The 2-stroke dirt-bikes are/were something really special...Especially from 250cc's & upwards...And the 500cc capacities are simply outright dangerous, more-so than even a Hayabusa !
There maybe some European brands still producing them, like Gagiva & such, but I'm not sure.
I'd highly recommend a Hayabusa for anyone that wants to get around on a bike during the summer-months. Running costs are not over-the-top.
And now with the release of the 3rd Generation bike, S/H prices for low-mileage 1st & 2nd Generation examples will be super-low, & a better-than-ever buy.
IMO, the 1st Generation bikes are the better choice, simply because there's no bull-shyte extra-electronics added to the bike, only the stuff that's needed in operation is supplied.
"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together". Dwight D.Eisenhower.
It's the modules that get you on these new vehicles (and bikes too)... and it takes at least six or more years before anyone has a work around, and even then it requires programing.
That is one thing they know, people can fix most things but they can't fix circuts that have billions of transistors and fine wires that can only be serviced in lab like settings by robots. And even if you could, there is still the proprietary software / logic to make it work. A double whammy if you will...
What are your thoughts on these new electric bikes coming out?
What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl
What are your thoughts on these new electric bikes coming out?
I used to watch the "Isle of Man" races all the time, right up until Super-Cheap-Auto stopped importing the DVD's, & even then they became a single disc item, but without the onboard camera footage, which was the highlight of the whole thing...Anyhow, all this to say, that back in 2014, they were getting the "electric bikes" to last long enough, that they could complete at least 1 x 37-mile lap, at an average speed of I think 100-mph, with veteran racers onboard...
In the real world however, I'd have to say that I'm not that keen on them. No doubt they'll get the performance going great, that's for sure, but the negatives outweigh the positives for me, & here's a short list...
* The recharge time will still be longer than the riding time, though this will improve.
* We don't need electric bikes when we can have them & cars alike running on water.
* I'd rather be cruising around in a free-energy, gravity-control-device that we should have had available since the 1950's.
* The noise that comes from a regular gas-running motorcycle keeps you alive, whereby other road users & animals alike can hear you, & are therefore aware of you.
As you can see, they've had them for a long while now, but like a Tesla-electric-car, they'll likely have their own issues to contend with.
*I see it as a side-step, rather than a step forward. Bring out the free-energy-devices you greedy mofo's ;) !!!
"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together". Dwight D.Eisenhower.
Truth be told Rastus -- if you were ever a GOOD mechanic you'd know that mechanics are paid on commission -- not flat rate. That being said, a good mechanic would want to work for a company that has lots of issues with their vehicles... otherwise they aren't going to make any money. You don't know that because you have only ever been paid hourly rate in the automotive business, that is because much like your meager carrer at sea (prolly born out of nepositim) you were just paid a flat amount to appease someone who really did have skills and influence in the industry. This can be backed up by your not renewing your sea credentials. You don't care because you never did! Sorry if that hurts.
But again, you haven't a clue! You also haven't a clue when it comes to business and debt -- why? Because you're a trust-fund baby! I'm not in debt for the rest of my life -- the company is! I could sell all my assets and live quite well, get into hobbies like star-gazing or something stupid like that -- but that is not my thing! I like fixing cars and watching and learning as technology evolves! It's my passion! The stigma of laziness and lack of vision seems to fit you much better my trust-fund-friend! Your modus operandi seems to be in imaginary beings from outer-space giving you all your answers.
Let me give you an example... if you die with $100,000 or even a BILLION dollars in the bank -- can you take it with you? The correct answer is NO! No you cannot! Now if someone dies with lots of assets they have enjoyed for decades -- and their company is $100,000 in debt, isn't that more or less like taking it with you? I'm sorry Rastus, but you're just not applying yourself -- I assume that is why you got dumped off on the island... but this is pure speculation on my part -- because I like to give as good as I get.
Have a nice night!
R1, I am great mechanic Stallar, but I make a better Marine Engineer Officer, that's why I could retire now...I've made enough money, & I was always going to revise my circumstances after a 10-year period, which is when COronaVIrusDisease2019 was in full swing. This is when I realized that participating in CE-5 & exposing the truth was far more important than anything else.
R2. You're simply lazy, & so self-absorbed, that sadly you can't see beyond yourself, or your debt. Get into CE-5 & learn the truth.
R3. I don't need to know about business because my skills were well paid for, & hard earned, see R1.
R4. All my life I searched for things that money can't buy, & Star Family has provided me with more than I ever dreamed of.
All I've ever suggested to you is to get the most out of your skills, from the person who pays the most, that way, you can retire like me, instead of working your ass off until you die.
Your decision, I couldn't give a rats-ass whether you listen or not.
And by your reply, I know it eats you up that there are so-many people out in this world, that have more brains than you & use them.
Usershit Mechanic!
*** HELLO! ***
Could you keep all your personal problems and cult recruitment efforts in the MBTP off topic area?
I know you think your sh!t don't stink -- but this verbal diarrhea of your keyboard is stinking up this thread. Nobody reading this thread for LT1 or LT4 info cares about your opinions or trust fund... that is the real truth.
What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl
I'm so good at what I do, I've retired, how about yourself ??? Still paying-back your debt ???
"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together". Dwight D.Eisenhower.
I should also mention since this thread has been bumped, that the GSXR-1300 has just had its 200,000 Km service, & many things were completed to keep it running in tip-top-order, such as...
* Timing chain replacement completed. An after-market chain with pins was used so as to not have to drop-the-motor, as the chain could be split & re-pinned. Camshaft removal was necessary however. Valve clearances remained fine.
* Fresh oil & filter change completed, including adding the remains of my Slick-50, approximately 50-mls.
* Throttle-valve synchronization carried-out using a Motion-Pro assembly. The fluid within was still in great condition, & hadn't evaporated away like the original solution did. And the throttles weren't too far out-of-adjustment either, as no base resetting of the throttle-body TPS was necessary after adjustment.
* New front fork seals were also installed, along with 480-mls of AGIP 5W fork oil in each fork-leg, along with blending around 50-mls of Slick-50 into the new fork-oil to ensure long life. Double-lip SKF fork seals were used. The internals are still OK, but the outer trunchion diamond-coating has worn for sure, which is why double-lip seals are being used.
* A new fuel p/p was fitted at around 190,000-Km, along with a filter assembly. It's clear that fuel pumps will not live to see 100,000-km's of usage, as I'm now on my 3rd pump. And fuel filters are known as fuel-gasser-assemblies should anyone be looking for one, though back-flushing with carby-cleaner is fine, & quite effective.
I decided long-ago to use the OEM Susuki specs as a guide only for servicing, as I change & blend my oil every 4,000-Km, & not the recommended 6,000-Km. This also means that other items will be completed at leisure from now until the next oil-change / inspection. This essentially means that brake-pads & brake-fluid plus clutch fluid will get changed out as needed.
I also let-her-rip earlier today & no issues with power or top-speeds, with over 150-mph easily pulled using my regular tell-tale yard-sticks...This means that she's still running as well as the day I got her...
The bike must have a knowledgeable mechanic / engineer to keep her running so well all these years don't you think ?...
These are great fast bikes to own, enjoy & love.
-- Edited by Rastus on Tuesday 25th of February 2025 02:35:25 AM
"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together". Dwight D.Eisenhower.
Around these parts... a good shape bike like yours is $5k
Quit $hitting in other peoples threads and maybe you wouldn't have to deal with this.
That's not-too-bad for an "03 model...But the one in the picture has been modified with an extended swing-arm...This means it's likely been drag-raced, & as such, will suffer through the corners as the wheel-base is too long...The idea being to keep the front wheel on the ground with an extended wheel-base when drag-racing.
If you wnat your GSXR-1300 to handle, shorten the chain a few links, & run a 180/55/17 rear tire instead of the 190/50/17 with the std rear swing-arm. This shortens the wheel-base, & the 180-tire is narrower to improve cornering whilst getting the speedo accurate. It's also slightly taller so the front-end is loaded a little more...Alternatively, you can spend-up & grab a GSXR-750 5.5" rear wheel & run the 180 tire for even more handling improvements.
I paid well-under 5-K for my 2006 bike around 10-years ago with less than 40,000-k's on the clock, & have since added now over 160,000-km's in that time. It's insurance value hasn't budged at a steady 6-K because the motors are highly saught after, & fetch big-bux all around the world. ( This means I paid less than 2.5-K USD for one of the worlds fastest motorcycles...Great deal hey ) !
-- Edited by Rastus on Tuesday 25th of February 2025 04:31:14 AM
"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together". Dwight D.Eisenhower.