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Post Info TOPIC: Trump Mar-a-Lago raided by the FBI
Your thoughts on the Trump raid [3 vote(s)]

Unprecedented! It will only serve to boost Trumps support


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RE: Trump Mar-a-Lago raided by the FBI

I like a variety of music, Rastus... not just old classics like Bowie, but even the new stuff that you can't seem to get your head around.

I don't flip-flop, and regardless what you might read at the end of the day I'm still going to support my President regardless if they are Republican or Democrat! 

When Trump did or said things I did not support I said so! And I do the same with Biden! I'll even yelp your ass up from time to time! SO WHAT?

The details surrounding this Stormy and Cohen charade are such that neither one of them should be admiting to facilitating prostitution, and it's rooted in extortion even!

Although I am glad to hear that you feel all the answers are contained in a few propaganda YouTube videos! You can rest at ease knowing you got it all figured out! aww




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Stellar007 wrote:

1.I like a variety of music, Rastus... not just old classics like Bowie, but even the new stuff that you can't seem to get your head around.

2.I don't flip-flop, and regardless what you might read at the end of the day I'm still going to support my President regardless if they are Republican or Democrat! 

3.When Trump did or said things I did not support I said so! And I do the same with Biden! I'll even yelp your ass up from time to time! SO WHAT?

4.The details surrounding this Stormy and Cohen charade are such that neither one of them should be admiting to facilitating prostitution, and it's rooted in extortion even!

5.Although I am glad to hear that you feel all the answers are contained in a few propaganda YouTube videos! You can rest at ease knowing you got it all figured out! aww



R1. The cute-hoe in the music vid you posted has a strong resemblance to Christiane F...However, the words that are heavily edited ( needing subtitles ) meant that it isn't music per-se, its a fashion statement about blow-jobs as far as I could tell. Nuff-said.

R2. You don't have a real POTUS, or a real democracy. It's all screenplay & cotton-candy. And they have y'all in their sights to clean-you-out yo ! And that includes us here in Oz too...

Why ???...

Because Uncle Sam has stepped-in, tore-up a business arrangement with France, & then decided that Australia has to have US-of-A nuke-subs, & that then Uncle Sam can drop-off all the nuclear shyte here too, whilst making Australians pay for it all. eg. No one wants these subs, & no one wants a nuke waste dump, but Uncle Sam says so, & we have to pay for it.

You have a sick psychopath loose that needs taking care of yo ! Uncle Sam is a self-serving *unt, that doesn't even take care of his own.

R3. See R2.

R4. Days-of-our-lives mello-drama to keep y'all distracted & entertained.

R5. I don't have it all figured out, but I do know some of the solutions...

Once again, almost every night, ET craft cruise past, & flash-up & say hello. And once you witness this for yourself, you'll know better too.


-- Edited by Rastus on Monday 20th of March 2023 06:10:19 AM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Stellar007 wrote:

I like a variety of music, Rastus... not just old classics like Bowie, but even the new stuff that you can't seem to get your head around.

I don't flip-flop, and regardless what you might read at the end of the day I'm still going to support my President regardless if they are Republican or Democrat! 

When Trump did or said things I did not support I said so! And I do the same with Biden! I'll even yelp your ass up from time to time! SO WHAT?

The details surrounding this Stormy and Cohen charade are such that neither one of them should be admiting to facilitating prostitution, and it's rooted in extortion even!

Although I am glad to hear that you feel all the answers are contained in a few propaganda YouTube videos! You can rest at ease knowing you got it all figured out! aww


 So who is your president? 

Drive it like you stole it


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I never travel alone, Sir... I like to think I travel with the man upstairs. You know, Jesus.



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Stellar007 wrote:

I never travel alone, Sir... I like to think I travel with the man upstairs. You know, Jesus.

 I do, he's always there.

Drive it like you stole it


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It seems that Mr.Trumpdt can't keep his mouth closed to save himself...At least this is what's being noted in the press around-the-world, for those interested...


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Trump was just indicted by a Manhattan Grand Jury...



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What a waste of time & money....

And where have we heard all this before I wonder ???...








"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Stellar007 wrote:

Trump was just indicted by a Manhattan Grand Jury...

 Part of the movie, movie almost done. Trump is and has been secure I won't say where. If they arrest him, it's not him.

Drive it like you stole it


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You might be right, but from all I have seen this is more like a SHIT-SHOW than a movie!

What kind of movie we going to have under a gag order?



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Stellar007 wrote:

You might be right, but from all I have seen this is more like a SHIT-SHOW than a movie!

What kind of movie we going to have under a gag order?

 I am right. Yes it's a shit movie but the end is gonna rock everyone like you never been rocked. It's gonna be like watching the fall of Rome, but with Wifi!

Get a month supplies now, have cash, pot, rye whiskey whatever and don't forget pet food, even wild pets. Think, be prepared.

We are going to a different money, the world is. 209 nations joined, all gold backed. 

Crypto is not gold backed, do what you want it's your game.

Stocks? Banks all crashing, market will too. After nesara The National Economic Security and Recovery Act . Gesara is global not us. Stock market will be a NEW stock market and open after Nesara. However your stocks will be vaporized. Call me crazy and don't do anything. Up to you, again, your game. Sure, trust your stock broker, hahahahaha

Nesara was supposed to come out 1999. Bildo wouldn't do it. Next it was on Bush. Alan Greenspan was supposed to announce Nesara at 10am, 9/11/2001. Buth Bush, Cheny and Rumsfield blew the towers at 9am. Daddy Bush actually gave the order. 2 days before it was announced the Pentagon was missing $2.3 TRILLION. 

Drive it like you stole it


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Shawnee said...

qt." I am right. Yes it's a shit movie, but the end is gonna rock everyone like you never been rocked. It's gonna be like watching the fall of Rome, but with Wifi!

Get a month supplies now, have cash, pot, rye whiskey whatever and don't forget pet food, even wild pets. Think, be prepared.

We are going to a different money, the world is. 209 nations joined, all gold backed.

Crypto is not gold backed, do what you want it's your game".

Fair warning folks, you've been advised !


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Rastus wrote:

Shawnee said...

qt." I am right. Yes it's a shit movie, but the end is gonna rock everyone like you never been rocked. It's gonna be like watching the fall of Rome, but with Wifi!

Get a month supplies now, have cash, pot, rye whiskey whatever and don't forget pet food, even wild pets. Think, be prepared.

We are going to a different money, the world is. 209 nations joined, all gold backed.

Crypto is not gold backed, do what you want it's your game".
Informed, don't like advised :) We all got to make our own choices, but just dropping some info.

Fair warning folks, you've been advised !


Drive it like you stole it


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It seems that Sleepy-Joe has announced his 2024 election intentions, & that means a quick revisit to Mr.Trumpdt & all the bollox we're going to be inundated with...

It wasn't so long ago that we had to endure this folks...( Easy to see why our host has gone fishing)...


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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I may have gone fishing, but I am always paying attention!

I'm not happy with a lot of what I am seeing... there is a lot to be un-happy about, trust me! It also goes without saying that just ignorning a problem does not make it go away! I have been trying to gather needed items and complete a few big projects as you guys know, in an effort to distract myself from un-happy things, I think perhaps my outlet is women... only they also leave me feeling blue too! It's a vicious cycle that only seems to get smaller and speed up as the years pass by.

I think Shawnee makes some good points about keeping stocked up for a month, or more if possible! With the kids no longer being here I have noticed that I am not keeping stocked up like in the past, however the other side of that coin is that it takes much less for just Brandee and I to keep stocked up for a month, than it was with two teenage boys and their friends in the house. Still I keep a couple cases of ramen noodles on stock, and they are cheap enough where I can just throw them out, or give them to people well before they expire and replace them... I got a generator now and enough cars to where I could probably have a nice reserve of fuel if I wanted to keep all the tanks full... I'm also looking into security cameras and of course we do have home protection... I been mulling getting another dog but it just hurts so fucking bad when they die, and they do in short order you know!

Anyway... sometimes I want to say things, but I'm just too agrivated with the work, women, politics or even with my own mind... so I just read, wanting to say something but not wanting to pass on more misery... but if there is one old saying that always seems to ring true it's this... "misery really does enjoy company"




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"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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I haven't gotten any more dogs since my last 2 little guys. 2 big labs have adopted me though and they are here alot.

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It's been so long, that I almost forgot about him lol ! Here's the latest from Mr.Trumpdt...


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Trump already cracked under pressure when he shut down the entire United States for COVID... 

The first Republican to have the BALLS to say that Trump fucked up BIG TIME with COVID, and starts to make a case for the possible motives he did so -- will be the Republican who will clench the nomination! Why this is not being employed is beyond me! But the Democrats don't seem to be wasting any time jamming him up in civil and criminal court! 

Don't get me wrong, I'm a Republican -- and I supported Trump! But Trump did not support me back! Kicking us out of his Las Vegas Hotel, giving us crumbs on the PPP and denying us the oppertunities in the EIDL program... It was the Democrats who changed the terms of said EIDL that actually seen small business like mine get a fair shake! These are FACTS, Rastus! How Trump feels right now in court is how the rest of the country felt when him and his pal Fauci got on TV and scared a bunch of people to death! You don't see Biden letting Facui run around without a muzzle! But Trump let that guy become a star to instill fear in the nations mind with COVID... he didn't mandate the vaccines, but he got the laws passed that let big pharma green light and warp speed their release! 

I don't want to live under a Trump dictatorship again! All day, every day it was TRUMP-TRUMP-TRUMP! Much like how it's ELON-ELON-ELON all day and every day on Twitter now! 

One question though, if Trump were re-elected would he be limited to only ONE more term? Or can he run for two more consecutive terms because he lost last time? You know this is how Putin managed to cling to power, by changing longstanding rules in Russia to prevent someone like Putin from killing off half the population in his un-checked lust for power. You talk about NATO rules like Putin hasn't been given countless passes by the entire world, even his own people at election time! 

It would have been much easier for Trump to support me the way I was supporting him when he first ran and became President... now he is all tied up and can barely help himself! 



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Stellar007 wrote:

1. Trump already cracked under pressure when he shut down the entire United States for COVID... 

2. The first Republican to have the BALLS to say that Trump fucked up BIG TIME with COVID, and starts to make a case for the possible motives he did so -- will be the Republican who will clench the nomination! Why this is not being employed is beyond me! But the Democrats don't seem to be wasting any time jamming him up in civil and criminal court! 

3. Don't get me wrong, I'm a Republican -- and I supported Trump! But Trump did not support me back! Kicking us out of his Las Vegas Hotel, giving us crumbs on the PPP and denying us the opportunities in the EIDL program... It was the Democrats who changed the terms of said EIDL that actually seen small business like mine get a fair shake! These are FACTS, Rastus! How Trump feels right now in court is how the rest of the country felt when him and his pal Fauci got on TV and scared a bunch of people to death! You don't see Biden letting Facui run around without a muzzle! But Trump let that guy become a star to instill fear in the nations mind with COVID... he didn't mandate the vaccines, but he got the laws passed that let big pharma green light and warp speed their release! 

4. I don't want to live under a Trump dictatorship again! All day, every day it was TRUMP-TRUMP-TRUMP! Much like how it's ELON-ELON-ELON all day and every day on Twitter now! 

5. One question though, if Trump were re-elected would he be limited to only ONE more term? Or can he run for two more consecutive terms because he lost last time? You know this is how Putin managed to cling to power, by changing longstanding rules in Russia to prevent someone like Putin from killing off half the population in his un-checked lust for power. You talk about NATO rules like Putin hasn't been given countless passes by the entire world, even his own people at election time! 

6. It would have been much easier for Trump to support me the way I was supporting him when he first ran and became President... now he is all tied up and can barely help himself!



R1. He was told to...Do you still really think that your Corporate selected Hollywood POTUS ran things ???...

R2. Do you still believe in your corrupted system Stellar ???

R3. You're not a Republican, you're a confused, disappointed & anguished citizen. You will get your country back.

R4. And now under Sleepy-Joe, you have less rights & privileges, & massive debt.

R5. PowerStroker answered that question for you a few years ago, & I think that the answer is no.

R6. Trump is not a great man, but he's being *ucked at the moment illegally, but that all part of the screenplay, & he wanted to play the part...Shyte, it was all love for Russia with hotels & peeing contests with whores not-so-long-go !

Next !


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Trump got indicted yesterday in Miami over classified documents!

What does that bring the total up to? 216 indictments so far?

Clearly Trump is the next generation Teflon... 

The catalyst for this most recent indictment is in fact the original tread #1 (OP)

Anyone laying any odds? Florida is a conservative state... No doubt DeSantis is grinning right now.

The only thing people who are Anti-Trump have to worry about is if Trump beats all this stuff and wins an election! As someone who has supported Trump, I only say the kinds of things his echo chamber isn't going to say... but clearly I'm not privy to the confidential information he has access to... which again, is the catalyst for this indictment. 

I think Trump is the first President to EVER be Federally indicted... 

What a fucking circus this is going to be... and they are going after Biden too! It's gotten so crazy we got RFK challenging Biden to run for President! I didn't have any of this shit on my Bingo card!



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Relax Stellar...

Mike will likely be the next POTUS....

* He was VP under Mr.Trumpdt, & so-knows all the pitt-falls...

* He'll likely be eating some Kransky at this years Bo-Grove sausage festival...

* He holds a suntan better than what Hollywood make-up or masks could create...

* And he's better than 4-under-par average over a full-18-holes at any of the Trumpdt golf-courses...


He's just what they want, & what you don't need....So....

Meet your next POTUS !




-- Edited by Rastus on Friday 9th of June 2023 07:33:31 PM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Actually, with how the Republican party has been taken over by fascists, Ron Desantis is more to their liking these days. Many blame Pence for not overturning the will of the people, and thus, he is unelectable within the modern Republican party.



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PowerStroker wrote:

Actually, with how the Republican party has been taken over by fascists, Ron Desantis is more to their liking these days. Many blame Pence for not overturning the will of the people, and thus, he is unelectable within the modern Republican party.


No doubt PowerStroker, but somehow, a person like Mr.Trumpdt made it through to office ( though we know it's all Hollywood script ), & so you never know, Mike may still make it there, he sure has a hell-of-a-natural-suntan ! And Mr.Trumpdt argues that he's still the Republicans safest bet, & will run for office once again...

I just wish you folks had better choices. But you were absolutely correct about what you said years ago whereby "money = speech" , so we'll soon see what Corporations are backing which candidates soon enough...

Mike Pence has also used donated campaign funds to pay for mortgage, car, golf-course-membership fees & other non-political bills. It won't take long before the media play on that.

The biggest issue I see is how brainwashed & confused the people of the US-of-A actually are, & I can't understand how those that vote, vote for much lesser personage than in the past. At least once-upon-a-time, you had ex-military servicemen that had earned some honor & respect from everyone being elected.

DeSantis it is !







"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Pence always seemed too magoo for my tastes... he was like the polar opposite to Trump. 

And he will never live down "The Fly".



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So here's a quote from a Tweet about recently fired Tucker Carlson from Dr.Michael Salla about Mr.Trumpdt...

qt. "Tucker Carlson is absolutely correct that the Deep State targeted Donald Trump because he did not support the perpetual war policies that fund the military industrial complex. Precisely what President Eisenhower warned about. Tucker's next step is to connect the DS perpetual war machine to black budget funding of extraterrestrial reverse engineering projects & SSPs"...

Lots going on behind the scenes, & it appears that Mr.Trumpdt is regretfully a dart-board, regardless of popular press opinion...

Here's the link to the Tweet.


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Welp... it's safe to say, regardless if Trump is guilty or innocent these new charges against him have had a profound impact on our credit rating with Fitch! The same day that Trump was indicted for J6, our credit rating went from AAA to AA+!

It cannot be a coincidence... 

Today is the day Trump really became President, because anyone else would be absolutly devistated and crushed by the weight of the Federal Government coming down on them like this! It makes you wonder how in the hell Trump ever managed to become successful and stay out of jail prior to becoming a politician! Because this ALL STARTED the day he won the election! No one can deny that Democrats have been on a non-stop cruisade to get Trump from the very moment he took office -- even a short time before he even won!

The entire thing gives off snake eating it's own tail vibes! I said from the start when they raided Trump's house, this was going to get ugly. A lot of people won't admit it, but people are really afraid of what they are seeing happening to Trump! There have been so many efforts that have failed and turned up to be fabrications that people are starting to wonder -- have they gone too far?

If our credit downgrade isn't an indication that this has gotten way out of control, on the same day indictments were unsealed -- then there is true cause for alarm.

It would be one thing if it were just Trump, but the MSM is reporting serious and credible sources indicating that the current administration may not be squeaky clean either! I'd like to think this is just politics as usual, but much of what we have been seeing lately is only serving to erode the confidence in Government because much of it has reached a level never seen since Watergate -- only this stuff is much-much more widespread! While we might be beyond the Nixon level of corruption, there is still the JFK level -- and of course the WWIII level of chaos... I'm not sure how far down the rabbit hole we're about to go but I'd say it's getting serious.



What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Bastard Biden.png


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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SELLC wrote:

Today is the day Trump really became President, because anyone else would be absolutly devistated and crushed by the weight of the Federal Government coming down on them like this! It makes you wonder how in the hell Trump ever managed to become successful and stay out of jail prior to becoming a politician! Because this ALL STARTED the day he won the election!


Actually, this indictment had nothing to do with raiding Mar a Lago... These particular indictments started when he lost the election and engaged in a violent conspiracy to hold on to power. There's no shortage of video footage of this, I suggest you actually read the indictment. This isn't a political witch hunt, he's actually a really bad guy who recruited hundreds of violent right wing extremists and attempted to end democracy itself in this country through violence, and even murder if necessary. People actually died and were permanently maimed in this coup attempt. He didn't have the power to do this kind of damage prior to his presidency, which is why he stayed out of jail prior.

-- Edited by PowerStroker on Wednesday 2nd of August 2023 01:05:36 PM



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I understand the new indictment has nothing to do with the raid... however the raid was the catalyst to warm us all up to what just happend with the J6 indictments!

You seem to think Trump is a really bad guy, but the same could be said of any man or woman who holds office as a President of the United States! It's a dirty-dirty business and you know it!

I see NO PROOF that Trump recruited hundreds of violent extremists! In fact he got on TV and tried to urge people to disburse! What caused J6 was the cocky Democrat vote counters who covered up windows while they were counting the ballots, and the never-before used system of everyone getting to mail in ballots! Should it come to pass there was some funny business in the counting of ballots and the election it will shake our Government to it's very core! This is all VERY serious sh!t! 

Biden seems to have a lot of problems of his own with regards allegations his family has taken bribes -- in large dollar amounts from foreign governments! In fact there was a very big issue with Hunter and Ukraine going back to the Obama Administration! Some of it is coming out now because people are starting to wonder if Biden is even competent anymore! The ONLY reason Biden has not been impeached is because he picked Harris as his VP, and NOBODY wants her as President! Her numbers were in the single digits when she was campaigning, she would NEVER get the votes to become President on her own, and that is exactly why Biden picked her for VP! Because he knew she was the poison pill that would keep him out of impeachment. 

This is NOT going to end well! I posted about the J6 indictments in this thread because I feel that this whole shitshow started with the raid on Trumps home! People are starting to get very angry about all the corruption in our government, courts and in our investigative agencies. It does not help that the AG pushing all this has a CLEAR hatred of Trump because after all, Trump prevented Garland from being placed on the Supreme Court! Being a Supreme Court Justice is more or less the best possition an attorney could ever dream of getting! Not only is it a lifetime appointment, but you're pretty much untouchable once you're confirmed. This is a clear bias that Garland has with Trump, and I am very concerned about the direction this country is headed right now! 

I know you think it's funny now, but when Trump is back in there -- it's going to be REALLY bad for Democrats and the RINO's who are putting their own interest ahead of that of the country. Every President has blood on his hands in some way, shape or form, it's the job they have! 



What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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AG Garland was denied a SCOTUS seat back in the Obama administration, Trump had nothing to do with it.

I can tell the algorithms have been feeding you news from sources that reinforce your preconceived ideas. Shawnee is also a victim of this phenomenon.



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It's not a phenomenon... 

PowerStroker, do you know the story about the little boy who cried wolf?


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Yes I do, It's like the story of the corrupt orange guy that cried "witch hunt" or "fake news."

Eventually people just stopped believing him.



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I dunno PowerStroker... you know I wasn't too happy with Trump towards the end there, but I stood by him dispite personal feelings and matters that were keeping me down. Things have improved "biggly" since Biden took over, so I just hope the Democrats know what they are doing here... There is no way I want to see Trump proven guilty, as that would also be a black eye for me and anyone who supported and voted for him. 

Clearly if he has done wrong, then he should have to prove otherwise... but these cases and impeachement efforts before them have all turned up nothing, and they set up a troubling pattern that is hard to ignore!

I just don't see how this is going to end well. 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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The only thing working against Trump is his judgement of character... most of what has and will be happening to Trump can all be traced back to the people HE PICKED for high possitions. 

He also shut down the country for what amounts to a cold/flu now days. Are they going after him for COVID and his handling of the pandemic next?

I don't know PowerStroker... I just don't know.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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PowerStroker wrote:

AG Garland was denied a SCOTUS seat back in the Obama administration, Trump had nothing to do with it.


Actually that is not true... Garland was in the process of being confirmed as a Supreme Court Justice and that whole train was derailed when Hillary lost the election to Trump...

It was the upset that ensured Garland would not be on the bench. Trump had EVERYTHING to do with that.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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I just got a feeling these hearings are going to turn into a circus...


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:

I just got a feeling these hearings are going to turn into a circus...





They already have.

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When Scallia died, Obama reached out to the lead Republican, Chuck Grassley on the Senate Judiciary committee and asked for a middle of the road guy who could get Republican support for an easy confirmation. Obama was told by Chuck Grassley that an existing federal judge named Merrick Garland fit that description, and could easily get through his committee. Obama then nominated Garland, and then Mitch McConnell wouldn't even allow the Senate to vote on him or anyone else until Obama was out of office. Garland then withdrew from consideration during the Obama administration. This had nothing to do with Trump, and everything to do with McConnell.

It's possible that had Hillary won, she may have re-nominated Garland. But even if she did, it's unclear whether he would have accepted at that point since McConnell was still majority leader and would probably pull the same shit. McConnell didn't want a middle of the road guy who could win bipartisan support, he wanted the most extreme ideologue he could squeak through with the slimmest margin, and we now have several of those on the highest court. They are making it their mission to throw out 50 year precedents in favor of imposing their religious ideology on the American people. And they've only just begun.

If the founders could see this, they would be displeased.


-- Edited by PowerStroker on Wednesday 2nd of August 2023 11:07:03 PM



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SELLC wrote:

I just got a feeling these hearings are going to turn into a circus...



You do know the day after Alvin Bragg took Trump into court, US Marshalls took him away with lights on. (vids on the net, ground reporters)

Jack Schitt who has jack shit failed to mention a few certain words when accusing Trump of inciting a riot. "now we are going to peacefully assemble...." He left those words out. Watch, he can be indicted for that very important ommission. 

When Bush won, Libs screamed election fraud, interference for a long time. When Trump won the libs screamed louder and longer. But it's not OK for Trump to question the election results? He gets indicted for exactly what they did?

Bush, Clinton and Obama started 10 wars, 0 inditments, no question.

Trump stared 0 wars. 78 inditments.


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When Bush "Won" (the electoral college anyway) it was because a partisan Supreme Court stopped the count in Florida, which was already affected by Governor Jeb having purged hundreds of thousands of African Americans from the voter rolls.

When Trump "Won" (the electoral college anyway) it was after multiple states purged their voter rolls in the same way, plus Russian bots manipulated social media algorithms to fill everyone's news feeds with right wing propaganda and lies.

I've been to the liberal get togethers, and none of us ate or molested babies. Nor did we worship Satan through human sacrifice.

But yeah, nothing to see here.



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Shawnee said...

qt."Bush, Clinton and Obama started 10 wars, 0 indictments, no question...

Trump started 0 wars. 78 indictments"...


Well said Shawnee...A clear indicator that Mr.Trumpdt was not being paid-off, or involved in after-politica-employment for scratching the back of the Military Corporate Industrial Complex...

PowerStroker said...

qt."I've been to the liberal get-to-gether's, and none of us ate or molested babies. Nor did we worship Satan through human sacrifice.


The "Transnational Cabal" could care less whether you're left or right politically biased, it's whether you'll lie ( sell your soul ) to keep their agenda...

I'd guess you'll know you've made the evil ranks once the invitation to the Bo-Grove annual Sausage Festival is sent your way...


-- Edited by Rastus on Tuesday 8th of August 2023 10:13:51 PM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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PowerStroker wrote:

AG Garland was denied a SCOTUS seat back in the Obama administration, Trump had nothing to do with it.

I can tell the algorithms have been feeding you news from sources that reinforce your preconceived ideas. Shawnee is also a victim of this phenomenon.

 Soon, tick tock. You'll be floored when you find who the victim is. 

Drive it like you stole it


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Garland just appointed a special counsel to investigate/prosecute Hunter. If Garland had a partisan bias or took marching orders from the White House, he wouldn't have.

Ivanka and Jerod took a big pile of money from Saudi Arabia for who knows what, and yet Bill Barr didn't bother investigating that, why do you suppose that is?



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Currently they are making both sides out to look like criminals... this whole "show me the man/woman and I'll find the crime" mentality is very destructive... it's not even a circus anymore, it's just bad comedy.

I'm not sure how all this turns out, but I'm pretty sure it isn't going to be good. I try not to even get wrapped up in it anymore because I feel like it's entire purpose is to increase my blood pressure! 

How many more charges and cases can they pile on Trump before he strokes out anyway? Most Americans see what is happening to Trump and wonder if the Government can do this to him, just think what they could do to me! Most Americans are also very supportive of accountability in the upper crust of Government and Politicians, but it comes a point to where the partisanship only sees one side ever being tried for anything is unsettling. It's unsettling because it's just a means to force people into a certian political ideology with an "or-else" element. The whole thing stinks to high hell on both sides, and while we are spending all this time and energy on this mess, I can only imagine what is going on behind the curtain while were being distracted.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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You can adopt whatever politics you want without being prosecuted. But the moment you use violence to impose your ideology on others, or attempt to end democracy itself, you're toast.



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Eh, that's just some bullshit thing people say when it's convenient for them. Trump wasn't even there on J6!

Had Trump marched on the Capital with his supporters I'd imagine things would have gotten ugly, we would have seen some change... but things being as they are -- he did not! 

Did Trump yell FIRE in a crowded theater? That's not so easy considering the mess of things due to COVID during the election counting! There was smoke, but was their fire? I'd like to think in future elections that any appearance of impropriety is avoided, as not to have a repeat of J6.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Evidence suggests he conspired to have the J6 rioters commit the violence on his behalf. This is what will be decided in court.

And then he can move on to a trial over allegedly retaining classified information after leaving office.

And then perhaps a New York state trial over alleged campaign finance violations.

And then perhaps a Georgia state trial over allegedly trying to engage people in a conspiracy to circumvent the will of Georgia voters.

And then, who knows? He is presumed innocent until proven otherwise.

Perhaps if his daddy spanked him as a child we wouldn't be dealing with any of this.



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I'd be most interested in seeing this "suggestive evidence" you speak of... it better be more credible than the Steele Dossier!

We also can not discount that this is a "criminal trial" and the bar is MUCH higher for the prosecution both in terms of evidence as well as court procedure. There is a plethora of things prosecutors could get tripped up on that could cause a mistrial. 

There is also the fact that even if found guilty (fairly or unfairly) Trump would march an appeal all the way to a Supreme Court that is at this time full of Republicans -- a few of which Trump put there. In fact, had it not been for that fact that Trump put two people on the SCOTUS bench, I think the election lawsuits would have been picked up by the SCOTUS... remember PowerStroker, J6 happened because a lot of people were upset that the SCOTUS sat on it's hands in November and December! I think the SCOTUS felt it had no choice or risk the appearance of impropriety. People would have demanded the newly appointed Trump Justices recuse themselevs, thus setting up a quagmire of epic proportions.

All your "perhaps" cases are just that... perhaps. If you ask me, perhaps they are just trying to make him stroke out from the stress of all these charges at once? 

I don't think they can black out the media on these criminal trials without violating Trumps right to a fair trial... and again, this is not civil! It's criminal! 

Don't forget that even if you guys rail-road him and lock him up -- someone will just come along a pardon him. You familar with a guy named Nelson Mandela, PowerStroker?


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl



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