The past year I have noticed an incredible amount of poor quality parts from China! It has been WAY OUT OF HAND!
It would seem that China has flooded our market with their cheap Chinese knock offs that even our local auto-parts stores are having serious quality issues with their big box name brand lines as they are now the same cheap China made part that comes in the economy white label box!
Take for example Dorman, which is now so risky that you have over a 50% chance that the part you buy will be of poor quality and fitment that you'll have no choice but to buy factory!
Twice this year I have gotten bad tensioners made in China for cars made in Japan - I mean they are literally bad right out of the box! Timing belts made so poorly that they are fraying right out of the box! It doesn't end there! Outright design flaws that cause many to not even fit properly! It is like they copy something and pay no mind to what it's intended purpose is! Chinese control arms that are lose after a few weeks! Shocks that are advertised to be direct replacements yet do not even fit as intended!
It's worse than I have EVER seen it before! It is almost like they are doing it on purpose - AND THEY ARE!
I have had the bad fortune of having to deal with a few Chinese vendors on eBay the past few months and let me tell you - these people are cheating, lying and sneaky bastards! They will flat out lie to your face and send you another defective part knowing full well the product is defective! They will set up US accounts to sell their bootleg Chinese goods and then take payment in a Chinese account! It's hard to figure out who you are really doing business with when the payment receipt comes to you with a name written in Chinese!
I can not stress how much time I have lost this year due to cheap Chinese knock off parts! The time spent replacing the part for free wipes out any savings for me or the customer! Use to not be that way! Used to be a cheap Chinese part was just that, an inexpensive "economy" part that you could at least count on to last for a few years! Now you are lucky if it isn't bad right out of the box - IF IT EVEN FITS! The worse part is, while the quality is going down - the price is going up! So they are charging more on the front end, while making the parts even cheaper on the back end! All the while local manufactures are raising their prices in relation to the increased cost of the once was "economy" option - leaving many without any choice when all "economy" options are proven worthless right out of the box!
I think Trump would do well to just ban all China imports and let the chips fall where they may! If our market is going to become flooded with this cheap counterfeit aftermarket garbage that is just going to cost us all more money while putting our safety at risk - what is the point!? We already know China is way off it's rocker with how it treats it's own people and the lawlessness that is Communist China - but why are we even dealing with these people!? It is not like any agreement can be made with China where we could trust them! I have dealt with enough of them the past few months to know these people are crooked and they don't even care about what they are selling. They will lie, cheat and steal - all the while apologizing and asking you to accept yet another failure in a box from them!
I don't see how China is of any use to the United States... The poor quality they export, while demanding a quality import - it's ridiculous! It's beyond out of control! It has to be stopped!
So I got my first ever Chinese robo-call today! LOL, sounded a lot like this followed by a "ding".
Looks like China's emperor needed his daily fix of this forum...
Can't imagine regular Chinese folks having access to this forum with their firewalls and free speech restrictions... so to have a Chinese ping come across this forum means it's coming from pretty high up!
In the Chinese defense, they have stood behind all of their products with refunds as of today. While I have lost my ass on some, I have had some good luck with others. It's a crap shoot but anymore I am just getting tired of doing the job twice!
Seems whenever you try to save yourself or other people money, it just ends up costing you more money. I am all for an economy option but damn it, that has to last at least a few years! Stuff being bad right out of the box on special order makes for a big mess!
I plan on making a thread about Japanese timing belts and aftermarket timing belt tensioners and the findings seem to be in line with the Mercedes community in that such a critical part is almost always failure prone if not purchased direct from the manufacture. Seems to me the people in China have a real hard time with getting these intricate isolators / tensioners right.
On the other hand HSBC just reached out to me about a mortgage! Isn't it pathetic that a country getting aid from the World Bank is able to offer me financing for my home when the rest of the industry is too corrupt to compete? I would hate to see that, really...
What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl
Looks like the drum-beat is getting louder and louder while increasing in tempo...
I think I was right back in 2018 - we should have cut off China back then and NONE of this would have been a problem!
You can't deny it!
SELLC for President! lol
You may have troubles with the Stoma / Stomette ticket :) !!!
"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together". Dwight D.Eisenhower.
"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together". Dwight D.Eisenhower.
Oh yes, you have to make sure China keeps buying more docks and Australian land... got to make sure your REAL Master (China) is protected...
Funny photo, I suppose the UK considering to ban Huawei was at the direction of the USA too?
No one gives a rats ass about China or the skanks they have there... What does China have? Besides a population problem? I'd say they can go fuck themselves but at 1.4 billion people it's obvious they are already doing that quite well! LOL
What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl
Things that make you go hmmmm? Well that applies to the thread author as well! Recently Rastus was seen deep-throating them little Chines nuts in his "Things that make you go hmmmmm" thread...
Apparently Austrialia isn't ready to grow the fuck up!
What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl
I thought I might add that this thread did not come up under a search for "China" in this forum! Several others were omitted too! I had to literally type in the entire thread subject to draw it up!
I don't owe China jack shit! It's clear to me we just need to cut the miserable little cocksuckers off completly... but I think now that Xi's "old friend" Joe Biden is in office China "thinks" it's bigger than it is!
Truth be told, China has been sending out lots of poor quality shit for as long as I can remember! Truth be told, I don't think I can ever remember a time when China was known for doing the honorable thing... the honorable thing to China is whatever is good for China and nothing else! People seem to forget that, and they have for a very long time! I'm here to say that nobody respects the CCP, China or that crackpot Xi, except for maybe the WHO and the people who live in China...
Hate to pop their bubbles, but there is no honor in China... Nobody from America is beating down their borders to live there! Nobody want's to hold their shit money, and outside of the Biden Family (who many say is bought and paid for by China) nobody really want's anything to do with them or their idiotic way of life. They are known to openly discriminate in China at the Government level... they only put in power people from China! There is no assimilation with China and it's time the world takes a step back and let them cannibalize themselves!
Russia and Putin are also looking like the Biden Family with their close ties to China and Xi... But then again we always have our elected leaders showing respect to people who clearly do not show the same in return. It's called the PC culture and if anything needs to be canceled it's that!
What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl
That being said, it's safe to say that China needs to be cut off.
What does China bring to the table, besides cheap slave labor? And is the cheap slave labor really cheap when American companies give up intellectual property rights to China in exchange for having their products made by China's army of slave labor?
What would happen if we just banned ALL good from China? Would they just set up another proxy like Taiwan to sell their goods to the USA?
If Trump would have listened to me back in 2018 and cut off ALL TRADE from China like I suggested, then he might not have gotten fired in 2020 and COVID-19 lockdowns may have never been needed!
I bet Musk and Trump are real good friends... a couple retards who are beholden to China.
We really need to ask ourselves, if things go bad with China, and they will... wouldn't that make Elon Musk a security risk? Looking more and more like China will nationalize Tesla's factories as I had said all along!
What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl
That being said, it's safe to say that China needs to be cut off.
What does China bring to the table, besides cheap slave labor? And is the cheap slave labor really cheap when American companies give up intellectual property rights to China in exchange for having their products made by China's army of slave labor?
What would happen if we just banned ALL good from China? Would they just set up another proxy like Taiwan to sell their goods to the USA?
If Trump would have listened to me back in 2018 and cut off ALL TRADE from China like I suggested, then he might not have gotten fired in 2020 and COVID-19 lockdowns may have never been needed!
I bet Musk and Trump are real good friends... a couple retards who are beholden to China.
We really need to ask ourselves, if things go bad with China, and they will... wouldn't that make Elon Musk a security risk? Looking more and more like China will nationalize Tesla's factories as I had said all along!
"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together". Dwight D.Eisenhower.
Jeff Bezos is saying that Elon Musk buying Twitter gives China influnce over the site... but Jeff Bezos isn't much better when it comes to China himself...
It's like bizzaro world
What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl
Always seems like Trump is kissing Xi's ass, and Xi never really returns the favor unless it's tongue in cheek...
But when Xi speaks of Biden, it's "Old friend" and it's like the rolls are reversed... Because I have never heard Biden kissing Xi's ass... at least like Trump does... you're welcome to prove me wrong. I'm sure if it's out there, YouTube has it...
What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl
I guess Xi doesn't see him as such an "old friend" anymore.
Look at how they all have a little card to stand on top of...
I think it's safe to say Trump would not have stood for this.
Democrats really should have been honest about Biden's mental state from the jump... they literally hid Biden in the basement during COVID so that nobody could figure out he was losing his mind.
Lucky for Joe he's been making gaffes his entire career and some people just thought it was normal... but from the disastrous pull out in Afghanistan and now this photo above -- I can only assume the upper crust Democrats knew full well since his campaign!
One thing is for sure! I have been saying it all along! We should have cut off ALL TRADE with China! Now it would seem they have cut off trade with the USA for selective items!
I know how to fix it... CUT OFF ALL TRADE TO CHINA!