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Today's interesting thread!

Is that Stoma's latest persona?



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I'm not sure but it reads like a classic Gerry "catfish".


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Todays interesting BW.ORG thread,


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl



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Free speech at last... let's see?

I have been a lowly member of BenzWorld for a number of years and the help and advice from those that you are naming have kept my old Mercedes-Benz's up and running for years.

I seem to remember a supermoderator German Star who banned a nuisance troll named Rex a few years back! I'm assuming that this troll Rex is you,  SELLC?

Reading through all of the sulfurous and vitriolic diatribe on this forum from Rex aka, SELLC against BenzWorld seems just pent up frustration at being a very poor fool that was banned from BenzWorld for trolling, and was brought to his knees by others with much superior wit and intelligence?

It also appears that you (Rex) have tried many time to re-register with various usernames even to the idiotic point that you yourself have published in this very thread by having a premium membership denied and refunded. As the Beatles once sang "Money doesn't buy you love" or in your case money doesn't buy you back to the prestigious BenzWorld.

If despise the place so much, why spent $87 to rejoin knowing that once again revealed as just an uneducated troll, you would be banned yet again. 

Let's see how long this piece of free speech stays up for?





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Let's see what? If you can make a bigger a$$ out of yourself than anyone else? That's what it sounds like you're trying to say... Well, be my guest!

Yes, obviously you ARE one of them "lowly" BenzWorld members who tries to fix their own cars and puts the rest of the population in danger as you motor down public roads and highways with your tires falling off, engines catching fire and your AC systems packed with propane. 

I still remember a guy name German Star who sold Mercedes Parts by day and tried to play the part of a mechanic / Mercedes Benz webform moderator. Problem being that German Star wasn't a master mechanic... I am! How can an expert in a field be trolling by trying to warn people of the dangers of the forums ignorance? That's like banning your Doctor because he said you were fat! But that's the BenzWorld mentality, always has been and always will be.

Reading thru all of your sulfurous and vitriolic diatribe on this very forum, Next Icarus, it's plain to see it is YOU that seems to be doing all the trolling. There is no frustration, unless you call that pain in the stomach I get from laughing so hard a form of frustration. It takes superior wit and intelligence to press a button that bans someone? Okay... Now that we know your perception of reality is warped let me just remind you that such luxury of being surrounded by fools who look out for one another isn't a luxury you will have here! 

I should also mention that my Premium Membership was not denied... I paid, I got my premium membership and then I was banned! To make things worse I had to threaten filing a PayPal complaint to get my money back! They really thought I was going to pay them money to be treated poorly... SURPRISE! I got my money back! It used to be that things like "money" and "Mercedes Benz" were synonymous and went together hand in hand... Not so much anymore that lowly people like yourself have acquired them. Ideas like stuffing pool noodles in the seat of a nearly $100,000 vehicle seems to sit well with the folks over there. I think that about proves my point. THERE IS NOTHING PRESTIGIOUS ABOUT BENZWORLD. It's like the "China" of forum information... CHEAP and WORTHLESS!

Why did I spend $87? BECAUSE I CAN AFFORD IT! As far as being uneducated, I challenge you to produce some automotive credentials that exceed my own as I'm a master certified mechanic with over 28 years experience. That said, it's clear why feelings were hurt on BenzWorld... There is the fiction that lives on at and then there is the reality that exist here on

Ask around pal, your idiotic post will stay up for everyone to make their own determination. 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl



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My perception so far is that all the Benzworld forums are helpful. I apparently started pissing people off in the w126 forum when I said was unimpressed with a 1982 euro 500sec. Not that the car would not perform, but more of the fact that's it's just a short two door w126. And we may fool ourselves into thinking a w126 is some kind of luxury. Sure they are built like tanks, but the vast majority of them seem to be worth hardly $2000 anymore. You can dump all the money you want into a w126, but it's usually cheapest to just go find another and take the seats out of it, then scrap it for profit. Pool noodles are probably about right as a repair material given the value of w126 cars.

I think the area where the w126 forum gets it all wrong is thinking they've got some fantastic driving machine or perception of value because it's a top of the line S-class and a classic. I'm not smelling it.

So when I poo poo'd my 500sec everyone said it must be all beat down. Sure it is, but I've driven w126 that weren't, and honestly I wasn't too impressed. If it wasn't for my pipe dream of hoping my 500se can be something special I wouldn't be in them at all.

Look at nearly any other forum, and I think people will realize that the model just simply is not for everyone, and they have some humility. The w126'ers on BW seem to think their cars should be loved by everyone. I don't think the value would decrease on any of the six I have owned if someone took a big shit on the hood of any of them. Sorry, <$2000 car even when in great shape. And personally I think anyone who pays more is probably a fool.

Newer ones all have some sort of electrical BS problems waiting to happen.

I will never buy another MB newer than 1985 unless it's intended as a parts car. I'm pretty confident about that.

-- Edited by fonzi on Monday 18th of September 2017 06:11:37 PM

-- Edited by fonzi on Monday 18th of September 2017 06:14:19 PM


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SELLC wrote:

Let's see what? If you can make a bigger a$$ out of yourself than anyone else? That's what it sounds like you're trying to say... Well, be my guest!

Yes, obviously you ARE one of them "lowly" BenzWorld members who tries to fix their own cars and puts the rest of the population in danger as you motor down public roads and highways with your tires falling off, engines catching fire and your AC systems packed with propane. 

I still remember a guy name German Star who sold Mercedes Parts by day and tried to play the part of a mechanic / Mercedes Benz webform moderator. Problem being that German Star wasn't a master mechanic... I am! How can an expert in a field be trolling by trying to warn people of the dangers of the forums ignorance? That's like banning your Doctor because he said you were fat! But that's the BenzWorld mentality, always has been and always will be.

Reading thru all of your sulfurous and vitriolic diatribe on this very forum, Next Icarus, it's plain to see it is YOU that seems to be doing all the trolling. There is no frustration, unless you call that pain in the stomach I get from laughing so hard a form of frustration. It takes superior wit and intelligence to press a button that bans someone? Okay... Now that we know your perception of reality is warped let me just remind you that such luxury of being surrounded by fools who look out for one another isn't a luxury you will have here! 

I should also mention that my Premium Membership was not denied... I paid, I got my premium membership and then I was banned! To make things worse I had to threaten filing a PayPal complaint to get my money back! They really thought I was going to pay them money to be treated poorly... SURPRISE! I got my money back! It used to be that things like "money" and "Mercedes Benz" were synonymous and went together hand in hand... Not so much anymore that lowly people like yourself have acquired them. Ideas like stuffing pool noodles in the seat of a nearly $100,000 vehicle seems to sit well with the folks over there. I think that about proves my point. THERE IS NOTHING PRESTIGIOUS ABOUT BENZWORLD. It's like the "China" of forum information... CHEAP and WORTHLESS!

Why did I spend $87? BECAUSE I CAN AFFORD IT! As far as being uneducated, I challenge you to produce some automotive credentials that exceed my own as I'm a master certified mechanic with over 28 years experience. That said, it's clear why feelings were hurt on BenzWorld... There is the fiction that lives on at and then there is the reality that exist here on

Ask around pal, your idiotic post will stay up for everyone to make their own determination. 

 Exactly the witless, unintelligent reply as expected that really does not warrant a reply from someone who is your superior in so many respects, however.....

Such wealth to be able to afford $87 for a Benzworld subscription, Wow!! What next, a subscription to NetFlix? You also overestimate yourself as a master certified mechanic which I just read as a "Grease Monkey" reading through your posts. 

Just look at the many real engineers that contribute on Benzworld and then look at the worthless contributions that you ever made on Benzworld and even on this pathetic under subscribed board! 

Returning to your "Wealth" I note that this is a FREE bulletin board that indicates to me that you do not even have the wherewithal to pay for your own  bulletin board which I suppose that must be reflected by your low Grease Monkey monthly paycheck.

Uneducated: I was not referring to your Grease Monkey status but of your very poor command of the English language, maybe it is not your first language?

By all means, please retain our exchanges online for the very few that visit this forum to see.

Have a good evening, you must have quite a few oil and filter changes lined up for tomorrow. ? I'm on a long haul flight to Asia tonight so I need some rest, maybe catch up tomorrow?




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Apparently you have never been in the presence of a "real" Mercedes Benz of the era then Fonzi...

A creampuff example of a W126 is breathtaking... In V8 420 or 560 trim of course... The later W126 models are the BEST in terms of features, look and comfort... However the earlier models did have stronger rear suspension systems that I feel rode a little better and offered similar performance - read that as the early 500 models only.... However I have never been a fan of the earlier 1st gen Mercedes interiors. 

I think perhaps you have been dreaming so long that you have lost sight of the reality that really well cared for and low mile W126 Mercedes are getting to be like hens teeth. I am talking about the ones with dark burgundy flawless wood trim and soft subtle leather with everything immaculate. Yes, these cars can be run into the ground, and most have been. I have never faulted anyone for their interest in the W126, it's an interesting car that is often an "acquired" taste. At first you may not like it, but then after time you take notice of it charm and innovation given the period. 

Still, advice is just that.. Someone figures out a problem (usually outside of the forum known as and then 1000's of people parrot that information regardless if it's the problem or not. That's fine, to a point.... Doesn't change the fact that 99.9% of them users are just repeating what they read, regardless or not if they were the ones who discovered the problem.. Heck, most on that forum are talking about repairs that they themselves have never performed! Still, it's a resource for people with limited knowledge as "something" is always better than "nothing" when it comes to information. 

If you like BW.ORG then by all means, enjoy it! Just don't come here looking for sympathy the next time they make you look a fool... of course that's somewhat implied anyway given your association.

What does it say about a forum company such as Vertical Scope / Auto Forums to allow these forums to be run by people without any kind of automotive credentials? It says "Buyer Beware", and "you get what you pay for".... Read that as "nothing". 

It goes without saying that even a kid needs to lean how to use a door knob... Same thing here...


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Next Icarus wrote:


If despise the place so much, why spent $87 to rejoin knowing that once again revealed as just an uneducated troll, you would be banned yet again. 

Let's see how long this piece of free speech stays up for?



 Were you saying something about the "poor command" of the english language? Is the english language your second language? 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Next Icarus wrote:
 Exactly the witless, unintelligent reply as expected that really does not warrant a reply from someone who is your superior in so many respects, however.....

Such wealth to be able to afford $87 for a Benzworld subscription, Wow!! What next, a subscription to NetFlix? You also overestimate yourself as a master certified mechanic which I just read as a "Grease Monkey" reading through your posts. 

Just look at the many real engineers that contribute on Benzworld and then look at the worthless contributions that you ever made on Benzworld and even on this pathetic under subscribed board! 

Returning to your "Wealth" I note that this is a FREE bulletin board that indicates to me that you do not even have the wherewithal to pay for your own  bulletin board which I suppose that must be reflected by your low Grease Monkey monthly paycheck.

Uneducated: I was not referring to your Grease Monkey status but of your very poor command of the English language, maybe it is not your first language?

By all means, please retain our exchanges online for the very few that visit this forum to see.

Have a good evening, you must have quite a few oil and filter changes lined up for tomorrow. ? I'm on a long haul flight to Asia tonight so I need some rest, maybe catch up tomorrow?


 Wow! Quite the ego on this guy huh? LOL!

Now let's get back to reality... 1st order of business, you're not my superior in ANY WAY! In fact, if you're on a trip to Asia that just proves you aren't worth a $hit here in the USA! You probably couldn't get work on labor day! 

With regards to the FREE webform... Well, it wasn't always free and if you had the mental capacity to take in all the information this forum offers you would know we had problems with losers from Asia pinging the site maliciously. The answer from the people who maintain our forum was to go the free route and we did! Sooner or later someone will figure out ways to block Asian spam, like cutting off access from these regions that are known communist states that suppress freedom of speech and walk over human rights like they were a rug. It's no surprise you are someones stooge in Asia! Asians love to hire Americans who can't hack it in America! They hire them and fly them in to open doors and show the other Asians how they own your punk a$$! I myself don't have to subject myself to riding in a tin can half way around the world to do someone else bidding.

They even made a video about people like you, titled "Rent a white guy"

LOL! Sounds like you Icarus!

Oil changes... LOL! Maybe on my own Corvette, Cadillac or Mercedes. 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl



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I parted out a smashed 300se (with a near perfect black 1989 interior) and have been in a few 560sel cars that weren't total piles of shit, and I passed up a very nice 300se that just had a transmission slip. I'm sorry. I've been in a lot of MB and I just don't smell the shit about w126 being such a fine automobile. I have to say that the hideous w140 chassis did really impress me though. The w126 seems just like a big fancy w123. I do love the way the euro sedans look though.

-- Edited by fonzi on Monday 18th of September 2017 08:03:16 PM

-- Edited by fonzi on Monday 18th of September 2017 08:03:56 PM



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SELLC wrote:

Let's see what? If you can make a bigger a$$ out of yourself than anyone else?

Now that we know your perception of reality is warped let me just remind you that such luxury of being surrounded by fools who look out for one another isn't a luxury you will have here! 


Quite true this.

Look what happened to Stoma...( Though we have tried to get him back in here ).


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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I wonder how much Icarus will charge me to open the Mercedes doors for me on the weekends? Does he take Chinese currency for payment?

Oh and FYI - Stoma isn't here because that is what he has chosen. I don't see anywhere that he's banned... Perhaps you could post a screen shot?


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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I only meant that in here, you're in charge of your own well-being. Should you decide to place a rope around your neck & end-it-all like Stoma, so-be-it, no one will help, especially if it's too late already...

But if Stoma is not banned anymore, I can't wait to hear his thoughts about this thread !


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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I'm more interested in hearing Icarus's thoughts on my China "Rent-a-white guy" video....

But I guess his coach flight to Asia doesn't have access to the internet... biggrin


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Icarus ... another Banzworld lover who is under the mistaken and vastly over-rated impression of how valuable that idiotic forum is.

Keep deluding yourself, Icarus. Why don't you let us know what your Banzworld ID is, so we can see your previous posts. I'm sure they are on about the same level of your posts here -- completely worthless.


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SELLC wrote:

I'm more interested in hearing Icarus's thoughts on my China "Rent-a-white guy" video....

But I guess his coach flight to Asia doesn't have access to the internet... biggrin

 Oh dear! Another witless response from the grease monkey who now reverts to the puerile schoolboy practice of inserting YouTube videos into yet another vapid post.


On the subject of schoolboys, I can only imagine that the grease monkey went to a very basic state sponsored school and probably left at thirteen to pursue his dream of one day to become a car mechanic! Well that didnt work out too well did it?


He obviously failed geography at that sub-standard school in that he was assuming I was posting from Asia, well the last time I looked Buffalo New York was nowhere near China and if he bothered to ping my IP address he would have seen that.

Also if he even bothered to look up his members profile pages, he may have gathered why I may have been in Buffalo New York, and why this particular reply is posted from Thailand. (Ping this IP Rex and do try to keep up)

I will enjoy reading his next tedious post from my hotel during my eight hour stopover before flying back to the States. I can just imagine him mouthing the words as he types.


Another thing that comes across from the grease monkey, he appears to be racist against Asian people!


Now back to BenzWorld, in my original post I mentioned that the very BenzWorld members the grease monkey berates have given me the very best advice concerning my Mercedes-Benz cars. In that original post I referred to them as old, however I was just being modest and not stating that they are vintage classics.

I would imagine the grease monkey would just gaze in awe at their superb condition.

My goodness, I would not let him within ten feet of either of them let alone change the oil and spark plugs, he would probably put the wrong grade of gas in the tank too.


I had not realized your girth Rex by the photo of yourself you have published on this forum so its a good thing that you have you have retired and given up trying to squeeze your immense bulk into unwitting customers vehicles crushing and wreaking havoc on unsuspecting components.

Pressing Ctrl + on that image reveals what is possibly your usual weekly order.

 rexsr 1.jpg

Its a shame really because Rex is regal name that you in no way live up to.

Ill leave you to fulminate for now until I return to the States sometime tomorrow.




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gerryvz wrote:

Icarus ... another Banzworld lover who is under the mistaken and vastly over-rated impression of how valuable that idiotic forum is.

Keep deluding yourself, Icarus. Why don't you let us know what your Banzworld ID is, so we can see your previous posts. I'm sure they are on about the same level of your posts here -- completely worthless.

 And you are?


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fonzi wrote:

 Here, hold my beer...


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl



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LOL. Love the lack of censorship. Or is it lack of sensor or shit.



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Next Icarus wrote:
SELLC wrote:

I'm more interested in hearing Icarus's thoughts on my China "Rent-a-white guy" video....

But I guess his coach flight to Asia doesn't have access to the internet... biggrin

 Oh dear! Another witless response from the grease monkey who now reverts to the puerile schoolboy practice of inserting YouTube videos into yet another vapid post.


On the subject of schoolboys, I can only imagine that the grease monkey went to a very basic state sponsored school and probably left at thirteen to pursue his dream of one day to become a car mechanic! Well that didnt work out too well did it?


He obviously failed geography at that sub-standard school in that he was assuming I was posting from Asia, well the last time I looked Buffalo New York was nowhere near China and if he bothered to ping my IP address he would have seen that.

Also if he even bothered to look up his members profile pages, he may have gathered why I may have been in Buffalo New York, and why this particular reply is posted from Thailand. (Ping this IP Rex and do try to keep up)

I will enjoy reading his next tedious post from my hotel during my eight hour stopover before flying back to the States. I can just imagine him mouthing the words as he types.


Another thing that comes across from the grease monkey, he appears to be racist against Asian people!


Now back to BenzWorld, in my original post I mentioned that the very BenzWorld members the grease monkey berates have given me the very best advice concerning my Mercedes-Benz cars. In that original post I referred to them as old, however I was just being modest and not stating that they are vintage classics.

I would imagine the grease monkey would just gaze in awe at their superb condition.

My goodness, I would not let him within ten feet of either of them let alone change the oil and spark plugs, he would probably put the wrong grade of gas in the tank too.


I had not realized your girth Rex by the photo of yourself you have published on this forum so its a good thing that you have you have retired and given up trying to squeeze your immense bulk into unwitting customers vehicles crushing and wreaking havoc on unsuspecting components.

Pressing Ctrl + on that image reveals what is possibly your usual weekly order.

 rexsr 1.jpg

Its a shame really because Rex is regal name that you in no way live up to.

Ill leave you to fulminate for now until I return to the States sometime tomorrow.




Are you trying to compensate for something with that large text size Icarus? Flying a little too close to the sun the past few days?

Julian... Is that what you call yourself or what your momma named you after you were thrust from her stinky hole? Was she a failure too, or perhaps she was the manager of her brothel? I'd say we were getting off topic but you seem like one of them attention starved losers who makes everything about you, so I digress.

It's a shame your overseas adventures don't allow you the ability to view that YouTube video because it really does highlight your current situation, which is not good I might add. But that's okay, you can view it once you get back here, maybe when you're on the tarmac waiting for first class to exit the plane.

I'm glad you like the information on BenzWorld! Given your level of experience I'd imagine that amounts to "How do I fill the gas tank" and "How do I keep rodents out of my stinky car"? I doubt you could afford a Mercedes and anything you may own was probably left to you by the brothel when they got shut down. I must admit, not everyone can say they were conceived in the back seat of their Mercedes, although I am sure fathers day is the loneliest holiday of the year for you. 

Speaking of fathers, you seem to have stumbled upon an old photo of my Dad! I know this just adds insult to injury for a little bastard like yourself, but yeah... I know who my Dad is and he's a master certified mechanic also. 

The level of failure you have reached on this forum is epic! 99% of your assumptions have been proven false! You're on a roll! Perhaps you should just stick to sucking on them economy/coach salted nuts..

I am sure your friends in Asia are impressed with the way you open the hotel doors for them!



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Here sellc

Have fun with this one. Give me your professional certified mechanic (or grease monkey as some here would say) opinion on this one. Bio wiring...



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What is a W124? It's not any car I would waste my time with unless someone was paying me by the hour...

Now if we are talking 1986-1991 Mercedes Benz V8's, well... We don't have these problems... Because, you know... We're the last of the best... The best of the best, with honors... Ain't no stank as good as the inside of a late model W126 Mercedes with leather... 

Maybe you better stick to fixing up Mcliars 560 and sell off all them other lower class Mercedes so you're not stinking up the place so much... You know it's the right thing to do.

-- Edited by SELLC on Tuesday 19th of September 2017 09:48:18 PM


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Mercedes Benz really ****ed-up big-time with these wiring looms IMO.

World-Wide Factory Recall is mandatory here.

MB should supply the complete, new-wiring-harness for free, & labor costs shared by both owner & MB, at say 50% each.


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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I wouldn't hold my breath for that...

The W126 did not have these problems, except for the cloth covering on the starter and power leads most of your wiring will not get brittle if you are detailing and treating the engine twice a year... Some of these Mercedes owners NEVER clean their engine! It becomes this big blanket of dust drying out the harness...

I am willing to bet that a properly detailed and treated engine compartment would not have this fate... Anyone care to disagree?


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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No doubt all cars wiring suffers fatigue over the years.

Interestingly, my little SLC has finally revealed its intermittent running issue to me. ( I'll start a thread soon, once the car is up & running ).

It appears that my 0.6-ohm resistor had failed...This did not stop my car from running however, but caused the ignition-points to over-heat & fail at temperature intermittently.

Anyhow, the now very-old resistors have been replaced with new OEM items ( Beru ), wiring checked-out & new ignition-points fitted...

Now the interesting issue....

The ignition points are fitted in pair with a condenser...The condenser is no longer available, & hasn't been supplied since ( apparently 1996 ), & the MB fix is to wire the condenser wire straight-to-earth, on the side of the distributor.

I'm trying now to chase down a suitable condenser, just to keep the car as OEM as possible.

The purpose of having a transistorized ignition-system in the first-place was to achieve longer ignition-point life & accuracy, by having a greatly reduced current across these points. The purpose of the condenser is to absorb the spark, & prevent arcing across the points when they open. I'd rather use the condom theory here, where I'd rather have a new condenser fitted, & not need it, than need it, & not have it...

Everything in time perishes.


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Often times things like condensers for these old school ignition systems are pretty generic, meaning you should be able to source one that is similar but it may mount differently or even outside of the distributor. 

There is also the option of changing over ignition systems to something electric and be done with these problems, isn't that an option at this point? Or do you really like that classic points ignition? If that's the case you're just a glutton for punishment and I have to imagine you just like to tinker with it... because that's all you will ever do with an old points ignition! LOL, it's literally wearing out with every opening and closing. 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Very true about things wearing-out quickly, & needing yearly attention. The only issue with swapping ignition-systems to full-electronic with this car, is that the Bosch D-Jetronic EFI system incorporates a quad-set of trigger-points in the same distributor...

This means that the distributor is a component that forces a marriage between the Transistorized Ignition System, & the EFI. I'd have to up-grade the fuel-system to suit, & that's big-bux.

Alternatively, the little 3.5 V-8 continued production beyond 1976 ( it wasn't imported in Oz afterwards ) in European & other markets, where it was dressed with full Electronic Ignition, & K-Jetronic. Too hard & costly for me to bother sourcing anything here. And no doubt I'd get caught-out with some part that you can't get anymore, yet alone find in Oz.

Regretfully, the best option is to keep her OEM, & keep-up with the regular maintenance. These resistors that failed, are really a once-in-a-life-time replacement item, thou have no doubt, their failure has been the head-ache of mechanics & owners the world-over, with the car giving you nothing but the shits, until something finally breaks, & reveals itself.

Modern cars also have RAM incorporated into their computers, so as things play-up, the initial fault is stored, & recorded in RAM, so that you can then access codes to reveal faulty components. This makes a huge difference !!! And this would also be the best fix for these older cars too, where an accessable port, to a remote Memory Storage Device could be accessed for diagnosis. You only need an interface with the main wiring plug to the Computer, & start recording from there.

Yes, these old systems are a pain-in-the-ass when they play-up, but I am learning heaps, & it keeps the brain ticking-over too.

As long as there's parts available, I'll keep her running !


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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I'd invest in a scope and tach/dwell gauge... they have to be dirt cheap now days..


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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I did consider a Snap-On scope machine many years ago, & would still very much like one.

You can get older scope machines for sure, but I haven't investigated any of these. One with a CO-measuring device to set idle mixture quality would be fantastic, but likely no use today, since the pollutants are different when Unleaded-Gasoline is the only available fuel. These cars were designed to run on Leaded Fuel, & have a CO out-put at idle, & warmed-up with oil-temp at 80-deg-C, of 1.5 to 2.0%. They run best at around 3.0% CO, with higher mileage vehicles, but even this figure can vary depending on your fuel-pressure settings, & where that is.

Pretty much everything is adjustable on these old cars, so this means fine-tuning a reality. This is what makes them more "mechanic-desirable" than "regular-person-desirable", since you get to check, set, adjust, & fine-tune literally everything within the car. And often stuff can be repaired, & serviceable again, rather than throw-away.

I guess there's a clear revelation of the transition from re-usable stuff into throw-away stuff, from the 1970's, & into the 1990's.

Rust is my SLC's biggest enemy at its age. But the Germans made these cars damned heavy, with tonnes of metal, so there's plenty of metal to be able to repair, as opposed to remove & replace.

I do have a decent timing-light, with a dwell meter etc etc.


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A 1972 350sl 4-speed that I bought came with a new cap, rotor, and green wire with a condenser attached. If you need, I can get the part number on the green wire. I understand they are not cheap.

Almost all the cars I've owned, if they have a condenser, the condenser has been cut out of the picture. I'm assuming it's just another possible fault towards a reliable ground. The green wire is apparently over $100, while a new set of points is around $10. You can go through probably 10 sets of points before you'd reach the cost of replacing the condenser. Right?



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The issue isn't necessarily the cost of components. The problem is that they're not available down here. And when the car breaks down, it isn't always convenient to call a tow-truck, & or perform a tune-up on the spot fitting a new set lol !

A condenser is the same as a capacitor, in that it stores / soaks an electrical current, that prevents a spark-arcing across the contacts. They also help in radio-noise-suppression. It seems that the use-of-one should enhance the point-sets life.

I don't know how old this condenser is, but in the past, you always replaced the points & condenser together.

It's also difficult to test a condenser...When your multi-meter is on Ohms-setting, a known value of current is sent by the multi-meter, to then measure the resistance of the component once energized. And this is the tricky-part, waiting for the condenser to charge-up enough, so the multi-meter can offer a reading...Irrespective of this result however, all you need to determine is whether it has open-circuited or not, & go from there. If it's open-circuited, no current will flow, & the points won't work.

The "trick" is to find a way where the points-life-span lasts around 12-months, so that they become just a part of regular maintenance, & never fail before hand. I guess it's just trial & error. And I'd rather fit a generic condenser, than a $100:00 green MB wire. The car behaved in this manner ( no issues ) before hand. And since these 0.6 & 0.4 Ohm resistors were broken ( open circuited ), the points & condenser would have seen excess voltage, for quite a while.

I've had a crappy flu for the past few days, but I hope to grab a condenser sometime today, if I feel up-for-it, & playing around.


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.

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SELLC wrote:



Are you trying to compensate for something with that large text size Icarus? Flying a little too close to the sun the past few days?

Julian... Is that what you call yourself or what your momma named you after you were thrust from her stinky hole? Was she a failure too, or perhaps she was the manager of her brothel? I'd say we were getting off topic but you seem like one of them attention starved losers who makes everything about you, so I digress.

It's a shame your overseas adventures don't allow you the ability to view that YouTube video because it really does highlight your current situation, which is not good I might add. But that's okay, you can view it once you get back here, maybe when you're on the tarmac waiting for first class to exit the plane.

I'm glad you like the information on BenzWorld! Given your level of experience I'd imagine that amounts to "How do I fill the gas tank" and "How do I keep rodents out of my stinky car"? I doubt you could afford a Mercedes and anything you may own was probably left to you by the brothel when they got shut down. I must admit, not everyone can say they were conceived in the back seat of their Mercedes, although I am sure fathers day is the loneliest holiday of the year for you. 

Speaking of fathers, you seem to have stumbled upon an old photo of my Dad! I know this just adds insult to injury for a little bastard like yourself, but yeah... I know who my Dad is and he's a master certified mechanic also. 

The level of failure you have reached on this forum is epic! 99% of your assumptions have been proven false! You're on a roll! Perhaps you should just stick to sucking on them economy/coach salted nuts..

I am sure your friends in Asia are impressed with the way you open the hotel doors for them!



You are now so defeated that you sink to the lowest level of "Ad Hominem" (for an ignorant fool such as you, google the meaning).

If this is the case I will very briefly drop my very high standards and ask which of these inbred cretins is you We have the overweight master grease monkey (who we now know may be your father), a poor trainee grease monkey in what looks like a badly managed oil and tire change outfit, a computer illiterate, a woman that turns tricks in the back of a white car, and a lapdog who must be gerryvz.

This must leave you as the very cheaply dressed fool with a crooked bow tie who has been smoking crack with those vacant staring eyes. You also seem to have this fixation about Asian people, maybe it was your long night with that Filipino girl with the six inch clitoris.

Never, ever, try ad homs against your superiors you will never succeed as in this case.

You are quite correct in assuming that I fly close to the sun, in fact on average around 30,000feet on an almost daily basis.

You will be pleased that I'll be too busy to bring you down any further for the next ten days or as I will be busy continuing upgrading to fly our new fleet of A350-XWB,1

If that is you in that dreadful suit with the shoulder pads and bow tie, forget your racial prejudices and find yourself a good Jewish tailor. 







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Alright... Which one of you noobs brought the fu@king Pilot in here!?

You know what I have always told you about Pilots... Ego's up there in the stratosphere!

Every Pilot you will ever meet is either drunk or sky high! Sometimes both!

The only people worse than Pilots are the baggage handlers... Perhaps that is what were dealing with here... Regardless it's safe to say that my thoughts about Icarus's family are probably true... You don't see many people working in the airlines that have much of a family life.... I'd bet some of these forums are the closest family that Icarus has in his lonely world up there in the sky...

Since you're new here I'm going to give you a pass Icarus... Normally I would have cut your little pecker off by now and stuck it on your forehead for all to see, but you came in here like that already, d1ck head.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Icarus is exactly the reason we need STOMA back here.

Ickarus is a waste of time. The fact that he loves Banzworld is enough to dismiss the dude out of hand as clueless and idiotic. And leave it at that.


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SELLC wrote:

Alright... Which one of you noobs brought the fu@king Pilot in here!?


 It was your little yapping lapdog gerryvz that got me here so you can thank him.

The worthless little yapping retard posted on the BenzWorld W126 as mcclare_is_my_biotch and was immediately identified and banned by the moderators as gerryvz by the mile wide trail he left behind. Poor old Fonzi had the finger pointed at him with people thinking it was him when all along it was your cretinous lapdog. That thread was deleted.

I received a private message from another W126 member citing this thread on your forum with your lapdog yapping all over it. So Rex , it would seem you have to run round after him scooping poop!

I had to smile at your drunk pilots jibe, we call it "Bottle to Throttle" usually a 'no fly' for twelve hours after consuming alcohol. With that in mind I'm enjoying a night in Paris before going to Airbus in Toulouse tomorrow.




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gerryvz wrote:

Icarus is exactly the reason we need STOMA back here.

Ickarus is a waste of time. The fact that he loves Banzworld is enough to dismiss the dude out of hand as clueless and idiotic. And leave it at that.

 And you are?

Ah yes, you are that silly little yapping lapdog leaving little piles of poop everywhere that Rex has to clean up. 

gerryvs, what an absolute waste of space you are! Apart from Rex's little yapping mascot I did find a photo of you posing with your brother. 




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Next Icarus wrote:
gerryvz wrote:

Icarus is exactly the reason we need STOMA back here.

Ickarus is a waste of time. The fact that he loves Banzworld is enough to dismiss the dude out of hand as clueless and idiotic. And leave it at that.

 And you are?

Ah yes, you are that silly little yapping lapdog leaving little piles of poop everywhere that Rex has to clean up. 

gerryvs, what an absolute waste of space you are! Apart from Rex's little yapping mascot I did find a photo of you posing with your brother. 




I was not going to get involved, but to bring you up-to-speed Icarus, & aid you in defining your enemies (& allies), here goes...

1. Gerry has not posted here for a number of years now, until very recently.

2. Gerry & SELLC had a fall-out, that you can read about elsewhere here.

3. It appears to me at this point-in-time, that for the moment, they're happy to tolerate each other.

4. Gerry is certainly not SELLC's lap-dog. And SELLC would not allow for it.

5. Taking on both these guys at once, would be unwise IMO.


Both these fellows have a life-long appreciation for fine cars, that overlaps with the M-117, & the W-126 series...And the occasional use of Nitrous Oxide to help their MB's along a little lol.

For the most part, both offer solid information about the cars they love, & want to help anyone who's interested in doing things the "right-way", 1st time around.

If people find offense to being corrected for the better, they'll never learn since protecting their ego is more important than sorting the car out correctly.



"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.

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Rastus wrote:
Next Icarus wrote:
gerryvz wrote:

Icarus is exactly the reason we need STOMA back here.

Ickarus is a waste of time. The fact that he loves Banzworld is enough to dismiss the dude out of hand as clueless and idiotic. And leave it at that.

 And you are?

Ah yes, you are that silly little yapping lapdog leaving little piles of poop everywhere that Rex has to clean up. 

gerryvs, what an absolute waste of space you are! Apart from Rex's little yapping mascot I did find a photo of you posing with your brother. 




I was not going to get involved, but to bring you up-to-speed Icarus, & aid you in defining your enemies (& allies), here goes...

1. Gerry has not posted here for a number of years now, until very recently.

2. Gerry & SELLC had a fall-out, that you can read about elsewhere here.

3. It appears to me at this point-in-time, that for the moment, they're happy to tolerate each other.

4. Gerry is certainly not SELLC's lap-dog. And SELLC would not allow for it.

5. Taking on both these guys at once, would be unwise IMO.


Both these fellows have a life-long appreciation for fine cars, that overlaps with the M-117, & the W-126 series...And the occasional use of Nitrous Oxide to help their MB's along a little lol.

For the most part, both offer solid information about the cars they love, & want to help anyone who's interested in doing things the "right-way", 1st time around.

If people find offense to being corrected for the better, they'll never learn since protecting their ego is more important than sorting the car out correctly.


 Thank you Rastus, at last a voice of reason.

I would not have bothered to sign up here had it not been for the two above mentioned characters who think that it is fun to cause, or attempt to cause, disruption at as I'm sure a reasonable person such as yourself certainly does not like the fact that I am here degrading Rex and the other troll who do not seem to enjoy the taste of their own medicine?

I regard both said characters with the greatest of disdain, and I have not the slightest compunction in taking them both on whenever necessary. Perhaps you would be kind enough to point me toward their falling out thread? My French is not that wonderful so reading some hilarity will help while away the weekend.

If you are not already a member of, you should consider joining? (you will understand, but for the illiterate gerryvz, it is a rhetorical question that means it does not require an answer).

Thank you again for your perspicacious reply.




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I back-tracked for an hour or so, & couldn't find ( so far ) that thread...

However, this one has some laughs, & great insight from a historical, & informative point-of-view, about not only why this place exists, but the continued bickering between the two forums, & how once-upon-a-time, Gerry & SELLC were "on the same page"...

It's quite funny too ! But don't take sides here...Read & learn. ( It's quite OK to laugh too !! ).


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.

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Rastus wrote:


I back-tracked for an hour or so, & couldn't find ( so far ) that thread...

However, this one has some laughs, & great insight from a historical, & informative point-of-view, about not only why this place exists, but the continued bickering between the two forums, & how once-upon-a-time, Gerry & SELLC were "on the same page"...

It's quite funny too ! But don't take sides here...Read & learn. ( It's quite OK to laugh too !! ).

 Thanks again Rastus for your polite and insightful reply. The URL you posted did make me laugh a little.

Reading through that topic highlights the venom of women scorned, or in this case two individuals banned from (That's almost poetic)

The thread in question you were trying to find may have been deleted to protect any self esteem those two have left. I state self esteem and not egos because those two have so many alto egos not only on benzworld but on this forum too!!!

It may be Rastus you may be one of those two as an alto ego, I really hope not? (rhetoric again)





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My falling out with Mcliar and his nickname comes from a transaction that occurred where Mcliar purchased an ASR Servo that was tested from Edgewater NJ to Detroit Michigan without issue. Upon Mcliar purchasing the unit and learning that it wasn't the fault in his Mercedes ASR system he wanted to return said item, making claims that it did not work. Knowing that I drove thru the Eastern door of the US without any problems I knew he was just trying to throw parts at his vehicle until such time he lucked out... Only problem is, I was on to him.

From there my relationship with McLiar soured and I have never been able to look at him the same since. Hence the name "McLiar".

Gerry on the other hand... Well, we had a falling out some time ago when he invited me to visit his web forum and some of my post were deleted for having a difference of opinion. Later I was banned. I haven't been back to his forum since, but clearly he feels comfortable posting here... Probably because I don't censor post or ban people.

Stoma on the other hand, well he has been here on and off since the forum started.. To date we aren't really sure who he is, but we know he comes from the BenzWorld / MercedesShop-Peach Parts / Pointed Three band of users who were on BenzWorld pre- Vertical Scope / Auto Forums. He has always sought out to get banned and did everything possible to get banned. Currently he is locked out of his account because he used a fake email to register his account, despite what people like PowerStroker might claim. 

Icarus is obviously another supporter, you can tell by his very limited knowledge of automobiles. has become diluted, no longer a good source of information outside of the basic parroted known issues. I am not saying that they don't at least TRY and help one another, I am just saying taking their advice can be hazardous to your safety. Then of course you have the pathetic moderators that somehow manage to keep their jobs despite more than half the forum knowing that any kind of disagreement with said wanna-be moderators will result in a banning and public humiliation. 

That is why this forum was started... To allow REAL information and opinions to be expressed... With only the fear of having your ass handed to you if you're wrong, there is No banning! Just back up your claims and present your proof and the worst that can happen here is that you're proven wrong or given credit and praised for a great idea. The way it should be! 

We do not prune this forum like The only threads I may "prune" are my own for the sole purpose of trying to make pertinent automotive information readily available and easy to search for.

Icarus would have been long since banned by by now for expressing his opinions and coming over here to "carpet bag" users. BanzWorld has a long standing policy of banning or removing reference to any other web forums.... Yet Icarus will come in here and speak so highly of BW.ORG, knowing such free speech that he puts on display here would be immediately removed over there. 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl



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SELLC wrote:

My falling out with Mcliar and his nickname comes from a transaction that occurred where Mcliar purchased an ASR Servo that was tested from Edgewater NJ to Detroit Michigan without issue. Upon Mcliar purchasing the unit and learning that it wasn't the fault in his Mercedes ASR system he wanted to return said item, making claims that it did not work. Knowing that I drove thru the Eastern door of the US without any problems I knew he was just trying to throw parts at his vehicle until such time he lucked out... Only problem is, I was on to him.

From there my relationship with McLiar soured and I have never been able to look at him the same since. Hence the name "McLiar".

Gerry on the other hand... Well, we had a falling out some time ago when he invited me to visit his web forum and some of my post were deleted for having a difference of opinion. Later I was banned. I haven't been back to his forum since, but clearly he feels comfortable posting here... Probably because I don't censor post or ban people.

Stoma on the other hand, well he has been here on and off since the forum started.. To date we aren't really sure who he is, but we know he comes from the BenzWorld / MercedesShop-Peach Parts / Pointed Three band of users who were on BenzWorld pre- Vertical Scope / Auto Forums. He has always sought out to get banned and did everything possible to get banned. Currently he is locked out of his account because he used a fake email to register his account, despite what people like PowerStroker might claim. 

Icarus is obviously another supporter, you can tell by his very limited knowledge of automobiles. has become diluted, no longer a good source of information outside of the basic parroted known issues. I am not saying that they don't at least TRY and help one another, I am just saying taking their advice can be hazardous to your safety. Then of course you have the pathetic moderators that somehow manage to keep their jobs despite more than half the forum knowing that any kind of disagreement with said wanna-be moderators will result in a banning and public humiliation. 

That is why this forum was started... To allow REAL information and opinions to be expressed... With only the fear of having your ass handed to you if you're wrong, there is No banning! Just back up your claims and present your proof and the worst that can happen here is that you're proven wrong or given credit and praised for a great idea. The way it should be! 

We do not prune this forum like The only threads I may "prune" are my own for the sole purpose of trying to make pertinent automotive information readily available and easy to search for.

Icarus would have been long since banned by by now for expressing his opinions and coming over here to "carpet bag" users. BanzWorld has a long standing policy of banning or removing reference to any other web forums.... Yet Icarus will come in here and speak so highly of BW.ORG, knowing such free speech that he puts on display here would be immediately removed over there. 

 At last Rex we are getting somewhere within our differences of agreement.

Thank you for your explanation with regard to McClare, gerry and whoever STOMA may be, I was not aware of those facts, perhaps the benzworld moderators are.


Most BBs do not tolerate infighting between members and any input from outsiders inevitably end up with the ban process, and as you rightly state I would be long gone on benzworld. To that end I congratulate you for your tolerance of me so far, however I am more than capable of trading ad homs and any form of insults until the cows come home, and as stated , usually come out on top. 

What irked me and prompted me to join your forum was that Fonzi was blamed for posting messages under an assumed username and was subsequently demoted as a moderator and had his access to the W126 forum rescinded because of a car deal that apparently went wrong. These derogatory posts we now know were due to the yapping lapdog that Rastus states you do not own, gerryvs. To me though he [gerryvs] will always conjure up an image of a little dog the size of a Yorkshire Terrier yapping at the heels of his owner.

Benzworld was another kettle of fish when owned by Frank, and I personally do not like the corporate approach by autoguide/verticalscope, however the stalwart rank and file members have stuck with it and continue to help and advise on the usual common MB issues.

With that stated I would appreciate that you do not keep signing up to benzworld just to cause disruption and maybe I'll continue here as  just a "run of the mill" member".






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I never posted anything derogatory, but simplybtried tondocument the difference between the advertised car and what I received. Apparently everyone else got so fumed by me trying to let the facts state that this mcliar guy is a piece of shit. I'm fine not being a moderator. Good riddens. My 107 and Vintage friends were pissed it seems. They know what they did over there. Someone offered me a peace offering for getting my moderator stays removed, and I told them I'd prefer not. Being a moderator of an online forum is not what I wanted to do with my life. I fully expected to get 100% banned, but too many people seemed to speak up and want me to stick around that they apparently didn't have the balls to fill out ban me. I'd love to see the moderator conversations about me. I never will and that's fine.

I wouldn't have found this place if it weren't for googling MClare to try and find some history on this piece of shit I bought.

Yeah, Benzworld apparently won't tolerate trashing members, but is glad to call people "outstanding contributors" even when their nominations come with disclaimers about the BS they've done in the past. I wish I could go back and view the threads that were part of that guy's nomination. Like what? His sunroof swap tread? They guy didn't complete the job! And to claim that's some great tutorial? WTF?

Today I drove the car and realized I'm probably not going to be able to sell it because it started blowing smoke though the vents when the AC (not working) was on today. It was the farthest I've driven it, 3 miles home so it can be picked up at my house tomorrow or Sunday, and it was smoking like a chimney inside the car through the dash vents. God Damnit. That piece of shit!


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Old rocker-cover seals go hard over time, & when they cool-down, allow a trail of oil to leak, that usually will find its way to the exhaust manifold to rest. When you start the car-up from cold, the oil burns-off the manifolds at some point, & the smoke is collected into the vents.

You possibly already burned most of the smoke away by the time of your video.

I understand that you've likely sold the car already, but if not, over time, you could still make a lot of money from that vehicle.

The car is what it is, & can be rectified...

I'm also sure that there are plenty of worse people that you could have dealt with too.


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Well, I'm happy to clarify on the timeline of what happened, because there seems to be some facts wrong.

I was informed by a BW 126 regular poster that Fonzi had posted a series of videos to YouTube detailing his new "purchase" as well as screen shots of the exchange between them, which had been deleted by the BW moderators. At this time, he had already been de-moderatored from BW and banned from the 126 forum there.

I subsequently enrolled a new account at BW "mcclare_is_my_biotch" not hiding who I was in any way (it's easy to tell it was me), and also made comments on Fonzi's posts at YouTube in support of him. McClare's many years of bad behavior need to be called out, as I and others here have done for many years in the past.

Fonzi did not pay the price for anything I had done, because anything I did came AFTER what the BW moderators had done to Fonzi.

I am certainly happy to own up to throwing a 5-gallon can of gasoline onto the fire with the express intent of burning McLiar, because he is NOT a nice human being.

The deleted threat from BW (including McLiar's initial deleted post denigrating Fonzy) is posted here:

You are welcome to call me all the names you want, Icarus. I could give a shit. Your statements and responses here show you are clearly confused and ignorant both of the prior facts of McClare's actions of the past 7-10 years, as well as what happened in this case with Fonzi and the timing of his banning, and my involvement in posts about McLiar. The facts speak for themselves.

As far as my banning from BW, that happened back in the 2010 time frame. I joined that forum back in somehting like 2002, and never had any issues. When I started doing all of my own maintenance on my 560SEC in the 2008-2009 time frame, I started posting HOW-TO articles and constructively comments on others' threads where there was mis-information, or better ways to do things, or I could assist with suggestions borne of my own experience. At this time I was quite friendly with McLiar, and we exchanged many friendly e-mails and PMs. I shared with him even the parts list I used for the top-end rebuild of my M117 engine, which I did in March-April 2010. McLiar's avatar on BW uses a photo I took of the sign at the edge of Affalterbach, Germany (on a personal visit to AMG Headquarters), which I told him he could use back in that time frame.

Several members took issue with the very practical and positive suggestions I made, as well as my HOW-TO contributions that I originated on the 126 forum. They ganged up on me and started insulting me, as they are wont to do with anyone who knows more than they do, and who they are intimidated by. And there are dozens of people who have left or have been banned from that forum who are very very knowledgeable about the 126, Rex among them. In any case, I defended myself against these individuals, and I also told the moderators in pointed terms to do their job. At that point, I got so frustrated that I just went in and deleted all 600+ of my posts. About six months after that, the BW moderators discovered what I had done, and suddenly and without warning banned me. They were able to restore some of my posts, but not all of them, funnily enough.

In any case, at that time when I was banned, I did internet research and found this forum, and started posting here. There were already many threads about the same topics and idiocy there and it fit right in. And as Fonzi says, he found the same thing.

I didn't represent myself as Fonzi at BW, every one knew it was me and only me. I don't really hide on internet forums, I have used the gerryvz moniker for decades just about everywhere. I'd continue to use it at BW too, but it's been banned.

So, Icarus, go ahead and insult me all you want. You are welcome to. You are a real man sitting behind that keyboard with your insults, and I'm totally cool with that. It's easy to be a keyboard warrior. You are welcome to pay me back as much as you want to for the perceived sleights you feel I've done at BW. But you should at least have the context and the facts.

And if you want to play here, trust me you won't be cut any slack.

I hope your putting me down makes you feel better. At least I'm man enough to use my real name/ID so everyone knows exactly who I am. I've nothing to hide.

You are not, and that says enough to everyone involved. Why don't you man up and identify who you really are?


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I like this place because it seems this place will allow the information to be flushed out. BW w126 apparently shuts that shit down before anyone can read the truth or at least form their own perceptions of what really happened. I got as far as to question why they would do such things. Is it because they don't want to have to figure out how they would remove the "outstanding contributor" tag that (as I recall when I was a moderator, and they were trying to figure out the rules around it) never figured out how exactly they would remove that privilege once granted? I was never really in favor of the concept at all, even stating that users can figure out who really contributes if they want, and having moderators decide who is an outstanding contributor is a dangerous game to play. I believe I wrote something like that in the moderator forum, but it probably was not with as aggressive of terms, as I was a brand new green moderator. I am not sure whether their deletion of posts was mostly done to protect this "outstanding contributor" for fear of having to deal with something they've not yet figured out how to do. Or did they do it simply because I was instigating a fire for everyone to throw gasoline on. One w126 moderator said I was stirring the wasps' nest, even though I didn't directly say anything bad about mcliar or even use his name/handle. If some Benzworld moderators would like to provide their side of the story here, it would be interesting. One thing I can say is that a different top level mod reinstated me and didn't seem to agree with the other top level mod. So, they may have some infighting at the top most moderator levels, not all bad. My opinion: w126 sub-forum bad.

-- Edited by fonzi on Sunday 24th of September 2017 11:27:30 AM

-- Edited by fonzi on Sunday 24th of September 2017 11:30:36 AM



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Next Icarus wrote:

With that stated I would appreciate that you do not keep signing up to benzworld just to cause disruption and maybe I'll continue here as  just a "run of the mill" member".






You have got to be kidding, right?

When your money is not welcome it's a sure sign to move on.. It defies the very constructs of "business" to operate this way and it reflects negatively on

No one can say that I didn't do my part... I paid my dues, in more ways than one I can assure you. Autoforums / Vertical Scope banning a master certified mechanic from their forums is just an example of how they roll and I was sure to document that fact in the 1st page of this thread. It's not my loss I can assure you.

That being said, unless I happen to be on a plane that you're flying, you are just a "run of the mill" member.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl



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