, 2340A, or 2442 of this title, section 236 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2284), section 46502 or 60123(b) of title 49, or any offense listed in section 2332b(g)(5)(B) (except for sections 2339A and 2339B) or in preparation for, or in carrying out, the concealment of an escape from the commission of any such violation, or attempts or conspires to do such an act, shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 15 years, or both, and, if the death of any person results, shall be imprisoned for any term of years or for life. A violation of this section may be prosecuted in any Federal judicial district in which the underlying offense was committed, or in any other Federal judicial district as provided by law.
(b)Definitions.As used in this section
the term material support or resources means any property, tangible or intangible, or service, including currency or monetary instruments or financial securities, financial services, lodging, training, expert advice or assistance, safehouses, false documentation or identification, communications equipment, facilities, weapons, lethal substances, explosives, personnel (1 or more individuals who may be or include oneself), and transportation, except medicine or religious materials;
the term training means instruction or teaching designed to impart a specific skill, as opposed to general knowledge; and
the term expert advice or assistance means advice or assistance derived from scientific, technical or other specialized knowledge.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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18 U.S. Code §2339D.Receiving military-type training from a foreign terrorist organization

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Whoever knowingly receives military-type training from or on behalf of any organization designated at the time of the training by the Secretary of State under section 219(a)(1) of the Immigration and Nationality Act as a foreign terrorist organization shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for ten years, or both. To violate this subsection, a person must have knowledge that the organization is a designated terrorist organization (as defined in subsection (c)(4)), that the organization has engaged or engages in terrorist activity (as defined in section 212 of the Immigration and Nationality Act), or that the organization has engaged or engages in terrorism (as defined in section 140(d)(2) of the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 1988 and 1989).
(b)Extraterritorial Jurisdiction.There is extraterritorial Federal jurisdiction over an offense under this section. There is jurisdiction over an offense under subsection (a) if
an offender is a national of the United States (as defined in[1] 101(a)(22) of the Immigration and Nationality Act) or an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence in the United States (as defined in section 101(a)(20) of the Immigration and Nationality Act);
an offender is a stateless person whose habitual residence is in the United States;
after the conduct required for the offense occurs an offender is brought into or found in the United States, even if the conduct required for the offense occurs outside the United States;
the offense occurs in whole or in part within the United States;
the offense occurs in or affects interstate or foreign commerce; or
an offender aids or abets any person over whom jurisdiction exists under this paragraph in committing an offense under subsection (a) or conspires with any person over whom jurisdiction exists under this paragraph to commit an offense under subsection (a).
(c)Definitions.As used in this section
the term military-type training includes training in means or methods that can cause death or serious bodily injury, destroy or damage property, or disrupt services to critical infrastructure, or training on the use, storage, production, or assembly of any explosive, firearm or other weapon, including any weapon of mass destruction (as defined in section 2232a(c)(2)[2]);
the term serious bodily injury has the meaning given that term in section 1365(h)(3);
the term critical infrastructure means systems and assets vital to national defense, national security, economic security, public health or safety including both regional and national infrastructure. Critical infrastructure may be publicly or privately owned; examples of critical infrastructure include gas and oil production, storage, or delivery systems, water supply systems, telecommunications networks, electrical power generation or delivery systems, financing and banking systems, emergency services (including medical, police, fire, and rescue services), and transportation systems and services (including highways, mass transit, airlines, and airports); and
the term foreign terrorist organization means an organization designated as a terrorist organization under section 219(a)(1) of the Immigration and Nationality Act.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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18 U.S. Code §2339C.Prohibitions against the financing of terrorism

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(1)In general.Whoever, in a circumstance described in subsection (b), by any means, directly or indirectly, unlawfully and willfully provides or collects funds with the intention that such funds be used, or with the knowledge that such funds are to be used, in full or in part, in order to carry out
an act which constitutes an offense within the scope of a treaty specified in subsection (e)(7), as implemented by the UnitedStates, or
any other act intended to cause death or serious bodily injury to a civilian, or to any other person not taking an active part in the hostilities in a situation of armed conflict, when the purpose of such act, by its nature or context, is to intimidate a population, or to compel a government or an international organization to do or to abstain from doing any act,
shall be punished as prescribed in subsection (d)(1).
(2)Attempts and conspiracies.
Whoever attempts or conspires to commit an offense under paragraph (1) shall be punished as prescribed in subsection (d)(1).
(3)Relationship to predicate act.
For an act to constitute an offense set forth in this subsection, it shall not be necessary that the funds were actually used to carry out a predicate act.
(b)Jurisdiction.There is jurisdiction over the offenses in subsection (a) in the following circumstances
(1)the offense takes place in the United States and
a perpetrator was a national of another state or a stateless person;
on board a vessel flying the flag of another state or an aircraft which is registered under the laws of another state at the time the offense is committed;
on board an aircraft which is operated by the government of another state;
a perpetrator is found outside the United States;
(E)was directed toward or resulted in the carrying out of a predicate act against
a national of another state; or
another state or a government facility of such state, including its embassy or other diplomatic or consular premises of thatstate;
was directed toward or resulted in the carrying out of a predicate act committed in an attempt to compel another state or international organization to do or abstain from doing any act; or
(G)was directed toward or resulted in the carrying out of a predicate act
outside the United States; or
within the United States, and either the offense or the predicate act was conducted in, or the results thereof affected, interstate or foreign commerce;
(2)the offense takes place outside the United States and
a perpetrator is a national of the United States or is a stateless person whose habitual residence is in the United States;
a perpetrator is found in the United States; or
(C)was directed toward or resulted in the carrying out of a predicate act against
any property that is owned, leased, or used by the United States or by any department or agency of the United States, including an embassy or other diplomatic or consular premises of the United States;
any person or property within the United States;
any national of the United States or the property of such national; or
any property of any legal entity organized under the laws of the United States, including any of its States, districts, commonwealths, territories, or possessions;
the offense is committed on board a vessel flying the flag of the United States or an aircraft which is registered under the laws of the United States at the time the offense is committed;
the offense is committed on board an aircraft which is operated by the United States; or
the offense was directed toward or resulted in the carrying out of a predicate act committed in an attempt to compel the UnitedStates to do or abstain from doing any act.
is in the United States; or
is outside the United States and is a national of the United States or a legal entity organized under the laws of the United States (including any of its States, districts, commonwealths, territories, or possessions); and
(2)knowingly conceals or disguises the nature, location, source, ownership, or control of any material support or resources, or anyfunds or proceeds of such funds
knowing or intending that the support or resources are to be provided, or knowing that the support or resources were provided, in violation of section 2339B of this title; or
knowing or intending that any such funds are to be provided or collected, or knowing that the funds were provided or collected, in violation of subsection (a),
shall be punished as prescribed in subsection (d)(2).
(1)Subsection (a).
Whoever violates subsection (a) shall be fined under this title, imprisoned for not more than 20 years, or both.
(2)Subsection (c).
Whoever violates subsection (c) shall be fined under this title, imprisoned for not more than 10 years, or both.
(e)Definitions.In this section
the term funds means assets of every kind, whether tangible or intangible, movable or immovable, however acquired, and legal documents or instruments in any form, including electronic or digital, evidencing title to, or interest in, such assets, including coin, currency, bank credits, travelers checks, bank checks, money orders, shares, securities, bonds, drafts, and letters of credit;
the term government facility means any permanent or temporary facility or conveyance that is used or occupied by representatives of a state, members of a government, the legislature, or the judiciary, or by officials or employees of a state or any other public authority or entity or by employees or officials of an intergovernmental organization in connection with their official duties;
the term proceeds means any funds derived from or obtained, directly or indirectly, through the commission of an offense set forth in subsection (a);
the term provides includes giving, donating, and transmitting;
the term collects includes raising and receiving;
the term predicate act means any act referred to in subparagraph (A) or (B) of subsection (a)(1);
(7)the term treaty means
the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft, done at The Hague on December 16, 1970;
the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Civil Aviation, done at Montreal on September 23, 1971;
the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes against Internationally Protected Persons, including Diplomatic Agents, adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on December 14, 1973;
the International Convention against the Taking of Hostages, adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on December 17, 1979;
the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material, adopted at Vienna on March 3, 1980;
the Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts of Violence at Airports Serving International Civil Aviation, supplementary to the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Civil Aviation, done at Montreal on February 24, 1988;
the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Maritime Navigation, done at Rome on March 10, 1988;
the Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Fixed Platforms located on the Continental Shelf, done at Rome on March 10, 1988; or
the International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings, adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nationson December 15, 1997;
the term international organization has the same meaning as in section 1116(b)(5) of this title;
the term armed conflict does not include internal disturbances and tensions, such as riots, isolated and sporadic acts of violence, and other acts of a similar nature;
the term serious bodily injury has the same meaning as in section 1365(g)(3) of this title;[1]
the term national of the United States has the meaning given that term in section 101(a)(22) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(22));
the term material support or resources has the same meaning given that term in section 2339B(g)(4) of this title; and
the term state has the same meaning as that term has under international law, and includes all political subdivisions thereof.
(f)Civil Penalty.
In addition to any other criminal, civil, or administrative liability or penalty, any legal entity located within the United States or organized under the laws of the United States, including any of the laws of its States, districts, commonwealths, territories, or possessions, shall be liable to the United States for the sum of at least $10,000, if a person responsible for the management or control of that legal entity has, in that capacity, committed an offense set forth in subsection (a).


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:
PowerStroker wrote:

If Jack Dorsey thinks he is above the President of the US on Twitter, it's because HE IS.

Exactly what law has Jack Dorsey broken?

If Trump real estate can discriminate against African Americans, why can't Twitter discriminate against conservative Americans?

Please list the exact statute number from US code that you believe Jack Dorsey is in violation of.



I only quoted and put in bold the first sentence because I want this to be remembered. For someone who is always saying corporations run the government this sure is a turn of events worthy of remembering! So now you're all for things like corporate discrimination? And yet somehow it's okay because of some Trump Real Estate deal that went down before you could even wipe your own ass, let alone understand the concept of discrimination? NICE! 

Exaclty what law has Jack Dorsey broken? Well, let us list a few for you - but be aware that the DOJ and other Government officials are watching Jack and his employees very closely and gathering evidence that may make for bigger charges too, so this list is probably only scratching the surface... However, the chapter I like the best is 18 U.S. Code Chapter 113B - Terrorisim because obviously to get Jack and his higher ups on ANY ONE of theses charges means Homeland Security could march in his office and toss his stupid ass right in Guantanamo Bay without so much as even a trial! All his rights would be lost while a military court decided his fate. 

I suggest you and Jack look closely at 18 U.S. Code Chapter 113B PowerStroker! His international ties to people in Iran and other up and coming enemies of the state are enough! I think ole' Jack needs a little time to meditate in Guantanamo Bay to understand the importance of free speech and equal treatment! If and when he was ever released he might have a little more respect for the powers of the US Government he loves to flout. 



Not looking good for Jack and his managers... 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:

I suggest you and Jack look closely at 18 U.S. Code Chapter 113B PowerStroker!


Everyone it seems needs to know about that-one !


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Ok Rex, thank you for posting the the specific statutes you believe Jack Dorsey to be in violation of.

Now, can you produce evidence of his guilt in the aforementioned crimes that he could be convicted of beyond a reasonable doubt by a jury of his peers?



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I don't think you get it PowerStroker! Under 18 U.S. Code Chapter 113B you don't get a trial by a jury of your peers! You do know that right?

Domestic Terrorism is still Terrorism! 

But the fact that Jack Dorsey gives service to the President of Iran, despite sanctions, places your good buddy Jack in a highly actionable position!

The nationwide riots, Twitter platform coordination and the fact that Twitter is blocking the opposition like me, while allowing the incitement and glorification of riots, looting and otherwise Domestic Terror is very real! 

Trump would be wise to show our good friend Jack what being an American based business means! When his vacation to Guantanamo Bay Cuba is over he can enjoy the same rights as the conservatives he bans and censors on his site, he can move to Iran or China and set up his Twitter there!

Simple as that.



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And as someone who is a champion of free speech I will move on Jack Dorsey HARD like a bitch! 

I used to wonder where he got all the money to back his Square and other such internet holdings, probably not a good idea for Jack to be rocking the boat.

Jack is also a big proponent of Bitcoin, yet when I do business with his company they don't take no damn Bitcoin! They want cold hard cash with interest, but they don't call it interest... They call it a "fee", sort of like how the Muslims do, it's still interest - it's just got a different name... but it answers a lot of questions about where all that money might be coming from. 

Jack and his Square are very good at flouting traditional interest rates or laws because he offers a card processing service, immediate funding service and a capital loan service. They will loan you money at a set fee for a set amount of time and then take a percentage of your daily sales (usually 10-20%) to pay off that capital loan. If you have a great month you can end up paying the entire loan off in very short order, sometimes less than a third of the amount of time they give you to pay it. If you fail to generate enough income to pay the monthly payments they will deduct the balance from your account. Thing is, if you pay the loan off in a quarter of the time they still pocket all the fees. Obviously they monitor your sales history to ensure they can collect much sooner than the time they give you to pay. But they are taking a risk here, so I have to hand it to them in that regard - although as a paying customer I worry that his risky behavior and actions on Twitter will start seeping into his other businesses and I will be discriminated against there as well!

So you can see I have skin in the game PowerStroker! Given Jack Dorsey a LOT of money over the years! Been satisfied with his Square service but what I see happening on Twitter gives me legitimate cause for concern. 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Perhaps all conservatives should just boycott Twitter and close your accounts there?



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I have actually been trying to get my original Twitter account closed and removed! I have sent emails, customer service request and I am even about to send a certified letter! 

That is not the way it should be however, and if that is how you really feel then I guess we should also revoke discrimination laws too because if you don't like it, go away! Right? I can live with that, in fact I have and continue to live by that! The question is, can the rest of America? 



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Oh look, Twitter re-activated my original account... lol

On #WhiteWednesday of all days! LOL

Also happened to be the last day of my poll taken on my other account which was "Does Twitter's @JackDorsey have a small Pee-Pee"... A resounding five people voted YES! Zero voted NO! I think it's safe to say Jack's five ex-girlfriends seen the poll... biggrin




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Jack Dorsey does have a small pee-pee after all!


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Got banned again on Twitter today, June 27th 2021 for calling Elon Musk a retard.

Guess I was wasting too much time over there anyway...

Technically Elon Musk is a retard, on account of his "ass-burgers" spelled wrong on purpose because it's just another hustle for African Retard Musk. 

Fucking Twitter and Jack Dorcey are retarded as well... couple of wanna be hustlers, honestly.


IIRC, Elon Musk has been guilty of name calling on Twitter too... Never seen him get suspended.

Oh well, no point in suing or trying to protect my right to free speech... the retard in charge over at Twitter can hustle someone else.

Guess they didn't like me questioning how Bitcoin was a decentralized currency if Jack and Elon were meeting in July to have "THE" talk about Bitcoin.

Calling Elon Musk a retard isn't hateful, it's the truth!

Twitter didn't seem to have a problem with my saying Elon Musk likes to suck on Xi's tiny little Chinese nuts... Go figure?



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Honestly there probably wont be much left of Jack and Elon once the SEC catches up to them. 

Jack will have to move to El Salvador and live the life of John McAffe while Elon will probably settle in China while stealing half of NASA technology on his way.

It's a badge of honor to be banned from Twitter, honestly!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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A friend from another social media site suggested I try and appeal my suspension... So I sent in my appeal,



So now we wait!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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I'm sure they'll reinstate your account :) ! Your reply was perfectly reasonable !


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Rastus wrote:

I'm sure they'll reinstate your account :) ! Your reply was perfectly reasonable !



What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Funny I can't call Elon Musk a retard on Twitter but that racist US Olympic hammer thrower bitch can call the entire white race "retarded?"



Totally not missing the liberal indoctrination going on over there!

This dumb bitch looked like a total pair of clownshoes as she turned her back on the US anthem... it's like the dumb bitch didn't know that's really poor form, that's like Ivan Drago kind of bullshit...

But that is just how these losers roll.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:



This dumb bitch looked like a total pair of clownshoes as she turned her back on the US anthem... it's like the dumb bitch didn't know that's really poor form, that's like Ivan Drago kind of bullshit...



Then again, things didn't work out too well for Apollo Creed IIRC...  

So it's Hollywood's fault black people don't want to be patriotic! 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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PowerStroker wrote:


Exactly what law has Jack Dorsey broken?


Word on the street is that Trump is suing Twitter, and it's a class action! 

So once I get my hands on the complaint I'll post a link and we can see what "laws" Jack Dorsey has been alleged of breaking. 

Since Trump isn't President anymore I'd imagine they will be a bunch of Civil Right and Equal Party Representation laws, but we will see!

When the dust settles I might get $20 like I did with the AMD processor class action settlement! LOL!

It would be nice if Trump and his lawyers could spread it around a little thicker than $20 though, think I paid over $60 just for a single hat, which is probably what got me flagged on Twitter to be unfairly scrutinized. 

Of all the things people say and do on Twitter and I get banned for calling Elon Musk a retard? Dude was on SNL! He is a regular talking head! This should never happen!

But the truth is I also spoke poorly of Bitcoin and also Tesla's autodrive that nearly killed us one night as it sent a vehicle down the wrong side of the road! Lucky I was driving the Corvette and was able to perform an elaborate maneuver to avoid a head on collsion! And I said as much in the same thread that got me banned when I said in closing that Elon Musk was a retard. The guy gives finacial advice on Twitter, called someone who saved a bunch of kids from a flooded cave a "Pedo" because they didn't have time to play around with his Mickey Mouse bullshit robotics. Again, just like that night in the Corvette, a regular man proved that in the heat of the moment the human is still far more latent than a man behind a machine. Musk got jealous of the diver who saved the kids from the flooded cave without machine help and called the hero diver a "Pedo"... Just remember that about Elon Musk because there are a lot of other stories too! Like the one where I got banned on Twitter by Musk's bit-coin-butt-buddy, Jack, for calling him a retard and sharing my experiences with his dangerous Tesla autodrive. 


Trump to sue Facebook, Twitter, Google over alleged censorship, says they've 'ceased to be private'

-- Edited by SELLC on Thursday 8th of July 2021 04:27:23 PM


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Rastus wrote:

I'm sure they'll reinstate your account :) ! Your reply was perfectly reasonable !


GoDaddy flagged Twitters response to my e-mail as spam! LOL

Bless their little hearts! 

Twitter IS the SPAM of the internet!



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I am starting to think I am not going to get that apology letter from Jack Dorsey...

That's okay... I'll just have to figure out how to make my own Twitter, and if I really want to shine him on I'll make my own BitCoin too!



What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:

Got banned again on Twitter today, June 27th 2021 for calling Elon Musk a retard.

Guess I was wasting too much time over there anyway...

Technically Elon Musk is a retard, on account of his "ass-burgers" spelled wrong on purpose because it's just another hustle for African Retard Musk. 

Fucking Twitter and Jack Dorcey are retarded as well... couple of wanna be hustlers, honestly.


IIRC, Elon Musk has been guilty of name calling on Twitter too... Never seen him get suspended.



CHECK THIS OUT! Apparently Liberals are allowed to call other people retards on Twitter




The double standards and outright targeting of Conservatives on Twitter has always been proven time and again!

Not even shocked... Jack Dorsey is a retard too!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Rastus wrote:

I'm sure they'll reinstate your account :) ! Your reply was perfectly reasonable !


This is a famous quote right here...

Given the new leadership, my banned status and the simple fact it's not even a very good platform anyway, I'm stepping away from Twitter.

Not even keeping up with our LA friends... Well, at least not on Twitter! LOL, but there is always Instagram... 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Elon Musk is not the only retard on Twitter... we have AOC, Rand Paul, and about half of congress on there as well...


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:





The full of shit retard is back at it again...

Elon Musk asks 'is a new platform needed?' after Twitter free speech criticism


Yes our favorite retard is back at it! The guy is totally detached from reality and so out of touch with people in general! He really thinks the problem is with Twitter putting tags on certian post and not with Twitter pretty much surrounding an idiot like Musk with nothing but Twitter YES men and women! Maybe the reason Twitter sucks so bad is because half the people were banned for exercising their rights to free speech! Did you ever think about that, retard?

For someone like Musk, who ironically relies on Twitter's unfair banning of members and censoring of information, to say what he did is really a slap in the face! This peckerwood has probably never been banned or censored in his pathetic life! He goes on to suggest that Twitter is the "De facto town square" of the internet! What a clueless *uckstick this guy is! HELLO RETARD! Twitter sucks! The format is dated, the management crooked and most of the famous people (read that as A list famous) don't even manage their own Twitter accounts!

We have ruthless dictators spewing hate on Twitter without punishment, meanwhile an AMERICAN (me) who has done nothing more than call Elon a retard in one of his off the wall tweets is banned for life?

Twitter, for all intents and purposes is nothing more than a collection of self absorbed idiots who sit around and circle jerk it all day long! Nothing more and nothing less...

I still maintain that Elon Musk is a complete retard! CLUELESS to the fact Twitter protects him from the majority of people who would otherwise call him out in all of his Tweets! He thinks all them fake accounts that Twitter set up, and all his groupie fans that buy all his garbage are real! LOL, this is why he is lonely! This is why Grimes left him for Chelsea Manning.



Why doesn't Elon Musk come on this forum? Because this forum does not accommodate his need for training wheels!

Let's talk about all of Musk's so called inventions... stating with the Tesla! Do I own one? NO! 

How about one of his hairspray flame throwers? Do I own one of them? NO!

Have I ever used any of his underground tunnels from the Boaring company? NO!

Do I use his StarLink internet? NO!

The fact is I don't use ANY of his products or services! I think ALL of his cars are ugly, with the exception of the roadster... which is WAY overdue... a lot like his CyberPunkTruck monstrosity. 

So when I get online and see Musk running his cock-holster about how Twitter is unfair, I think to myself "What a sheltered little retard"... it's not bad enough that Twitter has pruned an entire forum of yesmen/women for Elon Musk... now he wants to buy it or start his own?

Would I join Elon Musks web forum? Probably not, or NO! He's starting to sound a lot like Trump!

I didn't always have this opinion of Musk... sure I was hard on him... but when Twitter banned me for calling him a retard I lost all respect for Elon Musk AND Twitter.

So, Elon Musk can just choke on it... the censorship and everything else that shithole site is symbolic of. Bunch of morons jerking each other off!




What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Elon : Why did you block me on Twitter

Grimes : You don't own Twitter




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Word on the street is that Grimes dumped Chealse Manning...

One has to wonder, is she looking to hook up with Elon's Dad next... at least she's keeping it in the family! 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl



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