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Post Info TOPIC: Did you get your stimulus money?
Did you get your Trump Stimulus? [3 vote(s)]

Yes! Woo-Hoo!
No! Still waiting!
No, I made more than $100k last year!
No, I don't live in the USA!


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Did you get your stimulus money?

Today, April 15th 2020 the Government sent out massive amounts of stimulus checks to people with account information on file.

Did you get your #TrumpMoney?


-- Edited by SELLC on Wednesday 15th of April 2020 07:25:17 PM


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I believe it is debt financed taxpayer money isn't it? Allocated by Congress and then signed off by Trump?

Unless Trump is paying us out of his pocket and I'm just not aware of it?



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Bush Money, Obama Money, Trump Money...

Just like we name a virus, by the name of it's origin - Spanish Flu, West Nile, Wuhan Virus...

It's tradition!



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I got all pipped up about the Trump Money yesterday on Facebook, you would have been proud PowerStroker!

From the 6th to the 14th I was checking my account three times a day like,


Then yesterday I just melted down... So glad it came today because I was getting low enough to where I'd have had to launch the alert three aircraft! LOL


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I even edited the keywords to really shine ya on! 


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I thought that you were still busy working ?...

Confusedt ?...


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What is there to be confused about? The stimulus, or should I say Economic Impact Payments are given to all Americans who earn under $100k per year. 

I might be working but that dont mean people are spending like they were before this whole thing went down and thats why they call it the EIP.

Im also waiting for a PPP stimulus which is a federally backed loan to the business to help thru the pandemic. You have to remember Rastus, that Im in Michigan! The Democrat Governor has basically locked the state down! So while Im still paying bills and keeping the doors open there is not the same level of business due to people wanting to do only the bare minimum, or canceling their appointments because of the lockdown.


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And, you should also know that a lot of small businesses have simply decided to close up and collect the unemployment since it's massive right now at about $300 per week plus $600 a week from the fed! That is $900 a week FREE MONEY TO SIT ON YOUR ASS! 

I did not go that route, probably because I feel that listing myself as unemployed would only result in my credit limits being slashed even more than the $40,000 haircut I have taken over the past two years! Plus interest rates are really low right now at about 2.5 - 3% for a home refinance. That is a super deal and could save me big money so I have decided to keep the doors open and continue working rather than taking the easy unemployment option, which for me would have been a nice chunk of change for doing nothing but sitting on my ass and watching TV!

What bothers me is the PPP loans that are being given out to the banks and backed by the SBA... I have been reading about some of the shady businesses that have been getting massive amounts of money thru this program! One fitness company that sells exercise equipment in Texas got over $400,000! This Texas company just opened in September of 2019! Yet they gave such a useless company $400k!? WTF! The program is an absolute joke with no merit and I am pretty sure I will get cheated out of the money because they have given it all to companies that really haven't even been in business long enough to determine if the money is worth giving them! My company has been open for almost 20 years! We only asked for $5,100 but at the rate the government and banks are dolling out government loans at massive amounts its highly probable that I will be excluded simply because they gave out all the money to friends of the banks who issue the loans. 

I have also come to understand that out of that $2.2 Trillion stimulus that airlines are getting $28,000,000,000! Read that as 28 BILLION dollars! All of these big companies who got MASSIVE tax breaks at the start of the Trump term are now getting MASSIVE handouts and government backed loans! I'd better see my fook'n measly little $5k soon or I will be posting all over the internet what I think of this part of the program! 


-- Edited by SELLC on Thursday 16th of April 2020 12:10:02 PM


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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This whole mess is starting to taste like baloney....

Trumpdt baloney.jpg



"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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And just like that, people around the world wondering when their Government will give them a stimulus check




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It looks like Mr.Trumpdt didn't waste any time stocking-up when his cheque arrived in the mail....






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You know these checks are SOCIALISM don't you?



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No they are not socialism PowerStroker, they are one time hardship payments aka stimulus checks.

Yes we all pay for them the same way we pay for all your ridiculous programs that give all our money to other countries... like the billions you guys packed on a plane and sent to Iran, or the billions you guys have spent on illegals.... the list could go on and on...

I guess what REALLY bothers you the most is the fact that this money is going to Americans! 


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My PPP loan is also not a hand out as it's a "LOAN".... But I have yet to receive it, although I have been notified that I have been approved and earmarked under the original $350 billion allotted. 

Sure, it could be waived later down the road... we don't know yet.


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SELLC wrote:

No they are not socialism PowerStroker, they are one time hardship payments aka stimulus checks.

Yes we all pay for them the same way we pay for all your ridiculous programs that give all our money to other countries...


How is this not socialism exactly?

If these checks went out under Obama, he would be called a socialist, but because they are going out under Trump, he is Jesus?



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Because Trump is not a socialist?



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PowerStroker wrote:
SELLC wrote:

No they are not socialism PowerStroker, they are one time hardship payments aka stimulus checks.

Yes we all pay for them the same way we pay for all your ridiculous programs that give all our money to other countries...


How is this not socialism exactly?

If these checks went out under Obama, he would be called a socialist, but because they are going out under Trump, he is Jesus?


Look out PowerStroker !!! ROTFLMAO !!!

Trump the messiah.jpg


And guess what else ?.....Look out Michael !


Trump is god.jpg




"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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SELLC wrote:

Because Trump is not a socialist?



He just does socialist things then?


Kind of how you're not a racist you just say/believe racist things?



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No, I'd say it's more like how you're not Anti-American, you just say/believe Anti-American things..

Congratulations on your 5,000th post... 


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Thank you, Yay Me!



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SELLC wrote:

Congratulations on your 5,000th post... 


Congratulations PowerStroker. 5,000 posts is quite a few ! Certainly worth a steak dinner lol, enjoy !!!

( The times are changing for the better too IMO, so don't get too upset over political stuff here ).


steak dinner.jpg




"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Ah, the good ole' steak promotions! 

Best part about the steak promotions is no one wanted to give an address for the steaks to be sent! LOL

I thought I would also add that I was approved for the PPP thru the SBA and my Bank... Just signed the papers and I should get funding within 48 hours they say. We will see... 


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Not yet!

Drive it like you stole it


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I got my PPP loan today! First time ever for an SBA and Federal loan in the history of the company.

I am sure your stimulus is on the way Shawneee, I been hearing they are depositing stimulus checks to SS recipients with their monthly payments so I am sure it will be in your account or mailbox soon! 

Who couldn't use an extra $1,200!? 


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I hope so. My payment comes in the 3rd. Candys was 23 but no check with it. Yup, I could use it.

Drive it like you stole it


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You might want to go on the IRS website and check out the status as I have already gotten mine as well as my PPP loan from my bank. 

They claim to have modified the system that checks so that less people are getting the status unknown message.

Hope it comes soon! I know I melted down on the 14th but it was there on the 15th so I just moved on. Hate hearing other people are stuck waiting, might want to check on it. $1200 is $1200!


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Hear the site doesn't work for shit. I get my SS! the 3rd, may be in there.

Drive it like you stole it


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They say mine is coming on the 30th.



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Did you apply for the PPP loan for your business PowerStroker? I know you mentioned awhile back you were getting into some moonlighting in the CNC arena, how is that doing by the way?

I am surprised you're getting a stimulus check PowerStroker, I thought you made six figures at the dealer? confuse


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:

Did you apply for the PPP loan for your business PowerStroker? I know you mentioned awhile back you were getting into some moonlighting in the CNC arena, how is that doing by the way?

I am surprised you're getting a stimulus check PowerStroker, I thought you made six figures at the dealer? confuse


That's not fair SELLC !

PowerStroker told us years ago that he was happy doing his engines & stuff ( warranty work ), rather than the fast-line brakes & services. This way he becomes a far better tradesperson, has less competitiveness to deal with ( read ass-holes lol ), & has near guaranteed employment. Plus it also shows that he's not greedy, & would rather be working there for the long-haul over-the-years, & not burn-out quickly earning the fast-bucks.

No contest here lol !


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Rastus wrote:
SELLC wrote:

Did you apply for the PPP loan for your business PowerStroker? I know you mentioned awhile back you were getting into some moonlighting in the CNC arena, how is that doing by the way?

I am surprised you're getting a stimulus check PowerStroker, I thought you made six figures at the dealer? confuse


That's not fair SELLC !

PowerStroker told us years ago that he was happy doing his engines & stuff ( warranty work ), rather than the fast-line brakes & services. This way he becomes a far better tradesperson, has less competitiveness to deal with ( read ass-holes lol ), & has near guaranteed employment. Plus it also shows that he's not greedy, & would rather be working there for the long-haul over-the-years, & not burn-out quickly earning the fast-bucks.

No contest here lol !


Eh... Dude works for the dealership Rastus... He does his 30 years, gets his little Chinese plaque and they replace him with someone younger and faster. Not only that, his skills are limited to just one manufacture so I don't know where you come up with that far better tradesperson shyte... Not greedy? LOL apparently you don't get your car serviced at the dealership either! LOL!

Burnt out quickly earning the fast bucks? That shit don't even make any sense Rastus! You get burnt out working for slave rates doing the same thing over and over. 

You're right! NO CONTEST HERE! $80k in 2019 with nothing more than myself and my kid that I have been training! Of course as a business I can write off expenses, something PowerStroker should have or should be doing himself.

There is a difference between being greedy and just being a plain idiot... After all, PowerStroker is a registered Democrat.. Even with that shit for brains Obama as President I was able to maintain and Obama was the biggest waste of time and money in American history!

And unlike PowerStroker I can at least disagree with my party - although it's not long before they right the ship! In PowerStrokers party they love getting stuffed! I mean look at Bernie Sanders! LOL, I wouldn't be shocked if Hillary steps in Bidens place after these revelations about Bident grabbing women by the pussy! Unlike Trump who just joked about it - Joe Biden actually did it and he did it without consent or compensation to the victim! What a sleaze! LOL


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PowerStroker "is" a good tradesperson, simply since he specializes in his chosen brand.

There are pro's & cons to both mainstream & dealership technicians, one is not necessarily better than the other IMO.

There's a good thing to leaving a work-place & going home for your time alone. When you work from home, the work is always there, & never leaves you, so you don't get to break away from it.

Our world politics may be changing very soon, likely for the better.


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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WTF!? PowerStroker works at the dealership and is supplied all his heavy equipment, special tools and parts! You really are crazy tonight aren't you?

Dealership technicians are just extensions of the manufacture, whom we all know makes the problems that people like us have to fix! If they were doing their jobs right the first time he wouldn't be needed. Think about that!

And yes when PowerStroker leaves the dealership at closing time they lock the doors with all his tools and all the dealerships little toys, parts and information locked inside it! I don't work from home Rastus, I have my office here at the house but my garage is next door at a completely different address. When I want a break, and I can afford it - I take my break and head on down the road across the country and trust me, after about 100 miles it all melts away! 

Our world politics may be changing for the better soon! But only because there is a good chance Fat Kim is a vegetable and the fact that 185 countries around the world will soon be coming down on China once this Wuhan Virus passes! 

And you should know, when Trump is elected in 2020 he isn't going to take the same kind of shit as he did from Democrats during the first term! NOPE! He has played his hand very well and ensured every time the Democrats pulled their BS they were the ones with egg on their face! First it was Russian collusion scam with Mueller and the Clinton dossier, then that partisan hoax impeachment sham in the House that was forever acquitted in the Senate... Now this Wuhan COVID-19... all three appear to have Democrat finger prints on them!


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Rastus wrote:

That's not fair SELLC !



Not fair you say Rasuts?

Since when has life ever been fair? LOL


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Wow this talk of my profession really took off.

I've never made 100K in a year so I will get the stimulus, tomorrow actually.

With regard to my side cnc lathe business, that is entirely self supporting and profitable, so I don't see why I would need a ppp loan. Especially since the only way to have it forgiven is to prove you spent 75% of it on payroll, and I'm the only employee. Sounds like a great way to get ones self audited.

-- Edited by PowerStroker on Wednesday 29th of April 2020 10:31:52 PM



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You are aware, PowerStroker, that your adjusted gross income after taxes is the amount you would submit, which is then multiplied by two and some other factors? 

They have your past tax returns, so as long as you aren't lying about your AGI why would they waste their time? Sounds to me like you just aren't interested in a 1% loan! I didn't close my doors PowerStroker, I have lost a lot of revenue compared to closing them and collecting the standard $300 for the state and $600 for the Fed... $5,100 isn't really a lot of money compared to what I been hearing....

If they want to audit me, I have five file cabinets with every single receipt! I even have the H&R block guarantee... I don't know what else to say but you still a rookie and scared...


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Oh that's right... You are still moonlighting...



What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:

Oh that's right... You are still moonlighting...



LOL !!!

Without any proof, that could be called "Deformation of character" !

And to roughly quote Rupert Murdoch... "Any man, who is not trying his best, to save on paying tax, is a fool ".


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The litmus test dictates that one has to first have character in order for deformation to occur.

Then of course there is the fact he said himself, even in this thread - that its a side gig. Do you know another name for side-gig, Rastus? 


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I always thought that I was quite a character.



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PowerStroker wrote:

I always thought that I was quite a character.


Because you are a character, doesn't mean that you have character. - The Wolf (Pulp Fiction) @ :50 on YouTube video.


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How exactly can Impeached President Trump be the president of a Kenyan... Unless he is really an American?



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PowerStroker wrote:

How exactly can Impeached President Trump be the president of a Kenyan... Unless he is really an American?




He's got you on that one SELLC, & here's the proof !!!



I must have had 1,000+ hits for images of Mr.Obama's Birth Certificate LOL ! This one will never die.



"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Your photo is not working and we can't see it... The suspense is killing me! LOL


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That's strange, as it's working for me here...

I'll pick out another Birth Certificate ! It's not as though there isn't enough to choose from LOL !





"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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PowerStroker wrote:

How exactly can Impeached President Trump be the president of a Kenyan... Unless he is really an American?




What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Rastus wrote:

That's strange, as it's working for me here...

I'll pick out another Birth Certificate ! It's not as though there isn't enough to choose from LOL !





Still not working... Maybe its infected with a virus? lol


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Things that make you go hmmm...

I'll find another one lol !

Try these :) !




Or this one maybe...



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