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Post Info TOPIC: New York City to allow non-citizens the right to vote!
Do you think non-citizens should be able to vote in elections? [4 vote(s)]

I don't know.


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New York City to allow non-citizens the right to vote!

New York has become so corrupt that they are trying to allow non-citizens the right to vote on local matters! 

That is right! The crooks in New York have pissed of so many voters that they want to allow just anyone to vote! 

That means every tax paying, legal voter will be out voted by people who are not even citizens!

If I lived in New York City I would be PISSED! Then again, they have people in NYC trained to just accept the fact that they live there with the understanding they have no rights and can be run out of the city at any time if they don't like it.

Think about what this means! Someone could literally bus in enough people in New York to outstrip every voice of every single registered citizen of the City! They would probably also allow non-citizens the right to vote by mail! 

New York has always been dark... but now it's evil! The rotten Apple name has never been more true than in todays times! 


New York's Move Allowing Non-Citizens to Vote Could Lead Other Cities to Follow


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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I'd be opposed to undocumented immigrants voting, but ok with legal residents voting whether they be US citizens or not.



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If this helps to "clean-out the swamp", then it's a good thing.

I'd be happy to vote ;) !!!

Bring out the small independents !


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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PowerStroker wrote:

I'd be opposed to undocumented immigrants voting, but ok with legal residents voting whether they be US citizens or not.


A legal resident is just anyone that has a bill in their name within the voting district! And I'm sure the bar for such designation will only be lowered by New York come election time.

It's just pathetic, really! So disrespectful to US citizens! Democrats love these sorts of cheats... Soros will pack them busses full come election day! 

I'm shocked at how willing you are to hand this country over to people that are not even citizens... I'm really concerned for you PowerStroker!

Have you taken part in any medical experiments over the past year? 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Rastus wrote:

If this helps to "clean-out the swamp", then it's a good thing.

I'd be happy to vote ;) !!!

Bring out the small independents !


Shit, by this standard we might as well send Rastus a ballot to Australia! 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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At NYC voting stations they will do away with voter records and simpily have a mirror at each location... the only qualifying factor is that you can fog said mirror!

That should cut down on the amount of dead people voting Democrat...


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:
PowerStroker wrote:

I'd be opposed to undocumented immigrants voting, but ok with legal residents voting whether they be US citizens or not.


1.A legal resident is just anyone that has a bill in their name within the voting district! And I'm sure the bar for such designation will only be lowered by New York come election time.

2.It's just pathetic, really! So disrespectful to US citizens! Democrats love these sorts of cheats... Soros will pack them busses full come election day! 

3.I'm shocked at how willing you are to hand this country over to people that are not even citizens... I'm really concerned for you PowerStroker!

4.Have you taken part in any medical experiments over the past year? 


R1. All 5-eyes (lol) nations should be able to have a say in what goes on at some level at least...And you never know SELLC, it's possible that the swamp has gotten so bad, that the voting numbers are really low...Perhaps fining people for not voting is a solution here ?...

R2. LOL !

R3. LOL ! You lost your country way back in 1913...

R4. You know the answer to that one ;) !


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Rastus wrote:

R3. LOL ! You lost your country way back in 1913...



Now I have got to hear the story behind that one! Please indulge me!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:
Rastus wrote:

R3. LOL ! You lost your country way back in 1913...



Now I have got to hear the story behind that one! Please indulge me!


LOL ! I've said this one many times in here, but since we have short memories...

Christmas 1913 is when POTUS Woodrow Wilson allowed overseas Central Banks ( Cartel ) to print your money for you...And you were then made broke within 20-years...And you are still paying off that incurred debt to this day, via 2 x "New Deals", whilst maintaining the Gov't in emergency operation status all this time...

Are you sure you still want that EIDL loan LOL !!! ???


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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PowerStroker, what is he talking about? You ever hear anything like that before?

I do recall you mentioning that a few times a long time ago, but back then you were just one of them crazy UFO chasers so I didn't give it much thought... now that UFO's are cool and real, well maybe I should look into this a little deeper (just pulling your chain Rastus lol). I'm pretty sure it's OUR Federal Reserve that prints the money... not any overseas central bank.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:

PowerStroker, what is he talking about? You ever hear anything like that before?


I don't know.



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You don't know because Woodrow Wilson was a Democrat, or you don't know because you don't know?

I did some looking into this and found that Woodrow Wilson (a Democrat) and his band of Democrat friends created the Federal Reserve Act, which basically as Rastus has said, handed the country over to the Ferderal Reserve and elites...

The act was supposed to control things like inflation and lending... yet here we are... inflation thru the roof and only the rich and politically connected getting Government loans...

Good information Rastus! Thank you for sharing!



What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Inflation will be brought back down once they start raising interest rates. Regarding the rich and connected people of the world getting loans and special treatment - what else is new?



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SELLC wrote:

You don't know because Woodrow Wilson was a Democrat, or you don't know because you don't know?

I did some looking into this and found that Woodrow Wilson (a Democrat) and his band of Democrat friends created the Federal Reserve Act, which basically as Rastus has said, handed the country over to the Ferderal Reserve and elites...

The act was supposed to control things like inflation and lending... yet here we are... inflation thru the roof and only the rich and politically connected getting Government loans...

Good information Rastus! Thank you for sharing!



You're welcome ;) !

I haven't read your link, but back in 1906-7, these "bankers" secretly met off-the-coast of Georgia on Jekyll Island, & drew-up the plans for the take-over. So secret was the meeting, that false names & passports were used...And these tactics are still "allowed" to be used by these "elite" it seems, since they are apparently above any law designed for regular peasants like us...And these folks still rule & govern everywhere, typically via secret meetings, & are held under the guise of the Bilderberg group...

This is an old film I'm posting, but worth your time to watch, as you get an idea of how these folks think & operate, & can compare results now 10-+years later...And it's funny to realize that these really old people are still alive & kicking to this day...Hmmm...There's a lot to be said about organ harvesting...


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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PowerStroker wrote:

Inflation will be brought back down once they start raising interest rates. Regarding the rich and connected people of the world getting loans and special treatment - what else is new?


Well I thought Democrats were supposed to be for the working man, the poor and downtrodden...

You're not bothered by the fact that the only people to get low interest rate loans over the past few years have been rich and politically connected people? Do you think raising interest rates will do anything but KILL the middle class? None of these rich and politically connected people who got low interest rate loans will be hurting when the rates go up because they got MASSIVE loans that will last them a decade with fixed rates - often times below 2%!

So let me get this straight PowerStroker... You say inflation will be brought back down once they start raising interest rates? Let's hash this out,

Inflation is across the board right now, EVERYTHING is more expensive. If you went to the grocery store to buy 50 items for your weekly rations, ALL 50 would be more expensive! So you put it on the credit card to spread that out so it does not bust the budget... Then you go to get your weekly gas, and instead of it being $40, it's $70... again, on the card because it's almost twice what you would spend... Then you open your utility bills to notice they are higher! No problem, it's only temporary I'll just spread it out over the next few months until things settle down... Do you see a trend here? EVERYTHING is more expensive across the board!

Come 2022 when the Fed does raise interest rates everyone that was spreading this inflation out over a few months, until "things normalize" as your people would call it, will now be paying MASSIVE interest on them inflationary cost! 

Don't you get it PowerStroker!? 

I have been going over my bills with a fine tooth comb... What I pay in taxes, fees, registrations, interest and other such cost are FUCKING OUTRAGEOUS when totalled up at the end of the year! These are cost that your Pelosi's and Schumer's ARE NOT having to pay! The interest on all of their loans is UNDER 2% and it's LOCKED IN for probably longer than they are expected to live! In addition to that, they are sitting on hordes of money and never even needed to borrow money in the first place! They only did it because it was cheap, and at minimum kept people like you and I from getting any! There is nothing the Government and it's people hate more than competition! Gawd forbid you were given enough money at such a low rate that you became the next top US manufature of machined automotive tools and high quality, low cost USA made auto parts! Gawd forbid I was given enough money at such a low rate that I could do the same!


Just put your fucking mask back on you dirty pieces of shit! Get your jabs, pay your taxes and do what you're told bitch! 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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And as Rastus has pointed out, this whole "system" to allow politicians to do this was started in 1913 under a Democrat President named Woodrow Wilson. 

Of course Rastus had to go and throw a name like Alex Jones in there... but that's just the quintessential UFO chasing Rastus! He don't care about things like stigmas... He just wants to figure out the madness. 

I'm not a bad guy PowerStroker... I'm not out there looking to fuck people to make a living. I'm just tired of getting fucked!

I broke with Trump years before he got fired... but I'll tell you what, what I see on the horizon under Biden and many of these career political dynasties who have bought and sold us down the river several times over is not looking good, at least for the majority of the people!

When Saddam was living it up, doing the same thing to the people of Iraq, do you think he ever thought a time would come where his greedy ass would be hung for the world to see? He probably did, but just didn't care... He was living his best life, fuck everyone else!



What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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If you want our politicians to be responsive to the regular working class guy, then we need to make it illegal for them to be bribed by special interests. We need to get money out of politics, otherwise our politics will never work for anyone who doesn't have money.

There is only 1 major political party that largely agrees with this, and has made efforts to remove money from politics, the Democratic party. Democrats have time and agin passed legislation limiting the extent to which large corporate donors can influence our politics, and then, a conservative majority on the Supreme Court blew it all up and ruled that that to bribe a politician is simply an expression of "free speech" and perfectly legal. Most recently they did this in the Citizens United case.

So, if you are disappointed by how unresponsive politicians have become to your plight, I would suggest taking stock of the history on the subject, figure out who you should actully be angry at by a source other than right wing media, and vote accordingly.



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C'mon PowerStroker... let's be real... look at people like Pelosi who recently said she thinks people in the government should be able to buy stocks and make money with their inside information

Pelosi should have been out of the game long ago but she is beyond drunk on the power! Same with RBG, even though her extreme age and health was interfering with the peoples work she clung to power until she pretty much died on the bench!

These carrer politians on both sides of the isle have a vested interest in staying in power so they can hide their corruption, until death if they are lucky. Then WTF do they care? They lived their best life and we will be stuck cleaning it up!

Don't forget about the Unions! Them dues you pay probably go straight to Democrat coffers... 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Pelosi is important.jpg


Remember how she dealt with Mr.Trumpdt folks...


Pelosi plays Trumpdt.jpg



"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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I don't think anyone can deny that NYC is absolutely off the rails right now.

-- Edited by SELLC on Thursday 6th of January 2022 09:00:14 PM


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:

I don't think anyone can deny that NYC is absolutely off the rails right now.

-- Edited by SELLC on Thursday 6th of January 2022 09:00:14 PM


NYC isn't the only thing that might have ran-off-the-rails...

PowerStroker received a hiding he didn't deserve imo ;) !!! And if he decides to take a "mandatory vacation", I look forward to the post-card !


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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What are you talking about Rastus?


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:

What are you talking about Rastus?


This ...


No, fuck you PowerStroker!

I been footing MY FUCKING MONEY because the lying ass fucking Government said they would make me whole with a low interest loan! Had they been up front with their lies I would have just shut down the company, differed all my house payments, and collected fucking unemployment for the past two years you ignorant little shit!

Go fuck yourself with that partisan shit you're pedealing, Black lives matter, like you give a fuck about any black man! You're just a partisan HACK! Well I got news for you Jack, keep your hands off my stack!

I want my fucking money, the company wants it's fucking money! I am not going to employ any ungrateful twats like YOU until the Government kicks in some money! Otherwise I will better regulate my schedule and just re-size to ensure maximum tax savings to pay what needs to be paid and enjoy my life! Fuck putting up with little ignorant ingrates like you, always trying to act like you're anything other than some paid stooge. 

You just don't get it PowerStroker! Or you do, and you're just a partisan hack!

This money was set aside for Small Business and my Small Business qualifies in every single way! If I am to take NO for an answer that NO is going to come from a Federal Judge and or the Senate! This is bullshit!



"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Like I said, Twitter is looking for libtards to replace all the conservatives they have banned.

Perhaps he might be a better fit over there?

Spot on if you ask me.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:


I been footing MY FUCKING MONEY 


As a self employed entrapreneuer, isn't that what you're supposed to do?



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That is what I did! And that is why I am pissed off! 

Instead of collecting unemployment and differing my payments I stayed open, and paid my bills! At considerable cost might I add.

They should have given me my loan more than a YEAR AGO!

When entities like the Government, Credit Rating Companies, Banks and Credit Card Companies hedge against you there has to be a penalty! They can't just be allowed to keep putting their thumb on the scale!

If Joe Blow down the street is getting financing for $250k to buy his house, then why the hell am I not getting even 40% of that kind of return on my home equity?  

It's all really some bullshit, and you know I'm right. You think you're insulated, and I guess as someone who is no longer a homeowner, you are! Just another mother fucker late on his rent.



What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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NY Supreme Court strikes down law allowing noncitizens to vote

This just shows how drunk with Power de Blasio and his Democrat pals got in New York during COVID... Is anyone going to pay for that? Or do we just act like it never happened?

Because I am pretty sure a lot of time, money and resources were WASTED trying to cheat this CLEARLY UNFAIR AND ILLEGAL law to passage!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl



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