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Post Info TOPIC: The debt ceiling -- 2023 edition.
What are you thinking? [2 vote(s)]

No deal - Shut down
McCarthy will cave
Raising interest rates didn't work, let's try a default!
Not sure


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The debt ceiling -- 2023 edition.

What are you guys thinking?



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"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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I'm thinking it's finally time for the president to invoke the 14th amendment and order the Treasury secretary to ignore the debt ceiling and borrow whatever is needed to pay for the spending Congress has authorized, but not spend a penny more than that.

The debt ceiling is unconstitutional and contradicts other laws and the President's duty to faithfully execute the laws, including Congressionally ordered spending laws. This charade of allowing a disgruntled minority the chance to torpedo the world economy every year or two is bullshit and needs to end. The time to discuss budget cuts is during the budget process, and only then.



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I'm inclined to agree... once a default happens there is no way to put that cat back in the bag! 

But I'm a little worried that both sides have come to the conclusion that interest rate hikes only served to shoot themselves in the foot -- because already three big banks went belly up due to the break-neck speeds the Fed raised the interest rates... I fear they have decided the best way to get inflation down is to manufacture a recession by way of defaulting on the national debt... 

Seems stupid to allow either party the ability to tank the countries credit rating because they aren't getting what they way... 



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These are 2 (mostly) unrelated things... The Federal Reserve controls the supply of money in the country by adjusting interest rates with the goal of balancing employment and inflation at sustainable levels. The debt ceiling is with regard to the US Treasury, which can be thought of as the government's bank account. The US Treasury account is on the verge of running dry again because Congress has made a conscious decision to spend more than it takes in. Whatever rate the Federal Reserve happens to be charging banks at any given time has little to do with that. The fix is for Congress to raise taxes, or reduce spending, or a combination of both, or at the very least, borrow enough to cover the spending they already did.

It's kind of like how your DPS6 clutch had nothing to do with your Lincoln air bag. To think of them as related only causes problems.



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Eh... When did I say the DPS6 clutch warranty had anything to do with the Focus Air bag recall?


You do realize that both issues just came up at around the same time... hmmm, now it is really starting to sound similar to current events! 



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Doesn't matter.

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What do you mean it doesn't matter? Care to elaborate?




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Drive it like you stole it


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Stellar007 wrote:

What do you mean it doesn't matter? Care to elaborate?


 It's a movie. It will be over soon. The never ending bullshit, lies, treason will all be exposed. "federal Reserve" Hmmmmmm First off it's private, not federal. Second, what reserves? FR has $2bil on hand to "secure" money deposited, but there is $8 tril in deposits? How dat work boss? Bout like everything else, the game is over. Get your popcorn and watch.

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Hey don't call me Boss, I ain't running the Fed or the Treasury! I don't wanna be blamed for this!

Anyway, I understand your position... but currently the United States is the largest holder of Gold reserves by almost 3 times over the next largest gold reserve.

#CountryGold Reserves
1United States of America8,133.47 t
2Germany3,355.14 t
3Italy2,451.84 t

As of 2023

So it's hard to think we would risk a credit downgrade when we really CAN just print more money! Water raises all ships, and money can do the same thing when properly invested in America and Americans! 

Problem is we have too much going out to other countries! But since the USD is no longer tied to gold that's a great place to be in when other nations try and start screwing with the dollar! That is why the USD is the worlds currency!

I see people all the time talking about Gold... Well, if the golden rule is to be respected the United States would be making the rules!

This thing where we allow any party to risk a credit downgrade because someone isn't getting what they want needs to stop! That is what we have elections for! 

But again, it does feel like a movie! Like it's almost been planned out and we're just waiting to watch the next episode. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.



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The Federal Reserve can print as much money as it needs based on their goals regarding inflation and employment, but the government doesn't get to spend any of it... UNLESS the Federal Reserve purchases Treasury bonds (buys government debt), though the Federal Reserve is under no obligation to do so, and the amount of bonds the Treasury can sell (debt that can be assumed) is exactly what we are running out of. It isn't the Federal Reserve that needs money, the TREASURY does. The Treasury can't print its own money supply and relies on tax revenue to fund the government. Although the Treasury is responsible for minting coins, and there is a loophole in the law such that theoretically the Treasury could mint a platinum coin in a massive amount and deposit it into its own account, thereby quantitatively eliminating debt from thin air. This theory has never been tried, and would probably need to be litigated if it were. A better solution would be for Biden to invoke the 14th, or better yet, Congress could just eliminate the arbitrary debt limit they created.

It makes no sense whatsoever that Congress makes a conscious decision to set tax rates at a lower level than the expenses they incur, and then have an arbitrary limit on the debt that they themselves created which is lower than the spending they ordered into law. It makes one's head spin.


-- Edited by PowerStroker on Monday 22nd of May 2023 08:55:01 PM



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Shawnee said...

qt."It's a movie. It will be over soon. The never ending bullshit, lies, treason will all be exposed. "federal Reserve" Hmmmmmm First off it's private, not federal. Second, what reserves? FR has $2bil on hand to "secure" money deposited, but there is $8 tril in deposits? How dat work boss? Bout like everything else, the game is over. Get your popcorn and watch".

I completely agree with you Sir !!!







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"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Sarah Palin is more qualified than Ivanka, and she's a buffoon.



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PowerStroker wrote:

Sarah Palin is more qualified than Ivanka, and she's a buffoon.


LOL ! No doubt both are buffoons, but Ivanka has that special something imo...We'll see what happens after the Bo-Grove Sausage festival this year, & what they decide after Mr.Kissinger's birthday celebrations abate a little...( There may be more than just a few rockets going-off depending on who's lap she sits on )...






"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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PowerStroker wrote:

The Federal Reserve can print as much money as it needs based on their goals regarding inflation and employment, but the government doesn't get to spend any of it... UNLESS the Federal Reserve purchases Treasury bonds (buys government debt), though the Federal Reserve is under no obligation to do so, and the amount of bonds the Treasury can sell (debt that can be assumed) is exactly what we are running out of. It isn't the Federal Reserve that needs money, the TREASURY does. The Treasury can't print its own money supply and relies on tax revenue to fund the government. Although the Treasury is responsible for minting coins, and there is a loophole in the law such that theoretically the Treasury could mint a platinum coin in a massive amount and deposit it into its own account, thereby quantitatively eliminating debt from thin air. This theory has never been tried, and would probably need to be litigated if it were. A better solution would be for Biden to invoke the 14th, or better yet, Congress could just eliminate the arbitrary debt limit they created.

It makes no sense whatsoever that Congress makes a conscious decision to set tax rates at a lower level than the expenses they incur, and then have an arbitrary limit on the debt that they themselves created which is lower than the spending they ordered into law. It makes one's head spin


Do you really think you got a strong grasp on government spending PowerStroker?

Or do you just go to work every day like everyone else? Because it don't matter if the planet is on fire, the bills still have to be paid!



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PowerStroker wrote:

Sarah Palin is more qualified than Ivanka, and she's a buffoon.


Rastus has a serious boner for Ivanka Trump... I can see why, but she is perhaps not the best choice for Rastus... maybe he is trying to tell me something here.




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Stellar007 wrote:
PowerStroker wrote:

Sarah Palin is more qualified than Ivanka, and she's a buffoon.


Rastus has a serious boner for Ivanka Trump... I can see why, but she is perhaps not the best choice for Rastus... maybe he is trying to tell me something here.



LOL ! Ivanks "is" a pretty lady, that's for sure...

No, I'm not saying or suggesting anything at all, but since you brought it up, why not go to this years Bohemian Grove Sausage festival, & give-us the heads-up on who they've selected for POTUS 2024 ???...

There'll be lots of birthday-cake & cream to enjoy, (since H.K. turns a full 100-years of age in 3-days-time on the 27th), not to mention plenty of Kransky-franks too :) !




Looks like a great place to hang-out & make-merry Dull Care !


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Stellar007 wrote:
PowerStroker wrote:

The Federal Reserve can print as much money as it needs based on their goals regarding inflation and employment, but the government doesn't get to spend any of it... UNLESS the Federal Reserve purchases Treasury bonds (buys government debt), though the Federal Reserve is under no obligation to do so, and the amount of bonds the Treasury can sell (debt that can be assumed) is exactly what we are running out of. It isn't the Federal Reserve that needs money, the TREASURY does. The Treasury can't print its own money supply and relies on tax revenue to fund the government. Although the Treasury is responsible for minting coins, and there is a loophole in the law such that theoretically the Treasury could mint a platinum coin in a massive amount and deposit it into its own account, thereby quantitatively eliminating debt from thin air. This theory has never been tried, and would probably need to be litigated if it were. A better solution would be for Biden to invoke the 14th, or better yet, Congress could just eliminate the arbitrary debt limit they created.

It makes no sense whatsoever that Congress makes a conscious decision to set tax rates at a lower level than the expenses they incur, and then have an arbitrary limit on the debt that they themselves created which is lower than the spending they ordered into law. It makes one's head spin


Do you really think you got a strong grasp on government spending PowerStroker?

Or do you just go to work every day like everyone else? Because it don't matter if the planet is on fire, the bills still have to be paid!

The government doesn't even have a grasp on its spending relative to taxation, which is why we are in this situation. I'm just clearing up a common misconception by some who believe that the government can print money to fund itself, it can't.



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We are in this situation because Democrats FAILED to pass a clean debt ceiling bill while they held a majority in congress!





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The question is WHY?

You got some 'splaning to do PowerStroker!



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Stellar007 wrote:

The question is WHY ?...


You don't need PowerStroker Stellar, the machine broke Yo,* ( Way back in 1913 )....

But I hear they have a replacement...




"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Clearly PowerStroker has gone mute... but the fact is the Democrats could have raised the limit and dealt with all this before they lost their majority.

But politics dictated that the Democrats didn't want to be the only ones lifting the debt ceiling... no, they wanted Republicans to be forced to have a hand in it too!

I can see their angle here, so there is enough blame to go around for both Democrats AND Republicans if they don't get this mess figured out befor June 5th (The new hard deadline).




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I thought we did raise the debt limit, but now we reached the new limit again?

There was talk about eliminating it altogether, but Manchin and Sinima wouldn't go along with that.



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Rastus wrote:

Shawnee said...

qt."It's a movie. It will be over soon. The never ending bullshit, lies, treason will all be exposed. "federal Reserve" Hmmmmmm First off it's private, not federal. Second, what reserves? FR has $2bil on hand to "secure" money deposited, but there is $8 tril in deposits? How dat work boss? Bout like everything else, the game is over. Get your popcorn and watch".

I completely agree with you Sir !!!







Commercial is over, & it's back to your regular broadcasting...


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Word on the street is they are going to lift the debt ceiling until January 2024... 

So it looks like they are going to allow the Amerian people to put it to a vote on which way they want to go... HOWEVER, it could still all fall apart between now and the 5th of June! It's happened before, it's not a done deal yet.



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Yo Stellar,

Most of the world has now changed their banking integrity, & you'll find that your dollars will soon be "treasury" backed, & with no Fed-Res backing. The notes were printed-off years ago, they've just been playing-things-out for as smooth as possible transition.

This is why the UK pulled-out of the EU...

And the EU will be no more since now even Germany is pulling-the-pin on it, & using gold / silver backed currency, & not New World Order Rothchild bollox...



"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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PowerStroker wrote:

I thought we did raise the debt limit, but now we reached the new limit again?

There was talk about eliminating it altogether, but Manchin and Sinima wouldn't go along with that.


You know, I am not sure what you did...

But as I understand it, for cuts across the board for Republicans -- the debt ceiling will be removed until 2025!

It's hard to tell at this point who is getting over on who, but we still need ink on paper before we can say it's a deal.



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I wouldn't be too concerned here fellas, as the transition to Quantum Banking has taken place...This means...

* No New World Order.

* No Federal Reserve banking cartel...( Ever since 1913, you've been screwed by the federal Reserve Corporation, & every dollar in your wallet is not yours, you rent it with 2-6% interest ).

* Your new Treasury currency will be backed by Gold & Silver, like everyone else in the world.

* You will survive, & make it through fine.

* Your Congress is well in the process of making legal the backing of this said gold & silver.

All this has too happen, since you could never, ever, repay your debt to these mofo's of over 260-trillion dollars...The US-of-A & all its "fire-sale" worth on the market equates to around 160-trillion dollars.

* You will also find that your country will likely have a new Capitol, as Washington DC will no longer have that title...


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Rastus wrote:


I wouldn't be too concerned here fellas, as the transition to Quantum Banking has taken place...This means...

* No New World Order.

* No Federal Reserve banking cartel...( Ever since 1913, you've been screwed by the federal Reserve Corporation, & every dollar in your wallet is not yours, you rent it with 2-6% interest ).

* Your new Treasury currency will be backed by Gold & Silver, like everyone else in the world.

* You will survive, & make it through fine.

* Your Congress is well in the process of making legal the backing of this said gold & silver.

All this has too happen, since you could never, ever, repay your debt to these mofo's of over 260-trillion dollars...The US-of-A & all its "fire-sale" worth on the market equates to around 160-trillion dollars.

* You will also find that your country will likely have a new Capitol, as Washington DC will no longer have that title...

 You got it! Now if the other 90-95% would get it.

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That's an interesting prediction Rastus...

But I can assure you the United States is not going to back it's currency with gold, or even silver... sure, they used to, but not anymore because the American dollar has become a global brand... I would also argue that America, not that it would ever be in a "fire-sale" as you might suggest, is worth one hell of a lot more than $160 Trillion dollars! You keep saying that trillions is a lot of "dollars" and maybe it was back in the late 1800's and early 1900's when they only printed money based on the percived value of gold - which might I add it's value fluctuates like lobster every day. There is no way to even have a stable currancy that would be backed by gold! The value of peoples money would be dictated on the current demand or scarcity of the element. It's been tried before and didn't allow for smooth distribution and it was wraught with people trying to bleed the country of it's gold. Fuck all that, I'd rather pull out of Russia and any other country like it than to go back to such a rudimentary system. 

Here is another thing, people been screaming "New World Order" since the 1970's! It's no longer a "New" world order... at least as it were when President Reagan said it. 

I also doubt that DC will be going anywhere anytime soon... it allows these politicians to work outside the parameters of the law. Sort of like zero has no value, yet it serves as a place holder between negative and positive.

But it will be interesting to watch! We will all have a front row seat!



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There isn't enough gold on the planet to have it back our currency again.



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I think what you mean, PowerStroker, is that nobody on the planet has as much gold as the United States. 

Because pegging the value of any money to gold is only going to result in the dollar being worth however much the element is worth at any given time... if gold shot up 10,000% then clearly we would have more than enough to back currency with gold, but at the same time if gold became worthless, then so would the dollar... gold is just a VERY POOR element to base money off of! It's hard to handle, test, exchange and you'll have a hard time wiring someone a gold coin! Plus it's well known that if you circulate expensive metals like gold in a coin they will eventually get whittled down to nothing as every cheapskate tries to skim the gold, much like transaction fee's now days with credit card purchases... you know, the 3% handling charge most merchants get charged for handling the transaction. 

One thing we can be 100% sure of... and that is the fact that regardless what happens, we're all still going to have to pay bills! And how do you pay bills? With money! If dollars become worthless then everyone will just pay off their debts! This idea the US Dollar would be used to wall-paper your house or become huge piles of trash in the street are just laughable! The ENTIRE finanical system would have to crash and every bank would have to go under all at once! The great depression didn't have the digital footprint, credit cards, car payments and all the other crap we have now days! It would be so bad that not even gold would save you! You'd trade a bar of gold for food if you were about to starve to death! 

So there is always that! You can't eat gold!



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Interesting article here...

And here's a solid quote from it...

qt." Since 2000, the proportion of central banks currency reserves held in U.S. dollars has fallen by half. That decline continues. Every week brings news of countries cutting trade and investment payments in U.S. dollars in favor of payments in their own currencies or other currencies than the U.S. dollar. Saudi Arabia is closing down the petrodollar system that crucially supported the U.S. dollar as the pre-eminent global currency. Reduced global reliance on the U.S. dollar also reduces dollars available for loans to the U.S. government to finance its borrowings. The long-term effects of that, especially as the U.S. government runs immense budget deficits, will likely be significant".


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Just more anti-USA propoganda from that shit-hole site Counterpunch...

Russia has been BLOCKED from the US banking system! They are on their own, sucking India and China's little dicks by selling them oil at a CRAZY reduced loss just to keep the war going in Ukraine. What else does Russia have to offer Rastus? NOTHING! The same goes with the Saudi's! Outside of sand and camel shit, all they have to sell is oil also! But, HELLO! The USA is FAST changing to electric! And whatever petrol vehicles are left in 10 years will easily be sustained by domestic oil! 

Let me repeat! NOBODY WANTS TO INVEST IN RUSSIA OR CHINA! You're a fucking idiot if you put money in Russia or China! That is the bottom line! 

Why is China sucking Elon Musks dick? Because they are not innovators, they don't have access to the Alien technology that the USA has! The closest they can get to that is Elon Musk! And that is ONLY because he rubs shoulders with the likes of NASA, who by the way already has rovers and helicopters exploring the surface of Mars! 

Please Rastus! SPARE US YOUR BULLSHIT PROPAGANDA! You say Vangaurd owns everything over and over in here! Well do you know where Vanguard is based? RIGHT HERE IN THE USA! 

Then you go on to parrot this BS idea that we should go back to the gold standard... only there is ONE PROBLEM with that Rastus! The USA holds the largest gold reserves on the planet 3X over!

I apologize if you find this response offensive, but I'm not going to sit here and allow some Euro-trash tabloid with a strong satire history to even get an ounce of traction in here! I'll rub that out of countrol bitch into the wall every single time!

Afghanistan is another example of Russia biting off more than it could chew, and the USA having to clean up it's mess... now Russia is in Ukraine, and guess what? We will clean that mess up too! But you can shove your fucking NATO treaties up your ass at this point because there is a war criminal in charge in Russia, and should he keep going -- "we" will get him and do business with whoever is left standing over there! It's the American way!



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Stellar007 wrote:

1. Just more anti-USA propaganda from that shit-hole site CounterPunch...

2. Russia has been BLOCKED from the US banking system! They are on their own, sucking India and China's little dicks by selling them oil at a CRAZY reduced loss just to keep the war going in Ukraine. What else does Russia have to offer Rastus? NOTHING! The same goes with the Saudi's! Outside of sand and camel shit, all they have to sell is oil also! But, HELLO! The USA is FAST changing to electric! And whatever petrol vehicles are left in 10 years will easily be sustained by domestic oil! 

3. Let me repeat! NOBODY WANTS TO INVEST IN RUSSIA OR CHINA! You're a fucking idiot if you put money in Russia or China! That is the bottom line! 

4. Why is China sucking Elon Musks dick? Because they are not innovators, they don't have access to the Alien technology that the USA has! The closest they can get to that is Elon Musk! And that is ONLY because he rubs shoulders with the likes of NASA, who by the way already has rovers and helicopters exploring the surface of Mars! 

5. Please Rastus! SPARE US YOUR BULLSHIT PROPAGANDA! You say Vangaurd owns everything over and over in here! Well do you know where Vanguard is based? RIGHT HERE IN THE USA! 

6. Then you go on to parrot this BS idea that we should go back to the gold standard... only there is ONE PROBLEM with that Rastus! The USA holds the largest gold reserves on the planet 3X over!

7. I apologize if you find this response offensive, but I'm not going to sit here and allow some Euro-trash tabloid with a strong satire history to even get an ounce of traction in here! I'll rub that out of control bitch into the wall every single time!

8. Afghanistan is another example of Russia biting off more than it could chew, and the USA having to clean up it's mess... now Russia is in Ukraine, and guess what? We will clean that mess up too! But you can shove your fucking NATO treaties up your ass at this point because there is a war criminal in charge in Russia, and should he keep going -- "we" will get him and do business with whoever is left standing over there! It's the American way!


LOL !!!

R1. One mans propaganda is another mans facts...

R2. OK.

R3. Nobody wants to invest in the US-of-A either Stellar...

R4. You should investigate further on what the US-of-A has as far as ET craft goes...Other countries have craft too btw, namely Russia & China that may concern your interest...And as for NASA, the people in your "black programs", or if you rather SSP ( Secret Space Program ), have been flying to Mars since the mid-1960's...And Germany got to the moon first in 1945...

R5. They do own everything, at least as far as displayed majority-stock-holdings go.And it makes sense that they're in the US-of-A, as that's where Wall st is, plus its the easiest country in the world for criminals to live, & make a living..Look at your politicians ! ( And yes, ours are no better either ).

R6. You're correct about everyone going back to a gold / silver std, even the US-of-A...And yes, Cheyanne Mountain has a shyte-load of gold. I'm not sure that you have the largest holdings, & there's still plenty to be found / dug-up everywhere...

R7. No need to apologize lol ! I'm pretty-sure the biaatch is an American woman btw.

R8. It's the US-of-A that wiped-their-asses with all the NATO treaties concerning Russia Stellar...This war was decades in the making, as with Iraq, Sudan, Afghanistan, Jordan, Iran etc etc.

Have you forgotten already Carol Rosin's witness testimony ??? She worked at Fairchild Industries in the late 1970's, as a representative of Werner Von Braun...She spent lots of time in the "war-room" & knew about all current events since 1977.

Here you go, I'll post it up again, it's quite short.



"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Have you forgotten about all the other womans testemonies that have later turned out to be "Oh I just made that up because someone paid me"...

Yeah, we have seen that countless times in the past decade with SCOTUS nominations, Trump women, the list goes on and on... I don't suspect it ends at alien controversy... 

All that being said, I threw that shit in there about Alien technoligy because I knew you would hit it harder than a large mouth bass hitting a shiny spinning lure... nobody knows what who's got, officially anyway... it's all this big Fugazi, pie-in-the-sky sort of stuff... I see it more and more in the news, so much in fact I don't even bother to post the links anymore for fear you're head will get so big it won't even fit in the forum anymore!

All that said, lots of people are investing in America! And it would seem, for the first time in a long time - America is even investing in America! Sure, I wish we didn't give any other countries our money -- and just spread it all around right here in the good 'ole USA! But perhaps that is why the American dollar is the worlds currancy, because instead of whording it all like Gold-Pigs did and do, the USD is spread around for everyone to enjoy! You think about that... You know how often I see foreign currency in the USA? Hardly EVER, and even then it will be Canadian, which isn't even accepted anywhere but a bank anyway! Even then, the only reason it's seen here is because we're butted up next to the Canadian border... 

Oh it's all good to complain about, but is it getting us anywhere?




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Stellar007 wrote:

1. Have you forgotten about all the other women's testimonies that have later turned out to be "Oh I just made that up because someone paid me"...

2. Yeah, we have seen that countless times in the past decade with SCOTUS nominations, Trump women, the list goes on and on... I don't suspect it ends at alien controversy... 

3. All that being said, I threw that shit in there about Alien technoligy because I knew you would hit it harder than a large mouth bass hitting a shiny spinning lure... nobody knows what who's got, officially anyway... it's all this big Fugazi, pie-in-the-sky sort of stuff... I see it more and more in the news, so much in fact I don't even bother to post the links anymore for fear you're head will get so big it won't even fit in the forum anymore!

4. All that said, lots of people are investing in America! And it would seem, for the first time in a long time - America is even investing in America! Sure, I wish we didn't give any other countries our money -- and just spread it all around right here in the good 'ole USA! But perhaps that is why the American dollar is the worlds currancy, because instead of whording it all like Gold-Pigs did and do, the USD is spread around for everyone to enjoy! You think about that... You know how often I see foreign currency in the USA? Hardly EVER, and even then it will be Canadian, which isn't even accepted anywhere but a bank anyway! Even then, the only reason it's seen here is because we're butted up next to the Canadian border... 

5. Oh it's all good to complain about, but is it getting us anywhere?



R1. They were possibly paid to rephrase their original claim Stellar, or disappear...

R2. You-got-it. But Carol has been a disclosure advocate since the 1970's, & hasn't changed her stance, only reported the truth, decades ahead-of-time, that's why I link-her-up here.

R3. At least elements of the truth are coming out. Press Conference is now less than 24-hrs away Stellar...Starts & 14:00 - 16:00 EST. You have the link.

R4. Your dollar is too strong. People are likely buying weapons or nuke-waste from y'all for weapons.

R5. The ET's are real, & in the next few years, you'll see more & more of them, & wonder why you squashed the chance to meet them years before hand.


Here's the link for y'all...

-- Edited by Rastus on Sunday 11th of June 2023 06:37:58 PM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Fair enough...

'Crashed Las Vegas UFO' witness 'terrified' by 8-foot creatures in his backyard: '100% not human'

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