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Post Info TOPIC: Elon Musk buys Twitter for $44 BILLION!
What do you think of Elon Musk buying Twitter? [4 vote(s)]

He overpaid! Could have bought GM for $10 billion more!
Nothing will change - if anything it will get worse.
It was a good investment for Elon and his companies.
I don't know
I've never used Twitter


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Elon Musk buys Twitter for $44 BILLION!


Twitter ( & the internet ) = spying, market projection, political (positive & negative) interjection, population control via "this" manipulation via small-circle-social-microcosm (eg. Facebook ).

But we have to have something I suppose...The trick being in only testing the waters with your toes, & not diving-in-deep.


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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It's interesting that you mention Facebook... I use Facebook, and I'm sure they want the goods when people search. Most of everyone on Facebook I know personally IRL, and that is just always the way I have kept that account. It is one of two social media platforms where I use my real name... So perhaps for me, Facebook is for my real life, and Twitter is for my digital life. I can assure you they converge, but it's as they say "different horses for different courses"... 

Having been a member of Twitter for 8 years, more than half of them under the Wild Wild West during the Jack Dorsey tenure I can assure you it's a little late for dipping toes in the water! LOL, when they unlocked my account it came with baggage... 8 years worth! LOL 



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Guess Elon Musk was lying out his ASS when he said blue check marks for $8...

Makes you wonder if the whole thing was just a scam... Eli Lilly and all! 

AMEX gave me a "write-off" credit... which means they will be watching, and really we are coming up on a MONTH since AMEX paid them and no blue check mark!

Seems to me like this whole thing was a scam, really... and even if it was just to verify people, I'd be the first one to say Elon Musk is "FOS"!

Can't even be trusted with $8!



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Well, it's been a month and no blue check-mark...

Guess it's safe to say that Twitter is a bust, OR there is still some bad blood there... regardless, Elon Musk's reputation for $8 is a pretty damn good deal! Add in the fact AMEX gave me a write-off credit and you just can't own anyone any harder!

I have still been whoring it up on Twitter, figuratively speaking... I've done quite a lot of posting and hanging out there and honestly the fact I'm not paying $8 helps me deal with the fact they fucked me. 

Such is the internet life I suppose... you're only as good as your last post! LOL




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Rumor is Donald Jr is Twatter CEO, Elon dead. I dunno

Drive it like you stole it


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Twitter explodes.jpg



-- Edited by Rastus on Friday 13th of January 2023 06:07:08 PM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Shawnee_B wrote:

Rumor is Donald Jr is Twatter CEO, Elon dead. I dunno


This would not come as a shock to me Shawnee... especially since I waited 30 days for my verification emoji and never got it! 

Like father, like son...



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And it's really quite expected that once AMEX's write-off credit has run it course (30 day trial of Twitter Blue) that all of a sudden Twitter is dead to me...

I think Elon thinks I was interested in Twitter, rather than the sexy 13...

Stupid motherfucker... Just one SpaceX ship blows up this motherfucker is FINISHED for good...

Drink up suckers!



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Welp, in the last three days (since my AMEX paid for membership expired), I have noticed that what once used to be a left wing website (Twitter) is now overwhelmingly a right wing website!

Every other post is about the possible link between the COVID shot being linked to increased cases of stroke! They are suggesting that the spate of celebrities up and dying are retlated to their vaccines. Some are saying the people with "access" got the worst and most dangerous since they were more or less the VERY FIRST to get them... I'd say if true, that would be poetic justice meeting up with Darwin.

In what seems like overnight, Twitter is now officially a conservative outlet... What Elon Musk is REALLY doing with Twitter right now behind the scenes is what should be scaring people the most... a majority of the people who aren't paying VERY CLOSE attention over decades would never even notice! Sure, they might notice Twitter is listing to the right now days... but what is going on in the back-end is somewhat spooky... Already you can buy a trove of Twitter user data (read that as the old Twitter) on the dark net for $2.

I'm actually shocked I haven't been banned! And you know me Rastus! I HAVE BEEN TRYING HARD! Maybe not as aggressive as I did back in the BenzWorld days, but let's face it... I'm not a kid anymore, there are lots of things I used to be able to do, that now days will knock me on my ass for a few days to recharge! LOL, or perhaps time is slowing down or speeding up in my old age... it's hard to tell at times.

Twitter really is a waste of my time, a distraction of sorts... I try to use it to my advanage for personal reasons that probably wouldn't make sense to anyone but myself, but in that process it does allow an outlet... even if said outlet is being shadow-banned and manipulated behind the scenes... At least I got my money back from the shyster! Which is a lot more than I can say for current subscribers and Tesla owners! LOL

In closing, Twitter isn't the only game in town... there are lots of other swinging dick platforms out there right now! I just happen to prefer Twitter, and we all know why.




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Stellar said...


In closing, Twitter isn't the only game in town...


Yes indeed, & perhaps we should all be keeping an eye on Elon, as media trends seem to make him out to be a snake, & we have to keep an eye on snakes...

So what's Elon been up to, & who is he hanging out with, & what may he be discussing ?...Is this article a cause for concern ?...


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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That's pretty funny considering everyone on Twitter right now is saying to #BlockElon... LOL

Guess some people have claimed that he is making his post show up on everyones timelines... I have him on my FuckFace list along with Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos



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Twitter recently announced they were planning on doing away with the free "legacy" blue checkmarks for celebrities and friends of the Democrat party on April 1st of this year... April 1st in the USA is known as "April Fools Day", a day in which it's tradition to pull a gag or a joke on someone. Then when they start to fall for the joke or gag, you say "Happy Fool's Day!"... corny I know, but I have fallen for it a few times in the past myself! LOL

It's hard to tell if Elon and Twitter are being serious, or just pulling an April Fools Day joke. I say this because Elon himself is a "legacy" blue checker! Some people might wonder what the hell a "legacy bluecheck" is... It's basiclly an emoji of a white check in the center of a light blue crest that looks very similar to the one used by the ASE (National Automotive Certification body)... These "blue checks" were originally given out to celebrities and people of media and or government importance to verify it was really them... the standard thru the years under Jack Dorsey's leadership was that you could not buy these "verification" emojis... You had to be some sort of celebrity or person of "significant importance" to get one, and it was on an invitation basis only... meaning you could not buy one. Over time they were handed out liberally to most Democrats, and very sparingly to most Republicans... read that as unless you were super famous or high up in the Government or Media, you weren't going to get one if you were a Republican... however if you were a Liberal and only fetched water for someone in Hollywood, they could pull some strings and all of a sudden some nobody waterboy or girl was a verified celebrity or person of importance according to Twitter. There are also rumors swirling that back end cash deals were being made for people to get them, but these were never really substantiated after Twitter settled it's lawsuit with Elon Musk for $54.20 per share, or $44 Billion dollars.

All that being said, yesterday was a rainy day... since I had no luck buying my blue checkmark back in December for $8 a month, I figured I'd give it a try at $84 for the year (works out to only $7 a month)... I figured by buying the year membership and paying in advance that I'd get my bluecheck immediatly upon paying... So I paid my money yesterday a little past 11am  and now almost 24 hours later I still do not have my verified "bluecheck"!



Now keep in mind, the $8 paid on December 13th was refunded to me as a courtesy credit by AMEX (I wrote about this earlier in this thread back in December of 2022) and such being the case they let Twitter keep the $8 and then also credited me $8... I'll be very curious to see how this works out come Monday at high noon when I file another complant requesting a refund for $84! In my eyes, AMEX should have taken the $8 from Twitter because AT NO TIME during my entire month long membership that was paid by AMEX did Twitter EVER issue me the promised "verified bluecheck"

It is clearly advertised that purchase of a monthly OR yearly membership comes with said verified bluecheck emoji (some might call it an icon). 



And I know Rastus is probably wondering "who cares" right now... but for me it's been more or less a bucket list item that I want to cross off my list... like how you go to Disney World, or any other place and have your photo taken with the attraction/s and move on. Only in this case I would agree to stick around for a full year and allow them to earn another $84 next year if I was still happy with the service.

WELL... Come 48 hours I want a REFUND! I am very unhappy with the service and the very idea that Elon Musk want's people to believe it takes anything more than a second to verify someone who paid with an AMEX in the same name as the account is ludicrous! Here we have a guy who claims to run companies that shoot rockets into outerspace and has self driving cars on the streets! Here is a man who boast about putting microchips in peoples brains and taking us to Mars and he expects us to believe that it takes him more than 5 minutes to verify a credit card payment? I'm not buying it! This CLEARLY shows that Elon Musk is a liar! It clearly shows that Twitter is not abiding by the "golden rule", and thus Twitter is no better under his leadership than it was under anyone else in the past!

If anything it shows that Musk is not the brains behind his companies... he is just the stooge they have as their front man! The guy probably couldn't even wire a stereo into his own car, let alone run a business. It's my thoughts that this rediculous $44 Billion dollar payment to Twitter was just a crypto kick-back of sorts... something to get the ball rolling to cause financial damage. You can not deny that right after Elon liquidated to make said $44 Billion dollar payment, FTX went under - SVB went under, and on and on it goes across the world and now Europe is feeling it too. 

This guy Musk thinks he's so damn smart! But he does not respect the "Golden Rule", and his bias and incompetance shines thru at dollar amounts as low as $8, and even larger ones at $84! Could you imagine owning a Tesla and having $50k+ sunk into this idiot and his company? You would probably be trapped in the case of most people, unwilling to rock the boat! And that is why I have always wondered why Elon would sell his reputation for something as cheap as $8! And then not even deliver on something as simple as verifying and issuing a digital emoji... 

I know a lot of people love Elon Musk (well actually I don't know anyone personally that thinks he's a great guy) but there "appears" to be a lot of support for him because people are buying Tesla's and the Government keeps giving him money to launch his rockets... but I am starting to see these things are beyond Elon's abilities, because he has labeled himself "Chief Twit" or "Twitter CEO" and he can't even handle a simple $8 transaction without messing it up! 

Elon Musk is in WAY TOO MUCH DEBT to be rejecting the Golden Rule... I hope the people who are financing him are reading this thread so they can bring it up when he's late on his interest payments... 



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Stellar said...

"(And) I know Rastus is probably wondering "who cares" right now...

Very well perceived Stellar !

Elon is nothing-more than the "man-in-the-spotlight", specially placed by the elite, to do their biding, using media outlets.

You also guessed correctly imo that it's the people funding him that we should know more about, as they're the string-pullers...

Perhaps the next Bo-Grove sausage festival will have a sizzling future in store for Elon, if he adds the right sauce & bun to the meal...( And if the evil-old-owl agrees too )...


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I can't help it... I've been a big Twitter fan much like I've been a big, MercedesShop and P3 fan... good people are just good people, regardless the constraints they endure! LOL

I just hope AMEX does another courtesy adjustment, which would mean I'd get a free year of Twitter Blue! LOL, but I'm not holding my breath! $8 is a lot different than $84...

Musk will either have to pony up the promised bluecheck, or forfeit the $84... If AMEX wants to carry him, fine... I'll play along! But this shit ain't right, yo!

When you buy something it's because you expect something in return! I have not gotten that, so honestly I could care less what Elon says, he is doing it to gin up drama. 

I'm not a rock-star, I'm not a movie star... I'm just a micro blogger with a small niche of (read that as four, maybe five people who put up with me) nothingness except for pure 100% all you can handle brah...



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Welp, I guess one of the main reasons I been gone so long is that I finally got my verification mark on Twitter!



Feels pretty good to finally cross that little bucket list item off my list... although it did cost me $84 for a year, so I been trying to make it worth it... considering I have been on there for almost nine years I figured it was okay to splurge... but only because Elon spent $44 Billion to buy the place! And we can't discount the fact that he did re-instate my account months before he ever asked for a dime! 

Maybe things are turning around for Elon on Twitter? I know it wasn't a big deal to simpily verify someone paying with a credit card, and issue a little blue emoji -- but it still makes me feel better knowing their is progress! Seems every week Elon is doing a little something to improve and or change the forum, regardless if that is for better or worse... but I do get the feeling he is trying!

This is a good thing, because I can be a much more valuable ally than an enemy. 

So I look forward to the next year... and I guess all is well that ends well, right?




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WoW! Things have really been non-stop on Twitter lately....

Elon recently stripped ALL the celebrities of their Jack Dorsey Administration days "Blue-verified-checkmarks"...

Of course, having paid for mine, I've still got it... but the Hollywood Elite are mighty pissed off! So much so that Muskrat had to relent and pretty much re-issue the "verified" checkmark to everyone with a million followers at least... LOL, but that's not all! 

His starship recently underwent a "rapid unscheduled disassembly" (aka blew up)... but it was a really fat-fucker, the fattest fucker to ever try and bust out of earth... Will they figure it out? NASA hopes so, all the while saving face...

But that's not what is important here... what is important that some celebrities are thankful for their free gift from Elon, while others are not... having been banned for almost a year and a half prior to Elon's tenure, I can say that for $84 for an entire year, it was well worth watching the celebrities cry for 24 hours! And for all the water children of the Hollywood industry under 1 million followers, you never should have really had more clout than anyone with $84 per year, even under Jack Dorsey! I might remind everyone about the extensive threads about Jack Dorsey and his "Square" or "Block" company (mind you one I do business with even today, but still have me blocked on Twitter and haven't loaned me a single dime since they fucked up a large wire transfer with the US Treasury) but yeah... that Jack Dorsey!

I don't know what the furture holds, I don't know if electric cars are the future! All I know is all electric cars still have their wheels bolted on, and they have suspensions, tires, moving parts that break down! What I also know is that AI and Automation will never touch my field of work and it has been so backed by people like Bloomberg and others, people now days just don't want to work! They just want to stay clean, and not have to get dirty! That's just fine by me, but this just goes to a whole larger point... Elon is fueling this "fast-lane" culture!

It don't matter if he wins or loses... clearly he has 100% backing of his Mom, and clearly he has Daddy issues... this is the stuff drama is made of right here folks! Just a few months ago I was forever banned on Twitter! Today I'm a full blown "blue-check" wrestling with super-stars!


And while he relented and gave all the "real" super-stars with 1,000,000 followers or more... I can respect that! Even if I have never heard of some of them before... But you never can be too sure of this cyber-world we live in... Hell they got over a billion + people in India and another Billion + people in China... they could click farm us into thinking even some idiot like me was famous! LOL, that's not the case but it puts in perspective the "click" power these countries have! The dynamics are such that a global integration could be weighted, at least online, by countries with the highest "click-count"... Democratically speaking, that's just something people have to work out in their own minds...

But for now it's been a lot of fun... and even the celebrities have been pretty cool about it! I've never really realized how hot Alyssa Milano was until I seen her get all hot an bothered about having to pay $8 a month... I haven't had wood for her like that since I was a kid watching her on TV in the Commando days! LOL

So... for now, I feel the money was well spent on Twitter Blue... and Elon is taking it back to the Chocolate Starfish days if you ask me!



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Stellar007 wrote:

WoW! Things have really been non-stop on Twitter lately....

Elon recently stripped ALL the celebrities of their Jack Dorsey Administration days "Blue-verified-checkmarks"...


 Know what they are pissed about??? Think about it, it's VERIFICATION. Several lost their check mark, Hillary, GW many others. The underlying thing no one sees, or most anyway it what it SHOWED those with a thinking brain. You will never see any of these people on twitter again simply because they DO NOT EXIST anymore. You can't verify a dead person. That's what it's about. Another clue for the brain dead. look, shits happening. Wake the fuk up fukkers.

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Well it would appear that Twitter has even re-issued these checkmarks to dead people recently as well... So there is that!

Still, I always feel better when the person Tweeting from beyond the grave is at least a verified blue check...

Never mind the fact the person is dead... For example, just the other day I got a Tweet from Prince, or at least the artist formerly known as Prince... and he was indeed verified with a blue check! Felt like 1999 all over again!




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Stellar007 wrote:

Well it would appear that Twitter has even re-issued these checkmarks to dead people recently as well... So there is that!

Still, I always feel better when the person Tweeting from beyond the grave is at least a verified blue check...

Never mind the fact the person is dead... For example, just the other day I got a Tweet from Prince, or at least the artist formerly known as Prince... and he was indeed verified with a blue check! Felt like 1999 all over again!


If they have a blue check, they may NOT be dead. Remember, many you think are dead are alive and many you think are alive are dead. An astute observer notices things. Ever seen the wreckage of JFK jr's plane they drug up? It's a low wing, smaller, Piper I believe. Johnjohns was a highwing Cessna, big one like a 206. Noticed Princess Di's car just before the accident? Black license plate. The car in the tunnel had a bright yellow plate. 

"Appears they have some back" Appears? Make that assumption because people you think are dead have one? Did you look and see does Hillary have a check mark? GW? ..... There's a few more.

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It looks like some interesting conversation at this place this summer...










"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Shawnee_B wrote:

If they have a blue check, they may NOT be dead. Remember, many you think are dead are alive and many you think are alive are dead. An astute observer notices things. Ever seen the wreckage of JFK jr's plane they drug up? It's a low wing, smaller, Piper I believe. Johnjohns was a highwing Cessna, big one like a 206. Noticed Princess Di's car just before the accident? Black license plate. The car in the tunnel had a bright yellow plate. 

"Appears they have some back" Appears? Make that assumption because people you think are dead have one? Did you look and see does Hillary have a check mark? GW? ..... There's a few more.


Interesting details on the car and plane Shawnee... I did not pay very close attention, and I'm not as savvy on the aviation models. I would think it would be VERY hard for a high profile person to remain alive, and fake death. I'm not saying it's impossible, but name ONE case where an A-List Celebrity or very high official (VP or above) died and then we later found out they were really alive on some deserted tropical island.

I just checked and the Clinton Family (Bill, Hillary, and Chealse) are all verified with blue checks as of the time of this writing. The Clinton Foundation is Gold check verified ($1000 a month)... The only Bush that is verified is Jeb, clearly President George W. Bush does not use Twitter, and there aren't even any parody accounts... because you know, George don't duck around. Appears to be un-official Twitter accounts for the late Mr. President HW and also for other family that are not verified. 



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Rastus wrote:


It looks like some interesting conversation at this place this summer...


There is sure to be some new faces, that's for sure!



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I threw my hat in the ring with Elon Musk tonight on Twitter... 


Clearly he has been implementing the things I have mentioned in here, gold check marks, making freequent changes to improve features... keeping the famous people verified (only the really famous A-list ones) and generating some income with Subscription. But $44 billion dollars is a lot of fucking money! There needs to be diversification and I'm not even going to say anything else because clearly he has little internet crawlers everywhere, that or his ideas are similar to mine... but he's missing huge chunks! The right peices could finish the puzzle, at least in my field... I have no dreams of colonizing Mars but I'll help him conquer the Autmotive World (Earth)... For the small buy in price of $10 million!

And fuck 'em if he can't take a joke!



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So Elon decided to save some money and hired a woman to be the CEO of his company...

No reply from Elon about how he spent more for Twitter than had he bought four MAJOR automotive companies... but whatever.

What I have noticed with my $84 yearly membership is that the site is primarly a pro-Tesla / Elon Musk site now... every other post is some sac chaser with praise about Elon... and Elon's pals like Andrew Tate? Well Twitter is basically an echo chamber now... I recently called both of them out on this but so far, maybe 5 views! LOL

It's really quite a fucking joke... both Elon Musk and Andrew Tate shadow banning someone like me! LOL! 

But it is what it is...  I guess they figure if they take $84 from me for an annual membership, that somehow means they can shadowban me with impunity.

It's honestly gotten to the point I'm just sticking around to see the place implode... but Bluesky is NO-WHERE near ready to take on Twitter... In fact Instagram recently crashed trying to keep up with Twitter -- so it makes you wonder? Is AWS propping up Twitter? 





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Stellar007 wrote:

1.So Elon decided to save some money and hired a woman to be the CEO of his company...

2.No reply from Elon about how he spent more for Twitter than had he bought four MAJOR automotive companies... but whatever.

3.What I have noticed with my $84 yearly membership is that the site is primarly a pro-Tesla / Elon Musk site now... every other post is some sac chaser with praise about Elon... and Elon's pals like Andrew Tate? Well Twitter is basically an echo chamber now... I recently called both of them out on this but so far, maybe 5 views! LOL

4.It's really quite a fucking joke... both Elon Musk and Andrew Tate shadow banning someone like me! LOL! 

5.But it is what it is...  I guess they figure if they take $84 from me for an annual membership, that somehow means they can shadowban me with impunity.

6.t's honestly gotten to the point I'm just sticking around to see the place implode... but Bluesky is NO-WHERE near ready to take on Twitter... In fact Instagram recently crashed trying to keep up with Twitter -- so it makes you wonder? Is AWS propping up Twitter? 




R1. No, he just wanted more free-time to build rockets, so that they don't go ker-boom...Apparently he's figured-out a way to swindle around $07:00 a month to be a member on his soap-box, social-media-spy-platform...

R2. But the money he saves in taxes is even better yo !

R3. Surely you didn't expect anything else did you ?

R4. Gerry did too lol !

R5. Imagine what they'd do to Stoma ???...OMG...

R6. Man, get your money back, & spend more time in here !...Or save your bux, & go for a real holiday somewhere out of the US-of-A !





"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Rastus wrote:

R1. No, he just wanted more free-time to build rockets, so that they don't go ker-boom...Apparently he's figured-out a way to swindle around $07:00 a month to be a member on his soap-box, social-media-spy-platform...

R2. But the money he saves in taxes is even better yo !

R3. Surely you didn't expect anything else did you ?

R4. Gerry did too lol !

R5. Imagine what they'd do to Stoma ???...OMG...

R6. Man, get your money back, & spend more time in here !...Or save your bux, & go for a real holiday somewhere out of the US-of-A !



A1.  I'm not so sure Elon is the brains behind the rockets... but it's still important to realize the company is now private, and even with a new CEO he will still be in charge.

A2. I agree with you, it was better to invest the money - even foolishly into something like Twitter, than to give it away in taxes... this way everyone else who got paid fat has to pay taxes on the money, and Elon gets something out of the deal (Twitter)

A3. Sadly, I did... having a post or a reply shadowbanned isn't quite as bad as having your post/reply deleted, but it's not fair none the less... it will cost Elon, Twitter and the people in the long run to opperate this way.

A4. No, Gerry took the chump way out... he deleted my post and banned me. He's big into re-writing history on his forum.

A5. Not sure... for all we know Gerry could be Stoma! LOL

A6. It would be pretty hard to get my money back, barring being unfairly banned or something alongs those lines... I do my best posts in here, but as you know there are a few people (women) that I like to follow on Twitter, and that is really the only reason I stick around at Twitter... even though none of them like me.



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Stellar007 wrote:
Rastus wrote:

R1. No, he just wanted more free-time to build rockets, so that they don't go ker-boom...Apparently he's figured-out a way to swindle around $07:00 a month to be a member on his soap-box, social-media-spy-platform...

R2. But the money he saves in taxes is even better yo !

R3. Surely you didn't expect anything else did you ?

R4. Gerry did too lol !

R5. Imagine what they'd do to Stoma ???...OMG...

R6. Man, get your money back, & spend more time in here !...Or save your bux, & go for a real holiday somewhere out of the US-of-A !



A1.  I'm not so sure Elon is the brains behind the rockets... but it's still important to realize the company is now private, and even with a new CEO he will still be in charge.

A2. I agree with you, it was better to invest the money - even foolishly into something like Twitter, than to give it away in taxes... this way everyone else who got paid fat has to pay taxes on the money, and Elon gets something out of the deal (Twitter)

A3. Sadly, I did... having a post or a reply shadowbanned isn't quite as bad as having your post/reply deleted, but it's not fair none the less... it will cost Elon, Twitter and the people in the long run to opperate this way.

A4. No, Gerry took the chump way out... he deleted my post and banned me. He's big into re-writing history on his forum.

A5. Not sure... for all we know Gerry could be Stoma! LOL

A6. It would be pretty hard to get my money back, barring being unfairly banned or something alongs those lines... I do my best posts in here, but as you know there are a few people (women) that I like to follow on Twitter, and that is really the only reason I stick around at Twitter... even though none of them like me.


RB1. It's a distraction Stellar...He's been placed there because lots of people liked him, for whatever reason...I betcha he's got a 1st-Class-Ticket, Flight & limmo service to this years Bo-Grove sausage-festive...With this years super-special Centenary-Birthday guest, Mr.H.Kissinger at your service...And should Elon kiss the right asses, he'll....

RB2. Elon gets $$$, information, ratings, & a sales platform of data, not just for electric vehicles or stone-age rockets...

RB3. I doubt it...They learn something about you, can guess on trends, & have information to sell...

RB4. He can sure be a tunnel-vision-schmuck at times...But he's not the only moderator remember, & he didn't do it lol !

RB5. Agreed !!! Though PowerStroker indicated it was likely someone who used to post here known as "Scrote" lol !

RB6. Yes well...


I like Mike Pence.jpg


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So I guess our host will keep his account with Elon, since "De Santis" officially entered the election campaign, all-be-it in a messed-up-fashion lol !!!

What a crock-'o'-shyte...

Next !!!



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I think it's important to note that I laid out $84 clams for the yearly Subscription to watch it burn to the ground... so far that hasn't happend but if I were Elon Musk, I'd sure be hoping DeSantis doesn't win the election! LOL, because DAMN! Twitter totally fucked his announcement!

However Rastus, I will say this... Back when Jack Dorsey was running the place he thought his forums influence could get Andrew Yang some traction, but nobody was buying that shit!

But at least in Yang's case, Jack didn't make him look like a fool... But Elon sure did drop the ball on DeSantis! The Democrats, including Biden himeself ran with that shit once they smelled the blood in the water.

Like I said, everything is going to be about politcis until now and thru election! 

The ONLY two things Biden has going against him is his age and VP Harris... I just don't know, but I'm pretty sure Trump is going to walk away with the nomination.

It's just a shame Republicans will be forced to torpedo the economy to get the results they want with Trump, but who knows... I'd say the poltical field is very "volatile" at the moment.



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Yeah Rastus... no sooner than I posted this ole' fuck-face Tim Cook removed me from following him on Twitter!

So back to the fuck-face list he went!

And you might wonder, who is on this "fuck-face" list?

Glad you asked!


My recent post about Tim Cook and his inability to tolerate my sexuality was more or less shadow banned...

Look, I'm going to be honest with you... Twitter sucks, Elon sucks, Tim Cook sucks! Everyone on this list above are your Bo-Grove sausage fest folks! 

Even if Twitter fails and BlueSky becomes popular, WTF... the entire world is being tricked into thinking the people on this list above are doing anything but working for a living!

WE ARE A DECADE BEHIND! Much of this is thanks to Apple... Twitter has ALWAYS been a joke, more or less... even under Elon!

Facebook? We all know Zuck married into China! Same goes for Instagram! CHINA-CHINA-TIK-TOK!

My thoughts on Tim Cook have been for the most part 100% shadow banned! That means that for the six people above, it's all just a big circle jerk... which is to say they are all in bed with each-other waiting for your to bounce back and fourth aimlessly at your inconvenience!  Don't like Cook and Apple? Well, welcome to Microsoft and Bill Gates! Same thing on social media! It's a big fucking joke! It's really wasted a lot of my time and money!

Had I known back pre- Iphone 14 Pro-Max release, what I know now? I would not have upgraded! The damn iPhone X is really the same damn thing as the iPhone Pro-Max 14! 

We're all being fucked... engineered obsoletion! 

These people didn't make the FUCK-FACE list for nothing! They need to be exposed for what they really are! Jackals feeding on the soft belly of America! KICK THEM TO THE CURB!



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I was pretty rough on the billionaires the other night... I still like them, but sometimes their post are a little too much for my feed... thus it's just better I keep them on a list so I can consume at my discretion... Plus I know they all love being clumped together on the list because there is nothig rich people love more than being around other rich folks... 

It also might be possible I may have unfollowed Tim Cook by accendent, although I just don't know... it could be the result of this touchy Apple touch pad I'm using, and if that's the case it would still fall on Apple and Tim's shoulders! LOL

Anyway, I got them all back together on the list and my timeline has been cleaned up quite a bit. When you follow people like Elon there is a lot of his post and content that get sent your way. 

I guess the best part is you're still allowed to be you on Twitter... sure your reach might not be great when you're shitposting, but your right to shitpost has been pretty solid while Elon has been CEO... if this changes with the new CEO, we shall soon see.



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List is good. I made a list once to go duckhunting. Forgot my list and everything else.

Drive it like you stole it


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Stellar007 wrote:

I was pretty rough on the billionaires the other night... I still like them, but sometimes their post are a little too much for my feed... thus it's just better I keep them on a list so I can consume at my discretion... Plus I know they all love being clumped together on the list because there is nothig rich people love more than being around other rich folks... 

It also might be possible I may have unfollowed Tim Cook by accendent, although I just don't know... it could be the result of this touchy Apple touch pad I'm using, and if that's the case it would still fall on Apple and Tim's shoulders! LOL

Anyway, I got them all back together on the list and my timeline has been cleaned up quite a bit. When you follow people like Elon there is a lot of his post and content that get sent your way. 

I guess the best part is you're still allowed to be you on Twitter... sure your reach might not be great when you're shitposting, but your right to shitpost has been pretty solid while Elon has been CEO... if this changes with the new CEO, we shall soon see.



I suggest they've got you by-the-tail, or are you just biting your own tail ???...Be careful Stellar !




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Shawnee_B wrote:

List is good. I made a list once to go duck-hunting. Forgot my list and everything else.




"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Funny... I made a deal out of the Eden split... Twitter sent me over 30 drop dead gorgeous women tweets...

We know all 30 of them were fake... but it just goes to show the algorithm is programed to look for these sorts of things...

I find it pretty funny... I had to log off because they were sending some pretty fucking outrageous women!

I dunno about this Twitter... I'm stuck with them because I'm a cheap ass and paid in advance for only $7 a month... just like HBO... they got me the same way! LOL, I'm a sucker for savings!



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Stellar007 wrote:

Funny... I made a deal out of the Eden split... Twitter sent me over 30 drop dead gorgeous women tweets...

We know all 30 of them were fake... but it just goes to show the algorithm is programed to look for these sorts of things...

I find it pretty funny... I had to log off because they were sending some pretty fucking outrageous women!

I dunno about this Twitter... I'm stuck with them because I'm a cheap ass and paid in advance for only $7 a month... just like HBO... they got me the same way! LOL, I'm a sucker for savings!


And this is a copy of the post I made that lives at the top of this page...



Twitter ( & the internet ) = spying, market projection, political (positive & negative) interjection, population control via "this" manipulation via small-circle-social-microcosm (eg. Facebook ).

But we have to have something I suppose...The trick being in only testing the waters with your toes, & not diving-in-deep".




"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Rastus wrote:
The trick being in only testing the waters with your toes, & not diving-in-deep".


I'm already out of the pool and up on the reclining chair in the shade having a cigarette... not under any obligation to renew my subscription next year, nor am I under any obligation to Eden anymore either.

Perhaps it's all for the better! It's a cloudy day here today but I'm feeling a whole lot better...




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Here you go Rastus,

Australia is threatening to fine Elon Musk's Twitter up to $475,000, saying that a third of all online hate complaints in the country come via the platform

But Australia didn't have any problems when Twitter was unfairly banning people... So I'd take this with a grain of salt and just say, fuck Australia! How that for hate language? 

-- Edited by SELLC on Thursday 22nd of June 2023 03:57:50 PM


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SELLC wrote:

Here you go Rastus,

Australia is threatening to fine Elon Musk's Twitter up to $475,000, saying that a third of all online hate complaints in the country come via the platform

But Australia didn't have any problems when Twitter was unfairly banning people... So I'd take this with a grain of salt and just say, fuck Australia! How that for hate language? 

-- Edited by SELLC on Thursday 22nd of June 2023 03:57:50 PM



Don't think for a moment that I even care...

I came in here to post the article below yo !


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So here's a few cut & pastes of articles that may impress & anger y'all !( I wasn't sure where to post them, these are more than hmmm moments lol ) !

And from the same people....

*A newly declassified government report confirms for the first time that U.S. intelligence and spy agencies purchase vast amounts of commercially available information on Americans, including data from connected vehicles, web browsing data, and smartphones.

By the U.S. governments own admission, the data it purchases clearly provides intelligence value, but also raises significant issues related to privacy and civil liberties.

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) declassified and released the January 2022-dated report on Friday, following a request by Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) to disclose how the intelligence community uses commercially available data. This kind of data is generated from internet-connected devices and made available by data brokers for purchase, such as phone apps and vehicles that collect granular location data and web browsing data that tracks users as they browse the internet.

The declassified report is the U.S. governments first public disclosure revealing the risks associated with commercially available data of Americans that can be readily purchased by anyone, including adversaries and hostile nations. The United States does not have a privacy or data protection law governing the sharing or selling of Americans private information.

In a way that far fewer Americans seem to understand, and even fewer of them can avoid, [commercially available information] includes information on nearly everyone that is of a type and level of sensitivity that historically could have been obtained by other intelligence gathering capabilities, such as search warrants, wiretaps and surveillance, the report says.

In a statement following the reports publication, Wyden said: This review shows the governments existing policies have failed to provide essential safeguards for Americans privacy, or oversight of how agencies buy and use personal data.

According to this report, the ODNI does not even know which federal intelligence agencies are buying Americans personal data, Wyden added.

The report corroborates a stream of media reports that found U.S. government agencies were buying huge datasets on Americans. The Internal Revenue Service bought access to a huge database storing the location data of millions of Americans phones to try to catch tax cheats, while similar phone location data was used by Homeland Security for immigration enforcement.

Government agencies must typically secure a court-approved warrant to obtain Americans private data directly from a phone or tech company, such as private messages. But the ODNIs report states that in the cases where Americans information like location data is openly for sale to the general public, U.S. intelligence agencies can purchase it. (Though, this theory has yet to be scrutinized in federal court.)

Although this data is generally sold in bulk often millions of data points at a time the ODNIs report warns that commercially available data can be easily deanonymized to identify individuals, including Americans. Location data, for example, can be used to infer where people live and work, based on where their phones and vehicles are at certain times of the day.

Commercially available information can also reveal the detailed movements and associations of individuals and groups, revealing political, religious, travel, and speech activities, the report says, such as being used to identify every person who attended a protest or rally based on their smartphone location or ad-tracking records.

In the wrong hands, sensitive insights gained through [commercially available information] could facilitate blackmail, stalking, harassment, and public shaming, the report said. The report noted that in 2021, commercially available location data collected from a gay dating app was used to out a Catholic priest, who later resigned. The report also referenced the collection and sale of location data from a Muslim prayer app to the U.S. military.

Wyden called for Congress to pass legislation to put guardrails around government purchases, to rein in private companies that collect and sell this data, and keep Americans personal information out of the hands of our adversaries.

And here's one for Google...

By Orlando Mayorquin
June 14, 2023

Anyone who clicked on a Google search result link from October 2006 to September 2013 is entitled to a piece however small of a $23 million settlement that the tech giant has agreed to pay to resolve a class-action lawsuit.

The settlements administrators set up a website for people to submit claims. According to the site, the estimated individual payout stands at $7.70. But that figure can fluctuate based on the number of people who make valid claims.

Google, which is owned by Alphabet Inc., agreed to the settlement in August. The consolidated class-action lawsuit filed in 2013 accused the company of storing and intentionally, systematically and repeatedly divulging users search queries and histories to third-party websites and companies.

This, according to the lawsuit, amounted to a privacy-law violation and a breach of Googles own privacy pledge to its users.

The lawsuit argued that Google search queries often contained sensitive and personally identifiable information, including users real names, street addresses, phone numbers, credit card numbers, Social Security numbers, financial account numbers and more, all of which increases the risk of identity theft.

Google, which has admitted no wrongdoing, is required as part of the settlement to update its frequently-asked-questions page and its key terms page to disclose how search queries can be shared with third parties.

A court will decide whether to approve the agreement at a hearing on Oct. 12, according to the claim administrator website. It is not clear when payments will be distributed. Even if the court grants final approval of the settlement in October, appeals can slow the process, according to a claim notice from the administrator.

Users who wish to file a claim have until July 31 to submit their full name, street address and an email address. Anyone who wishes to object to or be excluded from the settlement must submit a form by mail by the same deadline.

Last year, Meta, Facebooks parent company, agreed to pay $725 million to settle a similar class-action lawsuit over its handling of user data.

What a mess...


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Class action lawsuits are a fucking JOKE! 

I get checks in the mail ALL THE TIME, usually for under $2 -- settlements of class action lawsuits that I knew nothing of! 

The ONLY people who make money off a class action is the attorney and the person who paid said attorney to start the action! It's a fucking JOKE that see's the law firm and the platiniff get a MASSIVE pay out, while everyone else just gets fucked! When you get a class action settlement check you feel like a real dingbat because you're expected to cash some $2 check and often times the outcome of the trial is never even mentioned! It's like, here take this $2 check from Equifax because they got hacked and tried to lie about it, but by cashing said $2 check you give up all legal rights to compensation for their crimes or errors! 

Anyway, I thought I would mention that Elon Musk has challenged Mark Zuckerberg to a cage fighting match in Vegas and Zuck has accepted... as Elon's Mom frantically tries to put the kibosh on the fight, it only seems to add more fuel to the fire.

It's a real live Facebook vs Twitter pounding it out in a cage!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Well folks, it would seem that Elon Musk did not want the 2nd dumbest thing he ever did on Twitter to be his fight with Mark Zuckerberg... so what does he do?


The little shit goes on to add "limits" so he can save money on bandwidth! LOL! This fucking guy, eh? AFTER I already paid him $84 for an UNLIMITED SUBSCRIPTION several months ago! Is the guy a fucking crook or what?

If I get a single "limit" message, EVER -- I'm taking a screen shot and using it to request a percentage off my subscription price! This is beyond fucking bullshit! And I'm sure the advertisers are going to just love knowing thier view base is being blocked by the same company they are paying to promote! This guy Musk, there is clearly something wrong with his head! I don't see how ANYONE paying for a subscription should have to even THINK about any kind of fucking "limit"... That's just BS! 

I'll be honest, the site has been getting a little pro-Musk lately... I mean this guy just floods Twitter with all his own shit, then he probably has a shit ton of bots and people who just love him to the point they look like idiots... but I just figured it was part of buying a web forum for $44,000,000,000.00 and I think we can all agree that sum was just outrageous! Fords is borrowing UNDER $10 Billion from the Federal Government to open up a battery factory -- but think of this, Elon Musk pissed away $44 BILLION for a website! Think about that!

Anyway, this is the man who will be charging for air on Mars! Vilos Cohaagen Musk!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Okay, so a whole lot has gone on since I last updated this thread... For starters, Twitter is now called "X"... No more birds, no more "tweets" -- just "X"... Why someone would pay $44 Billion dollars for Twitter and then retire the name is beyond me, but many people may always call it Twitter regardless what it actually says on the site... It's an odd "twist" for sure! 

That being said, and if that wasn't enough - Elon Musk has challenged Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg to a cage match... this back and fourth has been going on for what seems and feels like MONTHS now, with Elon working out a deal for the fight to be held at the colosseum in Rome -- and Zuckerberg seeming to shrug it off as Elon just being full of shit... it's gotten so bad that Musk has apparently offered to show up at Zuckerbergs door in California and kick his ass on the front porch. The response from the Zuck team was that he was currently out of town.

I mean, you can't even make this shit up... it's like the 1990's all over again!

So it's come to this


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And just like that -- Elon Musk has made everyones "likes" private on the forum formerly known as Twitter...

I am starting to see that Elon really is a fu@king retard... and that I have been right about him all along!

I have a strong feeling that his Tesla and SpaceX businesses will soon come crashing down as a result of his retardation and hard drug use... If I could get a refund for my subscription I think I'd pretty much take it and leave Twitter all together... the quality of content on the site has reached the point to where almost EVERYTHING being posted is more or less garbage. Speaking of garbage -- before Elon Musk, Tesla and SpaceX come crashing down to earth -- it should be REQUIRED to clean up all that space junk they have left in our atmosphere.

Anyway, I'll probably be spending more time in here, and other social media sites from now on... Twitter has just gotten stale and unbearable since Elon Musk started making changes to the platform! From trying to change the name from Twitter to simpily "X", from raising annual subscription prices into the mid $150 range, to his constant changing of the site to remove information like what kind of device someone is posting with -- to making likes private -- I've had enough!

I am so glad that I don't own a Tesla, or ANYTHING that Elon Musk sells. The way this retard seems to think all his ideas are good and should be gospel just makes me sick. 

Elon Musk can take his $44 billion dollar loss and stuff it up his retarded ass along with Tesla and SpaceX. 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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I've never owned a Tesla or joined Twitter/X, so Elon's opinion means little to me. The guy is always in the news and I don't understand why.



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Much like any forum out there, it's not about who owns it -- more than it is about who is on it!

For me there have been about a dozen people (most all women) that I have taken an interest in... that list has condenced itself down to only a few over the years (less than a half dozen)...

Even still, of them half dozen women -- pretty much ALL of them have proven to be fake... or just simpily not interested in me at all! And that is fine, but they all want attention so very few of them will actually block me and send that message.

It's these type of women who are the most dangerous... the ones that are not interested, but so vane they don't want to lose a follower -- or someone who gives them attention. 

Elon Musk purchased Twitter because just like you said -- many people don't consider him a very popular or interesting person. 

He's more or less a spoiled brat... and while I did/do applaud his bringing back politically banned members like myself from when liberal Twitter banned anyone who wasn't a flaming liberal -- I don't care for many of the changes he is making to the site!

Sure, he has gotten it right a few times with the X-Pro to search old post -- and bringing back unfaily banned users, but now he is changing too much of the core service!

You can really tell a lot about someone by the things they like -- you can also really express yourself to others in the things you like! The only thing that making likes private does is allow people to be fake and two faced... and while I know Twitter is packed full of these types of people -- it only serves to make Twitter / X less attractive. 

Clearly the draw for me was getting banned, for no reason. Then getting re-instated. Sure, I pay an annual subscription fee to show my appreciation and support -- but come next year if things are still going this way, I'll probably have to bow out and just become a non-paying user... if I start to see the ship really going down, I might even just make my profile private. 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Twitter explodes.jpg




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Apparently I referred (gifted) two chicks X Premium Plus annual memberships lately and they couldn't handle it...

Since I referred them it more or less blew out my membership when they asked to return the gift... curious if I will get money back?

I was told that my gifting a certian longtime member a subscription who is active daily on the platform was "bothering her"... welp, we won't "bother" helping promote her -- or any of her little reindeer friends from here on out.

That being said, it's clear that X's gifting of annual subscriptions needs some work... if people are just that up-tight and flakey -- there has to be a better way to manage the subscriptions of people who think they are too good for an annual susbscription gift.

Perhaps if I was making a suggestion, you should have the ability to re-gift to someone else a gift that is rejected by the receiver... and in the case the sender does not wish to re-gift, the sender should get a pro-rated amount returned.

It was a good idea, but unfortunately some people can't handle it.


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Welp... looks like old Elon was able to stick it to me for $98!

Paid for an annual (1 year membership) for and only got five months! Elon and his company X just kept my money for the remaining 7 months!

I tried to file a complaint with AMEX but due to the fact that it's been past 60 days they cannot do anything!

So glad right now that I don't own or pay for anything Elon Musk owns and runs! I hope the $98 was worth it for Elon because I'll never give him or any of his companies another dime!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl



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