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Post Info TOPIC: Tried to lurk the Zoom Web Crawlers live broadcast last night!


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Tried to lurk the Zoom Web Crawlers live broadcast last night!

And honestly, we waste so much time talking about worthless politicians and shitbags in this forum that it's refreshing to meet some new faces!

I spent over five years on Twitter before they banned me for being a Republican... trust me when I say in them five years these were the coolest and most interesting people... 

No doubt COVID has allowed many people to be more active online and share more than ever before. For awhile there the internet and social media was all we had to get by because everything else was closed!

And as is tradition, I have always celebrated the most interesting people of any platform that I have reviewed! 

I can't even get close to saying this online existance is anywhere nearly as nice as In Real Life stuff, and it's actually quite pathetic when I really think about it. 

I got some good car post I have been working on, every since the kid went to work somewhere else I'm able to take more time with the cars, get photos and research a lot more.

One thing is for sure, I had the urge to go Casino hopping last night and these pack women were able to keep me distracted enough to not go. For me that's $100 saved, if not way more depending how the night went!

To be quite honest, with COVID I was worried to go out more than anything... just does not seem worth the risk... don't even think I could have a good time in public like that with everyone uptight about masks and social distancing! 

That's just not how life used to be! Sure, problems were going to happen but this pandemic stuff is just mental torture! Can't imagine paying good money to be in that atmosphere!

So I putz around the internet... hopefull things will go back to normal, knowing they are but I'm just not ready to pay good money to be given a hard time by overzealous people who almost seem to enjoy giving the guest a hard time.

I wish it would go back to where people wanted your business and treated you right and looked out for you... like I do with my customers! Now days that seems to be gone, good service is hard to come by because there aren't enough people to work. Lot's of people changing jobs too right now, and a yet a lot more have gone out of business or are getting close. What a sad state of affiars... I'd like to blame it all on Biden and the Democrats but Trump lit the fire! It's like a bite in the ass that never lets go. 



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You're wrong SELLC...

This is the best internet platform for people to speak on, hands down.


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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You're too kind Rastus...


I think our attendance numbers indicate that most people like being sold and marketed online, along with being unfairly banned and censored. 

But I have always been a "Quality over Quantity" kind of guy... I think that attribute applies to the regulars of this forum as well.

One thing I have always said was that it's never the platform that makes for a great and interesting place to hang, it's the people! 

-- Edited by SELLC on Monday 20th of September 2021 09:05:02 PM


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Now we're on page 2 of this thread, I thought I'd better post that picture of Ivanka up here again, just for contrast against all the Melissa stuff to follow ;).

Ivanka pic..jpg


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Right you are, Rastus! We are on page two! Good call on the "scale" image because the "Rat Pack" are probably the hottest of all twelve (except for Melissa and #13) lol 

So without further delay, I introduce you to Eden Dranger


Eden is an LA writer of things you have probably seen, but you would never know. 

You can follow her on Twitter and Instagram using her name. Honestly, if you enjoy that whole Twitter "zinger" one line barbs kind of thing, Eden will not disappoint. 

For sure a strong female character, she celebrates her Jewish faith with flair and pride. She's also a Libra, which means she's got an "air" about her... Self admittedly, she's not one to settle... so that means that like many others in the Rat Pack, odds are she will be single forever. If only because nobody will live up to her Dad (rest his soul) who she adores and considers her hero. So yes, she has daddy issues... but all the really hot ones do in one way or another... a complete 180 from say, Desi, who considered her father her nemesis. 

Eden ended up blocking me on Instagram for sending her this tune as part of a three song "mix tape"

And while I feel bad that I may have hurt her feelings, I still follow her stories... and no, I won't pay the $5,000 broken heart fee. It was a popular song back in my mid 20's and I meant no offense!

Eden does have one thing the rest of the group doesn't... the entire backstory - blow by blow, of how I come to meet all these people. I got bored one night and decided I better tell at least one of them who the heck I was and how I came to know them... regardless if she wanted to know or not... even if she didn't read it, at least I now have a personal journal of it! LOL! All I can say is that sometimes the hardest person to get over is the one you never dated. I don't know if Eden wrote that, but it was spot on good advice after several weeks of one sided communication. 

She's also a rabbit lover... having a rabbit I can tell you, they can be rather stinky at times... I don't think they should be kept indoors but women feel differently... in other words, my woman has a rabbit stinking up my house and I swear to gawd, as cute as the little vermin is... he can make a room stink with a single piss! Think of how cats stink, it's like that but several times more potent! You can use the best kitty litter and it still stinks until the litter absorbs it. 

So there you have it, one of my most interesting and unique finds during my five year tenure at the liberal Twitter. Considering that Eden was phone banking for Gavin Newsome, and that she lives in LA, she's a self admitted Democrat supporter. 

Be sure to follow her if you're on Twitter or Instagram, because one day she could be famous! She might already be, who knows... What qualifies for "fame" now days is up for debate in this new digital age!


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Moving right along, and not wasting any time... I'd like to trot out the meanest and most arrogant of the entire group...

Stephanie Mickus! OMG Becky! This chick has quite an attitude on her!

I first encountered her while communicating with Ali... Stephanie was such a mean-ass to me that I saved my one and only communication with her


Apparently she was offended and blocked me immediatly... and I guess to some degree that is what really bothered me the most... the arrogance of this chick who was running her potty mouth in public forum blocking me because I gave her what she asked for?

I mean really, we see this all the time! Like when Monica sucked Bill Clinton's dick! Poor old Bill Clinton took all the heat while that little dick sucker Monica was considered an angel! I hate that shit! Them are some "classic" LA double standards that I see very often in the personalities of people who live in LA! It's like bitch, if you want to be treated like a lady, you should act like a lady! I think it's pretty simple, no?

But as much of a cold hearted callous woman as she is on the outside, she's a big softie on the inside... it's why she made the "B" list... because she always seems to be volunteering her time and trying to help in various homeless charities. She seems genuine about it, and I get the impression from her post that when she talks of her charitable efforts it's almost always to get other people involved and helping rather than bragging or trying to make herself look good. So that is for sure a plus! Perhaps she just does not like gummy candy? 

Speaking of looking good, Stephanie is not bad looking... I'm not sure why she got so carried away with the tattoo's but I guess that's her business... I did a "before" and "after" photo grab of her and it would seem the pandemic really took a toll on her... I hope she's doing ok!






Now I don't want to be the one to judge, like she did to me... but it looks like she got into something!

I see her post from time to time on Twitter.

I don't follow her, but if you're into that whole grunge thing I'm sure you can find her on Twitter... I don't know about Instagram because again, I never followed her... I just put her on my list of people I'd like to meet in LA because she was such a mean-ass to me I figured I'd repay the favor... even if it was several years later! And who knows, maybe several years from now I'll make it to LA and she can thank me by slapping or punching me in the face... seems like her style. I'd take it like a man! 

No hard feelings babe! 


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Moving right down the list we have one of the more interesting of the group, and thus far the only one who does NOT live in LA! 

Nope... our next one is a New Yorker! Guess you could say New Yawker if you wanna get the accent down...

By far the best looking of all twelve ladies, Gabrielle Williott is, and probably always will be, my most favorite of the Twitter gang!


Unlike ALL the other ladies from LA, Gabrielle is approachable and does not have a bazillion fake followers... it's almost like she weeds them out because being as attractive as she is, she would have many 10's of thousands more followers. She is not one to ignore people and will interact with just about anyone who interacts with her! I followed her for awhile and fucked it all up when I ripped on her friend "Brian"... In my defense, Brian was a very Magoo person but apparently Gabrielle is not into male toxic masculinity. She gave me the block but not without first giving me a thorough tongue lashing and making it very clear that I was not to rip on her friends... guy was a pussy... buy hey... best thing for me really, our relationship was going nowhere!

I am not sure exactly what Gabrielle does, although I think she might be an editor of sorts... not sure exactly what she edits but she seems to have connections in LA and is working in the media business in some capacity. For the longest time I thought she worked in a body shop because her avatar has the storefront of a collision shop that reads "Gabrielle's Collision Shop".


But that is just how corny she is, just a barrel of laughs! Sometimes she comes up with some shit so far out there you're left wondering, "is this chick crazy or is she just fucking with me" but that's all just part of her charm. She was my eyes and ears in NYC when the pandemic was in it's most locked down period... speaking of periods, she loves to talk about them... she's got a link in her profile to a website called fullyloadedtampon although I am not sure if it's her's or not... sort of like the body repair shop image... 

I'd love to say something bad about Gabrielle, but the truth is I'm 100% to blame for getting blocked... which is not to say that people don't have a right to block others, for any reason whatsoever, just that I deserved my block. What can I say,

She comes HIGHLY recommended if you are on Twitter or Instagram because she really has some funny posts! Not only that, she loves to dress up for the camera! So if you like that photo above you will like all of her others too! Check her out!



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And finally to round out the rat pack is our very own Sarah Beattie!

Sarah has really big tits, and she clearly states in her avatar "I have big tits"... you be the judge



Only problem with Sarah is that she votes Democrat and LOVES to bash on Trump and his supporters! It's actually kind of funny though.

Sarah hails from Hawaii, then she was in LA but now she lives right here in good old Michigan! 

She is apparently an artist, more specifically a comic cartoonist. She has done lots of good work and even did some work for some well known comic companies.

I knew her before she got into OnlyFans, but she was no angel then either... although given her assets one can not blame her for trying to cash in on that. I mean just look at that photo! For the record, I don't have an OnlyFans account and I have never even joined the site so I couldn't tell you what her OnlyFans account is but if you search her on Instagram or Twitter she has it posted. She is verified on Instagram but not on Twitter... She has a bazillion followers, naturally... and she says they are 100% natural. Who knows...

What I can tell you is she does have some pretty funny post but most are geared towards sex or bashing Trump and Republicans... She's not one to block people for speaking out against her Republican flame post, but I get the feeling she would take a Republicans money with more glee than that of a Democrat.

All things said, Sarah is a pretty cool internet personality who is worth a follow... she's a professional 


So that sums it up, the Rat Pack... or the "B" list if you will!

Stay tuned for the "C" list and that will conclude my introduction of the most interesting people on Twitter who have reached what I consider Twitter / internet celebrity status. 


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You'll love this...Frank was a genius....


LOL !!!


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Saturday Night Fever going on in here, and it's Monday morning! 

Frank ain't bad, but I'm a bigger Bee Gee's fan... even got their greatest hits two CD set.


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*** NEWS FLASH ***

I don't know what to think of our friend Desi now... I don't want to steal the Rat Pack's "Thunder"... but these Wolf-Pack chicks are laying it on THICK...

desiman copy.jpg


Guy who doesn't eat pussy?

What kind of LA BULLSHIT has Melissa gotten me into?

This has to be some kind of joke...

Where the fuck were you on this one Rastus?

It can't be true...


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Seems like the Patreon site has been placed on the internet "Slow" connection since it like takes FOREVER to load a video on there...

Yes, I did re-joint Patreon but only because of Melissas IVF story... seems people like real life stuff about stabbing themselves in the stomach every day to get pregnant and shit...

I guess to be honest I'm just upset I can't watch my damn videos... I mean my YouTube and everything else works fine... but my damn Patreon is just like lagging worse than Faceboook!

What can I say... Stupid is, stupid does... I'm still reeling from this possible DESI revelation! 

These fook'n people... 


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I mean, people make honest mistakes ALL THE TIME!

Trump thought the White House's top Russia expert was a secretary and called her 'darlin' during a meeting: book


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Poor Mr.Trumpdt...

It seems people are still targeting him now, even though he's just a regular citizen now.


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Such is the life of a celebrity... always someone swinging off your nuts!

I haven't had much time lately as with current work loads my driveway is starting to look more backed up than the port of Los Angeles... 

But I do keep close tabs on my A list and I suppose an update into the status of Desi is merited... It would appear I may have misinterpreted her Twitter handle and when I gave her the pussy grab it was more like this

I guess it's just how them baseball fans roll... Sorry about that Desi! LOL

As for the "Star" of this thread, Melissa, I have since come to understand she has been working real hard to get prego the past year, including IVF treatments that required at times SEVEN shots in the belly! I knew there was a reason my stomach was bothing me so much back then! They were sympathy pains! Feel bad about teasing her now, I was giving her the whole Miss Prissy treatment


Had absolutely no clue! Guess it doesn't matter much now though... she seems to have changed quite a bit... it's almost like she's been broken, domesticated even! Gone are the days of the classic Melissa... And she isn't acting! She recently underwent behavior engineering and she is now knitting! I swear I have seen this before somewhere!



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Holy shyte...

I'd suggest that your poor "Melissa" may have gone out with too-many "Bobby Brown's" in her time...And possibly still wants one...

So who's Bobby Brown ???....

I'll let Frank explain, so listen very closely, & turn-it-up !!!


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That's pretty funny Rastus! LOL, almost as good as the Cheech and Chong bit! 

I never even knew that song existed before now. A couple of times I caught myself wondering, "did he just say what I think he said?", "He-did He-did!"

In other news, Quentin Tarantino is considering making Kill Bill Vol. 3...

Apparently Fiona Apple has some thoughts...

And to think she always said "Nothing was going to change her world"




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I'm glad that you liked it...Frank Zappa died way-too-early, & I've always thought of him as a "musical MAD magazine"...That said, I don't really like a lot of his stuff, as it was at times too weirded-out...


Believe it or not, he remains one of the all-time-great modern-day-composers, & ...... Just happens to be one of the most cutting-edge, & amazing, jaw dropping guitarists to ever walk the planet... (Regardless of me not liking all-of-his stuff, he ALWAYS ensured that at least one superb "instrumental" was on every album he made...And he made over 60-records, plus started many people off on their musical careers, like Alice Cooper, Little Feat etc etc ).

So jokes aside, check this out :) !!!


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So anyway, I got a little story to tell about Eden Dranger and her odd recommendation one day... so there I was, just minding my own business on Twitter looking thru everyones business when I noticed on Eden Dranger's profile she had a video of this dancing cactus that sang, danced, lit up and looked like a whole lot of fun...

I went on to eBay immediatly and purchased one from Rancho Cucamonga California... a little over a week later the thing arrives and I take it out of the box and install a pair of batteries and turn it on... right away I noticed that it did not have flashing lights that Eden's did, plus the songs were not the same! Seemed to be three songs in Spanish, none of which I had ever heard before...

One of the songs was kind of catchy so I played it a few times when one time my oldest come along and he thought it was cool too, so he took it down to his bedroom for about two weeks... about that time the batteries died and the kid brings it back and says I can have it back... So I put new batteries in it and my youngest son adopted it for a little while... perhaps a few days later he brings it back and sets it next to my computer and says "Hey Dad, I don't think that is Spanish"... confused and almost embarrassed I told him he didn't know what he was talking about, to which he replies: "I'm in Spanish and that's not Spanish!".

For the next few days he would walk in the room and start playing that one song that I always said was really catchy... it became a big joke and he would do it all the time... yeah-yeah! :)~

After awhile I just had to know what in the hell the lyrics were, then after a little research I found the English translation for the words and OMG... let me just tell you, it's a dancing cactus that sings the Polish dancing cow song:

So yeah, thanks a lot for the recommendation Eden!



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So it occured to me it's nearing Halloween, which is also the same time of year I checked out WebCrawlers some years ago because I was looking for something spooky...

Well I sure found it! LOL, but this year it is clowns... 



I watched the video on Patreon and I was a little upset there was no mention of KOKO the clown, which reminds me a lot of Webcrawlers.


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Seems to me women in LA watch too much TV... the amount of shows they consume makes me wonder if perhaps they are just getting in practice for when they have kids and get stuck watching Barney all day...


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Just in case anyone was wondering what kind of films Rachel Fisher likes,




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Does she like aeroplanes, or does she like showing-off her cock-pit ...???


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Rastus wrote:


Does she like aeroplanes, or does she like showing-off her cock-pit ...???


I don't know Rastus... I don't think that's actually Rachel in the photo... let's take a closer look!

Here is the 777 aeroplane clearly being consumed by the cock-pit



And here is a confirmed photo of Rachels box



As an expert in these things, we can see that the 777 aeroplane clearly did not land in Rachel's box. That's a whole different hanger, all together!

That said, we can conclude that Rachel just loves disater films.


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Also, note the lack of tattoo on the right ankle / calf...


Could be Taylor Swift though!


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Happy Devils Night 2021!

And of course, the Web Crawlers has you if you've never experenced how much fun we used to have on Devils night here in Michigan! Got so bad they started calling it Angels night, which if you think about it could be the first time they tried using cancel culture on us to replace the real meaning of something with another in attempts to change behavior.

Insurance companies probably werent very happy with all the fire damage claims as they always have to go all out in Detroit by burning a building or house to the ground... in the burbs it was pumpkin smashing, toilet pappering peoples houses, egging, soaping, bags of burning dog shit on your porch, you name it... any kind of prank was on the table on Devils night.


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Happy Halloween!


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I feel like Melissa threw a stick and when I went to chase it, she ran away with this SpaceHey recommendation! 

She really got me good on that one! Now I'm sucked in! 

Not only that I also got hooked on this Beach House music...

Starting to think she could tell me to jump off a cliff and I might consider it! LOL


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Uh ha...

W E Coyote joc.jpg

W E Coyote that's all folks....jpg




"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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That's hilarious Rastus! LOL!


Apparently in Los Angeles the whole cat testicle snatching has turned into a sport!

Our dear-dear friend and "A" lister Desiree has even taken up the challenge and caught herself three feral male cats and had them castrated!


Seems like the women in Los Angeles have taken up a new sport, "Cat testicle hunting!"

I have visions of them getting together with their cammo outfits, traps and cans of cat food going out there and hunting down these cats... it must be such a disappointment when they catch a female. LOL

Only I can't figure out what they are doing with all these testicles? If we follow the money we have to assume SOMEONE is getting paid to cut these nuts off! What are they doing with them? Selling them to the local Chinese resturant as a delicacy? Or I suppose Desi could just be working on her cat testicle bracelet like our friend Melissa... 

Watch, there is going to be a MSM article about the women of LA who are sport poaching male cats for their testicles, much the same way poachers cut the tusks off elephants!

I know they claim it's for a good cause, but the subject is rather humorous. 


I always thought it was TNA!



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It seems to me that these girls are racist....

The male cat "Tom" is always allured to the female in heat, to do-the-deed...And it's the female cat who delivers the countless feral cats into our world via birth...

It seems that these girls are just "crying poor", & won't fund the costs of an operation to de-sex a female cat, who is arguably the more responsible being impregnated...

One starts to see that they've either cheaped-out, or just hate males, & take this vengeance out on tom-cats...

Watch yourself SELLC...


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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It may just be mere coincidence the three cats she caught on her TNR hunting trip were black... and I know Melissa spends all her time watching basketball... so I dunno...

I agree that cutting off male cats testicles is a bit on the crazy side but everyone has to have their little hobbies and vices, right? Not everyone is into cars, although they should be!

I don't think any of these women are poor by a long shot... they are rich with vagina, obviously. 

It is a bit ironic though, seeings how none of them have kids and all of them are into their mid to late 30's and well beyond. And I could totally see them cheaping out, I'm attracted to a certian thriftness myself... although I don't turn away the ladies that like to throw the money around either! LOL

At the end of the day it's really quite good entertainment... It's like going into a store and standing in front of a big display cabinet full of jars... at the top of the display it says "Twitter" and each jar contains a name... a big sign to the left that reads "BOGO"... you know I'm stocking up on this shit! 



Hey Marv, you wanna go rob some cat testicles tonight?


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Been checking around to see what spells require the use of a cat testicle but so far all I can find is one that utilizes the testicle of a rooster... let's hope these girls don't ever find themselves on a farm! LOL

Ancient spells and charms for the hapless in love

Valentines Days is not all love hearts and roses for everyone. For the hapless in love, the day can be a yearly reminder of failed romances, unrequited love and the seemingly unending search for the illusive one.

Such problems of the heart span cultures and history. The inhabitants of the Graeco-Roman world suffered the same heartaches and the same emotional highs and lows as we do today. While we are left with apps to swipe on, a greater belief in magic in this period provided interesting opportunities to find love. 

Hope was placed on spells, mysterious words and magical objects to grant the gift of love on their users or to take it away from rivals.

Ticks and fish blood

The Greek Magical Papyri are a series of ancient spell books from Egypt from between the 2nd century BC and the 5th century AD. They are a sort of do-it-yourself guide to magical rituals that offers solutions to problems like finding a thief, keeping calm, curing fevers and demonic possession. Unsurprisingly, love charms feature prominently.

Depending on the lengths a hopeful lover was willing to go (and their level of lust/obsession/desperation) there was something for all levels of effort. Some spells are simple: To get a certain [her] at the baths: rub a tick from a dead dog on the loins.

Others require a bit more preparatory work. One advertised as the irresistible love spell of attraction asks the unlucky lover to use fish blood to write a spell invoking demons on the skin of an ass. They must then wrap it in vetch (a plant with pink flowers) and hide it in the mouth of a recently deceased dog.

Most spells required a special ingredient to be used in a specific way in combination with arcane words. These spells dont leave archaeological traces for us to find. One love spell asked the user to have an iron ring inscribed with Harpocrates (the Hellenistic god of silence) seated on a lotus in their hands while they shouted magical words at the moon from a rooftop. Several such gemstones matching this description have been found. 

Love potions themselves have a long history and are discussed in several ancient texts. A Demotic (written in ancient Egyptian) spell proposed the following method: 

Take the fragment of the tip of your fingernail and apple seed together with blood from your finger Pound the apple, add blood to it and put it in the cup of wine. Recite [the given spell] seven times over it and you should make the woman drink it at a special time.

This visceral recipe is a variant of a spell that also added semen, and the hair of a dead man to the mixture.

Rings, curses and more blood

gold ring found in Corbridge, Northumberland, in 1935 is inscribed in Greek with OEMIOYITPON, The love charm of Polemius. Polemius was a man who either wore this ring to enhance his allure and sexual qualities or gave it to the object of his affections. If it was the latter, it may have been given conspicuously as a gift or hidden on or around them as a clandestine token. It is a uniquely personal object from the edge of the Roman Empire that speaks of the unfulfilled desires of a Greek-speaking man over 1,700 years ago.

Curses were used in the ancient world to condemn thieves, protect businesses, ruin rival chariot teams and to create better opportunities for lovers. Sometimes a desired partner was already in a relationship, and cursing their partner (to discredit, harm or kill them) offered a chance to change this. A lead curse tablet from Boetia, Greece, was written by someone jealously in love with a man called Kabeira and tries to damn his wife Zois:

I assign Zois the Eretrian, wife of Kabeira, to Earth and to Hermes her food, her drink, her sleep, her laughter, her intercourse, her playing of the kithara, and her entrance, her pleasure, her little buttocks, her thinking, her eyes 

Curses were personal, private contracts between a person and a deity. The leaden tablets were often folded over and sometimes pierced with a nail, which often went through the written name of the curses target. They were thrown into rivers, sacred springs, hidden in secret places and even dug into the graves of the recently dead

Magical and medicinal means were also suggested for resolving relatable problems in ancient relationships. Aelius Promotus, an Alexandrian physician, recommended that barley soaked in menstrual blood and wrapped in mule skin could be tied onto a woman as a contraceptive.

Opposingly, Marcellus of Bordeaux (4th-5th century AD) suggested that a waning sex drive could be cured by finding the right aphrodisiac. He suggested wearing the right testicle of a rooster in a pouch around the neck.

Roman magic may have been a cathartic experience for the heartbroken or an exhilarating one for the lovestruck. The idea that people will do whatever is within their power to find love belongs to a long and ever-evolving tradition. These spells, rituals, tokens and curses highlight the essential nature of love and heartbreak in the ancient world and implicitly connects our cultures across time.


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I can't help it Rastus... like a bad car wreck or a train accident, I just can't seem to look away! LOL


They say curiosity killed the cat, but I never thought it was a metaphor for chicks sport poaching cat testicles...


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What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Dont mind me... I'm just trying to flip to the next page so we can trot out the brat pack!

Got crabs?

I think the Major Lazer Remix sounds the best... Wonder what Desiree would say?



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Rastus wrote:

One starts to see that they've either cheaped-out, or just hate males, & take this vengeance out on tom-cats...

Watch yourself SELLC...


I sure hope they don't run into any albino rabbits on their adventures! 


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Moved to V8 Cafe


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I have over 900 lady friends on Spacehey (in one month) and yet I still can't get over this nerd with only three friends?





I'm pathetic! Take me now oh long cruel winter of severe illness and death!




Crawling back to you


I spent last months Web Crawlers membership fee pre-ordering the new Beach House album.

Maybe I'll subscribe to Hollywood Crime Scene pod next time, just to put some extra stink on it! That is if the long cruel winter of severe illness and death doesn't get me first!



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Yes...Some people know when to keep away from the weird folks...

I'd follow their guidance SELLC, after-all, you already have so many more friends to keep you busy ;) !


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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They're needling me Rastus! lol

They get on Twitter like a pack of wolfs and start making low-key references to set me off! And they do it all the time! That is why they got the name "wolf-pack"

When I broke away this most recent time they mellowed out, but then I seen that post from Melissa above and I just knew she was talking to me! I mean, I doubt there are any unvaccinated people in LA! 

And these girls are in the Entertainment business, for them no advertisement is bad advertisement! I think they started to feel cheated, that they gave me so much time and I stuffed their glorious thread away in the V8 Cafe...

I'm pretty sure they have plans to lure me to Los Angeles, but just to vaccinate and castrate me! Speaking of that, I have more details on this cat saga of theirs! Melissa put one down while we were on a break, and it wasn't a male.

Don't worry Rastus, you guys in the forum are my BEST friends on the internet! That's why I post this shit, because if I turn up missing you'll know where to start looking! lol

-- Edited by SELLC on Tuesday 21st of December 2021 07:00:14 AM


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I find the timing rather odd... that I just spoke of someone putting down a cat and then today, CHRISTMAS of all the days, my rabbit dies before my very eyes!



I was just sitting at my desk, having a smoke... on the computer surfing, listening to some Elvis "Blue Christmas" and all of a sudden from in the livingroom there arose such a clatter! I sprung from my chair to see what was the matter!

I approached the cage and gasped "What the hell was that Mr. Rabbit!" and before I could get out another word, like lightning - almost similar to that Monty Python clip I posted above, the rabbit ran back and fourth four times smashing it's head into the cage! The cage itselef violently shifted and rocked off it's pedistal! I didn't know what to think! Frantically I called the woman who was at the Christmas party and before she even got on the phone it rolled over, twitched, made a funny sound and just fucking died! At fucking NOON on Christmas Day! My son immediatly run over, who was undoubtedly heartbroken since it was his rabbit that a friend gave him while still in school. I was heartbroken, even welled up with tears... and here I feel stupid that I'm welling up over a rabbit! I think it just hurt me more seeing the kid so upset... but this was an awesome rabbit folks! He was house trained, really cool looking and very friendly (if you had a carrot). He came to us with the name "Prince" but we changed it to Mr. Rabbit because he was always horny. 

We will miss Mr. Rabbit (formerly known as Prince)... and I know I have been jaded by seeing that shit on Christmas day! I told the kid I'd pay to get him stuffed and maybe turn him into a jackalope... he was just that cool of a rabbit. Right now I have him outside on ice waiting for the taxidermy place to open up since it was Christmas day. 

From what I read this beed of rabbits, known as the New Zeland Red (not native to New Zeland but actually California) only lives about 5-6 years... given the fact he lived with us he probably smoked about two packs of cigarettes a day and didn't get much exercise, especially in the cold months like it is now... and he was not neutered so he lived his best life until the last moment.


I just can't get over how he died on Christmas day... at noon... while I was just having a smoke break away from the party, right before my very eyes! 

I'm not sure how I feel about it yet... 

RIP Mr. Rabbit! (Fomerly known as Prince) We will always love you!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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What a bummer...

RIP Mr.Rabbit ( formerly known as Prince )...

I hope you like your new-look that your guardians are going to give you when you look down from that big rabbit-warren in the sky ;) !






"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Yes ladies and gentlemen... this is how I know women in LA are insane...

The person who wrote the Tweet above knows I am banned from Twitter, and rather than respond to the countless Private Messages that I have sent in confidence on INSTAGRAM, she decides to publicy announce, on TWITTER, that I'm a Psycho! LOL

No name mentioned, no reply on Instagram... Just a public Tweet that Help is available and that I'm a psycho! LOL

She goes on to further state in the Tweet that blocking me on Instagram will only further "incite" me... and that she has all kinds of other men who are being ignored by keeping her DM's silent... (rolls eyes)

I guess she is pissed off I didn't buy a mug or a t-shirt... and yet she never once publicly thanked us when we sent her money on Venmo! lol

It's this very odd form of communication that gets me though... She knows I know, I know she knows... everything in riddles and rhymes... read between the lines.

Personally I don't have any of my social media accounts notify me of activity... I just check when I log on! So maybe I sent like 10 or 15 direct messages in a row... I just figured they would collect there until she eventually read them...

Now it has me wondering how many of my DM's actually went thru? In other words, how much dirt does this psycho have on me? lol

It's an honor to have someone like her call me a psycho though... I mean it really takes one to know one! Given the company she keeps I'm glad that my attention has made her feel important enough to pass judgement on me. 

You're welcome!


If you know, you know... and really, who knows with these girls?


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Show me how much you REALLY hate me... send back the other $136.66!





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She must have decided to use the money to feed the poor and homeless... fair enough, fair enough, and well played... well played




What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl



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