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Things that make you go hmmm......


Cough cough....

Am I to understand that you're possibly eating meat that comes from Japan ???...Alarm lights are flashing folks !!!

Japan = Toxic Nuclear Waste Dump...Therefore, the meat will not be the best for your health...

Time for that Dosimeter / Geiger Counter maybe ???


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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I had my Kobe steak before Fukushima. Haven't had any since.

Although I eat a lot of sea-food out of the Pacific and Atlantic.

Fuck it... we all gotta go sometime, right?





What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Yes indeed !!!

But our biggest problem isn't death lol, it's the cause...

Our purpose here is to take care of our planet, & nukes have fucked it up entirely, for everything that exists...I'm not happy about that fact, but I'm more disappointed to see that you couldn't give a hoot, especially after being informed about the mess...

But whatever...I'll see how long I last until I'm banned again...( I kind-of-figure that someone's asleep rigtht now as I write this )...


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Now that's funny Rastus! LOL, you're like Elon Musk... you have probably never been banned from anything a day in your life! That includes this place!

You post some pretty crazy shit! Half of it has some roots in reality, the other half... well let's just say I've always had you pegged as a Sci-Fi guy.

I have also noticed that much like myself, your posts get more and more dark as the winter drags on! In my case it's simply shell shock from being inside for too long in the brutal Northern winter. 

How has this winter been down there Rastus? Or the weather such that 50 F is considered winter? Here in Michigan winter is snow, ice and sub zero if not teen F negative temps.

-- Edited by SELLC on Thursday 8th of September 2022 01:58:46 AM


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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I try to keep a reality-check on all things, believe me. If my posts are darker that usual, you must remember that I have "shyte" sprinkled regularly everywhere in my home, by some unknown entity. This means I don't get much rest I'm afraid, but also suggests that I'm posting much truth !

The Extraterrestrial beings are real, get used to it. We also likely come from them, so they're our forefathers so-to-speak, so I suggest welcoming them with open arms, & learn from the experience...Once again, watch the Dr.Greer documentaries, & /or read the posted links to the books in the UFO thread, as it's the real-deal.

I appreciate that some folks aren't ready for this information, & that's perfectly fine ! But it's better to be ahead of the curve, than trying to catch-up imo.

The winter is fine here, no worries. Average winter day-time temps are 13-15 degrees-Celcius, & once in a while, you may get a -2-deg-C overnight...Its just that the days are short, & there's only a window of say 3-4 hours, to get things done, when roads are dry, & school hasn't broken up, which means heavy traffic. 11:00 to 14:00 is the get things done zone, & too bad if it's raining.

I have plenty of time now that I'm in forced semi-retirement, since I refuse to get the "jab", which means employment is bleak at best. Lots of time to read good books, & write rock & roll tunes !

-- Edited by Rastus on Thursday 8th of September 2022 05:34:57 AM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Well, I think everyone is most happy on a nice sunny summer day!

I don't look forward to the winter... but with these new appliances that might be a different story. 

I worry about you sometimes Rastus... but all I can do is sit back and read!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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So here's something to read, & make you go hmmm...


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.

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The city of Denver is handing out bug out bags! Hmmmmm

I am sorry, Senator. I have no clear recollection of the events in question!


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This will make y'all go hmmm...


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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OK, so it's one thing to cite information from books, & another to name names, so ready, set, go, here come the names & corporations...Hmmm...

-- Edited by Rastus on Thursday 22nd of September 2022 07:29:35 PM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Do they really feed kids off a conveyer belt into a meat grinder? Things that make me go hmmmmmmm...



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Stellar007 wrote:

1. Do they really feed kids off a conveyer belt into a meat grinder ?...

2. Things that make me go hmmmmmmm...




R1. Only their brains for brainwashing purposes I'd say now-days...Just look at all the kids / people on their dumb-phones...A lost generation for sure, especially once you add-in the loss of IQ's etc etc from Fukushima, & all nuclear power-plant activity...But you know this already right ???...Confusedt...

R2. Hmmm indeed about a host of matters hey ! Nothing to laugh about unless you're an owner of a US-of-A bank me thinks ;) !



"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.

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This one is quite interesting, in that Michaelangelo painted this image in the Sistine Chappell about 710 years ago the likeness is uncanny.

Coincidence? Or prophecy?

You tell me.

I am sorry, Senator. I have no clear recollection of the events in question!

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Ok, so to rule out Photoshop, I checked the Sistine Chapel frescoes on Getty images. The painting image is real. The scene is the bottom right corner of Michaelangelos The Last Judgement. It is quite interesting, as the man painted beside her looks a bit like Chuck Schumer. Hmmmmmm..

I am sorry, Senator. I have no clear recollection of the events in question!


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I do see the resemblance, but the person in that painting is a little less scary looking than lightfoot.



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Here's some more US-of-A & Russian collaboration that makes you go Hmmm....


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Russia just annexed the most land ever since WWII... I don't understand how they could be losing when they are taking land! It's unheard of, no country has invaded and taken over land like this. I don't think Russia has any intentions of returning that land to Ukraine... same with Crimea. They got away with it once, and they will keep doing it.



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That's why Putin needs a severe spanking. I'm so glad we have Biden helping the Ukrainians instead of Putin's lap dog running the US.



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It appears that no-one has read this link below, since it indicates that the "elite" do nothing but play each country off each other, & make a fortune from it...This means that perpetual wars will stay, they maintain their power, & we are all supposed to live in fear...

Please don't back a puppet POTUS who could be doing so much more, than just playing a rich-mans-game...

-- Edited by Rastus on Monday 3rd of October 2022 06:43:33 PM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Within the elite class there are good and evil people.

Did Putin wage an unprovoked attack against a neighboring country, yes or no?



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PowerStroker wrote:

1. Within the elite class there are good and evil people.

2. Did Putin wage an unprovoked attack against a neighboring country, yes or no?


R1. Agreed !

R2. He was provoked PowerStroker...All the countries neighboring the Ukraine since the USSR dissolved in the early 1990's signed treaties via NATO & the UN to NOT place any missiles within their countries...And all they've done, is not only break their oaths & treaties by placing missiles on their soil, they infiltrated the Ukraine's gov't via CIA operatives & placed neo-nazi's in positions of power, whilst also training locals in warfare...

He was provoked...

All that said, it's all bullshyte, as apart from the Russia being supplied its core industry needs for over a century via US-of-A business-people, Mr.Putin has failed to reveal the truth about our existence of not being alone in the universe...So Mr.Putin's critical error here, remains the same as Mr.Biden's, by not revealing the truth about our intergalactic friends, & how we've been killing them, & reverse-engineering their technologies for decades...

The real issue here is the "elite" elected people in gov't around the world protecting a money-market-scam, via the Banks.


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Nobody want's Russian money Rastus... it's worthless because the person who runs that country is equally as worthless. 

In the case of Russia, their leader has become so irrational and blood thirsty that at this point, we can almost conclude this psycopath will use nukes because he want's to go down in history as the guy who fucked around and found out. It's sad really, but mostly for the Russian people! We have all seen how Putin talks out of both sides of his mouth, how he basically stole billions in airliners and many other's assets after being punished for invading Ukraine. 

If what you suggest that "missiles" were placed in Ukraine by NATO, the UN or even the USA, then we would have seen rocket attacks on Moscow by now. The only nation that put "real" missiles in Ukraine was the USSR... NUKE missiles even!

Putin is such a bad merchant that the ENTIRE WORLD is going electric to put him and others like him out of business. 

As I have said before, gold and other things do not make a good means to transact business! Perhaps in the case of absolute and total collapse of world governments it may have intrinsic value, to some... but at that point it would just serve to make everyone peasants who would no doubt have to live off the land and follow some monarch who's family was permitted to evade taxes emposed on everyone else during their entire family dynasty. Hey, wait a minute... does this sound familar?



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Stellar007 wrote:

1. Nobody want's Russian money Rastus... it's worthless because the person who runs that country is equally as worthless. 

2. In the case of Russia, their leader has become so irrational and blood thirsty that at this point, we can almost conclude this psycopath will use nukes because he want's to go down in history as the guy who fucked around and found out. It's sad really, but mostly for the Russian people! We have all seen how Putin talks out of both sides of his mouth, how he basically stole billions in airliners and many other's assets after being punished for invading Ukraine. 

3. If what you suggest that "missiles" were placed in Ukraine by NATO, the UN or even the USA, then we would have seen rocket attacks on Moscow by now. The only nation that put "real" missiles in Ukraine was the USSR... NUKE missiles even!

4. Putin is such a bad merchant that the ENTIRE WORLD is going electric to put him and others like him out of business. 

5. As I have said before, gold and other things do not make a good means to transact business! Perhaps in the case of absolute and total collapse of world governments it may have intrinsic value, to some... but at that point it would just serve to make everyone peasants who would no doubt have to live off the land and follow some monarch who's family was permitted to evade taxes emposed on everyone else during their entire family dynasty. Hey, wait a minute... does this sound familar?


R1. Russian money is worth heaps my friend, that's why US-of-A banks are in there once again protecting 40 + oil & gas projects...

R2. That's show-biz my friend ;) ! Keep-e'm coming back for more...Maybe 20-years worth of more...

R3. The missiles & broken treaties are real, as posted previously...Fast forward to now, & it's all show-biz my friend :) !

R4. Possibly, but I doubt it myself. If "they've" discovered the next centuries worth of "oil & gas", they'll keep it coming & make it a false scarcity commodity...Remember here that ALL military around the world depend on Oil & Gas to function...( The real problem is world-wide extinction via nukes that's already occurring, these mofo's just wish to cash-in while they can, or so it appears ).

R5. Yo, that's how we're all living now, & have been for countless centuries...( 8,000 + years according to some )...Don't forget that former criminal CIA director & POTUS Bush snr. was knighted by the Queen of England...And her family changed it's name to Windsor, since it was too German...And now Harry has officially wedded a US-of-A hoe lol !

Re-watch the John Warner IV videos, since "family ties" & Military business arrangements are discussed...- Not to mention the US-of-A bankers bankrolling Hitler back-in-the-day...And I seem to recall books & articles written about these same folks bankrolling & supplying Russia with all their assets...

qt." Russia, the greatest enemy the US-of-A has created "

So there you have it !!! By making the enemy, the wealthy keep themselves in perpetual power, by keeping you in fear. Haven't you woken-up yet ???

All I can encourage people to do, is to spend a 1/2-hour or so outside at night-time, just after sunset, & watch the skies, & see what happens !!!

All the best !


-- Edited by Rastus on Tuesday 4th of October 2022 10:43:57 PM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Rastus wrote:
Stellar007 wrote:

1. Nobody want's Russian money Rastus... it's worthless because the person who runs that country is equally as worthless. 

2. In the case of Russia, their leader has become so irrational and blood thirsty that at this point, we can almost conclude this psycopath will use nukes because he want's to go down in history as the guy who fucked around and found out. It's sad really, but mostly for the Russian people! We have all seen how Putin talks out of both sides of his mouth, how he basically stole billions in airliners and many other's assets after being punished for invading Ukraine. 

3. If what you suggest that "missiles" were placed in Ukraine by NATO, the UN or even the USA, then we would have seen rocket attacks on Moscow by now. The only nation that put "real" missiles in Ukraine was the USSR... NUKE missiles even!

4. Putin is such a bad merchant that the ENTIRE WORLD is going electric to put him and others like him out of business. 

5. As I have said before, gold and other things do not make a good means to transact business! Perhaps in the case of absolute and total collapse of world governments it may have intrinsic value, to some... but at that point it would just serve to make everyone peasants who would no doubt have to live off the land and follow some monarch who's family was permitted to evade taxes emposed on everyone else during their entire family dynasty. Hey, wait a minute... does this sound familar?


R1. Russian money is worth heaps my friend, that's why US-of-A banks are in there once again protecting 40 + oil & gas projects...

Wrong, Russian money isn't worth shit unless you happen to be landlocked with them, and or made the foolish mistake to rely on them to provide a service... especially something as important as fuel.

You also make some claims about US-of-A banks protecting oil and gas projects... it would be nice if you could post some proof to this claim that does not require 100 pages or 30 minutes of my life to get a vague "maybe"... 

I'd be VERY interested in knowing which USA banks would be ignorant enough to ignore the sanctions that are in place so that I may avoid them before they are locked out just like Russia! 

R2. That's show-biz my friend ;) ! Keep-e'm coming back for more...Maybe 20-years worth of more...

Weltching on your payments and then stealing the collateral is show-biz? Obama had a name for people like this, he called them "Dead-Beats"... 

R3. The missiles & broken treaties are real, as posted previously...Fast forward to now, & it's all show-biz my friend :) !

Again, there should be PROOF of these claims right? Something clean and clear cut? How are you any better than congress who presents a document three feet thick and says "Let me know by tomorrow when we vote"... LOL, and as they say in show-biz, Just the facts Madam. 

R4. Possibly, but I doubt it myself. If "they've" discovered the next centuries worth of "oil & gas", they'll keep it coming & make it a false scarcity commodity...Remember here that ALL military around the world depend on Oil & Gas to function...( The real problem is world-wide extinction via nukes that's already occurring, these mofo's just wish to cash-in while they can, or so it appears ).

I agree with this, everything has a much better profit margin if it's considered a scarcity commodity. I would think even when they root out all gasoline cars they will use electricity in the same way... they already are in California! On real hot days they ask people to change their behaviors. To still pay for a service, but to suffer a little bit. It's sick!

R5. Yo, that's how we're all living now, & have been for countless centuries...( 8,000 + years according to some )...Don't forget that former criminal CIA director & POTUS Bush snr. was knighted by the Queen of England...And her family changed it's name to Windsor, since it was too German...And now Harry has officially wedded a US-of-A hoe lol !

blah-blah-blah... Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. Drama, Show-Biz... There once was a man from Nantucket. 

Re-watch the John Warner IV videos, since "family ties" & Military business arrangements are discussed...- Not to mention the US-of-A bankers bankrolling Hitler back-in-the-day...And I seem to recall books & articles written about these same folks bankrolling & supplying Russia with all their assets...

qt." Russia, the greatest enemy the US-of-A has created "

So there you have it !!! By making the enemy, the wealthy keep themselves in perpetual power, by keeping you in fear. Haven't you woken-up yet ???

All I can encourage people to do, is to spend a 1/2-hour or so outside at night-time, just after sunset, & watch the skies, & see what happens !!!

All the best !

^^^^ Classic Shameless Rastus Plug ^^^^ Nothing wrong with people being passionate.




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LOL !!!

Your issue lays with not being able to read & learn my friend, as you clearly stated in your reply No1...

*The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over & over again, & expecting a different result...

It seems that our admin is bent on perpetual war, thinking that he's doing the right thing...

Don't you see how worthless Russian money is being replaced by useless US-of-A money ????....Don't you see how once again the US-of-A is lining the Russian economy now with your money ???

Open your eyes Stellar, & sit back, & enjoy the screenplay....


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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No I don't see that at all Rastus... I know it's Halloween season but the screenplay is getting a little spooky if you ask me!



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Stellar007 wrote:

No I don't see that at all Rastus... I know it's Halloween season but the screenplay is getting a little spooky if you ask me!


You consume way-too-much garbage on the net / news imo Stellar...

Read one of the books I posted up !

*The "nuclear war" you're worried about is still going-on super strong, at the destroyed Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear power plant...There's been more shyte released (& still going strong from this place), than any amount from a nuclear-missile(s) that may, or may not be sent over in the Ukraine lol !

The nuclear industry is also in its death-throws ( at least if laws still exist & are applied accordingly ), & all this bollox does, is keep them & your Military Corporate Indusrial Complex alive & kicking, whilst providing an excuse to rob us of more money, whilst keeping Nuke Industry puppet POTUS'a in power.


Don't forget to take your Magnesium & Calcium tablets folks ! (It helps retention of information from possible short-term-memory-loss).

-- Edited by Rastus on Thursday 6th of October 2022 03:21:49 AM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Take a good look around Rastus... everyone is going electric!

You want to "think" atomic energy is in it's death throws but it's just embeding itself in deeper. 

Power comes in many forms... MANY-MANY forms, and it all comes down to who has it.



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You need to watch the film in the UFO thread my friend, then you'll discover what "Power" has returned...

Just sayin' !


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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It was a tune that was popular in the UK pubs and dance clubs when I was there for a month. I learned to do the runnning man dance in the UK to that song... I can still do it pretty good, and often employ the dance at wedding receptions after that fourth or fifth drink starts kicking in!



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LOL !!!

While you were goin' "snap" I was goin"...


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.

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Tina K, who is running for Gov of Oregon, has enlisted Obama to do ads for her. Lots of buzzword abuse and he is somewhat disingenuous. They must really be worried to the point of panic.

Crime and homelessness are out of control in Portland. Drug use is insane. Another reporter was doing an interview with a downtown business owner, and a robbery occurred while they were rolling. Later the found a guy ODd on the street with the needle and drugs laying on the ground next to him while another homeless person rifled through his pockets!

Holy crap Batman!

I am sorry, Senator. I have no clear recollection of the events in question!


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Yo Stan,

That is tragic information. RIP all concerned. What's even more tragic however, is that I think every town / city all-around the world has the same issues going on, except in this case however, they've decided to let the camera's roll...Likely because of Obama, & making a spectacle of his presence. He is not much of a decent person I'm afraid to say...

I posted this up in the Illuminati thread, but its well worth posting here too, though it may make you go more than hmmm...


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Hey Rastus, why did the maker of that video feel compelled to present his own face on that video? Could it be that he is more interested in his own fame than the crap he spews on the video?

I don't want to see that ignorant looking fuck! Clearly the guy is a narcissist! Looks like he want's to be the next Alex Jones!

Myself personally, I did not care for the video! Anyone looking to preserve an hour of their life would do well skipping that video... but that is just my opinion... 

Looking at that guy, it's clear he hasn't even the slightest clue who owns the world!




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Stan_147 wrote:

Tina K, who is running for Gov of Oregon, has enlisted Obama to do ads for her. Lots of buzzword abuse and he is somewhat disingenuous. They must really be worried to the point of panic.

Crime and homelessness are out of control in Portland. Drug use is insane. Another reporter was doing an interview with a downtown business owner, and a robbery occurred while they were rolling. Later the found a guy ODd on the street with the needle and drugs laying on the ground next to him while another homeless person rifled through his pockets!

Holy crap Batman!


That's life in the big city Stan... I mean we are talking about Portland here! 

The truth is, nobody cares... this is America! You can be anything you want to be, including a degenerate drug addict. 

Yes it's sad... but it's what the people in Portland want! They keep voting for it!



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Stellar007 wrote:

1. Hey Rastus, why did the maker of that video feel compelled to present his own face on that video? Could it be that he is more interested in his own fame than the crap he spews on the video?

2. I don't want to see that ignorant looking fuck! Clearly the guy is a narcissist! Looks like he want's to be the next Alex Jones!

3. Myself personally, I did not care for the video! Anyone looking to preserve an hour of their life would do well skipping that video... but that is just my opinion... 

4. Looking at that guy, it's clear he hasn't even the slightest clue who owns the world!



R1. Why ask me ??? Send him an e-mail for goodness sake. The film is an excellent display of how the world-goes-around...Or at least used to.

R2. The guy is smarter than most-of-us here, & braver too I would say. Alex Jones has done more good for not only the people of the US-of-A, but the people of the world too, than any POTUS since JFK.

R3. Reality-checks are harder to swallow by the people who are living-the-screenplay out, & then realize that fact. Deal with it yo !

R4. He has more clues than most imo. And he's trying to help, offers assistance, & the promise of a sound future if the 99.99% of us stick-it-out together...Disappointed to learn that you see yourself in the 00.01% category, but that's effective brainwashing for you...



"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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For you to suggest that I think I'm in the 00.01% is laughable and just shows how unhinged you are this morning.

I don't like the guy, Rastus... I think his video is garbage in the way it's the same old typical internet flash some screenshots while playing some music behind some narration. I also think the guy looks like an idiot too! Just want to smack him up side his stupid metro sexual looking goatee mellon!

But of course, as ALWAYS... if I don't like or agree with one of your videos it's because I think I'm better than everyone else... pfft, give me a break Rastus. If the people here thought his garbage was good enough to plaster every thread with, they would do it themselves... but that doesn't seem to be the case! The arrogance of this or any other asshole to present a video over an hour long thinking someone would invest that sort of time is the very essence of arrogance. 

This guy is an arrogant fucking asshole Rastus! No better than the people he is complaining about! LOL, and yes I understand the irony and hypocrisy of that statement.



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Having said that, in no way am I suggesting that you stop offering up videos you feel are informative... rather, if it's an hour long slide show of screen shots with music and narration you should prolly just give me the cliff notes! LOL, at least until I got things more under control around here and have the time to waste watching something that may or may not be interesting to me.


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First, the US is a constitutional representative republic.

Then there are things like this:

There are more compilation videos just like this showing world leaders in lockstep tm.




edit: Its a short video. J/S

-- Edited by Stan_147 on Thursday 3rd of November 2022 05:32:13 PM

I am sorry, Senator. I have no clear recollection of the events in question!


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The video didn't play, but seeing the screen divided into 4-parts, & reading the responses below tells me that they were all synchronized, & spitting-out the same words...

"Our democracy could be affected"...

What Democracy ???...

Great post !


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.

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Here is a link with it embedded, its Reddit. Not that I really care, I just liked the video.

What is the difference between conspiracy and fact?

About 6 months. LOL

I am sorry, Senator. I have no clear recollection of the events in question!


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Stan_147 wrote:

Here is a link with it embedded, its Reddit. Not that I really care, I just liked the video.

Q. What is the difference between conspiracy and fact ???...

Ans. About 6 months. LOL


Yes indeed...Hmmm...

And just for the record, as anticipated by many, the new Christmas COVID scare has started down this way...I'm surprised that it didn't happen State-side first, but we'll give it a few days & see...

*Edit...And btw, the Radiation CPM remains about 18.5 on average, with spikes up to 47 CPM down here...Darn that COVID is resilliant stuff, it can't even be nuked-to-death...

-- Edited by Rastus on Friday 4th of November 2022 02:56:29 AM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Rastus wrote:
And just for the record, as anticipated by many, the new Christmas COVID scare has started down this way...I'm surprised that it didn't happen State-side first, but we'll give it a few days & see...


It's called mid-term elections... won't be nothing like COVID, or anything for that matter, that will scare anyone state-side until AFTER the election... then of course, all bets are off for another two years.



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Stan_147 wrote:

Here is a link with it embedded, its Reddit. Not that I really care, I just liked the video.

What is the difference between conspiracy and fact?

About 6 months. LOL


Interesting video Stan!

I like Reddit... but only because Melissa claims to be on it. Sure, she blocked me on her official account but I know she has a cat-fish account she uses... I just haven't found it yet, but she found mine!



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This got me while researching global plagues:

1520: The Aztec Empire was wiped out by smallpox virus brought to them via African slaves. They were not immune to this virus and it destroyed the entire civilization.

1620: Black Plaque came back and struck North Africa. Algiers lost 50,000 people in 1620. It was actually getting under control in Europe when sanitary conditions began to improve, so there was less plague during this time.

1720: The great plague of Marseille, France killed a total of 100,000. Another 50,000 died in the city during the next two years and another 50,000 in towns to the north. This was a bubonic plague and it lasted 2 years.

1820: This was the first cholera pandemic in South East Asia. On the Indonesian Island of Java 100,000 people died from it. It primarily spread to Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines.

1920: The most damaging global H1N1 influenza plague was the Spanish flu. While it was first noticed in soldiers coming home at the end of WW1 in 1918. It was not until later in 2018 that it mutated and a second wave occurred. Most of deaths occurred in the second wave and it quickly became a global pandemic. Some claim it actually originated on a hog farm in the US, but it could have come from the filthy trenches of WW1 as well. Some also claim it came from China, but they had far fewer casualties, but they were also more immune to it because of previous influenza outbreaks. It killed 40-50 million and some say it could be as high as 100 million. They did not have air travel and overnight shipping at this time, so imagine how it would spread in the modern age of globalism and air travel.

2020: The recent coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak may have first shown up in late 2019 it basically falls right on the 100-year cycle of global pandemics. The real pandemic will most likely occur in 2020. It is hard to report any real facts on this current outbreak as the internet is full on disinformation and our trusted governments are strangely down playing it. Two things everyone should be concerned with is this is the year of the 100-year pandemic cycle. Secondly your local governments are more concerned about maintaining positive perceptions, so their precious economies are not affected

I am sorry, Senator. I have no clear recollection of the events in question!


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Good post Stan !

There's so many ways we could "disappear tomorrow" it's not funny, such as solar flares etc etc, that then have a domino effect of troubles happening...

And though there's a pattern / cycle every 100 years posted above, there appears to be too much doubt as to COrona VIrus Disease 2019 being "the one" to wipe us all out, with more concern for the likes of Bill Gates & his world depopulation efforts creating a "false flag event" via Mr. Neil Ferguson, & his estimates on a supposed "SARS" outbreak, that the media ran with...

As a fact check, more folks died from not being helped by hospitals from not-enough-room, & over-burdened hospital staff taking care of a likely hoax...Add-in social distancing & no human interaction + heaps of fear, & more people needlessly died...( And who knows WTF is in the vaccine, apart from the virus itself )???...

Check-out the 1-hr video that our host here loves-so-much, as it paints the correct picture of things imo if you haven't yet...

Better still, I'll re-post it again here, since it should be watched a few times by everyone imo !


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.

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It goes back further than that, Rastus. I just showed the last few cycles. None of it is a natural cycle. NONE! All engineered.

I know who is responsible. I can point to published documents, family trees, all tied to tragic moments in history.

They have gone by many names, going back thousands of years. They admit it in their white papers and other writings. I am not reading or watching YouTube or other websites, but actual government documents and manifestos. Most claim to be debunked, but they all share parallels that when compared side by side, cannot be just a coincidence.

Had they not been so brazen, this might have been harder to link. Their egos and narcissism are epic, and the weak points in their armor.

On another note, watched a documentary on the Tall Whites.

I am sorry, Senator. I have no clear recollection of the events in question!


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Quite possible Stan...

People forget about some of our ancient civilizations that expired such as Atlantis & Lemuria, that were quite advanced technology-wise, but essentially blew it.

This type of event is likely in the same process right now...

People also forget that with all the nuclear shyte floating around in our air, water & food, there's little chance of anything that's a virus living too long...

Folks are only getting the regular flu's & cold's, simply because the radiation has caused the immune system to lower in power, & or likely because of the COrona VIus Disease 2019 vaccinations imo.

But the Geiger Counter numbers speak the truth, regardless of what I have to say.

At the moment, average count here in Tasmania is 18.5 CPM, with spikes up-to 47-CPM...1st alarm set-point is at 50-CPM, which means "get-the-*uck-out-of-there" !!!

So we should all be worried about a virus lol !

* Magnesium & Calcium tablets are the go folks ! Have you taken yours today ??? !


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.

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This is an example of Democracy, literally mob rule:

Look at the map, and ask yourself do the big cities actually represent the wishes of the rural communities?
Perhaps this is illustrative of why the Electoral College was created? Quite similar to the times 160 years ago.

Does anyone wonder why so many are feeling disenfranchised? Why there are ballot measures seeking a divorce? Look up the Greater Idaho movement or The State Of Jefferson. And ask why would these people want a divorce?

I am sorry, Senator. I have no clear recollection of the events in question!
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