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How do you think the Coronavirus was started? [9 vote(s)]

Tainted Corona Beer from Mexico
Dirty snatch from a Wuhan hooker
It was man made
No idea


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I sense an anti-vax bias on that site that probably existed long before covid19.



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Yo PowerStroker,

Quite possible ! But I've found Janet to be simply a concerned & patriotic citizen, who has learned the legal-system & become a lawyer simply because she was worked-over illegally by it, & decided to do something about it, & help others out that are screwed by a corrupt system.

There's no doubt the article & views can be extreme, but in her position dealing with in-situ clients & appearing in courts defending people, she has to vent somewhere, & present the "new things" in the media that offend her, & affect everyone. ( Generally speaking, she represents a vast amount of people that have been screwed by your banks, & tries to save their homes for them ). She's a good lady !

Probably having so-much nonsense & fake-news everywhere doesn't help.

That said, when one looks around the world, assesses current circumstances & all the bollox, it becomes plausible to react in such ways...


* Endless war.

* Corrupted politicians.

* Corrupted Supreme Court Judges.

* Falsified virus's.

* Silenced nuclear disaster activity & reporting.

* Silenced extinction events occurring via above, & ongoing pollution.

* Secret gov't activity running-the-show.

* Corporate strangle-hold on everything from World economy to the spyware living in your computer.

* Corporations selling your illegally obtained data to the highest bidder.

etc etc etc ....

Amazingly, there's some fresh-off-the-press news addressing some of these issues, that I'll post up in their relative threads.

-- Edited by Rastus on Wednesday 12th of April 2023 06:58:47 PM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Exterminate...Exterminate...Exterminate !!!




"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Dude, I just spent the better part of 11 hours in the belly of a Jet full of people, both with layovers -- which means I changed planes FOUR times... not only that, I also was in purgatory (layover) at the Harry Reid airport (Las Vegas Internation airport) for EIGHT hours! 

I cringe to think what I was exposed to on my little 48 hour tour! I immediatly came home and drank myself to a pulp to kill whatever I might have been exposed to... LOL!




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I heard that our "Nancy" may be doing the same thing, after being "boood-off" the stage at her last presentation...( The crowd were yelling-out "War criminal" etc etc...( You'd nearly have thought Bush & Cheney were there lol))...

Pelosi Bar.jpg



"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Well folks, sorry I have been away so long! I been meaning to post up some photos and details relating to my most recent trip to Texas but as most of you know it's hard for me to modify photo formats on my iPhone that will allow everyone not using Apple products to view... I have been home for quite a few days now but it would appear that I caught COVID on the flight home... I say it's COVID because this virus has been an absolute MOTHERFUCKER!

Before I get into the details I wanted to mention that on the last two flights I've been on returning flights home, both earier this year from California and now most recently from Texas, I have noticed this "mist" that fogged on the plane prior to liftoff... I took a video of it this time

I assume it's some sort of disinfectant, but since I come down with COVID right after my return flight home I don't think it works very well... 

All that said, I don't have any COVID test left since I gave them all to my Mom and kids when they thought they had COVID over the past years. So what I am about to explain could be just a normal flu or cold, and not COVID since I never tested.

Anyway, this virus come on FAST AND HARD... I was totally fine all day upon returning home -- but then at night it came on super fast! Massive headache, coughing, cold sweats, severe body aches and just overall fatuge that has seen me in bed an unable to look at the bright lights of a computer screen or phone for more than a few minutes! If I'm going to be totally honest the first night felt like this virus was trying to kill me! Since it came on so fast, and without warning later in the evening all I had was ibuprofen on hand -- thankfully two pills knocked the headache down to where it didn't feel like I was going to have a brain aneurism every time I coughed -- which was freeqently! 

By morning I had so many cold sweats that my sheets were completly soaked! I thought perhaps I had beaten the virus, but it was far from over! The body aches were still constant and it started to attack my brain as I would think of the most stupidest things that made no sense whatsoever! At this time I sent the woman out for some NyQuil Severe syrup... this helped with the body aches, and also to help knock me out since after you're bedridden for awhile it's hard to sleep - because that is all you have been doing is sleeping and laying in bed... by the following afternoon I had noticed that the virus was attacking my lungs! It literally felt like my lungs were being squeezed together with chickenwire and it hurt to cough! It was at this time I got the very strong feeling that I was dealing with a weaponized virus -- and nothing like any cold or flu I have ever experenced before! The Ibuprofen was working good at keeping the headache under control, and the NyQuil was doing wonders with the body aches -- but I needed something for my lungs! Reluctantly I smoke a big fat joint hoping the THC would kill off whatever was in my lungs and the bet paid off as it worked -- the only problem was it more or less nullified the positive effects from the NyQuil... But in my opinion it was well worth dealing with the body aches than to feel like my lungs were being constricted! 

Even right now I still feel off... and there is slight discomfort when coughing -- but nothing like it was before. I still have the occasional pins-and-needles feeling on occasion -- along with a little brain fog and fatigue. I been drinking a lot of orange juice and non carbonated drinks.

I have a great review of the Tesla we rented for a week, along with a garage full of work -- so I am hoping I get feeling better sooner rather than later!

One thing that has been going thru my mind is how if this was indeed a man-made virus, whoever is responsible should be given the death penalty! I mean we already have enough colds and flus out there, but for some asshat to make another one and then release it? I have no tolerance for this! Straight to execution! But since COVID has been such a little mover and shaker for the entire world to get rich and change the rules I doubt anyone will ever be held to account - nor do I think we will ever really know the truth! What I do know is that I had to fight this virus off myself! There was no way that I was going to a hospital because we all remember what happened to the people who did back in the early COVID days! The way this whole situation has been handled by hospitals and others shows that the entire healtcare system is rotten to the core! I just kept telling myself I'd rather lay in bed and die than become quarantined and killed off to serve some body-count needed to unfairly lock down the country again. 

I think about all the atrocities that went down in the early COVID days where sick people were quarantined and prevented from seeing family members, and people not being able to get married -- or have kids without their spouses or family present and it makes me very angry! The people responsible for this madness need to be held to account! The mass hysteria that ensued was just unprecedented! But again, I digress --- we may never really know the truth!

I find it funny that the people on the plane go to great lengths to explain all these procedures and other things, but they don't dare mention what the hell that fog is they release in the cabin.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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I'm sorry to hear this, get better soon.



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Don't use covid test, PCR. Contains sodium azide, poison. It's used in an airbag propellant. Don't believe the hype.

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Thanks guys!

I'm feeling much-much better as of yesterday afternoon! Been getting some work done around here and it feels good!

It was a pretty nasty virus, lasted a little over 48 hours! Was able to kick it with nothing more than ibuprofen, NyQuil and a joint! Not bad for a 48 year old-man.

Just glad that's over with... it was very agressive! Normally I relish in the feeling a cold or flu makes me feel when I'm mutating the virus away -- but this one just flat out felt like it was trying to kill me! The only pleasure was the brief few momemnts before the NyQuil knocked me out. Something to think about!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Too bad about your short 24-48-hr flu, they do stink. It's possible that you caught it at an airport, but who knows ???

All I can say is that I have not been injected with any COrona VIrus Disease 2019 vaccines, & I have not had any major colds of flu's in that time. Everyone else I know that has been vaccinated, gets pretty sick every year, with days-off-work etc etc needed.

Once again, radiation levels world-wide are well above Frances maximum exposure limits of 1 x mSv per year. This means no virus of any kind is likely to survive for too long, since nothing is radiation proof lol.

Also, many elected officials around the world including Sleepy / Genocide-Joe have visited China in recent times, & still no prosecution or legal action taken.

The COVID test-packs were always proven to be a fraud, review posts in here.

Radiation levels here in Oz are around 18.25 Counts Per Minute, Maximum CPM recorded at 44 CPM, & annual dose rate of around 1.255 mSv's per year.

It would appear that the culprits involved with the COVID-19 scam have "taken your money & ran" !

* Our host was wise to consider that he was experiencing a Covid-attack, since the only way the thing could survive would be to have the vaccinations, & the disease injected straight into your veins, along with booster-shots to make sure you get it again & again & again.


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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No worries, Brandee and I probably just had that new China lung version last month... nothing a bunch of alcohol didn't kill off.

This world can take us any time it wants! Don't ever forget that.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:

No worries, Brandee and I probably just had that new China lung version last month... nothing a bunch of alcohol didn't kill off.

This world can take us any time it wants! Don't ever forget that.


And smoking can help kill-off the nasties too...But smoking also makes it easier for the nasties to get into you in the first place lol !

Have no doubt that we're all doomed to move-on out-of-this-place at some point, guaranteed....

The question is however, what effort did we make to leave the planet in better shape than when we received it ???...


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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I'll be honest... this push to leave the planet better than we found it is rubbish... Just recently we had quite a few volcanos start acting up, pumping MASSIVE amounts of pollution into the air! A damn space rock could come along and take us out just like the dinosaurs! The most likley fate will be contential drift and serious carnage at fault lines that will see devistation and pollution like nothing man could ever imagine!

Climate change is NOTHING more than a way for rich people and nations to tax regular people like us! Meanwhile they all have carbon footprints greater than anything the people will ever cause driving cars or eating meat and farting!

The UN just recently suggested the USA curb it's meat consumption! I'm here to say the UN can get bent with that BS! 

This whole world has gone bloody MAD! And I am not getting behind any bureaucratic BS that only serves to undermine the people and tax us worse than we are right now! EVERYTHING IS TAXED -- EVERYWHERE! 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:

I'll be honest... this push to leave the planet better than we found it is rubbish... Just recently we had quite a few volcanos start acting up, pumping MASSIVE amounts of pollution into the air! A damn space rock could come along and take us out just like the dinosaurs! The most likley fate will be contential drift and serious carnage at fault lines that will see devistation and pollution like nothing man could ever imagine!

Climate change is NOTHING more than a way for rich people and nations to tax regular people like us! Meanwhile they all have carbon footprints greater than anything the people will ever cause driving cars or eating meat and farting!

The UN just recently suggested the USA curb it's meat consumption! I'm here to say the UN can get bent with that BS! 

This whole world has gone bloody MAD! And I am not getting behind any bureaucratic BS that only serves to undermine the people and tax us worse than we are right now! EVERYTHING IS TAXED -- EVERYWHERE! 


Once again Stellar, the whole universe is being upgraded, & we're getting a major upgrade, since we've been passing through the galactic-plane since around 2012. We are multidimensional beings, existing within a vibration continuum. It's the vibrations that are increasing, & everything is transforming...You should read some of James Gilliland's posts in the UFO thread, as its all explained within the ECETI updates...And then you'll discover that he prepared us all about everything going on.

Quite profound really.

-- Edited by Rastus on Thursday 14th of December 2023 05:51:43 AM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Multidimensional beings, existing within a vibration you say?


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:

Multidimensional beings, existing within a vibration continuum you say?


Yes, that's how it all works Stellar.

Science has proven this, even within the so-called "string-theory"...In fact, this is a great example...

We can only see 0.005% of what exists around us with our eyes.

Energy - moves into > Vibration - moves into > Sound - moves into > Light - moves into > Matter.








"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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No, I get it Rastus... it's how Government agencies have been able to tap homes with electrical service before they started putting the good stuff in all these so-called smart lights and LEDs... vibrations.

Maybe you're familiar with what I'm talking about, maybe you aren't... but I'd for sure say that the classification for the microwave above is different inside the oven, than outside.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Stellar said....


1. qt."Climate change is NOTHING more than a way for rich people and nations to tax regular people like us! Meanwhile they all have carbon footprints greater than anything the people will ever cause driving cars or eating meat and farting"!...

2. qt."The UN just recently suggested the USA curb it's meat consumption! I'm here to say the UN can get bent with that BS"! ...

3. qt."This whole world has gone bloody MAD! And I am not getting behind any bureaucratic BS that only serves to undermine the people and tax us worse than we are right now ! EVERYTHING IS TAXED -- EVERYWHERE" !

R1. I couldn't agree more. So don't vote these folks in...

R2. Agreed...But there is the fact that a lot of the deforestation happening in South America is due to McDonalds, & them needing all that room for cattle-to-grow & then slaughter for the hamburgers yo...

R3. You better believe it...That's why we call Australia "Taxralia"...

This is how they work-us-over down this way...


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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They are saying we got a new COVID variant here in the midwest. I have lost count of all the varient names since they tried to scrub the Xi variant to appease China's Xi. 

We got pretty sick when we came back from Texas in September, I have know quite a few people that have been sick recently... 

Anymore if you're sick people will ask you if you did the COVID test and in the back of my mind I'm just like... what if it isn't COVID -- you'll be happy to catch a regular old cold/flu?


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Don't get any-more friggin' jabs !!!


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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PowerStroker is the jab-man! You noticed how much more docile he's been lately? Prolly got temperment control stuff in them, you know -- like they give to dogs and cats to keep them from being agressive.

What say you on the jab front, PowerStroker? Anything new? 


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I got the most recent update of it this fall. It just gave me a sore arm for about a day or two. Aside from the extreme homicidal tendencies and the temporary ability to see into some really strange parallel universes that it causes, if it can at least reduce the severity of Covid in the event I catch it, it will be worth it.



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To help you all out a little, here's a photograph of Cazekiel, taken at the ECETI ranch via i-phone...

Ezekiel merged with Cassia in the plane-of-bliss, & they together formed this outstanding energy form.

These are truly Christed beings, & will help you all get along with the "shift" going-on at the moment. Very powerful energy here, be mindful & respectful, & thankful.

Simply spend time gazing at the image, & you'll feel very-high, sleepy, & likely develop a ringing in the ears...This is your vibration being enhanced. And Cazekiel may help with any toxic vaccination poisons in your system.

You can also ask that any negative influences or attachments be escorted to their perfect place in-the-light via Cazekiel, after you have forgiven them & guided them to Cazekiel.

This is the real deal, & the image was taken at the ranch, with the crystal city appearing along with Cazekiel.

Don't be spooked, be enlightened, & go-with-the-flow, & you will be rewarded. And have a vast respect here folks !

Merry Christmas !



-- Edited by Rastus on Friday 22nd of December 2023 05:08:22 AM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Looks flat to me.

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And here's the Nuclear Proctologists spin on the COrona VIrus Disease 2019 scam, where he qualifies that the scam was to hide & defer the blame of the number of deaths from nuclear accidents aka Fukushima, onto a bogus flu-thingy...

I may have said that years ago, when it first appeared...Blame anything on mass die-off's except the nuke-industry...

Anyhow, read-on, & learn what's likely the truth yo ! Nothing survives nuke-radiation, especially a bogus virus folks...


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Until the curtain falls, the show must go on!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Largest Covid Vaccine Study Yet Finds Links to Health Conditions -

And this is from Bloomberg - redistributed by MSN... so in other words, known news desks!



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(Bloomberg) -- Vaccines that protect against severe illness, death and lingering long Covid symptoms from a coronavirus infection were linked to small increases in neurological, blood, and heart-related conditions in the largest global vaccine safety study to date.



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Would you prefer severe illness or death?



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The claimed idea behind the vax, is so that when the Fukushima-nuclear-shyte finally takes a-hold, with one or many of the 2,000 odd diseases, no medicine will be able to help.

And the other is sterilization.

It's been also claimed that since DNA strands are broken & irrepairable, you're genetically fooked along with siblings if you have them.

This is a l o n g - term venture in population control & species devolution.

By raising your awareness & vibration, it's possible to off-set the vax by a number of methods, namely discussed in the UFO thread, but you have to read books to gain some understanding, otherwise, it means that you had your chance, but decided otherwise.

I'll update this thread more comprehensively once I've worked out a suitable intro for Marcel Vogel Crystals, & their recommended attributes, but the truth & methodology is tough going, especially with such an overwhelmingly negatively programmed readership here.

Here's a link in the meanwhile, & I hope that you get stuck in there for hours. This is as good as it gets folks, rest assured.


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Population control would probably be a good idea don't you agree?



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PowerStroker wrote:

Population control would probably be a good idea don't you agree?


No, not necessarily.

1. Education.

2. The truth about our history & ET's.

3. Depending on who you believe, our planet can sustain over 21-billion people comfortably.

4. we are already a space-faring people, & have been able to traverse the solar-system with ease for decades.

5. There are other planets that can be inhabited once the truth comes-out. At the moment, all the so-called leaders want you to live under the threat of fear from war, so they can profit & keep in place their power, that many surrender to them. Just check-out Genocide-Joe's arms deals yo !


Now, since the WHO & the IAEA are in charge of your health globally, here's the latest virus scare the Nuke Industry has planned & approved for us all yo ! This is to get everyone onboard yo !



"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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How about we wait until the existing secret easy space travel and multi planet colonization is declassified and implemented before we up the population of Earth to 21 Billion. Sound like a plan?



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PowerStroker wrote:

How about we wait until the existing secret easy space travel and multi planet colonization is declassified and implemented before we up the population of Earth to 21 Billion. Sound like a plan?



Time has ran-out for that PowerStroker, & we're behind around 100-years or so.

The Rockefeller's put a halt to that, not just in monopolizing oil & big-pharma, but along with the likes of the Warburg's where securing eternal wealth & power were implemented via infiltration of your gov't & the Central Banks of Europe. This stopped the advances of Tesla & free energy, at least for the general public, & ensured what they say goes. The cure for cancer for instance was also withheld, & the discoverer murdered as another example of their cunning.

* All you need to beat Cancer is a Ph level in the alkaline range, & lots of oxygen. Cancer can't survive in an oxygenated environment.

There's plenty of awesome links to quality video's & books in the UFO thread, so I'm not going to repeat myself here, but all you need for proof & new discovery is in there.

I am also in a very great position of honour, where I get to meet & greet ET's & higher dimensional beings every-day, so I can confidently state what I state. What I can't move beyond is what others have to say in the UFO thread, as they're further along their own path, & can contribute their own views & news. Most I hope is honest truth, & yet some may be bullshyte or a mixture of both. Such is the way of the world today...

This is why its so important for people to get involved right now, & discover the truth for themselves, as it doesn't happen over-night, as there's a lot of reprogramming needed to be done, once the real truth is realized. And the ET's & higher dimensional beings will help anyone along the way, since we are Multi-dimensional-beings existing within a vibration continuum.

Everyone should check this film out, as it's probably the most immediate that will get you up-to-speed as to what many of us are experiencing, & you can roll-your-own-way afterwards.



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PowerStroker wrote:

(Bloomberg) -- Vaccines that protect against severe illness, death and lingering long Covid symptoms from a coronavirus infection were linked to small increases in neurological, blood, and heart-related conditions in the largest global vaccine safety study to date.

And don't forget -->

Myocarditis, or inflammation of the heart muscle, was consistently identified following a first, second and third dose of mRNA vaccines, the study found. The highest increase in the observed-to-expected ratio was seen after a second jab with the Moderna shot. A first and fourth dose of the same vaccine was also tied to an increase in pericarditis, or inflammation of the thin sac covering the heart. 




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I'll take the risk of some inflammation over the alternative thanks.



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This is why people should have choices.

The speed and frequency of these COVID shots along with three or four others now from flu, RSV, and other things -- I just think it too much and too frequent! Especially for younger kids!

When I read these articles after the fact it makes me glad I didn't take any because clearly there was some truth to a lot of what was being said about the vax... but at the same time, I have family and friends who have taken them and I'd rather be wrong than see something bad happen to them! 

I suppose between my smoking, drinking, working on cars and chasing the muff around that I have very little room to talk about good health choices. But what is right for one person, might not be the best for another.

Looking back on this thread is crazy! Like watching that movie "contagion" but everything was going on IRL! It's hard to even think about, really... so much time worrying and going thru what I can only discribe as insane panic... cloth masks, social distancing, country closed, schools closed and then switching to remote learning... it was just really something out of an Alfred Hitchcock film! And it's still ongoing to some degree!


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PowerStroker wrote:

I'll take the risk of some inflammation over the alternative thanks.


Fair enough, but how about this

If the shots were given away for free because they're life-saving, why isn't insulin, chemo and epipens free too?



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Because the Supreme Court legalized political bribery, which is why we don't have a national healthcare plan like every other advanced nation does.



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I have heard some pretty bad horror stories about the wait times in this national healthcare plans you are referring to... even in these countries you brag about it's the same deal -- the political and politically connected get good service (usually by sending them to the USA) and that is followed up by the rich -- and then you got everyone else who gets to wait 3-6 months for procedures... so pretty much the same as here!

But you didn't answer my question... probably because you can't -- at least not without looking like a fool anyway.


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Was it a health insurance lobbyist you heard these horror stories from?

Meanwhile, Canada is about to start rolling out free pharmaceuticals starting with insulin and birth control.



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What do you mean, "about to start rolling out free pharmaceuticals"?

I thought Canada has always had national healthcare? You mean to tell me that in addition to horrible wait times they had to pay out of pocket for the meds?


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There's a pretty good chance that listening to the 4096Hz frequency on a regular basis will keep you well, & in good health...

No need for Rockefeller Pharmaceuticals...


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SELLC wrote:

I have heard some pretty bad horror stories about the wait times in this national healthcare plans you are referring to... even in these countries you brag about it's the same deal -- .

 When I lived in Northern Maine, 2 hrs from Quebec there was a 6 mo wait for about anything in their system. The Canadians were coming here for health care since they couldn't get it. On the other hand, Americans, some went to Canada for cheaper R/x. Go figure

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Guess the bird flu is out there... along with everything else.

It's them Jewish space lasers that have me worried!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Fauci got GRILLED today by congress... While he wasn't the only one involved, he played a very big roll in the chaos! 

Someone has to pay for the chaos that has been WELL DOCUMENTED in this thread! Looking back to the first few pages it's clear to see this was improperly handled and people suffered and died as a result!

I have never been a fan of Fauci... IMHO the man is a bureaucrat on the take, not a real medical Doctor!


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"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.

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