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Things that make you go hmmm......


It seems that Mr.Trumpdt's political tactics are working down this way, with my local counsel in Launceston being awarded a cool $10,000,000:00 AUD for "Drought relief funding", as long as you meet the criteria...

Only 3-places in Oz have met this criteria for full-funding, the other 2 being in northern NSW.

Launceston amazingly(?) beat another local counsel that actually has been affected & suffers from drought...

Launceston is spending the money on a CBD Car-Park enhancement...

Read on lol ! :) !


-- Edited by Rastus on Thursday 9th of July 2020 07:51:02 PM


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That nobody is talking about Dr. Richard Bartlett from Texas!!

I am sorry, Senator. I have no clear recollection of the events in question!


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What is up with Dr. Richard Bartlett from Texas? No one has been talking about it... confuse


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Here is the interview....

I am sorry, Senator. I have no clear recollection of the events in question!


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The nebulizer... I'll have to keep that in mind, they treat asthma with that too and I have seen a nebulizer in action, much nicer than a ventilator! 


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So as of today, "us-good-guys" within "5-eyes" are turning a complete bind-eye to the illegal land-grab expansion of Israel in the Middle East, & yet we are facing-off a war in the South China Sea, because of China's illegal territorial claims...


More bollox for dinner folks.....


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So I thought I'd check-out "RT Moscow", & discovered interestingly that bulk of the news is all about the US-of-A & Mr.Trumpdt...( Ah election years hey ?....)...

Disturbingly however, is a news story that headlines US-of-A Defense Secretary Mr. Esper stating that " NATO must avoid peace in Europe "....

WTF ???!!!

Things that make you go Hmmm.....


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.

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Confirmed! Drudge has pop-up ads for ActBlue. Phuqing traitors!

I am sorry, Senator. I have no clear recollection of the events in question!


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That is nothing Stan!

As you know I recently had a dust up over Trump's PC mask statements, shortly thereafter all the news outlets started showing me altered media that were gered towards making me angry with Republicans rather than with Democrats!

It's like all of a sudden I was getting what a Democrat would see on their newsfeed!

Happens all the time too, I'll mention buying a boat and all of a sudden boat advertisements and nautical advertisements will start popping up! 

Anymore I don't even bother going hmmmmm... I already know!


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Check this shyte out......So I decided to visit RTMoscow, & couldn't believe to see my home state making the news in Russia...And since "Russia" is the alleged "enemy" here, we should all take notice of the headlines & story.

This is what the US-of-A has got coming very shorty I would say, & Melbourne it would seems has been decided to be by the "elite" - ( read crazy people in power ), the test-bed for the new 4th-Reich, & pitching it on the world stage.

Disgraceful...And you've been warned !



NB. And do you know what the grand-total of deaths so far is to COVID-19 here ?...Much less than 0.001% of Australia's population...Prison Planet is here !!!

-- Edited by Rastus on Tuesday 4th of August 2020 10:34:19 PM


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I seen a similar article feeding on Yahoo and Fox News I think... I was waiting for you to chime in about it!

Are you saying that Melbourne is not locked down? Or that the numbers are out of line?


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SELLC wrote:

I seen a similar article feeding on Yahoo and Fox News I think... I was waiting for you to chime in about it!

Are you saying that Melbourne is not locked down? Or that the numbers are out of line?


Melbourne has had the most severe amount of pressure placed on it by the "elite" ( read classic bullshyte-artists ) with regards to the "martial law" lock-down methodology put in place. I'd personally love to see the people stand-up & demand their rights to choose & express their freedoms & liberties. Let the peoples of Washington State & Minnesota lead the way !!!

The demands are quite similar to yours in Detroit SELLC, as posted previously.

* The grand total nation-wide of alleged COVID-19 deaths is only a little over 200-people, that's two-hundred people, & the country has been forced into complete bollox.

* People are being fined $1800:00 for being caught out-side during curfew hours.

* Russia is laughing its ass off at all the free world, since our belief system of democracy has turned into a fascistic dictatorship, which is obviously worse than the Communist system...So we are political flip-flops in others world view for sure.

Lots of swamps to clean out.



"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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This one has to make you go hmmm....

So a person in communist China, can reveal their power to keep developers from acquiring their home, & we in the "free west", are being fined & sent to jail for not wearing a surgical mask over a false-flag-flu...



"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Yeah, okay Rastus...

Tell that to Steve Saleen! 


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What do you mean by "Aladeen?"


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Ever watch any of the Borat movies? Aladeen comes from "dictator" Any word he did not like he had replaced with "aladeen" His name.

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Damn.. I am usually pretty good with movie quotes too... You got me on that one!


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As mentioned earlier, the "elite" have decided to use little Oz as a test-bed for the "Mandatory Vaccination Laws" ...Every Australian will be FORCED BY LAW to be vaccinated...

The NEW WORLD ORDER is OFFICIALLY revealing its presence, & trying to enforce bogus vaccines on the population, instead of trying to kill the source.

Read on, & take heed !!!


-- Edited by Rastus on Tuesday 18th of August 2020 08:57:29 PM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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It will probably be the poorly tested Russian vaccination too! 

Let us know how that goes, maybe you will have a life-long crater at the point of injection like all the early polio vaccinations too! 


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SELLC wrote:

It will probably be the poorly tested Russian vaccination too! 

Let us know how that goes, maybe you will have a life-long crater at the point of injection like all the early polio vaccinations too! 

 Poorly tested alright, guess it killed Putins Daughter.

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Nothing on Putin's daughter in RTmoscow Shawnee...

But check this out !!!


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Of course there is nothing on RT Moscow. They would like to enjoy their morning spot of tea without worry!


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Rastus wrote:

Nothing on Putin's daughter in RTmoscow Shawnee...

But check this out !!!

 I hadn't seen it wife did. See if she can find it again.

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I had heard/read something about that too Shawnee, but I don't recall where...

Sort of like how the India/China boarder dust up was big news for like two hours then quickly swept under the rug by the following day.



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Here's what China, ( the other enemy lol ) has to say about "stuff"...


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You know I read that and it's rather hallarious that a commuinist regime who just took over Hong Kong against it's promises, and allowed this China-Virus to spread is trying to accuse the Administration of lying.

I think any level of trust between the US and China was lost when they pulled their little stunt with the Wuhan-Virus in denying it's human to human spread, and their covering it up while they purchased the worlds supply of PPE.

Quite frankly, all signs points to top Democratic officials taking kick-backs from China! Hunter Biden for example got millions from China and Ukraine! 

China has always been a nation of liars and it's only gotten worse since the Trump administration clamped down on them. 


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Rastus wrote:

Nothing on Putin's daughter in RTmoscow Shawnee...

But check this out !!!

 It was on Fox, BBC, think Epoch times. Supposedly she got 2 injections. One on Aug11, died Aug 15. I dunno

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Shawnee_B wrote:
Rastus wrote:

Nothing on Putin's daughter in RTmoscow Shawnee...

But check this out !!!

 It was on Fox, BBC, think Epoch times. Supposedly she got 2 injections. One on Aug11, died Aug 15. I dunno


How crazy is this ???.....

Let's get this straight...Mr.Putin's daughter has been possibly murdered...And Mr.Putin's direct political opponent now lay in hospital after being poisoned...

We have major political discourse it appears in Russia, with what "I" think appears to be infiltration of some evil-bastard-entity...

The "Banks" again are perhaps trying to subvert the course of a better, & peaceful humanity, by eliminating "anyone" who stands to oppose them ?...

*Anyone notice how Mr.Trumpdt's activity has been taking a back-seat-approach to most presidential affairs IMO, ever since the so-called US-of-A gov't fired-up again after the "shut down"a few years ago...


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Rastus wrote:


How crazy is this ???.....

Let's get this straight...Mr.Putin's daughter has been possibly murdered...And Mr.Putin's direct political opponent now lay in hospital after being poisoned...

We have major political discourse it appears in Russia, with what "I" think appears to be infiltration of some evil-bastard-entity...

The "Banks" again are perhaps trying to subvert the course of a better, & peaceful humanity, by eliminating "anyone" who stands to oppose them ?...

*Anyone notice how Mr.Trumpdt's activity has been taking a back-seat-approach to most presidential affairs IMO, ever since the so-called US-of-A gov't fired-up again after the "shut down"a few years ago...

 Yes crazy but we don't know it all yet and may never.

I saw that about his opposition, funny how that works in Russia. They probably learned that from Hillary!

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More things that make one go hmmm...This time ( as mentioned earlier in this thread ), it seems that NATO ( North ATLANTIC Treaty Organization ) now wants to expand world-wide...


* So we have a totally useless & needless "Space Force" watching over the planet from above, likely using scalar / longitudinal weapons to create false-flag events if / when needed, via earthquakes etc etc...( And of course, shooting down our ET friends / guests )...

* And we also have Raytheon in antarctica, with a totally integrated weapons system that uses DOMS ( Digital Optical Modules ) that has a multitude of uses...

* And now, we have NATO suggesting its presence is needed world-wide...( Perhaps this was the purpose behind Nancy's visit to Taiwan, an unofficial "you're *ucked now folks ) ???

It sure smells like the Anglo-American take-over of the world is nearing completion...Prison Planet here we come, if it isn't already too late...

-- Edited by Rastus on Wednesday 10th of August 2022 09:01:32 PM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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There is US and there is THEM...


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The nut swing Emporer.jpg


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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So it's time to roll-out the longer extended version of this awesome Gov't Add, to help you folks decide on what to do in the mid-terms, if it's not too late....


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Cheney comparing herself to Lincoln and teasing a 2024 run

If I wasnt disgustipated, I would be lmao.

I am sorry, Senator. I have no clear recollection of the events in question!


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Stan_147 wrote:

Cheney comparing herself to Lincoln and teasing a 2024 run

If I wasnt disgustipated, I would be lmao.


Hmmm...It is grossly offending...And so was Big-Dick himself...

This meme may help your anxiety, so I'll post it again !

war criminal Cheney.jpg




"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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War criminal?


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Bwahahahahahaha ClownNewsNetwork dumped Brian Stelter!

I guess his sources are not so reliable.

Bye, Mr. Potato!

I am sorry, Senator. I have no clear recollection of the events in question!


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SELLC wrote:

War criminal?


LOL, ROTFLMAO...Why are you always defending idiocy after the fact ???...Look at the posts above, where 2-full years ago, I posted a link to RT indicating that NATO says a war is necessary in Europe...

And as for real war criminals, how about this tri-axis of evil, that's done nothing but *uck-up the world for everyone...( Even your business SELLC needed a cash-injection...That speaks volumes about how people are coping state-side...The rich are getting richer, the poor are taking-out-loans )...

These folks are responsible for all our suffering. Make them take responsibility !!!




-- Edited by Rastus on Thursday 18th of August 2022 07:06:47 PM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Rastus wrote:
And as for real war criminals, how about this tri-axis of evil, that's done nothing but *uck-up the world for everyone...( Even your business SELLC needed a cash-injection...That speaks volumes about how people are coping state-side...The rich are getting richer, the poor are taking-out-loans )...


Ummm, Rastus... like, my business started in the year 2001! LOL

Are you suggesting that COVID assistance was because of Bush in 2001, when our business hadn't even been open for a few weeks?

That doesn't even make any sense Rastus! COVID loans were because of COVID! Not because of anything else as you would suggest!

And FYI, there is nothing wrong with business or people taking out loans! Just ask your Government there in Australia! They are on track to crack $1 trillion in national debt soon!


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Stan_147 wrote:

Bwahahahahahaha ClownNewsNetwork dumped Brian Stelter!

I guess his sources are not so reliable.

Bye, Mr. Potato!


I never seen any of his shows... guess I didn't miss anything!


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SELLC wrote:
Rastus wrote:
And as for real war criminals, how about this tri-axis of evil, that's done nothing but *uck-up the world for everyone...( Even your business SELLC needed a cash-injection...That speaks volumes about how people are coping state-side...The rich are getting richer, the poor are taking-out-loans )...


Ummm, Rastus... like, my business started in the year 2001! LOL

Are you suggesting that COVID assistance was because of Bush in 2001, when our business hadn't even been open for a few weeks?

That doesn't even make any sense Rastus! COVID loans were because of COVID! Not because of anything else as you would suggest!

And FYI, there is nothing wrong with business or people taking out loans! Just ask your Government there in Australia! They are on track to crack $1 trillion in national debt soon!

 LOL !!!


Yes, thanks very much "5-Eyes" & "AUKUS", for delivering the debt that we didn't need, war mongering, & making all this possible without decision or choice via election... - As is warranted in an apparent free, & democratic society...

Thankfully, we have our ET friends making themselves known a little-bit more, which means, that in a short period of time, the game will be over, & a new world will be available, with peace & prosperity for all...

There are more cars etc on the roads than ever before, meaning more maintenance requirements are needed...But people generally don't have any money to spend anymore, yet alone having $$$ to have their cars properly fixed...

Our gov'ts, through realizing that unions, wages, safety concerns & EPA laws etc etc were starving profits from stock-holders ( Wall st people ) over the last few decades, that's why they shipped all the heavily polluting industries elsewhere, to places like China, where the gov't is almost as bad as our own, & people don't matter...

Result, we lose our industries & jobs, but make massive profit ( for a while ) in the shares, & playing the stock-market...Meanwhile, these other so called 3rd-world countries cop all the manufacturing & pollution...


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Bah hamburg, yeah, good idea, Waygu burgers tonight.

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Arbys was selling a Waygu burger there for awhile! I never tried one because they cooked them medium... but it looked tasty on the commercials! 


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And this whole "Things that make you go hmmmm...." title is very familiar... 


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Wa = Japan/Japanese
Gyu = beef

Just a simple translation. Usually, they include the regional name like Kobe to let you know where in Japan. In Kobe, they feed them oats and beer. Kobe direct is usually quite pricey.

I am sorry, Senator. I have no clear recollection of the events in question!


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Thanks Stan! I got the GY switched around...

Still, I have had the Kobe steak at the MGM Grand before... twice in fact, however it was only the first time that I think they actually gave me Kobe as the second time it was no where near as tender!

Not a huge fan of fatty beef, and while some call it "marbling" it seems that 9 times out of 10 it's just fatty beef... of course fatty beef is going to be juicy!

Then there is that fact that 10 times out of 10 it's all in the prep, seasoning and cooking.

I always heard they fed the Kobe cows beer and ice cream, and then massasged their butts several times a day to promote marbling. Of course that was just the legend back when I first heard of it...

Seems more places are calling it Wagyu rather than Kobe anymore... 



What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl



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