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Post Info TOPIC: Taliban is back under Biden
Did Biden Botch the pull-out? [3 vote(s)]

He pulled out later than Spirit Airlines!
It was not well planned or thought out.
The Taliban taking over Afghanistan was always going to happen soon as the US left anyway
I don't know, don't care.


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Taliban is back under Biden


I can understand if they wanted to wind things down in Afghanistan and let them feed off each other without it costing us, but do you think they could have had a whole lot better plan for exiting?

This does not seem like a well organized opperation and you have to wonder what the ramifications of this will be? More plane hi-jackings? Another 9/11?

Aren't we just getting over the China Flu? Did that building really just fall down in Miami Surf Side? Is COVID really a biological weapon designed to mutate into more deadly strains?

And now everyone in Washington is on Vacation... back on the 22nd, nothing to see here. Wear a mask, get the jab and don't ask questions until then.



What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Well, I think we should have started evacuating the civilian translators and other Afghanis who were on our payroll and for which there are records of them being on our payroll much earlier. In that respect it's a bit of a botched exit, and I think Biden knows it, and is working to fix it to the extent possible. But with regard to the bigger picture of whether it is correct to leave, I say yes. There was no amount of time we could have stayed there after which the Taliban would just evaporate. The Taliban never left, they were just suppressed for 20 years at enormous expense. And for why? Well, because George W decided to execute mass punishment on an entire country for the actions of a terrorist group who happened to be headquartered there. It's long overdue that we exit, and it's going to be a messy process as it always is, but once we evacuate the proper civilians and grant them legal residency in the US, it will be time to close the chapter. Now in the event AlQaeda targets of opportunity establish themselves there again, which is likely, we can and should strike them with drones.

Nobody who has ever occupied Afghanistan has ever managed to transform it into a paradise. Not Great Brittan, not Russia, and certainly not us. It's time to stop trying.



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I would agree about the ultimate end goal of leaving Afghanistan, but I think the way they exited had to be on purpose because OMG... people hanging off the planes and falling to their death?

That is pretty dramatic... like something you would see in a movie while trying to escape zombies! Did you see them photos?




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I will say that it's usually at times like these where radical plants are brought into the United States as "refugees".

With this sort of disfunction it appears that such elements could slip thru the cracks!

Given Biden's poor handling of the exit and his history with being very "liberal" on immigration I think a lot of Americans are seriously questioning Biden's competency at this point.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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RIP everyone who's lives have been needlessly lost.

I suggest that the folks that found some stability in the country whilst they were"occupied", also wanted you to stay...Or in this instance, come with you when you decide to leave.

It would appear to be death by falling from an aeroplane, or death for aiding & assisting an invading country...

It's also pretty clear now-days that 9/11 was a false-flag event, so you have no-one to worry about except the Cheney's, Bush's & Rumsfeld's in this world....( Yes I know, Rumsfeld passed away a few weeks ago....Big send-off I hear lol ).


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Here's a good read for y'all !

Even SELLC will like this one ! ( Well, the opening paragraph at the least lol ) !


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Sreet corner Rolex... lol

Ironically I'm pretty sure Biden's Rolex is real.

I don't know the details of pulling out, nor do I imagine we intended on bringing any of that equipment back. What I do know is there is billions of Afghanistan Gold parked in a New York bank according to news outlets... so maybe they are buying that stuff?

Whatever problems Afghanistan has now is Afghanistan's problem. I'm pretty sure if they wanted to be dicks about it we could fly in a bunch of planes and blow it all up, but I'd rather have the gold! LOL

Seems like it was botched, we held the line for quite some time! If their own people don't want to defend themselves then there really is no point in spending any more money or time there. 

I hear Russia and China have rolled out the red carpet for Afghanistan... they love the stank of our sloppy seconds... 



What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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His Rolex is real, it belonged to his late son Beau.



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Yes, it's a strange occurrence this Afghanistan deal.

All through history, nothing but war...( like most places ).

Oddly enough, I would have thought that after Osama was taken-out, that everyone would get-out too, as the job was done...

Strange circumstance with some strange-nuts involved. Too many things just don't add up here.


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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And it's really funny because for Afghanistan to get in bed with Russia or China would be like selling your land to Boss Hog! They would strip mine the entire country if they could.

But who knows... 

It's clear that this is unfolding into a real fine mess... I am hearing pull out deadlines of the 31st of this month and all that gold in New York has now been officially seized. So you can imagine how this is going to unfold...

The list of equipment that has been left in Afghanistan is somewhat staggering! From jets, HUMV's to millions of rounds and equipment and even bombs it's clear that going back in will be fighting ourselves at this point! 

This is a real fine mess, it has to have been by design because as Rastus says, things just do not add up! 

Seems to me Biden and the Democrats are just setting up their next crisis for when COVID fades and the Taliban are back helping to carry out terrorist attacks in our country using people who slipped in the back door as a refugee. 

I'm no four star general but you would just think that before all the troops were sent home that everyone would have been evacuated and the equipment destroyed at minimum if we didn't want to pay bringing it back!

So much of this is half assed it's hard to justify trusting a Democrat with anything, let alone TRILLIONS for infrastructure!

Am I glad we are getting out? YES! But Trump set that in motion LONG AGO!

There is serious disfunction in our Government and everyone wants to blame the administration before them as usual but in this case the blame rest squarely on the Democrats and Biden... They either purposely botched this to arm the Taliban, or they are wholy incompetent and unfit to do their jobs. If you ask me it's both!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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The Russians built a pipe-line supplying natural gas to Russia from Afghanistan in the 1970's.

I'm sure that what ever weapons were left behind were already paid for...And it's a good excuse to rip-off the good people of the US-of-A in taxes via the DoD for "new" weapons development...

This isn't a Democrat of Republican mess...It's a tactical game that's been played for centuries by the higher powers.


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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I'm not so sure Rastus... yes it's true everyone has had their dick in Afghanistan at one time.

Odd too because it's not exactly the kind of place most Americans would want to live, so the idea we could pull another Crimea and take over Afghanistan like Russia did Crimea is in no way probable.

I can only assume someone is getting paid or the equipment would have been destroyed or brought back. 

I sure hope whatever was left over is bugged and has a secret US military self destruct feature! But from the disfunction of the pull out you wouldn't think they were thinking that far ahead... or maybe they were and this is the only way to install the trojan horse?

I hope that most of the stuff is in need of expensive repairs, or that they have to spend countless amounts of time and money looking for said bugs and self distruct hardware! 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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I hereby withdraw my critisism of Biden's handling of the evacuation. As of now he has evacuated over 95,000 people. Never in human history has a country been able to end a lost war in a hostile environment so honorably.



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PowerStroker wrote:

I hereby withdraw my critisism of Biden's handling of the evacuation. As of now he has evacuated over 95,000 people. Never in human history has a country been able to end a lost war in a hostile environment so honorably.


You're a fucking idiot... 

You know four Marines died today because of Biden's incompetence?

Also got video of the Taliban taking their new Blackhawk helicopter for a spin!

You guys are fucking morons. The market is going to be the next thing to flounder, followed by home values and if your memory is at least as long as your pecker I might remind you the Government ran out of money September 1st and is robing Peter to pay Paul!

But Democrats want another $5 trillion for infrastructure because they need the kickback money!

Meanwhile our Military is in Afghanistan having to fight the Taliban who are heavily armed with OUR OWN equipment! 

You're all fucking idiots!



What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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In fact, to say you guys are idiots is unfair to real idiots...

You fucking assholes did all this on purpose! Same with COVID!

Starting to think the terrorist are the liberal left with all their lies and deception!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Yes, I am aware 4 marines and over 60 Afghans died today. I maintain that Biden is doing an outstanding job and would urge you to suggest exactly what you would have him do differently with regard to Afghanistan? Mind that whining about a domestic infrastructure spending package would not be an acceptable answer to that question.

-- Edited by PowerStroker on Thursday 26th of August 2021 01:27:48 PM



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SELLC wrote:

In fact, to say you guys are idiots is unfair to real idiots...

You fucking assholes did all this on purpose! Same with COVID!

Starting to think the terrorist are the liberal left with all their lies and deception!


Now, now SELLC...That's a bit cruel...Marines are trained assassins, they know the deal.

Yes it IS all done on purpose, that's just the name-of-the-game, & the game in modern times was / is...

1. Osama

2. Opium

3. Oil pipe-lines.

Lies & deception are all part-of-the-deal, always heave been for at least 70-80 years, say since the great depression & Roosevelt's "New Deal" .


* I highly recommend you leave this shyte behind, download the CE5 app, meet other folks from elsewhere, & change your priorities on what's really important !


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Rastus wrote:

Now, now SELLC...That's a bit cruel...Marines are trained assassins, they know the deal.

* I highly recommend you leave this shyte behind, download the CE5 app, meet other folks from elsewhere, & change your priorities on what's really important !


I hear the number is up to over 12 now! Marines, or "tained assassins" as you like to call them don't just grow on trees! These are United States service people and not even a SINGLE loss is acceptable to any red blooded American!

I don't care if the entire population of Afghanistan had to be "mowed down" to prevent a single American death! That is the way I'd wan't my countrymen to feel about me or any of my family and friends if we were out fighting a war! Nothing less is acceptable!

So I don't think I was being one bit cruel!

As for CE5... If only it was that easy for me! You seen my tastes in women and cars! Not gonna lie, I still got some years left before I'm ready to pack it in and start singing bluegrass out on the pasture! No offense mate! 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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PowerStroker wrote:

Yes, I am aware 4 marines and over 60 Afghans died today. I maintain that Biden is doing an outstanding job and would urge you to suggest exactly what you would have him do differently with regard to Afghanistan? Mind that whining about a domestic infrastructure spending package would not be an acceptable answer to that question.



I honestly feel you're being a partisan piece of shit if you think the lost lives of four Americans, regardless if they are military or not, is ok! BECAUSE IT'S NOT!

And I'll answer your ignorant question that I shouldn't even have to waste my time on... but if I were in charge I would have planned way better by consolidating and moving forces in small increments while maintaining a sizable force there! I would have started offensive engagements at Taliban strongholds to allow easy passage and then when all the important people were out I'd have lit up the entire stockpile along with any fucking looters in the process of looting!

There needs to be an investigation into why the fuck we left these animals with munitions and war machines! To blow them up would have sat better with any REAL American than to see these people kill even a SINGLE person! 

This is criminal! You don't just get to arm a terrorist orginazation like the Taliban and get away with it! Something stinks VERY bad of an inside deal because NOBODY in their right mind would leave all that equipment for the Taliban! 

The people who died today were probably killed with munitions that were American! It's like someone shooting you with your own gun PowerStroker! You'd have to be pretty fucking stupid to let that happen, right?

The pull out in Afghanistan was criminaly negligent at minimum but we all know it's more than criminal negligence! It's looking like boarderline treason by way of back room deals with a terrorist organization! We seen Obama do it with Iran, load up planes full of cash! You Democrats have serious fucking issues! It's a serious problem and it's time to come clean!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:
Rastus wrote:

Now, now SELLC...That's a bit cruel...Marines are trained assassins, they know the deal.

* I highly recommend you leave this shyte behind, download the CE5 app, meet other folks from elsewhere, & change your priorities on what's really important !


1.I hear the number is up to over 12 now! Marines, or "tained assassins" as you like to call them don't just grow on trees! These are United States service people and not even a SINGLE loss is acceptable to any red blooded American!

2.I don't care if the entire population of Afghanistan had to be "mowed down" to prevent a single American death! That is the way I'd wan't my countrymen to feel about me or any of my family and friends if we were out fighting a war! Nothing less is acceptable!

3.So I don't think I was being one bit cruel!

4.As for CE5... If only it was that easy for me! You seen my tastes in women and cars! Not gonna lie, I still got some years left before I'm ready to pack it in and start singing bluegrass out on the pasture! No offense mate! 


R1. Agreed, but the Marines know the deal they signed with the Gov't / Corporation. And the US-of-A are the "invaders", not the other-way-around. And war is pretty shyte for both sides & families involved.

R2. If you get your asses out of there, & all your weapons too, ( including land-mines ), there'd be no death to concern yourself with.

R3. Peace :) !

R4. Me encouraging you to do a CE5 is so that you realize that there ARE other good civilizations out there who care about all of us, & don't like seeing us make dicks-of-ourselves by killing one-another through war, for money...They want us to join in a much more peaceful intergalactic community with folks from other star-systems, & ultimately start living the lives we were meant to be living.

-- Edited by Rastus on Thursday 26th of August 2021 10:19:42 PM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Just because someone signs up for a job doesn't me they are just expendable. If they were invaders how can you explain the massive amounts of people clinging to that plane?

Getting out is one thing, the shit-show that you see is a whole horse of another color! From the sounds of it they pillaged the equipment to remove the mines so they can clean up the mines!

I understand the CE5 fascination, but I lack the time to enjoy something like that. Anymore I can't even slip away for a night on the town, let alone finding my inner Zen with ET.



What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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So if a single US soldier lost is unacceptable, would you please provide some statistics as to how many were lost in Afghanistan under each of the last 4 administrations for some context?



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You should know that for 18 months prior to this no service men or women had been killed in Afghanistan from attacks.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Here you go, the numbers as asked...And you're going to be pretty-pissed SELLC...


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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SELLC wrote:

You should know that for 18 months prior to this no service men or women had been killed in Afghanistan from attacks.


BECAUSE Trump made a legally binding agreement with the Taliban that we would have our forces out of there. And it wasn't the Taliban who detinated the suicide bomb, it was ISIS who is also an enemy of the Taliban. And look how quickly Biden launched a drone attack that killed the fuckers, now that's competence. 



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And today Biden received intelligence about a carload of ISIS suicide bombers heading to the airport and blew them off the planet before they could even make it there.

Though I'm sure right wing media has some kind of problem with it.



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With all the non-sense / lies / screenplay within the media & what it reports, combined with the Gov't & what it reports to us, we all should have a problem with it.

Everyone deserves better, but you never get the truth from these people, only images to review with an unknown direction narrative...

eg. "So we've pulled out of Afghanistan...And will now "help" people over there via new drone & weapons technology...All based on intelligence gathered information...That someone must be paying for"...


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.

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I do want to bash a certain pink chair dweller.

I am sorry, Senator. I have no clear recollection of the events in question!


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What's a pink-chair-dweller ?...

Here's an awesome article giving reasonable explanation about the US-of-A's longest war...And everything indicates that it will keep-on-going for a while yet !!!


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Rastus wrote:

What's a pink-chair-dweller ?...


It's a DH inside joke from long-long ago.


Guy was a flaming liberal... His handle was Muldoon and he was one of them West Coast types bragging about his silicone valley career, always carrying the Democrats water like PowerStroker does in here...

Pretty much the DH equivalent of PowerStroker. 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Over 122,000 evacuated by the military. and the rest have diplomatic channels through which to leave if they want to.

It's finally over!



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Well I'll tell you this... Only Biden could have gotten away with such a botched pull-out...

Am I glad we're out of Afghanistan? YES! 

Do I think it could have been handled way better? YES!

Biden was just on TV and swore that he would hunt down the remaining people responsible for the 13 service members that died last week... Let's hope he keeps that promise!


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And I can't get over how much equipment, including planes, ammo, tech and HUMV's that were left behind!


Why was this stuff not destroyed? Should we ever have to go back in we'll have a hell of a lot harder time now they have our equipment! No doubts some of the high end stuff has already been sold to China and Russia so they can reverse engineer it and make their own. 

It makes no sense... NONE!


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We had to know we weren't bringing all this stuff back! It would have been a LOT cheaper to destroy it while in our possession than to take it out by rocket or missile after it's in their hands!

Something is not right here... like a real life Yuri Orloff from Lord or War, only it's the Taliban buying Hunters art... 

I don't see ANY reason we should have left this stuff behind for the Taliban! NONE! 

Us Americans can't even buy the weapons they just GAVE to the Taliban! That's some bullshit! I don't want to hear any more BS about legally purchased AR's from here on out!

You can't even buy an M16 without SERIOUS hoops to jump thru, but they gave the Taliban truckloads of them with millions of rounds!

Something not right here and I can't help but to think these weapons will one day be used against us.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Well, it looks like a great deal of it was intentionally damaged beyond repair by us on our way out.


I'm sure there are several things left intact for the Taliban to play with, but aside from small arms (which could well help the Taliban deal wiht ISIS), it doesn't seem like we left them much big equipment in working order. Much of it was obsolete anyway. The economics of war always benefit the suppliers at the expense of the taxpayer, I hope this doesn't surprise you.



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Should y'all be interested in stopping war, here's a link to a great organization, that does just that :) !!!

All you have to do, is submit your e-mail details, & they simply send you petitions to sign, that are then sent to corresponding Gov't officials, it's that simple, & makes a huge difference...

Every-now-&-then they may ask for a small donation to keep the ball rolling, but that's up to you to donate or not. Signing the petitions is where you help here for free, with just a couple of mouse-clicks once you've initiated an account, it's that simple.

Here you go folks, register & sign away :) !!!

-- Edited by Rastus on Tuesday 31st of August 2021 06:17:49 PM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Just in-case anyone's still interested in Afghanistan, it seems that drones don't feed the people, & Mr.Biden stole some money from them...And on top-of-that, another genocide event is now in progress, like Myanmar...These sanctions are amazingly difficult to get one's head around...


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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More BS propoganda from counterpunch... 

You know the one thing missing from that BS drivel in the link you posted above Rastus? The fact that Russia isn't allowing any food or humanitarian aid to the Ukrainian people! That is one of the many reasons why Putin has been labeled a war criminal.

WTF is wrong with you people? They need drones and bombs just to deliver the humanitatian aid to many of the besieged cities! It's not that we aren't trying to give it to them, it's being blown up, turned away or stolen by the Russian army, all the while they just completly level every city they cannot take over! It's just sick at this point! Putin tried to say it's a "special operation" but from the looks of things I'd say it's anything but a disaster and a SERIOUS black eye to the entire Russian nation to have fucked this up so badly! Did they even have a plan going in? If they did it would appear that plan was just to level all the cities in the country, while they left the existing government in play. Isn't the 1st priotity of any invastion to capture the flag? The sooner the better? Apparently not in Russias playbook!

Funny you should bump this thread too, because looking back, while I couldn't understand Biden's reasons for pulling out of Afganistan so quickly it's becoming clear to me that regardless if he knew what was coming or not, it was a smart move! Especially now that we have a flare up between Russia and Ukraine!

You want to know something else Rastus? I also wondered why Biden gave the green light to German Nordstream Pipeline, but now it's clear he probably knew Russia was going to shoot themselves in the foot and fuck it all up anyway... 

I think Putin would be wise to realize that dispite US media reports, President Biden has a lot of friends... unlike Trump, where you're only as good as you're needed at the moment, Biden is more of a career man who has a steady hand and plays the long game. When I seen President Biden working out, riding his bike on the news today I thought to myself, "There is a man who is not one bit worried about Putin!"

When is the last time you seen Trump or Putin on a bicycle? I'm sure our Putin lovers will be quick to say that Putin has been superimposed and photoshopped on a host of animals... from horses to bears and even a unicorn! ;)



What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Rastus wrote:


Should y'all be interested in stopping war, here's a link to a great organization, that does just that :) !!!

All you have to do, is submit your e-mail details, & they simply send you petitions to sign, that are then sent to corresponding Gov't officials, it's that simple, & makes a huge difference...

Every-now-&-then they may ask for a small donation to keep the ball rolling, but that's up to you to donate or not. Signing the petitions is where you help here for free, with just a couple of mouse-clicks once you've initiated an account, it's that simple.

Here you go folks, register & sign away :) !!!


 I know a lot of people get into this kind of thing, I am just not one of them... I worry about online companies whom I don't know personally signing my name on stuff that I don't have time to read. I would advise anyone in the USA to beware of anything with regards to overseas signatures or petitions that may unknowingly place themselves in jeopardy. 

Rastus suggestion to use this site is of his own... Neither I, or this site knows anything about the link above... that is not to say it's not real, or genuine... just that like everything else on the internet and in life, "Buyer beware"...

Just too much fuckery going on in the world today... especially internationally! Here in the USA we hire people to handle this sort of thing, we call it a congress... But I do admit that this system of congress is sometimes a bit slow, so sometimes it takes some people like Rastus and others to bring these issues to light, and I applaud their efforts!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Here's my reply to the posts up above...I'm not going to edit them in here...

R1. Counterpunch is just that...It's the other side of the coin, that gives the "other" perspective on "matters"...Since our media has been proven to be corrupted from the very-top down, & has been via CIA infiltration in the interests of national security...And so good is the brainwashing, our host ( if you look back through this thread ) didn't even know that a war had been going on here...And this was the US-of-A's longest war that it was involved in...And the US-of-A left heaps of weapons behind...And now it's starving-out the people via sanctions imposed through the UN, just like Iraq...

Why did we invade Iraq ???...Because we have become the very thing, that we fought to try & defeat in WW-II...The evidence is all around you, so open your eyes, & look around !

R2. World Beyond War is simply a Virginia based operative that provides the means to do something about war, & promote peace...Usually by simply signing a pre-written letter / statement that is then forwarded to persons in the US-of-A gov't, to show that people around the world care, & are aware of what's going on, & want war stopped at all costs. Typically there's a pre-requisite number of signatures that must be reached, before members of Congress ( or who-ever) will acknowledge the letter / message.

Our admin. here are correct to be suspicious of all internet activity, but he has also revealed that he's too scared to look into this one, which has the only interest in providing a means to speak with our leaders, about the ongoing atrocities of manufactured war, in this day & age...

You need only a little bit of courage, & a few mouse-clicks, & you're done...Oh, of course you should read though everything before signing, but do you have the heart & mind, & a little time to help save lives by signing a simple petition ???...Or are you too scared by your governments actions to speak-out against poor decisions.

The choice is yours, & its never been easier to do the right thing !!!


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Looks like we just whacked Zawahiri.


See, we didn't need a hundred thousand troops there, we can just use technology now. It makes me want to watch The West Wing again so I can see President Bartlett go down to the situation room and blow some fuckers off the planet... And then have the CIA fabricate evidence to make it look like an accident. Except the arabs end up figuring it out. Ok no more spoilers.

-- Edited by PowerStroker on Monday 1st of August 2022 07:45:10 PM



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Yes it would seem Biden is trying to redeem himself for that disastrous pull out in Afghanistan. I'd say this was a damn good start!

Funny how I just recently traveled on Spirit Airlines... LOL, and they pulled out on time both ways! 

We are living in strange times... When it gets to the point I don't want to razz Rastus too much about Aliens, because after what I've already seen nothing would shock me anymore, then it's safe to say all bets are off.

Maybe I better check out this West Wing... although I can't afford to get sucked into a big long series right now! 

You ever seen the TV show 24 in it's entirety? Similar but it takes place on the back end.


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I have seen 24, a couple times. Except the second time around I skipped season 1 to avoid all the worthless Kim drama.

24 is more exciting and action packed. The West Wing is much more cerebral and realistic... They built a duplicate White House and Air Force One etc. A lot of the filming was done in DC too. It's a very accurate depiction of actually trying to run a government while dealing with intra-party pissing matches, and the constant frustration of a Congress controlled by the other party - who constantly tries to thwart the administration, and often succeeds. As well as the frustration of having so many levers of power, except for the one lever you actually need at a given time.



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You think it's better than House of Cards? Or did you not like that show because it put Democrats in a negative light?

I never liked how 24 had Charles Logan as a Republican President and made him so flipping thick headed and shallow. But I still liked all the action.

Perhaps a winter time show? When I have time and motivation to spend time binging on TV?

Currently I'm hooked on this "Yellowstone"... seen all four seasons and the next season (5) will be out soon. I think I'll hold off watching that until I can binge a few episodes at a time. 

Then I also wanted to check out that "Just Breathe" but I don't even have Nexflix anymore... canceled it a few years ago... Is this West Wing on Netflix regularly?


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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I enjoyed house of cards too. West Wing is far less diabolical, but it's a better show.

House of Cards definitely does show some pretty evil Democrats. West Wing doesn't really depict either side as good or evil, but chronicles how the two parties battle each-other.



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So what is really going on with all these over-seas trips with the US-of-A political elite ???...Here's some realistic clues...(Think military arms deals & sales)...


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Congressional delegations abroad happen and rarely make the news. Nancy doesn't usually go much anymore, but sometimes she does. Either way, only the president has the authority to actually conduct foreign policy. While Nancy doesn't require permission to go, it's possible that this was coordinated with the White House as a show of American solidarity with the Taiwanese people.

China's panties are all in a bunch. If a high ranking Chinese politician wanted to visit Guam or something, I wouldn't care one bit.


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