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Do you see ANY Covid protocols in place? [2 vote(s)]

Just shut up and do as Nancy says!


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Just take a good look at that photo above that was just recently taken of Pelosi and a bunch of her lobbyist... look at them all surrounding her, trying to buy influence with what can only be considered a gathering of criminals who are above the law!

Look at that great big smile on her face! You can see it because she is not wearing a mask! Meanwhile our kids are being forced to wear masks in school, people are being forced to take vaccines that are no longer tested in the same stringent way as before.

Seems the right to try has turned into us having no rights at all... 

This is everything that is wrong with American Politics in one photo! The classic do as I say, not as I do! 

These are Democrats folks! They force kids to wear masks, strip people of their carrers if they refuse the jab, they tax us and jet-set all over the world and a small business couldn't get a dime from the SBA until they finally shut down the country! Then small business was given a dime, while insiders and lobbiest from connected companies got billions!

Nancy has a long history of expecting everyone else to follow her rules while publicly flouting them!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Nancy is likely THE most powerful woman in the world...

don't mess with Nancy.jpg





"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Even if that is a recent photo, which I see no proof of, Osha has no jurisdiction over private weddings. The vaccine or testing mandate is an OSHA requirement for employers of 100 or more people, and Speaker Pelosi is vaccinated anyway. For all we know the people who attended that event may have had to show proof of vaccination at the door. Either way, I should be surprised that Fox has devolved into gotcha political tabloid sleeze, but I'm not.



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I included the link... I think it's quite safe to say the photo is real and it is recent if Fox is reporting it... the narrative might not be to your liberal liking, but the fact is I don't see a mask on anyone there and there is clearly no social distancing going on!

All these people having a good time is not the problem, but Nancy and the Democrats forcing other people to do things that they aren't doing themselves is really on display.

In other words, this photo tells a thousand words!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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"Aren't doing themselves"????

What part of Nancy is vaccinated is confusing to you?



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PowerStroker wrote:

"Aren't doing themselves"????

What part of Nancy is vaccinated is confusing to you?


You know PowerStroker, as someone who has not been vaccinated - who spends a lot of time around a few people that have been, I've noticed ya'll are acting a little strange! 

Should it matter if she is vaccinated? What if it comes to pass that the vaccine has compromised your immunie system and said innoculation only increases your ability to spread disease more easily?

How would you feel then if everyone who wasn't vaccinated demanded PROOF of your not being vaccinated to enter a building, or even work? You might think it's far fetched right now but this is a crazy world we live in and the precedent you're setting is a very dangerous one!

Regardless of vaccination status they are still requiring kids wear masks in school, all the way up to high school. There have been reports that kids (young adults in high school) have suffered serious emotional trama after the COVID vaccine! And there is evidence that these un-fair restrictions and mask mandates are causing a major increase in suicide among teen-agers! It's not being talked about on the MSM much, except for trying to cast the blame on angry parents at local town hall and school meetings all over the country, but it's a serious problem! Meanwhile we have this old bag Nancy thinking that the rules don't apply to her because she got the jab and has the money to rapid test everyone! Well this is where I am calling a cunt a cunt! I want EVERYONES name who attented that party along with PROOF of their vaccination status ASAP! If they want to play that shit then it should be PUBLIC RECORD who was in attendance, their names, guests and also proof of their vaccination status! How about that? 

We will be waiting on that guest list! Let's make ANY gathering that flouts these rules like Pelosi and politicians do regularly list EVERY SINGLE PERSONS NAME IN ATTENDANCE as a matter of public record, along with proof of their vaccination status! NO NAMES OMITTED FOR ANY REASON! $1,000,000 fines for any guest that is later identified as not being on the public guest list!


I know you don't have any kids PowerStroker, so I am sure you could really give a shit about them and their lives... but try not to be such a selfish prick all the time and think about the people who will inherit the earth!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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I'm still trying to see why you are upset with Pelosi. The Osha rule comes from the Executive branch, and she is in compliance with it anyway. Furthermore, I would venture that any emotional stress that students are enduring from masks, would be dwarfed by the emotional distress of their classmates dying of covid. There's going to be emotional stress either way, so we may as well save some lives right? And with hundreds of millions of people having been vaccinated, if there were adverse effects we would know by now.



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Have you been paying attention to what's been going on in the world today? Mass amounts of people being forced to take three experimental shots in less than the span of a year? Some willingly?

I say experimental because according to old norms of testing such medications that's exactly what it used to be considered.

You familar with the Columbine situation? Instead of drinking the Kool-Aid, they want you to main-line it... 

I'm upset with Pelosi because she is supposed to be setting an example! What example is she setting in that photo? Nobody gives a fuck about your OSHA work around BS either... they are over-reaching and they know it! Much like how the CDC was slapped down for their over-reach in preventing landlords from being able to evict non-paying renters. Just like Biden's E.O. was shot down when he tried to extend the moritorium... Just like this MANDATE will be shot down soon too! My only hope are the companies who were foolish enough to fall for this get their fucking asses sued off!

Emotional distress of classmates dying of covid? Give me a break! You sound as bad a Trump when he got on TV and tried to claim we would have people falling over dead in hotel lobbies and walking down the street if he didn't close down the Country! It was bullshit, much like the stuff you're shoveling now!



What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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PowerStroker said...


And with hundreds of millions of people having been vaccinated, if there were adverse effects we would know by now.

Agreed...And here's some results from Europe...


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Got anything related to birth rates?


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:

Got anything related to birth rates?



* The use of both enriched & depleted Uranium is the Gulf-Wars, has affected not only birth-rates locally in the Middle East, but around the world too, with birth ratios affected & congenital defects well-on-the rise...

Here you go...


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Yeah I was thinking more in relation to COVID...

Guess more time is needed... but you'd think they should be out by now!

Were MORE or LESS kids born during the pandemic? 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:

Yeah I was thinking more in relation to COVID...

Guess more time is needed... but you'd think they should be out by now!

Were MORE or LESS kids born during the pandemic? 


My friend, knowing that the IAEA & the WHO have been in bed together since the 1950's, that then "allows nuclear lies" to become professed "media-truth", ought to tell you that they can print & say what they want, in order to keep you under control, through fear devises via brain-washing, & keep you saturated in bullshyte day after day, hour after hour, minute after minute.

The media is paid-off so that those in power stay in power.


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.

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