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More nukie stuff


Just in case anyone was wondering how to survive a nuclear attack, NYC has just released this information-video for its citizens...I figure if it's good enough for them, it's good enough for us !!!

So here's some helpful information designed to keep you frightened, & under control ') !!!

And for those wondering about how the Military Industrial Corporate Complex market share is looking for investors, check-this-out !


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I seen that the other day Rastus! I couldn't believe it myself!

I guess NYC would be a high probable target... given it's dense population, and I say DENSE loosely... LOL

Good post!



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Thanks SELLC !

It's also worth reminding folks here, that an attack via missile launch from anywhere is very unlikely...

We must remember what ret.- US-of-A Army-Col.Beardon forewarned us about, & that's the fact that weapons of mass-destruction have already been built-into the sky-scrapers over the world for decades, eliminating the need for missiles...

Do we start to see the Military Industrial Corporate Complex's tactic in creating a false fear, so as to milk you of even more taxes, to keep schmucks in a job ???...

Here's a recap of what was mentioned, enjoy ! You will learn heaps-of-stuff, & learn why the world is so messed-up at the moment.

-- Edited by Rastus on Monday 18th of July 2022 11:57:04 PM


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Yo folks,

Here's a great article revealing how we in Oz get screwed by this AUKAS crap. Little-by-little the lies appear...

And also...

I can't find the story or link ( too hot to handle maybe ), but...

* Russia plans to leave all operations involving the International Space Station in the next few years...

* Russia claims now to have its own space station interests in production.

* Russia claims to have secured relations with qt "civilizations" so that Russia can lead the way in peaceful relations.

* By 2030, it's been confirmed that up to 30 Privately owned space stations will be in orbit around earth.


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Rastus wrote:

And also...

I can't find the story or link ( too hot to handle maybe ), but...

* Russia plans to leave all operations involving the International Space Station in the next few years...

* Russia claims now to have its own space station interests in production.

* Russia claims to have secured relations with qt "civilizations" so that Russia can lead the way in peaceful relations.

* By 2030, it's been confirmed that up to 30 Privately owned space stations will be in orbit around earth.


The first two I have heard chatter about... the second two, I was not aware. Must be SMOKING HOT.


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Bidung is a space station.

Drive it like you stole it


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Shawnee_B wrote:

Bidung is a space station.



Bidung is worse-than-that Sir...He's the space-station in your living-room, attached via strings to your ceiling, that are being pulled by the Nuke Industry......


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I figured that since little news is about in this realm at the moment, it would be a great opportunity to explain what Prof. Chris Busby is up to at the moment, & his life-long-efforts to bring-out the truth about the nuclear cover-ups etc etc over the years...

He's in court at the moment, screwing the nuke industry via clauses in international law, that allow the processes of reassessment & amendments of said laws & industry practices, when found in breach of these laws & limitations....So, in point-form, I'll try & paint the picture for you, without writing a book lol !

* In 1959, the IAEA, & WHO signed an agreement that still stands to this day, whereby, neither party can reveal a report about the other, without the others consent first.

* This agreement effectively puts the International Atomic Energy Agency, in charge of your health, instead of the World Health Organization.

* This agreement allowed for the continued atmospheric testing of atomic weapons, of which 2,053 have been exploded, the last in 1995.

* To have such laws, they must be justified...And it was Justified that it was OK, for 1 in 10,000 people, to die from such atomic experiments...

* This number was determined by "dose" rate, whereby "you" are substituted for a plastic-bag filled with water, with a thermometer mounted in the water. Dose is calculated by the rise in temperature, after being bombarded with radionuclides...

* Years of research has determined that there is a MAJOR ERROR within the Justification numbers, whereby, in reality, instead of 1 in 10,000 people dying from nuclear exposure, it's is closer to 65 in 10,000...

* Simple mathematics will indicate that in a nuclear country, like France, where Paris has a population of 10,000,000 people, you will have around 6,500 people dying as a direct result of nuclear power & its operation.

* Further research revealed that in 1973, data used to make laws, derived from the Hiroshima & Nagasaki atomic explosions, was corrupted, so that atomic testing could continue at our expense.

We wish Mr.Busby all the very best, & thank him on his life-long, courageous efforts to save humanity, & destroy the nuclear industry...

And look at all the shyte that's happened in the world since he went to court a few years ago...A nuclear industry doomed to meet its death, trying to save its sorry ass via imbeciles like Sleepy-Joe & Boris Johnson, who are hand-picked nuke-industry-puppets.

-- Edited by Rastus on Monday 1st of August 2022 04:45:23 AM


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So here's a link to a story in California, & its nuclear pollution, & what's being done about it.....( lol )...

I'm posting this, so that all folks State-side discover what to look for, & see how the DOE responds.... (ROTFLMAO...I wish)....

Just click on the Brandis-Bardon Groundwater report !


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Honestly Rastus, the shit has been fucked up as such that I'd rather just work and not pay any attention to it....



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SELLC wrote:

Honestly Rastus, the shit has been fucked up as such that I'd rather just work and not pay any attention to it....




Not paying attention to it ( nuke industry ) is how these mofo's get away with murder...Your murder, & everyone else mostly that make it to an old-age, as is well proven.

The purpose behind the post, is to indicate that regardless of what is said by officials, nothing gets done, as they soon realize that throwing money ( created out of thin air ) at the problem sure may buy you some employees for a while, but the problem remains, since money can't fix the issue...

The problem here specifically is that Nuke-Waste is leaching into the ground-water, & its intensity/toxicity has risen by over 10-times in the last few months.

Apparently the solution lay with the hidden technologies that are suppressed by the military industrial corporate complex...The free-energy from the vacuum has the ability to not only power the whole world for free, for ever, but to also be able to deal with the nuclear-shyte too.


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Don't underestimate me Rastus...


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So here's a great example of how the nuke industry controls your leaders, not only by allowing stupid & dangerous conditions to exist & go on at old, & past-their-use-by-date Nuke plants, but granting 1.4 Billion dollar loans, that will be forgiven...

Are you angry yet ???


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No, I'm really not mad at all!

In fact, MANY nuclear plants ALL OVER the world are having their contracts extended due to this big electric push and Russia is only helping fuel each and every one of these contract extensions!

But you still love Putin, don't ya?

I'm getting to the age where I'm really in no mood to hear bullshit.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:

1. No, I'm really not mad at all!

2. In fact, MANY nuclear plants ALL OVER the world are having their contracts extended due to this big electric push and Russia is only helping fuel each and every one of these contract extensions!

3. But you still love Putin, don't ya?

4. I'm getting to the age where I'm really in no mood to hear bullshit.


R1. Of course.

R2. That's because they can't afford to build new ones, as no one will insure a nuke plant...And Companies like Westinghouse can't finish their projects after 40-years trying, so they go broke...But Sleepy Joe has the ability of resurrection it seems, & with money made out of thin air, Westinghouse has all of the Ukraine's solutions at hand...

R3. Mr.Putin had his chance for full UFO disclosure, but sold out to the US-of-A Banking Cartel, with their 40+ new oil & gas projects...Shhh, don't tell anyone...

R4. Confusedt...Bullshit ??? How is it you watch & digest so much of it then ???...LOL !


I have a job to do here, to try & aid the many folks that might be interested in what's really going on around the world...It's that simple...

At least for the moment, I'm able to post, so we'll see how long this lasts.

The people of the US-of-A are good folks generally, its your corrupted political system the fucks everyone up, since it's now US-of-A's mission to rule the world lol !


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Rastus, you have never been banned here... if you had issues posting it may have been your computer or your viruses. 

Sometimes I have to refresh a thread (usually really long ones) because the word editor portion will hang... but that's all it takes is a re-fresh from time to time, and again, only on the really big threads.

Pretty sure Westinghouse and many other makers of Nuke plants know they are going to get sued by someone. It's just how it goes! Some might say you can't make an omelet without cracking a few eggs.

I'll admit I watch and digest a lot of bullshit... I mean after all, I hang out on this forum! So I must like bullshit!

Don't worry Rastus, another memeber recently reviled to the forum that they are a "flat-earther"... so now you're only the second most crazy person on the forum!

Sorry pal, nobody can hold that title forever!

It's not like I called you Spooky Mulder.


-- Edited by SELLC on Thursday 8th of September 2022 02:16:46 AM


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You missed the point about what Shawnee was alluring to, as it's all about "perspectives" & what we choose to determine as our reality...Some people want to expand on it, some folks are contented. But both are correct from their perspectives, which is what Shawnee meant...

I'll elaborate here a little for ya'll & give an example or two.

We can all stand on the sand on a beach somewhere, & look at the horizon & the vast ocean, & for most of us, it looks pretty flat. It's possible to see the curvature of the earth but you have to look real hard, & not everyone will agree with you. This means that the world "is" in fact flat.

It takes a picture from outer-space to see that the world is round, & how many of us can produce a picture like that ??? So we choose our perspectives...

Alternatively, we can all stand outside for 24-hours, & we will see that the sun does in-fact revolve around us...And so does the moon...And so do the stars...

Once again, it would take a picture from outer-space to prove the real positions & motions of the sun, moon & stars yes ??? So we choose our perspectives, & depending on what we choose to understand as correct, is how we decide on how we see things...

Both perspectives are correct, but should you have raised your awareness to a higher degree, you will discover that one perspective covers a greater expanse & is ultimately the more correct perspective... But it's also not fair to belittle those who choose not to expand their reality, & I try not to ever enforce anything against anyone's will.

-- Edited by Rastus on Thursday 8th of September 2022 06:27:49 AM


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I don't belittle... Shawnee knows I'm just pulling his chain! Just like we all do around here. I wouldn't be shocked if he was pulling my chain by saying it! LOL

It's hard to make heads or tales of the land marks he speaks of, and his math in these measurements can not be quantified easily. I can only assume if he is serious, that these are things he has taken in with his own eyes. He wouldn't be the first flat earther that I know! There is a girl I know that is also a flat earther, and she's dead serious about it! I understand perception is such that two people facing each other looking down at the number 6 painted on the ground will have different perspectives of weather it's a six or a nine... depending where they are standing. That is why a six will usually have an underline, so perception is polarized if you will. no pun intended.


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This why we must think positive, & not get drawn into the bollox of politicians.


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I forgot to post some good news from Germany, where they'll not be building any more nuke-plants, they're gone-for-good by the end of this year !!!


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I'm not so sure Rastus... could just be optics at play!

When the cold winter hits, things could change if Russia is still playing games... and they will be.


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SELLC wrote:

I'm not so sure Rastus... could just be optics at play!

When the cold winter hits, things could change if Russia is still playing games... and they will be.


SELLC, you're missing the point...

Germany gave-up on nukes, because masses of people over there are dying from cancer, & other diseases primarily caused by nuclear power-plants, & their operation. It's the mother-*ucker of all health issues that no-one discusses.

It's a shame your gov't doesn't do the same...In fact, it's an utter disgrace !...But then again. it's the nuke-industry that funded their political campaigns, so what should we expect lol !


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Well then it will be interesting to see how Germany pulles energy from it's ass... because they too are going green - aka electric. Maybe they have found a way to process shit into energy? 

Technically that would be pulling power from your ass!


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SELLC wrote:

Well then it will be interesting to see how Germany pulls energy from it's ass... because they too are going green - aka electric. Maybe they have found a way to process shit into energy? 

Technically that would be pulling power from your ass!


Lol !...What we have to remember here, is that it doesn't matter whether it's coal, nuclear or gas etc etc, all that's going on, is that you're using one of these mechanisms, to generate heat, to then boil water, to make steam...This steam under pressure ( typically around 300-Bar ) then turns a turbine-wheel, & attached to the turbine wheel-shaft, is an alternator.

And the above method(s) is 1800's technology...Disgraceful...

Yes, in Mad Max III the Thunderdome, they were using pig-shyte to gather methane, to likely do a similar thing...

Nikola Tesla was pulling FREE ENERGY from the VACUUM, with no wires or rotating components back in 1906...But financiers like the Banker Mr.Warburgh ( spell check ) indicated that qt."If we can't put a meter on it, we don't want it"...

There-in lies the heart of the problem, Greed...And greed = money =power in this poor state of our world. So, so sad don't you think ???

And as for Germany, good on them for leading the way, & sticking to their promise after the devastation of Fukushima...And like usual ( and well guessed by myself ) France went full circle, & now continues to use nukes...

But we'll see, if the law means anything anywhere anymore, the Nukes industry is doomed by its own laws, as they exceed all operational legal exposure limits, therefore terminating their existence...

Put simply, too many people are dying !!!


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Rastus wrote:

 Lol !...What we have to remember here, is that it doesn't matter whether it's coal, nuclear or gas etc etc, all that's going on, is that you're using one of these mechanisms, to generate heat, to then boil water, to make steam...This steam under pressure ( typically around 300-Bar ) then turns a turbine-wheel, & attached to the turbine wheel-shaft, is an alternator.

And the above method(s) is 1800's technology...Disgraceful...


SELLC responds:

So true Rastus! 



Rastus wrote:

 Yes, in Mad Max III the Thunderdome, they were using pig-shyte to gather methane, to likely do a similar thing...

Nikola Tesla was pulling FREE ENERGY from the VACUUM, with no wires or rotating components back in 1906...But financiers like the Banker Mr.Warburgh ( spell check ) indicated that qt."If we can't put a meter on it, we don't want it"...

There-in lies the heart of the problem, Greed...And greed = money =power in this poor state of our world. So, so sad don't you think ???

And as for Germany, good on them for leading the way, & sticking to their promise after the devastation of Fukushima...And like usual ( and well guessed by myself ) France went full circle, & now continues to use nukes...

But we'll see, if the law means anything anywhere anymore, the Nukes industry is doomed by its own laws, as they exceed all operational legal exposure limits, therefore terminating their existence...

Put simply, too many people are dying !!!


SELLC responds:

Everyone has to make a buck Rastus! Or an ingot of gold... Same thing right? One you can wipe your ass with in a pinch, and the other you can melt down and make jewelry with. People still "NEED" power, and let's face it : having power is nice!

But greed... it's hard to justify! One day you're up, the next you're down. Which side of the greed argument you're on probably doesn't matter, it's survival on this place called earth! Live with it or die from it!

Laws come and go! It's a generational thing... Part of paper money I think is to defray the need to mine or obtain something that is finite every time the world needs to expand the economy and raise up it's people... although some countries are not at all interested in raising up their people, and it usually manifests itself in censorship efforts. How rich a nation is can be boiled down to how free it's people are to make up their own mind.

I'm all for people living longer with a better quality of life! But ultimatly, as Queen Elizabeth II has show us, everyone will eventually die. Although that might change when the human conciseness can be cracked, copied and passed on. That is when things will get spooky.



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SELLC said...


"I'm all for people living longer with a better quality of life!.. But ultimatly, as Queen Elizabeth II has show us, everyone will eventually die... Although that might change when the human consciousness can be cracked, copied and passed on. That is when things will get spooky".


Human consciousness is is like a bicycle wheel, where you have a hub & spokes, where each one of us is a spoke, & yet we're all connected to the one hub...Or if you rather, just like snow-flakes, we're all different, & no two are the same, & yet we come from water that's been frozen...

All that "matter" is, is nothing but thought, condensed down into material form...

Human consciousness was "cracked" / passed down to us many thousands, perhaps even millions of years ago, there's nothing to crack per-se, only to rediscover..

It's the rediscovering of our own being through "consciousness awareness" that the "authorities" don't want you to regain, as mentioned time & time again in the Dr.Greer films, ultimately through quiet meditation. We don't need them anymore, because we're liberated from them, & know better, & see the bullshyte.

Watch the ETI communication videos in the UFO thread to help get anyone started, that's why I posted them up. (They're also called the CSETI visual contact training aids)...

These work :) !!! All you have to do is watch them through once a day, & over time things will happen.

If you read the books in the same thread, the same message comes through too, that's why I posted them.

Absolutely nothing to get spooked about.


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This one will make you go hmmm for sure, but this is the rightful place for its posting...


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Rastus wrote:

Human consciousness was "cracked" / passed down to us many thousands, perhaps even millions of years ago, there's nothing to crack per-se, only to rediscover..


Show me one person who made it 200 years, let alone thousands or millions of years!

That's as crazy sounding as a flat earth!



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Stellar007 wrote:
Rastus wrote:

Human consciousness was "cracked" / passed down to us many thousands, perhaps even millions of years ago, there's nothing to crack per-se, only to rediscover..


1.Show me one person who made it 200 years, let alone thousands or millions of years!

2.That's as crazy sounding as a flat earth!


R1. WTF ??? Human consciousness is nothing more than being awake, & being aware of being awake...Once here, there's "gifts" we have that allow us access to a whole range of awareness, if you choose to access them..

What do you mean by a person making it 200-years ??? It's not about life expectancy "former poster once known as SELLC", it's all about your mind, & what you can do to open-its resources further.

R2. Well, I can't prove that the earth is round, can you ???...It sure does look flat to most people...I tend to think it's round however, & Shawnee presents a good case for his understandings imo. Each to their own. I've already posted how we can watch the sun, moon, planets & stars go around us over a 24-hour period, & yet I can't prove to you that our planet goes around the sun...So it's all about the perspective that one chooses to accept or go with.


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As you said, like a snow-flake no two humans who are conscious are the same.

For a human to be perpetualy conscious, that would mean their consciousness would have to maintain itself for thousands or even millions of years...

That is why I'm calling crazy talk on your assumption that human consciousness has been "cracked". 

I don't mind when people choose to believe things that are contrary to factual reality... but when it starts to overlap with my thoughts, I just say it like it is... and if the shoe fits!



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Stellar007 wrote:

1. As you said, like a snow-flake no two humans who are conscious are the same.

2. For a human to be perpetually conscious, that would mean their consciousness would have to maintain itself for thousands or even millions of years...

3. That is why I'm calling crazy talk on your assumption that human consciousness has been "cracked". 

4. I don't mind when people choose to believe things that are contrary to factual reality... but when it starts to overlap with my thoughts, I just say it like it is... and if the shoe fits!


R1. That's correct, but we're all linked to the common great spirit / God via consciousness, or if you rather, a soul...

R2.  Yes, that's possible, but we're all different, & some of us have been around longer, & others less, via the process known as reincarnation...

R3. By "cracked", I meant "rediscovered" once again, as countless people around our globe are rediscovering...

R4. Some folks have a closed-mind, others are more open-minded.






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I'd like to think I have an open mind... I'm taking all this stuff in, I'm just not convinced. 

I appoligize if not being convinced makes you feel like you'r dying a horrible death, or that anyone wants to urinate on your grave! In fact, I don't think I've seen that spelled out so eloquently anywhere on the forum, even in the Cafe! LOL

But a good sense of humor goes a long way!



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Stellar007 wrote:

1.I'd like to think I have an open mind... I'm taking all this stuff in, I'm just not convinced. 

2.I apoligize if not being convinced makes you feel like you'r dying a horrible death, or that anyone wants to urinate on your grave! In fact, I don't think I've seen that spelled out so eloquently anywhere on the forum, even in the Cafe! LOL

3.But a good sense of humor goes a long way!



R1. That's awesome Stellar-007, & no one is more pleased than myself, that you're having a look at things. Kudos for managing such an awesome forum here, where freedom-of-speech still exists ! -( At least for the moment lol)...

R2. No need to apologize at all ! The cartoon was rhetoric, in that it applies to me too, & others.

R3. Agreed 100%.

*I "do" have to indicate here, that once someone participates, & "does" find some success with the CE-5 protocols, everything else becomes quite a real "possibility"...That's where I'm fortunate, & have an advantage, though success in this realm has never been better to participate in. Grab the CE-5 app, it's only a few bux, & follow the guide-lines ;) !



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So the nuke industry, now in its death-throws, is still painting a pretty picture for itself & investors, but one can't help wondering why this madness even continues...That said, you may-well-ask, what the heck am I talking about ??? And a good question too lol !!! I'll simply answer by suggesting a quick look at World Nuclear News headlines as linked below...


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Here's a good article indicating how many intricacies are intertwined with the nuke industry, history, AUKUS, 5-eyes, & the US-of-A's Military Industrial Corporate Complex, plus modern electric spyware on us all.

Enjoy !,16452


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So here's some more narrative & history to educate / remind us all of the shyte knocking on our back-doors...

*And don't forget to take your Magnesium & Calcium tablets.


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I don't believe it, but some sanity seems to be presenting itself here in Australia...Let's hope it spreads stateside too...


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Greta Thunberg reverses course on nuclear power, argues Germany is making a mistake by taking plants offline

Talk about things that make you go hmmmm...

Little girl blue... she needed the money.



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Find attached the latest official Nuke Industry Report bollox for 2022...They are going down, that's for sure :) !!!

People simply don't want nukes, & they're dying-off. ( Hopefully it's not little-too-late )...

wnisr2022-lr.pdf (8,899.7 kb)

"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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So here's a link to a story where the crab fisherman have had to cancel the fishing season due to low numbers...No doubt the story won't have Fukushima or the 400-tonnes of nuke-water poured into the ocean each day...Rather, the "global warming" story will be projected I think...But of course, we must remember here that all nuclear industry activity "is" global warming...

-- Edited by Rastus on Monday 17th of October 2022 06:02:21 PM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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As with the above post, you won't find anything mentioned about Fukushima, & the 400-tonnes a-day release of toxic nuclear radiaoctive water, that's used to keep the remains of what's left in the reactors cool, so that another nuclear explosion doesn't occur...

Yes it's whales that have beached themselves on an island off New Zealand, & you'll here global warming blamed, & that more numbers beached themselves 100-years ago..But there's also been around 300 whales that beached themselves off King Island, to the NW of Tasmania a few weeks ago.

What they also don't report, is that the whales are starving, since the nuke pollution kills-off the photo-plankton, & up the food-chain the starvation continues.

Anyhow, I figured that nearly a 1,000 whales within a month stranding themselves worth noting in here.

And here's the news headlines from Dana Durnham...


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.

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I am sorry, Senator. I have no clear recollection of the events in question!


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Stan_147 wrote:



That's the main culprit my friend, though there are over 2,000 different radionuclides that do-the-deed of long-term-suffering & finally, death...And each has it's own unique way of doing-its-thing...

Ceasium 134 & 137 are the main radionuclides that a Geiger counter is calibrated to detect...

Strontium 90, & Iodine 131 are the remaining two that mostly get any attention, though for some reason, no one ever looks for Uranium quantities, & Uranium is the source of all these issues...

It is thought that since Uranium is widely mined around the world, in the most unsafe but most economical methods possible, it is not searched out for detection purposes by Governments, as it would be proven to be the leading cause of Cancer around the world, since there's so much of it floating around in the air we breathe...


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.

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Nano-lipid particles and 60Ghz!

Most weapons are binary in design. J/S

I am sorry, Senator. I have no clear recollection of the events in question!

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Oh and 137 degrades to 135, then 134, half life of 30 years. And, there are ways to detox.

I have lectured at a few colleges, again J/S

I am sorry, Senator. I have no clear recollection of the events in question!


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No worries Stan, much appreciated !!!

New posters in this Nuke thread are always welcome, especially Lecturers, as they "have" to know their stuff...

*Probably worth noting here since you brought-up "1/2-life" of substances, is that the term is miss-leading, in that the term actually indicates that a substances toxicity, is reduced by 1/2, after "x" amount of time, & then 1/2 again after "x" amount of time, & 1/2 again yadda, yadda.

So using Caesium as an example, having a 1/2-life of 30 years, actually works out to over 300-years before its registered levels are regarded as safe by industry standards...And some substances such as Plutonium 239 won't be safe for millions of years...

And the US-of-A has a storage of over 34-metric-tonnes of Plutonium, of weapons grade use quality I'm told, whereby the black-market may well be showing interest in this consignment.

The Military Corporate Industrial Complex is one heck-of-a SOB...It needs to swallow itself whole...And then we can all get on with life !


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Today in 1974, Karen Silkwoods car was apparently forced off a quiet highway in western Oklahoma, where it crashed into a culvert, instantly killing her. Silkwood was employed as a technician at Kerr-McGee Nuclear Corporations plutonium fuel rod fabrication plant in Cimarron.




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So it seems that the hype in North Korea is increasing as they prepare for a nuclear test...Maybe the real issue is that their nuke-deployment-policy allows the firing of these missiles without Kim's authorization, instead, the military will be able to fire-away as decided / needed !

And that's not all...There's confusion over the types of Uranium fuel that may be used in Australia's likely nuclear-submarine initiative...Apparently there's protocols in place where the IAEA step-in to arrange policy requirements on how enriched the Uranium can be to be used, with the highly enriched uranium that's sourced from either or both the US-of-A & / or the UK requiring many boxes to tick, as the fuel lasts for over 30-years use within the submarine, but also has weapons development capability after service...( I'm not sure that a submarine can survive the corrosive elements of sea-water for that long either )...

The issue of what to do with the waste is not discussed either after its useful life is completed...(Here come the Aussie nuclear waste dump) !

We need to disband the IAEA, the most evil entity on the planet...How the *fuck can they step-in, & regulate what type of Uranium is to be supplied ??? The shyte is going into a *ucking war machine for goodness sake !

I guess this keep the politicians busy for years agreeing on treaties & arrangements that turn into toilet paper once war starts...

What a crock-o-shyte !!! See how these mofo's keep themselves in a job !!! ( And apparently us in fear lol )...

-- Edited by Rastus on Monday 21st of November 2022 06:33:14 PM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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It really is quite messed up... but you have to figure the scale is something else! All these people relying on a paycheck, and no dount a BIG ONE at that! We are starting to see companies in the tech industry making labor cuts, doing more with less people... makes you wonder if this trend won't carry out in the rest of the workforce! By the time they get it all fixed and I'm able to get some good help I'll have finished all the big stuff myself! LOL, maybe that's for the better... I have come to learn that if you employ someone for say, $50,000 per year, that person needs to make a profit of at least $50,000 for the company... and that is PROFIT, not just revenue... you can buy a part for $100, but odds are you paid at least $50 for it yourself, if not more... so it's possible one person making $50k per year should be having revenue of $150k or higher per year, with at least $50,000 of it being pure profit! That is really the ONLY way it can work in the private sector! In your case with the Nuke industry, it's different... they get LAGE funding because when it comes to nukes and energy, that stuff just HAS to be available at all times for society to function, irrespective of any financial pit falls that are just later spread out to the consumer and or tax payer. 

And you are 100% spot on when it comes to war... it's a different ball game, and thankfully due to the structure of the United States we can minimize these things with regular elections... does not seem like the same can be said for places like North Korea, Russia, China and many other dick-tater ships... For them the war powers have to be all consuming as they more or less become the queen bee of sorts... special war powers can make someone drunk on said power! More often times than not these types of people have to be killed in order to get them off the teat, either by the people they oppress or by another country that is tired of their BS... 



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War, & preparing for war via all these unnecessary expenses is just not wanted or needed by anyone...

In the early 2000's, the US-of-A managed to completely decimate Iraq illegally within a week, with the illegal technology used such as depleted & enriched Uranium, not to mention satellite technology that knocked Iraq's air-force out-of-the-sky...

Why waste even more time & money on all this shyte ?...It's not positive in all aspects.

Regardless, ET's & other beings will ensure that we all survive as best as possible, whilst these demented persons who do these things are addressed.


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.

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