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More nukie stuff


So no-doubt, everyone has likely heard about the "new" Nuke Industry Fusion Reactors, & the claims of over-unity, which simply means that you get more energy out of the reactor, than the energy required to make it.

If you rather, 1 + 1 = 3...Meaning free-energy is created, since instead of a result of 2 for our efforts, we are awarded with 3....

Anyhow, as the usual bullshyte goes from the Nuke Industry to save it's own sorry ass, here's the real low-down of what it's all about, as presented via Dr.Greer in a recent e-mail...

* When these claims are made, they do not take into account that high-energy lasers are used to make the fusion reaction...

* When the energy needed to power these lasers is taken into account, there's actually a massive energy loss...( 1 + 1 = -2 )....

* The temperatures involved enter realms between 3,000,000 - 300,000,000 degrees...( No scale was given, but I doubt it matters too much given the numbers involved ).

* There are obvious safety issue not realized if this was to be considered to be used globally.

* The isotopes needed for this operation are extremely rare, & average cost is around $850:00 USD per ounce...

* This is simply not viable from any aspect you choose to argue from.

* Time to lose the IAEA & Nuke Industry !!!

*** Remember that we already HAVE (had) free-energy devices for well-over 100-years, that have been bought-out & shelved, or the inventors murdered, including associates...Even the former CIA Director Mr.Bill Colby died mysteriously, after ensuring Dr.Greer & his team of a cool $50,000,000 starter package to develop these devices back in the 1990's.

* There's possibly an update on the Sirius Disclosure website, but no-doubt it will have it's place in the new film coming out around May 2023. It's called the Lost Century, & donations for its completion-on-time are welcome from everyone, if you can spare some !

-- Edited by Rastus on Friday 16th of December 2022 04:50:44 AM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Over unity. My ass. There is no such thing, never will be. Dad was an engineman, subs, ww2, did 20. I was building something in the basement. "What you making son?" I told him "perpetual motion". Thought I kilt him he laughed so hard.
Then there is the "Quantum Energy Project" They called it QEG.. Motor turns a generator, feedback, tuning it in you get over unity... Yeah, been about 10 years, they never reached unity.
Fuking bah humbug.

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Shawnee_B wrote:

Over unity. My ass. There is no such thing, never will be. Dad was an engineman, subs, ww2, did 20. I was building something in the basement. "What you making son?" I told him "perpetual motion". Thought I kilt him he laughed so hard.
Then there is the "Quantum Energy Project" They called it QEG.. Motor turns a generator, feedback, tuning it in you get over unity... Yeah, been about 10 years, they never reached unity.
Fuking bah humbug.


Yo Shawnee,

It is quite possible to have over-unity, by pulling-energy out-of-the-vacuum-of-space. Lot's of people managed this, including Tesla back in 1906, but the bankers had then invested quite heavily in mining-copper etc etc, & didn't want free-energy available to the general public, as this also meant they couldn't put a meter on a service to bill you with lol !

Think of a simple vacuum tube, & its operation, & you'll find the free-energy. ( eg, my electric guitar signal from the pick-up to the anode is less that 1-volt, yet at the cathode, there can be up to 300-volts found, with no wires attached, just free space & a heater ).

Also, with a generator & alternating current, we break the di-poles through the rotation from positive to negative polarity. The "trick" is tapping-into the positive wave, & at a certain angular access point, the free energy is available. People have discovered this, & even found the necessary insulators & valves to harness & control the energy flow, but they either dis-appear, or sell-out to some-one & become millionaires, whilst the technology is then shelved. No generator has ever made power, its size depicts available access to this free energy , & at a certain angle, through its rotation, is what actually feeds any circuit.

The hot & cold fusion technologies were also successful, but dodgy activity through the gov't ranks ensured false & miss-leading assessments. Here's a link  to Mr.Eugene Mallove & his testimony, before he was murdered for trying to disclosing the truth, & to amend the fraud.


Also, apparently all the new US-of-A subs are running on this free-energy source, & have been for a while now...That's why nuclear subs are now available for the rest-of-us to buy...

-- Edited by Rastus on Sunday 18th of December 2022 09:20:25 PM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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An air conditioning system does not create cold energy, for no such thing exists. It simply moves heat energy from one place to another. Energy can neither be created, nor can it be destroyed. We can convert it to another form, and we can move it from one place to another. When we burn wood, we are harnessing energy that came originally from fusion in our sun, and changing its form to heat and light which is dissipated, but never destroyed.

Nuclear Fission is dangerous, and creates tons of radioactive waste. But Fusion could be pretty awesome. Bear in mind, the Livermore facility test did not claim to "create" energy, they were simply able to harness it. Until now, every fusion reaction took more energy to power the lasers or magnets, than could be harnessed by the reaction, but this time, they were able to harness about 1.5 times the energy than the lasers used to create the reaction. The energy already existed, they just harnessed it. This is not to say that we have the know how, or ability to build a fusion plant tomorrow that would work. We are at a point like we were a little over 100 years ago when we figured out that compressing an air fuel mixture and applying a timed spark can run a combustion engine, the car was a little way off, but proof of concept is what was obtained then, and is what is obtained now with regard to fusion.



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Well said Powerstroker !

Check these out however, utilizing magnets...

And don't forget about the ET's, many have mastered the free-energy concept ( quantum vacuum energy ) for interstellar travel, as that's how many travel around the universe. And it's also been revealed that the "black programs" ( USAP's ) have already these technologies.

It's all about keeping the current monetary system in place, as that ensures the people in power, stay in power. It's all changing however.









"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Rastus wrote:
Shawnee_B wrote:

Over unity. My ass. There is no such thing, never will be. Dad was an engineman, subs, ww2, did 20. I was building something in the basement. "What you making son?" I told him "perpetual motion". Thought I kilt him he laughed so hard.
Then there is the "Quantum Energy Project" They called it QEG.. Motor turns a generator, feedback, tuning it in you get over unity... Yeah, been about 10 years, they never reached unity.
Fuking bah humbug.


Yo Shawnee,

It is quite possible to have over-unity, by pulling-energy out-of-the-vacuum-of-space. Lot's of people managed this, including Tesla back in 1906, but the bankers had then invested quite heavily in mining-copper etc etc, & didn't want free-energy available to the general public, as this also meant they couldn't put a meter on a service to bill you with lol !

Think of a simple vacuum tube, & its operation, & you'll find the free-energy. ( eg, my electric guitar signal from the pick-up to the anode is less that 1-volt, yet at the cathode, there can be up to 300-volts found, with no wires attached, just free space & a heater ).

Also, with a generator & alternating current, we break the di-poles through the rotation from positive to negative polarity. The "trick" is tapping-into the positive wave, & at a certain angular access point, the free energy is available. People have discovered this, & even found the necessary insulators & valves to harness & control the energy flow, but they either dis-appear, or sell-out to some-one & become millionaires, whilst the technology is then shelved. No generator has ever made power, its size depicts available access to this free energy , & at a certain angle, through its rotation, is what actually feeds any circuit.

The hot & cold fusion technologies were also successful, but dodgy activity through the gov't ranks ensured false & miss-leading assessments. Here's a link  to Mr.Eugene Mallove & his testimony, before he was murdered for trying to disclosing the truth, & to amend the fraud.


Also, apparently all the new US-of-A subs are running on this free-energy source, & have been for a while now...That's why nuclear subs are now available for the rest-of-us to buy...

-- Edited by Rastus on Sunday 18th of December 2022 09:20:25 PM

 Hmmm, you're entirely right. I was thinking rotating things etc. Bad on me, I know Tesla pretty good, history and all. Tesla did, and it was done long before even Tesla. Watched lots of Tesla vids, especially lately. Look at ancient structures, columns/pillars were coild on top, rods vertical and antennas such as steeples etc. Best vid I have ever seen about 7 hrs long 13 parts shows so much of this evidence. Rumor is, UK is using "banned Tesla technology" because of the energy shortage.

Difference is most trying to do it mechanically, like QEG. The magnetic field of the earth, the positive in the sky, neg on the earth. (think lightening sky to earth) 

I have seen some recreations of Teslas work using smaller Tesla gens. Lite up bulbs stuck in the ground etc, very cool.

I played with Tesla coils before. School and a couple years ago an alt energy seminar up near Chicago. Hold a 8 foot fluorescent several feet away and light it. They had made gen to charge batt banks with a twist. They ran longer, like several times longer. Batt charged > run gen which is also charging. Twist is using a "tank circuit" which I learned in EE college. Bout 30 of us, 20 being Amish. Instructor asked what could do this? I said tank circuit, he smiled. Tank simply charges a capacitor and it discharges on a timed circuit. Size cap, inductor (coil) and batt determining the time constant, called tau in EE speak. Was a very interesting 2 day seminar. But not over unity stuff!

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Good post Shawnee & link !

Here's the latest about all this new"nukey stuff" from Dr.Greer...It must be upsetting folks if he's going on You-Tube to discuss matters ! Don't doubt that he has the right contacts.

* And let's not ever forget that anything nuclear, is for weapons use.



"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Rastus wrote:

Good post Shawnee & link !

Here's the latest about all this new"nukey stuff" from Dr.Greer...It must be upsetting folks if he's going on You-Tube to discuss matters ! Don't doubt that he has the right contacts.

* And let's not ever forget that anything nuclear, is for weapons use.


 Link is a simple generic one but glad you liked it. In EE we had to compute the TAU aka time constant by the values. The formula was LONG! Oh yeah, and we only had Picket steel slide rules, calcs just came out. 4 function like they give away now was $130, HP scientific was $400, in 1973. Had all kinds of shit in the equation. Maybe 15 math functions in it. Then when we all got it, they showed us an easier way! 

Off to the store, I'll watch later. Seen another good vid on Nuke stuff. Guy worked it all his life. He used to drink the cooling water and swim in the pool, hold radioactive stuff and gieger in his hand. Good vid.

-- Edited by Shawnee_B on Tuesday 20th of December 2022 12:35:42 PM

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The link is worth viewing, if only because it keeps things really easy to understand, but ultimately exposes the fraud behind it all...When you learn that China has invested over 22-Billion dollars in this type of nuke-reaction ( along with France too ), you realize what a waste of time & money...I suggest that's his point, since 1% or less would be needed to develop the free-energy devices.

It's all about the money, followed by weapons, that then equals fear & control via threat-of-use.


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Rastus wrote:


The link is worth viewing, if only because it keeps things really easy to understand, but ultimately exposes the fraud behind it all...When you learn that China has invested over 22-Billion dollars in this type of nuke-reaction ( along with France too ), you realize what a waste of time & money...I suggest that's his point, since 1% or less would be needed to develop the free-energy devices.

It's all about the money, followed by weapons, that then equals fear & control via threat-of-use.

 Going down in my shop after a big bowl shredded wheat/Kashi. I'll watch it on my phone. Don't have the forum on my phone to click so I'll try to find it. I'm on desktop upstairs, sans speakers! 

Good video. This is the guy swims in cooling water, drank it, ate uranium, work the industry forever. Must see vid.

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Great video there Shawnee. Mr.Galen Winsor brings about some great information, (- of course, if you take-his-word-for-it lol ) !

On the basis of the film posted, he brings out some great facts about the nuke-industry, & real day-to-day events & activity. Here's what I learned in point form after my first watch...

* The US-of-A gave Russia the ability to learn about nukes in the late 1940's. ( It seems that the Rosenberg's were targeted as escape-goats (in the same way like Lee Harvey Oswald was)).

* The boss is the boss, & has to stay that way if you want to keep your job. And that means following bullshyte orders.

* Even in the dodgy-world of nuclear activities, the real facts are covered-up, & use of threat is maintained to staff to keep things going to the "grand plan".

* People should be aware of the differences between nuclear fission by-products from accidents, & scientific development thresholds found in labs.

* The man designed & built one-of-four existing repositories to harbor the waste.

* Uranium is more dangerous than Plutonium.

* The deceit & treachery of a certain few ( think Bohemian Grove members ) is incredible, & has been going-on for a long, long time.

* The "free energy" available from certain nuclear activity has been available & used by the US-of-A Navy for at least 6-decades.

Q. And to answer his question " Who owns the Plutonium ?" is quite an easy one...

Ans. = IAEA = Central Banking Cartel = Vanguard & Black Rock etc etc... With the US-of-A Military Industrial Complex ensuring the bullshyte flows their way.

* Also worth noting however, is that over 30-years since this film was made, there's been much in the independent scientific world learned about how our biosphere, people, plants & animals can't cope / survive when these man-made radionuclides are released...

* There's now over 465 nuke-plants operating world-wide, & about 100 in the US-of-A...According to the last reports during the Trumpdt admin, there was over 34 metric tonnes of Plutonium (waiting to be sold on the black market).

I still maintain that "No nukes is Good nukes"...

Watch any video in the Fukushima thread to learn about what happens when things go wrong. There's been too many wrongs already in this realm of activity, & we don't need it.

* This is a great short film revealing the decades-long dumping of nuke-waste into the Atlantic, & what happens to the animals, & of course, us too ! Please check-it-out yo !

-- Edited by Rastus on Thursday 22nd of December 2022 12:04:11 AM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Those darn Bush fukers again huh. Interesting stuff. Yes was interesting, he sure doesn't think it's dangerous! Wanna keep your job, stay hush. It's everywhere. Quantas pilots know the earth is flat but if one says it, they are fired. Flat earth Dave has had pilots come on his show, fired next day. Then the astronauts! Of the 12 who have been said to have walked on the moon, 11 are freemasons, 1 son of a freemason. Sworn to secrecy of course. They just all keep lying.

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Well said Shawnee !

There's just so-much crap out-there to digest, decide-upon, & wonder about...And "they" now-days keep folks baffled even more with i-phones, facebook & other places to keep your mind from thinking for itself, or the real goings-on...And the folks of the US-of-A have always been the first to have been taken advantage of, & used / treated poorly.

I don't doubt Mr.Winsor one bit...He even lived to a healthy age too ( 1926 - 2008 ).

Well worth everyone's time to view, & listen to what he has to say in this film.

I do recommend that everyone tries a CE-5 for themselves, as this will help anyone realize the extent of the "fairy-tale" we're all led to live in...

Most of us can't prove Mr.Winsor's claims, & neither can we prove or disprove a flat earth...But you can do a CE-5, & find all the proof you need about the really important stuff going on !


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Rastus wrote:

Well said Shawnee !

There's just so-much crap out-there to digest, decide-upon, & wonder about...And "they" now-days keep folks baffled even more with i-phones, facebook & other places to keep your mind from thinking for itself, or the real goings-on...And the folks of the US-of-A have always been the first to have been taken advantage of, & used / treated poorly.

I don't doubt Mr.Winsor one bit...He even lived to a healthy age too ( 1926 - 2008 ).

Well worth everyone's time to view, & listen to what he has to say in this film.

I do recommend that everyone tries a CE-5 for themselves, as this will help anyone realize the extent of the "fairy-tale" we're all led to live in...

Most of us can't prove Mr.Winsor's claims, & neither can we prove or disprove a flat earth...But you can do a CE-5, & find all the proof you need about the really important stuff going on !

 I did enjoy watching him, good presentation, cheerful chap. No we can't prove his claims. Round earth has never been proven, just forced down our throats since we were kids. As kids we were told of Santa, wrote wish lists, cookies and milk. We believed it at face value, trusted those telling us. JUST like the heliocentric model of NASAs fantasy universe. Many of you still believe it. Round earth has not been proven (oh yea nasa paintings of a globe), no one has proven it is spinning. Nor going around the sun at 66,600 mph, dragged along by the sun at 1/2 mil mph. NO ONE. There are over 10,000 undeniable proofs of flat earth. Eventually we were told there is no Santa, or easter bunny. Or caught santa putting out the gifts, no I didn't ruin it for my little sister. 10,000 proofs of flat earth and many will still not even look at it? 

If one believes it's true, whatever they are told or taught. One simply believes. If one digs in (as I have in many areas), they will KNOW it is true, not simply believe it.

What first did it for me was I could see too far. Look it up, you can see 3.1 miles then it's over the "horizon" Farther out the line of sight goes the curvature is getting furthur away, exponentially. Earth curve chart (omni easy) or use line of sight as a tangent, 90 degree line to the core of the earth, diagonal out to where your line of sight target is, say 5 miles. Then earth core draw a line to that 5mi mark. Pythagorean theorem gives the hypotenuse, subtract earths radius and it will leave you the answer.  At 5 miles the curvature gives one a 6' drop to the surface and below line of sight. Hence at 6 miles one cannot see a 6 foot man at all. I could see Long island, 12 miles most any very clear day, right down to where the water hits the beach, not so good air, use binocs. Plug in 12m, 6' high and the beach is 54' below your line of sight. Meaning on a round earth you can't see the beach, the coastline and buildings. But you can. On an exceptional day I could see Montauk 23.3 miles from where I was. 275' below line of sight. Uhhhh, no I can see it. Drove science teachers nuts in HS. 

Next was I watched the fake moon landing live. I was a sophmore in HS then. I had questions. Who took the pic of the lunar lander leaving the surface. Why with all the technology they had (and claim lost now) couldn't they put up something other then "artist conception", now a days it's "animation" One camera "from the mission" (supposedly the rest were left on the moon) is in the Smithsonian, a Hasselblad. Has instruction label stuck on it telling astros how to change the film. It's wrong, you'll blow your film. It took a saturn rocket to get away from earths gravity, but a little alum foil lander (that's right you can see it in the museum too) can take of with not much more than a model rocket engine? Yes 1/6th the gravity they say, so should have taken 1/6 of a saturn rocket. Theres more.

I was MA-1, weapons control sys on F106 during Nam. I operated radar for one, at very long distances and power. How can radar curve around the earth at say 200 miles. It doesn't. Radar, lidar, laser, line of sight, binocs or scope is ALL straight line, doesn't curve.

Back to see to far. Lighthouses 100 feet high have been photographed 100 miles away, Chicago skyline has been photographed at 60 miles away. 100 miles the curve/ distance to earth surface, is 6300 feet below line of sight, how can one see it? Chicago at 60 miles is 2200 feet below your line of sight if you believe nasa and round theory. They tried to have a weather man say the skyline was a "mirage", and many people BELIEVE IT AS TRUTH. Then there are the ones who learn the truth and KNOW it. Earth's flat bro.

You want an app for a cell phone. Flat Earth clock, extremely cool. Active flat earth model and clock displayed but the knowledge there, the videos all available right there, reading material. $2.99 for the app. Cool part is a featured vid every day. Dave says watch 1 a day 2 weeks. Trust me you won't have to. He has a sweet deal too. If you can't give him one single VALID proof of round earth you have a choice of 3 bitcoin or 3000 oz silver.  App shows a FE in a circle, called flat earth clock, by Bluewater bay. Anyone trys it, I'll paypal the $2.99  Win win for you all, either prove round earth and collect 3000 oz of silver (which no one can), or learn the truth. Free your mind, realize we ARE at the center of creation. Truth is worth more than money. Be warned though, when you know 100% it's flat and you will, you also how much they have lied. Then you go down a rabbit hole. Actually Flat Dave has a podcast called D.I.T.R.H.  "deep inside the rabbit hole". Some of that can be found on Utube, short. Or his site He is heavily censored. The 2.99 app is the way to go. 

Speaking of reading material, "The Iron Republic" Free on line but available in print too. Man was sick of the shit, sailed south, found the summer passage to beyond antartica (it's a ring remember). Advanced peoples, our aliens, he got married, lived there, she dies he came back, the people there probably Troth (sp) knew all about our continents. Fiction? I dunno. But he speaks of the same things Admiral Byrd spoke of. Why we can't go there is part of what's there, untold amounts coal, minerals etc. He did the passage and came upon a black angry sea. 

Did you know Copernicus figured the circumference of the earth, way back? NASA says he is within a few percent of right on. He even told how he did it. He claimed he paced it off and counted his steps, can't make this shit up folks.

-- Edited by Shawnee_B on Friday 23rd of December 2022 03:44:20 PM

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I suppose if one wanted to claim the bitcoin prize, they could point out that any night the moon isn't full, is because Earth's shadow is covering part of it. The shadow isn't a straight line, it's curved.

I'd do it, but I don't believe in cryptocurrencies.



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Yo Shawnee,

Our earth has been used as a pit-stop for many civilizations, over countless millions-of-years science now-days suggests, with lots of new ancient finds being made all the time. Even in Africa, there's sphere's being discovered that have 3 x parallel rings around them, made by our ancestors from Venus...

The universe is destructive, & other folks stay here until their own homes are repaired. Evidence is everywhere, from the Easter Island statues & many other places in South & middle America as examples. And the reason these statues don't look like us, is because they're not made by us ! They're reminders of others who have dwelt here along side us at different times. Michael Creo calls these things OOPA's, meaning Out Of Place Artifacts.







I tend to think that the flat-earth principal is for protection for those that still dwell among us. And that's why some of our inhumane activity such as war, is done, because some of our leaders are in league with these negatively oriented other-worldly-folks. There's a trade taking place for sanctuary. We get technology & war machinery, & they get to stay. Also, there are far-more peaceful & kind ET's out there, like over 99%...

In Australia, our history is etched in rock, via the Gosford Glyph art.




There's a universal principal known as the "Law of One" & / or universal law. And some of these folks haven't followed the rules, which is why they're being taken-care-of now.

There's much more to all of this, & here's link to an awesome book that explains most/all-of-it in quite a profound way. Read it !!! It's an awesome & easy to get along with book.


Now, getting back to Nukes...It appears that Japan, even after & still continuing to be decimated by nuclear activity & accidents, has decided to build even more nuke-plants...And this is a country that lives on a fault-line & has regular earthquakes & tsunamies...

You cannot make this stuff for yourselves !

Powerful entity is this most evil IAEA...


Watch the skies folks, as that's where the truth is !!!








-- Edited by Rastus on Friday 23rd of December 2022 07:51:43 PM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Rastus wrote:

Yo Shawnee,

Our earth has been used as a pit-stop for many civilizations, over countless millions-of-years science now-days suggests, with lots of new ancient finds being made all the time. Even in Africa, there's sphere's being discovered that have 3 x parallel rings around them, made by our ancestors from Venus...

The universe is destructive, & other folks stay here until their own homes are repaired. Evidence is everywhere, from the Easter Island statues & many other places in South & middle America as examples. And the reason these statues don't look like us, is because they're not made by us ! They're reminders of others who have dwelt here along side us at different times. Michael Creo calls these things OOPA's, meaning Out Of Place Artifacts.






I tend to think that the flat-earth principal is for protection for those that still dwell among us. And that's why some of our inhumane activity such as war, is done, because some of our leaders are in league with these negatively oriented other-worldly-folks. There's a trade taking place for sanctuary. We get technology & war machinery, & they get to stay. Also, there are far-more peaceful & kind ET's out there, like over 99%...

In Australia, our history is etched in rock, via the Gosford Glyph art.




There's a universal principal known as the "Law of One" & / or universal law. And some of these folks haven't followed the rules, which is why they're being taken-care-of now.

There's much more to all of this, & here's link to an awesome book that explains most/all-of-it in quite a profound way. Read it !!! It's an awesome & easy to get along with book.


Now, getting back to Nukes...It appears that Japan, even after & still continuing to be decimated by nuclear activity & accidents, has decided to build even more nuke-plants...And this is a country that lives on a fault-line & has regular earthquakes & tsunamies...

You cannot make this stuff for yourselves !

Powerful entity is this most evil IAEA...


Watch the skies folks, as that's where the truth is !!!








-- Edited by Rastus on Friday 23rd of December 2022 07:51:43 PM

Cool stuff Rastus. I do believe in aliens and an advanced society/s 100%. But there is no "outer space" like as in deep space. Check out Admiral Byrd, check Iron Republic. That's where the advanced peoples are, aliens.

Flat earth truth awareness is soaring massively. Nasa lies being exposed. Soooo, lets lie harder they say. I have a google phone, pixl 4a so I get google feed on news. Half is Nasa stuff. new planets, webb, hubble etc. Hell they even found another solar system with habitable planets, sum a bitch. Look at Orion capsule splash down and pic of what the heat shield looked like. That one it's all burnt. Splashdown looks like a new coke can, perfect. How? It was pulled out a C130 at 30000 feet. The photo below was taken by the webb, French astronomer apologizes when everyone realizes it's a fucking piece of pepperoni. That is what Nasa has been doing since 1958, lying.

And Merry Christmas!


-- Edited by Shawnee_B on Saturday 24th of December 2022 03:43:37 PM

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Thanks Shawnee & everyone, Happy Christmas !

I did try to download "Iron Republic", but the resource demanded that I join their membership, & then there's a small-fee, & then Credit / Debit Card details are needed yadda, yadda.

I only just had my Debit Card replaced & functioning again after being hacked...One of these book places demanded my details, & soon after the card was closed via dodgy activity. And they didn't even have the book I was interested in after joining lol ! So they got $02:00 out-of-me for joining under false advertising, & then the card dilemma followed soon after lol !

(The beauty of a Debit Card is that you can only spend the amount of money you've physically placed in there, so theft, though rare, will be only loose-change)...

I'll search around until I find somewhere where there's proper free downloading.

I also dislike reading a book on a computer screen, & only do it because a book is out-of-print, or too pricey to buy, even I could get "CoEvolution" by Alec Newald S/H on ebay, but the price was over $150:00 USD + postage. Easier to download it for free, & read on computer !


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So here's an interesting round-up article of all things nuclear, from"The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists"...I find it fascinating that it claims that nukes are dying ( which is good ), & even more fascinating that in the writers opening lines, we have NO Fukushima mentioned at all, only the bombs dropped on Japan, the Cuban Crisis, & Chernobyl....

Add the other recent article I posted a few days ago, & you clearly see the conflict of interest...Needless to say, I think that these people at the Bulletin have been compromised. How the *uck can you not mention Fukushima, &/ or the news that Japan has decided to build more nuke-plants in the future, along with extending current operating licenses with existing plants with your end-of-year round-up ?...

There's lots of anti Russia propaganda in there, so I guess that's where it's been edited / biased.

So this is a great example of really poor journalism imo. Check it out for yourself, & I'll post the other recent article below it for comparison.


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Well... at least the 12 y/o Scotch that I have been consuming for most of this morning has been spared 12 less years of toxic radiation!





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I guess the Scotch just scrapes itself into being pre-Fukushima vintage lol !

As mentioned, all this radiation is biologically accumulated over time, though children are affected the worst, as many studies indicate...And that's the problem really, as people like the IAEA have control over the WHO...This means that the nuke-industry is allowed to treat us all like guinea-pigs in their world-wide lab of mad experiments...Thanks Vanguard...

Here's an interesting fact...The IAEA is head-quartered in Austria...( International Atomic Energy Agency ).

Q. And guess how many nuke-plants are in Austria ???

Ans. Zero !

*International Atomic Energy Agency

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), intergovernmental organization established in July 1957 to seek to accelerate and enlarge the contributions of atomic energy to peace, health, and prosperity throughout the world. Although created by an act of the General Assembly of the United Nations, the IAEA is an autonomous institution outside the United Nations system. It assists member nations, especially developing countries, by providing facilities and fellowships for training in nuclear science and technology and by making available the services of experts and essential items of equipment. In addition, the agency arranges for the supply of nuclear materials and reactors, finances research projects, and acts as a central agency for the diffusion of information on the peaceful uses of atomic energy. The IAEA is also committed to the research and development of energy sources that could replace conventional fuel systems.

The agency establishes safety codes for nuclear energy production and waste disposal, and it coordinates research efforts of physicists worldwide. It maintains an extensive database on publications related to nuclear power, and it offers technical assistance to developing countries, which comprise an increasingly large proportion of the IAEAs membership. The agency's activities emphasize work in the development of reactors and nuclear power, including their use in water desalination; application of radioisotopes and radiation in agriculture, biology, hydrology, industry, and medicine; establishment of safety standards for radioactive waste disposal; transport of nuclear materials; and establishment of international guidelines for nuclear legislation.

After the accident that occurred in April 1986 at the Chernobyl installation in the Soviet Union, the agency adopted an expanded nuclear safety programme that covers safety of nuclear installations, radiation protection, human health, radioactive waste management, nuclear power, and the nuclear fuel cycle. The IAEA also prepared drafts of two new conventions now in force: the Convention on Emergency Assistance in the Case of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency and the Convention on the Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident. The agency's system of safeguards is designed to ensure that nuclear materials and facilities under its supervision are used only for peaceful purposes. In the field of disarmament the IAEA plays an important policing role in connection with the treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, a role which went into effect in 1970. During the 1990s IAEAs expertise contributed to the debate about the costs and benefits of nuclear and other energy alternatives as world electricity consumption continued to rise by approximately 3 per cent every year; the agency drew up an action plan to deal with nuclear safety following any problems that, it was thought, could arise from the Y2K computer problem (millennium bug), and formed an integral part of United Nations Special Commission (UNSCOM) arms-inspection teams in Iraq.

A general conference, composed of representatives of the 130 member nations, meets once a year to approve the programme, budget, and applications for membership. A board of governors, representatives of 35 member nations, directs the work of the agency. A secretariat, headed by a director general who is appointed for a 4-year term by the board, carries out the activities of the agency. A scientific advisory committee provides advice on technical and scientific matters. The IAEA headquarters is in Vienna, and the organization maintains field and liaison offices in Toronto, Geneva, New York, and Tokyo. The agency had a budget of US$220 million in 2000.


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Some more good news for y'all to learn about Sate-side...The most recent e-mail from Beyond Nuclear was full of good news lol...

* Texas has a new high-level-toxic waste dump approved via court decision.

* They want to extend for another 50-years a nuke-plant in Michigan, that's closed, but they want to reopen it lol ! And its falling to bits.

Easier for y'all to just read it for yourselves, as wait, there's more...You can't make this stuff up....

-- Edited by Rastus on Sunday 29th of January 2023 05:04:13 PM


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I just don't understand how anyone could think it would go any other way... with the electrification of everything, cars now too, where else is that power going to come from?

I understand renewables can help, but they are expensive and un-reliable... most rely on the sun, wind or water. There still has to be something "reliable" in play with oodles of power for them spikes and not so favorable weather ruts!

Seems to me the more we electrify, the more energy we are going to need! It doesn't make me feel good we could have a older nuke plant come online here in Michigan, and I sure hope the kid is far away from wherever they are putting the toxic waste dump in Texas!

You have suggested in the past some kind of free vacuum energy, but the problem with that is nobody makes any money on something that is free... I'd challenge also that any equipment to harness such "free energy" would have some pretty steep costs as well... but I don't know much about the technology. 



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No moving parts !

No nukes, no coal, no gas, no oil, no waste, no worries !

If we can eliminate greed & a desire for war-fare / power / control, we'd have nothing to worry about !


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Has anyone actually TRIED this to see if it works? I've seen you posted it earlier, and I have even seen this image on other social media sites!

But I wonder, is it TRUE?

Seems like all you would need is a speaker magnet, spanner wrench, some wire, a light bulb socket and a light bulb.

I'd be very interested to see if this works in real life!



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Stellar007 wrote:

1. Has anyone actually TRIED this to see if it works? I've seen you posted it earlier, and I have even seen this image on other social media sites!

2. But I wonder, is it TRUE?

3. Seems like all you would need is a speaker magnet, spanner wrench, some wire, a light bulb socket and a light bulb.

4. I'd be very interested to see if this works in real life!


R1. I'm pretty sure that through the film "Sirius" ( Dr.Greer ) towards the end, someone has what looks like a pair of old disc brake-pads opposed to one-another, some cork-screw-shaped wire, & then he lays a little 12-volt interior-lamp-globe onto some alligator-clips attached to the assy via some wires, & the globe starts glowing brightly.

R2. Of course its true Stellar. You of all people would have some wire, an old magnet, & a spanner, so why not try yourself ? Instead of a globe, attach a volt-meter & see what comes up.

R3. Or a multi-meter instead of a globe. I'm not sure, but I'd expect DC voltage, as there's no moving / rotating parts / magnets.

R4. See R2 & R3.

Here's the film you could watch, & or skip to near the end...




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So this article appeared in 1440, about a radiation monitoring sources Caesium-137 capsule being lost somewhere...It was last seen in mid-January at a mine-site in Newman, & discovered missing probably 2,000-k's away in Perth the other day lol !

At 1-meter away, you're exposed to the equivalent of 17-chest x-rays per-hour...And you'll get radiation burns too...

You can't make this stuff-up ! And it makes you wonder what else disappears & doesn't get reported...I wonder how it made the news in the first place lol, but the media is running with it !


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Looks like its already gone mainstream here in the USA on Fox News!



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Stellar007 wrote:

Looks like its already gone mainstream here in the USA on Fox News!



You have to laugh really...Though it "is" a concern that something this toxic has gone missing / fallen-off-the-back-of-a-truck, they're going to spend "x" amount of $$$ trying to locate the missing radioactive-capsule, that's less than 1 x inch in size, & has been potentially lost in the middle of a high-way in desert-like-conditions, over a 1,000-odd-mile stretch...

And yet we have no news on Fukushima Daiichi holocaust...Where we have countless tonnes of the radioactive-toxic-shyte dispersed globally ( each reactor was 720-tonne capacity + fuel-pool ), & (unless otherwise corrected) over 400-tonnes of super-duper-toxic-radioactive water being drained into our Pacific ocean daily...

And not a word about this...


Here's a picture to remind us of the differences in catastrophe lol ! And the measures taken to cover-up...Shhhh...




Time to lose all-things-nuclear, especially the IAEA !





-- Edited by Rastus on Tuesday 31st of January 2023 08:20:32 PM


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You're going to love this Rastus! Looks like Rolls Royce is getting back in the game!

This time with Mini-Nuke-Reactors for space travel! You had to know this was coming... it's already in submarines and some large carriers...

Next, smaller versions will be in our cars, homes and everywhere... in the future when you hear someone had a "melt-down" it will be for real!



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Stellar007 wrote:

1. You're going to love this Rastus!

2. Looks like Rolls Royce is getting back in the game!

3. This time with Mini-Nuke-Reactors for space travel !

4. You had to know this was coming...

5. It's already in submarines and some large carriers...

6. Next, smaller versions will be in our cars, homes and everywhere...

7. In the future when you hear someone had a "melt-down" it will be for real!


 LOL !

Good post Stellar,  thanks for posting :) !


R1. No, quite the opposite !

R2. The UK & R.R. are doomed...They have claims & apparent ownership to land all over the world, but only whilst using current laws & monetary systems. And that's all changing right now...Let's face it, the US-of-A has used nukes on many people, & to win favor, gave nuke secrets & development to the UK, so you could all walk hand-in-hand together, taking over the world.

R3. Just not necessary, & based on past experience, the ET's won't allow us or nukes to travel in space. ( See Mr Deidrickson interview once again below Stellar )

R4. No nukes is good nukes, & they're going down, as once again, the ET's have shown.

R5. Yes, many nuclear reactors have been in subs & A-C-Carriers etc  for 60-70 years, by US-of-A, USSR, UK, probably China too...Let's say all the G-8 countries for simplicity.

R6. I doubt that very much.

R7. It's for real already, don't forget about "3-mile Island", "Susanna", Diablo Canyon, the Detroit disaster...Lots of meltdowns Stateside Stellar ! See the attached table below, where I counted over 63 disasters Stateside, with the most recent in 2018...



Open the link, & check-out the table...Glad I don't live State-side yo !

-- Edited by Rastus on Tuesday 7th of February 2023 04:20:48 AM


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So here's the issue with not having your fuel-pools covered & isolated...And how the nuke-industry is killing us off little-by-little.

*( Copied from Dana Durnham, the news headlines from the Nuclear Proctologist, with mild punctuation editing from myself ).

The problem with nuclear waste is the fuel is still splitting the vicious man made atoms into the environment. The nuclear fuel that powers a "million homes" does it by splitting atoms and boiling water for steam. And once the fuel is in the nuclear fuel pool, it's still splitting the atoms, but now with no containment. Every fuel pool boils off about 120,000 litres a day into the environment. Each litre of water has trillions of vicious man made isotopes in it.

There are around a thousand fuel pools worldwide doing the same thing, with each pool releasing an invisible radioactive plume into your environment, into the biosphere, into your ecosystem. This is like an ongoing nuclear war, it's the same radioactive fallout, but much-much more, because it's produced every day, all day, not by 10 or 15 pounds of fuel like a bomb, but by millions and millions of pounds, in fuel pools splitting the atoms.

The reason nuclear power plants aka "disease factories" are surrounded by farms, is to move the radioactive fallout away from the site, and to flood the supermarkets with contaminated food. Almost all nuclear power plants, nuclear fuel facility and waste sites, are surrounded by farms, so it is not an accident, it is an engineered agenda.

There are over 1800 illnesses & diseases related to nuclear activity that create immune-system deficiencies, injuries and illnesses besides cancer, from man made isotopes, since no life on earth is immune to man made radiation.

The body's of all species are attacked by radiation, whereby white blood cells displace the red blood cells permanently, to then attack each man made atom forever, eventually building a tumour around it. Each day, a massive invisible plume of billions of trillions of radioactive isotopes is released from the fuel rods in fuel pools, that are still splitting the atoms. These atoms bio accumulate for millions of years, & are deadly to everything with replicating cells.

The atoms are like biological weapons or bullets exploding every second in in the victim's bodies, the insects, the birds, the animals, the mammals, & us humans. If you live within 100 miles of a nuclear power plant or fuel site, you are exposed constantly to man made anthropogenic atoms. Nuclear power plants cannot contain, and have no intentions of containing the radiation. The problem with children and small animals is a bio accumulation in the thyroid gland, so you create radioactive hormones, that then mutate your stem cells. You have to wake up, & protect the female of all species. They are 4 times more vulnerable than males. With out females, all species die, & we go extinct.

-- Edited by Rastus on Wednesday 8th of February 2023 07:09:20 AM


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Rastus wrote:

 You have to wake up, & protect the female of all species. They are 4 times more vulnerable than males. With out females, all species die, & we go extinct.


This reminds me of when I say something around the house near my phone or TV and all of a sudden I'm inundated with targeted advertisements!

Look Pal, I'm trying! Women now days be PRUDES!



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So here's the latest disgrace that the Australian gov't has planned...We have no nukes, but they're happy to supply a nuke-waste-dump for the rest of the world lol !

This almost equals the decision in Texas by a Judge who over-ruled all laws & petitions against a nuke-waste-dump lol !

You can't make this shyte up folks...

Your life doesn't matter, money does..."The sacrifice of a few, for the needs of the many"...ROTFLMAO !

No nukes is good nukes !

*Also worth mentioning here, is that after calculations & amendments made with current corrected data, where the maximum allowable dose-rate of 1-mSv per year is accepted, you can expect 1 x person out of 100 people ( 1/100 ) to die from man-made nuclear activity.

This means that if your town / city has say 100,000 people in it, 1,000 people will die from nuclear activity.

The average Count Per Minute (CPM) here in Tasmania, is 18.36 CPM, with a max CPM  of 45 CPM registered, & 0.14uSv/h averaged...

0.14uSv/h x 24 x 365.25 = 1.227-mSv per year...

What does your meter read ?

-- Edited by Rastus on Tuesday 7th of March 2023 10:16:02 PM


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So here's the latest about that nuclear waste dump in Texas...


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There was just a big toxic spill in Ohio from that NS company... Shawnee was talking about it earlier, but the word is they shipped some of that stuff to Michigan... they had some on it's way to Texas but they turned that shit away while it was still on the road!

I just don't understand why they just let anyone dump anything around here... we take shit from Canada and all over the USA... We have two huge landfills to the North and the South... I can only imagine they will turn them into Ski slopes some day... Fancy Ski slopes in a "trashy" part of town... an actual trash pile! LOL, but you can stay warm by the fire from the methane gas burn off vents! 



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Stellar007 wrote:

There was just a big toxic spill in Ohio from that NS company... Shawnee was talking about it earlier, but the word is they shipped some of that stuff to Michigan... They had some on it's way to Texas, but they turned that shit away while it was still on the road !

I just don't understand why they just let anyone dump anything around here... We take shit from Canada and all over the USA... We have two huge landfills to the North and the South... I can only imagine they will turn them into Ski slopes some day... Fancy Ski slopes in a "trashy" part of town... An actual trash pile! LOL, but you can stay warm by the fire from the methane gas burn off vents! 



You forgot about Golf courses Stellar...

Also remember that each active nuke-plant produces around 2.2-metric-tonnes of nuclear-waste every year & counting...At the moment, if the shyte is not on the program for reprocessing, it sits on-site in unmanned & mostly un-monitored fuel pools, for years worth of cooling down, & emitting even more shyte into the environment...

All this to say, is that they're trying to do something with it...

However, the best bet is to leave it where it is, on-site, where at least it can be monitored, as when containment is breached, something can be done about it. The issue with this however, is that on the basis of going to war, you have a number of nasty targets for alleged enemies to aim for, well over 100 in-fact...

That said, Mr Galen Winsor indicated that at Hanford, when containment is breached, the shyte eventually turns intogreen colored toxic glass, & spreads no further...

I'd say that Hanford would make an excellent dumps-site, as it's already *ucked, & there's around 177,000,000 tonnes of the shyte stored there at the moment...


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Rastus wrote:
That said, Mr Galen Winsor indicated that at Hanford, when containment is breached, the shyte eventually turns intogreen colored toxic glass, & spreads no further...


Was this Mr Galen Winsor a big fan of the movie Superman? Because this "green colored toxic glass" sounds a lot like he's talking about kryptonite. 




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Stellar007 wrote:
Rastus wrote:
That said, Mr Galen Winsor indicated that at Hanford, when containment is breached, the shyte eventually turns intogreen colored toxic glass, & spreads no further...


Was this Mr Galen Winsor a big fan of the movie Superman? Because this "green colored toxic glass" sounds a lot like he's talking about kryptonite. 




Mr.Winsor made an awesome film that Shawnee posted-up, & you'd do well to watch it, for many reasons, not least of which being the disclosure of the US-of-A giving nuclear secrets to the Russians in the 1940's rendering the Rosenberg's as escape-goats in the 1950's...

It's just up above, but here's the link once again...

-- Edited by Rastus on Sunday 12th of March 2023 10:01:48 PM


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It appears that some dirty-weapons are being used the Ukraine war, with Uranium being detected in the UK air, but it's not being disclosed through the media...- Until now !

If it's in the UK, it's in the US-of-A too...Nasty shyte...Read attached article...

Have a nice day ! And don't forget to thank the nuke industry for more free gifts !


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So, here's some sanity being expressed to help you realize that nukes are not needed, in any-way, shape-or-form, to get our planet back into a healthy state.


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Sanity! Who wants Sanity! If we were sane out would come ropes and pitchforks.

Drive it like you stole it


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Here's some interesting global activity re gov'ts & their nukes...Worth the update & post, plus your time to read through...


And Dana is back on-line, with a few new headlines about all the nuclear shyte at Hanford, & a recent dolphin stranding that's never, ever been recorded before within Canada...

-- Edited by Rastus on Thursday 6th of April 2023 07:28:11 PM


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So in the last post, we learned about the Chinese nuclear arsenal, & in this post, we'll learn about what Russia has in storage ! And other dodgy stuff like Nuclear Wast Dump approvals in the US-of-A...

We really need to lose the IAEA & the nuclear industry yes ???...


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I was just looking at a Tweet from Bill Gates today...



It sure seems to me like they/he is trying to warm the public up to integrated mini-nucular reactors... Soon all you electric cars might have a lifetime nuke battery that never needs to be recharged and powers your entire home when not in use.

Bill Gates is one of only a few arrogrant people who Tweets with the replies turned off... the guy really is a snob for abandoning Microsoft like he did! Couldn't even figure out how to make a phone or hang on with Microsoft but now he's the next best thing since sliced bread when it comes to medical, nuclear and farm land... 

I'm telling ya... this guy






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Mr.Greer will have the new film out in a few weeks time, that hopefully will help put an end into anything nuclear, since all we need is that "free energy" that surrounds us, as Tesla proved & partially developed120-years ago, along with others since.

We took a wrong-turn with nukes, & everyone knows this...

Mr.Gates likely has invested interests in this diabolical nuclear scheme, nothing more...We can't forget about his world population reduction incentives either, so maybe he sees these small-modular-nuke-plants helping this agenda when they go kerboom...




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So this post is for our host, who goes out-of-his-way to grab Atlantic Ocean sourced fish...It appears that the nuke-industry has both oceans ( Pacific & Atlantic ) seen as a dumping ground for more toxic nuclear shyte...

Time to lose the nuke industry folks !



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It seems that the closed nuclear reactor Palisades in Michigan, will reopen once again ...

It appears that our governments loves us so much hey ???...

Here's some back-story so our host can do something about it, once he's finished Tweeting or whatever lol !

-- Edited by Rastus on Friday 2nd of June 2023 04:58:30 AM


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Maybe you're out of the loop... but nuke plants are popping up all over like strip malls!

Like I said in the previous Japan thread, they just flipped on the 3rd of FOUR reactors in Georgia! All of them NEW!

Even Musk is bragging about France building out new nuke plants, in what from what you have told us --- is a total reversal of their claims to abandon all nuke energy...

What would you say about that Rastus?




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Stellar007 wrote:

1. Ah-HEM!

2. Maybe you're out of the loop... but nuke plants are popping up all over like strip malls!

3. Like I said in the previous Japan thread, they just flipped on the 3rd of FOUR reactors in Georgia! All of them NEW!

4. Even Musk is bragging about France building out new nuke plants, in what from what you have told us --- is a total reversal of their claims to abandon all nuke energy...

5. What would you say about that Rastus?



R1. Stand-at-ease Soldier !

R2. When Fukushima went kerboom, China had already secured the building of over 200 new nuke plants over the next 20-year period...Our task has always been to try & stop this bullshyte activity, because it's simply a matter of world-wide extinction.

R3. See R2.

R4. France is probably the most untrustable country in all of Europe, & likely always has been. Nothing new here except more anticipated disappointment.

R5. Deals were signed & perhaps some, if not most are being honored.

Apparently, ( as written elsewhere ) the regressive / negative ET's have been removed, & so their influence on world policy decisions has been taken away. Near-on 200 ET races are within our solar system watching closely our activity.

The choice is ours, life or death, & nukes = death.


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.

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