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Post Info TOPIC: CENSORSHIP - Big Tech shows TRUE Colors - Amazon Web Servers, Twitter, Apple, Facebook and Google shut down Parler!
Should Big-Tech have the power of the courts? [2 vote(s)]

Yes I totally trust the un-elected Big-Tech companies to govern


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CENSORSHIP - Big Tech shows TRUE Colors - Amazon Web Servers, Twitter, Apple, Facebook and Google shut down Parler!

What we are seeing with Twitter banning Trumps personal account, along with his official Government POTUS account is an eye opening form of censorship by a company that has traditionally been pro-liberal, but what we are seeing now with ALL the big tech companies from Amazon, Apple, Google, Twitter and Facebook moving to shut down a little chat forum known as "Parler" is beyond anything this country has even seen before, unless you count communist China.

I have already mentioned that Twitter banned POTUS and his personal account, but in a move that can only be called a big-tech overreach the true colors of our big-tech companies are in plain view for all to see! 

It wasn't enough for Google to remove the "Parler" app from its app store, but Apple had to follow suit... but that was not enough, Amazon, who owns probably the biggest server farms in the USA has decided to also stop hosting Parler thru it's AWS (Amazon Web Servers), which will effectively shut down Parler without so much as a single day in court! This is proof positive that regardless what side of the isle you sit - this is a SERIOUS threat to free speech! While I am not a big Parler user, and I just set up an account yesterday before Apple pulled the App from its store, I downloaded and signed up because I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. Basically it was a right wing version of the left wing Twitter! 

More and more, our right to free speech and assembly both in real life or online is under attack. I have always had a strong disliking for ANYTHING Amazon, just because Jeff Bezos is such a peice of trash! And I have never been one to support Google or their many tentacles, be it their Android phones or their Web Servers (at least in terms of 1st party where I had a choice). As far as Apple goes, I have been at odds with them every since Tim Cook took over, they could be so much more but I question if Tim Cook is even in charge every time I see him doing the Chinise prayer (his hands together like he is praying). Seems to me the only one neutral in all this is Microsoft, however they dont offer any good phone options that are worth a damn. 

So where does that leave the consumer? SOL! 

So when the Democrats get around to busting up these monopolies, I sure hope they don't try and look for sympathy from me! Because they have all just sealed their fate!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Just read that some in congress are considering RICO charges against the CEO's of these companies, and while it would seem such a charge fits the crime I seriously doubt anything will become of it.

If you ask me these types of RICO crimes have been going on in the finance industry for a long time! Take for example companies like Equifax, Trans Union, and Experian who consistently leverage peoples information for profit across state lines. It does not take much to realize that many of the big banks and creditors are in on the grift as well, which is why we see a lot of card companies offering large credit lines and then reducing them almost in unison to lower a persons credit score. Why would they do this? Because obviously they ALL make more money the lower a persons credit score is. The typical MO for credit card companies are to keep raising the credit limit for users who pay their ballance in full at the end of the month, regardless how much of their actual usage is. They wait until such time as a balance is carried, because why would a customer think that $3,000 carry over on a card with a $16,000 limit would be a big deal? Once the line is cut the other large lenders will follow, often times making someone with a flawless payment history who was well under 30% utilization now appear to be a credit risk overnight as $40,000 gets cut by a handful of creditors the consumers now find themselves at 80% utilization, almost overnight. Here in Michigan this will raise a persons auto and home insurance rates, lock them out of refinances and ensure that the offending card companies can get as much interest as possible, at least enough to cover their introductory rate, but hopefully enough to make a nice little profit. 

And that is just how big companies, much the likes of Twitter, Google, Amazon and Apple are opperating today. It goes against all the laws of capitalism when all the competitors come together to stick it to a paticular group. If left alone it will eventually spread to everyone and not just the trial group, in this case Republicans. Eventually the guard will change and everyone will get their taste. 

But nothing ever gets done, nobody ever does anything! Even if a handful of people sue often times the cases are just kicked leaving massive expence for the people who were harmed. These issues aren't exclusively Republican or Democrat, they are issues that will have repercussions on us all. Of course Democrats will be busy beating their chests after pulling off an incredible feat, but the COVID is still eating away at our freedoms as we speak and little to nothing is being done outside of chest thumping in congress, which is to say instead of hitting the ground running on January 20th 2021 they would rather fiddle-fart around with this big Trump show.

Twitter knew that it's bottom line was going to suffer by banning the person who brought them main-stream, this is why they inlisted the help of all the other companies to insulate them. Twitter is not just a social media company, they have their hands in Finance as well... From their Square company that processes credit cards and issues small business loans, to their Cash App that seeks to replace the dollar with BitCoin. It all adds up to a massive usurping of the Government both left and right.



What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Image may contain: 1 person, text that says 'Tomi Lahren @TomiLahren The censorship is disgusting 49m 3.5K 5.8K 11.3K Russ/Ja SZN @_ZayTooFly How is tht even legal 48m glamdamnit @glamdamnit Replying to @ ZayTooFly and @TomiLahren Because Twitter is a private company. And thanks to gay wedding cakes republicans made sure a private business can refuse service to anyone they like 5:36 AM Jan 2021 Twitter for iPhone'



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I am pretty sure that some small cake making business in Oregon went under because they would not make a wedding cake for a gay couple. Small business owners everywhere are glad they can refuse service, the big ones too!

But unfortunatly for people like you PowerStroker, you just have to do what jobs the dealership gives you.

Bet you wish you had the right to refuse service, don't ya? 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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This just in - Parler censors things too!


Parler reportedly removed posts by Trump affiliate Lin Wood calling for execution of VP Mike Pence


Wow now there's no place at all for free speech I guess. I suppose you could have cornered that market with this site Rex... At least you could have, if you didn't show a history of sending Stoma and me on "mandatory vacations" anyway.

As Trump would have tweeted "Missed opportunity, sad."



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The only content that was ever modified or deleted on this site was by Stoma. Yet even still his original account is active.

I don't recall ANY of your content being modified or deleted, nor anyone elses. 

I do recall a certian situation with Clarity that raised the possibility of a certian chain thread of being deleted, but it's still there - in all of it's infamy. 



What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Well then, you should start an ad campaign to tell all of Trumps goons to hang out here. You already have a few, and you can bill me out as the token liberal they can all use for target practice.



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We don't have an App... You need an App to get all the air-head bimbos that bring all the macho's...

It won't be long before even we are put in the dust bin I'm sure, this is just more of the same kind of stuff I was dealing with on a very long time ago that promted me to open this site.

Been there, done that and have the t-shirt. I offered you guys one!



What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Yeah, I'm actually more outraged about the attack against democracy personally. But feel free to start your own internet.



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Censorship is an all out attack on Democracy, PowerStroker! It's convenient for you now, much like the Patroit Act was on 9/11, but what about later down the road when it's just the "norm"?

I think that is what it is going to come down to... I think perhaps this "blockchain" that is fueling digital currency might also have something to do with it.

A long time ago with Windows there was such a thing called "clustering" where a bunch of computers could link together and create one big computer. There is also VPN's and many ways to actually make it happen.

Elon Musk and other companies are working on neighborhood wifi networks that might also be able to scale. As computers get faster and technology gets better it's not out of the realm. 

Regular internet as we know it might one day be considered "dial up"


-- Edited by SELLC on Monday 11th of January 2021 07:43:09 AM


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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You know, if we kept from providing mainstream support to modern day Nazis, we probably wouldn't have to censor them.

The government isn't censoring Trump's hate, the private sector is.



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PowerStroker wrote:

Yeah, I'm actually more outraged about the attack against democracy personally. But feel free to start your own internet.

 We'll just get Al Gore to invent another one.

Drive it like you stole it


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Now that was funny... Speaking of Gore, didn't the SCOTUS act quickly to prevent the election from dragging into January? Yes they did!



What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Yeah, the Bush v Gore decision was a 5-4 split that they specifically stated is not to set any precedent - probably because it has no legal theory behind it, just a partisan one.



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SELLC wrote:

Now that was funny... Speaking of Gore, didn't the SCOTUS act quickly to prevent the election from dragging into January? Yes they did!


 I'm disgusted with it all.

Drive it like you stole it


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PowerStroker wrote:

Yeah, the Bush v Gore decision was a 5-4 split that they specifically stated is not to set any precedent - probably because it has no legal theory behind it, just a partisan one.


I believe the "legal theory" behind it was to prevent the country from tearing itself apart. Let's face it, we have a lot of green horns on the SOCTUS right now on both sides of the isle. And then there is RINO Roberts, his horn isn't green but it's there none the less.

There was also another issue with chodes counting the ballots in some liberal shithole town in Florida. 

I think perhaps precident should have been set because the Senate got sacked on January 6th and there was nothing but absolute chaos that will last all the way thru January 20th and probably beyond! Great job SCOTUS!



What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Shawnee_B wrote:
SELLC wrote:

Now that was funny... Speaking of Gore, didn't the SCOTUS act quickly to prevent the election from dragging into January? Yes they did!


 I'm disgusted with it all.


Me too Shawnee, Me too!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Drive it like you stole it
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