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Post Info TOPIC: UFO's
What are your thoughts & /or experiences with these matters ? [5 vote(s)]

Yes, they are real, no doubt.
I've never seen one, but I perceive we're not alone.
The Government has me greatly confused on this matter.
Who cares ?
You must be joking, haven't we heard enough about this bull****
No, it makes for great publicity however !


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SELLC wrote:

UFO MSM hype has really fallen off lately...

What can I say... it's Christmas time! Pork Bellys and Toys!

Maybe next year.



Yep, that's about it...

And all you have to do, is go outside, & watch the skies...( And follow the simple CE5 protocols if you like ).

As Shawnee mentioned above, the Pleiadians are more than happy to meet & greet.

Lots of activity & good times down this way yo :) !


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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So here's the Christmas update from James Gilliland of ECETI ! And it seems that the sun has sent out more flares, so people will remain cranky & unpredictable as we go through these processes...And this one needed no editing from myself, at least as I write this lol !


Winter Solstice Thu, Dec 21, 2023, 7:27PM PDT

Happy Solstmas.

As those who have done their research and homework know many of the ancient Druid and Pagan holidays were buried under Christian Holidays. December 21st is the Winter Solstice where the darkest day begins its ascension gradually turning into the lightest day at the Summer Solstice. Jesus according to scholars was born in September, 3BC. Personally, celebrating love, joy, peace and good will is something to honor everyday so why not do it in mass on the day most agree upon. The figs were ripe and they were traveling to enter themselves into the Census so his birth could not have happened in winter.

Love Jesus, Yshua Bin Joseph was his real name and his teachings were impeccable, wish the churches were as impeccable. How many churches are actually inspiring people to make their own personal God/Creator/Great Spirit connection leaving behind the fear, guilt and unworthiness ?

This Solstice has been preceded by massive coronal holes streaming consciousness, light and energy towards the Earth with X class flares and CMEs. In other words, everyones _hit is coming up. Very few will take personal responsibility for their _hit projecting and blaming others for their predicaments. Remember thoughts are daggers to the sensitive. It is time for a little Self Mastery. It is very hard on those who are clairsentient with all the collective processing and projections. Those who are sensitive are trying to find reasons for their feelings many of which are not even theirs. Pluto is coming up so everything hidden, shoved under the rug is being revealed.

Looks like a lot is being revealed and exposed literally in the Senate hearing rooms where gay sex has hit the headlines. Makes you wonder if some of the politicians started out that way as interns and just switched positions. Monicas became Kamalas. Okay trying to make light of the decadence. Most of our leaders cant even lead themselves down a path of integrity and morality. Glad I wont have their light review. Any wonder why the Epstein list has been censored ?

You can see this great reveal in politics, UFO disclosure, business and basic everyday interactions. In disclosure the shills, planned opposition, those who are morally and integrity challenged, the narcissists, opportunists along with the bat _hit crazies are all being revealed. Fits right into contact with spiritually and technologically benevolent beings, NOT.

The UFO hearings in Congress are blowing the lid off the past contacts, agreements with aliens not in our highest and best good, and deadly force used to silence those who know. It is one level of disclosure and it is being met with extreme resistance. The government does not want to admit they have had contact since the 40s, have entered into agreements, back engineered ships, allowed abductions and used deadly force to silence anyone aware of it. They also dont want to admit they have absolutely no control over our airspace when it comes to the advanced technologies used by UFOs or UAPs.

Wait till the people find out the majority of the UFO community is a controlled narrative and has been suppressing the benevolent high-level contacts. The depths of the false disclosure, the affiliations with the global elite, alphabet agencies and military by the top people in the field will shock most in the UFO community. Actually, I wrote a book on it. UFOs the Origin of Religion and Man. It is available at, soon Amazon and other outlets will have it. People want to know the truth and it is coming. New book purchase link

Getting back to the Solstice rather than get overwhelmed by the energies it is a great time to process, release the past, take personal responsibility and not fall into victim mode. Personally, I have felt intense energies, deep sadness from friends and family who have lost loved ones or are going through their own process. I have felt the collective process on Earth which is intense lately. I have watched people one minute be loving and kind the next cold and nasty. It really throws a nasty gram down the spiritual connection. I have been having as little interaction as possible with people spending more time in nature. Picking coffee and being creative with projects is like a meditation.

As we move closer to the big switch realize its going to get crazy. Especially if youre with family these holidays, they seem to know right where to go to push your buttons. Just say yes and smile to the woke, dont let them bait you into an argument. If they havent figured it out by now, they dont want too. You cannot instill want into another being. Always loved the sayings around this. Cant fix Stupid, Mama told me never argue with an idiot and my favorite, thank you for establishing your ignorance and your character, have a nice day. You can borrow those. Dont forget the only power anyone has over you is because you want something from them. Love, acceptance, agreement, this Christmas give yourself the present of finding it within. There is nothing worth joy so dont give it up. We also might add try looking around and being grateful for what we do have, the opportunities to help others, serve, and dont let friends, family or this dis-functional planet get you down. You didnt come to be a part of the disfunction or fit in. If you are reading this newsletter you came to change it. Get plenty of popcorn, it is going to be quite a show. Always remember there is an unstoppable force behind the planetary liberation, the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth. Human means God/Man/Woman and the Creator in its most unlimited understanding is pure unconditional love, joy and bliss. It is the spark waiting to ignite into the full flame. Light it up.

Be well and happy holidays whatever you wish to call them.

James Gilliland


People are being affected in a major way by negative influences during these shifts. Here is a link to clear yourself and loves ones.

* And yes folks, the new book is quite a good read, but it's more for people that know about these matters, so better to read the others first imo.


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Since no-one commented on Elana Danaan's galactic news update, I figured that you may want some more lol !

Better to place it in here I guess.


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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I stopped believing in Aliens and UFO's every since a few years back when they didn't abduct me and Melissa and breed us...

But I'm sure you're going to say, maybe they did?


And I'm just going to say, "If I have to entertain your lunacy, it's only fair that you entertain mine!"


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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There's lots to learn about the world around us !

Some folks even believe its flat !


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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It's flat.

Drive it like you stole it


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So here's the first instalment from James of ECETI for this year. It looks like everything's ramping-up with sightings all around the world being disclosed. Good stuff !

News Bomb

The Fall and Restoration of The UFO community.

We have to ask the question why is the infiltration and control of the UFO community such a priority and who is behind it. Why would fuel less energy, anti/counter gravity, healing technologies that create spontaneous healing and longevity, knowledge of God and the Multiverses far beyond religions be a threat. The obvious answer is in the questions. What if fuel was no longer necessary? What if we had the ability to lift off and travel 7000 miles an hour shielded using fuel less drives? What would happen to the drug industry if everything could be healed with natural suppressed remedies, a med bed or with frequencies. What if new organs or limbs could be regenerated? What if our images of God were limited to old men with beards taking notes, rewarding and punishing and the Omnipresent God in its most unlimited understanding is nameless and imageless? What if a better understanding of God is the one consciousness that encompasses all consciousness throughout the multiverse, the supreme intelligence or unified field. A consciousness and energy that in its most unlimited understanding is pure unconditional love, joy, and bliss and the jealous wrathful gods were not really God. What if access to that God was internal not external as all the saints, sages and masters have told us. What if access to God and these advanced higher dimensional beings was within and go between are not, and never were necessary?

How would it look if the Military were to come out and say yes aliens and UFOs are real. We have been working with them for over 80 years, we have made trades, experimentation on humans for technology have used deadly force on citizens to cover up the existence of aliens and have absolutely no control over our airspace? They come and go at will.

What have we done to almost every prophet sage or master that tried to enlighten the masses? We shunned them, tortured them and in some cases killed them. Who would be threatened by all this knowledge and contact with benevolent beings that have transcended war, disease, poverty, live according to universal law in service to the Creator within all Creation. Beings that know more about God and the true history of Earth than the recycled ignorance being taught today? The oil, coal, electric companies, war and disease profiteers, their puppet politicians, religious industry, the entire corrupt enslaving oligarchy running the planet would be threatened and that is why the masses have not been contacted.

What would happen if an alien ship landed today? We would incarcerate them, experiment on them, steal their ship and back engineer its weapons then try to find out where they came from and conquer them. Not a lot has changed in over 80 years. There are no institutions for the benevolent spiritually and technologically off worlders to work through. There are plenty for the degenerate ones with self- serving agendas.

Now that we know why the UFO community is infiltrated, a controlled narrative, lets talk about methods used to infiltrate, censor, and silence those in the UFO community that know the truth or have contact, those of impeccable integrity the far and few between. Lets talk about how the controlled narrative is implemented.

As in all crimes follow the money. By now everyone should know there is a lot of dark money tied to Satanic/Luciferian international banksters. They control the News, Hollywood and the flow of information. They control who gets the press and who to suppress. Tucker Carlson is a classic example of this suppression along with many others. If you join the controllers and censors you will be a top leader in many fields including the religious, spiritual and UFO community but lets just stick to the UFO community. The Rockefeller Initiative is a classic example along with those who name drop high level connections in politics and military. They are in most cases part of the controlled narrative. Many who shake their fists at the government have their other fist behind their back being paid. Many have alphabet or military connections of which they gain financially. Some are an extreme disservice to contact because they want to limit the information to nuts and bolts, back engineering, time travel, etc. and ignore the multidimensional, ultra-dimensional and spiritual side of the equation.

If you play ball and stick to the controlled narrative, you will rise to the top and become what is known as controlled opposition. This controls the channel of information and keeps the narrative under categories they want to promote. Keep it in the past, keep it far away in the distance, keep it dark and foreboding. By all means do not talk about anything benevolent that could help humanity take a quantum leap in evolution ending war, disease, poverty, empowering and enlightening the people. Anyone who steps out of the box of what is accepted within the religious, spiritual or UFO communities, government included herd mentality is shunned, attacked, character assassinated and if that does not work eliminated altogether.

One of the favorite tools used are cyber trolls, government shills loaded with false accusations coming from multiple IPs that post rumors and gossip over and over making it hard on the moderators to delete. They know if they say something over and over people will believe it without doing their own investigation. Then there are the gullible followers of the controlled narrative folks threatened by the truth which will jump in and add their assumptions and accusations to the pot. There are people posing as victims which were nothing more than people with agendas that were not met. There are also Manchurian candidates, honey pots set up to take down those who dont tow the line. There are trolls which are jealous or just nasty people looking for attention most living in their mothers basement. The lowest of the character assassinators reside in the UFO community itself, some in the highest positions. The posers of disclosure.

When doing an interview with the late Art Bell he asked the question what is it with the UFO community they eat their own. There is a lot of jealousy and competition, back stabbing and opportunists trying to rise on the backs of others not to mention the government shills doing their best to suppress real contact and the messages of advanced off world visitors. Conferences have become money making carnivals and now Ufology is a multi-billion-dollar business. I have often asked those putting on major conferences why they support and sponsor morally challenged speakers when they know of their track records. Everything from fraud to pedophilia. They say they are big names and you have to have big names to sell high dollar tickets.

The most threatening to the controlled narrative are the benevolent spiritually and technologically advanced off worlders which threaten the morally and spiritually challenged, the enslavers and tyrants. So now you know why they are censoring ongoing contacts, who is censoring ongoing contacts, and who are the posers pushing the controlled narrative. This includes Hollywood putting out one nasty ET movie after another. There were a few movies, ET, Contact, Close Encounters which had good story lines but the majority of them are fear based.

Not to worry disclosure will happen despite this. The real disclosure is coming from the skies. UFOs are showing up everywhere in some cases fleets of UFOs. Many are caught on the NASA live feed and recorded before they can shut it down. Whistle blowers of integrity are coming out done with the deception and cover-up. Beware of the spin and the intention in some cases this is just to acquire more funds for the war industry. People all over the world are filming the ships on their mobile phones. Security cams are recording the ships and the beings exiting the ships. They cant stop this. It is our destiny to reunite with the Greater Family of Man/Woman. Our ancient ancestors returning and those that went inward, the Inner Earth to avoid the cataclysms. These beings continued to evolve spiritually and technologically. Imagine civilizations thousands, millions even billions of years ahead of us in evolution. Soon it wont have to be imagined. It will be here. It is already here for those with the eyes to see, those spiritually advanced yet soon everyone will see we are not alone and never have been alone in the multiverse. The posers, shills and planned opposition will all take credit for it. Unfortunately the ships wont be contacting them. You have to have an open mind, loving heart, pure intent, a high level of morality and integrity. Seems they missed the mark. Contacts with the children, the starseeds will be happening on a grand scale. Time to listen to them. It is said you must be like a child to enter into heaven. Maybe heaven is much grander than imagined or what we were taught? Maybe the innocence of a child without all the wounds, traumas and social engineering is what it takes to make contact. Food for thought. One more thing it is time to create new venues where the promoters have high integrity and hold their speakers to the same values. Holding a high frequency is imperative to contact. If you create it they will come.

Pass this far and wide.

Be well James Gilliland


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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So here's the 1st weekly round-up of UFO "stuff" from Dr.Michael Salla, along with a YouTube link if you prefer to watch it...

*John Warner IV Interview on UFO Bloodlines and Elite Technology

*Biblical scholar Mauro Biglino distinguishes between two factions of Elohim

*David Adair Interview "Moon Secrets & Suppressing Breakthrough Space Technologies. Part 4

*Steven Greers 2023 Year in Review and State of UFO Disclosure

*Farsight Remote Viewing Project of human-ET base on Mars

*Official Michael Salla page created to expose hoaxers

*Houses of Reps Oversight Committee to receive UFO briefing from ICIG

*Alien Interview data getting more attention in new open UFO era

*Jean Charles Moyen trailer to Starseed Revelations Part 3 Japan Space Ark

*Growing interest in evidence of human looking ETs walking among among us

*Investigating Daniel Salters USAF and NRO career and UFO/ET revelations

*Important Disclosure Project Interview with A.H. from Boeing Aerospace

*Much debate over video of an alleged tall alien being walking in Miami


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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So here's the latest news-weekly update from Elana Danaan, having to do with all matters in ourgalactic quadrant, & beyond...

Enjoy !


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Rastus, have you ever considered that these things you are seeing in space are shooting starts, satellites or other such things?

I think Elon Musk is going to have this entire planet covered with his Space X internet nodes given the amount of rockets they have sent up over the past year FULL OF THEM! I think he calls it StarLink.

Although, have you heard that rumor about people seeing Aliens in Miami recently? There is even video footage of it, although people in Miami must still be using flip phone cameras from the 90's to take their videos... LOL


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:

1. Rastus, have you ever considered that these things you are seeing in space are shooting starts, satellites or other such things?

2. I think Elon Musk is going to have this entire planet covered with his Space X internet nodes given the amount of rockets they have sent up over the past year FULL OF THEM! I think he calls it StarLink.

3. Although, have you heard that rumor about people seeing Aliens in Miami recently? There is even video footage of it, although people in Miami must still be using flip phone cameras from the 90's to take their videos... LOL


R1. Yes of course, but I've been seeing them for years, & Elon's satellites don't power-up, flash-up, pop-in-&-out, or have the ability to change directions at a whim...And they don't glow from a blue-white ( Pleiadian ) or an orange-white ( Orion )  like these probes do...Nor will Elon's satellites fly in face-to-face with you, & then fly-out...And neither will they cruise around with you on your nightly walks as a just visible green energy with yellow/ orange outers...And Elon's satellites don't come & visit you inside the house, & hang-out.

R2. Whatever... Dinosaur technology from the 1920's...He's milking investors for every penny they have, silly suckers...But time is running-out for him, so he might-as-well cash-in while he can.

R3. Yes...There's ET's everywhere Stellar...If you had-of read some of the books I've linked-up in here, you'd realize that...Try this one, it's a great introduction my friend...And only about 110-very small pages. Well worth your time & effort. And it's free...What more could you want or need ??? A most excellent introduction imo.


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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This just in from James of ECETI...Wow, does he know how to put all the shyte going-on in a short & sweet post...

Look-out Genocide-Joe, & wake-up US-of-A !!!

* No edits from myself, this is straight cut & paste from my mail-box yo !


Protecting democracy is the platform the Democrats are running on. They have weaponized all the agencies; mainstream and social media have censored anyone who is in opposition or disagreement with the policies of the present administration. They have been using lawfare to censor and remove opposition. This included raids and jailing people for passing along Clinton memes. They are doing everything possible to remove the leading candidate off the ballot. This is the opposite of democracy. The truth of the matter is we are a Republic with God given natural unalienable rights with the Constitution as the supreme law of the land. Something the left and most democrats abhor. Their policies are not law most of which are unconstitutional and go against natural or common law. Know the difference. I would have to say almost everything they do goes against common sense.

Government officials and the military swear an oath to protect the people and the constitution. In these matters the current administration and top military officials are a total fail. They have been lockstep in the global elite plan to take down America. How did leaving billions of dollars of weapons, tanks, helicopters, trucks in enemy hands behind help our military protect and provide security for the American people? How did funding Isis and Iran help bring peace to the middle east? How did vaccinating the troops with what is now known to be a bioweapon, the clot shot make our troops battle ready. What consequences did it have on our pilots many of which are now grounded? This is not rocket science. Allowing millions of illegal aliens, mystery men come across the border unvetted, unvaxed, giving them hotels, money, medical including sex changes, bussing and flying them across the nation dropping them off, how is this in Americas highest and best good?

Our border patrol is reduced to processors, nannies and uber drivers. In some cases, democrats are passing legislation giving illegal aliens drivers licenses, pressuring them to vote democrat. This is nothing more than stacking the deck in upcoming elections, a bid for power and control at the peoples expense. The insurance companies are asking why no increase in policies, uninsured drivers are epidemic, car chases are off the scale along with deadly accidents often involving high speed chases, drugs, alcohol and human trafficking. They are now passing legislation for them to be able to buy a weapon. How can they do that with a straight face? How is that going to decrease the rapidly escalating crime wave already occurring. Looters are forming their own unions with guidelines. Break windows, destroy the buildings, show in numbers and take as much as possible. These policies and actions are undeniably breaking their sworn oath to protect the people. Does all this make you feel safe, warm and fuzzy?

Taking money from hostile foreign nations, members of the global elite sworn to take down America is Treason and there is sufficient evidence this is being done all the way to the top. Yet no matter what they do they have a get out of jail card free. They can lie, steal, inside trade, take bribes, riot, loot, burn down businesses, homes and get a pass with the media and law enforcement in most democratic run states. The media is claiming these are peaceful demonstrations with businesses, cars, home burning in the background with ongoing looting and violence on camera. If you are conservative, prochoice, question their authority the book will be thrown at you. Most politicians are in the war and disease profiteers back pockets which is why you will never see an end to war and disease. This is all starring the American people in the face, it is undeniable.

There are a few reasons for supporting this nonsense. One being corrupt, totally morally and integrity challenged. Another would be to be socially engineered to the point of cognitive dissonance. No matter how much evidence and proof is put in front of you it doesnt matter. We are seeing this with TDS, Trump derangement syndrome. The Russian pee tapes never existed, there was never any Russian collusion, Trump has not been charged with or found guilty of insurrection yet they are taking him off the ballot for insurrection? Now they are saying Trump was on Epstein Island even though the court documents clearly stated he was not. The lame stream media is posting pictures of Trump, Clinton and Epstein trying to sell the lie that they are all together in this. In fact, Trump threw Epstein out of Mar Largo for hitting on underage girls. If you follow the continued law fare, they have no cases whatsoever, no evidence, no one harmed all they have is crooked DAs and Judges trying to keep him off the ballot. It called election interference. You would never know this if you allowed the majority of the main stream media to tell you what is happening.

The polls are rigged, the elections were rigged, the ballots were harvested and faked, Joe cant even fill a high school gymnasium even when he is paying for them to come. This is 1 plus 1 equal 2 math. The democrats can only run on the lies and deceptions fueling TDS, Trump Derangement Syndrome, they have nothing else. The economy is _hit, crime is through the roof, our borders are wide open, our military is the laughing stock of the world with Generals in dresses wearing lipstick. The worst joke on the American people is our current president. How many gaffs, poopy diaper and senile jokes do we have to hear? Joe needs to go along with the vast majority of his administration. The open border, the escalating crime, the runaway inflation, the food shortages, energy shortages, poverty and homelessness all are testimony to a total fail. It is as if someone else is in charge who hates America and is sponsoring everything possible to destroy it. Follow the money.

All you have to do is put a grow light and a sand box in his back yard with a pack of pampers, record some seagulls and tell him he is at the beach. He would never figure it out. He never knows where he is, where to go and what to

say incapable of even reading a teleprompter.

What I am amazed at is no one is seeing this is all by design. Keep them sick, poor and stupid has always been their game plan. It is the game plan of the global elite. They want over 7 billion people dead, gone, off the planet in their own words and their depopulation programs are in full swing with wars and deadly debilitating vaccines. Your food and water in most cases has been corrupted not to mention chemtrails with heavy metals and biologicals. They want everyone divided, religions, cultures, races, genders how can you miss this. Do you think you and your family not a target because you are the right political party, culture, religion or race? If you play ball with them, do you think they will protect you. If you have played ball with them in the past you are even more of a threat because you know too much.

There are a few brave souls combating this it is time to get behind them. Trump is the main character now. He is the only one with the backbone to take back America. He cannot be bought. Think of him what you want but know where those ideas came from and be brutally honest does the character assassinations, accusations, lies and slander have any merit? Do you have any firsthand experience or knowledge. Why do those in his inner circle, those who work for him love him? How can you know any of the attacks on his character to be true?

Trump protected our borders, other countries admired us and respected our military, we had a great economy, jobs were up, crime was down, we were energy independent selling excess to other countries. What happened? If you cant see what happened, the obvious then no words can explain it to you. If anyone continues to support this madness God/Creator/Great Spirit help you. You are critically thinking, research, morally and integrity impaired. You dont deserve freedom. What you need is a wakeup call and it is coming.

Nothing can stop what is coming. The planetary liberation is cosmic, multidimensional, the awakening and healing of humanity and the Earth is unstoppable. The entire Universe is behind it. There are two choices. The upward spiral living in harmony with each other and nature living a spiritual life according to Universal Law. The other choice is to be self-serving, lust for power and wealth at the expense of Humanity and the Earth, the downward spiral ending in social, economic and environmental collapse. Karma is accelerating. Everything is being revealed nothing will remain hidden. Time to make a choice. For those who missed it Universal Law is Universal Peace. Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All. When you step out of Universal Law you create Karma. In some cases, it will be Truckma. Time to Unite, release the past, forgive yourself and others, transcend all religious and cultural boundaries and work together to end the tyranny, the enslavers, the war and disease profiteers, those promoting the divisions, the keep them sick, poor and stupid agendas. The group that is at war with the Creator in all creation. They serve different gods that thrive on death and destruction. We are all in this together. It is time to unite under Universal Law. A whole new world is waiting for us. A quantum leap in consciousness, energy and evolution. A world where spiritual technologies will look like magic.

This message will be heavily censored so to counter that pass it far and wide.

Be well,

James Gilliland


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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And here's the weekly news, of everything going-on in our Galactic quadrant, via Elan Danaan !

What a great way to reveal our future folks ! Good stuff imo.



"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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That reminds me... I have to find a streaming service that offers the television show "X-Files" in it's entirety... Although I have enjoyed the Murder She Wrote marathon the woman has been on for nightime viewing... funny thing about these ET's they require constant background noise to even sleep! I can manage because I'm a deep sleeper, but I don't have a problem sleeping in complete silence with no TV.

Just thought I'd mention that since were dealing on "out there" phenomena. 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Here y'all go...A snapshot of Quan Yin appearing at the ECETI ranch, out in the bare fields in light-body-form...( Which is what we can all manage ourselves with practice, & ultimately end-up being once we move-out-of our worn-out physical bodies at death, though we generally move into a spherical form, commonly termed as an orb )...

The point of posting, is further proof that we're being helped behind-the-scenes, by higher dimensional beings along with the ET's too...So wouldn't you like to help too ???...

The image may move & change, with different beings appearing & moving-on, as the energy starts to flow. Of course, they're also limited to a certain extent by the image itself being a fixed-shot, but that doesn't mean that many beings weren't captured within the shot.

Enjoy, & know that many people like Quan Yin are helping us out !

Quan Yin (3).JPG


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Here's the weekly round-up of all activity concerning the UFO cover-up via Dr. Salla, & Exopolitics !

*Deep Space Advanced Radar Capability built by Northrup Grumman is a cover for AUKUS taking charge of DEW for Earth Orbit and Deep Space.

*New York Times emphasis on UFO Mystery is a bellwether for how the Deep State wants us to think.

*Tracking Lucifer back to the Anunnaki warrior Marduk.

*Forbidden Archeology shows human presence on Earth goes back 100s of millions of years.

*Australia, Britain and US conduct Exercize Red Flag Neillis 24-1 practicing for an alien invasion ?

*US House Oversight Committee members describe what they learned in classified UFO briefing by Intel Community Inspector General.

*New Webinar Announcement Whats Coming in 2024 Catastrophic Disclosure.

*Fox News report focuses on UFOs as Interdimensional in nature contrasts with what public witnesses describe.

*Alien Lovebite How extraterrestrials manipulate relationships of human abductees.

*Pentagon relaxes classification rules for SAPs to facilitate info sharing among Combined Space Operations Initiatives members.

*Academic paper on Crypto Terrestrial Hypothesis opens door to better understanding of ancient underground civilizations and spaceports.

*Joint Japan Australia corporate venture to destroy space junk using fusion power is indicator for what classified programs developed decades ago.

*New Key West Office for Exopolitics Today reports.


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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This just in from James !!! It seems he's had a lot to say in recent times, so I'll leave this right here, unedited...


Prophesies and Predictions

We have talked a lot about the future since 1982 in the Books, Reunion with Source, Becoming Gods, The Ultimate Soul Journey, Anunnaki Return and the latest UFOs the Origin of Religion and Man. There are prophetic threads through all the books the most were in Becoming Gods. You can find these books at our website under books and videos or We have also talked about future events on the radio shows for over 20 years giving specific predictions which came true. The San Francisco earthquake, 7.1 quake that hit Seattle, swarm of quakes on Mt Hood, solar events, social political changes have all been foretold on various radio shows and newsletters. We were asked to bring things up to date and speak about the near future. Before we get into specifics, we need to know generally what will unfold, the big picture then we can see how we fit into that picture through be lie f, choice and action which are the strongest factors determining our future.

The big picture is everything that does align with Universal Law is going to come undone. Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All is Universal Law. It will be as if God/Creator/Great Spirit presses in with the Beautiful Many Masters, Saints and Sages, this includes Benevolent Spiritually and Technologically Advanced Off-Worlders, some our Ancient Ancestors while the Earth is Ascending. Humanity and the darker forces caught in the middle will have no other option than to heal, release the past, and align with Universal Law. Karma, Action/Reaction will be amplified and accelerated. There is no wrathful god, this will all be ones own undoing or ascension. There is however evolution, destiny and those who ensure evolution takes the upward spiral.

A great example is the days of Sodom and Gamora. The two cities were on a downward spiral. The moral depravity, violence, theft, lack of love, respect, honor fell to the level where something had to be done. It is like a sore on a leg, left untreated it goes septic, gang green sets in eventually killing the whole body. Sodom and Gamora were surgically removed by a very advanced race known as Andromedins, mythically known as Arch Angels. It was not done as punishment it was done to preserve and protect the whole, ensure evolution takes the upward spiral.

If you look at some of the major cities, especially democratically run they are fast tracking to a Sodom and Gamora event. When the consciousness collapses the field of energy collapse which is harmful to Earth and contrary to her ascension. She has to clean up those areas. It could be tsunamis, floods, quakes, storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, many of which with todays technology can be created or steered for all the wrong reasons. The UN, WEF, WHO the global elite would be representative of the leader ship of Sodom and Gamora before their removal. They are morally and integrity challenged, gender confused, engage in child and sex trafficking, they are also the war and disease profiteers. Many are Satanic/Luciferian which explains where the millions of missing children go every year. They are at war with masculinity because the masculine is the protector by nature of what they want to destroy. They are the international bankers, the mega corporations which own and control almost everything in modern day society. They own your political institutions, your religious institutions, business institutions, your medical institutions, the supply lines, the flow of energy, almost every aspect of modern-day living. They will come to an end.

This is a clue as to how to survive the fall of the tyrants. Dont be dependent on, modern day, become sovereign, self-sufficient, have your own water supply, heat source, grow and store your own food, be sure you can protect yourself and your family. As we speak there are around 2800 global elite meeting at Davos, the WEF meeting planning on how to completely dominate, control, reduce population through wars, bioweapons plagues, toxic food, water and air additives, chemtrails, including creating social unrest through divisionary tactics, religious or race wars. Their green new deal is a steal of your green. The earth according to the raw data not adjusted data is cooling. We are in a CO2 drought. CO2 makes up .04% of the atmosphere. Humans contribute .03% of the .04% a negligible amount the rest is natural. CO2 is necessary for the plants, forests and food production. Know the real science not the profit driven science used to terrorize you into giving up your freedoms and funds. Terrorizing the young into eco warriors into doing their bidding has worked very well, it will backfire on them when their energies are redirected towards the deceivers and tyrants. The good news is they will fail but not before doing a lot of damage.

There are two spirals in evolution. The upward spiral living according to Universal Law, a spiritual life in service and harmony with each other and the planet. The downward spiral is going against Universal Law in self-service, living in disharmony with others and the planet. Those with an insatiable lust for power and wealth desiring to control and dominate are on the downward spiral. Both spirals are being amplified, accelerated in what many call the quickening. We have spoken about all this for years and it is written about as far back as 1982 in the books and newsletters. So how does this factor into the future.

God/Creator/Great Spirit has given its best for these times. You are going to see some powerful leadership arise on both sides as things become more polarized. Nothing will be hidden; everything will be made known the iniquities of all men/women will be shouted from the roof tops. The safeguard Creator put in place, the failsafe is the soul and its connection to Source which will be activated. Many have incarnated from many planes, dimensions, advanced civilizations to be a part of the planetary liberation, the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth. Ancient memories will surface from previous civilizations that have come and gone. The Atlantis Lemurian conflict 2.0 rematch is unfolding. There are those that want to use technology to dominate spy on and control the masses which worshiped the intellect and technology. These were the Atlanteans. Then there were the Lemurians both space faring which lived according to the law of one, helping those less fortunate to reach their highest potential. They worshiped the unseen God in everyone and everything. A great war broke out initiated by Atlantis yet Lemuria ended it steering a meteor impacting Atlantis. Lets not do this again.

There was a lot of double speak back then as there is today. Observe the actions. Remember the ones accusing usually have three fingers pointing back at them. The modes operandi of the dark hearts and servants of the dark hearts often referred to as the devils tool is accuse others of what you yourself have done or are doing. A Marxist tactic. They eat the finest food, fly in their private jets, travel in their motorcades and shame you for your carbon footprint. Most of your genocidal leaders of the past were socialist. Even Hitler. Consolidating the power and wealth into the hands of a few and out of the hands of the many leads to a loss of freedom and life. Know your history. The hand outs in the beginning are someone elses money. When it is gone it ends in abject poverty, forced compliance, and eventually genocide.

To boil this down into more specific information your Sun is going to continue to expand with stronger CMEs coronal mass ejections and flares. There will be an increase in mass unrest, severe weather, earthquake and volcanic activity. The polarity between the controllers and those who demand freedom will increase. The socially and chemically engineered will begin to awaken. The gender confusion is a direct result of the controllers attempt to destroy the family unit. The race and religious wars driven by megalomaniacs will escalate until the people begin to wake up and see it for what it is and who is really behind it. The light is going to come on in every walk of life, every institution. People are going to look around and say this is not right, this is harmful to humanity and the Earth, disempowering and begin to ask questions, later demand answers.

Leadership on every level in every institution, the mainstream news and social media will be questioned, blind following is over. Social engineering will fail. The tyrants will use every method possible to maintain their ill-gotten kingdoms, power and control. It will be for naught. They are up against an unstoppable force, a destiny orchestrated by God/Creator/Great Spirit and the Beautiful Many servants of the Creator within all Creation. The days of controlling the masses with fear, guilt, shame, unworthiness, deception, and images of wrathful gods is also coming to an end. Those perpetuating these false images and programs will go mad. All logic will evade them, they will become fanatic, thinking they are the chosen ones creating more division contrary to their prophets, masters and sacred texts. Love, service to others, unity will be tossed out the window in some religions, upheld in others. Tyranny in all forms will have no place to hide. Those serving the beast will go down with the beast.

The more we stop allowing outside influences to control and dominate our lives the better off we will be. Those that go within, those who allow their heart and spirit to guide them will fare well. The soul actually sits in a chamber next to the heart. The soul is connected to God. Enlightenment is a multidimensional journey that begins with accessing the soul and expanding into greater states of awareness. Love, Joy and bliss is the target for that is the true nature of the Creator, the true nature of man/woman. The God seed, the spark awaiting to become the full flame.

If you take this path, you wont need a prophet, a seer, external leadership because you will be lead from within. You will know in the moment what to do. We suggest acting on inner guidance and prepare for future moments. There will be a collapse of the old to make way for the new. The Federal Reserve which was never Federal is the institution used by the enslavers. It and its banks will fall. There is talk about a QFS quantum financial system that will take the place of the banks where everyones accounts are mirrored yet things could go either way. Do not go into a digital money system, they will control every aspect of your life. Precious metals are always a good back up as well as land yet be conscious when working with the land. Respect the already existing flora and fauna, sit with the land, ask permission before altering the terrain. Not doing so can have consequences.

The corrupt agencies will also fall as the leadership is held accountable. The Global organizations whose mandate is to control and dominate will come to an end. The tyrants globally will also come to an end. They are on the downward spiral and not frequency specific to the Earths ascension. There are some very powerful people that are waking up, getting behind the awakening and healing process that is well underway, standing for freedom that had a sketchy past. If they stay on track support them. They will be directing assets and energy to the liberation of Earth. Nature is going to become very active in the cleanup. There are also forces on the ground rising, the white hats divinely inspired to restore the republic, the Constitution, Universal Law, nationalists in every nation doing what is right for their people. It will be two steps forward one back yet eventually there will be a ground swell of people resisting the ever-increasing tyranny around the world, the rising to the occasion. There will be no place to hide for the servants of the Beast. It will be as if God/Creator/Great Spirit says, IT IS FINISHED.

Choices and actions individually and collectively will be the main drivers in the individual and collective futures. In simple terms, your choices and actions along with your past will decide your future. We have to release the past, heal any wounds, traumas, wrong conclusions from past experiences. This includes generational, race and cultural grudges if we are going to be a part of the Earths ascension. If not, we will go back on the wheel of death and rebirth, back to a lower plane, start over due to the fact that you will no longer be frequency specific to Earth. Sorry to say many will take that path, some are not bad people they are just bad listeners, to attached to social consciousness, positions and power.

We are moving into a different consciousness. A consciousness necessary to contact and connect with God/Creator/Great Spirit, the Beautiful Many Saints, Sages and Masters which includes Benevolent Spiritually and Technologically Advanced Off-Worlders, some our ancient ancestors. Contact has been going on for time eternal with those who rose to the occasion. This is in all your sacred books. The veils between worlds are becoming very thin. Stop waiting for contact. Dont expect others to make contact for you. Especially in Ufology, it is a controlled narrative, disclosure is an 80-year fail. The last thing the controllers want is for you to have access to free energy, quantum healing, knowledge of the true history of Earth, the true origin of man and religions. Sounds like a great title for a book. UFOs Religion the Origin Man.

Contact with benevolent Spiritually and Technologically advanced ETs would be a great equalizer, and end to the enslavement through dependency. Imagine free fuel less energy, replicators to provide your needs, med-beds that can restore your DNA, heal any disease rejuvenate organs rebuild your body including lost or damaged limbs. Anti/counter gravity traveling several thousand miles an hour safely opening the door to space, other planets, other dimensions. This technology already exists on Earth yet it is not in the hands of the people only the self-selected. Before this technology can be utilized, we need to rise to the occasion with a high level of morality and integrity. We need to heal past trauma, forgive, release the past, raise your frequency, live according to Universal Law. Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All. Get out in Nature, pray, meditate, give thanks for what you have. Ask yourself what you are doing to create Heaven on Earth. For those with open minds, loving hearts and pure intent go out in the wee hours of the morning on a dark moon with clear skies. The skies are filled with ships. Theyre waiting. It is destiny to join the greater family of man throughout the galaxy and universe. They also come from other dimensions and Inner Earth. There is going to be one heavenly reunion coming up. Be ready for it.

God speed,

James Gilliland

And I'll pop-in our weekly Galactic news update from Alana Danaan for those finding interest in these matters ! Lots going-on everywhere !



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Rastus wrote:


Quan Yin (3).JPG


This photo reminds me of Boston...

Did you know it wasn't until recently that I realized them space ships on the Boston albums were guitars? LOL


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Here's the latest from Dr.Salla of Exopolitics, who speaks with Elana Danaan, further elaborating the "Space Ark" theme that will happen once the ET's are forced to intervene here, likey in the near future.

Good stuff, interesting reading & viewing imo.

Dr.Salla states...

qt."In her January 29, 2024, Star Nations News, Elena Danaan shares two updates from extraterrestrial sources familiar with the history of space arks and their essential functions. The updates confirm that massive space arks have played vital roles in Earths history and are poised to do so again by rising from their hiding places and appearing before the world in ways that will immediately end the secrecy system. Such an event would amount to catastrophic disclosure for the Deep State and those unprepared for the existence of extraterrestrials and Inner Earth civilizations".

"The first update is from Akvaaru, an ambassador of the Galactic Federation of Worlds to the Alcyone star system, who describes how the Federation has built fleets of massive space arks for use in planetary crises in the Pleiades and other solar systems. The second update is from Oona, a representative of the Altean civilization that is part of the Intergalactic Confederation (aka Seeders)".

"Oona shares important details about the history of space arks on Earth in terms of their construction, operations, and advanced technologies. Importantly, she describes how the arks are specially constructed to be operated by a crew with a unique combination of genetics and consciousness. Only crew members can operate the arks, and they incarnate on worlds where the arks are hidden and resurface to take control of the arks at the right time. Critically, she says that crews are highly sought after and must remain hidden to escape capture. Critically, she corroborates information from a US Army insider, JP, that the arks will eventually begin to rise from their hiding places to be seen by everyone".

"In this interview, Elena Danaan elaborates on key points from the respective updates from Akvaaru and Oona and the prospects of disclosure happening soon. Crucially, she explains how the space arks cannot be taken over by those without the right genetics. Also, Danaan explains how a British scientific establishment plan for disclosing the existence of extraterrestrial life is consistent with a disclosure plan devised by the Galactic Federation. Finally, Danaan discusses a recent spate of Moonquakes and asserts these are likely a result of massive infrastructure projects that are underway".


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Here's the latest weekly news up-date from Elana Danaan, with a message from "The Nine" !


There's lots of activity in the skies down this way, I hope you're all busy too !


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Dr.Salla interviews some interesting folks, so read-on in brief about our ancient history yo !

Two Earths, the Nephilim and Overcoming Alien Manipulation

Dr. Brooks Agnew has traveled the world in search of archeological evidence and records about ancient Earth history that he analyzed in his four-volume book series, The Ark of Millions of Years. He has found that a race of extraterrestrials called the fallen angels in ancient texts, including the Book of Enoch, established a race of giants called the Nephilim who became a corruptive force in early human civilizations. He believes the Nephilim were not entirely exterminated in the Great Flood and made a come-back. They have ever since been agents for surviving fallen angels who manipulate humanity through war, religion, and corruption.

Dr Agnew asserts that four out of the original 200 fallen angels continue to operate on Earth in locations such as Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado, Antarctica, the Middle East, and Asia. He has also researched Inner Earth literature extensively and concluded that an entryway can be found at the geographical North Pole. Finally, he believes that humanity will survive the efforts of the fallen angels through the Nephilim and corrupt human elites to manipulate them by no longer supporting endless wars and opting instead for global peace.

Here's the Youtube link for the full-show !


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Dr.Salla sums-up the US-of-A ET involvement since WW-II brilliantly here in this cut & paste, & Shawnee will love the Antarctica mentions...

Lots of provable facts & witness testimony coming-out, which is an awesome achievement. And there's been heaps of activity flying-by in the skies above down this way...Incredible stuff, so I'd think that your own personal experiences with our ET friends isn't too-far-away, where the TV & gov't can't hide or deny any-more yo !

Dr.Salla reports...

Exposing Deep State, Psyops, Hiding the Truth about Alien Life & Transformative Technologies...

Dan Willis, a former US Navy veteran, news anchor, and 2001 UFO disclosure witness, has for decades encountered multiple psychological operations used to hide the truth about extraterrestrial visitors and transformative technologies from the general public. These psyops began during the Second World War when the world public was deceived over the alleged total victory over Nazi Germany and not informed about a significant breakaway German colony in Antarctica and South America that was in possession of the wonder weapons developed with the assistance of extraterrestrial visitors. Hitler had threatened to unleash these to win the war in Europe, but they were not ready for deployment. Instead, the German-ET wonder weapons were taken to Antarctica to create a Fourth Reich and were used to defeat successive British and US naval expeditions sent to find and destroy the German Antarctic colony in 1946 and 1947.

Over the successive decades, the scientific community and general public were deceived in another well-thought-out psyop that the Fermi Paradox was true when in actuality, there were multiple encounters, diplomatic meetings, and even agreements reached with multiple extraterrestrial visitors to our planet.

Sophisticated psyops were also developed to convince the public that rocket propulsion was the optimal way for humanity to become a spacefaring civilization, while exotic antigravity and torsion field propulsion systems were covertly developed and used in secret space programs. Finally, advanced holographic healing technologies were developed that could fully regrow human limbs and organs, and could be used for life-extension purposes.


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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I'll watch, sound cool.

Drive it like you stole it


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Shawnee_B wrote:

I'll watch, sounds cool.


Yo Shawnee,

I actually downloaded it, & finally got around to watching it...

And what a great show it is too, well done Dr.Salla, & Mr.Willis...Highly recommended for anyone to watch, as it covers a lot of bases...

Within these pages, I've linked-up a number of Witness Testimony's, & was saddened when I had to report the passing of Mr. Karl Wolf, & Mr.McLandish a little while ago, but even more saddened now to learn that Mr.Wolf was struck-down by a massive truck whilst bicycling, & Mr.Mclandish's apparent suicide from Mr.Willis's update, who was also a whistle-blower at the 2001 National Press Conference, as hosted by Dr.Greer.

RIP good brave men ! We owe you.


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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We're back!

US successfully lands on moon for first time in half-century with private robot spacecraft

And according to the article, we plan on having another man/woman on the moon sometime in the 2020's along with a "moon base"...

How cool would that be? Moon vacations and moon sex!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:

We're back!

US successfully lands on moon for first time in half-century with private robot spacecraft

And according to the article, we plan on having another man/woman on the moon sometime in the 2020's along with a "moon base"...

How cool would that be? Moon vacations and moon sex!



On the basis that people like Corey Goode & many others testimony is true ( and I happen to think that the bulk of it is true ), you've been flying to & from the Moon & Mars  since the mid 1960's...And the Germans since the 1930's...

Apparently through 2021, The Confederation of Worlds rid the Moon & Mars of the Reptillian, Orion Grey & Serpent being infestation...It was this assembly of beings that aided Hitler in 1933 & onwards through WW-II...That then reassembled in Antarctica.

The US-of-A via Mr.Eisenhower met with Pleiadian peoples, who ultimately aided us & the ending of WW-II, & were going to help us out in ridding the world of the aforementioned Nazi conglomerate of ET's... However, once it was known that the Pleiadians were NOT going to assist us with weapons, & learning just how far advanced the Nazi's were in there technologies, the US-of-A's "powers-that-be" decided to continue on with the Nazi agenda & the Fourth Reich was born, & infiltrated into the US-of-A via "Operation Paperclip"...

* In other words, the US-of-A war-mongers / profiteers, decided that is was better for them, to hold the world to "rule-under-the-threat-of-war" via the use of weapons-of-mass-destruction, than give us peace, love, evolution, free-energy, & peaceful interaction & even trade with our Star Family...( In fact, they also met with another ET group where people & their abductions were traded for technological secrets ).

Prior to this, around 1947, the US-of-A divided into 2 x govt's, the "TV gov't" that you think runs the country, & the "Secret Gov't" that actually does run things. To actuate this, the CIA & Air-Force were formed, to keep the people in the dark about ET's, & how far advanced the German's were.

After Eisenhower met with the Pleiadian ET's, he was slowly removed from the ongoings & knowledge of the USAP's that were now busy in their concerns of reverse-engineering ET craft at places called DUMB's ( Deep Underground Military Bases )...And people like Allan Dulles ensured that the NAZI scientists were incorporated into these projects, & places such as NASA. And anyone who interfered or didn't agree with "MJ-12" ended up like the Hon. Mr.Forestal & JFK...

But you know all this, since you've been keeping-up reading pots in here, & watching the vids, & reading the free books Yo !

-- Edited by Rastus on Friday 23rd of February 2024 04:58:10 AM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Operation paperclip.

Drive it like you stole it


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So here's a more accurate summary from what I wrote above, & should elaborate more about "Operation Paperclip", & how the US-of-A became what it is today, via a report from Mr.Dan Willis, who is Retired US-Navy, ex-ABC newsman, & has his finger on-the-pulse of things yo !

qt."On the planet earth there was group of individuals who plotted to rule the world to serve their own interests. They infiltrated the secret societies and used them for a cover for their plan. With their great control of financial wealth and their assets placed in high positions to move forward on their secret agenda, for what they called a "New World Order", to have the entire world under their complete control, as part of their plan, they funded the Nazis of Germany into power.

Before the end of World War II, many Nazis had escaped with the help of the Vatican, and they had set up a secret base in Antarctica, where they had entered into an alliance with the Draco of the Ciakahrr Empire, which gave the Nazis highly advanced technology. This act was in direct violation of the established Prime Directive in our galaxy.

In Operation High Jump, when the US attempted to destroy the Nazi base, they were completely defeated with their advanced anti-gravitic craft with directed energy weapons. This is how they were able to intimidate the US government into a future surrender.

In order to move forward on their new world order agenda, the Nazis fully infiltrated into the US under Operation Paperclip through their assets placed within US intelligence. In order to keep these operations secret from the American people, who believed they won World War II, they placed their assets in high positions in intelligence, aerospace, pharmaceutical corporations, health agencies, education, entertainment, news media etc. to create a "matrix of perception" in order to hide this fact from the American people.

They had the history of World War II completely rewritten in order to hide the Nazi escape and infiltration from school children studying history in the future, as well as the Nazi's deep connection with the occult. They had all the major universities all over the world silence the truth about what they knew about the powers of human consciousness to affect reality.

President Eisenhower had a meeting with the Galactic Federation of Worlds which tried to warn him about the Nebu grey extraterrestrials from Orion and to not give consent to them by entering into a treaty. The Nazis had already placed their assets within the newly formed MJ-12 control group, who went behind Eisenhower's back and entered into a treaty with the Nebu.

The Nebu violated the treaty and moved forward to their future plan to fully control earth through their hybrid program abducting millions of humans on earth.

Since that time, a surrender was made during the Eisenhower administration to the Nebu and Draco and our legal constitutional government has been denied access ever since.

In the interest of balance, the Galactic Federation of Worlds has been working secretly with the US Navy to help protect earth by helping the Navy create a fleet of space craft for a program called "Solar Warden", and recruiting personal for 20 years tour of duty in space on a separate timeline and then returning them back to their original timeline.

With high level individuals in our military and intelligence now being illegally denied access, an attempt in 2001 by many military and intelligence witnesses to disclose these operations to the people of earth was suppressed by their control of the news media.

Their most powerful asset to move forward and accomplish their agenda for a "new world order" was their almost complete control of information through the mainstream media outlets as well as social media on the internet. They kept our civilization from technologically progressing through citing national security concerns legally suppressing any technological breakthroughs that would threaten their control, thus keeping our planet technologically retarded while they secretly advanced by several decades of advancement.

They kept the public believing that primitive rockets were the only method to overcome gravity to go into space. They used the public's money and personnel in compartmentalized secret projects to fund and advance their secret space program, with operations in Antarctica, the Moon, Mars, Ceres and elsewhere in our solar system. Where they utilized captured humans for slave labor in all their operations in underground bases on earth and throughout our solar system.

Their new world order plan through their control of regulatory agencies, that were initially intended to protect the health and welfare of the public, was instead being used through various means to fulfill their plan to reduce the entire population of earth by 90%, where the remaining 10% would be controlled and enslaved to serve them.

Many whistleblowers and witnesses exposing their dark operations despite their secrecy and censorship, have contributed to a current global awakening exposing the truth of these crimes against humanity.

Once a certain critical mass awakening of the people of earth occurs, these criminals against humanity will be then brought to justice using the rule of law, which will lead to earth's liberation into a positive timeline without these dark criminal elements impeding earth's positive evolution into joining the galactic community.

Since the early 1950's, the Galactic Federation of Worlds, has been secretly helping Humanity with cooperation programs sharing of technology, helping us building our defenses against the Nebu threat. As part of this cooperation, the Earth Alliance was created, allying Earth and extraterrestrial military forces to fight back the invader. This cooperation program gave birth to the Solar Warden fleet.

February 2021, Luna, Earth's moon, was liberated from the Nebu and Dark Fleet occupation, by the Earth Alliance and the Galactic federation of worlds.

April 05 2021: Raids start on Mars, performed by the GFW and the Martian Alliance.

May 14 2021: GFW decoded the frequency keys of the stargates used by the Nebu in our star system, and locking them.

June 6 2021: Liberation of Antarctica from the Dark Fleet.

July 5 2021: Final victory on Mars.

July 14-17 2021: Jupiter agreements.

Aug 28 2021: liberation of Ceres.

The Deep Underground Military Bases were progressively cleared, and the Nebu Grays finally cast out of this star system, as well as the Ciakahrrs".

-- Edited by Rastus on Sunday 3rd of March 2024 01:52:35 AM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Here's a cut & paste memo from Dr.Greer, in reply to a bogus post that appeared in the Washington Post today...

(As you can see, lot's of confusion in all areas of news & information, so sit back & enjoy the pop-corn !!! And it's a global CE-5 night tonight, so get out & enjoy yourselves !!!).

qt."Below is what was written in the Washington Post about the AARO report.

(AARO is the Defense Department Group taking testimony about the UAP/UFO issue.)

"A lengthy Defense Department review of U.S. government activities related to unidentified anomalous phenomena, more commonly known as UFOs, has found no evidence that extraterrestrial intelligence has visited Earth or that authorities have recovered crashed alien spacecraft and are hiding them from the public."

One of the Disclosure Project witnesses who went in person to the AARO office to give his testimony stated categorically to Dr. Greer today: "I never told AARO it was an ET craft, I saw. I said numerous times it was 100% man made".

He also read other testimony in that report that he knew to be incorrect from what several of his fellow whistleblowers had stated. It was always around the issue of whether a craft was of ET origin or Human Origin.

Dr. Greer has been stating for years that the BIG secret the "powers that be" want to keep secret is NOT that there are UFOs visiting the planet but that HUMANs have reverse - engineered and developed the technology so that humans have craft that look very similar to and behave like ET made craft.

If it were known that HUMANS have these types of craft it would change the perception of 2 major issues:

1) The energy issue. It means we have the means to fix all the energy problems we are facing because we do not need fossil fuels. ET craft and the human craft made to look like ET craft do not use fossil fuels.

2) Attacks allegedly perpetrated by ETs could be proven to be perpetrated by humans with craft mimicking ET made craft.

Please read the whole Washington Post article on the Pentagon report

(The Washington Post makes you sign up to read the article but there is a free option).

The fact that the truth is being covered up by the AARO office makes it even more important that Congress hold OPEN hearings so the public can hear for themselves from these courageous witnesses and whistleblowers".

And there's also a week-long webinar starting on the 11th, that you can join-in virtually if you like. See "Sirius" for the link, (though I believe it may be called "Dr.Steven" now LOL) !

-- Edited by Rastus on Friday 8th of March 2024 09:57:29 PM


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It has been relatively quiet on the UFO coverage in the MSM lately... 

But it is an election year!


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So here's a great opening statement by Dr.Salla of Exopolitics, indicating the way things really are / have been here on earth, & a link to a discussion on these matters...

Qt."Earth has hosted many human and non-human civilizations for billions of years. Our current global civilization is just the latest in a series of experiments designed to create a corporeal vessel that can responsibly and compassionately handle next-level soul incarnations. On March 23rd, 2024, Dr. Michael Salla will reveal several of Earths Ancients who still exist within the inner Earth habitats, safe from the surface changes and challenges affecting Humanity's Awakening".

-- Edited by Rastus on Monday 11th of March 2024 04:54:31 PM


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Dr.Salla is in discussion with Laura Eisenhower, the grand-daughter of "Ike", who has released a book ( among many ) that explores & confirms the US-of-A's involvement & cover-up of the UFO subject, namely from Ike's era...

Yes, its all in here already, but we need back-up for our claims & facts, & so this is another confirming piece for those working on puzzles, & who haven't as yet met our guests, the ET family !

qt. IKES role in agreements reached with Aliens Revealed by Great Granddaughter in New Book

Laura Magdalene Eisenhower is the Great Granddaughter of President Dwight Ike Eisenhower, and in her first book, Awakening the Truth Frequency, she sets out to clarify the role he played in secret agreements reached with a breakaway Nazi colony in Antarctica and later agreements with extraterrestrials. According to Eisenhower, Ike, was overruled by the MJ-12 Special Studies Group, which had been set up under President Truman to manage the extraterrestrial presence. She cites historical events that support the claim that an agreement amounting to a surrender of some kind had been reached soon after the Washington DC flyovers in July 1952 by Nazi antigravity spacecraft flying out from Antarctica.

In subsequent encounters with extraterrestrial visitors, after he assumed the Presidency in January 1953, she asserts that Ikes hands had been tied by the earlier agreements the MJ-12 Group had reached with the Germans during the Truman administration. In her book, Eisenhower asserts that in response to the dire exopolitical situation, Ike created a Special Section within the US Marine Corps, that would be responsible for intervening to protect the US Republic if the agreements with the Germans and extraterrestrials went awry.

In her Exopolitics Today interview, she responds to critical questions about different factions of human-looking Nordic extraterrestrials the Galactic Federation of Worlds in terms of them either being compromised through their collaboration with the Nazis or helping the US Navy help transition humanity to a Star Trek Future, and the nature of the surrender that had been achieved during the Truman administration. Finally, Eisenhower explains what lies ahead for humanity in terms of a timeline split as our planet transitions from 3D (Earth) to 5D (Tara) and finally to 7D (Gaia).

-- Edited by Rastus on Thursday 14th of March 2024 09:07:32 PM


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Elon recently got that fat-hog space-ship to finally break out of the atmosphere! So YES, when that thing starts making trips to the Moon and to Mars -- I would think a very real version of Star Trek life could become reality for the explorers who take up the task. I'm half tempted to think it already exists on space stations currently -- but not to the same luxury of the Enterprise just yet... the question is -- will earth have enough metals to build all these MASSIVE space-ships? Crazy times we are living in, yet I still feel cheated we don't have flying cars yet. LOL


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So here's a most excellent webinar that covers a lot-of-ground, including how at least 3-4 ET craft operate & function, among many other necessary items worthy of discussion, including giving our hosts previous post some very real answers, whist sinking Elon's bullshyte space-rockets (ROTFLMAO). Download & watch again & again to digest it all.

Enjoy !!!


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Here's the latest update from James Gilliland of ECETI...Cut & paste from my mail-box, with some very intriguing news within. So read on yo !


April 8th solar eclipse, Baltimore Bridge, Taiwan Earthquake, Fall of the Beast.

Its been a while since the last newsletter. We have been very busy keeping up with the latest challenges and events. As we all know the Biden Administration and the weaponized agencies have been very busy taking down conservatives, churches, reporters, blogs, websites all of which criticize the current administration. There are also darker unseen negative influences doing their part. We are not immune to this although we have tools and connections that help in these matters. I do believe they will collapse under their own karma soon. Anything that does not align with Universal Law is imploding. We all hope sooner than later due to the harm done to innocent people. We are witnessing the exposure and fall of the beast.

There have been several major solar flares and CMEs, coronal mass ejections. One recently hit the Earth on Tuesday and Wednesday, yet the gamma and x rays hit earlier. Those sensitive feel the earlier higher frequency waves. The Schumann Resonance is all over the place although we sound like a broken record expect changes on every level. The recent Taiwan earthquake was a result of this. There will be major storms, quakes, volcanic eruptions to come. In meditation I saw a huge cloud, a massive storm which could have several meanings. Storms bring about great changes. I saw Africa going through intense changes on every level. Social, Political, followed by massive physical storms and earthquakes, some natural, some generated. Major battles on many levels are wagging in Africa mainly due to its abundant resources.

Speaking of unnatural disasters allegedly the Baltimore bridge had a trillion dollar insurance policy by, drum roll wait for it, Silverstein. Yes, the same Silverstein that triple insured the Twin Towers. Need I say more? This is going to be a multibillion dollar loss, farmers will have trouble getting fertilizers, farm equipment, exports of natural gas and coal will not get out to Europe. There are major consequences to the collapse of the bridge which they are making a racist event? When the race card and environment card is played we can rest assured the black hats are behind it. Follow the money. Take no notice of the last name if you do your antisemitic.

The eclipse on April 8th has so many possibilities unfolding. Cern is activating which always seems to turn out bad due to their alignment with darker forces. NASA also is shooting serpentine rockets at the moon. I am sure they are going to do heavy chemtrailing with ungodly chemicals, heavy metals, and biologicals. States along the eclipse line are calling for a state of emergency and telling people to store up 2 weeks of food and water. There is a major planetary alignment signaling great changes on every level. The dark hearts or cabal have their plans which are going to clash with the white hats who according to many have this all under control. Like the blind man said, We will see. According to Tucker Carlson the old guard is crashing and a new guard is taking its place. He is someone in the know we can trust.

We all have to do our part. We cannot expect others to save us. Best advice I can give is to prepare on every level. Spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. Stop serving the beast. Your connection to the beast will determine the consequences when it falls. There is a plan. It is God/Creator/Great Spirits plan. It is multidimensional and it is unfolding. We need to pray and meditate for divine intervention. Not just Masters, Saints and Sages but benevolent off worlders as well. They have transcended war, disease, poverty and are waiting for the invitation. We need to invite the benevolent beautiful many to assist us in this transition. We are going to need all the help we can get. It's go time.

God speed,

James Gilliland


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I used a pair of sunglasses and a welding helmet to view the eclipse (99.8% totality in my area) and it was pretty cool... it got dark enough to where the street lights kicked on! With the sunglasses and mig-welding helmet you could really see the moon covering the sun and the sweep that it made. It was pretty cool to see none the less... I was already outside fixing cars so it was sort of cool how it went dark for a minute... 


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You're going to have to wait another 20-years Stellar, for another eclipse like that, so I'm glad you enjoyed the event !

So here's some news worth watching from Peter M Slattery & James Gilliland, on a podcast called "Rock the Ripple" from a few days ago. So it's good to SEE James again, & hear all updates from people that are actually in-the-know, regarding all matters ET.

Enjoy !


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Dr.Salla has been interviewing some good Russian people, & dives-deep into their SSP, the NAZI's, & other juicy stuff comparable to our own yo !

Cut & paste only, check website for video etc etc, but the short read is a good one, as it's all a piece to the puzzle that was the hidden truth, so-to-speak !

Nazi Germany used a Global Network of Tunnels to create a 4th Reich with Flying Saucers

In the early 1940s, Nazi Germany discovered a network of ancient tunnels around the world, where it began to develop a breakaway civilization (aka 4th Reich) with flying saucer and other advanced aerospace technologies. According to Dr. Anton Anfalov, the Nazis were helped by Inner Earth beings belonging to what he describes as the Symbiont Underground & Space Terrestrial Nonhuman Civilization (SUSTENC). He says that in addition to Antarctica, the Nazis created bases in Greenland, Norway, Sweden, Chile, Argentina and Brazil with the help of prominent European industrialist families such as the Wallenbergs.

Dr. Anfalov confirms that in addition to the USA, the USSR/Russia began secretly reverse engineering captured Nazi technologies along with spacecraft retrieved from SUSTENC for a secret space program. He further confirmed the use of psychics by the Russians to understand and operate the advanced antigravity technologies used by SUSTENC.

Dr. Anfalov has interviewed hundreds of Russian whistleblowers and been given documents on the UFO phenomenon dating back to the post-World War II era. He has gained much knowledge about UFO crash retrieval operations in the Soviet Union and Russia; learned about ancient underground tunnels built by SUSTENC that the Kremlin repurposed for its own deep underground military bases; and the development of a Soviet/Russian secret space program that uses psychics as a standard operating procedure.


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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I just came in from an awesome CE-5 ( its been awesome all week btw ), with what seemed like the sun coming-up from the south after sunset...The sky turned blue, to aqua, to a bright-red & orange for about an hour or so, with around 50-odd ET friends cruising through the atmospheric light show, called a Solar Storm...

Here's the blurb from 1440 in my mailbox with news about the event, so expect some great night-time displays folks ! ( It's quite funny to experience the event, & then read about it in gmail lol )...

Geomagnetic Storm

An extreme G5 geomagnetic storm reached Earth last night, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The G5 storm is the strongest (see scale) to hit Earth since October 2003. The storm triggered the aurora borealis, commonly known as the northern lights, in many parts of the US and around the world (see photos). Geomagnetic conditions could persist through this weekend and potentially disrupt some telecommunications and power grids.

A geomagnetic storm is a temporary disturbance to Earth's magnetosphere (the region of the planet dominated by its magnetic field) caused by solar flares and coronal mass ejections. Solar flares are bursts of radiation coming from sunspots, while coronal mass ejections are bursts of plasma and magnetic field lines coming from the sun's corona (see overview). NOAA has observed a series of solar flares and coronal mass ejections since Wednesday. This week's solar flares have been associated with a sunspot cluster that is 17 times the diameter of the Earth; the Earth's diameter is roughly 7,926 miles.

An average of four G5 geomagnetic storms occur every solar cyclethe 11-year cycle of the sun's magnetic field. The current solar cycle began in December 2019.


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Here's link to Mr.Greer's most recent film, "The Lost Century" which he recently announced a few days ago via my e-mail-box qt."Is now available for free viewing on Rumble"...So I checked on You-Tube, & there's a version available that I'll link-up below...

It's a much better film than I thought it would be btw, with the "Free energy" subject getting a really-good treatment, using both past Witness testimony, & current investigations & thoughts on the matter...In fact, the secrets to free-energy are revealed, & the differing types that have been successfully developed over the last 120-years ( but sequestered due to corruption in the US-of-I ) revealed, & their stories discussed.

The CSETI team have made many great films over the last 10-years, I thank & congratulate them for their persistence in bringing truth to the world, & making the effort for much needed change.

Enjoy this, much better than watching political shyte on the idiot-box ( that's Aussie slang for TV )...


Also, there's lot's of continued UFO activity down-this-way, so there's no excuses to miss-out...Get into CE-5, discover the truth, & make a better life for everyone !!! The politicians aren't going to do it, it's up to you.


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Rastus, this might have been big news for your Alien ambitions had it not been for the fact Harvard is now seen as a 3rd world insitution on the take. Anything for a buck I suppose.

Harvard UFO study claiming aliens could be on Earth disguised as humans is a 'thought experiment,' expert says

The study by Harvard and Montana Technological University said aliens might be living among us on Earth


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It's quite funny that all the "official" news & updates about these matters (UFO's) come from people that have never, ever seen one...

All I can do for my part is let y'all know that my friends cruise-by most nights, & pop-in to say g'day everyday...

Get into CE-5 folks...Learn the truth...And leave the rest behind...

And I dare say that Pete Slattery will be releasing his latest film pretty-soon for free called "Ascension", but until that time, & on the basis that you don't do CE-5's, this will have to do, & at least show you what to expect, plus what's really going-on with quite a few people around the world, myself included yo !

-- Edited by Rastus on Friday 14th of June 2024 03:24:04 AM


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It seems that Mr.Greer & the team at CSETI have finally had some luck in providing Witness Protection Protocols instated at full legal levels, to help encourage & protect people who wish to disclose their illegal activities within Top Secret Military & Corporate illegal affairs...No doubt it's a great result, but these corporate folks are dangerous...Still, it's a huge step forward, & adds even greater respect to the many people that have testifies already with their Witness Testimony's in the past, some as found within this thread.

Here's the cut & paste from my mailbox.

Protection for Significant Whistleblowers.


Dr. Greer has been in touch with law enforcement for many months now working out ways that significant whistleblowers on the UFO/UAP / New Energy issue can be protected. That process began June 20, 2024 and is now operational.

A special access project (SAP) is in place which can provide security for whistleblowers. Once set up for the particular whistleblower, it will be able to monitor communications with the whistleblower and, if threatened, will be set up in such a way as to identify, capture and prosecute those making the threats.

If you or someone you know is a UAP related whistleblower (including military intelligence, government or private corporate whistleblowers) please contact Dr. Greer at



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A recent e-mail from Mr.Greer indicated that all of his movies are now available for free viewing on You-Tube. This is pretty-good-news for people way-behind in keeping-up with this subject-matter, as his films are excellent imo And this also means that time is running-out to learn the truth !...The films are listed below, in chronological order, though I may be out here & there with the year they were made...Download, share, & watch again & again. The time is now.

*Sirius (2013) - ( A great all-round film on this subject, 10/10 imo).

*Unacknowledged (2017) - ( A superb revelation on where your taxes go in hidden black operations with proofs 10/10).

*Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind (2020) - ( Possibly the pick-of-the-bunch...Great viewing & learning. 10/10).

*The Cosmic Hoax (2021) - ( A great film about the likely scenario to be played-out by the elite, so be prepared. 10/10).

*The Lost Century (2022) - ( Must see viewing revealing & displaying the secret free-energy & other technologies hidden from us for at least a century, that can save our existence. 10/10).

Here's a link to CE-5K...Get it on Yo !


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This update from Mr.Greer, where success has occurred with regards to Witness Whistle-blower Protection for any information of your participation in the illegal activities of the US-of-UK  / RKM Corporation Military USAP activity.

Here's the cut & paste plus links yo !

Protection for Significant Whistleblowers.


Dr. Greer has been in touch with law enforcement for many months now working out ways that significant whistleblowers on the UFO/UAP / New Energy issue can be protected. That process began June 20, 2024 and is now operational.

A special access project (SAP) is in place which can provide security for whistleblowers. Once set up for the particular whistleblower, it will be able to monitor communications with the whistleblower and, if threatened, will be set up in such a way as to identify, capture and prosecute those making the threats.

If you or someone you know is a UAP related whistleblower (including military intelligence, government or private corporate whistleblowers) please contact Dr. Greer at


-- Edited by Rastus on Thursday 25th of July 2024 12:58:13 AM


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At long last, Pete Slattery has been interviewed by Dr.Michael Salla for his Exopolitics website, & what a remarkable interview it is. It's had over 10-K views in less than 24-hrs, & I just finished watching it after downloading. It seems best to place it in here, though it could have equally worked in the Spirit thread, or even our hosts Supernova thread, perhaps you can decide for your self.

Really good viewing, especially for those who enjoy having their minds blown away yo !


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This is a cut & paste from Kosta of ET Lets Talk. Every-now-&-then a message is received by someone who is in contact with a group of ET's know as the "Watchers", & it's well worth reposting in here, especially as things warm-up regarding war etc etc...

The Watchers

Aug. 6, 2024 Message

Our Dearest Ones

Shall we begin?

We are the Watchers who have been with Humanity since its beginning and will be here through the coming evolution.

The war in the Middle East is the last gasp of a dying empire of other controllers upon your world. They, too, have been with you since the beginning and seeded the war energy that holds you all in bondage.

This is an ancient galactic energy that has poisoned many worlds and moved them in the direction of self-destruction.

This will not happen to your world for the energies of Love, Unity and Peace have also been seeded here and are flourishing in all areas of your world.

These are not noisy, brash energies, but soothing and calming energies. They are the energies of the meek that have been referred to in your Christian bible and in other higher vibrational teachings throughout this world.

It is this growing energetic force that will propel your world into the higher dimensions that make up the dreams of many of you. Many are already living in these higher energies and are assisting others to ascend from the lower energies that trap so many into hate and separatism.

You have heard stories of eye witnesses to the disabling of nuclear devices by higher level energies.

Nuclear war cannot be permitted upon your world and all potentialities of same are under constant surveillance by those who protect your world.

The ground war in the Middle East has the potential to spread, and we have not forgotten the Ukrainian war for independence. As with all wars, there are those who profit and those who are energetically fueled by the suffering of others under the cruel leadership of legions of commanders throughout your history, for there have always been opposing forces upon your world.

We say to you that it is only when the love of peace within womens hearts take priority over the joy of warfare within mens hearts that lasting peace upon your world will be achieved.

When women rise to object to their sons becoming cannon fodder, peace will come. It is the liberation of women and their love for all life that will create peace.

So how may each of you find your role in moving Humanity forward?

Nurture the seeds of love and peace that have been planted within your hearts and send energetic support to those who are doing the same, both on your world and off-planet.

We are growing in power as we feel your support and are more able to be of assistance to you.

We continue to contain the conflict energies of the Middle East to prevent their rapid spread worldwide, and we feel your gratitude for this work and are appreciative.

Humanity itself gains greater representation at the table of those who affect your world when you consciously send your energies of peace to the planet herself and those who are working toward your advancement in consciousness.

Your energies are felt and added to all those throughout the ages who have brought about peace in the face of war. Your energies are felt by those who suffer in this now moment and bring peace to their hearts.

Your energies are felt by those women who are exploited and pushed down by patriarchal forces. Your energies are felt by all Beings who wish peace, love, and supportive, nurturing communities upon this world.

And we know that you have heard this before: Be the change you wish to see upon this beautiful planet. Hold that vision of love and peace in your heart.

And the meek, the powerful, loving peacemakers, shall inherit the earth.

Human Receiver: "Is there anything else? "

Know that we are always with you, and as your Guardians, we wish the very best for each of you Sovereign Beings as you navigate what is to come.

And we are grateful for your acknowledgement and support, for we were once like you.

Thank you.

The Watchers


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I don't mean to carpet-bomb this place or this thread, but Dr.Salla has completed yet another awesome interview, this time with some history dating back to around the birth-year of our host, when Col.Wendell Stevens & others ventured over to Switzerland to investigate the claims of Mr.Billy Meier's, & his Pleiadian contact events. Anyhow, this is much better than I expected, & cements much current-day narrative of this phenomena, & should more than impress the doubters imo. Shawnee will really like this I'm sure, as will our host, since Mr.Trumpdt is discussed !

Enjoy !!!

-- Edited by Rastus on Friday 9th of August 2024 07:23:11 AM


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There has been a fair amount of chatter in the media lately about Alien sightings -- but it has all been proven to be man made... I havent posted any links because much of what I have been seeing are really poor attempts to get attention.

But don't get me wrong Rastus... I want to believe! I just haven't seen anything to those ends yet!

And before you mention CE-5, I'm not looking to join an Alien cult to be brainwashed into thinking I'm seeing aliens... I'd like hard proof with my own eyes, without having to join a "club".


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