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What do you think of Jack Dorsey and his Twitter? [4 vote(s)]

He is a liberal Jackass!
I like him and Twitter
I don't know who he is and I don't use Twitter


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This JACKASS is buying TWITTER for $44 BILLION dollars... but no... he doesn't want to be popular!

He must think we're all as retarded as he looks!

My thoughts are he just now got his funding in order, and failed at his attempt to short-change the deal...

VANITY... still my favorite sin! LOL



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Elanore Roosevelt once said something like qt. "Small minds talk about people, larger minds talk about events, awake minds talk about solutions"...


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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I think there is a distinction that you're missing when it comes to being "wake" versus "woke"... 

I'm not saying Elanore Roosevelt is wrong, but if the high-heel fits...

It must have made more sense prior to the internet revolution and cell phones...

For example, the solution to the events in Ukraine are very much about one person.



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Additionally, the solution to the events over there on Twitter are very much about ONE PERSON paying up.

If I see him before he see's me... well, yeah... right in the face! He better hope I'm not angry!



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Me thinks that if the AUKUS & 5-Eye's nations decided to not want to take-over the whole friggin' world, with their pollution,nukes, banks, tanks & bombs, we'd all be better-off...

But everybody wants to rule the world...

Now where'd I hear that ???


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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I remember when this song came out... good times back then in the 1980's! Great music too!




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What is a Rex block?

The Rex block is an atypical weather pattern that stubbornly blocks any incoming storms that usually travel on the westerly winds.


It was click-bait... not the kind of Rex block I am used to!



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LOL !!!

It looks like the "Rex-block" might just be keeping some of the Fuku-nuke-shyte away, if that's possible !


rex_block-1.webp (153.4 kb)

"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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I really have no desire to get back on Twitter... I think about all them users who are about to get "sold-out"... the only thing that really bothers me is the fact that since my account was locked, I don't have the ability to delete it! So I'm getting sold out along with the rest of them! What a pisser!

Thinking back at all the hours I wasted on Twitter... what a shit-hole... in fact, it's only fitting a shit-packer like Elon Musk bought it.

Soon Elon will have the ability to get on Twitter and pound his pud to all the deleted, locked and shadow banned accounts. 

He's going to be like Pee-Wee Herman in the movie theater for an entire month! LOL

Wonder how much of his own cash he will have to write a check for? You know... some people always back out at the last moment, even BANKS! Sure hope he's ready! LOL

Word on the street he is worth $200+ billion... well, if you ask me he and anyone who would pay that for Twitter is a complete fucking moron. This dude is literally putting up 1/4 of his fortune on some 256 character text message app! LOL

I guess we will see.



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Stellar007 wrote:

I really have no desire to get back on Twitter... 


I shouldn't say that though... I really have no desire to get unfairly shadow-banned by Twitter again!

Just checked my account... still shadow-banned and removed from public viewing. Also found out that Elon does not even have an email! For $44 billion you would think he would have one of them things, you know... like a company e-mail address!



So much for Elon Musk hitting the ground running there at Twitter! LOL

Guy brings a sink into Twitter HQ but has no email there? I'd say for $44 Billion the guy is getting the shaft.

What a joke... I wonder if some snag is ongoing because it sure seems like he's totally reversing course and sucking advertisers dicks... I guess that's all he does day and night anyway, what with his money problems and having to borrow from loan sharks...

I'll be anxiously awaiting the details tomorrow... something ain't right! Why would anyone leave a deal with a $2 Billion dollar failure to close fee to the last fucking minute? 

Looks like a damn dog and pony show! One minute he's going to fire 75% of Twitter employees the next minute he's in there stroking them off.

This guy... sure glad I don't have to deal with this kind of BS while paying for one of his products or services!




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Elon Musk is SO FULL OF SHIT.



So much for his promises! Honestly I am SOOOOOO fucking glad this fucking moron does not own anything that I have to pay for, like a car or a service!

This cocksucker is about as bad as they come!


Still banned! Can't even call this little cock-sucking twerp out on his lies... I wonder if a prompt come up like the one above when Musk called that one guy a Pedo?

This guy Musk is the biggest peice of shit to walk the earth... and even if his sorry ass gets around to unlocking my account it's too fucking late! I'd just finally be able to erase the damn thing and be done with him.

Honestly, I hope this cock-sucker CHOKES on that $44 Billion acquisition! Fuck Elon Musk, Tesla, Space X and all of his boaring ass companies! (no pun intended).

Only a half witt like Elon Musk could fuck up the roll out of a $44 billion dollar platform!

Have a nice life you fat fucker!

The BIRD is indeed FREE

jasni 002.jpg




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Musk Says He Wont Unban Any Accounts Until New Content Moderation Council Forms


Fuck this retard and his ghey-ass Twitter!

He's got Kanye back on Twitter, but everyone else just gets fucked? Give me a break!

This clown can pound rocks from here on out! Let that echo thru his bird brain chamber! There are only five or six people I follow on his little shit-hole site and honestly I have them on other platforms too... 

So where I was going to let bygones be bygones, this peckerwoods flip flopping pussy-footing antics just got him and his company CANCELED from this site. In other words, if it's got anything to do with Musk, it's considered shit here!

What a jackass.



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It's a game Stellar...And the rules bend for people that attract attention...It's part of the psychological strategy to keep the masses amused ( read brain-dead ) & entertained whilst the "elite" go about their business.

Next !


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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It's actually quite good timing... Elon Musk buying Twitter so close to Halloween and mis-using top Tesla company resources to re-write and analize Twitter code... but honestly, Twitter is now under the Musk umbrella and anyone trying to argue mis-use of funds isn't going to get far since he has already said he's going to fold it into a we-chat style X app...

But the relevence here on October 29th is Elon Musk's Frankenstein (Twitter) is now officially alive!




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Still banned on Twitter!

I should start charging this retard $8 a month he keeps fucking lying! 

How does that work if you get banned and already paid for the month? Do you get a refund? What if you paid in advance for a year, which = $96 plus any tax or whatever other "add-ons" the roll out next...

I once used WeChat and other such Chinise web sites! They are REALLY BAD... to send someone an emoji it cost money... to stay in a chat with someone it cost money! To translate it cost money! They have just about everything monetized... not even kidding! I have screen shots if anyone wants to see them! This was back in the DH days, I met an Asian chick and she took me back to her country... let me just say, to put things in perspective it would be like Facebook charging for every photo uploaded, every like given, every photo you wanted to look at of someone else would cost money... and of course your chat sessions would cost money too! This is not even a joke!

But sex sells... soft porn if you will. How does it work? Well, it's like a Casino... everyone gets a cut... more people look at your photos and pay to look at them? More money in your account! Think OnlyFans with training wheels and PG-13... 



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Look at this whining cry-baby bitch


Elon Musk said he didn't believe in permanent bans... yet here we are a week later and he's using his broken promise as a talking point for why Advertisers are pulling out?

Maybe it's because you're full of shit Elon? Did you ever think about that?



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Stellar007 wrote:

I once used WeChat and other such Chinise web sites! They are REALLY BAD... to send someone an emoji it cost money... to stay in a chat with someone it cost money! To translate it cost money! They have just about everything monetized... not even kidding! I have screen shots if anyone wants to see them! This was back in the DH days, I met an Asian chick and she took me back to her country... let me just say, to put things in perspective it would be like Facebook charging for every photo uploaded, every like given, every photo you wanted to look at of someone else would cost money... and of course your chat sessions would cost money too! This is not even a joke!



Twitter users could soon be able to pay to DM 'Very Important Tweeters' thanks to a new feature, report says



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I'd like to say I'm shocked...


But I'm not... This is the same guy who said "I don't believe in permanently banning people for any reason"

It's quite clear that everyone from Tesla, Space X and all his other businesses love the fact they found the retard a new toy to play with and keep his idiot ass out of their hair... they all have to be tired of babysitting Elon by now.

I think maybe the guy is geniunely retarded... starting to feel bad for calling him a retard now! I didn't think he was up until recently.

To be quite honest, I think his "work in process" leaves a lot to be desired! I think a lot of people are just going to find something else to do than give this guy $8 a month... I don't see ANY value in Twitter outside of a few of it's users! HONEST, no value whatsoever! 

It's fun watching Elon fuck this all up! He actually thinks members of Twitter are his employees or something! It's very odd, actually it's quite sad.

Oh well... enjoy your new toy Elon! It's quite obvious Elon does not share or play well with others, so I think maybe he just needs to be left in his echo chamber to stew...

I'd like to say I'm not going to waste anymore time posting about this touched guy... but honestly it's like watching a train-wreck!



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Elon is a fart in a blizzard. Flip flops all the time. Rich can do what they want, they are somehow idolized.

Drive it like you stole it


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Well I'll be damned... I'm no longer banned on Twitter!




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Twitter explodes.jpg


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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I dunno Rastus... I have been using Twitter for the past few days and it seems like it always was... with the exception that I could not get my blue check mark for $8, it seems like everything is working over there as normal... or as normal as Twitter ever was.

But there is no doubt that since Twitter has been puchased by Elon, coupled with the fact that he's leaning Republican now days - this has the liberals up in arms! 

I don't feel Twitter has EVER been worth $44 Billion, however you never know what post were out there that Musk was willing to pay $44 BILLION to erase... makes you wonder how many other women he offered to buy ponies for!

Still, it's good to be back... even better that all my post are still there as they were! I saved all my complements to Elon because I knew something would give... since I could not PAY for a blue check mark, I will now expect Elon and Twitter to just GIVE me one... in many ways with this forum and my infamous reputation, I think I deserve it. LOL, I don't plan on paying for one now however... that ship has set sail when I spent hours looking for the Twitter Blue payment page only to find out the next day they hid it! To me, if you're going to stop offering something and hide a page, you have an obligation to have a page there letting people know it's been put on pause, removed or SOMETHING! 

On the bad side, a few of my girls have been lost on Twitter every since my account turned active... on account of the fact they blocked me back before I was unfairly banned! LOL



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Stellar007 wrote:

I dunno Rastus... I have been using Twitter for the past few days and it seems like it always was... with the exception that I could not get my blue check mark for $8, it seems like everything is working over there as normal... or as normal as Twitter ever was.

But there is no doubt that since Twitter has been puchased by Elon, coupled with the fact that he's leaning Republican now days - this has the liberals up in arms! 

I don't feel Twitter has EVER been worth $44 Billion, however you never know what post were out there that Musk was willing to pay $44 BILLION to erase... makes you wonder how many other women he offered to buy ponies for!

Still, it's good to be back... even better that all my post are still there as they were! I saved all my complements to Elon because I knew something would give... since I could not PAY for a blue check mark, I will now expect Elon and Twitter to just GIVE me one... in many ways with this forum and my infamous reputation, I think I deserve it. LOL, I don't plan on paying for one now however... that ship has set sail when I spent hours looking for the Twitter Blue payment page only to find out the next day they hid it! To me, if you're going to stop offering something and hide a page, you have an obligation to have a page there letting people know it's been put on pause, removed or SOMETHING! 

On the bad side, a few of my girls have been lost on Twitter every since my account turned active... on account of the fact they blocked me back before I was unfairly banned! LOL


LOL !!!

I feel so lucky, that in this instance, I have absolutely no-idea what you're talking about !

I guess this means I have no idea about twitter, &/or how it works, & I'm very grateful for that fact !

Adonai !!!


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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It's not everyones cup-of-tea... that's for sure!

A lot of people I know have no desire to join, and I think perhaps the reason why is because at first it just seems like a really boring place... I think when I first signed up it sat hardly used for years, until that damn Melissa caught my eye... eventually the Algo will get you figured out, and in my case they started throwing fast women at me... the rest as they say, is history.

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