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Israel at WAR with Palestine.

Stellar asked....

qt.1. "What other country do you know of that invites everyone into their country (friend or foe) like the USA" ?....

qt.2. "When is the last time you got ANYTHING of quality from Russia or China ? Be honest" ?...

qt.3."And before you start piping up about your Alien friends, they never dared get involved in the past -- so I wouldn't hold your breath they would in the future"!...


R1. Likely all the 5-Eyes (lol) countries Stellar. I can assure you that here in Tasmania, we're full of migrants from other places, that have lost their homes etc etc...

R2. Russia made 75-Billion in profit this year, as the worlds most sanctioned country...I'd say their oil is pretty-good & cheap...And as for China, everything is made there my friend, from nukes to your newly acquired love of Tesla electric cars.

R3. Our ET Star family has been involved with us for Billions of years, & Universe history goes back least 23-Trillion according to the Andromedan's, as revealed by Alex Collier...And we ourselves have the genes-of-the-Gods with over 12-DNA-strands, provided to us via at least 22-different ET peoples, of which, many strands are being activated as we continue to pass through the galactic-plane. They will always help us...

Some of the peoples involved are the Jusai, Lakaar, Vultari, Andromedan's, Centaurian's, Pleiadians, Sirian's, Orion's, Vegan's, Lyran's, Zeta Reticulaen's, Anakh's, Thiaooubian's to name a few !

-- Edited by Rastus on Tuesday 19th of December 2023 12:26:50 AM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Rastus wrote:

R3. Our ET Star family has been involved with us for Billions of years, at least 63-Billion according to the Andromedan's, as revealed by Alex Collier...And we ourselves have the genes-of-the-Gods with over 12-DNA-strands, provided to us via at least 22-different ET peoples, of which, many strands are being activated as we continue to pass through the galactic-plane. They will always help us...

Some of the peoples involved are the Jusai, Lakaar, Vultari, Andromedan's, Centaurian's, Pleiadians, Sirian's, Orion's, Vegan's, Lyran's, Zeta Reticulaen's, Anakh's, Thiaooubian's to name a few !


You've named them, eh?

Wow this is bordering like a religious cult for you Rastus!

I'm glad you're having fun with it! We all look forward to the first real encounter! 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Rastus wrote:

R1. Likely all the 5-Eyes (lol) countries Stellar. I can assure you that here in Tasmania, we're full of migrants from other places, that have lost their homes etc etc...

R2. Russia made 75-Billion in profit this year, as the worlds most sanctioned country...I'd say their oil is pretty-good & cheap...And as for China, everything is made there my friend, from nukes to your newly acquired love of Tesla electric cars.


Does Tasmania allow undocumented, or even resident alien (no pun intended) migrants vote in your elections there Rastus?

Russia may have made some money in oil exports but they had to take a big loss! The world still needs China to make our rubber dog sh!t and plastic Tesla trim parts... and they need oil to do that. I don't know if you could go so far as to say "newly acquired love" of Tesla, but as you can tell from my review I was rather impressed with it. The vehicle I drove was made in the USA - with foreign and domestic parts.

May I remind you, Rastus... The USA is the largest producer of crude oil in the world... FYI


And that's even with the current administration laying heavy on the brakes for oil drilling in this new push to electric and re-newables.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:
Rastus wrote:

R1. Likely all the 5-Eyes (lol) countries Stellar. I can assure you that here in Tasmania, we're full of migrants from other places, that have lost their homes etc etc...

R2. Russia made 75-Billion in profit this year, as the worlds most sanctioned country...I'd say their oil is pretty-good & cheap...And as for China, everything is made there my friend, from nukes to your newly acquired love of Tesla electric cars.


Does Tasmania allow undocumented, or even resident alien (no pun intended) migrants vote in your elections there Rastus?

Russia may have made some money in oil exports but they had to take a big loss! The world still needs China to make our rubber dog sh!t and plastic Tesla trim parts... and they need oil to do that. I don't know if you could go so far as to say "newly acquired love" of Tesla, but as you can tell from my review I was rather impressed with it. The vehicle I drove was made in the USA - with foreign and domestic parts.

May I remind you, Rastus... The USA is the largest producer of crude oil in the world... FYI


And that's even with the current administration laying heavy on the brakes for oil drilling in this new push to electric and re-newables.


You know what ???

I actually thought that the US-of-A was the largest "consumer" of fossil-fuels...I didn't realize you were a producer...

But don't forget that in 2012-13 the OPEC nations stated that every year will see a 1% reduction in oil output from them. That's why pressure is on elsewhwere around the globe to secure supply.


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Well, Rastus... you're not too far off!

In addition to being the worlds biggest producer, we're also the worlds biggest consumer! LOL

People need their bombs and shit, yo!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Biggie? Oil is not a fossil fuel.

Drive it like you stole it


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Oil sure is a fossil fuel!

Not quite sure where you're getting your information from, but oil can become a lot of different things once refined -- but even in it's crude form it definitely IS a fossil fuel.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:

Oil sure is a fossil fuel!

Not quite sure where you're getting your information from, but oil can become a lot of different things once refined -- but even in it's crude form it definitely IS a fossil fuel.

 Ahhhh, no. It's renewable grows right under the surface. It's aerobic, if it had anything organic it would be anerobic. Saudis will even tell you that.

Look mon. No dinosaurs, no santa, the earth is flat, it's 6000 years old. Pay attention, thank me later.

Drive it like you stole it


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PowerStroker wrote:

Ashli Babbitt was a self defense action. Nobody gets to claim a murder for her when she was in a Federal facility without permission attempting to obstruct Congress and ignoring orders from Capitol Police.  The officer who fired the shot is known, and yet not charged with any crimes, why do you suppose that is? It's too bad more such examples weren't made.

Brian Sicknick was murdered.

-- Edited by PowerStroker on Tuesday 7th of November 2023 05:33:26 PM


Ooooooooohhhh PowerStroker!


Judge dismisses three civil counts against Trump, others over death of Jan. 6 Officer Brian Sicknick

D.C. medical examiner's office found that Brian Sicknick died of 'natural causes'

Ya'll got some splain' to do!

Care to revise your bullshit claim? How could you be made such a fool out of! This is the D.C. Medical Examiner's findings! DIED OF NATURAL CAUSES! 

So it looks like the only person who was killed -- shot dead, was an unarmed woman by some big ape with an itchy trigger finger! 

What say you ole' chum?


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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I missed this one somehow...But Stellar asked...


qt."Does Tasmania allow undocumented, or even resident alien (no pun intended) migrants vote in your elections there Rastus"?...

Ans. I don't know & don't care. It's obvious that everything is rigged & corrupted, so I say yes !!! Especially when I get asked to vote on US-of-A issues here in my Spam folder, so I do...Especially the anti-nuke-stuff, that shyte has to go...

And here's what the folks at Juice media have to say to back-me-up...


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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I guess according to some media outlets the USA is being invaded by millions of people crossing our Southern border. It's hard to imagine! This isn't the first time either, it would seem during Democrat administrations they just open up the Southern border. You see these mass caravans of people making their way up thru Mexico and crossing into Texas, Arizona and other parts of the USA. Where they go and what they do when they get here is the real question! It's hard to imagine they are going to have a better life here when all they will do is use up resources only to be deported at some point and time for being here illegally. Isn't that about the truth of it? 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Which media outlets? The opening of the Southern border is news to me.



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SELLC wrote:

1.I guess according to some media outlets the USA is being invaded by millions of people crossing our Southern border.

2.It's hard to imagine! This isn't the first time either, it would seem during Democrat administrations they just open up the Southern border.

3.You see these mass caravans of people making their way up through Mexico and crossing into Texas, Arizona and other parts of the USA.

4.Where they go and what they do when they get here is the real question !

5.It's hard to imagine they are going to have a better life here when all they will do is use up resources only to be deported at some point and time for being here illegally.

6.Isn't that about the truth of it? 


LOL !!!

R1. Oh no...What about the ET's ?

R2. I thought Mr.Trumpdt finished the wall ??? Surely some money from your Defence Budget is warranted in this instance, after-all, less than 1% of the DoD budget would see everyone in the whole world fed & educated...It is higher than all of the next 10-nations defence budgets combined remember....I wonder where all that money is going cough, cough...

R3. Better let Jr. know to watch himself & to not pick-up hitch-hikers !

R4. Perhaps they're here to vote Stellar, it's an election year remember...

R5. Free food, & travel plus a free holiday State-side sounds like a great idea since US-of-A corps have bought-out their country via the CIA & corrupted politicians.

R6. Indeed, & 867 military bases all around the world with traffic-signals that point to your door-step.


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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PowerStroker wrote:

Which media outlets? The opening of the Southern border is news to me.


Some people can play dumb so convincingly that you're almost sure it's not an act.



What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Rastus wrote:
SELLC wrote:

1.I guess according to some media outlets the USA is being invaded by millions of people crossing our Southern border.

2.It's hard to imagine! This isn't the first time either, it would seem during Democrat administrations they just open up the Southern border.

3.You see these mass caravans of people making their way up through Mexico and crossing into Texas, Arizona and other parts of the USA.

4.Where they go and what they do when they get here is the real question !

5.It's hard to imagine they are going to have a better life here when all they will do is use up resources only to be deported at some point and time for being here illegally.

6.Isn't that about the truth of it? 


LOL !!!

R1. Oh no...What about the ET's ?

R2. I thought Mr.Trumpdt finished the wall ??? Surely some money from your Defence Budget is warranted in this instance, after-all, less than 1% of the DoD budget would see everyone in the whole world fed & educated...It is higher than all of the next 10-nations defence budgets combined remember....I wonder where all that money is going cough, cough...

R3. Better let Jr. know to watch himself & to not pick-up hitch-hikers !

R4. Perhaps they're here to vote Stellar, it's an election year remember...

R5. Free food, & travel plus a free holiday State-side sounds like a great idea since US-of-A corps have bought-out their country via the CIA & corrupted politicians.

R6. Indeed, & 867 military bases all around the world with traffic-signals that point to your door-step.


1 - Brandee claims to be an ET on occasion (usually after having drank too much bourbon) but outside of her, I've not seen a single ET in the flesh! Well, maybe that one that was roaming around Miami recently, but otherwise they seem to keep to themselves.

2 - Have you noticed how Ukraine and Isreal have not folded dispite serious recent attacks? That's where that Defense Budget is going. Trump got a lot of the wall finished, but the new administration tore a lot of it down and ceased building any new wall.

3 - Well since his truck recently died, he's only got room for one hitch-hiker now days... I suspect she would have to be pretty good looking too! lol

4 - That is EXACTLY what people are upset about! Democrats love illegals, up until two days after a Presidential election anyway.

5 - I've only ever been to Canada, England and Scotland... in that order! And my Dad had to pay handsomely for the last two.

6 - What can I say? We wouldn't have to be there if these other nations were handling their business! Now we have had to add yet another military branch -- Space Force, to keep an eye on the same people we have 867 bases around the world plus your ET pals.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Right wing media claiming that Democrats swing open the border gates does not make it true. I'd like to know which media outlets are making that claim, and what their sources are so I can verify it.



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Stellar said....*( I am ROTFLMAO )....


qt."What can I say ?... We wouldn't have to be there if these other nations were handling their business ! Now we have had to add yet another military branch -- Space Force, to keep an eye on the same people we have 867 bases around the world plus your ET pals".


Here you go folks, I've downloaded this once again, & you should carefully read through it, as just-about-everything going-on-today, is within its pages, including the desire to "need" another "Pearl Harbour " type event, to ensure the general public support of more wars & take-over of other countries into the next millennia, & ensure the US-of-A's take over of the world, as the New World Order...And what they gave y'all to get the ball-rolling, was 9 /11, all carefully crafted & designed 10-years prior via George Bush & big-Dick-Cheney & others...

What more do you want ??? This is your very own US-of-A almanack, as provided by the US-of-A Defence strategists...


-- Edited by Rastus on Thursday 11th of January 2024 11:24:55 PM

1991.pdf (269.7 kb)

"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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So here's some stuff to read & sign if you like regarding this disgraceful non-sense in the Middle-East...

I wish these idiots would read the UFO thread & learn some facts, lose their false religions, & get-on with a better way-of-life...


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Our beloved Nancy has been opening her big-mouth in support of the genocide being carried out in the Middle-East...One wonders whether she's been drinking, or just needs to pay-her-bills...( And perhaps Shawnee is correct, & this may well be her actress double in action )......

Pelosi Bar.jpg

-- Edited by Rastus on Tuesday 30th of January 2024 04:41:54 PM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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I liked how she told them Chinese protestors to go back to China.

Maybe she's growing on me? I dunno


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Time to recall the real truth of this mess & sanity...( Not the fact that people are making masses of money yo )...


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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So Nancy keeps opening her mouth it appears, in support of US-of-A arms deals with Israel, & is also accusing protesters as such, as siding with Mr.Putin...And what's wrong with that if you actually want peace & to save peoples lives ??? So clearly, she's on the war footing, & wants to sell more arms, & for the war to continue, in the interest of the war industry...

Here's a quote yo from CounterPunch after watching on CNN...

qt."Without presenting a single shred of evidence, Rep. Nancy Pelosi recently contended on CNN that protesters challenging U.S. and Israeli policies in Gaza are doing the Kremlins bidding. For them to call for a cease-fire is Mr. Putins message. Make no mistake, this is directly connected to what he would like to see I think some of these protesters are spontaneous and organic and sincere. Some, I think, are connected to Russia. And I say that having looked at this for a long time now I think some financing should be investigated. And I want to ask the FBI to investigate that, Pelosi squealed.

And in typical US-of-A fashion, a biased film has been made to sway public opinion...

Nancy has unlimited power.jpg


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Nancy is dead, over a year now. It's all doubles and clones to keep people appeased. You'll see, I promise.

Drive it like you stole it


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Shawnee_B wrote:

Nancy is dead, over a year now. It's all doubles and clones to keep people appeased. You'll see, I promise.


She just keeps-on getting younger & younger...

And she sent all the bums & poop to gitmo apparently...


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Word on the street is she's related to Gavin Newsome.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Going on six months! 

What is that? Two new wars we're involved in ($$$) under Biden?

All this money going out... never got any China payback for COVID either!

Move along, nothing to see here!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Pleiadian Thor Han Eredyon, of the Galactic Federation of Worlds, has spoken-out about the recent events in the Middle East, & reveals its deeper meaning, & what we can expect in the near future about this unstable circumstance, & the many strings attached with the issue. (A good short read, & spot-on imo).

THOR HAN April 13, 2024

On April 11, 2024, government officials and military leaders from several Earth Alliance member countries met in secret to discuss a plan of action against the Deep State. The U.S. White Hats were there, as well as Putin, some representatives from Iran, and from secondary power Islamic states that have recently joined the Alliance, such as Saudi Arabia and Egypt, among many others.

The Earth Alliance has been preparing to overthrow the Deep State for some time by buying back Islamist countries, such as Egypt, that were financially dependent on the Deep States banking overlords. When these countries regained their independence from the Deep State, they joined the Earth Alliance and switched sides.

This is not just a war between two countries; there is a deep and complex silver lining. The Iran-Israel conflict is just the tip of the iceberg. The reality behind it is about a deal. The Earth Alliance is trading a list of things, including: the Deep State and its assets leaving Ukraine and giving it away. When diplomacy didnt work as expected, the second step was the scare tactics. However, the situation is more complex than that. Iran doesnt want to get into a war; its just playing the threat to get the Deep State to back down on the terms of this multi-level deal.

If tragedy strikes, it will not be at the will of the Earth Alliance, but as a result of the resistance of the old paradigm. The dark institutions that have ruled this planet have lost their off-world support, and they would rather destroy everything in their fall than surrender. Therefore, deals have been worked out to avoid chaos and death.

These meetings and the decisions that have resulted from them have been made by the Earth humans in charge. We can only wisely advise and assist in critical situations, which we have done and will continue to do diligently, but the future of Earth is in the hands of the Earths people. Stand strong with hope in your hearts, for this is the turning point for your freedom and your future. You are not alone.

T.H. Eredyon, GFW XL6 Sol Station High Command.

Check-out for full treatment & video.


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Here's a cut & paste from a CounterPunch article that clearly indicates that the US-of-A is a hypocrisy, & loves taking Israeli-boners, whilst claiming it's a democracy...It seems that the US-of-A politicians are only interested in protecting its Military Industrial Complex, not people...

United States Hypocrisy Again
by Robert Fantina

Photograph by Nathaniel St. Clair

The hypocrisy of the United States government knows no limits. On April 18, a proposal was submitted to the United Nations Security Council to admit Palestine as a full member, thus effectively recognizing the state of Palestine. Of the fifteen members of the Security Council, twelve voted in favor, two abstained, and the United States, using its veto power, opposed it. This, after frantic lobbying by the U.S. of the other nations on the Security Council to convince at least one of them to vote with the U.S., so the U.S. would not have to stand alone, again, in its support for the apartheid regime of Israel.

It remains the US view that the most expeditious path toward statehood for the Palestinian people is through direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority with the support of the United States and other partners, Vedant Patel, the State Department spokesman, told reporters earlier in the day.

This writer is almost tired of pointing out the obvious: negotiations can only be effective when each party wants something the other has, that it can only obtain by surrendering something it has, that the other party wants. Israel takes what it wants from Palestine with complete impunity. And how can the establishment of an independent Palestine occur through negotiations when the current Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said there will never be an independent Palestine? The U.S. had the opportunity to make it happen on April 18, but chose not to.

Richard Gowan, the United Nations International Crisis Group said the following, prior to the vote: The U.S. position is that the Palestinian state should be based on bilateral agreements between the Israelis and Palestinians. It does not believe that the UN can create the state by fiat. This raises two interesting points:

1) First, Israel isnt going to agree to the establishment of a Palestinian state. Netanyahu has made that clear.

2) If the U.S. does, in fact, not believe that the U.N. can create a state by fiat, how then does the U.S. explain the establishment of Israel? Did the U.N. not, in 1947 1948, created Israel by fiat?

The U.S. is the worlds best example of the double standard: it criticizes Russias crimes in Ukraine while supporting and even financing the same kinds of crimes, except on steroids, that Israel is committing in Gaza.

Government officials in the U.S. explain that President Genocide Joe Biden is working to convince Netanyahu to allow more aid into Gaza, where children and adults are starving to death. All he need do to enable a flood of aid is tell Netanyahu that Israel will not receive another penny of U.S. aid until the suffering of the Palestinians ends. But instead of that, he is sending hundreds of millions of dollars worth of weaponry to kill them. Why should Israel do anything different? It gets whatever it wants from the U.S. even as it spits in the U.S.s collective eye.

Prior to the start of the Iraq War, massive protests were held around the world. Then President George Bush, in response to these protests said this: Size of protest its like deciding, well, Im going to decide policy based upon a focus group. Todd S. Purdum of The New York Times, commenting on this statement, said the following: A focus group is a handful of people, carefully culled to reflect diverse viewpoints, chosen to help politicians or companies figure out how to sell a policy or a product.

Led by a facilitator, they are poked and prodded in a private room, asked about their likes and dislikes and encouraged to speak while strategists eavesdrop behind a one-way mirror.

And while Mr. Bush may not like to acknowledge it, his administration does use focus groups, most recently to help determine how best to couch its public messages about domestic security.

Perhaps Genocide Joe feels the same way; he can dismiss millions of people around the world, including massive numbers in the United States, who recognize ongoing genocide when they see it. He believes that such blatant violations of international law as invading and bombing hospitals and arresting and killing medical personnel and killing patients; bombing refugee camps; killing journalists; indiscriminately slaughtering men, women and children; dropping bombs on humanitarian aid workers and schools, mosques, churches and residential centers are not evidence of genocide. They are, he says, simply part of Israel defending itself from the existential threat of a ragtag band of dedicated people who are resisting a brutal, decades long occupation.

And what of the existential threat to Palestine? For decades, Israel has been stealing more and more Palestinian land, establishing settlements that are illegal under international law, and arbitrarily killing, arresting and torturing Palestinian men, women and children. Why does Palestine not, in the eyes of the United States government, have a right to defend itself?

Genocide Joe is an elderly Zionist, believing the myths about Jews who oppose apartheid as being self-hating Jews, and not willing to recognize that it was the United Nations, and not God, who criminally displaced 750,000 Palestinians to establish the Zionist regime.

The United Nations created the problems that have plagued the Middle East for 76 years; the United States is not, never has been and can never be an honest player in resolving them. The United Nations must work to end the very un-democratic veto power in the Security Council, give more authority to the General Assembly which, unlike the 15 member-nation Security Council has representatives from 193 nations, and bring freedom to the Palestinians. The current genocide, which will be a stain on the records of many nations for generations to come, must end. The U.S. must not be allowed to enable it to continue.


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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PowerStroker once asked, "Show me Palestine on a map..."

I guess maybe you have a map that shows Palestine? So far, at least in the 21st century -- it would seem that Palestine is a terrorist wing of the radical Muslim movement.

Look at what a mess they are making of Universities here in the USA lately! Look at all them brand new tents -- all the excact same brand on campuses. Smells like a George Soros opperation, he always liked to thin the herd of his fellow Jewish people... there are lots of articles about how he was once even working for the Nazi's back in the day! 

They were recently in Dearborn chanting "Death to America"... although no mention was made on our Bimbo News Podcast of that. biggrin


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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You're confusing Palestine with Hamas again.

Hamas is a terrorist wing of the radial Muslim movement. Palestine is an area comprising the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and used to include all of Israel. This territory is where Hamas exerts most of their influence, but the overwhelming majority of Muslim Palestinians aren't radicalized, and don't like Hamas at all.

The Palestinians didn't cause the unrest on college campuses, Israel did by indiscriminately killing massive numbers of innocent Palestinian civilians in what would otherwise be a legitimate hunt for Hamas.

George Soros is no fan of Nazis or Fascism, we've been through this.



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Is there a difference, PowerStroker?

Perhaps you would like to visit Dearborn and chant "death to America" with your brothers?

Why did Isreal go to war with the Gaza Strip? 

We have not been thru THIS PowerStroker -- THIS is a new element that YOUR radical party has introduced to the world. 

Are you happy, Hitler?


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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I'd like to visit Dearborn to visit the Henry Ford museum someday. I rather like America and certainly don't wish for its death.

Israel entered the Gaza Strip in search of the Hamas members who kidnapped Israeli citizens and are still holding some hostage. If they targeted their efforts on Hamas only, I'd have no problem whatsoever with it. The problem is, like you The Israeli government doesn't seem to see any difference between Hamas and non-radicalized Palestinians and are killing them all with seemingly no regard for the very vast differences that exist between them.

Exactly how has my radial party introduced this to the world. Palestine existed long before the United States, and certainly the Democratic party. So has terrorism for that matter.



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There is no difference between Hamas and Palestinians you dumb fu@k! Don't you get it thru that thick head of yours PowerStroker?

There is only the religion of ISLAM... Hamas is merely a shiny object that muslims and liberals want you to look at, and hopefully not pay attention to the fact this is a holy war where they are two sides of the same coin.

Palestinians put Hamas in power -- and they continue to support them because they are on the same side -- they BOTH hate Israel equally! They BOTH wish "Death to America" as well!

Israel is right to be non-discriminate in their war efforts! You got Iran, Syria, Yemen and many other muslim nations attacking Israel -- THIS IS NOT ABOUT HAMAS or Palestine! 

The fact you support and back a peice of sh!t like George Soros says it all PowerStroker! Like most Democrats, you have very little self respect!

Your radical party is introducing Hamas to the world as some boogey man, when Hamas is no different than your pal Obama -- who himself is another Islamic sympathizer. All you liberal scum lapped up his BS -- and you still do!

All these Muslim nations could give a flying fu@k about Palestine, the Gaza Strip or the Palestinian people! They are but martyrs for their cause! 

These people ARE NOT assimilating! They flock to parts of the country where they all live and vote in an attempt to wiggle their way into congress so that they may turn our country into the same sh!tholes they came from!

Just look at how many once-were highly regarded Universities that have been infultrated and turned into mini war zones lately! Just look how they have taken over YOUR state with just one brother fu@king woman! (Omar)

And you sit here and smugly suggest you want to visit Dearborn to visit the Henry Ford museum... You know in Dearborn they not only chant "Death to America", they have also made serious advances to bringing about their own Islamic Courts of law!

I'm sorry if this post makes light of your ignorance PowerStroker, but you are pretty ignorant in this matter! What's worse is people like you probably aren't ignorant -- you know damn well what is going on, you just don't care!



What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Your argument is like saying the Proud Boys are representative of all Americans I can assure you, they are not.



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PowerStroker, maybe you're just not an American? Have you ever thought about that?

I don't know what facination you have with this VERY-SMALL Proud Boys militia, but it has absolutly nothing to do with the Islamic deception that your party is feeding.

And how about all this money to Ukraine? FOR WHAT? People in Ukraine are more or less Russians! Much like Palestinians are more or less radical Islamic Hamas terrorist! I think the money is being wasted!

We spend that money so they will kill themselves, instead of us having to go over there and do it! But the problem is, your people -- and much of our congress is in on the grift and the money isn't being used wisely! It's just kickbacks!

Before the war in Ukraine even started there was SERIOUS questions about the Democrats being on the take there! Now we're dumping 100's of BILLIONS into Ukraine to the SAME PEOPLE! You can't even make this sh!t up!

How is Ukraine going to pay back America for all this money? When Russia takes over do you think Putin is going to write us a check? HELL NO! And even if Ukraine manages to salvage a part of their country from being taken over by Russia, once we start to demand our money back they will just run into the arms of whoever is going to give them more money! Be it Russia, Iran, China -- whoever!

The reason you keep going on about the Proud Boys is because they don't tolerate any of your liberal BS... and thus would just rather curb stomp your silly ass than allow you to keep destroying our country with your lies and deception. Much like how Isreal see's Palestinians and Hamas as being one in the same... 

During times of war, much of your liberal mantra would be considered treasonous. I can see why you don't like militias... 



What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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I mean... take a good look at yourself PowerStroker!


That doesn't look like an American flag in your signature! 

Maybe you should move to Ukraine?

There is not very much about you that is representative of being an American. Just saying!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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PowerStroker wrote:

George Soros is no fan of Nazis or Fascism, we've been through this.


You were saying, PowerStroker? confuse

Anti-Israel protests nationwide fueled by left-wing groups backed by Soros, dark money

I think it's quite clear you're ignortant on many issues. 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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The current government of Israel is acting very fascist of late, perhaps that's why George Soros isn't a fan. Only proves my point actually.



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No PowerStroker, what it proves is that Soros preys on any group of people that will carry out his attacks on America! 

Take for example the BLM movement, another Soros bankrolled movement -- one that happend to burn half your city down! And the leader of that group got caught with her hand in the till for some multi-millon dollar mansion to live in.

Now it's the Muslims, and they are more than happy to eat from his hand once more! These are probably the same people who were a part of the BLM movement! 

It's basically organized crime, and money trails always lead back to Soros! Why he gets away with it, every single time -- is probably because he claims to be Democrat, when in reality he is really on team Soros -- AND ONLY TEAM SOROS!

Democrats, BLM and now this new Palestinian movement all go hand in hand with Soros... Sure, they get squashed -- then they run around like nothing happened while trying to do it again, and again and how many more instances of this need to occur before Soros is on trial? When are we going to see some Democrats on trial? Everyone is on the take! These useful idiots are allowed to carry on until such time they are no longer useful, at which time they commit suicide -- or they get tossed in jail to commit suicide! 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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I think you should seek news sources that don't simply serve to enforce your preconceived notions and get you angry.



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So you're saying Americans like myself shouldn't be upset when a large infestation of ungrateful Muslim immigrants in Dearborn get together and chant "Death to America"

You think that sort of thing is okay? You think that sort of thing only upsets Americans based on the news desk that reports it? 

I think you're unhinged... and your ignorant way of thinking is very dangerous. 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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No, I think people should be evaluated on an individual basis. That some people hate America doesn't mean their entire race or religion does, and we need to be very mindful of that.



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Hate is one thing... chanting death is another!

Are they rounding up these "death to America" chanters in Dearborn like they did the J6 crowd?


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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If their chants turn to actual violence, then yes.



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Um... that's not how it works when it comes to death threats, and you know it.

Should their chants turn into actual violence it would result in a wall being put up around Dearborn, and a lot of people there getting either killed or deported by State and Federal authorities -- maybe both as their dead bodies are sent back home, where they really ought to be sent right now before anything drastic has to happen. Dearborn is but a small spec on a pigs ass in terms of size and population, in relation to Michigan as a whole... it would be best if the Muslim/Hamas sympathizers chanting "Death to America" are dealt with by their officials well before anything drastic happens... condemning it (which it has been at every level of Government) is not enough! These people need to be rounded up and deported -- we don't need none of that BS here in Michigan! I know you guys there in Minnesota don't care, but here in Michigan a lot of people are not too impressed with this recent news coming out of Dearborn.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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As planned from long-ago, this war was waiting for the right timing, just ask Mr.Obama...

May 17, 2024
Follow the Missiles
by Jeffrey St. Clair

JDAM-guiided missiles. Photo: Dept. of Defense.

The US has long been Israels largest arms merchant. For the last four years, the US has supplied Israel with 69% of its imported weapons, from F-35s to chemical munitions (white phosphorous), tank shells to precision bombs. Despite this, the Biden administration claims not to know how these weapons are put to use, even when they maim and kil American citizens.

Since the start of the latest war on Gaza, the US has had both defense department and CIA officials in Israel helping the Israelis with intelligence, logistics, targeting and bomb damage assessment. Still, the Biden administration claims not to have any hard evidence that the weapons it has transferred to Israel have been used to slaughter civilians, torture detainees or restrict the flow of humanitarian aid to starving, dehydrated and sick Palestinian civilians.

Under pressure from Bernie Sanders, Chris Van Hollen, Jeff Merkeley and other congressional Democrats, in February, President issued National Security Memorandum 20 (NSM-20, or National Security Memorandum on Safeguards and Accountability With Respect to Transferred Defense Articles and Defense Services), which directed the State Department to obtain certain credible and reliable written assurances from foreign governments receiving [U.S.] defense articles and, as appropriate, defense services that they will abide by U.S. and international law. NSM-20 also requires the Departments of State and Defense to report to Congress within 90 days on the extent to which such partners are abiding by their assurances. assessment of any credible reports or allegations that defense articles and, as appropriate, defense services, have been used in a manner not consistent with international law, including international humanitarian law. The NSM-20 report also required the Biden administration to assess whether Israel has fully cooperated with United States Government-supported and international efforts to provide humanitarian assistance in the area of conflict. They missed the 90-day mark by two days, likely to push the release of the report to late on a Friday afternoon, a traditional dead zone for news youd like to bury.

Since October 7, the Biden administration has approved more than 100 Foreign Military Sales arms transfers to Israel. Two of the shipments used an emergency authority to circumvent Congressional review. The surge of weapons transfers to Israel began in early October and so much material was being shipped that the Pentagon had a difficult time finding enough cargo aircraft to deliver them. While the Pentagon regularly details weapons sent to Ukraine, it has only issued two updates on the kind and amount of weapons sent to Israel. But those two reports, both issued in December, suggest that the weapons included artillery shells, tank rounds, air defense systems, precision-guided munitions, small arms, Hellfire missiles used by drones, 30-mm cannon shells, PVS-14 night vision devices and disposable (though probably not biodegradable) shoulder-fired rockets. In late October, one sale to Israel including $320 million worth of JDAM kits for converting unguided dumb bombs into GPS-guided munitions. This was in addition to a previous sales of $403 million worth of the same guidance systems. From October 7 to Dec. 29 alone, US weapons shipments to Israel included 52,229 M795 155-millimeter artillery shells, 30,000 M4 propelling charges for howitzers, 4,792 M107 155-mm artillery shells and 13,981 M830A1 120-mm tank rounds.

For years, the US has maintained a covert military stockpile of weapons in Israel for use in US operations throughout the Middle East. In an extraordinary move, the Biden administration gave the IDF access to these munitions, including the 2,000-pound bombs that have been used to destroy Gazas cities. The United States has reportedly transferred at least 5,000 2,000-pound dumb bombs to Israel since October 7.

These weapons transfers and sales are largely made under a 2016 deal made by the Obama administration which committed the United States to giving Israel at least $38 billion in weapons over 10 years. In March, when the official death toll in Gaza had already topped 30,000, the State Department authorized the transfer of 25 F-35A fighter jets and engines worth roughly $2.5 billion. This deal was quickly followed in April with Biden giving his assent for the sale of 50 F-15 fighters to Israel at a total retail price of $18 billion. Later in April, In April, Biden signed an aid package that will send Israel an additional $15 billion in military aid.

None of the transfers were accompanied by conditions on how the weapons could be used. Indeed, Bidens National Security Council spokesman John Kirby repeatedly said the White House had imposed no red lines for Israels offensives in Gaza and southern Lebanon. According to an analysis by the Washington Post, the IDF dropped over 22,000 munitions on Gaza during the first 45 days of the war alone that were manufactured in the US.

The Biden administration had boxed itself in because the red lines were already on the books. And it wasnt just international law, which the Biden Administration routinely shows only contempt for when it applies to the US and its allies, that prohibits weapons sales to countries that violate humanitarian law but several US laws, as well as Bidens own internal executive policies.

U.S. law, regulations, and its Conventional Arms Transfer policy require withholding military assistance when our weapons transfers are used contrary to international humanitarian law, including:

+ The Leahy law (22 U.S. Code § 2378d) requires an automatic cutoff of U.S. security assistance to foreign military units credibly implicated in gross violations of human rights.

+ Section 502B of the Foreign Assistance Act bans the United States from providing security assistance to any government that engages in a consistent pattern of gross violations of human rights.

+ Section 620I of the Foreign Assistance Act prohibits the United States from providing security assistance or arms sales to any country when the President is made aware that the government prohibits or otherwise restricts, directly or indirectly, the transport or delivery of United States humanitarian assistance.

+ The Biden administrations Conventional Arms Transfer (CAT) policy, issued in 2023, stipulates that the United States will not transfer weapons when it is more likely than not that those weapons will be used to commit, facilitate the commission of, or aggravate the risk of serious violations of international human rights or humanitarian law, among other specified violations.

+ In 2022, the Biden Administration, along with more than 80 other nations, signed a joint statement on Explosive Weapons in Populated Areas (EWIPA), which declared the signatories strongly condemn[s] any attacks directed against civilians, other protected persons and civilian objects, including civilian evacuation convoys, as well as indiscriminate shelling and the indiscriminate use of explosive weapons, which are incompatible with international humanitarian law.

So how would Biden squirm out of this dilemma?

While the U.S. State Department cagily admitted that it was reasonable to assess that Israel used U.S.-supplied weapons in instances which it said might be inconsistent with international humanitarian law obligations and the February 2024 U.S. national security memorandum, which requires foreign governments to guarantee they will not violate human rights with weapons purchased from the U.S, it concluded that it didnt have any hard evidence this was the case. More laughably, the State Department report said it accepted as credible and reliable Israels assurances that it would use U.S. weapons in accordance with the law given the lack of complete information to verify that U.S. weapons were definitely used in specific cases. The administration also did not find that Israel had intentionally obstructed humanitarian aid into Gaza, at least during not the week the report was being released, which seems to be pretty much all they considered.

While the NSM-20 directed the State Department to investigate any credible reports or allegations of the possible misuse of US weaponry by the Israeli government, Blinkens team addressed only 10 incidents and those superficially. When it came to addressing whether Israel had implemented best practices to limit civilian harm during its military operations in densely populated urban areas, Blinkens report failed to identify and examine any specific cases, simply citing the anodyne conclusion of the US Intelligence Community that Israel could do more to prevent civilian casualties.

According to the Huffington Posts Akbar Shahid Ahmed, two top Biden aides, Jack Loew (Ambassador to Israel) and David Satterfield (Humanitarian envoy to Gaza), play decisive roles in watering down the reports criticisms of Israel, especially in restricting the flow of aid to Gaza. One State Department official to Amar: It was Satterfields job to cover for Israel.

The evidence for Israels mass slaughter of civilians, bombing of non-military targets and civilian infrastructure, killing of aid workers and medical personnel, and the delay, obstruction and restriction on humanitarian aid is overwhelming and has been meticulously documented since October by the UN, as well as human rights and humanitarian organizations, including Amnesty International, Oxfam and Human Rights Watch. If the State Department couldnt get the CIA and Pentagons own assessments, they could have consulted and evaluated the reports prepared by these organizations. But, as Chris Van Hollen noted, these independent reports underscore a concerning trend: the Administration cites the important work of these organizations when it suits their purposes but ignores them when it does not.

So lets review the record by simply following the flight of the missiles, shall we?

On October 7, the day of the Hamas attacks, Israel cut off the electricity that it supplies to Gaza, the main source of power in the Strip. The power remained cut off until at least through March.

On October 7, 2023, Nidal al-Waheidi and Haitham Abdelwahed, Palestinian journalists from Gaza, were detained by the IDF while reporting on the Hamas-led attack in southern Israel. More than seven months later, Israeli authorities have still refused to disclose their whereabouts or the legal grounds and reasons for their arrest.

In October, Israel used U.S.-made Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAM) in two deadly strikes on Palestinian homes in the occupied Gaza Strip that killed 43 civilians19 children, 14 women and 10 men.

On 9 October, an Israel Defense Forces air strike on Jabalia refugee camp destroyed several multi-story buildings, killing at least 39 people. The United Nations Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights (UN OHCHR) found no specific military objective and no reports of warnings before the attack.

On 9 October 2023, Israeli Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant announced a complete siege of Gaza: We are imposing a complete siege on [Gaza]. No electricity, no food, no water, no fuel everything is closed. We are fighting human animals, and we act accordingly. The siege policy was reaffirmed on 18 October 2023 by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who declared that we will not allow humanitarian assistance in the form of food and medicines from our territory to the Gaza Strip. For the next 12 days, Israel closed all of Gazas access points and repeatedly bombed the Rafah border crossing with Egypt. The complete siege imposes collective punishment on all residents of Gaza and violates Section 620I of the Foreign Assistance Act.

On 10 October, an IDF airstrike demolished a building in the Sheikh Radwan district of Gaza City, killing at least 40 civilians. According to Amnesty International, a Hamas member had been living on one of the floors of the building, but he was not present at the time of the bombing. That same day, an IDF airstrike on a home in Deir al-Balah killed 21 members of the al-Najjar family as well as three neighbors. Amnesty Internationals investigation found evidence that a 2,000-pound bomb equipped with a Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) with a guidance kit was used in the lethal strike. There was no evidence of any legitimate military targets in the area.

On October 11, the only power plant in Gaza ran out of fuel reserves, after Israel blocked the entry of fuel to the Strip.

On October 13 an Israeli tank attack in southern Lebanon, killed Reuters journalist Issam Abdallah, severely wounded AFP photographer Christina Assi, and injured five other reporters. including a US citizen. According to a Human Rights Watch investigation, the firing from the Israeli was apparently a deliberate attack on civilians, which is a war crime.

On October 16 Israeli forces US-made white phosphorus in an attack on Dhayra southern Lebanon by Israeli forces, in a manner inconsistent with international humanitarian law, that injured at least nine civilians and damaged civilian buildings. Lebanons Ministry of Environment has said that at least 6.82 square kilometers of land were burned in attacks by Israeli forces, largely as a result of white phosphorous. An investigation by The Washington Post found that the Israeli military used US-supplied white phosphorus munitions in the attacks.

On October 19, an Israeli air strike destroyed a building in the compound of the Saint Porphyrius Greek Orthodox Church in the heart of Gazas old city, where an estimated 450 internally displaced members of

Gazas small Christian community was sheltering. The strike killed 18 civilians and injured at least 12 others.

On October 19, the IDF conducted two airstrikes on the home of the Saqallah family in Sheikh Ajleen near Tal-Hawa, west Gaza Strip, where the extended family had gathered to shelter from All the houses occupants were killed, including 4 children and 4 doctors.

On October 20 28 civilians, including 12 children, were killed by an Israeli strike, which destroyed the al-Aydi family home and severely damaged two nearby houses at the al-Nuseirat refugee camp. The homes were in an area of the central Gaza Strip where the Israeli military had ordered residents of northern Gaza to move to.

On October 21, Israel permitted only 20 truckloads of humanitarian aid, containing supplies such as food, water, animal fodder, medical supplies, and fuel, to pass through the Rafah Crossing into Gaza. By contrast, before October 7 the population of Gaza relied on an average of 500 truckloads of food, water, medicine, and other essential items every single day. Months later when Israel eventually opened the Rafah and Kerem Shalom Crossings, the IDF imposed an arbitrary and restrictive inspection system that resulted in mass congestion and long queues as long as 2,000 trucks. Even now, it takes an average of 20 days for humanitarian trucks to travel from the Israeli inspection point at Al Arish to Gaza.

On 22 October 2023, an IDF airstrike on a home in Deir al-Balah killed 18 members of the Muei-leq family12 children and 6 womenas well as a neighbor. Amnesty International determined that the home was hit by a 1,000-pound bomb equipped with a Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) with the guidance system.

Between October 7 and November 7, Israel forces targeted several hospitals and clinics for airstrikes, including the Turkish-Palestinian Friendship Hospital, the Indonesian Hospital, and the International Eye Care Center. Hospitals enjoy protected status under international humanitarian law, and only lose their protection from attack if used to commit acts harmful to the enemy, though warnings, proportionality, and distinction are still required.

On October 25, Israeli airstrikes decimated the neighborhood of Al Yarmouk, destroying seven residential towers. In just the Al Taj residential tower, the bombing killed 91 Palestinians, including 28 women and 39 children.

On October 31, IDF airstrike targeted a six-story apartment building near the Nuseirat refugee camp in central Gaza. At least 106 civilians, including 54 children, were killed in the bombing. The Israeli authorities provided no justification for the attack. Human Rights Watch found no evidence of a military target in the vicinity of the building at the time of the attack.

On November 5, an Israeli strike by Israeli forces on a family in a car in southern Lebanon on November 5 that killed three girls, ages 10, 12 and 14, and their grandmother.8 Human Rights Watch found no evidence of a military target in the vicinity of the car that was struck, which only contained fleeing civilians. According to Human Rights Watch, the attack on the car showed reckless disregard by the Israeli military for its obligation to distinguish between civilian and military objects and a significant failure to take adequate safeguards to prevent civilian deaths.

On November 3, an Israeli airstrike on a marked ambulance outside al-Shifa Hospital killed 21 people, including 5 children, and injured 60. Ambulances are protected civilian objects under international humanitarian law and cannot be targeted when used to treat wounded and sick individuals, both civilian and combatant. An IDF spokesperson rationalized the attack in a TV interview saying: Our forces saw terrorists using ambulances as a vehicle to move around. They perceived a threat and accordingly we struck that ambulance. Human Rights Watch found no evidence that the ambulance struck was being used for military purposes, but instead verified video showing a woman on a stretcher in the ambulance.

On December 2024, IDF airstrikes destroyed several buildings in the Al Maghazi refugee camp, killing at least 68 people. An Israeli military official admitted to Israels Kan public broadcaster that [t]he type of munition did not match the nature of the attack, causing extensive collateral damage which could have been avoided.

Starting January 1 through February 12, more than half of the planned humanitarian aid missions to northern Gaza were obstructed by Israeli authorities. The restrictions included: failures to guarantee safe passage; failure to open additional routes to northern Gaza; excessive delays; and outright denial of access by the Israeli military.

On January 9, 2024, an Israeli airstrike hit a five-story apartment building belonging to the Nofal family in the Tal Al-Sultan neighborhood in Rafah. The attack killed 18 civilians, including 10 children, four men, and four women. At least eight others were wounded. An analysis of the bomb fragments by Amnesty International identified the weapon as a precision-guided GBU-39 Small Diameter Bomb, made in the US by Boeing.

On 29 January 2024, the IDF attacked a car carrying the family of 6-year-old Palestinian girl Hind Rajab in the area later identified as Tel Al-Hawa, Gaza City. Most of her family was killed in the initial attack, leaving Hind still alive among the bodies of her six relatives. Two medics from the Palestinian Red Crescent Society were dispatched to rescue Hind, who may have been killed by Israeli fire before they arrived. They were also attacked and killed. Their ambulance was run over by Israeli tanks. The Washington Post identified a fragment of a U.S.-made 120mm round at the scene.

On 2 February, an Israeli naval ship fired at a U.N. Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) convoy waiting to enter northern Gaza through Al Rashid Road.

On 13 February, it was revealed that Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich had been blocking the delivery of a shipment of U.S.-funded flour at the port of Ashdod since at least 19 January 2024, even though Netanyahu had assured Biden that the shipment would be allowed to enter Gaza.

On February 16, water production in Gaza had fallen to only 5.7% of what it was before the war started, leading to cases of severe dehydration, as well as the outbreak of diseases, including Hepatitis A and diarrhea. Since November, people in northern Gaza have not had access to potable water, while since March people in southern Gaza, have only had an average of two liters of water per day.

On 24 March 2024, with northern Gaza on the brink of famine, Israeli authorities told the United Nations that it would no longer approve the passage of any UNRWA food convoys into northern Gaza. That same day, Israeli forces fired upon people waiting for the distribution of food at a site at Kuwait Roundabout.

On 1 April, an Israeli airstrike killed seven World Central Kitchen aid workers in three separate airstrikes on vehicles bearing the WCK logo on a street designated for the passage of humanitarian aid. The three cars were struck one by one and were found destroyed nearly a mile and a half apart. The strikes were authorized by a colonel and overseen by a major.

From the Independent Task Force on NSM-20 report, written by Noura Erakat and former State Department official Josh Paul: Though Israel has attributed the 34,000 Palestinian casualties, 70 percent of whom are women and children, to alleged human shielding by Hamas, we found that in 11 out of the 16 incidents we analyzed, Israel did not even publicly identity a military target or attempt to justify the strike. Of the remaining five incidents, Israel publicly named targets with verification in two incidents, but no precautionary warning was given and we assess the anticipated civilian harm was known and excessive.

Since Blinken released his report reaffirming his trust in Israel to use his American arsenal responsibly, Israel has closed the Rafah crossing, forced more than 500,000 people out of the city, began bombing the already shattered Jabalia refugee camp again, hit a UN aid truck with a drone strike, left 20 American doctors stranded in hospital without water, and stood down as 100s of Israeli settlers and paramilitaries destroyed the supplies of a humanitarian convoy and torched two of the trucks.

In response to these fresh atrocities, Biden approved a new $1.2 billion transfer of mostly ground-based weapons ($700 million in tank ammunition, $500 million in tactical vehicles and $60 million in mortar rounds) to Israel, which will surely come as a welcome reward as the IDF crosses another imaginary red line in its ground assault on Rafah.

Message sent, message received.

Jeffrey St. Clair is editor of CounterPunch. His most recent book is An Orgy of Thieves: Neoliberalism and Its Discontents (with Alexander Cockburn). He can be reached at: or on Twitter @JeffreyStClair3.


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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So here's the latest update on the slaughter Genocide-Joe supports for monetary gain, & the United States of Israel...Can we reach 250,000 deaths I hear you say ???

Let's go Brandon ;) !

You Cant Turn Back the Clock on Genocide: Easily 200,000 Deaths in Gaza.
by Joshua Frank

Image by Nat and Upslpash+.

As Amal Nassar lay in pain on a bed at the Al-Awda Hospital in the Nuseirat refugee camp in northern Gaza, the echoes of explosions and artillery fire could be heard all around her. It was mid-January and she had made her way to the embattled hospital to give birth to a baby girl she would name Mira. While Amal should have been celebrating her infants delivery, instead she was engulfed in fear, surrounded by the relentless nightmare of death and suffering that she and her family had experienced for months.

I was muttering to myself, I hope I die, she recalled.

Though gut-wrenching, Amals story is not unlike those of so many other young mothers in Gaza today. The World Health Organization estimates that more than 50,000 pregnant women are barely surviving there, while having babies at the rate of 180 births a day. Many of those women (especially in the north) are acutely malnourished and few received any medical attention before their labor pains began, often weeks ahead of schedule.

According to a bleak report released in March by UNICEF, the thousands of infants born in Gaza over the previous two months (and ever since) are at great risk of dying. Many already have, although numbers are hard to come by.

There are babies who died in their mothers wombs and surgeries were performed to remove the dead fetuses, said Dr. Muhammad Salha, acting director of Al-Awda Hospital, where the situation couldnt be more dire. Mothers are not eating because of the conditions we are living in, and this affects the infants There are [cases] of many children suffering from dehydration and malnutrition, leading to death.

Western healthcare providers who have returned from Gaza describe genuinely dreadful scenes. Dr. Nahreen Ahmed, a Philadelphia-based doctor and the medical director of the humanitarian aid group MedGlobal, left Gaza in late March, her second time on the frontlines since Israel launched its assault nearly eight months ago. What she witnessed has changed her forever.

Theres not enough space for us to work closely with the mothers to help them start lactating again. We cant even access them. And to be able to do that, you have to have day-to-day activities with those women, and that is not something thats possible for us right now. Those children need to be breastfed. If they cant be breastfed, they need formula, Dr. Ahmed told Democracy Now! host Amy Goodman. What were talking about is women who are squeezing fruits, dates into handkerchiefs, into tissues, and feeding drip-feeding their children with some sort of sugary substance to nourish them.

Being born amid the rubble, amid a horrifying offensive, will undoubtedly scar future generations if, that is, theyre lucky enough to survive the constant bombings and the denial of basic necessities like food, fuel, and medical aid. And as yet, despite mounting international pressure, threats of war crimes charges, and claims of genocide, Israel has shown no signs of relenting.

Onslaught of Revenge

From early on, Israeli leaders have been remarkably clear about their intentions in the Palestinian enclave. Israeli Colonel Yogez BarSheshet, speaking from Gaza in late 2023, put it bluntly: Whoever returns here will find scorched earth. No houses, no agriculture, no nothing. They have no future.

Its as if Israels leaders knew that, while it was impossible to actually destroy Hamas, they could at least obliterate Gazas infrastructure and murder civilians under the guise of hunting down terrorists. After seven long months of Israels onslaught of revenge, its clear that this has never been about freeing the hostages taken on October 7th. Along the way, Israel could easily have accepted multiple proposals to do so, including a ceasefire resolution brokered by Egypt, Qatar, and the U.S. in early May. Instead, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and crew shot down that plan, in which Hamas had agreed to release all living hostages taken in its October 7th assault on Israel in exchange for Palestinians held in Israeli prisons. The sticking point, however, had nothing to do with the release of those captives rotting in Gaza under who knows what kind of stressful conditions, but Israels refusal to accept any resolution that includes a permanent ceasefire.

Immediately after nixing Hamass offer to release the hostages, Israel began bombing Rafah, home to more than a million refugees. Hundreds of thousands of them have since fled the city, displaced yet again. And despite Netanyahus now-discredited claim that he only had to destroy Hamass last four battalions in Rafah, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) soon found themselves back at it in the north as well, attacking areas where Hamas was once again said to be operating.

In response to protests that spread quickly on college campuses in the U.S., President Biden paid lip service to the outrage and paused shipments of U.S. military aid to Israel, only to reverse course a week later with a new $1-billion arms deal for that country.

Depending on how Israels post-October 7th blood-soaked incursion into Gaza is evaluated, the military operation has either been a complete disaster or a monumental success. If the destruction of Gaza and the slaughtering of Palestinians was the intent, then Israel has certainly succeeded. If the return of the hostages and the destruction of Hamas was the goal, then it failed miserably. Either way, Israel has quickly become a pariah of its own making, something that never had to happen, and from which there may be no turning back.

The Damage Done

The specter of death in Gaza is difficult, if not impossible, to grasp. At a distance, our understanding of the situation often relies on somber statistics, especially in the establishment media. The official count, consistently cited by mainstream outlets, comes in at around 35,000 deaths.

In May, the New York Times and other outlets jumped on a report from the United Nations, which had apparently revised Gazas death count. But the U.N. did not, in fact, halve its total of women and children who had died, as the Jerusalem Post claimed. It simply altered its classification system in terms of those estimated to have died and those it could definitively confirm to be deceased. The totals, however, remained the same. Nonetheless, even those numbers, based on information provided by Gazas Ministry of Health, end up blurring the cruel reality on the ground. U.N. officials also fear that at least 10,000 more Gazans lie buried under the rubble in that 25-mile strip of land.

But death figures can also impart meaning, as the long-time consumer-rights activist Ralph Nader recently pointed out. He happens to believe that Israel could have killed at least 200,000 Palestinians in Gaza, a mind-boggling figure, but worth examining. So, I called on him to elaborate.

The undercount is staggering, said Nader, whose Lebanese parents emigrated to the United States before he was born. The U.S. and Israel want a low number, so they look around. Instead of themselves estimating which they dont want to do they cling to Hamass [figures], and Hamas doesnt want a realistic number because they dont want to be seen as unable to protect their own people. So, they developed these criteria: to be counted, the dead must first be certified by hospitals and morgues [which barely exist].

He has made it a habit to reach out to writers and editors. Like so many others, I have a bit of a phone affair with that 90-year-old thinker and activist. We discuss politics, baseball, and journalisms rapid, insidious decline. Ive certainly heard him animated in the past, but never more indignant than when he addresses the situation in Gaza. The whole thing is one death camp now. Its easily 200,000 deaths in Gaza, he insisted, citing the number of bombs dropped, which have, by some estimates, exceeded 100,000. We know that at least 45,000 missiles and bombs had been used in Gaza within three months of the beginning of Israels military campaign. As a result, as many as 175,000 buildings have been damaged or destroyed by Israel. So, he seems to be on to something.

Eventually [the real number of the dead] will come out, he adds. Theyll do a census, whoever takes over. The one thing the extended families in Gaza know is whos been killed in their families.

Of course, his assertion is circumstantial and he knows it, but hes making a point. With so much of the Gaza Strip facing imminent starvation, nearly all hospitals out of commission, just about no medicine left, and very little clean water or food, 35,000 deaths are likely, in the end, to prove a drastic undercount.

Not in Our Name

The Holocaust, in which Nazis murdered 11 million people, six million of whom were Jews, was quite literally the textbook genocide. Yet, as ghastly and systematic as it was, at least one other genocide may have claimed a larger death toll. In her latest book, Doppelganger, Naomi Klein explains that the largest genocide was inflicted on Indigenous peoples in the Americas at the hands of European settlers. Hitlers Holocaust, Klein writes, actually took a page from colonialists in the Americas and was deeply influenced by the Western frontier myth.

I think it is important to say that every genocide is different, was how Klein put it to Arielle Angel of the Jewish Currents podcast On the Nose. There are particularities to every holocaust, and there absolutely were particularities to the Nazi Holocaust. This was a Fordist Holocaust. It was quicker and on a much larger scale and more industrialized than had ever been seen before or since.

Klein is correct that the Nazi Holocaust was born out of Hitlers colonialist aspirations and ought to be framed as such. Its also worth noting that the 1948 Genocide Convention, which was a response to that atrocity, makes clear that classifying an event as a genocide is dependent neither on the number of victims killed nor even on the percentage of a given population slaughtered. This means that the number of people killed in Gaza makes little difference in the court of international law; legally speaking, that is, Israel is already committing genocide.

In one of the saddest twists of modern history, in the wake of the October 7th Hamas assault, the trauma of the Holocaust is being used to exploit Jewish suffering and fear for safety and so to justify the slow evisceration of Palestinians. Its this tragic irony thats turned so many young American Jews against Israels policies.

Amid a mounting international backlash, support for Israel among Jewish Americans has never faced such intense division. Many of the protests against the war in Gaza here have, in fact, been led by young Jews fed up with Israels claim on their Judaism and cultural history. In response, the ranks of the Jewish-run IfNotNow and the Jewish Voice for Peace have swelled, helping to spawn a newly invigorated antiwar movement in this country.

The threat this poses to Zionisms future is unlike anything the movement has faced since the Six-Day War, according to the pro-Israel Anti-Defamation League (ADL). We have a major, major, major generational problem, ADL director Jonathan Greenblatt said in a panicked donor call last November. All the polling Ive seen suggests this is not a left/right gap, folks. The issue of [the] United States support for Israel is not left and right. It is young and old.

Greenblatt is correct. Gen Z and Millenials, Jewish or otherwise, are much less likely to accept Israels rationale for the annihilation of Palestinians than the generations that came before them. Poll after poll shows that ever more young Jews in the United States are distancing themselves from the tenets of Zionism. Why wouldnt they? Theyve seen the dead bodies on social media, the screams, the bloodshed, the flattened cities, and they want no part of it. Support for Israel among the young is now at a nadir.

And that, as polls already suggest, could affect the coming election. Bidens going to lose the election just by people staying home, Ralph Nader predicted. He thinks properly that Trump is worse on this issue and everything else, so hes got this attitude, so does the entire Democratic Party, Hey you protestors, grow up, youve got nowhere else to go. Yeah, theyve got somewhere to go. They can just stay home.

Were still months away from the November election and things could change drastically, but you cant resurrect the dead or turn back the clock on genocide. Thanks, in part, to those American bombs and missiles, the damage is already done. Israels collective punishment is now simply a fact of life and President Biden remains culpable for those deaths in Gaza, too, whether the human toll is now 35,000 or 200,000. The White Houses continued denial that Israel is committing genocide means very little when theres a mountain of evidence to the contrary.

Back in the desperate and overcrowded Nuseirat refugee camp, Amal Nassar held her three-month-old as an April spring day arrived early in Gaza. She wondered what the future would hold for her little baby girl.

I looked at Mira and thought: Did I make the right decision to have this baby in a war?

Its a painful question without an answer, but the outlook remains grim. In mid-May, an Israeli fighter jet launched missiles at residential buildings in Nuseirat, killing 40 Palestinians, including women and children. Many more were injured. The rockets missed Amals family this time, but the longer Israels callousness endures, the closer death creeps.

This piece first appeared at TomDispatch.

JOSHUA FRANK is the managing editor of CounterPunch. He is the author of the new book, Atomic Days: The Untold Story of the Most Toxic Place in America, published by Haymarket Books. He can be reached at You can troll him on Twitter @joshua__frank.


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Are you suggesting Disgraced Convicted Felon, Adjudicated Rapist, Nazi Sympathizer, Child of Nepotism, Draft dodger, Habitual Adulterer, and fascist, Donald J Trump would be less genocidal?

If so, how?



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Posts: 5974

PowerStroker wrote:

Are you suggesting Disgraced Convicted Felon, Adjudicated Rapist, Nazi Sympathizer, Child of Nepotism, Draft dodger, Habitual Adulterer, and fascist, Donald J Trump would be less genocidal?

If so, how?



Oh, you mean former POTUS Trumdt...


1. The Don may, or may not be all of the above that you mention, we'll see what happens after the appeal(s), & maybe your claims will be different.

2. It's all a well-prepared screen-play PowerStroker, made at places like the Bilderberg meetings, & the Bohemian Grove sausage festival.

3. The Don did stop / shut-down the US-of-A gov't, in an effort I believe to upset the gangbanksters that run your country from the UK.

4. The Don likely saved countless lives, by delaying the "Death-dart" during COrona Virus Disease 2019...He wanted proof before suggesting his citizens get the jab.

5. The Don was in good relations with Mr.Putin.


It appears that the Don's presidency was full of hick-ups where-by he only wanted to serve his people as best as possible. Everything he's in the press for now is simply superficial garbage designed to keep you watching the news for updates, making him look bad.


1. How can you dislike the Don, when there was NO war created by him ??? It was a time of peace.

2. How can you support a confused Genocidal maniac like Sleey-Joe, where he sells a Billion dollars worth of arms to a country that illegally built infrastructure on another's land, whilst simultaneously offering aid to the recipients of that billion dollars worth of arms ???...

3. When you read through the official US-of-A Defence Strategy of 1991, you see that this has been planned well in advance, & that makes Sleepy-Joe a puppet to the warmongers & war industry of the US-of-A.


In finishing...

Trumpdt = No wars

Genocide Joe = War


And in a country made-up of 320-million people, who are each in debt to the tune of over $106,000:00, these are the best people that you have to vote for ???



"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Posts: 5974

And also...

Below is footage taken over 10-years ago of a UFO in Jerusalem, flying over the "Dome"...According to James Gilliland, the craft cleared centuries of bad energy concentrated in the area, so that the new positive energies of the universe can begin to transform the old earth into the new, & hopefully in due course, clear off all the bogus religions out there. And also worth noting, is that a baby was found in the Dome the following morning...




"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.

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