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How do you think the Coronavirus was started? [9 vote(s)]

Tainted Corona Beer from Mexico
Dirty snatch from a Wuhan hooker
It was man made
No idea


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PowerStroker wrote:

It hasn't reached our entire population yet, and among vaccinated people the mortality rate is almost zero. That's why if you want the latest mortality rate you look at deaths per infections, not death per total population.

At some point you may want to ask the math department at the Michigan public school system for a refund.


I'm sorry, what did you say PowerStroker?

Minnesota, for example, has reported 116,000 COVID cases among fully vaccinated people since Nov. 7; of those, 4,701 were hospitalized and 839 people have died. 

In Maine, which has one of the highest vaccination rates in the country (with 95% of the over-65 crowd fully vaxxed), 59% of deaths in October were among the fully vaccinated, prompting Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, to ask Anthony Fauci to explain the growing toll during a Senate hearing. He could not.

You call the 59% mortality rate among the FULLY vaccinated in Maine "almost zero"?

You call the 839 FULLY vaccinated people in your own state who have died "almost zero"?

I think you need to pull your head out of your ass and wake up dude!

Where the FUCK are you getting your news? CNN?


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:


I'm sorry, what did you say PowerStroker?

Minnesota, for example, has reported 116,000 COVID cases among fully vaccinated people since Nov. 7; of those, 4,701 were hospitalized and 839 people have died. 

Your numbers are only looking at the fatality rate of breakthrough infections among vaccinated people in Minnesota, and not the fatality rate among the total population of vaccinated people in MN - which stands at 8,931,302... While OF BREAKTHROUGH INFECTIONS, you have a .72% rate, the fatality rate among the total of vaccinated people in minnesota is almost zero, which is SIGNIFICANTLY LESS than the fatality rate of unvaccinated people which stands at about 1%.

In Maine, which has one of the highest vaccination rates in the country (with 95% of the over-65 crowd fully vaxxed), 59% of deaths in October were among the fully vaccinated, prompting Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, to ask Anthony Fauci to explain the growing toll during a Senate hearing. He could not.  

I can, it's because almost everyone there is vaccinated. If they had 100% of their people vaccinated, then 100% of covid deaths would be among vaccinated people. Essentially you have made MY point by stating the 5% of unvacinnated people there are now accounting for 41% of covid deaths.

You call the 59% mortality rate among the FULLY vaccinated in Maine "almost zero"?

59% of deaths within a sub-statistic is not a 59% mortality rate, If you run the numbers correctly they are probably better than MN.  

You call the 839 FULLY vaccinated people in your own state who have died "almost zero"?

No, I call it almost zero PERCENT... 839 deaths among 8,931,302 vaccinated people is a 0.0093715% fatality rate. So yes, when you have 2 zeros after a decimal point, statistically we can round that to zero for the purpose of comparing fatality rates among vaccinated vs unvaccinated people.

I think you need to pull your head out of your ass and wake up dude!

Where the FUCK are you getting your news? CNN?

Certainly not Fox, or the Michigan public school system. The point here is to compare the death rates between vaccinated vs unvaccinated. To do this, we need absolute totals, INCLUDING the people who because of the vaccine didn't get covid at all... not just breakthrough cases of the vaccinated people who did. My totals include breakthrough cases, your numbers ONLY account for breakthrough infections, which is why your statistics are completely wrong.



-- Edited by PowerStroker on Monday 20th of December 2021 06:25:10 PM



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You'll never ever get the "real" numbers of the death-rates, simply because of data-protection-laws...

All you can do is lap-up the numbers that the corrupted media feed you via the corrupted WHO.


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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PowerStroker wrote:
SELLC wrote:


I'm sorry, what did you say PowerStroker?

Minnesota, for example, has reported 116,000 COVID cases among fully vaccinated people since Nov. 7; of those, 4,701 were hospitalized and 839 people have died. 

Your numbers are only looking at the fatality rate of breakthrough infections among vaccinated people in Minnesota, and not the fatality rate among the total population of vaccinated people in MN - which stands at 8,931,302... While OF BREAKTHROUGH INFECTIONS, you have a .72% rate, the fatality rate among the total of vaccinated people in minnesota is almost zero, which is SIGNIFICANTLY LESS than the fatality rate of unvaccinated people which stands at about 1%.

In Maine, which has one of the highest vaccination rates in the country (with 95% of the over-65 crowd fully vaxxed), 59% of deaths in October were among the fully vaccinated, prompting Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, to ask Anthony Fauci to explain the growing toll during a Senate hearing. He could not.  

I can, it's because almost everyone there is vaccinated. If they had 100% of their people vaccinated, then 100% of covid deaths would be among vaccinated people. Essentially you have made MY point by stating the 5% of unvacinnated people there are now accounting for 41% of covid deaths.

You call the 59% mortality rate among the FULLY vaccinated in Maine "almost zero"?

59% of deaths within a sub-statistic is not a 59% mortality rate, If you run the numbers correctly they are probably better than MN.  

You call the 839 FULLY vaccinated people in your own state who have died "almost zero"?

No, I call it almost zero PERCENT... 839 deaths among 8,931,302 vaccinated people is a 0.0093715% fatality rate. So yes, when you have 2 zeros after a decimal point, statistically we can round that to zero for the purpose of comparing fatality rates among vaccinated vs unvaccinated people.

I think you need to pull your head out of your ass and wake up dude!

Where the FUCK are you getting your news? CNN?

Certainly not Fox, or the Michigan public school system. The point here is to compare the death rates between vaccinated vs unvaccinated. To do this, we need absolute totals, INCLUDING the people who because of the vaccine didn't get covid at all... not just breakthrough cases of the vaccinated people who did. My totals include breakthrough cases, your numbers ONLY account for breakthrough infections, which is why your statistics are completely wrong.



That's a nice try PowerStroker...

You are grasping at straws! Anyone reading what you responded with knows you're FOS given the information released from Maine and Minnesota. 

The data and the science does not support your lies.

It's really quite simple... something either works or it doesnt... glad you're not fixing my car!


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Rastus wrote:

You'll never ever get the "real" numbers of the death-rates, simply because of data-protection-laws...

All you can do is lap-up the numbers that the corrupted media feed you via the corrupted WHO.


Biden is going on national TV tomorrow to tell everyone about the winter of illness and death, in an effort to scare more people to death.

He knows 400k a year are rookie numbers and he has to make one last push before the year ends if Democrats are ever to have a chance of stealing the 2022 election.


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Rex, if you can show me errors in my math I'm happy to listen.



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You're using math trickery PowerStroker!

Of course the percentages of people who die from COVID that have never had the jab are going to falsely appear higher because over 200 million people have gotten at least one jab! It's no different than when this first started and you guys were using the same jaded math to say the same thing... Of course less people died early on who had the jab, because at that time hardly anyone even had access to it! You KNOW this is wrong, and it's not on the level.

You are a seasoned spinster... I could say white, and you would say black... and we would both have convincing theories of why we were right.

So in the interest of the holidays, let's make this REAL SIMPLE... Let us just focus on Maine, and the question that Tony Fauci could not answer himself...

Given THIS metric,

In Maine, which has one of the highest vaccination rates in the country (with 95% of the over-65 crowd fully vaxxed), 59% of deaths in October were among the fully vaccinated... 

My question is PowerStroker, IN MAINE, if 95% of the over 65 crowd are fully vaxxed, then how come 59% of the deaths from COVID were among the fully vaxxed? If the vaccine worked, shouldn't that number stand at ZERO?

Now lets keep ALL OTHER stats out of the equation here, we are just doing a "sample" based on the only known metric that has a 95% vax rate... 

Would you not concur, that eventually when 300 million at least had one jab, in terms of sheer numbers - that more people with the vaccine will die than those without? And we are not talking about the ratio or percentages, because obviously if Biden is about to get on TV and tell the nation tomorrow that we are in for "a winter of illness and death", every remaining person who hasn't been vaxxed better be dead by spring! Otherwise Biden is basically doing the equivalence of screaming "FIRE" in a crowded movie theater, when there isn't one.  


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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From the Bing Covid Tracker...

Maine is at 136,401 total cases, and 1441 total deaths. 

While Maine may have 95% of people over 65 fully vaccinated, the actual full vaccination rate for the entire state is presently 68%, and 84.69% having at least 1 dose - which is pretty good compared to the rest of the country.


Regarding your question as to why they recently reported more deaths among vaccinated people in Maine, it's because the vaccinated population there is enormous compared to the unvaccinated population. I already explained this, but lets follow the thought to conclusion... If hypothetically Maine achieved 99% of people being fully vaccinated, and the following month you had a hundred people die, of which 60 were vaccinated, it would mean that the 1% of the population which was not vaccinated was accounting for 40% of deaths, while the 99% of the population that is vaccinated accounted for 60% of deaths. You aren't comparing populations of equal sizes, In this instance, the death RATE per population is FAR worse for the unvaccinated, it's just that the incredible lopsidedness of the population size is making the numbers look funny. If Maine achieved 100% vaccination, then 100% of their deaths would be of vaccinated people, but the total number of dead people would be far less than if they were not vaccinated.

By all metrics, the virus is hitting unvaccinated populations disproportionately hard. And what I can't figure out, is why you seen to want so many Republicans to die? 



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Nobody can quantify anything with certainty because every body is different! Some may have had COVID and not even know it, and some may have had underlying health issues! On both sides!

You enjoy setting up false narriatives, just like the one where you claim I want Republicans to die! I never said that, that was just another assumption you made. Not every Democrat wants the jab, just like not every Republican has refused it!

My whole point is the same as it has been for masks, lockdowns and the jab! FREEDOM OF CHOICE! FOR ALL!

If your four masks and jabs work, you should have no worries about what someone else does with their body! 

What is going on right now is just WRONG! Trying to guilt and scare people into something they don't want! You're all just a bunch of drug pushers! I don't want your drugs! I got my own, TYVM!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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If the only people being harmed were the individuals who made the choice to not get the jab that would be one thing. But so long as the virus keeps encountering unvaccinated people, it will continue to have opportunities to mutate into vaccine resistant strains that are a threat to everyone. This isn't a personal choice issue, it's a public health issue that affects all of humanity.



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Well I hate to bust your bubble, but that is just not the case. 

You may have sold your soul to the Betchel family and the Democrat party, but I still have a choice!

I think you're all full of shit, and I think anyone with your mentality that I have to take your shit vaccine because yours is not working can go fuck themselves. People who think as you do are the REAL public heath issue! 

You sure you don't want to try this lobotomy? 



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Time to post this up again, since we're on another new page...

Watch from the 02:04:25 mark or so, & you'll hear how the COrona VIrus Disease 2019 was already planned back in the early 2000's...And you'll also learn what the agenda is of our "elite"...And why it's important to keep track of these mofo's ;) !!! ( One would also do well to watch the whole thing btw )...

Also, we have a great Christmas present from our gov't down this way, & we "have" to wear masks when inside stores doing shopping lol ! Great advice hey ?...


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Now we have "Flurona"

What is 'flurona?' Coronavirus and influenza co-infections reported as omicron surges.

I guess they originally wanted to call it "Fluzilla" but they were worried about a possible association with China and Asian people with the "zilla"...


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COrona VIrus Disease 2019 & its variants are obviously a money cow, as well as a beta-test to see how gullible the general-public is, so as to see how we'll react once they pull the fake UFO "false-flag" event.

There's obviously lots of money being generated, so they'll milk-it for all-its-worth...

Don't forget that these same people want you to eat radioactive food from the Fukushima perfecture...So it's easy to see that they protect the money first, & *uck the people.


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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It's such a shame too... they will never come clean about the real reasons...


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:

It's such a shame too... they will never come clean about the real reasons...


Of course not my friend...Their whole modus-operandi is to keep us enslaved through debt & fear, whilst they keep-on developing technologies for their own self-satisfaction & use.

They create a problem ( Corona ), we go running to them for help, & they provide a solution via a vaccine.

As with say 9/11, they fly aeroplanes into buildings, we go running to them for help, & they invade Iraq, so that we have plenty of gasoline...


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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This whole Corona business is bad for business...

Like that crooked SBA... talk about a parasite virus!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Lockdowns only reduced COVID-19 mortality by .2%, study finds: 'Lockdowns should be rejected out of hand'


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Wait a minute, by mortality rates you mean the percentage of people who got covid and ended up dying from it right? But did the study look at whether these policies reduced the percentage of people who got covid in the first place... Which by the way, was the point of those policies?

This is the kind of question I've learned to ask whenever some story like this comes out of Fox "News."



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I didn't need Fox news to tell me that shutting down for two weeks (actually two years) did little to nothing but make a lot of rich people even richer...

It was started under Trump but carried by Biden... makes both parties responsible in my eyes... all that COVID money they gave away, paying everyones bills... fuck these assholes! Got no use for them whatsoever.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:

I didn't need Fox news to tell me that shutting down for two weeks (actually two years) did little to nothing but make a lot of rich people even richer...

It was started under Trump but carried by Biden... makes both parties responsible in my eyes... all that COVID money they gave away, paying everyones bills... fuck these assholes! Got no use for them whatsoever.


That's about a wrap I think ;) !


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Anyone know if radiation kills COVID?

Because, eh... we have a new boogieman in town and this one might need a little more than a cloth mask!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:

Anyone know if radiation kills COVID?

Because, eh... we have a new boogieman in town and this one might need a little more than a cloth mask!


Yes SELLC, radiation does kill COrona VIrus Disease 2019...

Around the first few pages of this thread, I posted a link to your ABC's World Nuclear News, where they stated this, & also proclaimed that radiation is good for you, because it kills Corona Virus...

They also mentioned that Fukushima workers would have to do with rubber-rain-suits, since all the Kevlar suits were now being distributed to doctors around the world because of COVID-19...( So a flu is more dangerous than nuclear radiation according to the IAEA, Nuclear Industry, & governments around the world ( f****** idiots)).

RIP all the Fukushima workers who have lost their lives in an effort to save ours...


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Ummmm.... if Global Thermal Nuclear War breaks out it will make Fukushima seem like a broken jar of jelly in a supermarket isle. Just so we're clear!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:

Ummmm.... if Global Thermal Nuclear War breaks out it will make Fukushima seem like a broken jar of jelly in a supermarket isle. Just so we're clear!


LOL !!!

Your typical Nuclear power-plant will have countless tonnes of Uranium on-site, in various states of use...And when "out-of-control", release countless amounts of radionuclides for centuries...

Your average nuke war-head will only contain a few kg's of Uranium at the most...And is all over & done with in a split-second...


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Perhaps swashbuckling with you on this topic is not wise...

Still, in that spit second more will die than if one of your plants melted down... especially if everyone let them go in a grand salvo, as would be the case in GTNW.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:

1. Perhaps swashbuckling with you on this topic is not wise...

2. Still, in that spit second more will die than if one of your plants melted down... especially if everyone let them go in a grand salvo, as would be the case in GTNW.


R1. LOL ! I'm no expert, but I am regretfully a little studied-up on this shyte...

R2. Fukushima ( & the others ) will take everyone out given time...

The issue with a mass-deployment of ICBM's by both sides, is the point-of-interception, & where that happens...Some will reach the designated targets however...

I really don't think any of this will happen to be honest.

* One strategic burst of the High-Energy-Directional-Weapon over Moscow, will ensure that Mr.Putin "shits the pot", along with a whole lot of innocent people falling into that very pot with him regretfully...

* Our real concerns are actually "who now has control" of this weapon-system, since we all know that the world is very-much controlled by an "Transnational Cabal", that knows no borders...

This is why I call "BOLLOX" to all-of-this !

Enjoy your Scotch ;) ! And take the time to watch all the vids I've posted !!!


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right! Here I am,


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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I guess Obama just caught COVID...

But nobody cares anymore... lol

We got Global Thermal Nuclear World War III now! LOL


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In this time, anyone who has a slightly high body temperature has COVID !!!

People have all but forgotten about fevers & naturally occurring illnesses :) !


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It would seem they are locking China back down due to the 'Rona...

Hope they enjoy that! I know Trump fell for that BS hook, line and sinker! He seen China do it, so he did it... what a mistake!


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Too many lies about almost everything floating around these-days to mess anyone's head-up with...

Leave it all behind folks, get into CE5, & start living a normal life again, where you can see through most of the bollox :) !!!


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Rastus wrote:

Too many lies about almost everything floating around these-days to mess anyone's head-up with...


I agree... It's like real life MAD TV

I miss that show... sorta... it was really the only show that was an alternative to SNL...


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:

Thanks Hasle, although I am sure right now with the markets melting down and Wuhan hysteria, anything except the MSM news would be funny. 

That being said, I have seen some articles that China is trying to say the COVID-19 did not originate in China! Now THAT IS FUNNY! LOL, considering ground zero for Wuhan infections was in.... wait for it  ----- Wuhan China! This is just how far out of touch with reality they are over there! 

Then to make things even more hilarious, the mainstream media is making claims that Xi visited Wuhan China, suggesting that somehow China has beaten the virus! But lets look closer at them claims,


Check out this convincing looking photo the MSM is circulating... First of all, like anyone from America would know if that is actually Wuhan or not! Second, they just found some fat man that looks like Xi to stand there with a face mask on! LOL, how can we even really know this is Xi himself!? It could be one of his MANY stunt doubles! The person in the photo is wearing a mask! Given China's propensity for lies and propaganda they could all be standing in a green room! 

No, I don't think China has it under control... and the moment they let everyone out of their homes, cases are just going to pick up where they left off... Let us not forget about how China deals with it's numbers! From what I read it sounds like they pack them all in a hospital and then cause the building to collapse! Oh look, now there are 1000 less people with the Wuhan flu that died from a building collapse and not the Wuhan! I mean these fuckers are real slippery! 


Well... well... well...

Here we are again, this time under President Joe Biden!

I sure hope that Joe Biden does not take the Chinese bait hook, line, and sinker like Donald Trump did!

Check out this headline-


This is EXACTLY what happend under Trumps watch! China created a massive panic and Trump bought it! It's either that or he worked with China to use COVID to try and stay in power!

The truth here is clear... Trump was a very POOR President who could not handle the responsibility of leading this country! 

China is using this virus to punish it's own people, they are really no better than Russia! 

I sure hope that Biden can clean up this mess by rolling back mask mandates and all the other COVID restrictions that have seen our country descend into shit... Yes, it was a Republican Judge who put an end to the mask mandate recently... 

The whole "Fool me once, shame on you... Fool me twice, shame on me" is in full effect here...

And clearly the contrast between the quoted photo above, and the recent photo showing China imprisoning their people in open air death camps with VERY poor conditions is a reminder to us all where this virus started, and the actors that blew it up...

Many will say "But all these people died"... No, I think we scared half of them to death, and the other half were killed off by a man-made virus that probably wasn't even COVID... These are my thoughts... and as thousands are slaughtered in Ukraine and many other wars around the world it's clear that many of these COVID related deaths were the resut of the WAR that we have been in with China for quite some time... Nukes or virus, the death toll on a global level is similar to what we would see in a World War...

It's time to move on from COVID, and Donald Trump... If Biden and the Democrats don't put an end to this COVID nonsesense and open up the pipelines it's probably going to be a VERY BAD mid-term election season for them. 

The "Clear Message" that China tried to send in the beginning of COVID is that they are full of shit...


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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U.S. Senator Says It 'May Be True' COVID Vaccine Gives People AIDS


SAY IT AIN'T SO! confuse


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John Rappoport from "No more fake news" was saying similar all along...


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Hold my beer COVID, make way for MONKEYPOX!

I guess we should have acted more afraid when they unleashed the murder hornets... now they coming at us with the Monkeypox!



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Of course we need an over-dramatic photo of it in the media...


Just say it...

MONKEYPOX... it even sounds sinister... probably from Africa, or China... LOL


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Well... my youngest tested positive for COVID today... he used one of them free test from Abbott (same company who fucked up the baby formula) and it said he was positive!

He's been feeling under the weather the past few days, since FRIDAY when he got his 2nd COVID booster shot! 

I told him he has to be a dumb motherfucker to have gotten both COVID shots and STILL managed to catch COVID!

Anyway, needless to say I have immediately started drinking... if only to kill whatever might be lingering around here... to have someone in the household test positive for COVID is for sure a concern...

While myself and the wife have probably already had COVID at least a half dozen times by now, he's the only one in the family that adheres to the liberal doctrine of the Melissa klan... There was only ever TWO conservatives on the list, Brandee and Carly... 

And to be honest I was somewhat relived as I could not figure out why at times it felt like my throat was closing up... lol, no seriously... I think I have had every variant of COVID since before it was even popular... back in 2019 and early 2020 I was a big patron of the local Detorit Casino's and they were always packed with Asians who could barely even speak English! Anymore it almost felt like COVID was just something you had to be lazy for about 3-4 days to kick... but if you pushed it, look out!

So to anyone who starts feeling unusually worn down, you prolly have COVID... for at least the third or fourth time... I think the first time really puts an ass whooping on ya... but I guess we will find out. 

This is the first time anyone has taken a test in this house, and it was by chance that I had two test kits on hand from when Biden sent them out... I'm still wondering if perhaps the kid isn't trying to skip the last week of school and figured out how to trick the test, so I will be administering the 2nd test in the kit myself tomorrow... just to be sure! lol

I seen Ferris Bullers day off before! 


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So... here I am...  I'm just sitting here waiting for the rapture... TAKE ME NOW YOU VIRAL POS! LOL


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Look... I say if I take a test and I'm negative I just up and leave for a week!

It's fair, right?

No point in me getting sick, right? LOL

It's a legitimate excuse, no? Hey Babe, I know you and the kid were staring down the barrel of a positive Abbott test (people who fucked up the baby formula) and the kid got a COVID shot last Friday... but I have to look out for the entire family! 

Which is why I had to quarantine on a beach far-far away!


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I'm too drunk to drive right now... but I have enough credit to strangle a horse! I could easily Uber or Lyft to the airport and be gone in less than a few hours...

BUT... that would leave the Corvette here unprotected... and that would be the first thing the wife took out her "frustrations" on... 

Hmmmm... It is fully insured...

Decisions... decisions... 


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I guess what I'm asking is... If I come home and someone has scrached "Asshole cheater" in the hood of my car, and I have a pretty good idea who it was, will it still be covered under comprehensive since it was technically parked in the garage?


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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I only ask because my comprehensive deductible is only $100... 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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I just try to keep telling myself...

"If I ever go looking for my hearts desire again, I won't look any further than my own backyard... because if it isn't there, I never really lost it to begin with."


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Posts: 16416

I swear... If I'm laying on my COVID death bed I'll say, "Dear Lord, I don't regret nothing... except them Twitter hoes towards the end!"


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Posts: 16416

Not sure if it's the COVID or the hangover from last night... but I'm pretty sure if there was any disease the liquor has killed it.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Posts: 5933


I'm only just starting to feel better after a 24-hr flu-thingy...


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Posts: 16416

Glad you're feeling better Rastus!

I'm feeling much better myself today... I think most of my body aches yesterday were hangover related, which to me means that the alcohol was doing it's job.

Still, it's a very unnerving feeling when someone in you household test positive for COVID. I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later, I'm just glad it wasn't during the early days of COVID when people were flipping out. Now it seems nobody really cares and it's treated much like a cold or flu where they say stay home, get some rest, and stay hydrated. In fact, the school has cleared the kid to return to school tomorrow, as it's been 5 days.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Posts: 5933


Who would have thought that we would have left the COrona VIrus Disease 2019 thread drift into a page-2 search ???...

Anyhow, I won't write it all out, but here's link to a vid that everyone should watch...


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.

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