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Economic priorities...

Now that the numbers are coming into focus, it appears that our Afghanistan adventure will end up costing us 8 TRILLION dollars when accounting for all expenses including future veteran healthcare costs incurred by the conflict. I doubt very much that this will show up correctly on a chart of debt per president since it this was Bush's decision decision after all. Though I'm sure the clever accounting tactics used by some will make it seem as though this debt was incurred during Democratic administrations. Just don't try to spin that here because It's not gonna fly.

I do have to ask, if 3.5 Trillion is too much to invest in this country on things that will end up paying for themselves, why then is it ok to spend more than twice that elsewhere on things that we can't reap any future benefit from?



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I liked the original post better, but my answer is still the same in this truncated rendition:

1st off, the entire country was all for going into Afghanistan and kicking some ass after 9/11... Did we need to stay for 20 years? Probably not... Did we waste a fair amount of money by staying? Probably, but Obama (read that as Democrats) stayed for eight years too. Perhaps a strong message had to be sent after 9/11, that the United States would piss in your Cheerios every morning for 20 years if you helped terrorist attack our country... not sure, but that is what I try telling myself about all the money and life wasted in Afghanistan. Pulling out the way that Biden did pretty much put disgrace on that entire 20 years. To add insult to injury Biden and the Democrats ended up arming the very terrorist we were there to disarm! In other words Biden and the Democrats FAILED.

2nd off, this entire infrastructure business is just bullshit kickbacks! NOTHING MORE! None of the fine details will ever be brought to light about the bill and to be quite honest, after the Afghanistan pull out disaster, it just shows that the Democrats can not be trusted with ANYTHING serious, much less almost $4 trillion dollars!

In closing, as a small business person who has had to endure $40,000 in credit line haircuts all the while being unfairly discriminated against by EVERY mortgage company out there under the guise of "Government" regulation I think this entire Government needs to be shut the fuck down! Screw this infrustructue handout BS! These pencil-neck bureaucrats cannot be trusted! They need to shut the Government down, PERIOD! Clearly they have all lost their way when an upstanding businessman who has never been late on a payment for 15 years and has almost $200k equity in his home is denied a re-finance at todays LOW rates for the sole reason that they are self employed. 

So if you ask me, PowerStroker, I say we do the EXACT same thing for all these Pencil Neck bureaucrats! Deny them! DO NOT GIVE THEM A DIME! MAKE THEM WORK TO PAY OFF THE DEBT!




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Furthermore, all the Government has been doing since Obama is GIVE AWAY MONEY!

All the big banks and insurance companies got bailed out in 2008... of course the Government pencil necks got to pick and choose what institutions got to stay and which ones went under. MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF MONEY WASTED because people were doing exactly what they are doing today, borrowing money to invest into the stock market! But it has gotten MUCH-MUCH worse today PowerStroker! 

Then under Trump, big companies were all given MASSIVE TAX BREAKS! Many of these big companies and institutions were the SAME ONES with their hands out under Obama! Same thing with COVID! MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF MONEY WASTED in the same pick and choose kickback pay-to-play scheme where our once poor but now rich politicians bankrupted most of our service and hospitality companies while propping the same assholes that had their hands out under Obama AND got massive tax breaks from Trump!

NO WAY! This infrastructure package is nothing but political kick-back city! It will pass, but not because it's good or because of any of the wildly ignorant thoughts you have about it helping this country, but because ALL of the politicians are dirty now and all of them are working together to ensure they can borrow money at less than 2% interest so they can invest it into the stock market to pilfer your's and most of Americans retirements when they crash it soon! They will walk away RICHER than EVER because "they" have all the money and are the only ones who could crash the market by selling off. They will do this to pay back their 2% loans and pocket the handsome profits, while people like you and I will be just screwed once more! Only they will have a $4 trillion dollar contract to keep them going thru what is sure to be the worst depression ever felt by America. 

No PowerStroker! YOU ARE WRONG! The FACT is this is nothing more but political kick-backs and has NOTHING to do with the improvement of this country! It's wasteful at best, and I'm sure the people in the Government who are above the law when they come together are more or less criminals. 

People like you, Union workers and many people invested into the market for their retirements will be hurt the worst... taxed the hardest and of course worked the hardest. I'll say it again, you're a fucking idiot!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Well, I can't say that I agree with all politicians being crooks, or that investing in our country is nothing more than kickbacks. I would suggest looking at the interstate highway system as an example of an enormous investment that has paid for itself many times over. I would like more of that kind of investment instead of waging endless wars.

But your point about:

"Perhaps a strong message had to be sent after 9/11, that the United States would piss in your Cheerios every morning for 20 years if you helped terrorist attack our country."

I like the sentiment here ^^^ but in the future I think we should stick to raining fire from above without putting boots on the ground if at all possible. Bin Laden has been fish poo for a decade now, it was time to leave Afghanistan.



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PowerStroker wrote:

Well, I can't say that I agree with all politicians being crooks, or that investing in our country is nothing more than kickbacks. I would suggest looking at the interstate highway system as an example of an enormous investment that has paid for itself many times over. I would like more of that kind of investment instead of waging endless wars.

But your point about:

"Perhaps a strong message had to be sent after 9/11, that the United States would piss in your Cheerios every morning for 20 years if you helped terrorist attack our country."

I like the sentiment here ^^^ but in the future I think we should stick to raining fire from above without putting boots on the ground if at all possible. Bin Laden has been fish poo for a decade now, it was time to leave Afghanistan.


PowerStroker, every morning for the past 20 years we have been pissing in Afghanistans Cheerios and I might add that up until Biden's botched pull out we have maintned eye contact while doing it! 

Do you understand the importance of why Biden breaking off eye contact the last days of our Cheerio pissing mission was so detrimental? Do you get it?

Not only that he left them a twenty year supply of Cheerios and even fruit loops and apple jacks!

I'm beside myself... dispite knowing that it was past time we quit wasting money on them fucking idiots over there.


Now Biden says he has a plan for infrastructure? In this swap mess of career politicians?

Fuck these people! I'm tired of their bullshit! I'm starting to think I am going to vote for whatever person I've never heard of in this election, with careful attention being paid to avoid anyone who's name sounds like that of an Afghan refugee!

I'm pissed! Tired of hearing these cocksuckers say they want more money when they got the game so fucked up that their regulations would see a 20 year seasoned Business with a proven track record and stellar payment history prevented from even getting a LOAN! That is NOT a hand out PowerStroker! It's a fucking loan! So do you know what that tells me? It tells me that these fucking miserable cocksuckers are purposely targeting people like me who can freely speak out against their pathetic, treasonus and criminal ways! Because they know dumb fucks like you will wear a mask, get four vaccines a year and pretty much suck their dicks or eat their pussies on command.

I'm fucking sick of it! These cocksuckers need to get to work MAKING us money and PAYING OFF our debts instead of costing us money and saddling us with debt! Too many at the top in the Government are career criminals.... eh, I mean politicians! This means they are well aware of what they are doing and have experience playing games with the people. They need to all be forced to stand up and be counted!

So what are my Exonomic Priotities? To hold these miserable cocksuckers to the same standard as they are holding me!!! AND NOTHING LESS!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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The infrastrucrure currently in place and leading to my driveway and business is working perfectly fine and being paid for with gasoline taxes! It does not need $4 trillion in kickbacks for politicians and lobbyist!

The road I traveled from Detroit to California was just fine, with the exception of Illinois where I hit a massive pothole on a bridge. But I'm pretty sure that ONE pothole on a near 3000 mile journey is not going to take $4 trillion to fix!

What is wrong with you people!?

Can't you see this is nothing more than a money grab!? You idiots think since Unions and whatnot will get the money that somehow you'll ever see any of it? PAHHHLEEESE! You ain't gonna see shit but negotiated lower wages and shitty contracts just like the last time in 2008! How else are they going to get their kickbacks? BY FUCKING IDIOTS LIKE YOU! THAT'S HOW!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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And if you ask me, someone should have rolled Mitch in the hog pit LONG AGO!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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C'mon fellas....

Everyone knows now that 9 / 11 was a Bush, Cheney & Rumsfeld false-flag event, meaning that "they" arranged the whole thing to look like an attack, where-by they could then "go-to-war" in the name of terrorism for 20-years & make a whole lot of money whilst deceiving the country...

Seems it's worked !


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Yeah sure... the people who hi-jacked the planes and gave up their lives to kamikaze these planes into the WTC and Pentagon weren't the ones responsible...

Give me a break.


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Unless you're trying to say they were remotely opperated. 

I don't see how they would have gotten the pilots to go along with that, and I don't think their remote controls can overide the pilots control, unless you know something about commercial aircraft that I don't know...

But I'd think the piolts would have known long before they hit the WTC they were too low in a major city and would have done something... anything! 

So I'm thinking you are just giving Bush and Co. entirely too much credit.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Here's something for you to consider / ask...

(I haven't read this yet btw)


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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PowerStroker wrote:


I do have to ask, if 3.5 Trillion is too much to invest in this country on things that will end up paying for themselves, why then is it ok to spend more than twice that elsewhere on things that we can't reap any future benefit from?



How about you Democrats do something about the debt ceiling first? Maybe put that in reconciliation as a priority?

I know things like putting the horse in front of the carrage are slow to sink in with you people, but it does no good to waste $3.7 trillion dollars in kickback money to a corrupt Government who can't even pay their bills on time... Does no good to give a corrupt Government that routinely passes unconstitutional executive orders to "buy time," $3.7 trillion in kickback money... Does no good to give a tyrannical Government mandating vaccines $3.7 trillion in kickback money.

How about you guys just do something about the debt ceiling first?


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Don't worry, we will raise the debt ceiling, but it will be separate legislation from the infrastructure package.



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You "should" be saving some money now that you've pulled-out of Afghanistan don't forget.


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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This is true, we can invest some of that here at home and probably still have money left over!



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Rastus wrote:

You "should" be saving some money now that you've pulled-out of Afghanistan don't forget.


For gawds sake Rastus! Don't encourge them or give them any ideas!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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So tell us all PowerStroker...

What are the Democrats Economic Priorities? 

You guys planning on shutting down the Government and plunging our credit rating? Or are you guys going to do something about that?

Any savings from Afghanistan will be totally eaten up by interest if you guys fiddle fart around any longer!

Word is it's going to be a bloodbath on Wall Street today... they're saying the DOW futures are 600 in the drink from China's version of Lehman Brothers going in the pooper! Some are even suggesting it could be the catalyst for the next global economic meltdown!

I'd sure feel a whole lot better if the people Democrats put in power would at least take care of business and keep the lights on! This isn't the best time to have Government shutting down and markets crashing, not that it's ever a good time... but I think it's fair to say coming out of a pandemic it's really bad timing.

Not a good time to be dragging ones feet.



What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Historically speaking, the best way to get a debt ceiling increase is with a clean bill doing so a the last minute... Because nobody wants to be the 1 Congressman that caused Great Depression 2.0.

Don't worry Rex, Dems will raise it.



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Looks like the market is holding up clawing back some early losses.

When Democrats start considering minting a $1 trillion dollar platinum coin to pay the bills it starts to worry me. I know you have suggested this in the past but I never thought they would be desperate enough to really try it!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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don't mess with Nancy.jpg


Yes, from dealing with bums & poop, to a Trillion-dollar platinum coin, Nancy has it all-under-control !


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Dems in the House will have no problem passing a debt limit increase, it's the Senate where you need the Republicans to at least provide 10 votes to overcome a filibuster. If they fail to do so, then by all means mint a 10 Trillion dollar coin and deposit it in the Treasury account at the Federal Reserve... It would cause inflation to be sure, but would be much, much preferable to a default on our national debt which would make the entire world question whether US currency even has any value whatsoever.



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PowerStroker wrote:

Dems in the House will have no problem passing a debt limit increase, it's the Senate where you need the Republicans to at least provide 10 votes to overcome a filibuster. If they fail to do so, then by all means mint a 10 Trillion dollar coin and deposit it in the Treasury account at the Federal Reserve... It would cause inflation to be sure, but would be much, much preferable to a default on our national debt which would make the entire world question whether US currency even has any value whatsoever.


Why not just mint a 1 Quadrillion dollar coin? It's going to send the same message to the rest of the world anyway!

I'm sure Biden is getting it worked out while riding his bicycle on vacation. No need to worry!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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The Constitution which empowers the Treasury to mint coins, doesn't limit the amount for any such coin, but ideally you would want to limit such a manuver such that it pays the necessary existing bills without creating a massive amount of extra money for the government to spend without any funding mechanism... Inventing an extra Quadrillion dollars out of thin air, and then depositing it in the US treasury would make it so the government wouldn't need to collect any more taxes from any citizens, probably ever agian. It would also make the value of the dollar similar to that of the Mexican Peso (or worse). And anyone on a fixed income would end up starving in the streets. The value of our currency is highest when we actually match taxing to to our spending, and demonstrate that we can operate responsibly. This is not to say that we can't run deficits when the reason we do so is for a noble purpose like stimulating a struggling economy, or making needed investments that will end up paying for themselves in the long run. America is immortal, therefore we can run deficits for decades, so long as we make wise investments with the money we borrow. The problem lies in the quality of some of our investments. 8 Trillion for Afghanistan was not a wise choice for example. Had that money been spent on things like infrastructure, clean energy, education, single payer healthcare coverage etc, we would all be far better off, and richer too relative to the rest of the world. So the next time some Arabs knock down a couple buildings in New York, hopefully we will just whack them and their buddies with drone strikes and move on.



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Gee... let me see... wasn't there a guy, a Democrat, who droped a few nuclear bombs on Japan? Didn't we pay to pretty much rebuild Japan after? I wouldn't even go there...

I think it was an extreemly bad idea not putting the budget deal thru reconciliation like you guys are doing with the EXTRA $3.5 trillion infrastructure package. 

Repulicans gave you $1.7 billion and would have helped with the budget but you guys are just getting greedy! You want $3.5 trillion more and MASSIVE taxes on small business!

I'm sorry, it's looking like the Government is getting shut down and Biden is going to lose it ALL for being greedy!

You know what Obama says... never underestimate Joe Biden's ability to totally fuck something up and I think that is just what you guys have done!

You should have just done it all thru reconciliation... this is a big mistake and it's going to end very badly! Americans elected your party to do the right thing and not take chances, but look what you have done!

I sure hope you guys pull your heads out of your asses before it's too late because I don't see Republicans coming to your rescue after writing yourself a $3.5 trillion dollar check...

What is wrong with you people?


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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I think you guys fucked up buddy...

Key Lawmaker Says Democrats Lack Time to Raise Debt Limit on Their Own

(Bloomberg) -- House Budget Committee Chairman John Yarmuth said that his staff experts have concluded Democrats probably do not have enough time to raise the U.S. debt ceiling on their own using a fast-track budget process in time to avoid a default by the U.S. Treasury.

Just like Biden botched the Afghanistan pull out it looks like him and the Democrats have really fucked this up too!

In your previous reply, PowerStroker, you balked at a quadrillion dollars... but I can remember a time when $1 million and $1 billion was a lot of money... the way you guys want to spend money you might as well ask for a quadrillion because you're treating trillions like it ain't shit now anyway! Why not? You guys chicken?


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mad money.jpg


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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I would also like to add to my previous post, that if such a need comes about whereby the Treasury invents and deposits a coin to prevent a default on our debts, it should later be paid for by Congress increasing taxes to cover the amount they "invented". Ideally the debt ceiling increase would easily pass both parties in Congress, because it has nothing to do with future spending or any 3.5 Trillion investment that may be on the horizon. The debt ceiling is about to be hit by EXISTING debt, most of which was racked up by Republican foreign policy adventures. It would be a real shame if the Republicans who authorized that spending but not the borrowing needed to afford it, and hypocritical.



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I think you guys have gotten way out of hand... I guess it's time to shut this mother fucker down!

Too bad Mitch and many Republicans won't have the balls to do that, and I'm sure some kind of sweetheart deal will be cooked up at the last minute.

Quite honestly with the way I have been treated by the SBA, mortgage lenders and credit reporting companies I don't really care if the USA takes a credit ding! You assholes are already trying to torpedo small business like mine so better you guys get shut down and the government takes a hit before I do... 

Now lets talk about what a Government shutdown will look like... No Social Security going out, No stimulus, No Federal agencies, courts or otherwise... perhaps they really are just out of money? But I'd say that was the case trillions of dollars ago though.

As much as I'd like to see the Government get denied funding like I have been, I just know all the politicians both Democrat and Republican will vote themselves even more money. Democrats will cut in the Republicans and it will probably get some BS temporary stop-gap a few times, give the much needed media hysteria for the BS they are about to lay on us and then it will be on to some other ignorant BS...

What needs to happen won't happen... we will just get saddled with some $7 trillion in new debt by the time all is said and done. In other words, taxes are going up for everyone because Democrats need $5 TRILLION to fix some bridges and implement socialisim. No need for anyone to work anymore! And the people who dare make something for themselves will be taxed into poverty. 

-- Edited by SELLC on Friday 24th of September 2021 03:14:26 PM


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Honestly I don't think we should even have a statutory debt limit. The limit should adjust automatically to cover whatever spending Congress has authorized, like it does in just about every other country. It came into play about a hundred years ago to prevent excessive debt, well, it hasn't accomplished shit except give whatever party happens to be in the minority a chance to torpedo the world economy for perceived political benefit. It's idiotic and needs to end.



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I am sure that's just what they want... a blank check and unchecked borrowing power!

I'd say that's a BAD IDEA... We need to be able to throw the brakes on! 

After Bidens botched Afghan withdrawal and the mandatory vaccinations I don't trust this administration with trillions of dollars! 

I can't even restructure debt and I have almost $200k in equity in my home with no missed payments for over 13 years! The sole reason why is because I am self employed! Yet some dude working at Taco Bell making $16 an hour gets approved for $220k home mortgage.

Something seriously wrong... The Biden family and China are too tight! More proof has been coming out about the money they make selling the US out. 

I'd like to say it's all your fault PowerStroker, you and the Democrats... but at least I'm fair enough to admit that Trump took the bait when he shut down the country for two weeks!

This is a very sad state of affairs we're in... Lots of blame to go around.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Don't stress too much SELLC...At least the money you deal with is REAL money...Not money based on a 20-year pay-back-scheme with interest...

Keep quiet, & keep your loose-change under-the-bed, & out-of-the bank ;) !


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to tell me here Rastus, but I'm sure you mean well.

All I can say is it's easier said than done. 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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PowerStroker wrote:


I do have to ask, if 3.5 Trillion is too much to invest in this country on things that will end up paying for themselves, why then is it ok to spend more than twice that elsewhere on things that we can't reap any future benefit from?



How you guys doing on that budget reconsiliation over there PowerStroker?

Seems to be a little infighting going on! You know us Republicans are the last to know when it comes to jackass affairs, but you think maybe you can figure out how to pass a budget and raise the debt ceiling by yourselves yet?

Because eh, I'm just trying to make Holiday Plans is all...


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Well, It's not as easy as one would think. Having 50 senators doesn't mean we have 50 progressives. There are two in particular who have more conservative tendencies than some Republicans, which makes getting them on board like trying to push rope. What started as a 6.5 Trillion proposal has been whittled down to 3.5, and then whittled down again to about 1.75, all because we really don't have 50 Democrats. We are a big tent party, and there is room for many perspectives, but it's time to write the bill and vote on it already.

Republicans want a leader, Democrats want a meeting.



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Riiiiiiiiighhht... this doesn't sound like it's boding well for Christmas plans.


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PowerStroker said qt...


Republicans want a leader, Democrats want a meeting.


I though the Republicans have Mike Pence ?....

Pence 2024.jpg



"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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That dude was more Magoo than Gabriella's Brian!

Now they have snached her up in SF...

Vultures I tell you!


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What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl



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