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Post Info TOPIC: Tried to lurk the Zoom Web Crawlers live broadcast last night!


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Tried to lurk the Zoom Web Crawlers live broadcast last night!

I guess it's time to turn the page on Chapter 6...

And what a better time to bring up Carly Rogers! Anyone else been following her? Well I have and folks, you just can't make this kind of entertainment up!

For starters, she met some dude at B-Dubs chicken wing shack who invited her to a wedding reception! She really didn't have anything else going at the time, and there is usually good food and an open bar at a wedding so I guess she said "what the fuck" and agreed...

Well turns out these two love-birds have been hitting it off... I could kind of tell in her timelines on various social media that it was getting pretty serious! Could Carly have finally found what she was looking for? Or did what she was looking for finally find her? I guess only Carly could answer that question because she's still out there pounding the pavement! Currently she is in California where I can sort of tell she's not being shown any of the customary "Southern Hospitality" she is used to... In fact the entire trip appears to be turning out like something out of the book "lord of the flies"...


But you know Carly and her girls aren't ones to be discouraged... clearly it's nothing worth anyone losing their head over.

All I know is this nameless fellow, who we shall refer to as "Burt", sure seems to make a pretty good match with Carly!


Look at that! He's even got a matching bow-tie!

You know, I hate to admit it... but I have always been a sucker for a happy ending!

Here is to the next chapter!




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SELLC wrote:

So anyway, I got a little story to tell about Eden Dranger and her odd recommendation one day... so there I was, just minding my own business on Twitter looking thru everyones business when I noticed on Eden Dranger's profile she had a video of this dancing cactus that sang, danced, lit up and looked like a whole lot of fun...

I went on to eBay immediatly and purchased one from Rancho Cucamonga California... a little over a week later the thing arrives and I take it out of the box and install a pair of batteries and turn it on... right away I noticed that it did not have flashing lights that Eden's did, plus the songs were not the same! Seemed to be three songs in Spanish, none of which I had ever heard before...

One of the songs was kind of catchy so I played it a few times when one time my oldest come along and he thought it was cool too, so he took it down to his bedroom for about two weeks... about that time the batteries died and the kid brings it back and says I can have it back... So I put new batteries in it and my youngest son adopted it for a little while... perhaps a few days later he brings it back and sets it next to my computer and says "Hey Dad, I don't think that is Spanish"... confused and almost embarrassed I told him he didn't know what he was talking about, to which he replies: "I'm in Spanish and that's not Spanish!".

For the next few days he would walk in the room and start playing that one song that I always said was really catchy... it became a big joke and he would do it all the time... yeah-yeah! :)~

After awhile I just had to know what in the hell the lyrics were, then after a little research I found the English translation for the words and OMG... let me just tell you, it's a dancing cactus that sings the Polish dancing cow song:

So yeah, thanks a lot for the recommendation Eden!



Thinking about that time Eden "social media influenced" me to buy that dancing cactus...

Maybe because Cocaine Bear just released to theaters yesterday? confuse

The power has been out since Wednesday here in Michigan... I'm getting a bit loopy! Thankfully I was able to get a good generator before they all sold out! 


I had to visit TWO stores to get one, as I watched their stock deplete online it was no better when I got in the store and people were rolling them out the door. Got the 2nd to last one they had and thank goodness! Power has been out since Wednesday! 



I'm powering three houses with this generator! My Mom's next door, and my other neighbor who just happens to look excatly like Melissa Stetten twenty years ago! LOL, I'm not even joking! Having to deal with trying to get a Generator the morning after the power went out was one thing, but the constant tending to... I had to build a dog-house last night for the generator because the snow was moving in, plus I have to re-fill the generator every 10-12 hours with 7.5 gallons of gas (a little over $30 each time)!


Since I am having to run the generator like a dog 24/7 I pretty much just run every light in the house, including my plasma lamp... You can see the silhouette of Eden's Dancing Cactus to the left in this photo above.

I am currently writing this thread on 100% generator power!


It's just amazing that I have been in such "high" sprits thru all of this!  

And if you like that, you're gonna love this


Check out my "WALK-IN-FRIDGE"

One thing has been for sure every since I got my Generator

Feel like throwing a little party... you know, a little "get-together"

/_____________COCAINE BEAR_________




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Elizabeth Banks says female action directors are discriminated against, but Ray Liotta gave her the confidence to make 'Cocaine Bear'

Banks credits the late "Goodfellas" actor with unwavering support, "When Henry Hill follows you, you can make anything you want."

But we should never forget, Ray Liotta nailed it in the movie "Blow"... which is a classic in this house!



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We made it thru Cocaine bear! The 95th Academy Awards aka The Oscars is on tonight, and SVB just went belly up! You have to imagine the mood in the room there is going to be downright somber as some of them probably have exposure to SVB in one way or another!

Hell, the last guy (Chris Rock) got bitch slapped... but later took in a nice little payday when Nexflix released his comedy show where he talks about the slap for the first time publicly, ironically one week before the 2023 Oscars. The timing is impeccable... One good bitch-slap deserves another! 

They got Jimmy Kibbles and Bits hosting this year, and no doubt the mood in the place will be downright ugly! You wouldn't walk in there unless you knew how to use your fists! You can count on a fight breaking out at every event! It's now a rough place, the seediest drive on the wharf. Populated with every reject and cut-throat from Bombay to Calcutta. It's worse than Detroit!

And as far as our relationship goes with the A listers? Not so good either... feeling sort of cloak and dagger ATM (No pun intended)


And they seem to swim in a school on Twitter... I'm getting the impression that at least two of them have beef... but what can I say? It's unfortunate because I'm still a big fan!

It's not like I made COVID and all the crap that followed! I didn't break the bank at SVB, nor did I buy out Twitter! I'm in the same fish bowl as ALL of them! Yet they treat me like a Male Betta fish, even though I only occasionally nip at their fins. 

But none of this stuff seems to matter to Eden... Nooooooo, she's more than happy to give me all the rope I need to hang myself... something VERY ODD about that girl I'm telling you! Much like a few others, she almost seems to communicate in some cryptic "read between the line"  likes and Tweets... It's very subtle, and would go un-noticed by anyone not in the loop of my famous instagram DM's... it's really a very SICK and Twisted way to interact with someone if you ask me. It's like Goonies meets Tinder or something... I know she sees me, I know they ALL see me... but I'm just kept in the tool shed next to all their other "tools"...

You know, sooner or later one of these chicks are going to get bored and cave... LOL, none of us are getting any younger! Who was it that said; "cheating is the new cocaine?"

It's pathetic too! Because at any time, any one of these chicks could take me any time they wanted! That is how I know my taste in women, as bad as it may be, is still FIRST CLASS!

- Are you ready?




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I mean this idea that I could in-any-way hurt their delicate sensibilities is preposterous! At least with regards to the A listing wolf-packers, they're all Pod-casters! I'm no-fat, zero calorie sweet and low compared to the shit they hash out weekly! 

And our friend Carly? Yeah, it seems things with Burt are on the rocks... you know the rock-star lifestyle waits for nobody... at least that's the vibes she's sending out... shame too, we just sorta took a like'n to 'em... Better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all, right Carly? biggrin

I dunno... I just feel like there is something very big on the horizon... and I think that's a good thing for all of us!



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I think maybe I have a problem, but it's only "after-dark"

-- Edited by Stellar007 on Monday 20th of March 2023 02:37:45 AM



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Regret editing my post above because unlike a thread I delete, one that is editied cannot be brought back to it's former glory... 

Only regret editing it because right after I recently joined the Webcrawlers (talked about in the thread above before I edited it), EdEn went on the Bananas Podcast... confuse (could not find a link, sorry - but you can find it on Apple Podcast)


I'm telling you... this Eden is playing hardball! Having "edited" the thread above I have no way to return it back to the way it was... so none of this will even make sense to many who didn't see it before it was edited.

EdEn...EdEn...EdEn... there is a "read between the lines" possessiveness that goes along with this Libra EdEn. It's hard to explain, but she seems intolerant of any advances made, even in jest or good humor, to ANY of the 12 women in this thread.

I fear until this tryst has run it's course, that this thread may have to come to an end.

In other words, I'm in check... two moves away from check mate... if that makes any sense. 







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There is no business like show business...

No business I know...



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Stellar007 wrote:


EdEn...EdEn...EdEn... there is a "read between the lines" possessiveness that goes along with this Libra EdEn. It's hard to explain, but she seems intolerant of any advances made, even in jest or good humor, to ANY of the 12 women in this thread.

I fear until this tryst has run it's course, that this thread may have to come to an end.

In other words, I'm in check... two moves away from check mate... if that makes any sense. 



As an avid Chess player... being two moves from checkmate did not bother me, nor did I have any concerns... Being an avid Chess player, usually I will have an inexperienced player in "Checkmate" within six moves. If you play chess you know what I'm talking about, I just enjoyed her company... 



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Happy 39th Birthday to Melissa! 

One more year and you'll be a member of the 40's old-fogey club! biggrin




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Stellar007 wrote:
Stellar007 wrote:


EdEn...EdEn...EdEn... there is a "read between the lines" possessiveness that goes along with this Libra EdEn. It's hard to explain, but she seems intolerant of any advances made, even in jest or good humor, to ANY of the 12 women in this thread.

I fear until this tryst has run it's course, that this thread may have to come to an end.

In other words, I'm in check... two moves away from check mate... if that makes any sense. 



As an avid Chess player... being two moves from checkmate did not bother me, nor did I have any concerns... Being an avid Chess player, usually I will have an inexperienced player in "Checkmate" within six moves. If you play chess you know what I'm talking about, I just enjoyed her company... 


Okay...Okay...Okay... so I have had a few days to mull this all over! Let me start off by saying that I was never capitan of the chess team or nothing, rather just someone who enjoyed the game when I was growing up... but anyone who has played ANY game and found themselves to be behind the eight ball of sorts, I had to get my head back in the game! This online "tryst" that was going on in my mind with Eden was starting to get serious, and I was starting to feel like an idiot as I edited many of my replies in this thread due to the fact I felt some form of "connection" that was causing me to act in a way that I don't normally... it was time to call EdEn's bluff!

Now I have spoken about these LA women having their own little secret ways of communicating on Twitter many times in this thread... if you are following someone on Twitter there are ways to drop hints, both in the post that you "Like" and of course in the things you "Post" or "Reply" to... If you follow someone on more than one social media platform, as I was with Eden -- there are ways to communicate with people directly on Instagram in private message... this allows you to send messages that the other person can read, however you are given no notification if they have read them or not. Basically it's the text equivalent to screening calls, however there is always the option to "block" someone on both Twitter and Instagram. When you're blocked it more or less cuts you off because you can no longer see their profile, and your messages aren't even presented in the "screening" area... I think the problem I ran into with Eden is that she is single, so she never had to block me, and thus allowed me to keep drowning myself for her own amusement. Currently at the time of this writing she hasn't blocked me on either social media platform, however this post might just be the thing that pushes her over the edge.

Since about Thanksgiving I started to pay more attention to Eden and her post on social media, and after awhile I started to engage in one sided communication with her... I even started to develop this twisted Los Angeles style of communicating thru likes and round the way post and replies... I was getting pretty good at it, but the problem was Eden was even better at it. When I realized this, that is more or less when I said she had me two moves from "checkmate"... I had to do something to turn the tables as I just could not take it anymore! She was and currently is driving me fucking nuts! lol

To be fair, Eden is not the first person to employ this stort of mind fuckery... in the early days of Twitter and Instagram this shit ran rampant... it was a regular shangrala of sorts, and perhaps it still is to some degree. All I know is I had to break the spell! There was no way that Eden was going to allow me out of the game online, because she really is sinister in the way that she will just completly and totally abandon her own post by deleting it if you tried to put her on the spot in any social media platform. Standard internet protocol is that usually in these instances you will just get blocked, or "let of easy"... but not with Eden... no, with Eden it would seem the more you made a fool of yourself -- they happier she was! She absorbs attention like a dry sponge soaks up water! SHE WANT'S PEOPLE TO KNOW SHE'S GOT YOU! To be quite honest, I been on this planet for 47 years and I have never seen anything quite like it.

Having said all this, there was only a few ways to shift the game... One of the first ways of doing this is by sending them money! No it's none of anyone's business the amount of money, however "most" women will send it back if they are not interested out of respect... but then you have your "other ones" that might either need the money at the moment, or just DGAF... When it comes to giving money online, either by Venmo, PayPal or CashApp it has to be done unconditionally... you cannot just send someone money and expect that they are going to bow to your whims... you can only trust they will do the right thing. For people reading the "right thing" is to either say "Thank You" or give a thumbs up as a way of saying "Thanks sucker, I got the money and you ain't fucking getting it back you horny old codger"... Then there is the third and most sinister way, and that's to just not say anything - or even bother to give a thumbs up! LOL, our Eden was in the latter group...

Since this was not shifting the game and she STILL wasn't giving me the time of day, I decided to go "all-in" by taking a vacation to her little Los Angeles California -- Hollywood, Beverly Hills and Burbank perimiter... not exactly a cheap trio of zip codes to visit, but with a little planning it could at least be a cool vacation none the less! Keep in mind, I'm not a stalker -- so "cheating" would not be an option... Cheating, or being "creepy" is when you take it a little too far and look up someones address and just show up at their door, or ambush them... This is NOT my style, therefore my visit/vacation would only focus on Hollywood, Beverly Hills and Burbank -- but only because these areas were the most covited of the city she lived in, the city of Angels... To this very moment I have no idea where Eden, or anyone else in this thread lives... that's just creepy, and again it's not my style! My vacation would only serve to put me in close proximity should she want to meet me... as this would be the very first time I visited Los Angeles California with the intention of letting anyone know where to find or meet me... If you all remember back to page five of this thread, when I visited the Santa Monica Pier for my birthday in 2022, I did not let anyone know about my trip until after I had left... that's because I was only visiting California by myself to get under Brandee's skin for reasons you'll have to read about in thread #5...


But this time it would be different... instead of staying for only 12 hours, I'd be saying for over 48 hours... I would also make it clear, both in private messages to Eden, and post on social media -- that I was in the LA area well in advance of my arrival... Obviously, knowing what kind of person I was dealing with in Eden, I knew that just going there hoping she would meet up with me was a fools errand... and that basing my trip solely on that would guarantee an upsetting vacation... so I thought LONG AND HARD about it... it wasn't until I started checking out airfare and car rentals that I would find a certian 2022 Hertz Shelby Mustang GT-H convertible (that isn't available in my area) that would make a 48 hour trip worth it should she let me down... you can read my review and specs of this car at this link,

The only problem was I could only get the GT-H at the LAX airport... and not the Burbank airport that I kept getting online "vibes" that Eden wanted me to fly into... that being the case, and Eden still failing to engage with me I didn't take any chances and just bought my ticket to LAX in Los Angeles so I could spend the next 48 hours taking in the California landscape in my Shelby GT-H... it was at this time that I planned my trip to start at LAX and travel up to the Santa Monica Pier... the SMP is very close to LAX and is almost a tradition now whenever I visit LA... from there I would jog over to Beverly Hills, Hollywood and then Burbank... I sent all this information over to Eden via messenger and in round about ways on Twitter... I got the impression she felt like I was bullshitting, but you can never be too sure when it comes to these LA women... for all I know Eden could be totally clueless to everything, except for all them direct money wire transfers... LOL, but that was just it, I wasn't going to send her anything anymore if I didn't know she was real... I don't care if she was on a podcast, shit in todays AI world who the hell knows what is real and what is fake anymore!


So I had booked and paid for my rental car and airfare... the only thing next was to get on the damn plane! I had to get a flight that left very early in the morning or I risked Brandee intercepting me... thankfully I just made it out of the house and was parking the car when Brandee called asking "what the fuck are you doing at the airport, Rex"... I had no choice at that point. I had to level with her and say "I'm going on vacation to California, I've already paid for everything and I can't turn back now"... I was shocked at how well she took it, but then again I had been talking about going on vacation for some time and she absolutly hated everything about California so she was more than happy to just hang up on me... So there I sat, at the top floor of the Big Blue Deck long term parking structure with 20 minutes until departure... the feeling at that moment was almost indescribable... the hair stood up on my arm as I got out of the truck and headed toward the terminal... THIS WAS ACTUALLY HAPPENING AND THERE WAS NO TURNING BACK!


A close observer might notice that the first three letters of my trucks plate number are in-fact Eden's intials... but moving on, I was about to get on an airplane and anything that was bothering me would surly fade away at 35,000 feet.


My flight to LA would come with a layover in Las Vegas, but nothing more than the time it would take me to switch planes... not a big deal...


So I landed in LAX and all the details about the rental car and such can be viewed at the link above to the Hertz rental review for the Mustang... My first order of business was to make my way to Santa Monica Pier to get this photo of me and my rental


About this time I could feel all the stress of my life in Detroit just melt off me... This photo above would represent the moment in my mind where I was just like "Fuck it, let it be what it's going to be"...

I should also mention that all of the above photos were sent to Eden via DM --- REAL TIME... They were also being posted on my Twitter too...

At this point I wasn't sure where I would end up, but I had my plans and my map set out to cruise the Beverly Hills, Hollywood and Burbank route with the top down. I must admit that as the sun was starting to come out I was really starting to enjoy myself! The scenery in these areas is verdant as fuck! I was starting to feel alive again! I was just another jag-off in an expensive car driving around in an expensive zip code... and I was totally fine with that. So I decided to ratchet it up a notch and visit the Hollywood sign on foot


Now I'm not gonna lie... it was a bit chilly when I flew into LAX and first rented the Mustang... but by the time this photo was taken it had started to get HOT to my fat little Nothern ass... To save money I didn't take any carry on items outside of a bottle of obsession cologne... my intentions were to buy all new clothes when I got there, for both of us... and yet still without any word from Eden about a possible meet, I still needed to score some new clothing! I conveyed these request thru DM and got this "like" from Eden on possible places I could buy some new clothing...


So I decided on the Burbank Empire Center, as it appeared to be the "Best" but with bad parking according to the grid above... But it was at this point I really needed a hotel room too! Without any input from Eden I had absolutly no idea where she would be closest to get a room just in case she did want to meet me... but I couldn't wait any longer and called up my Hilton Honors and they booked me a room using my Hilton Honors points at one of their Hampton Inn properties on vine street and Hollywood Blvd... It was of no cost to me (except the valet parking) so I drove there and checked in... it was getting late so I cruised around to get familar with the area and then ended up passing out for a good night sleep as I had been walking the trails of the Hollywood sign all day and had already been up 24 hours.

Upon waking up the next morning and having breakfast, I headed to the Burbank Empire Center to score some new clothes since the ones I had been wearing were the only clothes that I had.



Got to the Burbank Empire Center and found it rather odd that every store in this center was a big-name outfit, much like the stores that I had at home... I quipped that I had flown 2,200 miles to shop at a Target! LOL

So I took myself back to Hollywood and then over to Beverly Hills to see what the offerings were on Rodeo Drive... this turned out to be a big mistake! We're talking $600 pairs of blue-jeans and $5,000 suits! But still no word from Eden! Since I hadn't heard anything from her I took myself back to Hollywood and decided to shop on Hollywood Boulevard on the advice of my Hotel Front Desk guy... Clearly whoever made that grid above about Burbank Empire Center having bad parking had never shopped on Hollywood Blvd! To best discribe the parking and traffic on Hollywood Blvd in the shopping district would be to say it was a lot like NYC when I visited some 15 years ago! It was INSANE! But I found parking at a meter one block behind the Blvd.


I must admit it was at this time that I was feeling my oats... I knew that all I had to do was score one nice outfit and then ask Eden out somewhere and meet her... regardless if she responded or not, I had her in check... I had done EVERYTHING I could do, there was nothing more that I could do! Once I got a proper outfit and asked her to meet me for a date, then I would be the one that had her in checkmate! I could go home knowing I called her bluff! Knowing that I came to her town and she chickened -- out on her turf! Excitement and almost a sense of bravery came over me as I navigated Hollywood Boulevard for that special outfit... I figured what better place (other than Rodeo Drive) to get an outfit than in Hollywood!

By sheer luck I happend upon a place called Hollywood Suits... I thought to myself, what the fuck... Eden is worth it! She's always talking about how a guy in a suit makes her creamy... so fuck it! I went into Hollywood suits!


So I went inside and WOW! I got a SUPER deal on an entire suit ensemble complete with shirt, shoes, belt and fidora for only $230!

The only problem was that buying suits from places like this meant they had to be tailored! The pants were almost six inches too long but the guy swore he knew someone "around the corner" who could get me hemmed right up last minute!

For people in Detroit, whenever someone tells you "around the corner" it means you're about to get jacked... but like I said I was feeling my oats and the people in Detroit talking about "around the corner" didn't take AMEX... so I said "what the fuck" and just went with it!





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So I paid for my suit and the guy said "follow me"... where he took me thru the back room and out the back door to the right where there was this old school tailors called "Hollywood Studio Alterations - Alex"


FINALLY! I was starting to feel special, and Eden had NOTHING to do with it!

So I met Mr. Alex where he had me try on my pants and made the necessary markings. He told me to return in an hour and they would be complete, but that if I had until 8PM he could "really" work some magic... knowing that Eden was probably going to flake out on me I told him I didn't have much time and needed to have them soon as possible... he was cool with that and I walked thru the alley back to my car where I would have some smokes while sitting on the hood of my Shelby passing out cigarettes to all the people my flagrent public smoking in Hollywood bothered... once I got down to two cigarettes left I started to head back...

I won't lie that when I walked back down that alley off Hollywood Boulevard past the police and all the other crazy shit I felt pretty gangster, but not as gangster as I would feel once Mr. Alex got me into his shop and started telling tales... The guy was really cool, old school even! As the whir of his old school sewing machine spun on Brandee called... I answered and even though she sounded distraught, that whir of the old school sewing machine backed up my story that I was getting fitted for a suit and she didn't even rip me a new asshole!

At this time I took a good look around Mr. Alex's shop, and I asked him... can I take a photo of your place? He said, "sure"


As I sat in his chair I couldn't help but to think this was the "REAL" Hollywood experience right here! Hollywood was a place where it was all about you, and making YOU look your best! They had "people" on the ready just to ensure it was done!

Had there been a way for me to bring it back, I would have made an offer on that Marilyn Monroe photo... but there wasn't, so I didn't wan't to push my luck... all I know is I was about 20 minutes, or two moves, from putting Eden in checkmate...


Suddenly everything in my mood changed... I was finally happy! I had came, I had saw and Mr. Alex and Hollywood was going to help me kick some ass! For a SUPER price too! Less than HALF what just a single pair of blue-jeans would have cost me in Beverly Hills!

I listened with delight to all the stories Mr. Alex has to tell, and answered some questions he had about me and where I was from... For the first time ever I finally felt at home in Los Angeles! I knew at this moment that it did not matter if Eden met me or not, I got the experence that I was after! And I had the suit to prove it! I paid Mr. Alex his rate, with tip -- CASH and was on my way!


And it was back to the hotel I went!

It was a crazy day! The day before was just as crazy too! All that was left was to take a shower, get dressed and present the meet to Eden! And keep in mind, she fucking knew it was coming! Every photo posted here was sent to her DM realtime.

I pull into the Hampton Inn just POUNDING some song off my Eden 2023 California playlist (made up of songs in this thread)... as usual the valet is happy to see me! So I flip him the key fob, five bucks and just as I finished unloading the trunk the Valet says, "Do you want your phone"... oh yeah, I left the music blasting with the top down and almost forgot my phone! He unplugs it and the music stops, he then proceeds to say "We might have rain, I'll put your top up for you"... I just nod at him while I try carrying in two arm-fulls of bags and crap... at the elevator I can hear the Shelby pipes singing as the valet enjoys a little parking lot fun... I smirk as I get into the elevator and it takes me to the 4th floor... doors to the elevator open up and this is the view I have been enjoying 



Stroll down to the only white stetson room on the entire floor



I must admit... I don't know if it was just that Cali weed from the Pinapple Express, the air, the weather, the car... whatever it was, I felt like I was riding high like a cowboy!

Once I got back in the room I got a proper 45 minute steaming hot shower... and then it was time... 


I sent the photo along with an offer to Eden to meet at the Hard Rock Cafe on Hollywood Boulevard...

After about 20 minutes with no reply, I figured she flaked out... not shocked I decided to visit the Hard Rock Cafe by myself... only when I went back down stairs it was raining!!


Unable to put the top down in the Mustang due to the rain, I still made my way to the Hard Rock Cafe... however in California, when it rains (usually rare) they all just hole up... the entire strip was DEAD!

It was about this time I decided to call "Checkmate" on Eden and make my way back to the hotel... there was no point in staying any longer.

Before I booked my tickets home I gave Rachel a DM letting her know I was in town, and that Desi didn't have to be coy... but alas, Desi has me blocked out everywhere, and has sent back almost every penny she has been sent!

But I figured, "What the fuck"... these are the women who have brought me to California! The other one, Melissa, is married with a kid... so I didn't bother to even message her when I was in town (but only out of respect, or I would have! LOL). And don't even get me going on Ali! But they are the ones who got me hooked on the Californication... if we're being honest.

So I felt good, I did what I felt that I came to do... now it was time to go home! Only Hollywood wasn't willing to let me go! The flights home were almost all sold out, or required full day lay overs! The only flight out of there by the time my rental was due back was on Delta for almost $1,000! I was starting to feel trapped, this dispite knowing I had more than enough money to stay for the entire month -- I just felt it was time to go... that is when Eden's round the way Burbank plugs came in handy... I was able to fly out of Burbank, and return the car for $1200 less than what it would cost me to visit LAX and return the car there and fly Delta! The only catch was that I had to lay over for eight hours in Las Vegas!

I couldn't bear to be in Hollywood another day without meeting Eden, so I took that deal... and early that morning I would leave the hotel on my way to Burbank for my voyage home... It was an emotional moment that saw three very oddly relatable songs play that were not on my playlist... I thought maybe I was tearing up, but I swore it must have been some sand on the road! LOL, but I had managed to return the car on time and as a bonus I got to witness the Burbank Airport experence! WOW...


And did you know they load the planes on the tarmac at Burbank? It was just a really cool touch!



So I headed back home... 



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When I arrived at Burbank airport I was hung-over AF and didn't sleep for over 24 hours... I looked like a real rock-star... or penguin from the batman and robin movie...


BUT WAIT! There's more! LOL

When I first arrived at Burbank and turned in my car I walked to the gates... it was there that I seen a woman that looked a lot like Eden, however she looked a little older, plumper and her hair wasn't as long... I didn't have the courage to ask her as I walked by, however upon passing her I could not help it so I turned around and walked back... I stood in front of her (total stranger) and just said it, "Is your name Eden?"... The woman gave off this incredibly big smile, laughed a little and said "No"... 

Was it her? I guess unless I ever meet her IRL, I'll never know... but I can't help but wonder how differently this thread would have turned out if she said "yes"!



Remember! I still have an eight hour layover in Las Vegas to catch my connecting flight to Detroit!

Clearly at this time I was wishing I didn't buy the cheapest shoes that I could buy... everything else seemed to be okay, but them shoes were just KILLING my dogs! I should have gotten a size 12! I think all of the sizes in California run about one or two sizes smaller... this seemed to be the case with the rest of my sizes from pants to shits to even shoes! LOL

Once I landed in Las Vegas it almost took on a sort of "purgatory" feeling... Instead of being in a paradise, I was trapped for eight hours! Too afraid of leaving the airport and not returning in time for a flight home that I had already paid for.

As I sat in the designated smoking area countless courtesy shuttles stopped in front of me for just about every Casino on the strip! There were even courtesy shuttles to weed dispensaries! I had to pretty much ignore them all except this one


The driver rolled down his window and said "Hey Rex, where's Eden?"

Unfortunately I just had to look at him and say,



"I dunno, she stood me up in Los Angeles!"

And for the most part, it was true... She had stood me up! But I still had one hell of a good time! 

So as the hours dragged by at the Harry Reid airport in pergatory, I started feeling better and better... I'd soon be home and be able to say "I did it"... and that I finally would be able to move on to the next chapter knowing that all that rope she gave me just ended up tangling her up to the point that she missed out... there was really no expectation that she should meet me, rather the reality that I wasn't just some chump "pay-pig" and that I was spending any and every dollar she would ever get from me in the future on having myself a good time! For me, that was important! For me, it broke the tryst! Because now I know she's just all talk... and for me, I can live with that... because I needed a vacation anyway! And who knows what the future holds, but what I can tell folks reading this is that while California itself is a MASSIVE state, the distance between Santa Barbra, Beverly Hills, Hollywood and Burbank is not! It's a great place to visit and drive! Literally within an hour (depending on the time of day) you could drive thru all three if you didn't stop along the way!

So there we are... another trip to California on the books... I'm starting to become very familar with this area, and who knows... I could always go back for another visit! 




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I just want to be clear that while this trip was a success in my eyes, there have been other short trips that have gone VERY SIDEWAYS... 

Take for example this trip to Miami that seen me going home the next day 100% broke!

This thread above is normally private, but I am leaving it open for awhile so people can enjoy having a good laugh at my expense in a situation where not everything went so well... 

I should thank California for always being a great place to visit, "Thank you California!"

And as for Eden... well, I don't think we have heard the last from her... I got a feeling She'll be back!



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Welp... I guess it wasn't a good idea to tease Carly about her little "Burt" tryst... Look at me, I flew 2,200 miles to shop at Target and buy a new suit... sure it was exciting, but I can tell Carly for sure that it's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all! LOL

That being said, whatever happened to Grabby? She went 100% dark on Twitter and blocked me on Instargram shortly after starting her new job at that "cracked" company... I hope she is doing well, if the job is paying good by all means... we won't drop your full name again! 

Anyway, it's been just a crazy past few weeks... trying to keep up has been challenging, and that's not including the long-term goals and projects I have going on at the moment! I guess in many ways we all need out little distractions, and I might add this thread has been quite a fantasy -- with often times very real elements to it... I can't help it, I'm just drawn to it I suppose... like a moth to a flame.

I guess perhaps it's time for me to take a little step back from all of this... perhaps just stick to watching my Web Crawlers episodes and pandering to Eden on her "Not so starving artist" substack... but there have been new developments on Twitter which I shall address in Elon's $44 Billion Dollar thread... what I can tell you is everyone in this thread have ALL been stripped of their "verified" blue-check emojis... meanwhile there is real talk on the Hollywood scene that the WGA (Writers Guild of America Union) have moved to strike, which means there is a possibility there could be a great big specticle of sorts... although personally I can't even keep up with all the films and shows coming out of Hollywood, Apple TV, Paramount+, Netflix or any of the other cable networks... So Hollywood could probably be on strike for a few years before most people could even scratch the surface of catching up! Just something to think about!

Really the only thing that keeps me grounded is fixing cars... I fear once this F250 rolls I may become dangerous since I really will have no long-term commitments... I am using it as a hedge to ensure a swift completion upon my scoring the last remaining parts needed to complete that monster... it's like a movie in my head that just will not end until I see that bad-boy in it's former glory! That's my thing... That's what I do! But it's real nice to at least get a glimpse of how the other side does things... 

What I can say right now is that I'm very proud of everyone in this thread! And to quote my new-found pal Scotty, the reason I keep posting to this thread is as followed (but modified)

Why am I still on This thread? The same reasons everyone is!

- Having fun!

- Laughing a lot!

- Cheering for the success of others!

- Finding common ground!

- Did I say laughing A LOT?!

- Making friends!

- Sharing silly ideas!

- Building each other up!

- Spreading joy!

- Good vibes!

--> Scotty 4-23-2023 (Twitter)



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Welp... I guess Scotty is gonna have to put away his rose colored glasses for a moment... Hollywood is now officially "ON STRIKE!"

Thankfully, I'm pretty sure our episodes of Web Crawlers will keep rolling... although one might wonder about the Not so starving artist substack... exactly what the WGA means by pencils down is still unclear, and that goes for Hollywood as a whole... but given the fact that the Teamsters Union have thrown in their hat in support of the WGA, one can only imgaine the unions will collectively, as a whole - pinch off Hollywood in a short period of time from now... but the back-drop of an upcoming and looming Government Shut-down aka budget resolution makes me wonder... this could turn out to be the longest strike in history since the 60's! Or it could just fizzle out like a fart in the wind... no one can be quite sure, but if one was to be reading the writing on the wall,

Honestly I have been checking the big news outlets all morning and there has been no prime-time footage of this event being broadcast, even though the gauntlet came down this morning... so I can only imagine people on the west coast are going to be waking up to some questions, and clearly some spunk... it's picket-line time! 

Obviously Eden still has her hook firmly in place, otherwise I probably wouldn't even know or care about the WGA going on strike... just like the MSM who seems to be delaying the news... I can only imagine that Main-Street is not too worried about people living in verdant as fuck zip codes to rock the boat... I mean it's not like the WGA is the Railroad Union or nothing, ain't nobody gonna come and force a contract negotiation for some writers... Still, as the WGA and it's unions start to restrict some of Hollywoods arteries like a boa constrictor, it could come to pass that people might be forced to figure things out, unless of course the bottom falls out... then of course all bets are off...

Should be most interesting! From what I understand the WGA and the studios (pretty much all the major ones) are pretty far apart... the only winners in the short term are the studios who no longer have to abide by a contract... the savings of which are pretty high given the complex structure and workforce of Hollywood! If I'm not mistaken, Union folks are pretty much unemployed until such time as they have a negotiated contract! It could get ugly!




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Welp... as probably nobody has heard (at least on the MSM) the WGA went on strike! 

My little cookie cutter is now un-employed and walking the streets of Los Angeles signing autographs for all her fans!


(Eden Dranger - WGA Strike 2023)

Guess I should have waited to visit California! I could have gotten her autograph and a selfie with her! I do admire her for hoofing the streets on stike though... my Mom and Grandmother were Union and they had to strike a few times that I can remember. As someone who is self employed I don't really understand this whole labor union thing, and if it makes her or anyone else on strike out there feel better -- how you feel right now is how someone who is self employed working in the private sector feels 24/7/365! Not even kidding! The strike has been going on now for two whole weeks, rolling into it's third week yesterday! Some are saying the stuidos are crying broke while they hand in earning calls BILLION IN THE RED, so this could roll on for quite awhile! And should anything happen with the government shutting down you can more or less put a fork in anything happening... NBC has claimed to "strike-proof" their fall schedules, so for all we know this could roll into Christmas or even next year! Sadly, to many people not in the know this is being passed off as rich Hollywood Elite striking for more money rather than just the writers, but you can only assume that as time goes by more and more unions from the SAG to the DGA joining in as many of them are Union and can't cross the lines anyway. Who knows how it will all end, but dispite my begging Eden to block me, she just keeps putting up with me... there is something wrong with that girl!

In other news, I'm glad to report that the WebCrawlers is a private outfit and has thus been cranking out the content! Only five more months until October! Which reminds me, Melissa's hubby could no doubt find himself caught up in this WGA strike, being a director and all... I guess I'll just have to sell a few more air filters a month to keep up our monthly carton of cigarette donation to keep us in the good graces of the crawler-crew! I've sort of got this entire 360 view of these actors playing out live before my eyes, like having a nest cam of sorts... It's pretty cool, even if I have to watch Ali scarf down $75 dollars worth strange junk foods and drinks from around the world in one setting... You might have to be a member to view that video... not sure.

The WebCrawlers MIGHT play my voicemail that I sent a few years back when I was drunk as fuck on Halloween... can't make any promises but it was pretty creepy now that I think of it... anyway, I'm not one to give a plug to any PodCast and there is no way I'd ask anyone to subscribe to the WebCrawlers just to try impress the girls... but for as little as $5 a month you could watch crazy mailbag VIDEOS like this! Trust me when I say the videos are much better than just the cheaper audio wink



That is more than I can say for Hollywood Crime Scene, or even BitchSlap (which in fairness I haven't even tried to join yet)... I'm not sure what I said back on Thanksgiving to piss off Desi so much, but she's still pissed... Rachel on the other hand, she's a lot like Eden... she ain't letting me get out until she decides the ride has come to a complete stop! LOL, which is to say her and her whole crew is giving off very strong "the lost boys" vibes!

I'm not sure what to make of her yet, but I get the impression getting mixed up with her would be like getting bit by a vampire! Not even kidding! I'm trying to tread lightly with this one.

And lets not leave out Grabby! I wish she would come out of her Twitter shell a little more. I don't know what it is about them New York women, but they they can hold a grudge! Because Grabby has us blocked out of her life, I'm not quite sure if she is being effected by the WGA strike... being a New Yorker, I could totally see her being a card carrying WGA "East" member, but this is just speculation. A DM has been sent to "grabby" inquiring about her union status, there has been no reply at the time of writing... but she might just have us blocked. LOL

Oh, how could I forget Carly Rogers! Well, she has gotten on the wagon and hasn't been drinking -- but amazingly enough she's still fun to follow! She's still real young, I think under 25 IIRC -- so they bounce back quicker! LOL, at least that is what I tell myself... she's been working on her fitness at just about every Planet Fitness around the nation (well, mostly the South but she was just in Flint Michigan with her friend Allie Colleen.) But she's still on the road and giving 'em hell!

Who am I leaving out? Oh, that's right! 'Ole Reliable, Brandee Lee! The glue that prevents anything serious from happening... aka, the "enforcer"... lol j/k -- she has her favorites on this list! LOL, but she is a devoted network rat who will no doubt be bitching about any of her "Shows" (and trust me there are MANY) not having new eposodes next season. 

Recently she has been putting on episodes of "Murder She Wrote", "Columbo" and "Little House on the Prairie" at night... It's just crazy that these shows seem as new as when I was a kid and they were new! I watched the first three episodes of Little House on the Prairie the other night (if only because I didn't feel like dealing with Paramount+'s fucked up home page) and let me tell you! Them fucking shows are fucking heart wrenching! I can't believe kids used to watch that! But it's all true to the period! I think seeing the first three episodes really put in perspective how good mankind has it in the 21st century! And I mean that! If you want a challenge from me, watch the first three episodes of Little House on the Prairie, and I mean really watch them, FOLLOW THEM, just the first three episodes --- and you'll be like "Holy shit" too!

Anyway, I guess I'm just getting old... Gonna be 48 this July! And as for the kids? They have all moved out... we're empty nesters now! I can't help but to feel like once we get ourselves together and a structure in place, one of them will come back... already I'm used to strolling around in my underwear... having sex at any time of the day. Not having to keep lots of food on hand, eating out regularly and otherwise just having to take care of myself and the house... I can't complain! But I do long for a little excitment from time to time! And while I'm not a network rat, I do enjoy my forms of Entertainment and they are all on display in this thread! 

This is me! This is who I am! And that is what I am learning about this whole "Hollywood" culture... just a fucking ride like no other!




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You know what?

FUCK THE WGA, and the SAG!

I been doing all I can to help! Perhaps $1,000's or more dollars to these fucking people over the years!


Fuck them all, except for maybe Melissa and her guy Martin...

This thread is being moved to the V8 Cafe because I have done EVERYTHING I can to let these people know I care, but do you think ANY of them reciprocate? HELL NO!

Hollywood has SUCKED for the past decade! Why not let this new batch of WOKE idiots just go by the wayside?

That's my thoughts going forward.



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I guess I had a little temper tantrum last night... we all go thru these periods of emotional ups and downs, and I am no different!

I want to be clear, anything I ever gave anyone in this thread in terms of money, gift or anything else was given freely with no strings attached... I don't regret anything! It really makes no difference what you give people, if they don't like you - they don't like you... You can try to win people over, but that doesn't always work.

I'm saying all this because I can't handle this tryst I have going in my mind with Eden... this chick is seriously sinister! There is absolutly NOTHING that I can do to get her attention. I know she sees me, but she is just not interested, and honestly I can't take anymore... It's time to move on from the Eden chapter! And while I have said this a few times in the past, this time it's hitting different for me. I'm no angry! I'm just disappointed... I should really be disappointed in myself, but that is not this case this go around. I'm no longer going to edit this thread as I did in the past. What I said above, while slightly intoxicated, is how I felt at the moment. I'm going to focus less on the people who are not interested, and focus more to the people who seem to enjoy my company... There is no sense in throwing out the baby with the bathwater here... but there is no point in investing any more time and money into Eden. 

And before anyone starts to think I'm falling apart, might I remind them -- I'm old-school and I have friends in low places.



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Officially been 24 hours without any EHD... I have to stay strong!

It's her move!




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I re-lapsed... but I didn't start following her again!

39 Baby steps!



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One wonders what to expect when Brandee leaves you ???...



"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Brandee has already said she is not going to leave me... she is just going to kill me!

So I got that going for me!



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Stellar007 wrote:

Brandee has already said she is not going to leave me... she is just going to kill me!

So I got that going for me!



As the late, great, Leslie West once said..."You can buy your wife a super-bra, but never-ever buy her a gun"...




"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Well... I started following Eden again.

She knew it was just a matter of time... 

Yeah, I also gave her money agian! So sue me! Someone has to keep her looking good on the picket line!


(Eden Dranger c/o the last $100 I sent her on Venmo)

Look at them new shoes, fancy finger nails with a super paint job, movie star glasses, hair extensions and zip-up sweater that makes her look softer than a new-born baby's ass! You think that shit is cheap? Fuck no!

She's going all out on this strike, I think she's convinced she will meet her true love on the picket line! Look at it from my perspective, she meets the love of her life and gets married! GREAT! I can close that file as a "Happy Ending"... isn't that worth a few bucks?

I mean, look at Melissa out there in Utah 


(Melissa Stetten 2023 - c/o Instagram and Martin Gero while on a short nap)

No make-up... no fancy nails or hair extensions! 100% Natural!

She's not hiding behind NOTHING! What you see is what you get! 

And I have been wanting to broach this Hollywood lifestyle thing for awhile now... but that's the thing about Hollywood that is most fucked up... If you are in Entertainment it's going to be impossible to fade off into the sunset so to speak... You have to put yourself out there, because that is just how fame and Hollywood works! Twinkle-Twinkle little star!

But trust me... Melissa is the least of my problems. Her and Martin are what I consider the "Happy Ending", regardless how it ends up. Which I hope is GOOD! Lord knows Melissa is developing that 1000 mile stare that all mothers develop in short order! 

I'm impressed! But Melissa has always been a go-getter! That's why she is the star of this thread! Don't even get me started on Ali, who has some dude cleaning her stove, but no 1,000 mile stare as of yet.

The bottom line here is that we're all having a good time... and to answer Rastus' question, NOBODY is going to leave ANYONE! This thread is like the Olive Garden! When you're in here, you're family!

But alas, we do have Rachel and her twisted pal Desi... They don't scare me, but the thought of getting Rachel in this dress drives me crazy!


(c/o Rachel Fisher - Twitter)

So this thread is very dynamic! Or I'm just a slut?

I guess the better question would be, how the hell would anyone be able to move around in such a dress as shown above? Clearly if you're wearing that dress you're stuck at whatever establishment has ball-room doors! No getting into a car or even a limo wearing that!

That's old school! You can only wear something like that at a select few places... And to be honest, in my entire life there has only been one woman who has shown a desire to wear such an outfit! Rachel Fisher!

What the fuck am I getting myself into here? I mean, we're talking Cinderella - glass slipper kind of stuff here!

Welcome to Hollywood! Play or be played!



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So I don't visit in here often at all, but feel obliged to ask...

What happened to Melissa ???...





"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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What do you mean? Melissa is up there in the thread above! Nothing happened to her, she got married and had a little girl! 

A happy ending in my book! 

I think Melissa is looking great! Even with the 1,000 yard stare (yes, I was a little drunk last night and called it the 1,000 mile stare)... but there is just something about breeders that is just so damn sexy to me! I mean heck, I've been with Brandee for 22 years and I still think she is sexy! Sure, she's got the 1,000 yard stare too... and over the decades she has gotten a little meaner. But if you go back in this thread and look at how even Brandee and I looked before and after kids -- you would realize that things change for the better! You start to care less about what people think and more about living in the moment, besides they probably just arrived from a long drive on the road. Go back in the thread and look for the Disney photos of Brandee and I! It's a well known phenomena, and goes hand in hand with good parenting! Besides, this was her 1st vacation since having her baby! It's a personal vacation so I highly doubt she cares what some old codger from Australia thinks! lol, she's just happy to be feeling the spice of life again and you can clearly see that! I think she looks better and healthier in that photo above than she did decades ago! She's in the magic years of parenting, and besides, do you expect her to cake on the make-up with a short mini-skirt and high heels to navagate mountain terrain? Hell, they were posting photos of climbing them mountians and crossing them over rope bridges today! I don't know what to say Rastus, I think you're missing out by not following along... like you missed a big chunk of the story line, and you still think she's working as a model rather than a home engineer. 

I don't suspect that you had any kids yourself Rastus, nor do I think your Bud Light pal will be squirting out any kids anytime soon either. 

But now that we got thru Rastus' heckling... it gets worse! It would seem our good friend Eden always finds some pod-cast to go on while we're on a break... This time it's a more of a serious look and attitude than what we seen on the Bananas pod where she seemed really relaxed... Plus this pod she wen't on seems to have a real technical guru that not only broadcast live videos of the pod-cast, but also has their very own website, along with a full typed transcript of the entire podcast! I was pretty impressed with the level of tech and details these guys on wielded. And of course it was great to see Eden on camera, so they're alright in my book for having her on!

You can check it out here - 

Apparently it's a Peloton exercise bike theme... it would be great pod for anyone reading who might own a Peloton bike.

There is not really much else going on, except to say that the WGA is STILL on stike! I guess come June 30th we will find out if the SAG union will strike -- so there is a good chance this thing could drag out for a while longer as everyone still seems far apart and the serious pressure won't even be applied until July... and that is only IF the SAG agrees to authorize a strike. It's explained in better detail by Eden in her video above if you're interested in unions and strikes. 

All that said, I look forward to seeing how this adventure all turns out! It's real-live entertainment! This thread is my version reality TV, with a little fandom fantasy sprinkled on top!

Maybe one day we can all get together for a big ball-room party? Rachel says she has her ballroom dress picked out! LOL





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SELLC wrote:

But all is good... I am glad she found a new Dentist that she feels comfortable with! Just that alone is a huge relief... I thought I was gonna have to club her over the head and drag her to a Dentist.


Welp, it looks like I spoke too soon... I knew in the end I was going to have to throw my hat in the ring, and now it would seem that Skyler does not care for the dentist his Mom picked out, and thus Brandee is not happy with them anymore either!

So the womans new dentist recommended a root canal for my youngest son, Skyler (he has soft teeth like me), and the Dentist performed the procedure but couldn't handle it! This would mean he would have to see a specialist! So, in other words... another new Dentist!

It felt like a big mess was being dropped in my lap as Brandee was very upset and frustrated. It was at this point I had enough! I had to step in because clearly something didn't seem right, and I'm sure there will be a big paperwork and billing mess that will have to be cleaned up after all is said and done... Anyway, it turns out Skyler has a curly root on his molar and the dentist said she couldn't stop it from bleeding, then capped it off and sent him out the door with a referral to a specialist! 

I'm starting to wonder if the kid even needed a root canal at all now! But the way these Dentist operate now with patient confidentiality it can be tricky to help even your own kid once they turn 18! Even on the insurance side! 

Skyler has an appointment with a new specialist here in town next week so I'm just hoping that everything goes well and that these new Dentist will be able to keep both Brandee and Skyler happy and feeling good about going there... 

What a crazy week it was last week! Fingers crossed! 




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Root canal procedure is a biatch...And a painful one too...

Usually Stellar, a root-canal procedure follows when a regular filling has fallen-out after 20+ years of service.

It has 3 x steps involved, over an 18-month period, where every 6-months, they dig a little deeper, & restructure the tooth ( teeth ) to either stand alone again, accept a bridge, & or be removed & an implant suggested...

They do this in 3-steps so as to determine whether the tooth will survive uninfected, since the roots have been removed.

Either way it's $$$, & pain.


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Very good information Rastus! Generally speaking, it's all true too! Right down to the $$$ part!

But so far so good! The kid likes the Dentist and claims he is pain free and no longer having to take any medications! That's a win in my book! But it wasn't cheap! Apparently the State changed Skyler's insurance from the Delta Healthykids (which is preferred around here) to some other provider that was not accepted... the change was done without anyone having a choice, so I am pretty disappointed because the current method really limits options and pushes out the time to get care for too long! It's not even insurance if you have to suffer for a month or more just to get something fixed, or even looked at for that matter! 

Thankfully this new specialist Dentist identified the problem as being two nerves in one canal... and not a curled root. The procedure was completed on Thursday and the kid is out of pain and off the medicine today! Which is GREAT! As you mentioned above they want to wait a few weeks to ensure everything is going to be okay and then he goes to his new regular Dentist in a few weeks for a full exam, some fillings and a crown... And yes, it's going to be MORE $$$ as you have said.

To offset these two fairly large expenses I have pulled back incredibly on my Grand Prix adventure I have been planning... instead of getting a hotel room for the weekend like I wanted, I have been driving in and walking three blocks. I'm also trying to save some money here and there on the rennovations, and maybe I'll have to list up a few hundred items on eBay or something... or sell one of the eight cars I currently have? I dunno... I have the money, it's just I have to offset it... right now it's not too bad... but by the time the rest of the stuff gets done it's gonna be a pretty big dent! LOL, and I'd put re-imbursement of said outlays by Skyler is about as likley as my hooking up with anyone in this thread... which is to say that I should never give up hope!

The main point is, everything seems to be okay! For now... and I have even beeing driving into Detroit each day to enjoy the Grand Prix without the massive outlay... I'm even juggling a few jobs in-between. 

Here I am standing next to the Detroit Police Pride-mobile



And I suppose for me, this whole "Pride MONTH" thing where we're supposed to be supportive of LBGTQ community makes me feel like perhaps my dreams of picking up all these women aren't so crazy after all? I mean hell, if Joe can become Jody and Todd can fuck Jim, and also have a baby -- what the hell? RIGHT? I do hope the readers see where I am going with this! LOL

Because if anyone ever says I'm fucked up in the head... well, that's just the pot calling the kettle black! 

Speaking of which, I have begged and pleaded with Eden to block me to no aval... She still has her hook in pretty deep, and I don't even understand why she would let this shit keep going! 

And I don't know if it's just me, but it almost feels like Melissa, Ali, Desi and Rachel have formed this sort of pact on Twitter... Currently I'm only following Rachel on Twitter, but I still see them all hanging out -- vaping and whatnot in their little circle... 

The WGA strike in LA is still dragging on... not much of anything is expected in terms of action until at least June 30th. Some are speculating the SAG and WGA might cave to negotiations and force the writers of the WGA to take a shit deal... but who knows what is really in the cards... the fact that the debt ceiling has been removed until 2025 is a good sign of things perhpas picking back up and maybe everyone getting back to work however this punishing inflation and constant harping about a recession is really going a long way in keeping people holding back... But I'd imagine just about everyone in this thread is pretty well off, including our dear friend Eden.

It's just my hope everything works out and we can all have a little get together sometime! Maybe grab a bite to eat or something wink

Or maybe a Sex Anonymous meeting...








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Well folks... looks like our dear friend Eden has tapped out...

I don't know if it was something I said, or the fact I was distracted by the Grand Prix this weekend... or if Eden's pal Dump-Truck Daley got jealous


Whatever the reason, I did not see this coming... Yes, Eden dumped me on Twitter tonight!

Such a shame too... I'd like to go more into detail, but that would just be a worthless waste of time... Hollywood has Eden now, and they aren't going to let her go! 

I suppose we should expect nothing less from the entertainment industry as a whole... and while I hope things get better with the ongoing strikes with the WGA (if only for Eden's sake), I'm hoping they shake that entire industry to it's very core! I think this poor attitude by many in Hollywood and the entertainment industry has been bleeding thru in many films and shows over the past years... It's not enough that we have more programing today than at any other time in history, this was all planned... it was planned all across the entertainment industry to ensure we never have any more Elvis Presley's, or Marilyn Monroe's... people with REAL STAR POWER... they are even trying to clap down on folks like Tom Cruise, by letting him release all these vanity films where his 60 year old ass is playing the part of what should be the NEXT 21 y/o Tom Cruise... They're all greedy, consumed by this lust for fame and notoriety! The bigger the star the worse they got it... It's facinating to witness, and I think even more fun to take part in... especially when you're the boss who holds them precious cinema dollars! I say this knowing that I don't work in the industry, and I can pretty much say it like it is! Here is something Hollywood might not like to hear, I have given WAY MORE MONEY to the stars in this thread directly than I have EVER given HBO, Cable, Apple TV, Netflix, Paramount or any other big box outfit in the same period of time! Why? Because Hollywood isn't in the business of making Movie Stars and Rock Stars anymore! They have come to learn that once someone becomes a Super-Star they can't take that back! So they fix this by ensuring the entire industry is diluited to the point you'd be lucky to even recognize anyone new... I mean honestly, it's all crap they are putting out! Has been every since media went online with Napster and all the other file-sharing programs that were probably pilots for what we now know as "Streaming Media"... I'm not saying it's all bad... and I know I'm much older since the days I'd watch HBO on cable! But it's rare I find a good movie anymore that doesn't require 18 seasons to follow! 

Every since the very first post in this thread there has always been an element of Entertainment... most of the girls in here are watching and blogging about shows like real housewives, 90 day fiancé, Vanderpump Rules and other reality / heavy drama TV... only to crawl under a rock when a fan comes into town with a convertible Shelby GT-500 and a fist full of cash looking to party for 48 hours? What is that shit? LOL, bottom line is, when I came back this last time Hollywood went on strike right after! And there is no wonder! Whatever shit they are putting out on TV is such crap that the only people watching it are the people connected to the people who make it! These people are often called "influncers", they are the people that churn up interest in something that would otherwise be considered insignificant. They run in packs because they can project a bigger image this way, and it's a proven fact there is strength in numbers! 

I'm not hating on anyone, or anything... I'm just saying my piece after getting dumped by someone caught up REALLY deep in this Hollywood culture. It's a scary time in Hollywood right now! But all this will pass eventually and the people who stick it out will be back to the status quo of Hollywood politics and contributing to various forms of entertainment production. But just remember what I have said above, the Networks are gonna get their way -- and the way for them is not to mint any new rock and or movie stars. It's going to be harder and harder for people to break out both in movies and music -- at least in terms of being a "super-star"... if only because there is just so much damn content, and so many damn content providers... we don't all watch the same TV at night anymore, your classic local stations... we don't all listen to the same radio stations anymore either -- hell, you got more radio stations and music providers right now than you can shake a stick at!

I'm not saying it was easy back in the day... I'm just saying there were less ways to bounce people around, and less ways to keep someones potential under wraps... If all you got is crap programing, people will just consume crap! Everyone loves a good shit sandwich if they are starving!

And that's just it! I hate saying this because it makes me feel old... but, back in the day -- I don't ever recall politics being so tightly woven in the media content... I don't even think I knew or even cared to know what a Republican or a Democrat was until I was in my mid 20's! 

Back in my day you had Cinema Theaters, Cable / HBO, or you had local network programing... Then came VHS, DVD and now it's just wide the fuck open! And EVERYTHING dripping with political satire! 

It's a new world out there! I'm embrasing it!

I have my favorites and I am not ashamed! I'm a LOYAL FAN! What is a fan? Well, it's basically a one sided friendship, where you admire someone for their performance. I'm a big fan of a lot of things and a lot of people!

So what? One day I might be able to move on from this thread, but I regard this thread as my Los Angeles exposure... only I'm the one writing this movie! I'm the one picking the stars! 

So I guess you could say that I'm just living the dream! MY DREAM! wink My own little 47 year old Tom Cruise vanity thread! 

Don't like it? Don't read it!

So I'm semi-single on the interwebs again! 




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Reading over this thread while sober and it's quite a trip! LOL

The secret sauce to this thread is that 9 times out of 10 I'll get extra drunk before I even start the thread... because if I have to compete with these crazy reality TV shows the stuff has to be pretty damn salty...

I'll admit, it's been a little off-putting getting dumped by someone you have helped a lot over the past few months... but if you loan someone $1,500 (adjusted for inflation) and you never see them again, it was probably worth it --- right?

Eden has made a most interesting move... this means all the effort from here on out is on her. She's going to have to make contact! Otherwise, I'm free and I just have to wait for her to hit it big time in Hollywood and she'll reciprocate --- right?

Even if she doesn't do either I suppose the unknown road ahead does give way to a fresh and new feeling of adventure... I feel a large weight has been lifted, being Edens emotional and financial support animal was no easy job! It reminds me of the times I was crushing so hard on Melissa and Desi that I was actually feeling their crushing depression at the time... I sure the fuck don't miss that! LOL, at times it felt like they were putting spells and shit on me! Let me tell you, them still waters really do run deep! It's like an undertoe and I worry I could get sucked back out in whatever rip current their little circle is creating over there... having to watch them like a hurricane out at sea! LOL

But for the most part, I don't feel I did anything wrong on Twitter... why Eden all of a sudden felt uncomfortable is beyond me... I think when her friend Eli started chatting up with Desi that was the last straw, something had to give and it was me! Now out of fairness I did dump her twice over the last few months myself, but mostly because I couldn't take it anymore! But each time I added her back... You fly 2,200 miles to meet someone and get stood up and you'll know what I'm talking about! That was the first time LOL, and then there was that other time I was just drunk and unhappy about the fact she wouldn't ever respond. Well, now that is all over... can't really do much more than I have done, if the chick ain't interested -- she ain't interested! And yes, I can be embarrassing... but I can't be as embassing as having an 83 year old Al Pacino be the father of a 29 year old womans child embarrassing! But we can't discount that once again Desi may have sabotaged my good thing, and now I am just sitting here alone again like


Guess I better just take it easy for awhile, enjoy the summer! I'll be sure to post photos!

All things told, I'm feeling good! And if I can transfer that "good feeling" to everyone else today that would be great!



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I love the XKE in this video... 

Still think the song has a swankier sound in the version by Avicii in the thread above...

Clearly I'm reaching the point where I'm having to slow the chase down a bit, but that is only in hopes that they will start to chase me for awhile... LOL

I got this very odd text message from a Pennsylvania area code today... FYI, Rachel is the only one of this group who has connections to Pennsylvania to my knowledge... not saying it was her, but check this out



Let's just pretend for a minute it wasn't anyone in this thread who send these messages... what if it was some kind of internet scammer, or even worse yet AI... Look at the synchronicities in the first text itself... someone starts off asking when I'll be back in LA doing Yoga with Melissa... and that they would like to join in... I'll admit this text caught me a little off guard! I was left scratching my head wondering, could this be Eden trying to make contact without making contact? Or is it Melissa and one of her crew fucking with me? I'd like to think that was the case, but clearly after I told them they had the wrong number, they kept coming! LOL, I like that! So I decided to play along... funny how it stops after saying my name was Eden... lol, usually scammers won't stop until they get more info... so I think there is a good chance the tides may be changing, and the hunter may now have become the hunted! But I digress... it could be Stoma for all we know! He was always good for a gag text from time to time! 

Yeah, I'm feeling good! 

I hope everyone else reading is feeling good too! Sure, the Eden thing still hurts... but it's just adding to the spice of life right now, even though she hasn't actually blocked me anywhere. She just removed herself from my feed and "following" list. Guess she's embarrassed of me... LOL, and while not the outright block I was asking for, it hurts enough to where I'll back off... if only because I have too much invested in her at this point and I really enjoy all the sanity of not chasing ghosts! LOL, summer is slipping away and thankfully our California players are all "slipping" over there! biggrin and I swear to gawd... smoke 'em if you got 'em!




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Well... Well... Well... Remember me? 

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss...

I had to deal with that little Malibu bitch... or did Stoma mean that "Malibu Islet" was his island? We may never know! Dude could be dead for all we know! RIP Bitch!

All that aside, it's good to be back! Out of purgatory! Back on the scene --- crispy and clean! This might be WAY out of the readers understanding of the founding of this here site... but there goes back a time when Rex was a good guy, but I killed him! LOL! 

Perhaps a Hollywood meets Hollywood moment... one where all bets are off! Unlike the COVID days, it's wide open and all-you-can-handle! Betta ask somebody! Having the last word is real important around here!

All that being said, it's great to be back!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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I think with this most recent "avatar" change it's important to give some backstory... regardless if anyone wants to hear it or not! What I can promise you is that it's all 100% real, and 100% funny if you can see the irony in all of it! 

So back a long time ago, we're talking the early 2000's -- I started buying old W126 Mercedes Benz 420 and 560SEL sedans (known in Beverly Hills during the 1980's and 1990's as "The Beverly Hills Chevy")... being a certified mechanic back then I got wrapped up with a webforum known as, where mostly it was a bunch of Doctors, Lawyers and various other white collar folks about 30-40 years my age (many who didn't have a clue about fixing cars, and probably never had to "fix" a sandwich for themselves they were so rich, but they tried real hard)... anyway, right before the crash of 2008 the bottom fell out on the used car market -- particularly the used W126 S-Class Big Body Mercedes that sold from $50,000 to $80,000 back in the 1980's and early 1990's... The dip was PUNISHING for these cars, as $50-$80k cars were being sold in distress for $500-$1,000! How the hell could you go wrong? So I started buying them, stripping them and eventually put a nice one together for myself, and drove it for 10 years. Anyway, I soon found out that people paid good money for the parts off all these other parts-cars, in fact I would come to cut up over $1,000,000 MSRP dollars worth of W126 S-Class V8 Sedans that I purchased in detress as parts cars for mine or other peoples cars! This obviously was not poupular with the enthusiast on the Mercedes forums so it didn't take long before I got banned from ALL OF THEM -- LOL! With my original avatar of "Stellar007" being banned everywhere, I took on the handle "SELLC"... for whatever reason the SELLC handle took hold with the Mercedes community and I just ran with it... What I'm saying is this forum is the result of being banned from every single Mercedes-Benz forum on the interent (at that time)... I have since given up on them all, but the bad blood is still there! Here is the irony... My kid, and his buddy are both now working for Mercedes-Benz down in Texas! Which to me, they might as well spit Beachnut in my eye! When it comes to automotive, I trained BOTH of these knuckleheads! Hell, the first Mercedes my son's friend ever stripped down to the bare shell was in my garage! And I'm not hating on them, I want the best for them... but I just don't know... it seems like Mercedes is taking my workers! LOL, like a little "fuck-you" from way back.

Having said that, I'll just move right along to these damn Webcrawlers! I know I was talking some shit about them not having much content when Melissa was prego, but man are they running that up my ass now!

I can't even keep up! They are cranking out the content like the Federal Reserve! BRRRRRRRRRRRRR...

There is an infinite amount of content on the Webcrawlers lately! They just been KILLING IT! Between Melissa's Utah adventures and Ali's Mexican Ozark adventures -- it's been a relaxing oasis of fishbowl entertainment since they added a new "Bimbo News" which basically is like real-time events... almost like hot-sheets! Hell, they gave me the vacation itch! 

All this and keeping up with the entire world on Twitter, along with work, home and this place?

Whatever keeps me out of the Downtown Casino's in Detroit right?


Just so happens I have had some good luck at the Casinos on my last few visits since New Years! 

I can't say the same has been true for our good friend Eden, who is now on her 10th week of a WGA Union strike! I think perhaps I may have said it would be the 31st of June that we would know if the SAG and DGA was going to strike, but turns out there is only 30 days in June! So I guess we will all find out a day sooner! I hate to say it, but Eden reminds me a lot of PowerStroker when he get's on his "Union Shit"... like that time his union "almost" went on stike -- remember how fired up he was? But these guys have been going for like 10 weeks! That's a long fucking time! And I worry that it could go on for the rest of the year, at least from they way it's looking! If the studios were "really serious" about ending the strike, I doubt they would be leaving it to the last minute like this. If you ask me, this shit might get ugly!

This might sound funny, but this entire experence following this Hollywood/NY culture has been a lot like being in school again thru different grades... elementry at times, middle at others and then highschool and beyond... going back and reading earlier threads, some of which need a bump - it's clear we were all a lot crazier! All of a sudden I'm not the only one who knows they are getting old! LOL

And I don't know... these are very strange times indeed. We're living in the 2020's of the 1920's! A lot of crazy shit went down in the 1920's! We can't deny that a lot of crazy shit has already gone down in the first half of the 2000's "Roaring 20's"... and if we're being realistic, most of us won't live to see the year 2100! But we could very well live thru the next 50's! Getting there and having the best time between now and then is really all that matters but it just seems more fun when you make the journey with other people! They should make another Breakfast Club and call it the COVID club, and instead of it just being a Saturday morning detention, it's a two year lock-down!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Welp... SAG has joined the WGA on strike! And the word on the street is this shit could roll past the New Year should things not get fixed in time to save the networks scheduals! Even in the best case scenario I don't see this thing being taken care of before Halloween! Guess it's just a coincidence the WGA's strike colors are orange and black


But the DGA scored a three year contract, although it's unclear what Directors can do when all the writers and actors are all on strike.


Perhaps they will send them overseas and third world countries to film stuff for release over there? Or assist with ongoing projects? Sure does not seem like they will be doing much good in Hollywood where the unions have the place locked down 24/7 with angry picketers...

Some are saying the Studio Executives are getting ruthless, like that of Mr. Burns or any other cartoon character villan... Some have even suggested that there has been talk about letting the strike run it course until people start losing their homes! Because let's be honest! Who has a half years savings to fall back on after COVID? We're talking about California here! Sure, some of your A-listers (top 100) will be fine, and the DGA along with the Studios who hold all the cards -- they will be ok... But what about the majority of the people in Hollywood who are not part of that club? Is this Hollywoods way of culling it's less than profitable workforce? Or are they just getting them all out walking around on the picket line in 90 degree weather to ensure they are in good shape like the South Korean's do when they make their women walk the golf courses in the middle of winter in short skirts? Already there is talk of these "Evil" network executives trimming back their trees to ensure the picketers fry in the sun,


So I think it's quite clear this party is just getting started and no-where near being CLOSE to resolved... the studios have had ample time to prepare for this, and they have everything to gain by waiting out the Unions since they don't have to pay anyone but the Directors, who they will no doubt send overseas to work in the interm. Yes, should I visit California during this time I can expect Hollywood to be as salty as it can be, or ever has been -- at least since the 1960's which is the last time BOTH the SAG and WGA went on strike together.

All that being said, the Web Crawlers are shining! Rolling out that content like a finely tuned machine! I've noticed a huge uptick in their members as people crave new content -- and they seem more than happy to deliver! No doubt the Webcrawlers need to capitalize on the upcoming Halloween season by making some cool halloween episodes with that Tenny guy, and perhaps maybe even some new tricks like some on site haunted house and or other "spooky" stuff... let's face it, the Webcrawlers is highly marketable thru Halloween, they might as well get them packed in now before the churn comes... but even still, that probably won't be until after the new years and maybe beyond with Hollywood being in shambles at the moment.

I'll say things with Ed3n are complicated at the moment... a real situationship. I suppose I brought it on myself, I just didn't realize she was going to be such a little hustler... serves me right for underestimating her! Guess were just gonna have to put her on the back burner for a little while as she simmers... clearly she's playing the meanest game of hard to get that I've ever stuck around to endure! The shamless take-take-take reminds me of that scene in the cartoon version of Transformers the Movie.


We're getting into the last week of July! IYKYK!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Welp, I think it's safe to say our tryst with Eden is over... she blocked me from sending her messages because her therapist said one of them was "mean"...

Well let me just say, Eden, this garbage that Hollywood has been dishing out the past 10 years is BEYOND mean... It's been absolute SHIT!

But I get it, if someone is paying you for what amounts to very little effort, why not ask for more? Right?

Wrong! The WGA is not the Teamsters Union! Nor is SAG! But you never know, what I do know is that if Brandee don't have some new content come this fall -- I'm canceling some subscription's... the first on the list is Netflix! Like a FOOL, and only for Eden -- I paid for a 1 year Subscription for HBO -- now called MAX, for a show called succession -- only to find out the filming of the show was one of the WORST in HBO history... Sure, the deal for the entire YEAR was a pretty good - but honestly nobody ever watches it. I think perhaps I'll program one of my old Apple TV's and let my Dad use it... He's retired and has time to waste watching garbage.

Nobody want's to admit that things are changing! And I don't care that Eden, or even ALL of Hollywood doesn't want to see the writing on the wall! The studios are only "pretending" to be interested in returning to the negotiations table! They have absolutly NO INTEREST in anything outside of the DGA (Directors Guild of America) because let's be honest... It's the director who takes the script from the air-head writer and makes it click with the spoiled rotten actors... This is why the WGA and SAG are both on strike, while the DGA inked a deal early on!

I know... I know... This is mean! But it's TRUE! 

In fact, I only purchased TV subscriptions because I knew the people who were making these BS shows probably wouldn't even be willing to pay for them beyond whatever sweetheart deals they were given to make and watch them! And let's be honest -- the only people talking about them and giving the ohhh's and ahhh's were the people connected to the people who made them! Only they are no longer verified on Twitter!



What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Yes, I can be mean online. We all can!

No, it doesn't mean I don't like you... quite the opposite in fact!

I'd delete the drunken post above but I promised not to do that anymore... I have also found that it's only my desktop version of Instagram that is not allowing me to send messages to Eden... my mobile phone "app" seems to send messages -- but perhaps it's a bug in their software? I may never really know, all I know is I have been upset with her every since I started getting this message notification a few days ago


All I know is that I'm not getting this notification whenever I send messages to other people on the desktop version... even if I know they have me blocked!

That is one thing that has always bothered me about Eden, she NEVER replies... never says "thank you" and is always communicating in round about ways that could be easily be dismissed as coincidence... Maybe it's a good thing? All I know is for the past three days I've been a little upset about it... I can only assume she has me on mute, and there is an error in the desktop version that is letting me know she ain't getting the messages and to quit wasting my time -- so that is what I am going to do until such time she grows up and starts talking.

So, I guess this means I'll have to find a new internet buddy... anyway, that's where I'm at right now. If I keep talking to someone who never replies I'M going to need a therapist! LOL 



What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Welp, it's been a few days... and while I have spent FAR less time on the internet, I have noticed some optimisim swirling around the last vestage of my LA Twitter feed that would suggest the writers and actors guilds are in talks with the AMPTP... I'm here to say it's probably some more bullshit -- and here is why: The Studios are betting that the UAW is going on strike September 14th... recently we have seen the LTL trucking company "Yellow" go belly up and is currently in bankruptcy liquidation. The same Teamsters union represented the workers of "Yellow" as the ones who represent "UPS", who we all know got an insanely good contract that will see UPS drivers getting paid $170,000 per year! UPS is doing a little better than Yellow, and I can only assume that the pre-strike on UPS was enough to delay most UPS packages by 2-4 days (I know mine were)... I can only assume this contract was accepted by UPS to give them wiggle room -- as UPS is the largest private shipper in the country, and the increases in pay are not immediate, rather incremental over the course of five years. Unfortunately for the union workers at "Yellow" they are now unemployed and SOL because the entire company went bankrupt -- more or less busting the union and taking down the company in the process. I'm sure there will be a lot of people who worked for "Yellow" who are now looking for jobs.

Something just tells me that the Studios know if the UAW goes on strike, it could offer cover for them as the focus will shift from the Studios to the UAW and the big three! I think it's clear there is no way to save the fall TV schedule at this point, there will be no new shows or movies going into fall... That being said, the AMPTP could drag this out past the new year and effectively "starve out" any meaningful contract improvements -- thus making the entire strike a complete waste of time as many will be squeezed into accepting the same bad deal they went on strike to get improvements on... and that is the whole "odd thing" about the WGA, SAG and the AMPTP -- we have multiple different Unions negotiating with a body (the AMPTP) who is just more or less a mediator for MANY different networks... While the Teamsters were able to take on Yellow and UPS directly, the SAG and WGA are having to bargain with a mediator that only represents the companies Hollywood does business with! What I'm trying to get at is -- while Yellow went bankrupt because of the strikes, it will most likely be the Union members of SAG and the WGA that will suffer. Just recently the 100 day anniversary for the Hollywood strikes came and went, and the Studios know optics are everything -- which is why they want a media black-out as they play games with shitty offers going back and fourth until September 14th when strike talks REALLY heat up with the UAW.

Let's hope for Eden's sake the strike pans out with some modest gains and they all get back to work... even if it is an incremental increase over the span of five years like UPS Union pulled off. 

So enough about the strikes! Let's talk about the Webcrawlers who are for sure NOT ON STRIKE and are flexing their independent muscles with more content releases than I have ever seen before. I have to say, if anyone ever needed two people to fill time on a show, Melissa and Ali could literally talk up a storm on just about any topic -- seemingly at the drop of a hat lately! I know I've been busy, but I just can't keep up! Hard as I try, there just isn't enough hours in the day for everything I do and the social media I frequent. I'll catch up, and then it's like BAM -- I'm behind six episodes! I have to admit, Eden kept me pretty pre-occupied -- especially for a chick who never even once said Hello, Thankyou, Goodbye or ANYTHING for that matter. I see this sort of behavior a LOT from people living in Los Angeles, it's almost as bad as them chicks from New York!

But I get it... I'm fucking old -- 48 years to be exact! Two more years until the big 50! The only silver lining is that everyone else is getting old too! Maybe not as old as I -- but once you crack 40 them years just keep on coming!

I cannot deny that I have wasted a lot of time with Eden... and I say WASTED because it would have saved me A LOT OF TIME AND MONEY if she would have just told me to fuck off a long time ago... or at least said SOMETHING! For awhile there I started to think perhaps it was just a Jewish thing, but I follow other Jewish women on social media and they were not like this at ALL -- and I didn't give most of them a single dime... so being a rude b!tch isn't a Jewish trait, it's just Eden's trait when it comes to me! I'm no therapist, but when you're trying to get someones attention -- and regadless what you do they simply act like you don't exist, yet stops short of blocking you -- it makes ya wonder. Is she shy? Does she hate me? Does she like me but don't wanna get hurt? Who the fuck knows! It's gone on so long now I'm getting to the point where I'm just like "who the fuck cares what Eden's problem is anymore?" 

Sure, she is pretty interesting... kinda cute at times -- HUGE EGO, kinda jaded and sinister... but I mean, it's just not worth it anymore! I always told myself I didn't want to part ways with her on bad terms -- because I don't really know what she has been thru, or is going thru... only this online persona that I have been desperatly trying to get past, but it's like trying to make friends with a brick fucking wall! Yeah, I did have a lot of fun when I was out in California road testing that Shelby GT-H... but she stood me up, and has never once made any mention of it... And yeah, when it broke that she was on strike I send some money to help -- I felt bad! But never once did I get a thanks, or a thumbs up... I've NEVER sent ANYONE money that at least didn't say thank you, or at minimum give a thumbs up in appreciation! But not Eden! Fuck no! NOTHING! So as much as I didn't want to part ways on bad terms -- I'm feeling a little bitter. Maybe I got her all wrong and she's fucking LOADED and just fucks with guys for her own personal amusment? Maybe she has NEVER liked me at all, and my advances only made her want to fuck with me even more? I've learned one important thing from Eden, and that is sending money to chicks is a complete waste of time and money! So I just don't do it anymore... because there is nothing worse than feeling like you been hustled. 

I think she has always been pissed she never made the "A" list on this thread!

Yeah that's it! biggrin


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Welp... I can't help but to notice that at least "someone" is getting under Eden's skin...


Could it be that I quit following her on Twitter and Instagram? I'd like to think I'm the "ignorant fuck" in her life... but this is just what she does, classic Eden mind fuck! She could have been sending that little bite to the multitude of old men (and I mean OLD) who responded to it with broken hearts... But as for me? Well... lets just say she deleted it pretty quick...

Truth is, I have been leaning on Melissa and the Webcrawlers pretty heavy the past week... I'd like to say I'm caught up on the episodes -- but not even close! These Webcrawlers are just balling out with their cocks out! They even brought back Maria for the high dollar crowd! I told them I'd challenge Maria to a walk-off... where we would auction ourselves to the highest bidder for lunch. I'll admit I was pretty wasted at the time, but a bet is a bet! LOL

In catching up with the Webcrawlers I have learned that Melissa is now a Swiftie! And that Melissa is a BIG FAN of Tom Cruise... I have to admit, I was a little shocked! Of course I have always been a Taylor Swift fan, every since I swore that I seen here in the Greektown Casino decades ago. And Tom Cruise? Well lets just say I'm a big fan of his "Eyes wide shut" film... I think that film represented the last of the Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman films -- but what a film! I own it on iTunes! His new stuff, well... I dunno -- I don't really watch any of it, but the fact that he's still making it and doing his own stunts? I respect that! I say that as someone who paid $20 for his Top Gun part two (on iTunes) when it first come out, yet have been unable to gut watching more than half of it. It just pulls too much off the first one!

But whatever... what do I know, right? I wouldn't know good film if it fell out of the sky, landed on my face and wiggled! LOL -- and that is sarcasim, regardless how wasted it -- or I am right now on the internet.

I am planning a revisit of LA... I just don't know when! Well, actually that is a lie... someone in this thread knows! But really if Eden wasn't so wrapped up in her strike she might realize I'm not the only ignorant fuck around these parts!

Ignorant fuck... pffft! This is turning into a game of slug-bug!

What? You don't want to play no more?


Clearly she's still pissed... guess we now have something in common. 


-- Edited by SELLC on Friday 18th of August 2023 05:59:00 AM


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Well guys and girls... this ongoing tryst -- or whatever you can call it seems to still be going on with Eden... and while I don't normally kiss and tell -- my efforts to ignore her came to a head the other day when she decided to follow me on Twitter...


Now this is all conjecture on my part, but the morning after the big hurri-quake in California (Hurricane Hilary) she either messed up and accidentally followed me -- or if you ask me, she was trying to put me in check. Clearly she wasn't happy about my not following her anymore on Twitter or Facebook, and the fact that I managed to ignore her irritated her enough to where she went "all-in" and waited to see what I'd do... naturally I follower her back, sent her a message -- and greased her little paw... A few minutes later she unfollowed me.

What is it with this chick? Always got to be the center of attention, pretty much dominating the entire last few pages of this thread... I know she's trouble, but I just don't seem to give a fuck! And like I said, she communicates in ways that can be easily dismissed -- and often times overlooked by the casual observer. But this time it was different because I had unfollowed her for awhile, and I was whoring it up on Twitter... Her follow more or less come "out of the blue"... In my mind it just felt like she was pissed off, and at a point to where if I didn't come back around she was just going to block me, rather than let me get away with ignoring her... 

Funny thing is, even though I'm a Patreon on the WebCrawlers (paying customer at highest tier) I'm blocked on Twitter by Melissa, Ali and the Webcrawlers Twitter account! Apparently they have lost their nerve and are no longer chasing tornados on Twitter anymore... they have more or less become "weather-women" on their own little channel... and while I love their little weather reports, this Eden chick ain't afraid of nothing! She will just walk right up on my profile and plop her ass down until I make a move! I'm sure it gave her great pleasure to return the "slug-bug" punch in the ear, but it's really fucking with my head... What does this chick want? She wants what ALL WOMEN WANT!


I realize that I'm no angel in all this... maybe I did ask for it? Truth be known, chick had me pretty worked up... and as I have said before -- most of this could all be dismissed as coincidence EXCEPT FOR THE MONEY! No doubt that as her WGA strike inches closer and closer to a half of a year she is getting more and more frustrated -- and who the hell wouldn't be! I mean honestly in another month it will have been a HALF A YEAR they have been striking there in Hollywood! That's a long ass time to be without work! I cringe to think what her side job is -- but having visited California recently, only to be stood up leaving thousands on the table, I can only assume she works part time as a waitress in a cocktail bar. lol

Speaking of cocktail waitresses, our old friend Desi recently joined the Webcrawlers pod... I find this timing to be very odd -- because if you been following this thread you would know Desi dumped me on Twitter on Thanksgiving last year, right at the same time Eden scooped me up. Desi joined Webcrawlers during my little falling out with Eden -- but again, this could just be another coincidence. But who knows -- we all know how hard it is to find good company on the internet now days! LOL, and this feeling that Webcrawlers is turning into a reunion of sorts -- one has to give the Webcrawlers credit for all their new members they have been picking up these last few months! Their hard work has definitely not gone un-noticed on the internet, least of all by me!

Now I can deal with the Melissa's, Ali's, Desi's and Rachel's of the internet -- but this Eden chick... by far my favorite ATM! (No pun intended) She's a real tough cookie with a long history! ;)

So in October I'll be in LA once again (bought the ticket way in advance on the cheap)... the exact date I have only shared with ONE person on this thread, who also won't be named -- but it's not Eden... I'm keeping it this way because I don't want to be stood up again, so I'm just coming out for a visit and another opportunity to drive top down thru the Hills of Hollywood, smoke some good Cali-Weed, maybe catch a movie and a steak dinner somewhere nice. I just feel like I am becoming very comfortable with the area, and so far it's always been a good time with non-stop adventure.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Welp folks... I know you're tired of this "on again and off again" bullshit... but I went on and quit following our good friend Eden... Yes, I'm pretty heavily invested, but I guess like my AMC stock that recently reverse split on me, causing 65 shares to turn into 6.5 shares -- and losing close to $200 in the process -- I'm long on AMC now! LOL... but that don't mean I have to like it...

Anyway, were not gonna fall for any more banana in the tailpipe with Eden... 

So she can follow me all she likes with her guilty conscious... not following her back -- and not gonna grease her little paw any further... Just like with AMC I'mma have to go long and hope she becomes more than a B list writer and pays me back because she has some pride... because honestly, there really is no pride in being a money grubbing parasite, hustling thru life on Twitter...

That being said, I think perhaps it's time to take a break... I do feel deep down that Eden is a good person -- but I have been wrong before. It could just be that she's not good for me, but at this point it doesn't really matter because clearly she has no problems taking advantage of me... and sure, she thinks because I'm married that it's okay -- that I'm some "pay-pig"... but honestly -- Brandee always knew about Eden, and I don't think she was ever really worried. I don't need to go down that road any further with Eden, she is either gonna make it, or she's not. 

I haven't been on Webcrawlers much since -- if only because I have been distracted with Eden... but we're not going to shut this party down just because of her!

I'm more than happy with my little Hollywood exposure I get from keeping up with the Webcrawlers. I have Paramount and HBO/MAX and all that other stuff so I can watch Beavis and Butthead anytime I want...

Take it easy, Eden.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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I guess I had a good one tied on yesterday morning... A lot of people feel that getting drunk is a bad thing, but as I re-read it's clearly a good thing for me to express myself... I don't want to call it liquid courage -- but on the internet it seems to be useful. No doubt the booze had nothing to do with how I feel about someone long term -- but at least for a moment I am able to come clean with myself about things that are clearly going nowhere and counterproductive. Now that I have sobered up I can honestly ask myself what I expected from any of these women -- and I guess, as embarassing as this is to say, is that I was looking to forge 2nd and 3rd wife relationships! And I know how fucking crazy that is -- but I would have settled for just having some new friends on the internet... but that's bullshit too because I have never been able to have just a "friends" relationship with any woman! EVER! And I think that is totaly normal from a birds and bees lens. I know people "say" that they have people of the opposite sex that are just "friends", but I never buy that shit... EVER!

Maybe I been too hard on Eden in that respect... maybe she knows I'm not the type to just be friends already. But I just can't put asside the fact that any guy who gives a girl money to get her attention is just a chump. That is a harsh self-indictment, but it takes two to play that game... is the giver any more pathetic than the receiver? I'm just trying to tell myself that I am helping out a not-so-starving artist who has been on strike for nearly the better part of half a year! But it's not like I do that for just anyone -- except for my kids. Maybe I should just adopt Eden? 

In other news, there is no other news... Getting ready to go on vacation to see my oldest Son in Texas, I'm a little excited -- yet at the same time a little nervous because I have only been to Texas once before, and not in this area I'm visiting. With a state as big as Texas it's not like you're going to get the lay of the land down in a week -- but I'll post a few photos of anything cool I happen across when I get back. It's hard to upload images to this site off an iPhone as the file formatting is not usually compatible for Windows viewers, but it might have changed since then so maybe I'll give it another try if it's a really cool picture. Melissa from the webcrawlers has been posting some stellar cityscape photos from Chicago which I think have been getting me even more excited for my upcoming trip. They look to be having a good time in the windy city and Melissa even got a photo of her wearing the caviar shirt while eating a bowl of, you guessed it -- caviar. I'm not a big fan of fish eggs myself, but she seems to like em!



What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Look... I'm not sure where any of this shit is going...

All I know is that Detroit AND Hollywood are on strike now! It doesn't change the fact that Rachel, Desi, Eden and Grabby have me blocked on Insta... but I mean, WTF?

I'm more or less inclined to believe that perhaps these people fail to realize what they put out there on the day-to-day -- and I must just figure they think they don't have a chance... or perhaps they actually see themselves for who they are in the replies that I send. Nothing worse than that! Especially when you think you're "special"...

Fair enough...

But at least a few of the ladies who can read between the lines still take as good as they give!

I don't know what to say -- your feelings? Fuck them! If you can't handle someone and you block them -- it's because YOU can't handle looking at yourself from another persons perspective... and yes, it's true I'll be in LA soon -- I could give AF what any of them think! I'm not going to be there because of anything they did per-se... but at the same time -- Hollywood is still on strike! They think it's over, but honestly -- for the first time, it just feels like it's getting started! What happens when the Government goes on strike? Or should I say, the Government shuts down? How much barganing power are they going to have then? Big Three on strike -- Government shut down... Pffft... who the fuck knows how it's all gonna end!

Doesn't change the fact that Rastus is still on sabbatical... dude just took his marbles and went home! This after accusing half the women in this thread of being lesbian! Well I got news for you Rastus! I was right about Melissa! She ain't no lesbian! 

And everyone else in this thread was more or less just a means to make Melissa jealous... even Eden! And I know she isn't very popular in this crowd... she is tolerated for her ability to get under my skin -- which since I haven't been sending her any money doesn't seem to happen much anymore... And yeah, I been drinking! First time since I got back from Texas! Hey, I ran out of NyQuil! LOL

More or less, the Webcrawlers is still carrying it's own weight -- which is more than I can say for the "strong load" known as the Hollywood Crime Scene -- who might I add are doing a little stand-up show in Austin Texas on the 26th I think it is... we can only hope that Rachel and Desi don't catch the Texas COVID while they are there like Brandee and I did... but if they do - so be it! 

Really tired of walking on eggs shells for all these other women who have tried -- and failed to be more than say, Brandee and Melissa... but I can't help but to watch them -- like a slow moving train wreck, you can't help but to watch!

Everything I do online is reactionary -- because none of them D.A.R.E. to engage me! That's totally cool! I love sub-missives! 




What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Where have I seen this before?


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Welp, it looks like page seven of this thread is going to end on a happy note! Apparently the AMPTP and the WGA have come to a tentative agreement! 

This is great news considering that it's been on-going for more than 140 days! Now if the SAG (actors) can reach a deal this week, and maybe one of the BIG THREE make a deal -- things might get turned around before any further damage is done to the economy!

Not good to have so many people on strike! It just goes to show that inflation is real, and folks don't expect it to come down anytime soon... what's the average length of a contract in most Unions anyway? Three to five years? So that is just saying right there prices are going to stay on the higher side for awhile. But everyone needs to make a living wage! I recently had to bump up my rates too, and I think it's just a reality until things settle down... so my hope is SAG and the UAW will have similar luck soon!

I understand there is this trifecta theme going on in here, but I mean if I have to watch an hour and 14 minutes of WebCrawlers Pods about 90 day fiancé -- then we can have a post or two every now and then about Rex's momentary dream of grandeur. Yes, Brandee is my wife -- and Yes, I have been hitting on Eden -- and defiantly after that last Webcrawlers 90 Day episode with Ali's Boebert Red Lipstick, I for sure still have the hots for Melissa! So I like my reality TV to be a little more personal -- with real elements... I'm just a man! 

But all kidding aside, here is Eden on her last picket before the strike ended -- just as she promised in her first one above! Now she is even HOTTER!


Eden Dranger -

So congratulations to the WGA! To the victors go the spoils! 

There is a fellow named "Drew Carey" who purchased free meals for WGA writers at the "Bob's Big Boy" in Burbank during the entire strike! Hate to see what the size of his tab was, but he should for sure be proud. Prior to the strike (a few weeks) when I was on my last trip to Hollywood/Burbank I actually ate at Bob's Big Boy because it was such a cool restaurant! We had Big Boy here in Michigan but they were Elias Brothers... now there are not very many left in Michigan... but turns out this Bob's Big Boy is actually one of the original Big Boy restaurants! Not THEE very first, but one of them. Very interesting history behind this place, and to think I was there is just pretty cool. 


These are the real elements that give this thread life to me... I think everyone in this thread has been bitten by the Hollywood bug... hell some of them down right got the Hollywood sickness! lol

Hopefully the UPS and WGA Union contract luck spreads and everyone else can get back to making more money, so they can spend more money of course!

And Summer is officially over here in the USA! It's time to drag that song back out



What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Getting down to the wire around here...

Sure, the Webcrawlers are "dancing" -- Like a well oiled machine!

Only I don't know if I'm the Terminator, Reese or Sarah Conner?  

I guess that is why I keep trying to push further.


I mean... that's pretty and all... but back in my day we had the WOPR

So, what?

I guess I'm just old school!



What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Welp... as some of the people starring in this thread already knew (not naming names) -- today was the day that I was to fly out to Los Angeles



I had purchased the ticket at the same time as the tickets for Brandee and I to go visit our son in Texas.


Anyway, the ticket to LA only cost me $85 which was a SMOKING deal! And as much as I wanted to bask in the verdant as fuck luscious landscape in the Hollywood Hills -- I just couldn't get Eden to commit to a meeting.

Since almost everyone else in this thread is either married or in a relationship -- I just didn't feel comfortable pressing them... perhaps that may be a big reason why Eden was having reservations about a meeting.

I know all this logic and thinking is fucked up -- but we're talking about Los Angeles here! LOL -- the land of liberal excess and dreams! 

Had plans to take in a few movies and a few good dinners and then head home. I saved a LOT of money by canceling, but what I saved in terms of the mental anguish that would have gone along with being in Hollywood and waiting for a meeting with Eden that probably never would have happend is akin to waiting in the pumpkin patch for "The Great Pumpkin" LOL! But seriously, the hills of Hollywood are absolutly gorgeous -- and I am always amazed at how dense the population in Los Angeles is, yet how ALONE you can feel when you're there by yourself. I think it's just a matter of getting home-sick, but on my most recent trip to Texas with Brandee to see my son -- I never felt that loneliness or feeling of being home-sick! It felt good to be there the entire time because I was with friends and family. 

I guess in many ways I just did not want to have them feelings of being alone and homesick, and that is why when I could not get Eden to agree with a meeting -- I just no-showed the flight. I didn't want to spend the money on hotels, rentals, dinners and buying new clothes to feel alone and homesick. And it's cool, I get it...


Most of the ladies in this thread are anywhere from 8-12 years younger than my old ass! Well, with the exception of Desi -- whom I think may be the same age -- if not a little older than I am... and Brandee who is many years older than I.

No doubt there was an element of risk for Eden, especially if things took a romantic turn... so I'd like to think she was just worried about catching feelings LOL -- okay, so I'm pandering to my ego! The fact is she didn't want to be seen hanging around town with a fat old balding married man... Don't get me wrong, I'm sure Eden has no problems hanging around fat, old, balding married men -- but only FAMOUS ones! LOL --- lots of LOL's here because it's funny! It's funny because its true! LOL, and who can blame her! This style is very common in the Los Angeles area, and is not just exclusive to Eden! ALL PEOPLE IN HOLLYWOOD ARE LIKE THIS! It's just the culture there in tinsel town. You got to be careful there, you could fuck around and become famous for something you'd rather not be famous for!

But you got to admire my confidence! And even though Eden would not agree to a meet -- I'm super glad to be at home right now instead of a hotel room in Hollywood begging everyone from this thread who lives in LA to come hang out with me and party! LOL

I think about that and wonder what it would be like to have them fly into Detroit and ask me to come party with them... I'd like to say I'd be all over that -- but you just never know. Besides, how many people in LA want to vacation in Detroit? ha-ha

The things I wanted to do in and around Hollywood were not your regular touristy kinds of things... and perhaps I should have just gone anyway -- but I really didn't want to feel like I was imposing, or worse yet stalking anyone. If they didn't want me there I'd just keep my fat, old, balding married ass at home! I think it was also a bad time for Eden with these most recent revelations ongoing in Israel, and the fact that Hamas was calling for a "Day of Jihad" on Friday the 13th... probably not a good day to be in crowds, enclosed theaters -- or even restaurants anyway! 

But yes! This October we have a Friday the 13th! So everyone out there stay vigilant and safe!



What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Well folks -- while I might have put the kibosh on my Hollywood adventures, it didn't stop Melissa and her crew from hitting up concerts, movies and even some interesting dinners! Gotta give them a big shout out for not letting bad geo-political events keep them from having a good time! Although from what I seen, they probably had a lot more than $85 and a lonely few days on the line. I tip my hat to Melissa and her crew for their "Show must go on" attitude! While I had to get caught up with some things here after the Texas trip -- it sure was nice to get a break from all the doom and gloom that was everywhere else on the internet. Just sunshine and butterflies, or perhaps 100 bats and some gourds. All of it good stuff! Also appears the Webcrawlers are starting to branch off into their own web forum on Discord... and who could blame them? Blogging is fun AF! So long as everyone gets to participate of course. Now days, like most everywhere else but this fine forum, freedom of speech usually starts with a membership fee

But that's okay -- we've never been a cheap date! Well except that one time we told Stoma to get bent on his steak dinner for posting 1,000 one word post in order to get his... at the time we had some dead roadkill in an old parts Mercedes out back we felt was about on-par with the quality of post he was making. Sometimes we got lucky and got three words out of him "Fuck you Rex" and maybe 20 exclamation points and this fucking emoji biggrin 5 or 10 times... if anything he was consistent! I'd even get mysterious prank calls in the middle of the night, which I thought were cute. Most recently I found this teddy bears head removed from it's body at the end of my driveway next to my mailbox... I kicked it up the driveway so I could get these photos




I just been telling myself this is just normal October phenomena and it's probably nothing.

But now it's officially Devils Night Eve over here in the mid-west! And while much like how "Sweetest Day" is only really celebrated in the Mid-West and a few other states (the third Saturday of October), the same holds true for "Devils Night" (the Night before Halloween)... which due to everyone burning someones house down in Detroit in celebration of "Devils Night" they decided to re-name it to "Angels Night"... In fact, all the old Bill Bonds footage and videos have been scrubbed from the internet. This Wikipedia doesn't do the period justice.

Anyway, if you just were having fun back in that day (1980's) you would generally just go toilet paper someones house, soap their windows or smash their pumpkins -- sometimes all three... if you were REALLY BRAVE you would place some dog shit in a thick paper bag, light it on fire and ring the doorbell and run away... I think this prank actually made it to a movie or show, but the bottom line is the owner opens the door, tries to stomp out the fire and gets shit on his shoes. ha-ha

Halloweens have really lost a lot of their magic since the kids grew up, but it's great for watching horror films and all the candy we buy for the trick-or-treaters who never seem to show up... that matters VERY LITTLE, we stay stocked just in-case! LOL, in fact, I'm Jones'n for one of them small boxes of Nerds right now! Looks like I'll have to send out the ole' ball and chain out for another bag (shamless Overboard movie hi-jack)

You'll have to forgive me, I'm not shitfaced drunk tonight... I don't know what's happening -- I think maybe I'm just getting fucking old. But not Eden! She's only 35 and will stay that way for the next 10 years -- even though she just recently had a birthday and turned 36! Even 'ole Melissa is getting up there -- gonna be 40 next year! That's still 8 years younger than I! Gosh... now I feel like I need to get shitfaced!

I can't say anything has changed with Eden... although she did claim she was going to be such a cunt for Halloween this year!


Now who's gonna tell her?


Happy Devils-Night-Eve!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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So I unsubscribed from the Web Crawlers pod today... I wasn't really giving them much each month, but I was the highest tier subscription (most expensive) that is available.

It was no doubt a knee-jerk reaction to something I seen on Melissa's Instagram,


I have for the most part refrained from getting political in this thread, but for whatever reason this feels different. I personally think that people have the right to feel -- however the fuck they want to feel! 

And for me, I can't gut even the slightest thought of even a single penny of my subscription making it's way to support Hamas/Palestine/Gaza... even if it is dressed up as money for the kids there! My personal thoughts on this matter are that even the aid that is being sent there is not making it into the hands of the people it's intended for -- and I feel the same about most ANY big charity. Many charities have a very high overhead, leaving only a small portion of the donated money to the people who need the help! And yet I get it -- organizations doing charity work have to pay bills and make a living too -- yet I feel that a charity is just that, CHARITY! If someone wants to give to people in need, 100% of that money should go to the people they are propping up to get these donations! 100% OF THE MONEY -- NO EXCEPTIONS, otherwise it's not really a charity -- it's an enterprise! Sure, a little bit of something is better than a lot of nothing -- but I don't SIMP when it comes to charity! If I want to help someone I'll just give directly, or I won't give at all. I too have a right to feel -- however the fuck I want to feel as well.

I went to great lengths in the paragraph above to put emphasis on the fact that I feel this way about ALL charities! Not just Melissa's flavor of the month... and I say this because Melissa has donated a great deal to many causes since becoming the "big worm" on her own podcast (no pun intended)... Yet my feelings about Hamas/Palestine/Gaza (referred to as HPG going forward), and I clump them all together like that because they are ALL responsible for their own country and the state that it's in... HPG drew first blood with Israel, a country they all knew would respond with great vengeance and furious anger! To this very day HPG is still firing rockets and missiles into Israel! They still have over 200 hostages! But all that pales in comparison to the fact that HPG knew full well what the response would be from Israel! I feel their sole mission in their terror attack on October 7th was to try and garner the support of ALL Muslims to bring about an even BIGGER war! HPG knew the heavy handed response from Isreal would sow resentment, even if they were the ones who started the fight! 

My interpretation of Islam is that anyone who is not a Muslim is an infedel! And this is not just a generalization! It's in their book! A book they would kill you over for questioning, mocking or desicrating! These are truths! Such intolerance really has no place in a free society.

And yet we have many in Hollywood supporting this! I just can't get my head around why someone who is gay, Jewish, Christian, or anything other than a Muslim would support it. It blows my little pea-sized mind! It shocks me that Hollywood is actually going to get behind what ultimately boils down to an "Islamic" rule where a good majority of Hollywood would be considered infidels unworthly of even existing! I can't even begin to understand this!

What I can tell you is if HPG does end up starting a Holy World War III -- the people who are supporting HPG will ALL be on the wrong side of history! If there is an attack on the USA as a result of this I feel sorry for anyone still in this country that supports what would be known as "the enemy" the second an attack is carried out on US soil. And rightfully so because HPG knew damn well there was no way they could defeat Israel and it's alies when they planned and carried out the terrorist attacks on Israel! In other words, if this becomes the catalyst of WWIII then HPG -- which we might as well just call "the entire collective Islamic religion" at that point, will be deemed the enemy! Because we all know HPG isn't capable of starting WWIII on it's own. And my thoughts are, there should be NO SUPPORT for HPG! NONE! Not even by other Muslims, let alone free people living in a civilized society that should damn well know better!

So that's enough about that... and while I could have just as easily posted this on the Webcrawlers Discord, I felt it best to only share with everyone in here who reads this thread. I stand for tolerance and freedom! But you can't have tolerance without freedom! Tolerance is only tolerated in Islam in an effort to trick or infiltrate the infidel according to their book. I wan't no part of that! Not even a single penny to these people who picked a fight they could not win -- in an effort to suck everyone else into their biblical war!

I won't deny that Webcralers has been an outlet, a much needed form of entertainment over the years, and even in the trying times of COVID! I have enjoyed the different views on their show (pod)... but I cannot get behind and support a religion that considers me an infidel and is unwilling to tolerate anything else but their religion. And that is what this boils down to in my eyes. There is just so much more I could get into about this, but I wont. 

I just think this issue might be more serious than what Hollywood is capable of getting their heads around. And should war come to the USA, I just couldn't look my kids in the eyes knowing that I supported the people who started it all! I realize people just want the fighting to end -- but that is just not going to happen until Israel feels this radical element has been terminated. It's really up to the Islamic nations to condemn this radical element -- but they aren't... and that is very concerning!




What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl



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