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Post Info TOPIC: Elon Musk buys Twitter for $44 BILLION!
What do you think of Elon Musk buying Twitter? [4 vote(s)]

He overpaid! Could have bought GM for $10 billion more!
Nothing will change - if anything it will get worse.
It was a good investment for Elon and his companies.
I don't know
I've never used Twitter


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Elon Musk buys Twitter for $44 BILLION!

Yup... althought I have yet to receive my appoligy letter from Twitter and I been checking my inbox every 10 minutes since news broke!



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My account is permanently suspended for calling ELON MUSK a retard!



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Spoiled brat bitch wouldn't know what free speech was if it fell out of the sky, landed on his face, and wiggled!

Wondering if I should dump my DOGE now before the big dipper hits... or should I hold out for more?



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Maybe I'll check out Truth Social and spread my TRUTH over there!



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Just cashed out my DOGE coin... ALL OF IT!


Wouldn't put it past Musk to sell off his DOGE to finance his Twitter dreams... What a pathetic take over! 

He should have had all the banned conservatives immediately re-instated with appoligy letters the moment the board approved the deal! Should have been written into the contract!

If DOGE increases in value, oh well... at least I made my money plus a profit! 

A bird in the hand is better than two in the bush!




What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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what's a twatter?

Drive it like you stole it


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It's a mangina... Elon Musk has a mangina...

The retard spent all day celebrating yesterday and is too hung over today... you go on Twitter and you would never know they were just bought out.

I think that Jeff Bezo's is right... Elon Musk is a serious security risk! He has consistently proven he will sell himself to the highest bidder, while chosing to live his non-loyal ass in the relative safety of the USA.

And when it all goes bad and everyone loses a bunch of money, and Musk moves to whatever country will suck his dick, he'll say "Hey I told you guys I was a retard on SNL back in 2021!"

Dude should have hit the ground running at Twitter, but it's like everything else he does... nothing but a bunch of hot air and waiting for something that will be outdated by the time it rolls out.

Is anyone even looking after this retard anymore? 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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I thought he did. He's a twaster. Rich one though.

Drive it like you stole it

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The meltdowns are so nostalgic, reminds me of Fall 2016. Lol

I am sorry, Senator. I have no clear recollection of the events in question!


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I really just can't stand that guy Stan! 

He's so full of shit, and I cannot believe people buy into his crap! Watching one of his interviews he's so full of himself! I have serious doubts about his actual contribution to ANY of his companies products or services outside being a pot stirrer... Then when there is a problem in the company they will bring the celebrity retard in, who will no doubt be educated on things that he in no way worked to discover, or build... 

The guy is a fuckstick! I feel similar disgust whenever I see Trump on TV trying to honk his own horn. The germaphobe shut down the entire country for a bad flu! Nobody can forget the joy Trump took in taking everyones freedom for two weeks, with the entire country locked down and un-able to do anything but watch his fat-ass lather up all the media with his half ass interviews, trying to be just like his pal Xi who was setting Trump's example in China with their lockdowns. Say what you want about Biden, but he isn't falling for that bullshit! He isn't letting Fauci run around like a dog off it's leash humping every leg he comes in contact with. 

Trump and Musk both have one thing in common... they both "think" they are more important than everyone else! I admire that this pair of clownshoes have failed so much in life, and yet have become so rich! 

My beef with Twitter goes back much further than Musk or Trump... The Block Head who originally ran Twitter stands to make a cool BILLION dollars when the deal is done... it's what us laymen call the billionaire circle-jerk.

-- Edited by SELLC on Wednesday 27th of April 2022 04:18:19 PM


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Starting to wonder who is going to pay the $1 Billion dollar "bail-out" clause... seems this deal is getting sand-bagged, and with the current market trends I am starting to wonder if it wouldn't just be cheaper for Elon to say goodbye to Twitter...

It all makes me wonder... I don't know what to think.

I just dumped the entire amount I sold back into the DOGE and also into Robinhood... starting to feel like I'm getting a little ballsy, but I just couldn't help but increase my position in DOGE almost 100% AND get 50 shares of Robinhood for the same money...

Fuck it... I sure hope the retard knows what he's doing... and at this point, after all I have said about Elon, I'm wondering who is the bigger retard... Him or Me?




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I doubled down on my retard and sold all my DOGE and purchased ONE share of Tesla.

I did this because Musk is putting the screws to Twitter by making them prove that no more than 5% of their user base consist of fake accounts... if you ask me, the remaining people on Twitter after the big purge are indeed fake in one way or another.

And even thought I am still a little bitter about Musk saying that Chinese people work harder than Americans, until 3am he claims, I know that's bullshit because I have done several all nighters the past few weeks trying to get caught up and I know what happens when you over-work people... the quality goes DOWN THE TUBES! Even if the quality does not go down, then productivity will... eventually that person will need to re-charge just like a Tesla battery. Also I seen the movie "Gung-Ho", and I know what Elon is up to with his bullshit statement.

Nice try Musk-Rat! LOL, but I like your style... so for the first time ever I purchased ONE stock in your Tesla company to show my support in putting the screws to Twitter!


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This is probably not going to be good for my stock price...

A SpaceX flight attendant said Elon Musk exposed himself and propositioned her for sex, documents show. The company paid $250,000 for her silence.

I'm already about $65 in the red as of the close of the market... AND, I got taken for $100 on SHIB token... I just got tired of holding it and rolled it over... all 16,500,000 of them! LOL

There is a lot less stress and worry when you're holding stocks as apposed to crypto... you really have to watch that stuff unless you're in it for the long haul. 

I'm finding out that stocks aren't much safer, as Tesla could sink below $700 still. This is like a double edged knife for me... on one hand I want to make money, on the other I'd like to say I was right about Elon all this time...

I always get fucked in these situations...


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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I'd suggest it was Elon that wanted a ***k out of this situation ;) !


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Hey, Elon offered to buy her a horse...


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It sure looks like 250K didn't buy much silence...

Does this incident suggest a similar Modus Operandi to the "late" Mr.Epstein goes-along with being a multi-billionaire ???...

What does this suggest about "Company Policy" to the other remaining employed flight attendants ???...


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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I dunno Rastus... I've lost count how many black label shots I have taken tonight...

I suppose human nature is to want what you can't have and not want it anymore once you do...

i'm at a loss... I plan on just burying myself in work this summer...


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And I just lost another $100 because Elon likes to show his wee-wee to the cute airline ladies...

I'm $200 away from my break even point, before any of this strarts to cost me my profits from last years capital gains... fuck it, I'm just gonna hold and see how fucked up it gets... might as well go slam my dick in the car door a few times today while I'm at it. 


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Just sold all my Robinhood and my single Tesla stock... lost $200 in total of profits that were made in the market for 2022... 

I returned the $1200 + $200 worth of profit for FY 2022... and that's just fine with me! Better $200 in the hand than $200 in the bush... should have made $400 this year, but I just had to keep pushing it...

Now I am sure the market will turn around and I can cry about all the money I would have had if I held... but to me, it wasn't worth it. Worrying about it all the time was BS for me.

I did leave $50 in the account to try and claw back some of my losses over time... I don't even know where it came from to be honest... must have made it on some DOGE profits or something... all I know is the amount I put into the market was $1,200... ALL of that $1,200 was my capital gains from last years DOGE sale... and as of today I returned $1,400 to my account. Had I just sold when the market was higher, and bought when it was lower I probably could have made a whole lot more! LOL, but I am sure that is what everyone says.

Still, I am going to dabble with that $50 and see what I can do... the reason I lost $100 on SHIB token was because I just hadn't done enough research on it... I was more or less blown away by the fact that $25 got you over a million SHIB tokens... so I'd dump $25 here, and $100 there until I finally got up to 16,500,000 SHIB tokens... at that point I realized they were more or less worthless and given the fact SHIB has over a quadrillion tokens earmarked for release, it's going to be a VERY long time before it sees even .01 cent, if it doesn't capitulate well before then.

All things said, to make it out of THIS MARKET with $200 is still a victory in my eyes! I really feel for the people who are forced to invest in the market by way of 401K or other workplace compensation packages... to have money in the market that was more or less trapped there under the threat of huge fines or fee's to take out would really just be torture... that is what I would discribe the market as being the past few weeks.


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Maybe Elon will consider financing that oil-pipeline in Africa to secure a good return ?...


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That doesn't shock me Rastus...



But I'd for sure like a link to this claim you have made... if only because I knew Musk was a two-face... Imagine that, some guy who sells electric cars funding an oil pipeline in Africa! 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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In this forum there is a thread about how I predicted Elon Musk and his over-valued stock would cause a serious market situation, for the sole purpose of helping to bring the markets down.

Given all of Musks foreign investments, shouldn't he be registered as a foreign agent? Or maybe he already is?

What I can say is that Musk's recent suggestion that "freedom of speech" is not the same as "freedom of reach"... So basiclly he's saying that you can post what you want, but if we don't like it we won't distribute it equally, if at all...

"There's freedom of speech and freedom of reach," he said. "Anyone could just go into the middle of Times Square right now and say anything they want. They can just walk into the middle of Times Square and deny the Holocaust ... but that doesn't mean that needs to be promoted to millions of people. So I think people should be allowed to say pretty outrageous things that are in the bounds of the law but that don't get amplified and don't get a ton of reach."

And who may we ask get's to decide how much reach someone gets? confuse

You'll have to forgive me, but anymore I only use Twitter to keep up with the 12... and even then, I don't bother paying attention to anything else on Twitter anymore! And it's great that I no longer use that platform because it really is shit. I think it's been proven Twitter is not a good place anymore, and it's only going to get much worse under Musk... I mean is there no corner of the market he doesn't want to stick his dick in? Flame throwers, Tunnels, Space, Tesla, maybe Twitter, all the charging stations, and now he's even setting up entertainment and concessions in Beverly Hills - complete with drive in movie theaters and resturants! He's also got plans for Las Vegas! Seems Elon may be spreading himself a little thin... Space X is already trying to reject him.


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Elon Musk Posts Rare Photo of Sons as Family Meets Pope Francis


This reminds me of the time Trump went to church... I think the people are only in shock because neither of them burst into flames! 


Wonder if he said any prayers for his Twitter deal while he was there?


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:

 I mean is there no corner of the market he doesn't want to stick his dick in? Flame throwers, Tunnels, Space, Tesla, maybe Twitter, all the charging stations, and now he's even setting up entertainment and concessions in Beverly Hills - complete with drive in movie theaters and resturants! He's also got plans for Las Vegas! Seems Elon may be spreading himself a little thin... Space X is already trying to reject him.


Seems industry is not the only thing Elon Musk can't seem to keep his dick out of...

Elon Musk on birth of twins with top exec: 'Doing my best to help the underpopulation crisis'


Guess he was porking one of the executives at his nuralink company! Wonder if he used the 'ole "Wet Wire" term to convince her?

So now Elon has NINE... read that NINE! NINE Kids! lol

Guess he had to best Preston Tucker in the kid department... With NINE kids it's no wonder SpaceX and such are trying to distance themselves! Elon is spreading himself WAY TOO THIN!

But, I imagine he needs the tax dependant write offs...


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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And yet another failure... 

Elon Musk tells Twitter he's terminating deal to buy social media giant


And with that he will lose another BILLION dollars, either by having to pay Twitter directly, or by way of his legal team trying to fight it off.

Regardless the merits, Musk made a public spectacle of the attempted acquisition... the kind that influence the market! 

Perhaps that was his plan all along, to engage Twitter in a long legal battle that would see it capsize financially so he could swoop in and get it for peanuts? 

Only time will tell.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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The more I think about it, Twitter really has impeded Elon Musks aquisition...

From the moment he made the "tender" offer, they all knew it was above market! Why they did not hand him the keys and battle it out later is anyones guess! 

All I know is the moment I heard they accepted Musk's offer I thought FOR SURE I'd have my account back and in good standing! That did not happen! Why?

Perhaps Twitter has a problem with silencing REAL people like ME and substituting them for bots to drive a narrative? Pretty much sounds like the old Twitter I knew in a nut shell...

Maybe Musk can prove this, but doing so would just destroy his investment! Problem is I said all along Twitter would not withstand a long protracted battle, and the management at Twitter who did not hand over the keys pretty much drove this deal into the ditch.

Musk made a TENDER offer that was WELL ABOVE MARKET! They should have rolled out the red carpet immediately! 

I don't see how much longer Musk could have played games with these people, the private sector does not buy something to see what's inside it... in this sector we expect results! 

Twitter failed to turn over the keys, plain and simple. They had an agreement, the same one Twitter is using to sue Elon! How can Twitter sue Elong from walking away from the deal when it's clear Twitter is not going to turn over operational control?

At this point, the stench is a bit much for most people... But Elon's THUNDER was stolen! 

This whole "I do - I don't" role reversals is almost reaching the level of looney tunes.


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What if we find out all of the Twitter women were really fembots!?



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Well... it would appear that I am still suspended on Twitter...



So I figured what the hell... I'll file an appeal!



Although it's hard to say if they will respond... because I had to prove that I knew what a snake was!


I didn't see Elon Musk or Jack Dorsey's face... So I just picked the closest thing that looked the same...


Now we wait!



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SELLC wrote:





Did anyone notice the people Twitter suggested I follow with my permanently suspended account?

Never mind the fact that everyone I followed were mostly Republicans... but for some reason Twitters super high-tech algorithm came up with Disney and two Michigan Democrat politicians? 

I think it's safe to say Elon Musk is a retard if he "thinks" he's buying anything but a left wing political sewing machine for $44 Billion. 


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Well folks... the Twitter has responded!


So apparently calling Elon Musk a retard is considered "hateful conduct"... that's funny because I remember Elon calling that guy who saved all them kids trapped in a submerged underground well a "Pedo"... Was Elon suspended for that?


In fact Elon gets on Twitter like he's some kind of authority on any given matter! If Elon is seriously "mentally challenged" or "retarded" then what the hell is he doing making cars, and running SpaceX? Seems like the only people allowed to joke around on Twitter are liberals! Worst part is the liberals on Twitter aren't just "joking around", they are dead serious and often times post stuff that would make a sailor blush!

I don't even get mad about it anymore... There have been many other sites that lack inclusion, and most of the times it's this very thing that makes them popular, or at least "appear" to be popular! No doubt Twitter is sewing a narrative, and I wouldn't be shocked if that is the basis of Musk's counterclaim! That Twitter has a bot problem! Only it's not really a problem, it was just the way that Twitter was able to make the people and topics they picked seem more popular than they actually are/were. I know a lot of people on Twitter who are "Twitter Famous", that is to say they are famous on Twitter, but not really anywhere else. They will have like 30k-100k followers on Twitter, but then when you look them up on Instagram they might have 1,000 followers... it's also very obvious when someone with 30-100k followers pretty much only talks with the same four or five people... they will post things that maybe get 10 likes, and every once in awhile, like a seal gets a fish, Twitter will juice one of their post with all the Dark-Twitter bot accounts to make something go viral... meanwhile the same post on Instagram or elsewhere will only get 10 likes! LOL

People can act like it's not true, but I sure hope this trial between Musk and Twitter spills the beans!




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We may have worse problems than Elon & Twitter however...

Rumor has it down this way that your "Federal Reserve" wants "in" on crypto currency...( As if printing money out of thin air wasn't enough already )...

Just sayin'...


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The Federal Reserve has been thinking about making it's own digital currency for awhile now... China already has one that they offer, which is why they probably banned BitCoin and other crypto in the country! You know how the Chinese hate competition... but that is just how they control everything over there, with an iron fist! They are so out of touch they really "think" nobody will notice... and in the case of the people of China, it don't matter because they have to accept it. 

I don't have any issues with the Fed offering a digital currency so long as we also have paper money too! 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:

1.The Federal Reserve has been thinking about making it's own digital currency for awhile now...

2.China already has one that they offer, which is why they probably banned BitCoin and other crypto in the country!

3.You know how the Chinese hate competition... but that is just how they control everything over there, with an iron fist! They are so out of touch they really "think" nobody will notice... and in the case of the people of China, it don't matter because they have to accept it. 

4.I don't have any issues with the Fed offering a digital currency so long as we also have paper money too! 


R1. Yes, that's very true, & a Rockefeller idea at that, as revealed in one of the Alex Jones documentaries I've posted in here, along with the "Bilderberg Group" meetings...Possibly its in the "Obama deception" film, from around 10-years ago now...

R2. I'd sooner invest with them than anything the Federal Reserve Corporation deals out to you to be quite honest.

R3. Don't forget my friend that mofo's like Henry Kissinger, J.D.Rockefeller ( as quoted in print in 1973 ), & now Nancy have all kissed China's ass, in the way they treat their people...I'd be very *ucking worried if I lived state-side...

R4. I believe that they'll never, ever fully get rid of cash...They make too much money from illegal drug activity, & they're not going to stop that enterprise, as then you'll lose the CIA, & that isn't going to happen, as you'll piss-off the "Thule Society" to no-end...( Think Skull & Bones yo )...


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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If you would rather invest in China than the USA, then send me a link to the web-forums you are hanging out on in China! Because I'd be interested to see how far someone like you would make it in their culture.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:

If you would rather invest in China than the USA, then send me a link to the web-forums you are hanging out on in China! Because I'd be interested to see how far someone like you would make it in their culture.


Yo, once upon a time, the wealth of a country was secured via its Gold Reserves, not friggin bit-coin or fresh-air...And free-trade was free-trade, where when you wanted something, you agreed to trade in money or barter goods to the equivalent value.

Nowdays, if you've read the Modern Money Mechanics book, you'll discover that the system being used by banks world-wide is out-of-date, & corrupted absolutely, where it's possible to re-invent money over 10-times from the original amount borrowed from the Federal Reserve Corporation via gov't bonds...That's why every 10-years or so, there's guaranteed a financial crash word-wide.

As for China, we the "west" sold our industries to them, so that the stockholders could make around $10:00 USD for the $00:01 invested...


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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I understand that gold is a very beautiful metal, and it does not tarnish like others... and it's legend of being stellar metor fragments gives it a mythical almost unicorn reputation... but I bet there is a ton of this stuff floating around in space... hell we probably see thousands of tons worth pass us by in asteroids every single day!

You can't eat gold Rastus! Gold can also be faked, or mixed down to inferior grades... it's not a good means to conduct business, or even to use as a backing for paper money. 

We sold old technology to China, Rastus... what we built back then is not what we will be building in the future! 

And FYI, Rastus... even if you wanted to adhere to your "Gold Standard" the United States of America has the LARGEST holdings of gold of any country in the world. 

So spare me your once upon a time bullshit... I already seen the Neverending Story this week.



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The book "Modern Money Mechanics" is based on a system where the "planet" that we live on, has "infinite" resources...

Since we know that the planet DOES NOT have infinite resources, means that the monetary system is corrupted & useless, & your Federal Reserve Corporation knows this...

This is why years ago, the US-of-A, via the Federal Reserve Private Banking Cartel / Corporation acquired as much gold as possible, so that when the day comes when the "made out of thin air currency" does finally collapse, you'll have gold in the bank to start all over again...

So there's a big tip for all the greedy mofo's out there, who live by "money" as their god....( Invest in gold ;) )...


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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SELLC wrote:

This whole "I do - I don't" role reversals is almost reaching the level of looney tunes.


Welp... Musk is back to his possition that he will complete his deal at $54.20 a share for Twitter...

This is somewhat spooky (no halloween pun intended) considering he is using Twitter to interject with geo-political issues...


The response from Ukraine is somewhat comical, but I'll post that in the Ukraine thread.

My point is, it's clear that Musk is incapable of keeping his nose out of anything, espeically if he owns it... Elon owning Twitter might not be a good idea, but it's his money I suppose. 



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Believing everything you read on the net is the issue here.

Who cares what Musk thinks ???

*But in his favor, Elanor Roosevelt said something along the lines of qt."Small minds talk about people, larger minds talk about events, awake minds talk about solutions"...


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Last thing anyone want's to hear are solutions from some "woke" fool...


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The melt down regarding this is hilarious!

I am sorry, Senator. I have no clear recollection of the events in question!


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Stellar007 wrote:

Last thing anyone want's to hear are solutions from some "woke" fool...


So I guess that if I took a holiday for over a year, you'll still be talkin' about Musk, because it cuts-you-up that he has $$$ & you don't ?...Much more to life than $$$ my friend, or wasting your time chasing it, or spiting people that have it.

Stay asleep Stellar, it is quite funny to watch, but sad to see someone live in constant fear from all the brainwashing...A time will come when you'll hopefully figure things out for yourself...

*(Well maybe, PowerStroker's been trying for years with little success)...

-- Edited by Rastus on Thursday 6th of October 2022 06:38:50 PM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Musk doesn't have any bloody money!

Dude is up to his EYE-BALLS in debt... his company recently spit it's stock too!

They have a name for this, when someone has more going on at one time than they can handle... it's called being over-extended.

My beef with Twitter carried over to Elon the moment he made the "tender" offer... 

So in my eyes, until I got my apology letter from Twitter and Elon Musk starts showing me more than a scale RC car, and this JOKE of a platform known as "Twitter" that he paid $44 Billion for, he's trampling my right to free speech on his platform.

And let's just talk about that primitive platform for a moment! Everyone talking about having a "Super-App" to rival China's "WeChat"...



Like did everyone forget about AOL, Yahoo (at one time), Facebook/Meta and the MSN Network? All of these platforms had "Super-App" connectivity back in the 1990's! While speeds and video quality were not as good, the freedom to connect was far superior. Back then everything wasn't an algorithm... live chats, video chats, games, YOU NAME IT! Hell Windows Server 2003 offered Terminal Services where you could basiclly just give someone their own VPN Desktop! You don't see that crap anymore! 

You know why? Because of all the formatting differences between Apple, Microsoft, Google (Android) and the other O/S and browsers out there... what these new sites like Facebook, TikToc, YouTube specialize in is making uploading media easier for people who do not have the skills to take, host, crop, and broadcast their information. For many people it's not even something they want to bother with, until these platforms came about and worked with cell phones to make sharing life easier... more or less point and click with all the formatting done by the social media company.

What does Twitter have? It's more or less a bulletin board... I mean, Elon paid $44 BILLION for this tool shed! For a guy who has companies into cutting edge technology, this Twitter acquisition is looking like a serious fixer-upper! 

I have figured things out Rastus... people like Musk and his buddy Jack Dorsey really think they are better than everyone else! Funny part is, Jack lost Twitter! And Elon is spending $44 BILLION to take it private! That money could have been much better spent on his companies ensuring his other businesses had lots of reserves... Musk should be building a massive space-lab/ship! Not dicking around with Twitter! Everyone thinks electric cars are the future but it won't be long before the Government figures out it's a whole lot cheaper to monitor airspace than build and repair roads... So the next big thing will be flying cars with quad fans, electric powered of course... or maybe vacuum energy? Just like the traditional 2 wire telephone land line, the highway will be deemed obsolete... just as they are trying to do right now with gasoline and electric cars... 

Then of course there is the simple fact that Musk talks all this BS about "free speech" and yet what I see is far from that. He "could" turn it all around after he takes the keys, I personally think he could have done more all along... but we will see!

If you ask me, Elon Musk is going to turn Twitter into the Ritz

If you're sexy, famous or powerful you'll go far on Twitter... if not, fuck-you! Thanks for playing!

Just like Elon and Jack tried to do with BitCoin... at one time these two thought they were going to overthrow currency with their Crypto... it was an "exclusive" club that saw these "rich" people pumping crypto to the moon! 

-- Edited by Stellar007 on Friday 7th of October 2022 04:40:45 AM



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Two more weeks...

WTF is he waiting for? Christmas?



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Eleven more days before Elon turns into a pumpkin!

Dude needs to write out a check for $44,000,000,000.00 and flash it around on Twitter or something... this is getting uncomfortable!

Hell, Kanye is going to have closed on Parler before Elon does on Twitter!

I don't think Elon realizes how this makes him look... makes him look like he talks the talk, but don't walk the walk! 

Cut the fucking check bro! Take the keys and unlock my account you fucking retard! j/k



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Four more days!


What the hell are they doing! Place you bets folks! 

Now they are saying that the US may open an investigation into Twitter being a national security risk under Elon Musk's ownership becsause he has foreign investers from China, the Middle East and other unknown shaddow figures. They are saying that Biden might shut down the deal if they find Twitter to be a security risk as a privately held company under Elon and his foreign investors. This is kind of funny if you ask me, given that the Government relies on SpaceX and that Musk has factories around the world... there can be no doubt Elon's loyalty is to the highest bidder! And what is more American than that?



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Elon has left everything to the last minute and is counting on a lot of moving parts to all align up come the Friday deadline for him to pony up the cash... A whole lot can go wrong between now and then!

He carried a sink into Twitter HQ yesterday and told people to "Let that sink in"... my take on it was that Twitter and Tesla stock are going to "sink" today...

Elon really fucked up on this acquisition... and the thing is I really doubt much is going to change at Twitter! It's just going to be the same-old-same-old... Meet the new boss, same as the old boss!

There will be no freedom of speech on the platform, it will be the freedom of whatever Elon Musk thinks should be talked about. 

I really hope Elon surprises me, and fires EVERY FUCKING ONE OF THEM LIBERAL DOUCHE BAGS that had a hand in banning and silencing people like myself!

But that is not the reality... The reality is that once that $44 Billion get's paid (if it ever gets paid) Elon and Twitter will be beholden to MANY people, some from China and the Middle East!

And where is Jack Dorsey during all this? At home, waiting on his BILLION dollar buy out so he can release the next liberal shithole social media site! And you know if it's Jack Dorsey's work it will be some pathetic "low-tech" 256 character chat app... and liberals will love it! They will flock to it in droves leaving Twitter as dead as MySpace was towards the end. But that is just my thoughts based on all that I have seen. I can't see liberals staying on Twitter because they just aren't cut that way! If they can't cheat to get their way, they just move on.




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I can just see it now if the deal actually goes thru...




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I just love how everything low-key is called "bizarre" now days... what is bizarre about this? Everyone takes their sink into a company they just bought!




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Feels like something is off...

I been checking Twitter and there is absolutly NO fanfare... NOTHING!

Think Musk would have been better off visiting Twitter HQ as a giant dildo... Then his "Let that sink in" Tweet would have made more sense to his investors and customers.

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