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Do you think the People of China can force change? [4 vote(s)]

They have the numbers!
They don't stand a chance!
Xi will just buy them all off as usual.
No opinion.


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Word on the streets is that the People of China are rising up and pushing back against the communist COVID lockdowns!

Good for them! We have been waiting a long time for them to take out their trash! 

Stay thrusty my freedom loving friends!



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Yo Stellar,

If you haven't heard, 10 people died in a fire in some apartment bock, & had trouble getting out as they were in lock-down.

Covid = alleged man-made Flu / Cold = Media blitz on bullshyte = World-wide govt's testing of their powers = Big Pharma profits = Bill Gates = New World Order = World population reduction...

I hope that anyone has the courage to stand-up to this bull-shyte, but the media-hype, peer-pressure & brain-washing is extensive.

Even our host proved that, & after all the doubts decided to get vaxxed...

So, here we are, with masses of radiation floating around our globe, & even the WWN reported that qt. "Radiation is good, as it kills Covid".

* Three full years on, there's NO WAY this shyte can survive, as proven by WNN, -( World Nuclear News ) & my Geiger Counter at least lol. .

* So, how does it exist after all this time ???

* What was in the vaccination shots ???

IMO, it seems that the Virus can't possibly survive, there's too much radiation. And should you actually get Covid, it's simply because the shyte was in the vaccination, & so in your body...And god-knows how many years this same bullshyte will go on for, since who knows how many times it can replicate itself over the years...

So now that the bulk of the world population has simply placed the shyte in their bodies, they'll be running & screaming for more help from the people that "ucked them in the first place...Year after year...


The Chinese have lived the way they do in their circumstance for over 4-thousand years Stellar...All that's changed is media coverage reaching us in some instances...

However, lots of changes are happening in all the realms of existence, & yes, I think we'll all be better-off sooner than later.

The main issue here isn't Covid or the Chinese, its the willing submission of mass population to believe this bullshyte.

Wake-up, use your brain, & trust your instincts !

Also, this is not the world's worst ever health scandal, that was done over many years by the Nuclear Industry...Who by-the-way, dictate what can be reported by the WHO, due to an agreement signed in the 1950's.

-- Edited by Rastus on Monday 28th of November 2022 04:59:39 PM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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I agree Rastus!

It's also my feeling that in many ways it just feels like something big is on the horizon... I can just feel it! 

But I fear it will get worse before it gets better



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Stellar007 wrote:

I agree Rastus!

It's also my feeling that in many ways it just feels like something big is on the horizon... I can just feel it! 

But I fear it will get worse before it gets better


Absolutely Stellar !!!

These mofo's won't go-down without a fight, so they'll make-a-mess as they crash downwards, that's for sure ! Just keep-out-of-the-way whilst it happens !

Also, the media has hinted at another new war starting-up in the Middle East with Iran & their nukes the center-of-attention, along with the use of drones...

So who indeed gave Iran nukes, thinking that they'll use them for peaceful purposes ???

Idiots !!!

As you can see, it's just sadly another war-game to be played out for the sake of keeping up the arms industries, or if you rather, the Military Industrial Complex...Maybe a new thread is needed shortly about Iran...Likely around Christmas at a guess.



"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.

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Cheers, Rastus.

Or is it another distraction for some yet to be seen magic trick?

I am sorry, Senator. I have no clear recollection of the events in question!


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No magic tricks my friend, however, I'll repost my reply from the "Things that make you go Hmmm thread" for sake of not rewriting it again !

Rastus said...


This is not an easy question to answer Stan...Especially since it dives into the so called "unknown", but the ancient peoples that lived here before us knew much more about these things, hence the scripts & drawings found in ancient art-work etc etc.

Modern science is catching up however...And to prove this, I encourage you all to watch the full 3-hours of the last video I posted in the UFO thread featuring James Gilliland, as it will very-much provide answers to your query.

In short however, we ARE multi-dimensional beings, as with the plants & animals too, along with the Suns & planets themselves, including the entire universe...

This can be briefly explained with the colors of the rainbow, as these directly correlate with the chakras, & /or energy centers that we all possess...

In our present state of being, we are fully activated in what's known as the 3-rd density, where-by the red, orange, & yellow chackras / energy centers are fully activated. And it is our purpose in evolution to move into the 4-th density, where the green chakra / energy center of our higher-selves will in time be in full activation. ( All chakra's are active, though the higher blue, violet & indigo centers are yet to be fully developed / potentiated ).

Ancient civilizations such as the Aztecs & Egyptians etc etc had astronomical-clocks / sun-dials that indicated since 2012, the whole universe is shifting into this new density / frequency.

The animals are reacting this way because of this shift, since it involves the whole universe.

The ET's & other inter-dimensional beings are here to assist in this present change. Some ET peoples have already moved through these changes.

-- Edited by Rastus on Thursday 1st of December 2022 02:20:04 AM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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This isn't the hmmmm thread... this is the China thread!

But I get it...

Still, the people of China have been some risk takers... but how long can you keep someone pent up with COVID fears?

What really is happening is really just up for debate... but it's got to be real because Apple don't have any iPhone Pro stock rolling into Christmas!

I have been poking around on to check availability and pretty much NONE in the 1TB range in the Pro model... but there are "some" offerings...

I'll be keeping a closer eye on it for the next few weeks and I'll report back... I wouldn't put it past that shyster Tim Cook and Xi to try and pull some stunt to artificially make it seem like there was a run on high end iPhones just to sell more of them... another example of this would be the recent Tickemaster and Taylor Swift concert ticket fiasco... you have to wonder, is this shit real or are they just trying to make it seem more hot than it is to drive up the numbers?

Perception... it's a motherfucker.



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The Chinese have their own ancient arts & teachings, that you'll find likely mostly align with what I've posted...

So it "is" in a way relative ;) !

From what I've heard, a lot of the monetary changes ( Federal Reserve & central bank ) will be feeling-the-pinch from China, as they have a lot of Gold, & are now ready to gently disperse it through the world...

The "signs" have been indicated that they've been waiting for, & it's the Chinese ancient aristocracy that's making the moves, not Xi...


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Give me a fook'n break Rastus...

Ancient China isn't known for the blade of a thousand folds... because that is what people in China will do... FOLD!

Check your fucking history again bro.



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The Chinese have their own aristocracy Stellar, meaning what we in the "west" call Kings & Queens.

These folks are "in-tune" with current events, & have been waiting centuries to make-their-move, & they've started lol !

Xi is their designated puppet, to take care of the day-to-day bollox called politics, that they were invited to join into via scams such as the United Nations, & the World Banks.

When all turns to shyte, & the "created out of thin air paper" that you call money becomes worthless, the Chinese will have much to trade with, as they have more gold than you. And gold is gold !

So it seems that the fold may be on us lol !

-- Edited by Rastus on Thursday 1st of December 2022 02:41:46 AM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Doubt that seriously... 

Maybe you should brush up on history.

China is more or less a bigger version of North Korea...

Just another fat fuck dying to be made an example out of.



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Oh, and FYI... the USA still has the largest reserves of GOLD on the planet...

It's NEVER been about gold and money in the USA Rastus...

Don't let Trump fool you... 



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You know what happens when a BILLION people begin to starve, Rastus?

It can happen in like no time at all...



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The people in China are HUNGRY...

I don't think from the looks of things they are being treated well...

But it takes a BILLION+ Chinese to keep the fat 100 of them alive... You know nothing. Shut up already.



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Don't go pussy on me Rastus... I still you, but we disagree... 

They say "English Humor" all the time around here... well, "American Humor"... 

Nothing personal mate! 



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Here we go again...

* The US-of-A got sold out by POTUS Woodrow Wilson in 1913, when by through his election, he allowed the Central Banks of Europe to print & value your money...

* Soon after, WW-I started & finished, Germany was broke, & the US-of-A + allies the victors.

* By the 1930's, the US-of-A was broke, & Germany was a super-power again, with vast amounts of super advanced technologies...

* The US-of-A to this day, via the "New Deal" & the new "New Deal" made by POTUS Roosevelt ensures that you are still in debt to this new deal, & that your gov't has been running on emergency powers since that time.

* The value of your true dollar, has been reduced to less than 99% of its original value via these banks.

* Only the elite Banking families of the US-of-A have any real wealth, & they protect this via the Military Industrial Complex, false-flag events, & Corporations that fund selected election campaigns of selected individuals at the annual Bohemian Grove sausage festival...Not to mention mind-control incentives...Replay the jagoff video Stellar !!!

* The US-of-A is nothing more than the military arm of the European controlling aristocracies, as financed & controlled via their banks, & their subordinates like Gates, the Clinton's & Soros...

* WW-II may have been won on the battle-field by the Allies, but the Nazi fascists only further infiltrated the US-of-A, & created agencies such as NASA, to further the development of reversed engineered ET craft, so that further military control & domination could be held over the world, via further false-flag events.

* Every war ever engaged since WW-II has been nothing more than money-making racketeering by these "elite" people, & continues & grows to this day.

I've posted many films etc etc to prove these truths, but alas, the biggest concern that's on your mind Stellar, is Apples new Christmas toy that may not be coming. This speaks volumes about your conditioning. I hope you make the effort to a better way-of-life !


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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I may have had a few too many drinks last night... but I lost count.


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China is being used as a hammer. Then everything starts looking like a nail.

Rastus has some of it, more like symptoms of a different disease.

There is a woman who has made a very interesting set of documentaries. She is from the Netherlands, so doesnt have a dog in the US fight, so to speak.

Her website is

The docs are fairly long, but broken into smaller bite-sized pieces. Start with Part 1, watch the first installment. Her research is impeccable, as I have been doing the same for decades. Watching this will shatter many misconceptions and may cause something known as cognitive dissonance. Knowledge is power, being prepared is not just a Boy Scout motto.

I am sorry, Senator. I have no clear recollection of the events in question!

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This, I lifted from an article written by Mike Adams of


your SLAVERS will pretend to be your SAVIORS.

This is accomplished using the following 8-step playbook:

ENGINEER the problem (create the crisis).
BLAME it on someone else (its Russias fault, or cyber hackers, or Trumps fault, etc.).
PUSH OUTRAGE through the media, using psyops tactics to whip up anger at the party being blamed.
CAUSE FEAR among the population through making it hurt with real world losses of food, money, security, etc.
BE THE SAVIOR by offering free food, free money (if you join the digital wallet), free vax jabs or other interventions.
SILENCE any who know the playbook by claiming they are opposed to solutions and working with the enemy.
EXTERMINATE the masses via mRNA bioweapons, forced starvation, pandemic concentration camps or other means.
High-five Claus Schwab for a mission well done, China-style.

Through this method, the masses can be corralled into participating in their own extermination and even loving it. This is what WEF globalists mean when they say, You will own nothing and be happy. Translated into practical context, what they mean is you will have no food, no energy and no money and you will BEG for us to save you, and you will be thrilled when we offer you the final solution.

I am sorry, Senator. I have no clear recollection of the events in question!


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Yo Stan,

Great post above ! Everything mentioned is correct, & that's how you keep the sheeple following their leaders.

For a number of years now, I've linked many films & videos proving your above statements, from the Illuminati thread, Alex Jones, to films & discussion in the UFO thread, to the current film that our host doesn't like much, & my own posts, & other things that I can't now remember... Eyewitness testimony from US-of-A military confirming these things...MR.Eisenhower's farewell address to the nation that forewarns all of the above... Lots of different angles, all suggesting the same thing.

Should my current posts not hit the mark exactly, it's only because I try to not repeat myself the same, over & over, & try to address mostly our host, who sees these things with a base-ball bat at times, & wants to hit you out-of-the-park lol...So I deliberately keep the posts short, since what you've said has already been presented many, many times...How many times must we repeat ourselves ???

eg. We the "West" are only 1/8-th of the worlds population, & yet our masters seek to control & dominate the world & its peoples, through fear, the banks, & the Military Industrial Complex, so as to rob these countries of their minerals & wealth, for the sole benefit of their own profit.

Fear = as an example, Corona Virus...War with Russia by decades-old-design via NATO, & this current unnecessary war mongering with China, etc etc.

The Banks = These mofo's keep us all in debt, & hence we are slaves. They also strategically fund all wars ( both sides ), promote the ongoing genocide in places such as Myanmar, & want a cashless society, so that all monetary transfers are espied, so that Corporations can then by design know where the largest markets are to develop.

The Military Industrial Complex = The enforcement agency, that acts illegally throughout the world, & has a continuing expenditure that has destruction of things as its main purpose via illegal wars, & the use of illegal weapons.

867 US-of-A military bases all around the world speak for itself.

I won't discuss the suppressed Advanced Technologies that have been available for us all for 100+ years, they're well covered in the UFO thread, though ultimately the suppression keeps these mofo's doing what they do, via the petro-dollar system that's in place, as that keeps the bulk of the MIC in service, & us enslaved.

*Now where have I heard the above before, over & over again ???

But I'm glad that YOU posted it up, since our host & others might actually take some notice lol !

-- Edited by Rastus on Thursday 1st of December 2022 06:36:34 PM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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That's not really fair Rastus... yes, there were a few of your videos I did not care for. The most recent I just didn't like the look and attitude of the narrator, and I was only being honest Rastus! I could tell the first few minutes there was no way I could watch that guy for an entire hour regadless of what he was talking about! If you would like I can lie to you from now on and just say "oh what a great video"...

In any case, I find these stories to be quite frustrating... often times there is little in the ways of any real solutions outside of more videos, and 1000's of pages of documents! That is why I was really surprised to see that SCOTUS lawsuit that Stan posted a link to... however we all know how far these sorts of things go after getting whittled down by the courts... and that's if the cases are not outright dismissed in a motion. 

I'm not saying this stuff isn't interesting, and it's a lot of fun to look back on something and find out you were right... however that's a very scary prospect in these matters!

I have come to believe that you can either live with it, or die from it... more or less.

The idea that all these rich and organaized people are somehow going to stop doing what they do is rather laughable. What little we can do, we do! But it's not enough! It will never be enough, and eventually these people die off because none of them have figured out how to cheat death. 





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Lot's of changes are in the works Stellar !!!

There's more to look forward to than not, so don't over-stress.

All these posts, positive & negative, are only to provide some answers & possibilities as to the reasons why things are as they are. And in some instances, initiate a change in our programing that's been ingrained in us all for a long time.

You've probably noticed that Stan's post is a concentrated fact revealing effort, ( that's in truth a quite multi-layered & many varied series of activity ), & not easy to simplify, but he's done well imo...At least as far as US-of-A perspectives of action that are taking place.

If anyone is getting something out of all this "stuff" with all these threads & posts in a positive way, then they've been all-the-more worth the time posting up !


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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I'm not really stressed about these things I can not control... but I like to polarize them because you never know when we need to "circle back" to this madness...

Anyway, doubt we will hear much out of China anymore... I'm sure they are stomping this out like a porch fire! 




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So this is a good article imo...,17287


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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The general narrative that is being set up in the media for today is "Fuck China and any plans they might have"...

No doubt they have set the entire world back a decade with their bio-terror! So much in fact Russia has become embolden enough to attack Ukraine... and soon Israel will attack Iran, and China will attack Taiwan...

UNTIL someone does something, it's just going to spiral out of control... 



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Stellar007 wrote:

The general narrative that is being set up in the media for today is "Fuck China and any plans they might have"...

No doubt they have set the entire world back a decade with their bio-terror! So much in fact Russia has become embolden enough to attack Ukraine... and soon Israel will attack Iran, and China will attack Taiwan...

UNTIL someone does something, it's just going to spiral out of control... 


The "elite" Stellar !!! Not China...

The "elite" are the one's responsible. The "elite" aren't beholden to borders & laws, they take advantage of their supposed supremacy, & as a collective of transnational secret society sociopaths, set the stage & screenplay for tomorrows NEWS, to keep us distracted, & them in power.

They are the Nuclear Industry in their most obvious guise.

Check this out...Who could get away with this shyte in the middle of a war ?...,-USNC-in-advanced-reactor-uranium-suppl




Business as usual behind the scenes for these mofo's... Notice all the apparent different countries involved, not to mention earthquakes & natural disasters & Lego plants lol ! And whilst others are getting new-nuke-plants, the US-of-A is keeping deathly old one alive...

-- Edited by Rastus on Sunday 5th of March 2023 05:39:42 PM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Are you suggesting that Xi is not just the face of China's elite?




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Stellar007 wrote:

Are you suggesting that Xi is not just the face of China's elite?



I'm saying that the world is run by an "elite" organization, that knows no borders or countries, but defends & funds itself via the US-of-A tax-payer ( among many ) & one guise of it being the nuclear industry...

And of course, for any of this "power" to have hold & function, we need the Banks, which is another facet of this "secret society"...

It's facial representatives are Gates, the Clinton's & Soros...Or if you rather, Vanguard, Black Rock & State Street.


* And it works like this...


* We make bombs for peace.

* We make guns & bullets for peace.

* We make tanks, ships & aeroplanes for peace.

* We go to war for peace.

* We kill other people for peace.

* We build nuclear reactors under the guise of "atoms for peace"


Have we ever had peace ?...


We all live in fear, via the threat of war, & use of weapons of mass destruction...In the name of peace...

I call Bullshyte, & it's time to change our way of life.

-- Edited by Rastus on Monday 6th of March 2023 12:07:24 AM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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That's a bold statement Rastus...

But can work peace be achieved without some kind of existential threat to unite the world? And if / once we eliminated the threat would we just go back to killing each other?

Food for thought.



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Stellar007 wrote: *(mild editing included here)

1. That's a bold statement Rastus...

2. But can world peace be achieved without some kind of existential threat to unite the world ?

3. And if / once we eliminated the threat would we just go back to killing each other?

4. Food for thought.


R1. Yes, but they needed to be said & realized...As world-leading countries, shouldn't we be setting the example ? I think we can & will, once we lose people like the IAEA.

R2. Of course. Don't you go about your daily affairs making-a-living without needing a weapon at hand ?...Most people do, it's our sociopathic Military Corporate Industrial Complex that needs our tax-money, & so makes us think differently.

R3. No, review R2.

R4. "Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


*** Q1. How did you come to the idea that we need an existential threat to unite the world Stellar ???
       Q2. How did you determine that the world is united at present ???


-- Edited by Rastus on Tuesday 7th of March 2023 04:44:34 AM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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I'm not sure if you're paying attention, but there is a very big push towards electric EVERYTHING right now... I'd say it's going to be hard to do away with any nukes, in fact if anything they will just build bigger and more advanced reactors to satisfy the demand.

I try to keep my weapon close at hand Rastus... you just never know! I'm from the Rambo and Alien generation! I'd rather have it and not need it, than need it an not have it!

There seems to be a natural human harmony when their is a boogie man on the loose... obviously and unfortunately a hostel ET would fit this bill quite well...



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Stellar007 wrote: ( +minor editing from myself )

1.I'm not sure if you're paying attention, but there is a very big push towards electric EVERYTHING right now...

2.I'd say it's going to be hard to do away with any nukes, in fact if anything they will just build bigger and more advanced reactors to satisfy the demand.

3.I try to keep my weapon close at hand Rastus... you just never know! I'm from the Rambo and Alien generation! I'd rather have it and not need it, than need it an not have it!

4.There seems to be a natural human harmony when their is a boogie man on the loose... Obviously and unfortunately a hostile ET would fit this bill quite well...


R1. Mr.Greer will have another new film out in June, to remind "you" my friend, of the free-energy devices that are already in existence, but have been out-lawed, in the interests of "national security"...( Read Rockefeller bankruptcy lol ).

R2. We don't need nukes Stellar. I won't repeat myself again, but re-reading R1. again will suffice lol !

R3. That's only for condoms yo ! ( Well, maybe for other things too)...

R4. It's all in the mind Stellar, as programmed by the CIA via Hollywood...


*That said, there are "negative" oriented ET's, & like minds attract each other...However, regardless of polarity, the vast number of ET's follow universal law, & won't bother breaking this law system. And the one's that have already, are being taken care of because of the change in vibration of our whole galaxy. They can't survive, & have to move on with us (or elsewhere) in peace & prosperity, or dissolve.

***Many years ago, the "negative" one's ( sometimes called the Tall Grey's, Reptillian's & Draconian's) allied with the Nazi party, which is why the German's had free-energy devices, mastered gravity control, & were building man-made UFO's along side donated ones.

Through the 1930's, the Germans built-out bases in Antarctica, along side these ET's bases, & continued on with a Secret Space Programme...

This is what Admiral Byrd's mission with 5,000 men, 39-ships, & countless aeroplanes were meant to intercept after the war in Antarctica.

Operation "Paper-clip" saw the Nazi's involved continue on with this Secret Space Programme after the war, as overseen by Allan Dulles, & other MJ-12 operatives.

This is why your defense budget has unaccountable funds lost, & why you actually have no real gov't, only a screen-play for the TV.

The real people in power are trans-national, belong to a secret-society, that promotes this Secret Space Programme & its objectives.

Mr.Eisenhower (RIP) met with the good ET's ( positive polarity ) in the 1950's, but by then, the Corporations ( Military Industrial Corporate Complex ) that run your country via people like Allan Dulles & Nelson Rockefeller, ensured that secrecy was maintained, by constructing 2 x govt's, & by the murder of JFK, & years later, by the defamation of Mr.Richard Nixon.

Mr.Nixon was Vice POTUS under Mr.Eisenhower, which placed him in charge of over-seeing Space Command...

I hope this makes sense. If not, read the free books in the UFO thread via links provided yo !

-- Edited by Rastus on Monday 13th of March 2023 04:23:00 AM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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This quick-read just-in from my mailbox...It seems China is reacting further & not exporting nice bits & pieces to the US-of-A's DoD lol ! And I agree too, as it doesn't make sense to send stuff to a country that help it build stuff for weapons of mass destruction...But they'll with propaganda war mongering against you of course. This from 1440...

US-China Trade Fight

China yesterday banned the export of specific rare minerals to the US that are used for technology and military applications, citing national security concerns. The decision came a day after the US expanded its restricted-trade list of Chinese companies for certain types of chips and reflects an escalating tech rivalry between the world's two largest economies.

The banned minerals include gallium, germanium, antimony, and other elements needed for manufacturing advanced technologies like semiconductors. China accounts for roughly 63% of US antimony imports, 54% of germanium imports, and 53% of gallium imports. China is also the world's largest producer of all three elements, particularly gallium. Gallium and germanium are used to produce things like mobile phones, solar panels, fiber optic cables, and infrared technology, while antimony is used in flame retardants, batteries, and nuclear weapons.

Trade tensions between the US and China have been rooted in national security concerns, a battle for technological leadership, and more.

-- Edited by Rastus on Wednesday 4th of December 2024 05:49:47 PM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Rastus, I hope you realize that the ONLY REASON the USA does business with China is for their slave labor prices... 

If you actually thought about how much it cost to transport things from China to the United States you'd know that once they stop subsidizing their exports -- there would no demand for their goods, raw or otherwise.

You would also be wise to take heed of the percentages of these raw minerals they supply... about 50% in many cases, what this means is the USA will just source these minerals from other countries -- no big deal! In some cases we may even start mining them here!

China's economy isn't doing good right now... I don't expect that to change under Xi.



What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:

Rastus, I hope you realize that the ONLY REASON the USA does business with China is for their slave labor prices... 

If you actually thought about how much it cost to transport things from China to the United States you'd know that once they stop subsidizing their exports -- there would no demand for their goods, raw or otherwise.

You would also be wise to take heed of the percentages of these raw minerals they supply... about 50% in many cases, what this means is the USA will just source these minerals from other countries -- no big deal! In some cases we may even start mining them here!

China's economy isn't doing good right now... I don't expect that to change under Xi.




Stellar, I'm a sea-farer, so I understand a little about transport via shipping...

It was POTUS Nixon through his term that opened the door to trade with China after 25-years of black-listing it.

China is laughing at you ( like everyone else lol ), but they're content in playing your game for your media, the stock market, & the bankers (cough,cough).

* Important to remember that the upper levels of the "elite" have no-borders, & therefore suit themselves as to how they decide the "game" is being played. They have been exposed, & their leaders removed. Good times to come once the lower branches run-out-of-moves. But you know all this yes ???...

Step-outside & look around at the world...Pull off the tunnel-vision US-of-A Corporation sunglasses...You're getting your country back.


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.

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